Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P02 021C Tafsir Al-Baqarah 153-155
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I was a bit lame in a ship on your rajim Bismillah AR Rahman AR Rahim
will begin from I have 153.
We'll just do a quick review of the verse and then we'll continue.
Yeah, you had Lavina Avenue, or you have believed? Is there enough as somebody was salah, seek help, through patience and through prayer. In the law home are Slovenia. Indeed Allah is with those people who are patient. I have a question for you. How important is Salah? Is it important? Yeah. So if somebody asks you, what's the big deal about salah? Why is it so important? What answer would you give them? How is it important?
What's the answer to that? Is it one of the five pillars of Islam? Yes. Is it something that is mandatory on a person? Yes. Is it something that a person has to do even when he's sick? And even when he's traveling, even when he's home, even when he's at work, no matter what his situation is? Yes.
Is it something that a person will be asked about on the Day of Judgment? Yes, for sure. One of the first questions that person will be asked on the Day of Judgment is about his salah, because it's the right of Allah subhanaw taala. So we know very well about how important Salah is. But if you look at the ayah What does Allah say, seek help through first patience, and then prayer. Because somebody was salah, does this mean that Salah is not as important? No, it is definitely very important. But when it comes to difficult situations, then you need sub as well. And sometimes sub demands more of you than Salah does. Because salah Okay, you go and pray within five minutes, and
you're done within 10 minutes, and you're done. But you know what you need sober all the time, not just for those 1015 minutes, but all the time when you're in front of people when you're alone. When you're facing criticism from people when you are suffering from pain when you're suffering from difficulty no matter what your situation is you need solver all the time. So this shows to us that sub is more difficult. But at the same time, it is also very important. And because it's difficult, it's result is also very great. It's fruit is also very beneficial.
Once the board said that a sub room it was smooth, that somebody just like its name, meaning somebody is what it is. It is stuff it is difficult. Milan Medaka. To hit its taste is very bitter. Meaning it is very, very difficult for a person it's as though you're having a very bitter medicine. It's very horrible in its taste more than Medaka tea.
But then the board said that lack in our people who are nominal are Sally, but its results are much more sweet than honey.
SUBUD is just as what it is called meaning it's very difficult. It's very bitter, and it's dense, it's horrible. It really drains you, it exhausts you. It's a bitter experience. However, its results are much better, much more sweeter than even honey.
So somebody is difficult. And this is why Allah says in Allah ma Sabreen indeed Allah is with those people who are patient, those who are struggling, those who are striving, those who stay firm, those who control themselves. Those who restrain themselves from reacting negatively, who control themselves even when people are doing things that they don't like even what they completely disagree with the control themselves over there. Allah says they're not alone. Allah is with them in Allah ma slavery. Notice Allah says, if there was somebody was salah, but alone he says in the Lahoma flub it in not meaning Musa lane. Do you see that in the llama? Savini it doesn't say well, Musa lien and
also those who pray, only slovenliness mentioned why? Because somebody has more difficult sub it is more difficult. Many people can pray. But Can everybody have sub? No.
Not everybody can have sub. So those who are patient are the ones who receive the help of a most primal data.
But it doesn't mean that you only seek help through your self control. No, you also seek help from Allah subhanaw taala.
In difficult situations, many times people lose the balance. Either they rely completely on themselves, or they rely completely on prayers and they do nothing else. There must be a balance both must be done. You have to control yourself and you also have to beg before Allah both are necessary and like this, a person goes through the difficulty successfully, otherwise, he will be a failure.
