Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P02 029C Tafsir Al-Baqarah 217-218
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Lesson number 29 Surah Al Baqarah will begin from ayah number 217.
Yes, Aluna Karna Shudehill Harami. They ask you about the sacred month, they ask you, meaning the Sahaba, the Companions, they asked the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam, about the sacred month, what about the sacred month? Remember, sacred months are those in which what is forbidden? Fighting is forbidden, meaning Muslims cannot go to war in those sacred months.
So, the people, they asked the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, about the sacred months meaning Peterlin fee fighting in it. Is it permissible to fight in these months? Is there any exception when people will be allowed to fight in these months. And in particular, this verse was revealed concerning a context an event that happened, an incident that took place, the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he sent a group of people towards a Nala and a closer place that is close to a five. And he sent a group of companions over there why? To check to find out about the activities of the machine of the Quraysh because you know that the Muslims in Medina and then we should again of Makkah, they were at war
with one another.
And many times it happens that your enemy could be preparing to attack you and you have no idea. All of a sudden you find them in front of you. So the Prophet salallahu Salam, he was a very alert leader, a very proactive leader.
So this is the reason why he sent his companions to check that are there any activities going on against the Muslims over there?
So he sent a group of Muslims over there and these few Muslims that were under the commander ship of Abu Zubaydah Ignatova.
Now he did not send them to fight over there to wage war to attack any people No, just to find out about the activities that were going on in that region.
And this was in Jamaica Thani, Jamaica Thani is which month it is of the
Assurant home it is of the sacred months. Okay. And it was towards the end of Jamaica Thani. What does that mean that they weren't allowed to fight in that time at all?
Now, what happened was that these Muslims, they came across a group of Mushrikeen. And these wished again, there were merchants, there were businessmen, they were out and about for a business trip. They were not there to wage war against anybody to fight. Anyone. No, they were just there, traveling through the desert for their business trip.
But it just so happened. The group of those Muslims and those Michigan they ended up in a fight.
Sometimes it happens that it begins with verbal conversation, verbal argument and it leads to physical fighting.
And the Muslims they managed to kill one of the persons and who was he is not helping me that was his name.
Now this was not to wage war against them. No. It just happened that one event led to the other and before they knew it, one of the men from the machine got killed by the Muslims. Rajab is a sacred Majumdar do Thani is not in Raja they're not allowed to fight. So after DiMaggio Thani comes after Dimagi, Thani comes Raja and then comes Shavon. So they thought it was DiMaggio Thani, whereas the new month had already begun.
Okay. They thought it was still the last day of DiMaggio Thani, whereas the new month had already begun. So it was actually Roger when they happen to kill the majestic man.
So you understand the muscles were not sure about which day it was. Okay, so they ended up killing a mushrik when in the sacred month of the ledger.
This was an accident.
Okay, but the people made a big deal out of it, who made a big deal out of it, which again, obviously they're enemies obviously, that look at these Muslims. They claim to be the followers of Ibrahim Renison. They claim to believe in Allah subhanaw taala worship Him and OBEY His laws and respect to how long respect the garba but look at these people. They don't have respect for the sacred months and they are killing others in the sacred months. They made a huge deal out of it.
So the people they started asking the Prophet sort of odd isn't so what is the case of these people are there forgiven? Did they make a major mistake? What's the consequence? What's going to happen now?
So yes, Aluna Karen is shattered Harami Peterlin fee they ask you
About the sacred month fighting in these months
and especially with regards to those Muslim individuals that what is their consequence now how will they be dealt with?
So Allah subhanaw taala here responded, he revealed the answer.
Cool say to them, that detail on fee fighting in these months it is kebenaran it is major it is a very great thing, meaning it's a great sin. Kabir calf Barah something great enormous.
So fighting in these months is not a small thing. It's a major sin, called Return on fee can be run.
So called detail on fee Kabir.
However, Allah subhanaw taala says, was said don't answer below Allah. But stopping people from the way of Allah will confirm me and disbelief in him in who in Allah while Masjid Al haram and stopping people from the sacred mosque.
