Ahsan Hanif – 02 Umdatul Talib & Bulugh Al Maram Shaykh

Ahsan Hanif
AI: Summary ©
The speakers stress the importance of avoiding certain things in sharia products, including sharia positions, mis praised stick methods, and reciting the Bible. They stress caution and mistakes in sharia products, as it can lead to problems and discomfort. The speakers also discuss proper techniques for shaving and removing underarm hair, and the use of "has" in English to describe actions and events. The conversation covers the history and use of the Hadith, a title used by theilla of Mughal during the previous golden era, as well as the "monster" by theilla of Mughal during the previous golden era. The speakers emphasize the importance of keeping up with laws and regulations set in place at the time.
AI: Transcript ©
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Santa Monica

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Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa sallahu wa cinema baraka and Amina Muhammad are the the evil zombie, a drummer in a band Sharla. Today we're going to continue with our reading and commentary of these two books, the first of them being under 2000 by Chefman Sudipta unistalled Bahati who died in the 1051 of the interlocking mahalo Tada. And the second being the book of Bloomerang Mina Tila tilaka by the half hearted Alice Kidani Rahima hula hoop Tada. And we are currently on page number 25 As of the notes

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into 2525 of the notes. And the Author Pamela Tara says Bob and the author hammer Tada in this particular chapter will speak about some of the things that are recommended in terms of beautification and dormant when it comes to purification such as this, you work and certain other things that he will refer to the previous chapter that we talked before a lot of prayer was to do with relieving oneself and it's at that and etiquettes of it and the manner in which it is done. And that is because once a person in terms of standing before Allah azza wa jal for Repatha consists of two things. Number one is to cleanse yourself and purify yourself. And that is often called dudleya

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in Arabic language, and the second is called Talia, and that is to adorn and beautify yourself. And the general principle is a Dullea to Kubla. Talia, that you have to first remove impurities before you can adorn yourself. So the usual rule as we said, the last thing that we covered in under the party the last thing he said, is you can't make all the OEM before you've done your St. John stitch Mar. There's no point because you haven't yet cleansed yourself. So there should be access to cleanse yourself first and adorn yourself. And so this chapter is speaking about additional dormant write things that you can do in order to adorn yourself.

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The author Rahim Allah Tada or in these the issues that we will discuss in this chapter, that are mentioned by the author amla Tada can be summarized in five principles summarized in five principles. Number one,

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that the miswak is recommended.

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The miswak is recommended upon the teeth, the tongue and the gums

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at every at any time, except for the one who's fasting because for the one who's fasting as we will see this some detail

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So principle number one, this you whack, it is recommended. But it's not just recommended for the teeth, which is what most people do today, but also for the tongue and for the gums at any and every time except for the one who is fasting.

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Number two,

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it is motor at kid even more recommended or more affirmed if you like these you work in 10 different occasions on 10 Different times

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10 Different times the author only mentions two or three, but we will mention the others that you find in the books as well according to the handling method.

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Number three, according to the method, obviously all these principles are according to the method Bharati keeps saying according to the method, that's just as a given. Circumcision is obligatory upon both males and females. Circumcision is obligatory upon both males males and females.

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Number four, it is recommended to remove pubic hair,

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trim nails, remove underarm hair and trim the mustache every week

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is recommended to remove pubic hair under arm hair, trim the nails and trim the mustache every week recommended.

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And number five, there are certain things in the Sharia that are prohibited explicitly in terms of beautification.

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Certain things in the Sharia that are prohibited explicitly in terms of adornment and Beautification and author Rahim Allah Tada woman decision Natalia as we as we proceed

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accent Allah

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before we continue anyone have any questions from the morning session

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anything that wasn't clear from the text or requires further explanation before we continue

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according to the method we are not allowed to use it, right so if it's tan leather that's not taken from a pure animal, then according to the method, the position or the method means that you wouldn't be able to use it

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obviously not like you have artificial leather in a lot of products. It's not even real leather, artificial leather, because real leather is expensive. Mashallah, if you're affording real leather, they normally tell you I think they would normally mention to you where it comes from? You can tell is the alligator skin is it you know, I don't know. Pig skin is it they normally I think tongue

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Yeah, so the animal, the severed potstill remains haram because at the time of its severing, it became haram.