And then Allah says what after Kulu and you should not say the Kulu cough while lamb do not say Lehman for the
also man who you could tell he is killed off that lamb cutter. Cutter is to kill. So the one who is killed feasterville Allah in the way of Allah and what that um what is the plural of may hit? From the root letters mean? Well, most is death and may hit is a person who is dead and what ones who are dead those who are dead so don't say about those people who have died in the way of Allah that they are dead. Why? Bow rather a hands on ones are alive, they're alive they're not dead those who have died in the way of Allah those who are killed in the way of Allah they're not actually dead rather they are alive or here is the floor enough? Hey, hi yah, yah, hey, one who is alive here, those who
are alive, but they're dead. That's why we buried them. So how are they alive? Allah says when I can but let alone you do not realize this rune is from Scharoun sheen ain't law. We have done this word earlier. When I can lay yesh, Arun, the hypocrites they don't perceive they don't realize.
So what do we see in this verse? That Allah subhanaw taala is telling the believers that don't think that those people who have been killed in the way of Allah, they are dead? No, they're not dead, they're actually alive. But you don't understand how they are alive, what kind of life they have. You can't know about that you cannot understand that. Why is this I have mentioned over here right after the verse about Sabah and salah. I mentioned to you earlier that this is a Madani surah and in Medina when the Muslims migrated over there, they suffered many challenges many difficulties, personal, social, economical, at every level, they suffer challenges and difficulties.
One thing that they suffered was what many battles we noticed them Michigan, they came and attacked at the Battle of budget. And so many Muslims died at that time, at the Battle of Ohio, as well, so many Muslims died at that time. And these are just the major battles. There are many things that happened in between. And there were many other Muslims who were still in Morocco who were being persecuted. So many Muslim lives were being lost. Why? Because they were feasable Allah in the way of Allah. The question is, what does it mean to die in the way of Allah? Sabina as you know is, from the root letter seen by lamb. Sabine is a path away. So in the way of Allah, meaning they are on the
religion of Allah, the religion of Allah, is also known as the way of Allah. Why? Because it is such a way of life that takes a person to the pleasure of Allah parameter. And it is the way of life that has been decided, by who,
by Allah. So this is why it's the way of Allah. It's the way that takes you to Allah. And it's the way that Allah has decided, it's the way that he has told us to follow to be on.
Now, this is the way of Allah, what does it mean by dying in the way of Allah being killed in the way of Allah.
It happens for some people, that when they become serious about their religion, what happens they face a lot of opposition, you may have experienced it yourself, you start wearing a hijab, and you go out and you feel as if everybody's eyes are on you. And you feel as if every negative comment is against you. It happens, people oppose many times those who become more religious, those who become serious about their religion. And, you know, the kind of opposition that we face today. It's nothing like the kind of opposition that the Muslims face at the time of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. That was way more that was way more severe, way more difficult. All that we have to suffer is just eyes
just comments, and we can always ignore them. We can always forget about them. At the time of the Prophet saw the virus and it became so severe that if a person remained firm on his Islam, it meant he was to be killed.
Literally, it did not matter that you were their brother, you were their sister, you were their son, you were their friend. No, it did not matter. Imagine Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. How was he before he got prophethood? We know that he was known as a father. I mean, even the machine they trusted him. They had so much respect for him. They considered him to be someone very noble, which is why we see that when the movie came, they were reconstructing the Kaaba once because of the floods. It was destroyed. So they had to reconstruct the Kaaba, and now they have to fix the hedgerows with the Blackstone. But there was a dispute everybody wanted to do with themselves. And
they decided that whoever comes first he's going to do it and well Hamilton has autism is the one who walked in. And nobody had any objection against him.
They accepted him they respected him.
But look at what happened when he proclaimed prophethood. Abu Lahab. Who was he? The neighbor of the Prophet said about Islam, the uncle of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, his sons were married to the daughters of the Prophet salallahu Salam, they were so close imagine they were neighbors, their children were made together. You can imagine the friendship and the love that they must have. But afterwards what happened, Ebola became one of the severest enemies of the prophets, Allah. He is the one who would follow the Prophet around Makkah. And as the Prophet sallallahu Sallam would give Dawa to people he would say, don't listen to him, don't believe in him. He's betrayed us. He's left us
don't give any importance to him. He would humiliate the prophets of autism in public. He told his sons, you divorced the daughter of the prophets of autism, otherwise, you're not with me. Just imagine how life completely turned around how it changed.