What is Raju early human who and expelling people from it expelling its residents from it? These crimes, Allah says they are Akbar, in the law, they are even greater in the sight of Allah subhanaw taala.
Fighting in the sacred months, yes, a very serious sin. A great sin.
However, stopping people from the religion of Allah, then this belief in Allah, then stopping people from the sacred mosque, and expelling people from Makkah. This is something that is even more severe.
This is an even greater crime in the sight of Allah, and who was committing all of these crimes, the Mushrikeen were committing the crimes.
So in other words, Allah is saying that you object a lot to what the Muslims did one small mistake accident that happened. You're making such a big deal out of it. But have you seen your own crimes?
They're leveled levels of crimes or levels of sins.
Some sins are minor, other sins are major.
And the major sins also are off various levels, committing Zina with any other woman. Yes, it is a big sin. But committing Zina with the neighbor's wife is even a greater sin.
Disobedience to parents. Yes, it is a major sin. But disobedience to Allah subhanaw taala shook with him associating partners with him. That is what Akbar will cover if it is the greatest of the greatest sins.
So over here, Allah subhanaw taala says that, yes, fighting in the sacred months violation of the sanctity of the sacred month. It is a great crime, but stopping people from the way of Allah, expelling people from the house of Allah, not letting them worship over their disbelieving. And Allah, this is even greater. So with what courage Are you criticizing other people when you yourself are so sinful? If you look at the saints that are mentioned over here, firstly, Sedona and subida Allah sland is from the root letter saw dal dal and sod is to prevent to stop meaning either stop oneself not go forward, or to stop others from going forward from moving ahead. So slug Deunan,
severely left stopping from the way of Allah, what does it mean that a person does not go in the way of Allah him or herself? Or that he stops other people from going in the way of Allah? And what is the way of Allah, the religion of Allah. So for example, a person doesn't pray himself, and he also stops other people from praying.
He doesn't read Quran himself, and he also stops others from reading Quran.
And a person can stop others from the religion of Allah in various ways. One is that a person actively intentionally deliberately stops people from the religion of Allah.
So for example, you feel that as soon as you started wearing hijab, all of a sudden everybody's criticizing you. All of a sudden, people are like, Oh, so you're becoming so religious. Also, you're wearing hijab now and you feel so discouraged, and you feel I think I'm gonna take it off. I don't think I can handle all the criticism.
So it happens with people, as soon as they want to start doing something good. They are stopped by others, the Muslims and Maccha the Muslims at that time, were they being stopped by others when it came to religion? Yes. Very clearly. Those people who accepted Islam it was as though people got the license to persecute them. It didn't matter if they were their own sons, their own brothers, their friends, their neighbors, their elders.
It did not matter. Abu Bakar Lula Lauren, who was one of the most noble people of Makkah, one of the most respected people of Makkah. But when he became Muslim when he recited the Quran, when he supported the prophets of Allah, Islam, people physically abused him, physically abused him to the point that he almost died once.
There were other people as well, or moderately low on who he was so noble, so respected in that society, but when he embraced Islam, what happened? He suffered so much, or a smile, not Illawarra and who we know about him as well? Massaro Gibbon Romain, I mean, the list is endless.
So many people at that time this suffered because of their Islam, why did people persecute them to stop them from the religion of Allah?
So Allah says, this is an even greater crime was Sedona and Seville Allah.
And other times a person may stop others from the religion of Allah. Indirectly, unintentionally. How
that if we are harsh with other people,
then they will say I don't like these other people, man, they're too
harsh. They're too strict and they're do difficult. You know, as soon as any person goes and studies or anecdotal data, then you know, they become different. They become so harsh.
So if we become harsh, we become stubborn, we become rude, we become arrogant. And look down on those who don't know the deen then we are stopping people from the deen, aren't we? But doesn't mean we don't do what we're supposed to. Yes, we have to do it. But there is a way
we have been told to treat other people in a gentle manner. not offend them, not turn them away.