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And then obviously, after ritually slaughtered the rest of it, then that would become hella.

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So when it comes to like a lot of these etiquettes, when it came to relieving oneself in terms of, you know, concealing yourself, not lifting your clothes until you crouch and so on. This is obviously in open space, right? But if you're in like a bathroom, like the way we have bathrooms now to lock door so locked, you know, area and so on, then no, but however, sometimes, in some of these hotels and places, like the windows, they have, like, you know, almost down to like waist level or below. And so if you're gonna be in that type of situation, then it will be better to err on the side of caution. But otherwise, generally speaking, like when it's all walls and closed doors and

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windows that are, you know, chest high and above, then charlatan, it's okay.

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No, you're done. Yeah.

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Lance is what?

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So as we said, right, the general principle of the Sharia is that if it is something you see, negligible, then the Sharia generally forgives you for that. So you have to do your utmost to ensure that it doesn't go on you. But can you be 100% sure that no splash of that urine came on you. Like every single part of your body is very difficult to be on or potential every single time. So the Surely I will say that you do the best that you can, right. And so you base it on what you think is enough. So one of the mistakes that the author will mention is to say the similar Jassa here, right on this on this on this, this cloth here. And I know that an adjuster is in the square here, but I

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don't know where what will the show you told me to do?

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What do you think? What will the show up? So this is the square that I have? I know there's an adjuster here, it's a few drops. But I don't know where can't see anymore. Can't smell anymore. I have no way of discerning Oh, the Sharia told me to

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wash the square. Why wash the square?

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Now you're certain right? So you do it to the best of your ability. Now that's what I'm sure of. But I can't guarantee that a small trace and I didn't follow over here on the square.

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But because I'm pretty sure this is only where it went. Right that's that's what the Shediac tells you to look at. Because otherwise what you do is you open the door for us was actually thought coming and see no but there's a bit here or not that a bit came in. And then all you're doing is washing and washing and that's why people have that illness and it's an illness, which Shavon comes in please with him will make the comment of like I didn't do his job properly. The gamicus danger again, make widow normal but I didn't do Buddhu properly that make wudu on for my strangers, broken lawmakers. And so sometimes for half an hour 45 minutes to still try to make one widow. That's like

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a problem like if you open up that door, but most people who have like strong email that's not an issue for them to for them to err on the side of caution is a good thing. Right for them to be careful of these types of issues.

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The Muslims position is that it's those Hadith are referring to animals or are ritually storable

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that are had animals. So that's why the author mentioned Rafe is ritually slaughtered, then it's okay for you to take it and then they just please that condition that just don't put any liquid in it, just use it for dry stuff, carry metals and other things and so on. So that's how they will look at it. And all of those Hadith, you know, there's like discussion concerning them as well. But other position in the method, which is the majority, as we said, he said, there's no problem, right? The majority say it's fine, as long as you turn it, it's okay becomes purified. It's a process of purification. It's one of the ways that you purify that type of issue, but the method position, and

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as we said, this is unique to the hand Billy's hand Billy's only have this position is that the and we said, why? What was the general principle? Because when it comes to issues of the hara, what do they do? They're on the side of caution, right? Because otherwise, you're walking around with things on edges and you're praying with legislation. So they will say why you like even put yourself in that position. And maybe like your Salah has not accepted too often accepted, you being in the midst, it's a problem. Are you always having to dress on you. So always the methods have a very good reason for it. Now, when you study the whole thing you may look at and say and actually the other

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evidences are stronger, right, the closer to the Sunnah, and so on. But that shouldn't in any way diminish or dismiss what other scholars have chosen. Right? And so