So they suffered a lot of persecution. And it got to the extent that people wanted to kill him, and not just him, but many other people. And they did. They killed many, many companions of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam.
Now imagine, if somebody dies, if somebody is killed, he is assassinated, brutally killed just because of his faith. Imagine how would you feel? You feel horrible, you feel very sad. And imagine if they're very young. Imagine if they were newly married. Imagine if they had a lot of potential to grow to succeed, to lead people. Imagine if they're killed, what would you say? How sad. They lost their life, how sad. They lost so many opportunities.
So Allah subhanaw taala comforts the believers over here.
Any person who is killed in the way of Allah, because he's living up, he's living the deen of Allah. He is protecting us preserving the religion of Allah. And Allah when the wishes he came to fight against the Muslims, they were defending the religion of Allah. So if anybody is killed in this way,
don't think they're dead. Don't say that they are dead. Let the Hulu and you know the Slagter Kulu means don't say what's your tongues, and don't say in your hearts. So in other words, don't feel bad for them. Don't feel pity for them, that they died too young. They die too early.
If they hadn't accepted Islam, if they hadn't remained firm on their Islam, you know, they could have lived longer, they could have lived an easier life. Allah says, Don't say that. Don't feel pity for them. Let the Kulu don't even think about that. Why? Because they're not dead, they're actually alive.
But isn't it obvious that if a person has been struck by a sword, and he's bleeding, and now he cannot move, you cannot breathe and you see that the body is becoming cold? You know that that person is dead?
The soul has separated from the body. Allah says Bella here, how are they alive?
The thing is, that a person when he's in this world, what is together, the body and the soul. They're together. And because of that, you feel you experience you taste you enjoy. You experience a lot of things as you're alive. But once the soul leaves the body, then can you see and can you hear and can you touch and can you feel and can you experience anything you can't?
Because the body is nothing without the soul.
But for those who die in the way of Allah, just because their soul has left their body. It doesn't mean they don't experience any pleasure anymore. No, they do.
They do. How that there is a special place that Allah subhanaw taala has reserved for the souls of such people of the martyrs of those who die in the way of Allah. And they're, they enjoy, they eat, they drink, they become happy, they rejoice and inshallah we learn more about that in Surah Al Imran in more detail.
What is this place? What is this world
it is known as the buzzer.
Buzzer is you can say the state that the soul of a person is in
after they leave this world until the day of judgment.
But it's you can say a world of the unseen. No person in this world has seen it. We cannot describe it except for the description that Allah subhanaw taala has given us. So if a person has lived a righteous life and obedient life, and especially if he has died in the way of Allah because of the religion of Allah, because of his faith in Allah, that Allah will not deprive him of enjoyment of pleasure know when the soul
leaves the body in the buzzer it enjoys. And we learn from a hadith the Prophet sallallahu Sallam mentioned that the souls of the martyrs aren't even say like green birds
that fly around in Jannah in Paradise, and they sit on the chandeliers and the Eat of the fruits.
Imagine, so it's as though they are made to enjoy parts of Jannah, even before they actually enter Jannah.
So, don't feel sad, don't feel pity for those who have died in the way of Allah, they are in a much, much better place, a much better place. They are enjoying, they're happy, they're eating, they're drinking, they have beautiful company, they are experiencing life like no one else.
And we learned that on the other hand,
if a person has lived an evil life, a disobedient life, he has been rebellious towards Allah than such a person when he dies, he also suffers punishment.