Recently, I had been receiving so many emails against one scholar or another scholar or discolour. Don't listen to him that scholar Don't listen to him, don't read his books, don't attend his lectures, don't attend his classes. But he does better or he does magic or he does this and don't you know this is gopher? I mean, who are you going to spare? Which person will you spare? No human being is perfect on this planet. Every human being has some fault or the other? Correct. You look at the scholars of the past. They were very great scholars. But after all, they were human beings. So even they perhaps made some mistakes. Whatever they believed whatever they promoted was not
necessarily 100%. Correct. It was refuted later on or it was disagreed with later on.
But when we spread this propaganda that Oh, don't listen to him, don't listen to him. Don't listen to him. What do people think? Forget it. I'm not gonna listen to anybody. I've had enough of this.
So we'll set dinner on Sunday, the less stopping people from the way of Allah.
If we come to the masjid, and we don't keep our shoes properly, we don't hang our jackets properly. We don't sit properly in class, then we are discouraging other people from coming to such places. If we use the washrooms filthy if we don't follow order and discipline we're discouraging people from learning the religion of Allah subhanaw taala.
If while we are studying the deal, we don't give the hack of our families then we are discouraging people from learning the deen.
Right. So this is something that's very, very major. We'll start dinner and Seville Allah woke up from the heat and disbelief in Him meaning this believing in Allah subhanaw taala This is also a huge crime.
But then wishek Enough Maka, yes, they worshipped idols. But did they not believe in Allah?
Do you know if they wish to be believed in Allah? subhanaw taala? Yes, they did.
They believed in Allah. Then why does Allah say we'll call from me? How were they disbelieving and Allah? By sheer
by stopping people. The thing is that if a person rejects what Allah has said,
what Allah has commanded, what Allah has revealed, whom Allah has sent, then who is rejecting Allah.
So when they were refusing to believe in the messenger SallAllahu sallam, when they were refusing to believe in the Quran, in fact, who were they rejecting? Who were the disbelieving in Allah?
So a call from B he. This is an even greater crime.
While Masjid Al haram while Masjid Al haram this is connected with sudden Okay, meaning stopping people from the Masjid Al haram.
You see how it doesn't make sense I mean well muscled Haram is just coming in the middle of the sentence just like that. Have you noticed that in the Arabic language there are no words such as is
our Have you noticed that you always find these words these connecting words in brackets
Don't you? Don't you you find them in brackets.
And at the same time you see nouns you see words that for example, sometimes it comes as CO freuen other times as Coughlin other times as Cofrin
right? So, you find all these different Hello cats at the end of the word Correct. Have you noticed that so far? Now, these Hello Cat at the end of the word whether it is Fatah Khasra or llama, they indicate what is called the error log of the noun the word in the sentence what is the error log
error log is the status of the word in the sentence
meaning is this word the subject is it the object All right. So, it tells you about the status of the word in the sentence.
So, for example, in the English language, we will say the boy is going so, what does it mean? Boy is boy is the subject right he is doing something right. And likewise, you may say the pen is on the table. So, what is the table?
The object right? You can say I am fixing the food. So, the object is what the food I am cooking the food that is the object, right? But you can say the food is very good are the same word, it status changes.
Correct. So, likewise in the Arabic language, the status of the word changes depending on how you're using it. Okay, and depending on what the status is, it will either have a fatality and or castrati and or the mighty and what exactly is what I'm not going to go into all that detail right now but I just want you to be aware that these Halaqaat at the end of the word, they have a function
okay, they have a purpose.
One thing that you will notice here is one must GED one must GED what's on the doll
orchestra? If you go back, if you go back
which other word has a Khasra under it?
surbey Lillah surbey Li Okay, so B li
now before severely What do you see? I'm
um, is one of those words in the Arabic language that is known as Halluf Jeff, who just
meaning there are those words which give a general meaning a Castro to the words to the nouns that come after it
to those nouns that are connected with it, okay.
What are
those words that give a casserole to the nouns that come after that are connected with it?
So this is the reason why flood the neuron Sabine Allah stopping from first of all the way of Allah.