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studying and appreciating the reasons why the Scholars have fixtures positions, if anything should increase our respect for them, and what they did, and the level of knowledge that they possessed, rather than unfortunately, what we see today when you know, it's a very anti Muslim in some places, very anti meta very anti like, it's all that's a problem. And so, these are positions that were mentioned by some of the great Imams of Islamic Imam Muhammad Rahim Allah. And I don't think there's anyone living today that would claim to have more knowledge of the Sunnah and the integration of the companions and their positions and the tab you're in than someone like Imam Muhammad Rahim Allah

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Tada and you only have to read his Muslim those 40,000 Odd Hadith to realize how well he was versed with the with the narrations of of the of the Collegium

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so Sinhala, Willie Can

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you send notice a walkway out of one view salon will be eroding the Unum in Iraq or you cannot holy so I mean, that is one way to actually render Sadat in one tibia in whatever you

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Similarly, when we're dead, we're in solidarity in one table in whatever you will if we ever did you OBEDIA and maybe Femi Hill Amon.

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See work is recommended horizontally with one's left using a soft sticks such as from Iraq, it is disliked to use for the one fasting afternoon, it is highly recommended before prayer, when awaking and to neutralize mouth odors. He begins with from the right side of the mouth,

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both Rahimullah to either he begins with the first of these issues that is recommended, and it's always the one that began with first, because of the number of a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam this speaks about it. And that is the miswak or the sea whack in terms of the Hadith and regions of the Sunnah. This is the one that you will find that is most frequently mentioned that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam often used to do this, to the extent that as we know, shortly before he died on Allah, while he was tenemos, one of the final things he asked her to do was to put him smack in his mouth, and to cleanse his mouth sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So the

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author begins with this issue. And he says, the sea whack is recommended horizontally, with one's left, horizontally meaning for the teeth, for the teeth, horizontally with the left hand, so the method is to use the left hand to give the to make this work. Why the left hand

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because it's removing impurities, or it's removing impurities from the mouth, or odors from the mouth. And so therefore, based on the general principle of the Sharia, they see that use the left hand Ogden horizontally. So you do it this way, as opposed to that way, right. So it's horizontal, and often you see people making SWAC and they do it like

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like this per tooth or whatever it is that they're doing, right. That's not the way but rather, it's done horizontally.

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Building lay unit menagerie Iraq, with a soft stick, such as from the Iraq tree. And similar to it is part of the day palm tree, the soft, because what you have to be able to do with this miswak is true, some of it so that the bristles emanate and then you can brush with them. Certain types of trees and wood don't allow you to do that. They're very strong and very tough. And the best of them are

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The oath of allegiance is one that soft white ones that the one that's what's relatively fresh. And so to use that with as the stick being used for the miswak that's what is being recommended here.

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He then says Rahim Allah Tada.

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Well, you could only saw him in bad Azzawajal it is disliked to use for the one fasting afternoon. So we have three issues here when it comes to the timings of using the miswak. One is highly recommended times. Number two is general times when it is generally a sunnah it's recommended to use. And number three is dislike times. The author begins with the disliked one he says that it is disliked for the one who is fasting after the zawal

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the position of the mother Hanbury method is that before there's a well, we translated this afternoon, because the oil is right in the industry. And what we mean is not 12pm But what do we mean by noon, when the sun is at its highest point after which slightly after which we have the time of, of Lord, the time of God. So that is the word. So in these days now in the summer, that's the wild time would be around 1pm, not 12pm. So before the time of the month hump is that if the stick that you're using is dry, the beeswax stick that you're using is a dry sticking, it's not fresh. Why? Because what happens with the fresh stick, what does it have in it

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has never used a miswak.

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What happens if it's fresh, it has Western. So what's going to happen if you use that and it's got moisture in it,

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you're going to end up swelling some of it right or it's going to mix with the saliva and very difficult for you to always spit that out. So they will say if it's a dry stick, then it's recommended before the well. If it's a fresh stick one that's full of moisture. That is McCrone even before the while, disliked even before so well, for that reason for this particular issue because of the moisture that will come into the mouth. And as for Afters our dentists disliked

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generally full stop, whether it's a dry stick or a fresh stick, it is disliked, why is it disliked after a while and not before so I

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want us to understand something in the way that the scholars are bringing out these rulings that they're not just looking at the Hadith in terms of Halal haram. But they're also trying to look at in terms of the Hadith and these narrations. What is most beloved to Allah subhanaw taala What does Allah want from the person in this particular issue? So persons fasting after a while, what's going to happen?