And we all are familiar about the punishment, that the person suffers in the grave and ultimate punishment that a person suffers in the world of BUZZA. We know in the Quran, about the login, and also the opposite of earliness. For Jean, certainly Yin is where the souls of the righteous are. And to Jean, it literally means a prison. So that is where the souls of the disobedient people are the disbelievers are
so where the righteous enjoy the disobedient suffer punishment. So while at the Kulu, Lima, Yokota, Luffy, Seville, Allah He and word, don't say that they are dead, Bella here. Instead they are alive near their Lord, when I can let alone
what kind of life do they have? Because we cannot even imagine the soul experiencing something without the body.
All that we know is the physical world.
We only know the physical world, we can only fully comprehend that. So how do you comprehend what's going on in the buzzer? Allah says you don't know about it. Well, I Calaca Sharon. However, when Allah is telling us that there is a Bozak and there is it'll be righteous and joy and disobedient suffer than we believe in that.
What do we learn in this verse? There is a very important lesson that we learn in this verse. First of all, we see the importance of floss, the importance of sincerity. Let no matter what action a person is doing, no matter how big or small, it may be, his intention should be what? For the sake of Allah subhanaw taala. Because notice, it hasn't been said, For the one who is your patella, the one who is skilled Muslim and just as a Muslim, know what has been said, feasable Allah, that he is truly in the way of Allah. Only that person will get this reward not anyone who claims to be in the way of Allah, not anyone who claims to be a Muslim, not anyone who is doing something and he claims
that he's doing it for the sake of Allah, no sincerity of intention is extremely important.
And we learned that once a person given us a Prophet sallallahu Sallam that what is it to go out in the way of Allah subhanaw taala you know, some people when they go out and participate in the battle, they do it, you know, out of anger with feelings of revenge against the enemy. And some people do it just to protect their tribe. And some people do it to show off their power. So what is it to be in the way of Allah? The Prophet sallallahu sallam said ma'am Katana Lita Hakuna kalimat, Allah He and earlier for who used to be the law, the one who fight so that the word of Allah is the Exalted been that person is in the way of Allah, for anyone who goes and does whatever he wants.
So this teaches the importance of effortless sincerity.
Now, the people who fought at the time of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that something very big, we are nowhere near that. However, a very important lesson for us whatever action we're doing something small, something big, no matter what it is. Make your intention for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala
hope and expect for a work from WHO? Allah alone. Don't do it to seek praise from people don't do it to seek the appreciation of people. No, do it for Allah. So other people oppose you. They leave you, they abandon you, they criticize you, they market you, whatever, don't care about that. The reaction of people should not stop you from what you're doing, be persistent. And that is a sign of sincerity.
Another very important lesson that we learn in this idea is that the reward that Allah subhanaw taala gives to a person for his action is far greater than the action of the person then the
effort of the person. Think about it, there is a person, just imagine any companion of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, they're going in the Battle of godhood. And in the die, they put in so much effort to go. So much confidence they mustered up together so that they could actually go and participate in that battle.
It took a lot from them. Yes, it took a lot of effort on their part, however, look at the reward that Allah gave them, not just that, okay, Your sins are forgiven, okay, you will be entered into paradise, on the Day of Judgment, know, from the moment of death, from the moment of death, until the day of judgment, that person is enjoying, that person is enjoying life like no one else. This is the reward that Allah gives to a person. Any action you do remember, what Allah has to give to you, is much greater, much better than your effort.
So what kind of actions should we do them? What kind of effort should we put in the way of Allah? to please Allah subhanaw taala? Should it be anything, any kind of effort? No, we should give it our best.
If we want the best, then we should give our best as well. We should do our best as well. We learned that if a person gives charity in the way of Allah, the example of that is like a green.
And a green, once it's put into the ground, and it's taken care of, it will not just stay there it will grow into a plant. And as it will grow more seeds, more fruit will come out of it. And in the Quran, we learned 700 times more.
So one grain, bring 700 more greens,
your one D could bring 700 Good deeds 700 rewards for that one action. And Allah can increase how many ever times he wants. So if we want the best reward, we have to do even the little that we do with sincerity, for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala. And we should do our best.