Okay, and then after that one must G dill haram. So what does it mean? Well, Masjidul Haram is connected with what? Slit Deunan So stop being from the masjid Hello.
Do you understand why we are translating? almasi The Haram is stopping from the Muslim because it's connected with slit Deunan.
Okay, so stopping people from the sacred mosque meaning not letting people worship Allah subhanaw taala over there. This is a crime that is even greater. Did this happen?
Did this happen to them wish they can do this? Did they prevent people from worshipping Allah in the sacred mosque? Yes. The prophets Allah goddess center would be praying and they would come in. What would they do?
What did they do once? They put the intestines of a camel on top of him when he was in so Do you know how heavy they are?
You know, heavy there. Imagine how heavy a camel is how huge it stomach is. Just imagine and they took that and put it on top of him and he could not move.
He could have suffocated over there. And his daughter is the one who came and she removed it. Little girl felt the model didn't warn her. Just imagine her state how sad she would be
stopping people from the masjid or how long?
Muslims were not allowed to pray publicly. They were not allowed to recite the Quran over there. And when the Muslims went to perform Umrah what happened? They were not allowed to enter Makkah.
So a sudden stopping people also from the muscular Huron
what a gradually heard horror agin to expel
So expelling people, which people are Li, it's a whole meaning the dwellers, the residents of the sacred mosque, in other words of Makkah, those people who reside there whose house is whose home is mucca. Expelling people from there, not letting them live, they're persecuting them to the extent that they are forced to leave. What is logic? Li Min who? Allah says all of these crimes are about or in the law, they are greater near Allah. They're far worse in the sight of Allah, Soprano 31 fitna to and persecution is a cabal nominal capital. It is even greater than capital. Fitna. I told you earlier, what does it mean religious persecution, the Mushrikeen they were persecuting the
Muslims because of their Deen.
So persecution of people because of their religion, this is far greater than killing them.
Then killing them it is far greater.
Because when a person is killed, he's done. He's finished. But when a person is being persecuted, that he doesn't know if he's going to survive, if he's going to live. If he's going to be tortured, if his family is going to be tortured in front of him. It's far worse when fitna to Akbar Amin el cuttle that Allah tells them Muslims that yes, you're hearing all of this propaganda. All of this criticism people are talking a lot against you. Remember that Wallah he has a Luna ukata Luna comb, Wallah user Luna is Luna is from ze well learn from the words a while and the while is to disappear
you know there's a while of the sun when the sun goes away. So while I use Luna meaning they will not cease they will never ever stop.
They will never ever cease to do what do you call it Luna calm to fight you meaning they will continue to fight you
had the until you do come they turn you back on Dini come from their religion.
You do come from the root letters ra the rod to return.
So your enemy these people will continue to fight you. They will continue to oppose you. They will strive to harm you. They will continue to criticize you until they make you leave your religion.
So what's the problem that they have?
They don't like your religion.
They don't like your deen. Well, I used Luna ukata Luna calm had Diallo DuCommun dini. But what does Allah say? In his the Pharrell, if only they were capable,
is the thorugh
flowering is the lar is to have the ability to have the capability to do something.
So if only they were able to make you leave your religion, they will do so.
So they are in other words, doing their best.
They're not leaving any chance, any opportunity to make you leave your religion. But Allah does not give them to feel this is why they're not successful in their struggle. Which is why we see that Muslims were captured. They were persecuted. They were tortured. They were killed
in front of each other, in the most brutal of ways, but still, did they give up their Deen?
Did they Billa Lula or no when he would be persecuted? What would he say?
What would he say? ahead ahead. Why? Why would he say ahead?
To show that he's not leaving Islam and to also anger
Abuja even more to anger than wished he can even more that you want me to do shake you want me to say the name of lat and Erza? I say ahead ahead. Go ahead, torture me more and see if I change if I budge. And he did not.
So these people, they want you to leave your religion if only they were capable. But they're not capable, because Allah will not give them to feed.