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The hadith praise the person who fast forward especially towards the end of their fast

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smelled the odor of the mouth. What does the Misrach do one of the things that he does is it changes your order neutralizes the odor of the mouth. The hadith says the Hulu from the slime the Hadith era with the image Rahimullah mentioned that the odor emanating from the mouth of the fasting person is more beloved to Allah than if you misc than the scent of musk. So now because the Sharia says that something beloved to Allah, what did the HANA biller say? Why would you try to change that? Why are you trying to change something which is beloved to Allah azza wa jal and that's why they said after Zool is disliked. Whereas before, when there's still enough time for the older tool, even if you use

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the MS Word for the auditor to come back because you have to do a class or a Muslim, there's enough time for that to take place. Whereas if you do it after, this is basically the understanding why this is the if you like the rationale behind this position.

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He then continues to rahamallah Turn and he says and it is highly recommended. A code means that it is further recommended by the code is to confirm something to put extra emphasis on it during the solder.

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When you pray, number one, you will mention I think only three of the 10 number one is when you pray.

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So before you pray, it is the sun that you use the miswak the position of the Hanabi Allah is based on this and based on this hadith Let's speak about this is that you can come and therefore use the miswak in the masjid use the miswak in the masjid. However, the position of of a number of the scholars such as Imam Malik Rahim Allah is that it is disliked to do so in the masjid. He used to be swept before you come in the masjid. And that's because he didn't like what he used to see in the mission of the prophets of salaam that people are using the SWAC what happens to bristles as you're using them, they start to come up there. What do people do with those bristles? spit them out.

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People aren't swallowing that stuff. They're gonna take it out and and sometimes you're removing

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come from a pieces of food and so on when people often do especially in olden days, because there's no carpets and rugs, people are spitting that stuff out. And so he would say, don't do this, don't do in the message, do it before you come into the Masjid. But the position of the majority is that it is allowed. And that is the main tip that we have as one number to one tea bag. And when you awaken, whether from sleeping at night, or sleeping during the day, it is recommended to use the miswak whatever you reframe, and to neutralize mouth odor odors, so someone who's sitting for a long time has eaten or drink or drank anything, most likely, they're going to have some some odor

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emanating from their mouth and so they see us the miswak the other ones that are not mentioned by the author. So these are like seven that aren't mentioned by the author is we'll do is we'll do

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the Hadith that speak about this. The process of them said

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we're not difficult for my own man would have commanded them to use the miswak some of the wedding say every Salah and some of them say every, every will do.

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That's number four now. Number five, reading the Quran, reciting the Quran, because you are reciting the words of Allah azza wa jal number six, entering the masjid

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and drink the masjid number seven.

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Leaving also re entering the house when you're going back home entering the house

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number eight after a long period of silence, and you haven't spoken how open your mouth and so again to remove any odors that may come. Number nine if you haven't eaten for a long time. That's one of the reasons why the person who is fasting has the odor emanating from the mouth and number 10 Is the yellowing of the teeth. If there's discoloration of the teeth, then it is also recommended to use the midsole these are the 10 places in the metal that it is recommended to use the swag. He says Rahimullah Tirana he begins from the right side of the mouth. What does that mean? The right side of the mouth?

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Where does he start from?

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So he says you do it with the left hand by that's the first thing he said you're doing horizontally. Now we're speaking about the direction where do you start from? Which direction do you go in?

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Right to left but where do you start from?

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Bottom from the right. So you start from the front of the Vinaya and then you go right brush that way and then you brush the left way. Right and some of the scholars say you do the upper teeth right first and left the lower teeth right first and left under the signal both sides right first and then both sides left that's what he's essentially saying here. At the end of this paragraph will tell you will be journey be familiar with Amon. He starts from the right side of his mouth starts from the right side of his mouth before he goes into the left side.