Then we also learn in this idea about the fact of life after death.
And I don't mean by that life on the day of judgment and after that, but even before that,
life that is between this dunya and the establishment of the Syrah of the final day.
There is life between that how is it? What is it about in what way it is? We don't know. But it exists, it is real. And we also are going to experience that someday.
This is just like a child is in the womb, He is alive. But then he comes into the world. And then again, he's alive. And eventually, when he dies, again, you will be alive in some way or the other. And then eventually there's the Day of Judgment after which is eternity, after which the state of a person will never ever change. Whatever state he is in that will be permanent.
So we should prepare for that. And we should be very much concerned about that.
That Allah subhanaw taala says, well, hon, you wanna come? And surely we will definitely test you. We will definitely try you. Look at this word. Well, hon, you wanna come? See the lamb? Lamb means surely, and whenever this lamb comes with the Fatah which means surely before word, there is awesome, there is an oath that is implied. What do I mean by that? That it is implied, that what it means by the statement is will lie he Lennar blue Allah by Allah, surely we will definitely test you. I swear, definitely you will be tested.
And notice learn never no one Nakhon. Notice the noon what does the noon mean with the shutdown? Definitely, there is no doubt about that. There is no doubt about this fact, this is a surety, this will definitely happen what that we will try you that we will test you Balamb Wow. And Bella, we have done this word earlier as well. What if people tell her Ibrahim or boo because imagine for a term Mahan Bella is a test a trial, a very difficult one. So we will test you. There is no doubt about that. And notice the comb. Comb is singular or plural, plural. So who does that include?
Who does that include? All of us.
All of us, every single one of us without any exception.
No matter how obedient a person is whether he prays the hijab or he doesn't breathe out.
Whether she covers or she doesn't cover whether she knows the entire Quran by heart or she doesn't. Whether she volunteer somewhere or she doesn't, whether she's very nice to her parents or she's not it doesn't matter.
I will enable WonderCon every single person.
Because who are the first people to hear this verse The Sahaba? Were they not righteous people? Far more righteous than us. So if they were tested, what about us will definitely be tested? Well, Anna beluga calm, we will definitely test you how through what we say in with something. Che is something. But notice che in there is dukkha surah. And there are the two vowel signs at the end of a word than when, what does that show that it's a Nicola word. Just remember this word, Nikita inshallah explained that some other time as well, Nicola.
And a word is Nikita for several reasons. One of them is to show only a few, some.
And sometimes it is to show a lot, the sometimes it gives the meaning of the clean, and sometimes it gives the meaning of tech theater. So che in very few, or many,
okay, very few or many, it gives other meanings as well.
So over here, well, another one a condition in which something this could give either of two meanings. Either only a little bit a person will be tested, or a person will be tested a lot.
You know, for example, a person is tested, very little concerning is, let's say, help. For example, one person, he doesn't suffer at all, the maximum that he feels is a cold, maybe once a year, or maybe a headache, once in two months, in three months, maximum, this is what they suffer, but another person, he suffers concerning his health much more.
So every person's tests are different, some are tested more, and some are tested less.
Likewise, in your own personal life, you may be tested a lot in one respect, and might be tested very less in another respect.
So for example, with your health, no problem only occasionally you feel sick. But when it comes to let's say your education, your career, you feel as if you're lost, you don't know what to do, no matter what you try, you fail, no matter where you apply, you can't get in. So you are completely lost about your future. So this is what a test of Allah subhanaw taala, right. So in some things, you will be tested very little in other things a lot.
So when another new one no condition, definitely test will come.
What kind of tests will come me know how free from fear while jewelry and the hunger will knock some mineral unwell, and shortage of properties while unforce and lives with Thammarat and fruit, meaning shortage of properties, lives and also fruits. So what do we see here? five types of tests are mentioned, five types of tests are mentioned. We'll saw how many Hamsa?