The fact is that a person can only remain firm on Islam if Allah gives him the tofi to do so.
A person can only remain firm on Islam on obedience to Allah subhanaw taala if Allah gives him the ability to stay firm,
because there are many people, many people who start doing good things who do become Muslim even but on the slightest of difficulty of the slightest of persecution, they give up they stop. They discontinue the good that they're doing.
Why? Because they didn't have the dough feet to continue.
Can we imagine suffering below the lower annual we cannot even imagine
So if we have been able to bear the criticism of people and continue the good that we're doing, remember this is only with a dose of Allah. And if we feel that we're giving up we're getting tired.
Then ask Allah for his Sofia.
They'll feel means the permission of Allah when Allah makes it possible for a person to do something.
When Allah provides the person, the means the opportunity to do something.
All right, so why is Luna your party Luna calm hetta Euro DuCommun Dini calm in eastern la rue. But Allah warns us, woman Yota did mean come on Dini, and whoever turns away from his religion Yota did ra dal dal, from the same root as the word read that there is apostasy that whoever turns away from his religion, he says that's it. I can't handle all this persecution, this criticism anymore. You have to live in this world you have to live with all these people. Until How long will we suffer? You know Allah as the photos are him, forget it. Maybe Allah is not even there. Because if he was there, I wouldn't be in this situation. If Allah really listened to my prayers, if Islam was really
true, it would have been easy for me people come up with such excuses and explanations.
So Allah says, whoever leaves the religion, fire mode, and then he dies meanwhile, dark mode, and then he dies. Well, hello Calphalon while he is a disbeliever, meaning he dies in that state of disbelief. He became Muslim or he was Muslim. And he says I cannot handle this anymore. This is too difficult. He gives up and then he dies as a disbeliever for hola Iike Have you thought or maloom then those people their deeds are completely wasted completely nullified.
For Hola, Erica, have you thought or man whom have you thought * about law, what is have you thought when something produces no benefit, produces no results, it is nullified, it is wasted. So all of their actions, their deeds, there are a man plural of armor, they are wasted, they will bring them no reward, no benefit for dunya in this world, well, and the hereafter
meaning the deeds that a person performed, the good deeds that he performed, they will bring him no benefit in the world.
So for example, a person does not remain a Muslim, he leaves Islam, and he says, but I like that in Islam, you have to pray. So yes, I won't call myself a Muslim. I won't do many things that Muslims do. But I like to pray.
I like to meditate. Or he says that I like the concept of the cat. So I will give the cat I will give charity, just like the Muslims do in the same manner. Allah says no these deeds, they will carry no weight for Allah eco habitat or Milan for dunya duniya. Well, after all, and in the Hereafter, all the deeds that that person did, whether it was a prayers that he performed, whatever he did, everything is wasted, it will not bring him any reward in the hereafter. What will take us half an hour and such are the Companions of the Fire, comfy Holly Dune, they will abide there in eternally forever. So what do we see in this verse?
What do we see in this verse? That as Muslims, it will happen? that others will criticize you a lot. Right? It's quite possible that the crimes that other people are doing there are far more great, far worse, but your smallest mistake will be highlighted will be blown out of proportion.
Does it happen today?
Does it?
It does, right? Like for example, if there was a Muslim person who happened to dress up, or come as what is it the Joker, right? And he shot all people, whoever came in front of him people would say terrorist.
But if it was another person, then he has some psychological issues, man, he needs some treatment. So if a Muslim does something, it is definitely highlighted. This is not something new. This has been happening since the time of the Prophet saw a lot of them in fact, even before the machine were killing Muslims day in and day whatever they found they would harm him. But if the Muslims happened to kill one person accidentally, but it was such a big deal. I mean, it comes on the front page, it comes as breaking news. And this is not just at a bigger level, but even at a smaller level. You may see that for example, if you wear hijab and your let's say cousin does not wear hijab, okay, let's
say both of you are not married.
People will say you wear hijab, this is why you're not
got married.
