Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P02 030C Tafsir Al-Baqarah 222-223
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What is a no naka and wilmerhale? And they ask you about Mahila. about menstruation. Yes. Aluna. They were asking, who was asking? The people, the companions? They're asking the prophets of Allah Salam about menstruation. Like why? Why were the men so concerned about it? They were concerned, because they wanted to know what the limits were in relationship with their wives when their wives were menstruating.
Because where were the laws revealed in Medina,
and in Medina, along with the Muslims, as well as some wish to Cain, who else lived, who else lived, the dudes that you who lived over there
that you hold their practice was that if one of the women was menstruating, then they would not share the food with her, like whatever she becomes impure. So she would not be allowed to touch anything, the husband and wife would separate their beds, there was a complete total cut off between the husband and the wife when the wife would be menstruating.
I myself I've seen I remember I once visited a place. It's in the north of Pakistan. And there is a small community, a small society of people who are not Muslim, they practice some other religion. It's a colony, and they have a house where all the women of the colony who are menstruating stay, they don't stay in their normal houses, they go and stay over there. And their children, their babies, their infants are with them, but the rest of them they're outside, they're given their food over there. They're given their drink over there, they're not allowed to mingle with the rest of the people at all. Okay.
So such practices were common at that time as well.
So the Muslims, they were concerned that what are we supposed to do? Are we supposed to completely stay away from the women, you can't touch? You can't hug you can't kiss you can't do anything. What are the limits of sexual relations with a wife when she is menstruating?
So as a luna aka or an ill behaved, this word Mohib is from the root letters higher blood. And harbor means to flow haba means to flow when something flows by itself. And menstruation is called My hailed. Hailed why? Because at this time, blood flows from a woman's body by itself, meaning it begins by itself and it ceases by itself. A woman has no control over it at all. Sometimes you wish that you started your period, but it doesn't start sometimes you wish that it would not but it does. Sometimes you wish it would end but it does not end. Sometimes you wish it would continue but it doesn't continue. It's not within your control at all. All right, this is why it's called Hey, it's
called my help.
But this word my healed my healed it doesn't just mean menstruation, okay, my heel is understood in two ways first of all,
it is understood as a must.
What is a Muslim in our Okay, the main noun from which other words are are derived. And you can understand this to be an action word. So for example, in the English language you say to eat, okay to drink to walk. In Arabic, this is called Master.
Okay, so my heel is what? menstruation?
To master it. This is what my heel is.
And what is menstruation? It is the flow of blood from a woman's run from the woman's womb her * in specific days by itself having certain characteristics Okay. Secondly, it is also said that my healed is actually is some love and what is it some love? It is the noun of place or time. So my head would be the time of menstruation, meaning the time when a woman is menstruating or the place of menstruation meaning from where the menstrual blood flows, in other words, the *.
So the question was that what are the limits of sexual contact
with a woman with a wife when she is having her menses, when she's having her menstrual cycle? Is it allowed for a man to have sexual * with her at that place? Or is it not permissible?
So they wanted to know what are the limits? And like we discussed earlier that when a person has Iman, then he fears Allah and he wants to make sure that whatever he is doing is right. He becomes a very care
for individual, and he will fear Allah even in the most intimate situations, even in the most private matters, that even when the person is using the toilet, when they're cleaning themselves, they will not use the right hand rather, they will use the trend, the left hand because the Prophet salallahu Salam forbade us from using our right hand to clean ourselves after using the washroom who can see you over there, nobody can. But who knows what you're doing which hand you're using only Allah.
So Allah wants us to fear us in every situation, whether we are before people, or we are alone, whether we are having marital relations, or we are dealing with the neighbor for whatever. So where's Aluna Karnan Mahal, they asked the Prophet salallahu Salam about my heel, that what is permissible. And Allah subhanaw taala he revealed the answer in the Quran. Now this may be a little awkward, especially what is going to be mentioned in the verse and also in the next verse, it may be a little awkward, but as we discussed earlier, this is a part of our religion. And Islam is a complete way of life like we learned earlier, or the Hooroo facility Kapha enter into Islam
So don't just be concerned about the laws of Islam when you're praying, or when you're working, but also in marital life, what are the limits? What are those matters which are permissible? And what are those matters that are forbidden? And when learning about such matters, yes, a person must observe decency. However, shyness must not prevent a person from either explaining such things nor understanding such things.