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Sinhala menekan were there he knew he Benwick Tehila withdraw when he moved Atanu there Decker in we're on the in the blue in the blue in Miami, Florida and FC was M Anna was MNL setting up while

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one should oil themselves sometimes and use coal an odd number of times. It is obligatory for men and women to circumcise at puberty so long as no harm is feared. And to do so at a young age is preferred the automaton and that goes into other issues that are also recommended right all of these issues to do with beautification or dormant your appearance right? So what does the surely I also say that you should oil yourselves sometimes ribbon, the word lib in Arabic language you'll see this in a number of a hadith the word rib means to do some things sometimes or periodically. But what that refers to depends on the issue that's being referred to. So sometimes it can be like for

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example, in this situation, what is good mean here, to oil and south. So to all your body to oil, your you know and similar to that in our time would be to use creams and other things and so on. What would you do? Sometimes Sometimes here means a one day on, one day off, one day on one day off. Now there are a number of a hadith which the Prophet Salam sometimes would walk barefoot, wouldn't wear shoes. Sometimes he would wear them sometimes he wouldn't, or the Hadith that say that sometimes he would comb his hair. Sometimes he wouldn't so long as it didn't become too unkempt. These are a number of things that we will do because the Sharia has this thing that the Muslims

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shouldn't be too preoccupied with their appearance, though that's something which is one of your main preoccupations, because that often leads to people twisting the rulings of the Sharia and doing things that they shouldn't be doing. And we'll see some examples of this in terms of what is haram. And so the Sharia law says it's okay to sometimes forego some of these luxuries helps you to appreciate the blessings of Allah azza wa jal helps you to have especially for men, a certain amount of toughness, you know, and this something which is commonly seen for those of you that have made hunch people struggle those two days in Haram

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Mina often was 35 they can't wear perfume, they can't wear deodorant, they can't comb their hair, they do a lot of things and people get upset because they know that they're smelling. They know that they don't look their best. They know that the I don't know the dye that they were using to color their hair black has now like run out, then all of the stuffs happening for the condo anything that stuck but people get very upset about that right and that's why the first thing they want to do as soon as Haram is get back to that hotel room we'll get back to that place in the tent. And you know the combat mashallah looking like a brand spanking new model, right so that's that's the nature of

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people should they shouldn't be like that, right? You shouldn't be so especially when it comes to worshipping Allah azza wa jal when it comes to the west of Allah subhanaw taala to forego certain things for Hajj or Umrah for fasting, or the person who has eaten is not using me sweat knows that his breath doesn't smell very good, knows that. But he should be patient with that just as other purse people around him when they smell that should also be patient with it. Because if it's something beloved to Allah subhanaw taala, then it should be beloved to you. Or at the very least, it shouldn't be a problem that you caused by you scowling or making a comment or looking in a

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certain way that makes that person feel self conscious. So that's something which you see within the Sharia, and to use curl an odd number of times. There are in some Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam before he slept, and each is three times you would use curl, you would use Gohan. And the one that he would use is something in Arabic, which is called ethmoid, a certain type of curl that he will use that is called F myth. And in some narrations, or some explanations of the Hadith three times in the right eye, two times in the left eye, that's what he will do, according to some of those narrations every night.

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Then he says Rahimullah to Allah. And this is the position of the method as we mentioned, in one of the principles at the beginning, it is obligatory for men and women to circumcise at puberty, meaning at the time of puberty, or just before it. Meaning when does it become an obligation, the key 10? When does it become obligation for a person to be circumcised for Muslim at the time of puberty, before that, as a woman, it is recommended, it's better. So child the baby's better. But at that time of blue is now an obligation, the position of the mother

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is or the main, the main position, or the method is that it is obligatory upon both men and women. Obviously, as you notice his initial difference of opinion even within the handling method, but this is the method, the method is that it is obligatory upon both. However, there are different ways of circumcising the boy and the girl, so as not to harm them. And that is why those are what Anna says, so long as no harm is feared. Because if it harms a person in any way that actually doesn't command or is harmful, doesn't help people to do something which harms them. So if there is fear, like a trustworthy doctor, or two or three, say, this person can't be circumcised going to be problematic