And the cousin. I mean, she might be older than you. She's still not married. But people like, Oh, yes, she's working. She has a good career, even though you may have a career, but nothing matters because you were in her job. This is the root cause of all the problems in your life.
And in a way it works for us. You know, you might think like we learned earlier, Ascenta crochet and Wawa highroller, calm, it actually works in our favor, you know how it makes us even more careful.
Right? Because if our sins of our shortcomings, if our mistakes are blown out of proportion, then what does it mean we have to be even more careful,
right? Even more careful. So that insha Allah on the Day of Judgment, we have less burden of sins on us in Chava.
So this happens, that people will criticize us for the mistakes that happen. And many times people criticize others without even looking at their own faults isn't it's like over here, a list of the machines mistakes are mentioned, their crimes are mentioned.
But they didn't consider them to be crimes, but one accident was a huge crime. Do we do the same thing as well, that we keep looking at other people, and we keep listing their mistakes, their sins, their shortcomings. And we don't even look at ourselves.
We say my brother, he is always late, he does not do his homework, he misbehaves with my mother, he never vacuums, he never puts the garbage outside. His shoes are always all over the place, his socks stink, you know, he doesn't do his laundry. And we forget that our room was also a mess. And yes, we are not behaving properly with our parents either. And perhaps we also failed a test, you know, we don't look at our own sins. Does it happen? As when and wife also many times that happened to the wife is thinking, My husband is bad in this way, in this way, in this way. And then if you ask the husband, what do you think about your wife, he will also give a list of problems that he finds in
daughter in law has a list of complaints against the mother in law, and the mother law has a list of complaints against the daughter in law.
Does it happen? Yes, a student may have a list of complaints against their teacher and the teacher may have a list of complaints against the student. So what we do generally is that we look at the faults of others and we don't look at our own faults. And this is one of the biggest mistakes that we can ever do. You know, I'm a Shafi he said that let not your tongue mentioned the shame of another.
Let not your tongue mentioned the shame of another that you're talking about the faults of other people, the mistakes of other people, for you yourself are covered in shame. You yourself are full of faults of deficiencies of mistakes. And all men have Dunn's if you have a tongue, than other people also have a tongue.
So if you can criticize other people, then you know what others can also criticize you.
It has also been said by a scholar that a thorough NASCI Kataya a thorough room Vicon, Licata ins.
The people who are more sinful are those who talk about other sins the most.
Those who list the sins of others are in fact most sinful.
They don't look at their own faults, rather, they keep focusing on other people's faults.
Once a wise man was asked that how can we haven't ever seen you criticizing another individual? He said that I have too many faults of my own. This is why I feel shy. I feel embarrassed to criticize others when I have so many faults with what audacity Can I criticize others.
So one is that a person is doing Liba right backbiting and the other is that he's listening the faults of others.
So double crime and if let's say those crimes are not actually there in the person, he's not actually that bad and you're making up those things yourself and this is even worse.
So we have to be very careful. And then Allah subhanaw taala warns us this is criticism will come but it doesn't mean that you leave your deen and if you do leave your deen. Then remember that all your deeds will be nullified, they will be wasted in this world and in the Hereafter. And Allah does not need you. You need Allah, you need to stay firm, bear all the difficulty so that your reward is greater. But if you give up then you will suffer.
This is just like there is a person who is climbing up a mountain and their rope or whatever it
Breaks. So they're holding on to the rocks until help comes. And they're striving to climb up so that they can get to the top so that they can be saved. Or somebody else can come and rescue them. And as they're holding on as they're striving to go up, they say, it's getting too hard. I can't do this anymore. And they say, forget it, and they let go, then what's going to happen?
What's going to happen?
They're gonna die. They're throwing themselves into ruin, they should hold on, keep holding on. And like we learned earlier, that in the nostril, lahi Galib. Indeed, the help of ALLAH is very near.
Allah says in Alladhina amanu. Indeed, those people who believed well Lavina, her doru and those who migrated and hydro hydro is from Hydra, Hydra. And Hijra is to leave
to leave something to move away from it. It could be physically parting from someone or something or someplace.