So don't think that I'm a very indecent person that I'm talking about these things. No, this is not out of indecency. Rather it is to clarify the HAC and we learned that even Allah does not shy away from the truth and I shall lead over on how she prays the women of Medina that she said how good they are the China's does not prevent them from learning the deen so we should also learn about such things are not because we should have some interest in them because they're bad things no, they're not bad things are normal things. And we should be aware of what is permissible what is not permissible because many people they have no idea whether what they're doing is allowed or not.
They're in confusion to stay in confusion, they stay in guilt, and we should come out of that guilt and confusion.
So they asked about my health Allah subhanaw taala says Ponce who are other it is other who are other it is something painful. The men they can't understand what my heal is what menstruation is because they've never have it. But all that they can understand is that it is something that is painful.
You know, this really tells me how much Allah loves us that he's telling the people look it is something painful. It doesn't say it's a condition it's something temporary okay, it's something normal within Women How does he describe my healed
it is something that is painful. It is something that causes her to a woman and that is from the letters Hamza Elia and other is pain discomfort hurt that a living being experiences a living being experiences it could be experienced by a human being by an animal, okay by a bird not that if you hit the table you say you're hurting the Table No. Okay, but if you hit a person Yes, you're hurting them if you hit an animal yes, you're hurting them. So other has one pain hurt that is experienced by who is living being
and other is also used for coffee butter, meaning the very light pain it's not something that's extremely painful or unbearable, that a person is considered ill No, it is other it is painful, but it doesn't mean that a person becomes ill. So for example, if a woman has her period, it doesn't mean that she is ill okay, because some people consider their regular period to be isn't this which is why they will skip school they will skip class, they will not do anything they will lie in bed all day. They will not clean they will not cook they will not talk to other people they will asleep all day. Okay, it might be difficult for you might be very painful for you, but you don't consider
yourself to be sick. And if you take out that thinking from your head, inshallah you will be able to continue with your normal routine your normal life. So all who are other it is other it is been it is something painful. Now, why do you think the men are being told that this is something painful,
so that they can understand why women become completely different when they are having their period? Because there's something that is known as
BMS, right? And a lot of women suffer from that before during their period, they become irritable, they become more tired, they become exhausted. They don't have much energy in them. They don't do things that they would normally do. So Allah subhanaw taala says that they are closer to illness than they are to health. Yes, they're not ill, but they're not even completely fine. It's somewhere in between. So, accept them, the way they are, bear irritable ness and their grouchiness and they're being very emotional, that on the slightest thing, they start crying or they become upset. So Bear tolerate that, because who are other
and the reason why Allah subhanaw taala tells the men that it is other is so that they refrain from having sexual * with the women during this time. Because if a woman is engaged in the act of sexual * during her period, it would cause her extreme pain. And this is the reason why it has been forbidden sexual * during menstruation is something that is forbidden in Islam. We're not concerned about the health reasons, whatever they may be. Some doctors may say that it's not a big deal and others say that it is a big deal, whatever. But what do we learn to deem that it is something that is forbidden so all other this is why far Tassilo Nyssa filmer healed so
keep away from the women during their menstruation. Here it is the new Orion ze love. Here it is endless to separate or keep oneself away from something.
So far it doesn't know Nyssa filmer hate keep away from the women during their menstruation. What does it mean? Don't touch them? Don't eat with them. Don't sit with them.