What are they? First of all hope? What does hope mean? Fear, what kind of fear is it? about the future, something that might harm you. Something that might damage you in whatever way in the future. Something that may happen that may be very detrimental in the future. It could be in the next woman it could be in the next hour. It could be in the next year. It could be in the next seven years, whatever cofe fear?
Do people have fear future?
All people have it. For example, if a person doesn't have children, they're like, what's gonna happen? I want to have kids, how am I gonna live? What will I think? How will my life be people have fear. Likewise, when people have kids that like, you know what's going to happen to me, in a few years, I'll be done, I'll be finished. I won't have any energy left. If a person doesn't have a job, they feel you know what's gonna happen, I'm going to go bankrupt, I'm going to have nothing in my account. I'm going to be begging on the streets. Every person has fear. And if nothing every person has fear of death.
Why? Because life is very unpredictable. You can never ever predict what's going to happen in the future. Life can turn around like this. A couple who could be very happy with one another. They're known to be the best couple, the ideal couple. The next day you learn they're having problems. And the day after you learn they're done. They're finished.
A child who could be very good. The next day, you know, they've rebelled and they've left their parents.
Life is unpredictable. People always have fear about their financial position, about their family position, about their social position, about their career, everything that people experience, they have fear for that. What if I lose it? What if something wrong happens? So this fear
what does Allah subhanaw taala say? Well, the number one lack of this fear will definitely come you will be sometimes in some positions in some situations where you
You will be overwhelmed with fear
that it happens sometimes very, very small things.
The other day, I had gone to take a test somewhere and I was waiting to receive my results. And I'm like, oh my god, oh my god, I felt as though my heart was gonna come out. Those like 510 minutes that I had to wait to get my results, I was freaking out, I was so afraid I can't even tell you. And when I got my result, and I passed 100 of that I, I literally felt as though I had entered Jana. The kind of fear that I had experienced. The relief that I got by receiving that result. I was like unhandled Allah. So there are moments in your life when you experience fear. You know, you're cooking something you're like, what if I burn it? What if it doesn't turn out? Right? What if this
happens, what if that happens, and it happens, right? Fear, it haunts you sometimes. What another one, no calm, Allah will definitely test us through fear. He will put us in situations where we are afraid we are terrified. days when we don't even want to get out of bed. We don't want to turn our phone on, we don't want to turn our computer on, we don't want to open our email. We don't want to do any work because we're afraid
Allah will put us in these situations.
The second type of test and remember the cove is of two types. First of all, general and secondly, specific. So for example, the person could be in a situation where everybody is suffering from that fear. So for example, your entire family is going through a problem. So only you are not affected, but your entire family is suffering from that fear. Or, for instance, an entire country could be, you know, some threat, or you know, for example, people don't know where they're gonna get their oil from 50 years from now, or they don't know if there'll be safe 50 years or 100 years from now. So people suffer at a general level at a mass level. And it also at personal level at an individual
level. So these fears will come.
Second type of test, while joueur and the hunger jour GMO grain is hunger.
It is when the stomach of a person is empty, meaning there is no food in it.
The stomach is completely empty. Have you ever experienced that? You feel as though there really there's nothing in your stomach. But hunger is not just when you don't have anything in your tummy. But it is when you also desire food you want to eat, you're craving it, you desperately want to eat. So it's a your tummy is empty. And B you want food, your hunger, Allah who will test you through hunger. And there are many reasons behind hunger why a person could be hungry.
It could be for instance, that a person doesn't have food, food is not available. For instance, you go home and you open the refrigerator and you're like, What can I eat, you can't find anything that you can eat. All you can see is you know, ketchup and jam, but no bread, no bagels, no leftover food from last night, nothing that you could eat. So, hunger, why, because of lack of food, there is no food available.