So, for example, a person is sitting with others, and then he gets up and he goes away, what does it mean that he has had done all he has left them he has gone away from them.
All right. And this is also, you know, with the tongue. So for example, a person was saying something, he had the habit of saying something, and then he stopped, he discontinued. This is also a kind of digital.
So for example, a person realizes that there's a bad word or a bad expression that they had been using excessively. So they say that's it. I'm not using this word, this expression again, whatever it was.
So this is what kind of Hedra Okay, here to remember that it's of two types. One is costs. And the other is
costs, meaning specific Hijra. Which one is that? That when a person leaves, the place where practicing his religion is very difficult,
is impossible. He leaves that place goes to another and settles over there so that he can worship Allah subhanaw taala easily.
Okay, I'm not saying that you have to leave Canada and go to somewhere else and live there.
Okay, I'm just telling you what the meaning of Hijra is, Hijra is to leave the place where worshipping Allah subhanaw taala for you is difficult.
You know, many times people think that if you go to a Muslim country, then all of a sudden everything will be amazing and you can worship Allah subhanaw taala you can practice the deen and they go there and find out that it's even more difficult. Because here at least you know that this is something that non Muslims do. We don't do it. But over there wrong things even Muslims are doing it. So how do you tell your children anyway? So one is clause digital.
And then there's arm Hijra general Hijra. What does that mean? That a person leaves bad things, bad actions, bad words, bad habits, Bad Company.
And then he switches to good habits, good words, good expressions, good company.
So for example, you feel that every time you go to the mall, you spend hours over there, especially with a particular friend, and you end up missing your Salah.
So what would be your Hijra?
What would be your Hijra
he stopped going completely. But what if you need to buy something?
You choose your timing like you fix it, that I am not going to go randomly. I'm going to go at the specific time. And I'm going to be back by this time. So I'm going to speak to my dad from before so that he can pick me up after work on my mom that she can pick me up after work. Not that I'm standing there wondering. So Mom, can you pick me up? So Dad, can you pick me up? This is what people do. They go to the mall. They spent the whole day over there and at the end of the day, they're calling their friends and their family. Can you pick me up or nobody can nevermind. I'll just stick around. Let me go watch a movie.
That you go only when you need something. Not that you want to chill with your friends. So you say okay, let's go chillin man. Let's go to the mall. And your parents ask you what are you doing is this chill, man chill.
Chill and waste your Salah.
Go with someone who will remind you of your Salah
who become very antsy as the time of Salah comes near.
Okay? Likewise, you feel that when you're at school, you're sitting in the cafeteria and you're sitting with a group of students with a group of your friends maybe. And every time you sit with them, they're talking about boys. Or they're talking about TV shows or movies. And then as you sit with them, you wonder, Oh I don't have a boyfriend and I don't have a crush on anyone.
on. And I don't even know what these shows are. I've never watched that movie. And then you develop that desire to Okay, let me listen to that song. Let me watch that video. Let me see that movie. And let me look at this guy in that guy. Let me just take his email address. Let me just add him to my Facebook and let me just see what he says there's no harm in seeing,
then what do you have to do?
What do you have to do? You have to do head draw. So what does that mean? That crowd of people? As soon as they start talking about these things, what do you do? You get up and you leave. Either you change the topic, you change the subject, or you get up and you leave, and you go sit with others.
And you feel like a loner?
Like a nerd, sitting in the cafeteria with a book open in front of you. Have you ever felt that? Therapy like that? Do you ever fear that this might happen? Do you have that fear? Honestly, tell me, honestly, speak here. Do you have that fear that if you don't hang out with the usual crowd, you will be a loner? I had that fear for the longest time when I was in school. Yes.
And hamdulillah she saying that she went to a new school and she was alone over there, obviously new people, she didn't know anybody, no friends. And she said she made dua to Allah that y'all love. Please give me good friends. And on hamdulillah She made friends with some people who are very good people.