Is that what it means? No, it means do not have sexual * with them when they are having their period
do not have sexual * with them when they're having their period. So what is meant over here by my heel is not just menstruation but the place of menstruation meaning keep away. Stay away from that place. In other words, stay away from the *. This is why in the Hadith we learn that the Prophet sallallahu sallam said is not rucola che in in lenica that do everything except for sexual *. In other words, a man and wife may continue with their intimate relations. The only thing that they're not allowed to do is sexual *. That is the only thing that is forbidden.
I showed you learn how she says that the messenger SallAllahu Sallam used to ask me to wash his hair while I was having my period, he would lay on my lap and even recite the Quran while I was having my period.
So it doesn't mean it does it no Nyssa filmer hate that a man has to stay away from the wife knowing he may sit with her. He may hug her he may have physical contact with her. But the only thing that is forbidden is the * that a man should stay away from. And that is something that is not permissible during that time. Also, we learned in the Hadith that I shall deliver on her said, while having my menses I used to eat from a piece of meat and give it to the Prophet sallallahu sallam. And he would eat from the same place that I eat from. What does it mean that she was not unclean. She was still clean, he still loved her, they could still have physical contact. So she would eat
meat from a bone or from piece of meat. And then she would pass it to the Prophet saw a lot of cinnamon, he would eat from the same place not as the same piece but the same place. I used to have sips of a drink and would then give the cup to the Prophet salallahu Salam would place his mouth where I placed my mouth, what kind of love he had for his wife.
So much love they had for each other. And this is why it was such a successful such a happy marriage, people object a lot, or our shuttle did on her she was so young, how could that marriage be ever possible? Why do you care when they were so happy? Honestly, what problem do you have when they were happy when they were completely fine with that marriage when they didn't have any problem, then we should not have any problem because people make a big issue out of this. So far doesn't know Nyssa filmer help while other carbona And do not approach them. The caribou cough rubber to come near. And again what this means is that do not have sexual * with them had tire tahona
until they become clean. You have to Horner from the root letters la hora bahagia what the Sahara mean? What does Sahara mean? Cleanliness, so do not have sexual * with them until they become clean.
What does it mean by this, that once the bleeding stops once the bleeding stops when the period comes to an end, then you may have relations with them.
But there's one more condition for either Tata hug than when they obtain
purity who obtains purity, the women that the horna from the letters thought Ha ha, again, but there is a difference over here, yet the homeowner and the homeowner here to have they become clean meaning the bleeding stops, but Takahama is they obtain purity, how that they take a bath, okay, that they take a bath. So, once the bleeding stops, then they take a bath, and then they can resume their sexual relations meaning a man and woman may have sexual * then so had they a total of eight out of the 100 then when they do become clean when they take a closer than 200 Then come to them meaning approach them mean hi to Mr. Kamala, from where Allah has ordered you.
In other words, for 200 Then you may have sexual * with them but where, where Allah has ordered you at the place where Allah has allowed you and what is that place the *, which means that other ways are not permissible, which means that * * is something that is haram. Absolutely haram absolutely forbidden in our religion. The Prophet sallallahu sallam said that Leia younger Allahu Elrod Julian atta Raju. Then when rotten fifth double, Allah will not even look at a man who approaches another man or a woman in their * meaning who has * * with another man or a woman? Allah will not even look at such a person. Allah will not even look at such a person it is
something that is completely forbidden. In another Hadith the Prophet sallallahu sallam said lay is the healer who will help Allah does not shy away from the truth. He said this three times lead to Nyssa a fee or a jazzy hen do not approach women in their backs meaning do not have no * with them. This is something that is forbidden in our religion completely.
So fat 200 Men, Hazel Amara Kamala approach them from where Allah has commanded you meaning the only place where Allah has permitted for you. Other ways are not permitted. Why is it so? Because in the law, you have butter webbing, where your hibel Multiple hearin Allah loves those people who repent to Him and those people who clean themselves Allah loves clean people.
What are the two characteristics that are mentioned over here? Tober and taharah.