You have money in your wallet, a lot of money, but you don't have food. Similarly, you could be very busy in your work, you're traveling from one place to the other, you're driving, and you didn't even get time to stop for food, but you are hungry.
It doesn't mean you're poor, you're experiencing hunger.
Another reason is lack of money, lack of resources, that you don't have the money to buy food, you cannot afford to buy food, a boo boo writer of the novel and who he used to suffer from hunger a lot when he was studying, he would be hungry because he didn't have any food. And then you know what, he didn't have money either to buy food.
Another reason could be some illness, some disease because of which a person cannot eat no matter how much he wants to eat.
You know, sometimes it happens, for instance, a person has had a surgery or something like that, and they cannot eat, they're told you can't eat. You can only drink water. You can have juice, but you can't eat any solid food.
And sometimes you're told you can't even drink anything, not even a sip of water. Everything is going into your body through you know a drip or something like that. But you want food you want something to chew on. Likewise, a person could have for instance allergies because of which you can't have much food. Or you could be in a place where you can't find halal food at all.
I remember once I went with my husband somewhere, and it was a place where you don't find any Muslims at all. And it was supposed to be our vacation. And we're like, okay, we're hungry. What do we eat? And we can't find any restaurant that where we could eat. You know, sometimes there are restaurants where you can find food, okay, some vegetarian option. You find somewhere you know, you find something that you can eat. We could not find anything to eat. So you know what we did? We found a gas station and we went there. Got a loaf of bread
and some chips. Literally. We took those chips we put them in bread, we made sandwiches and we ate that. We were desperate for food, no fruit, nothing.
We experienced that. So sometimes it happens you are put in such situations even if it's for just a few hours, but you do experience that. But what is Allah subhanaw taala say that we will test you no matter how comfortable you are at your home. No matter how easy life you're living there will be times when you will be tested. Whether evolution accom which I am him in a home while joueur
the third thing one extra minute unwell next known cough sod. Next is deficiency shortage to be less so the shortage of what mental unwell and wireless deplore enough mal meanwhile lamb and Mal is property. Anything that a person owns. It could be a person's house, it could be the land that they own. It could be the money that they own. It could be the assets, their business, their car, their shoes, their hair, brush their toothbrush, everything is what literally everything is what your mind, even your hijab pins, what are they your mind, your pencil, your pen, your notebook, everything that you own, is what your man
Allah says he will test you through what that you will have less money, you will not have enough, you will lose some of it.
I remember somebody once told me that one of their friends, they got married and they were traveling somewhere. And they took some of their jewelry, their gold jewelry with them so that they could wear it. It was a party or something like that. So they wanted to wear it. All of it was in a pouch, and they lost that pouch. All of their gold jewelry gone. It happens sometimes a person is traveling and you lose your wallet. All of your money was in it. You're done. What do you do now?
I mean, we've gone for Umbra once and the person was in our group and he came back from the left and he said, I don't have my wallet. All of his bank cards, his money. Everything was in it. He lost all the money.
And he was doing the life he imagined somebody picked his pocket info. What a great crime. First of all, picking somebody's pocket is wrong itself but doing it in the Haram is a much more severe crime. So anyway, that person perfectly fine at home but at that time they lost their money. And you know, when people travel, they take money from their savings what they've saved so they took their savings over there and they lost it not all of it but part of it knocks a minute um one a person has a perfectly fine car and that's it they have an accident wasn't their fault somebody else's fault they lose the car.
It happens your bad got stolen, you forgot it somewhere you can't find it, your phone, your brand new phone doesn't work anymore. You're like I just spent so much money on it now I've just been more money to buy a new phone. So no criminal and while these are tests, it will happen.