You know, in the Quran in surah Meriam, Allah subhanaw taala says that those people who believe and do righteousness, say Gerardo Lahoma Ramana would,
very soon, the Most Merciful is going to create love for them, meaning he is going to create love in the hearts of other people for them. You feel alone,
you don't know who to talk to. There is only a few people left on your Facebook. Because if you keep deleting all those bad friends, then you feel like oh, I only follow 37 people. Nobody's writing on my wall. Okay, but don't worry. You do good deeds, and Allah will give you good, sincere, righteous friends, but you have to wait for some time.
Because this is the reward of Hijra.
The Prophet salallahu Salam when he left from Makkah, do you think he didn't have that fear? His relatives were in Makkah, you know, so many people were in Makkah, they were going to a new city. completely new place completely new people using the Muslims didn't have that fear. Yes, they did. But what happened? They got friends like unsolved such friends who said, come and stay with us in our houses come and share our property with us our wealth with us, our money with us.
So majority Assad would prefer the more hygienic over themselves.
So never worry, when you have to leave something for the sake of Allah. Allah will give you something that is better.
So Allah says over here that in Alladhina amanu well ladina had a rule and those people who do Hijra
wotja. Her do and they also strove, they also do jihad and you had does not mean please, only going to battle okay? What Jaha do they're struggling, they're striving to worship Allah.
They're striving to please Allah, they're striving to observe the commands that Allah subhanaw taala has given and if need be, if the situation arises, going to battle as well, like the Muslims at that time, they had to go to brother they had to go to Ohio, they had to fight so many battles. So we're gonna do FISA beat Allah, Allah says, Hola, Iike those your June Rahmatullah they hope for the Mercy of Allah heal Jonah is from raw gene, well, Raja, and Raja is to expect something to look forward to something to hope for something so they can hope for the Mercy of Allah who, those who are doing nothing.
Those who are doing nothing, no, those who believe, who do Hijra who strive in the way of Allah, when they're striving, then they can hope for the Mercy of Allah. When do we hope for Allah's mercy and forgiveness? When when we're doing nothing? Or when we're doing something wrong?
We're doing something wrong and we think, Oh, it's okay. Allah is so merciful. He will forgive me. It's okay. No big deal. But what do we learn over here, that you have to be striving and struggling to please Allah and then you can hope for the Mercy of Allah. Allah who will fulfill Rahim Allah, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.
He will forgive you your shortcomings, and he is merciful that He will give you the opportunity to do even more good
Listen to the recitation of these verses
real hard on you to
if he can be done
Miss Judy
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the long
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to our walk us
feel we're all
madam, long, one lawful lawful walking.
So in these two verses we see a comparison between two types of people. One group is of those who cannot bear the criticism, the hardship, the suffering in the way of Allah and they give up, they leave Islam, what's their consequence, all their deeds wasted all their deeds, all their good deeds in this world and in the Hereafter. And such will be the inmates of the Hellfire, abiding and eternally. On the other hand, there are those who stay firm, they don't give up. And if needed, they will leave the place the company, the people who influenced them to do wrong things who forced them to do wrong things.
And they keep striving in the way of Allah What does Allah say, they can expect the Mercy of Allah and Allah is forgiving, and merciful.
So these two characters are in front of us. Whenever there's any challenge any difficulty that we face from others any external pressure,
whether it's from a friend, or a co worker, or a boss or a relative, then there's two ways to react. One is to give up and the other is to stay for
you stay firm, Allah will give you firmness, and in sha Allah, Allah's Mercy is there to make things easier for you in this world as well as in the hereafter.
We see that will Lola photo Rahim only Allah is left over him. Sometime sometimes it happens that you make a mistake and you apologize to others. You seek forgiveness from them. But people don't accept it. They keep blaming you they keep criticizing you. They don't want to accept you they keep rejecting you. Because of the mistake that you made. There is no forgiveness. But when a person commits a sin and seeks forgiveness from Allah subhanaw taala that other people don't even find out about the wrong that you did. And in sha Allah, Allah has forgiven you because you sincerely prevented him.
So Allah hula photo Rahim only Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.