Why is Toba mentioned over here why at the wellbeing those who repent to Allah constantly again and again. Because it may have happened that a person may have done something wrong in the past he may have disobeyed Allah in marital relations committed something that is haram. But if a person repents changes their way, then what is Allah says Allah loves those people who repent whatever happened in the past has happened. Now you change your ways. Don't make that mistake again. Don't commit that sin again. While you're handling multiple headin, who are multiple hitting, throwing up multiple hit one who attains purity one who cleans himself. Allah loves those people who clean themselves.
And if you think about it, menstruation when a woman is having her menstrual period, then obviously there's blood that is coming out of her private part. And that blood is not clean. It is not clean at all. And a person A man must not have enjoyment where there's filth coming out from likewise, no tax is something that is forbidden. Why? Because filth is excreted from that part of the body. And it doesn't make sense for a person who likes to keep himself clean that he would do such a thing.
So Allah loves who those people who keep themselves clean where you have been Mutata hurryin.
So cleanliness is something that is very important.
Now if you think about it in this verse, The Sahaba they only asked about the limits what they were allowed to do in the time of menstruation. But Allah subhanaw taala explains to them what menstruation is, what they're not allowed to do and what they're allowed to do afterwards. What is menstruation what do we learn this verse it is other during menstruation what is not permissible sexual * after menstruation. Otherwise, what are men allowed to do only have sexual * where Allah has commanded and that is the *. Because Allah loves those people who keep clean and who also who also repent to Him.
That Allah says Nyssa oakum household Lacan your women meaning your wives, they are house for you.
What does house how does this from the letters held author and health is basically cultivating ground
A ground that is used for cultivation. So you can say a field, a place where a person sews the seed, where the crops grow. And a person has some produce some benefit, some result at the end, some gain at the end.
So how does is like a field? Allah subhanaw taala says that your women meaning your wives, they are how to Salah calm. Now, many people get offended. Why are women being called House tilth? Cultivation field? Why are we being compared to a field?
Have you ever come across a person who owns land?
Have you ever met somebody who owns land? A piece of land? Tell me have you? Do you know anybody who owns a house? Yeah, you every one of them. Your parents, maybe one of them? Tell me? How much do people like their land? Or that I get Okay, whatever.
I know, they love their property.
They love their property, they feel so proud of the fact that they have some property no matter how small it may be. They're so happy about it. They are so protective, so possessive about it.
Even if it's something very small. And a farmer is even more proud. Even more proud, even more happier, he loves his land even more.
There are some people who if they ever grow some plants in their backyard, okay, even if it's some vegetables or, or whatever, they will tell everybody they know that you know we have these tomato plants and they're growing tomatoes. These days, we have this and we have that, you know as their friends come in for a barbecue, they will show them around this is tomato plant. This is this plant. This is this herb This is that herb, it's a small vegetable garden, but they're so proud about it. Right? Your property, your land, you're so proud about it. Likewise, a husband, he is to love his wife in the same manner. He used to be protective and possessive about his wife in the same manner.
And this is not the right for a wife. It just shows how special she is, how special she should be how important she should be to her husband. That how the farmer the land owner takes care of his land, and he can never go on a vacation. Okay, let me leave my crop for three weeks, I'll come back and take care of them. If you ever do that, by the time you come back, your crop is destroyed unless you have somebody else taking care of it. Likewise, a man can never say can never neglect his wife if he does, he's ruining his relationship.
So Nyssa OCO has a look on your women, your wives are your place of cultivation, but in particular, this example has been given. Why? Because women are the place of sowing the seed, meaning the men saw their seed in their women in their wives. What does it mean? That when they have relations then they have children?
So Nyssa oakum Hauser, Lacan, your women are a place of cultivation, sowing of the seed for you to help circumvent come to your house Hello, Arthur and Nash. However, you will, what does it mean? That when it comes to sexual relations, it is only the place of fertility, the place of fertility, that a man may approach? And what is that place? We know it is the * because only that way a woman can become pregnant otherwise, she cannot.