Well unforeseen, unforeseen is a plural of naps, and knifes Soul Life person. So loss of lives, meaning the people you have will become less the people who are close to you will diminish one after the other they will be gone. And we see this for example, that Muslims when they migrated to Medina, all of a sudden they were well hygiene they were unfollowed everybody together so many of them. And then battle of that. So many companions died. Battle of so many companions died in the middle many became sick. Other things happen. loss of lives, knocks a minute and while while unforce you know person is living in their house very happily. And the next thing they know their grandparents, one
of them has died. I remember a friend from the woman I got to know about her. I met her I knew that she had a grandmother who lived with her. And one day all of a sudden she died.
And then if you go to that house, you notice that person is not there anymore. Not some middle and wild Well, unforced loss of lives. That huge family you had one by one they're all gone. Well unforce with some rot some rot is Florida ephemera meaning and also the loss of fruits. And you know what, that some rot are not just fruits as an apples and oranges and bananas and we eat but literally it is the product of a process. So you can call it your profit, your gain.
So loss of that as well. So for example a person invests his money so that he can gain some profit. But the next thing he knows wherever he invested, you know the software degree
Get lost, and he made nothing out of it. In fact, he also lost his capital that he invested.
A person buys a farm, he plants many trees, and there are many fruits on it. But the next thing you know, the temperature really drops and all the fruits gone. Or, for example, it's very cold, or there is a drought, the temperature is not good enough that the plants will grow, and all of them are gone.
I visited somebody's farm once and they showed a huge field, huge field that was filled with mango trees. And they said, you know, a couple of years ago, we had orange trees over here.
And then once in the winter, the temperatures dropped so much that all of those trees died. Imagine how much money they lost.
And imagine how much money they would have to take out of their savings in order to buy more trees in order to plant them in order to take care of them, wait for them to grow and then start producing fruit.
So all of this is a part of life. When everyone now can betray him in a home while you're when the middle unwell will unfold with some rot.
But what does Allah say? Well, Bashira sobbing
look at it. All of these things, you know, they, they cause you to become depressed. It's so depressing, will be tested in this way in that way. Yeah, this was so sad. And this was so bad. And this was so horrifying. But what does Allah say? Were Bashir Salvini gave good news to those people who are patient, make them happy. Give them good news, bad shit. Bash, it is from Bashara bash in LA and Beshara is good news. So give good news to those people who are patient. So Aberdeen florala saw that good news of what good news of reward for what for their loss for their patients, for their expecting reward from Allah Wabasha Sabreen. Give them good news. Tell them what will make them
happy. Tell them what will please them.
You know, it happens sometimes that a person they've suffered a great loss and you go for condolence, whatever the loss may be.
And you say I'm very sorry about your loss. So what happened? Tell me
and you make them narrate the entire story again, and you say, I'm so sorry, and the few even more bad and if you even more horrible and to start crying, and they can't get over their sorrow.
At this time, yes, you do offer your condolences you do tell them you're very sorry for their loss. But at the same time, also, give them some good news.
Tell them something that will make them happy.
I mentioned this to you earlier as well, the Hadith in which we learned that once the Prophet salallahu Salam, he took us some time to only address the women. And in the address that he gave to the women. He told him that if any one of you has lost three children, then she will have Jana, then those children will become a shield for her from hellfire. And a woman asked What about to and he said yes even to. So imagine for a woman who has lost her children. It's a very, very big loss. It's something that a woman cannot get over. But at that time, look at the good news of the profit sort of artisan and give that child will become a shield for you against hellfire. You will not be able
to enter Hellfire because of that child.
It also includes miscarriages.
Because in the Hadith, we learned that before puberty, so before puberty includes whether the child is in the womb or outside of the womb. Now imagine if a woman gets to know about that, that okay, I've lost a child. But inshallah this will be a source of my protection against the Hellfire on the Day of Judgment. Doesn't the good news outweigh the sadness that she's experiencing? Isn't it a source of great comfort for her?
Would it not make her happy? Of course it will. So what should a fob read when you go and see someone who is sad who is upset who is suffering from grief, tell them something nice. That will make them happy. Tell them something nice. Wabasha Sabreen give them good news.