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for them is going to cause them medical issues and so on. In the Sharia says it's okay, because of the harm that may ensue. And to do so at a young age is preferred meaning even though it's not magic, obviously, to do our young ages better in terms of obviously, the pain and everything else much easier for for a young child to be circumcised, as opposed to someone who is older. And even though it's not mentioned here, but one of the issues that comes as a result of this is the issue of circumcision for new Muslims, and whether an adult has to be circumcised or not, that is also an issue of difference of opinion. However, as we know, as is mentioned, in the books of Hadith, the

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first one to be circumcised was who

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which Prophet

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Ibrahim alayhi salatu salam and he did so according to some generations at the age of 80.

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Not a young man by any metric and so anyway that's an issue of of difference of opinion also known

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as an Allahu ala icon where you cannot hold workable although nice lobby in one ad for shaping whatever he wrote will be sad as soon as they don't what have fortunately been whatever the model for when it for a while how Romanum So Noah wash run wash. He sorry, before I continue, I just forgot to mention that they were talking about Seebach he spoke about the dislike times we spoke about the highly recommended times those 10 And then every other time it is recommended mean to use them at any point of the day and mind. That's the third of those three categories

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is dislike to shave some of the head to pierced the ears of a boy remove the white hairs or dye them black. It is recommended to remove pubic hair trim the moustache, trim nails and remove underarm hair. It is prohibited to pluck facial hair to space teeth and to tattoo. So these are things that are when it comes to general appearance or general maintenance of a person's body things that are either disliked haram or recommended he begins Rahim Allah Tala with that which is disliked and that is a bizarre The first of them to shave some of the head to cut some of the head or to shave rather some of the head and leave other parts of the head and the rock

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A number of a hadith such as the narrations of urban armor, or the Allahu Anhu man other than Him, in which the prophets of salaam told people to avoid this in our because it's called Kansa. And it refers to shaving, not trimming. So people do now with their hair when they get some of it cut to different lengths, but it's cut. That's permissible. Because Kazar isn't trimming a different lens it is shaving part of the head, to the extent and that's also today, you see, and especially like amongst young people, that will shave part of the head lever the parts to patterns by shaving. That's what the surely is forbidding will suck but will only sobbing, and also that which is

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disliked, especially if there is no need to do so is to pierce the ears of a boy to pierce the ears of a boy as opposed to a girl and girl is permissible, because that is from the adornment of a girl before a boy. It is something which is disliked. And it is disliked because of

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why would it be disliked for a boy to Pierce's is

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because he's mimicking women. Right. And so because that is one of the general principles, the process and Cust the men who seek to mimic women, and the women who seek to make mimic men by the Shabbat. And so that's something which isn't permissible

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when not to push a bin and to remove white hair. And not is to pluck. That's what he means by removal. And so the meta position is that if someone wants to trim, I'd have the odd white hair and they want to trim it because it looks out of place or something, then that's something which is permissible, but to pluck it and completely remove it that is what is being referred to here. And there are a number of a hadith that speak about that as well.

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And that is because in some Hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, leave the white hair because that is from the number of Allah subhanaw taala that he places upon the believer, right pieces upon the believer, however, and that is why a number of the scholars as you know they hold the position that if the head goes right, they keep it white. However, there are also other Hadith that says that you should die it like that you should die it except with with black. And that's why he says whatever you do will be sad, or to die than black, to dye the hair black. And that is something which has a great deal of discussion, revolving this whole issue of dying with black and

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white refers to in the Hadith or speaking about it.

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However, in particular, if it's, it's a natural for such a person to have white hair, then for them to tie it is better. Because sometimes you see, for example, and I've seen this, like young children 1011, and they have a lot of white hair, maybe it's a genetic thing or medical thing I don't know, but you'll see. And I've seen this young child and he has a great deal of white hair, like for that child is going to be problematic. And it's obviously going to make them look much older than they actually are. And so, those types of people maybe even more so for them to like dye their hair and so on. However, dyeing their hair is something which you find

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is mentioned in some of the Sooners the difference of opinion being over this issue, whether you can use black dye or not, whether you can use black dye or not. But the position of the method is that you can't what is recommended is that is that is to remove pubic hair and had an Arabic language these words is dad had means to use a razor.