So do Hausa comb come to your house come to their place of cultivation only? But how can you come to their place of cultivation that place and now she don't however you wish, however, you wish does not mean that a man may also have ill * with his wife? No, it means only sexual * at the right place. But I'm not sure Tom and Nick gives meaning of however meaning in whatever position, it is enjoyable for you and nourish it on that choice has been given. Because there were some misconceptions amongst the people not just among the hood, but even others, that if a person has relations with his wife from the back from behind, then the children will be crossed eyed, meaning
the child will have some disability and it was not a practice amongst the unsought, the people of Medina to adopt any other position in sexual *. So, they had a lot of misconceptions a lot of fears amongst them.
So, Allah subhanaw taala clarified the misconceptions over here, that the place of sexual * is specified. However, the position the times have been left open to the people and Nash the whenever you wish, however you wish, and unless it also means that whenever
If it means Keifer, meaning in whatever position and secondly, it also means whenever at whatever time because the husband and wife are close to one another. And this need of fulfilling sexual desires is something that is normal. It's something that is natural, and it has to be fulfilled. If it's not fulfilled, it is not healthy for either the husband or the wife. So for that, the time has not been restricted that for example, only in the night or only in the day, no, it's only in the month of Ramadan, that while a person is fasting and outside of Ramadan, even when a person is fasting, then no sexual relations but outside of that time, anytime. So to help circle a Nash
Well, optimally unfussy calm and send ahead for yourselves advance for yourself. Send forward for yourself a demo from the root letters of the meme or the manuka demotech. Diem is to send something ahead. So Cardinale unphysical, meaning sense and good deeds for yourself were in the Hereafter, that the rights the husband and wife should not just be concerned about their intimate relations only that the man every time he thinks of his wife, this is all that is on his mind the wife every time she thinks of harassment, that is all that's on her mind. Know, your spouse is not just for sexual enjoyment. Your spouse is a very important person in your life with whom you are to perform
other righteous deeds as well. So optimally, unfussy can worry about other important good deeds as well. Yes, having relations with the spouse in a halal manner, this is also an act of worship because this is a halal way so Allah is pleased with the two people, but there are other ways of pleasing Allah subhanaw taala as well. So the husband and wife should also do other righteous deeds together. So what could deem only unphysical
some scholars have said that the meaning of the Malian posse come is that at the moose and ahead for yourselves meaning before the sexual relations, I will say Bismillah say Bismillah or dimou, meaning send ahead before the relations what the name of Allah. So when the husband and wife when they have relations, in a hadith we learn that if a man approaches his wife, and before the *, both of them say Bismillah Allahu muda Nibbana shaitana will generally be shaped on the mouths of Tana, that in the name of Allah O Allah, keep us away from Shabbat and keep shaytaan away from us in what you provide us that Insha Allah, if Allah will bless them with a child as a result of that, then
shade lawn can never harm that child. shaytaan can never ever harm that child. So will continually unfussy come, don't forget to mention the name of Allah, another meaning of optimally unphysical, which is a third meaning is that send ahead for yourselves meaning have children
because the objective the purpose of marriage is not just to have sexual pleasure. But it's actually to have a family to grow a family. And although the use of contraception is something that is not forbidden in Islam, but the objective of marriage is what to have a family. So if doesn't and wife I have in relations but with the intention of not having any children at all, that this is something that is not correct, because Allah says we're called the movie unphysical intend to have children, it doesn't mean that they cannot decide anything. No, if they decide not to have children at a particular time for a genuine reason, then it is okay. But what are the morally unphysical in
general, they should have the intention to have righteous children.
What duckula And fear Allah wa Alonso under Kamala Kugoo notice or Allah says over here, fear Allah, meaning fear Allah in this matter as well. have fear of Allah, when you're overcome by your physical desire, when you cannot think of anything else, you're overwhelmed by your desire, even at that time, have fear of Allah and only do that which is permissible,
because sometimes it happens that a person may be overcome by his desire and he ends up doing that which is haram.
Like, for example, a woman is having her period, it is not allowed to have sexual * at that time. But a person does not have fear of Allah at that instant and they have relations. Is it correct? It's not correct, it's not permissible. So what Allah fear of law, and Allah warns us that one or more anomala coho and know that you're going to meet him someday. Will aku This is the plural of Mala Qin Mala. Ken is the one who does the lamb off here, meaning one who meet the other. So remember, no keep in mind that one day you are going to meet Allah subhanaw taala
you are going to meet him. Then what does it mean? What does it mean that you should fear Allah
In the most intimate in the most private matters of your life as well. When it comes to prayer when it comes to the Kurds, when it comes to many things, people are very careful. But when it comes to marriage relations, they forget Allah and they crossed the limits of halal and haram. So Allah warns us know that one day you are going to meet him or she will move money in and give good news to the believers give good news of what offer award
that they have been dutiful, they have been careful, they have been obedient to Allah, even in this most private matter. So give them good news that Insha Allah, Allah will reward them abundantly. Let's listen to the recitation of these verses. Well, yes, Luna Mahi.
Mahi while at
the either top or no
longer you
know, when you hate jump on hating?
to how
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me now, in this process, we learned that when women when they become pure, then they take a bath. Right? This is something that women should know very clearly. When is it that their period ends? When is it that they can take a bath.
Because when the period ends, from that time onward, a woman has to resume her prayers as well. Right? You all are familiar with that you all are aware of that, that as soon as your period ends, you have to start praying again.
So you should know when it ends, because sometimes people stay in confusion, that Oh, I don't know if it's ended or not, I just won't pray. And they're not praying for five days for seven days for eight days for 10 days for 12 days, 15 days. Because as I continue to bleed, or this continues, I'm in confusion. So I've stopped paying attention. There are some basic things that you must be aware of, because it's a matter of Salah and Salah is fourth, its wajib on us and we cannot become negligent when it comes to prayer. When it comes to discharge, vaginal discharge, it ranges from clear right to yellowish color to sometimes even greenish color to brown, yellowish brown to pink to
red to dark brown. It has different colors, right? It ranges, right.
So this is something that you should be aware of. Secondly, a woman she menstrual rates at a particular time in the month. Okay, so the typical time that the woman is menstruating.
These two things a woman must be aware of. Now, when the time comes, when a woman typically has her period, let's say it's the fifth of every month or the fifth or sixth of every month. Okay? And she starts bleeding, or the vaginal discharge, the color is different, it's pink, it's not really red, or it's very dark brown or it's light brown. And you say but it's not actually red. So is it period or not? If it's within that window, if it's any color, but clear, then you will consider it to be period. Okay, if it's within the typical window of time when you have your regular menstrual cycle, any color it may be other than clearer than you will consider it to be what you will consider to be
your period, whether it is very light, or the flow is very heavy, it does not matter. Okay, but any color other than clear, it will be considered your period.
Now, let's say the typical window, let's say you have your typical periods for five days, six days, seven days, that is over and you're still bleeding. Then what do you do?
You ignore the bleeding or it's the spotting or the color discharge that's coming out and you take a bath and you start praying the maximum you can go According to some scholars is 10 days. But beyond 10 days, you will ignore that bleeding. Okay, you will not pay any attention to it. You understand?
So typically a period of seven days. This month you're having it for 10 days.
on the 11th day is still continuing, what are you going to do on the 10th day you're going to take a bath and you're going to continue praying, but what do you have to do? Before you pray? You have to clean yourself and perform fresh will do. According to some scholars, you have to take a bath and you can join prayer. So for example, there are so you can pray together take a bath, Muslim Berisha, you can pray together, take a bath. But if that is difficult upon a person, then they can just clean themselves and perform will do before every single prayer that is also correct, According to some scholars, okay.
Now, what if the typical time when you have your period, let's say, seven days, after four days, nothing? Nothing at all, then what are you going to do? You're going to wait for a day. Okay? For some time, at least, if the bleeding continues, if the color of the discharge changes, then your period has continued, then you don't have to repeat the prayers that you missed on that one day. Okay, you don't have to because this was just a pause in your periods in the bleeding but you are still having your period. But let's say after four It is nothing happens. The bleeding does not continue after that at all. You wait for a day. Okay, then what do you do you wait for two days,
what do you do? You take a bath and you start praying.
Now, let's say
after two days, the bleeding starts again.
And if it starts again, it was technically your seventh day, technically, your seventh day, two days, you waited two days you prayed and on the seventh day, there's bleeding again, then what will you do?
If it's within the typical timeframe of your period, then you will consider it to be period. But if it's after that, then you will not consider it to be your period. You understand? If it's after that you will not consider it to be your period, regardless of how much it is how it is. Okay.
So it's a clear Inshallah, you can learn about this in detail as well. And we will try inshallah our best to teach you the subject in detail. But in summary, this is the thick of periods, okay.
And once the period is over, then you know that you have to take a bath immediately and start praying. So for example, your period ended at let's say, around Maghrib time, then what do you have to do? Take a bath immediately, and start praying. We have to pre market it. Okay. You can't say that. Oh, I'll prayer Shana. It's okay. No, if by the time you take a shower, the timer Maghrib is over. Then what will you do? You will make up your Maghrib? Salah. Okay. Yes.
Okay, let's say you're at school. Okay. And it is loaded time and it's winter. By the time you get home, it will probably be moderate. Or late. So then what can you do?
Obviously, you're out and about, it's not possible for you to take a bath in the school washrooms. There is no facility over there. Even if you try to you can't, then what will you do? You will try your best to get home as soon as possible. Call your mom, call your dad, see if you can go home earlier. It happened some days when you don't have any classes you go home earlier. Right? So first do that. If it's not possible, then obviously it's not in your control. As soon as you get home, the first thing you do is take a bath and pray. Okay, inshallah?
What if your periods aren't regular, that is not a healthy sign. And that means that it should be fixed. So go to your doctor.
Seriously, I'm not joking here. A lot of girls, they don't pay much attention to it. They don't know when their period is coming when it's not coming. And they take this matter very lightly, it is a serious matter. So you need to go to the doctor for this. Okay, regulate your periods with whatever medication they prescribe, eat healthy, sleep better, have increased the iron in your body, okay? Because that also affects your menstrual cycle. It's not a healthy thing that your beards are irregular. And please, this may be a little awkward, but make note of when your beard starts and when it ends, write it down somewhere or by an app on your phone or whatever okay. So that you can
have a record of when typically your beard begins and when it ends, because this is a matter of what Salah This is a matter of Salah and in married people this is a matter of relationship between husband and wife. So it can get complicated it can create difficulties for a person. So keep a note of this as difficult as it may be, but it will be very, very helpful for you inshallah.
any other thing?
Yes. Last question.
Okay, okay. Russia Fajr. That's a big confusion when it comes to the ending of period, right. So, before you go to sleep, you check yourself. You check
yourself as appeared ended or not
if it has ended it's clear to you the discharge has become clear or it's completely dry there is no discharge at all then you take a bath you pray or Isha and then you sleep. But if if it's still not clear, then what do you do? You sleep obviously your beard is still there. And the next morning at Fajr time wake up and check yourself okay don't sleep through Fudger wake up at nine o'clock and find out oh, I know my period is done. I don't even know whether I had to prefer it or not. No don't do that. Don't take that chance because Salah is something that's larger than us and it doesn't take much time just get up I know it's very difficult but make that effort get up check yourself if you
are done then pray and if you're not then don't pray with fasting same thing wake up at circle time check yourself let's say your period has ended. But you have only enough time to either take a bath or eat so who then what do you do?
Eat so roof and then after that you take a bath okay, you take a bath after that even though it is time for Fragile Biden it doesn't matter. Okay, you don't have to be in a state of purity to begin fasting now you can begin fasting even the state of impurity and after that you can take a bath inshallah.