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Move it with a knife or some sharp implement that's the word is that because had mean something sharp. And so to remove it in other ways, is less preferable than to use in our time for example, a razor because that is what the Hadith say the wording refers to being removed in that way. That's number one. Number two have foreshadowing to trim the mustache. And the trimming of the mustache. The word half in Arabic language means to trim it very close to your skin not to remove it or shave it, but to trim it close to the skin. So you trim it so some people trim it but it's trimmed very lightly. And some people trim it more than after they first trim it you can see some of that you can

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make some of the skin beneath the mustache. That's what happens. That's what was recommended. And the sooner that you trim it to that extent, monastery to shave it but to trim it to that extent. And that's what you see, for example, some of our teachers and scholars. Sometimes it looks like they've shaved the hemorrhage team, they've just trimmed it very close to the skin

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or to clean will buffer to trim the nails. Obviously both fingers and toes were not flipped and remove underarm hair. And that can be done by plucking because that's the word not for what it means. But remove in any way is enough. Those are the things that are recommended. We mentioned at the beginning of this chapter. You mentioned in the beginning of this chapter that the recommended thing in the meth lab is that you do this once a week. You do this once a week so as to maintain your personal high

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chin. However, it's not obligatory to do so until in the madhhab, 40 days, once every 40 days, or if it becomes too long, like your nails have become too long your mustaches become too long. Why because most people's moustache may not last 40 days, for example, after a week or two is going to be extremely long going to be mixing in their food and drink and so on. So that's how you say look, that's too long. But otherwise, what's recommended is that it is done every week. And then he says ringlets or other moving on to that which is prohibited. Number one to pluck facial hair. And that is in Arabic Namsun nums is to pluck the facial hair such as eyebrows, such as eyelashes, even beard

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or because shaving, the beard is haram, and so plucking that as well, all of this would be considered to be nymphs. Number two, a washer, and a washer is to space the teeth. So someone has no space in between their teeth, and they physically make a space between them. And that is because it was the practice of the Arabs, that they would consider this to be a form of beauty. If a woman had this especially in her teeth, she had a gap a small gap between her front teeth, they would consider this to be a sign of beauty. So women as they do even in our time and men when they know that something's popular something which people like something which makes you look good, they're going

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to do that or find ways of doing it. However this is something which is forbidden and number three allusion to tattoo. Tattoos are not permissible in Islam and they're also from those things which have been forbidden

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accent Allah where they come

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and will follow the who Allah slowly word he woman hold firm, oval and worker slowly Are they any man male for clean? Or must have lots equally women who will oh man were accosted, did you Delaney manuka urbane, whatever at bhanwar Allah, they allow us to have us level going head Day a day for Mr. Kabila.

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Chapter will, it is obligatory, it's obligatory parts, washing the face including the mouth and the nose, washing the hands up to the elbows wiping over all of the head and ears, washing the feet including ankles, the correct order success eveness whereby a limb is not delayed in washing to the extent that one before it has dried.

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Chapter A widow has a number of principles before we go into it. Number one,

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is that the obligatory pots of voodoo or six, obligations of voodoo are six.

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Number two, its conditions are 10.

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The obligations of voodoo are six, it's conditions. Number two, the second principle is conditions or 10. Number three, the intentions that you have before we do or four times the intentions that you must have before making will do in order for that to be valid is one of four

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number four

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thick hair. White when the Sharia says thicker, like for example the beard thick hair is that which doesn't allow a person to see the skin beneath it.

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And lighter or thin hair is that which does allow a person to see the skin beneath it.

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That's the way that you measure those two things.

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Number five,

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the mother Mother,

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which is to wash the mouth

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requires you to put the water in your mouth

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to goggle the water and to spit it out. That is what we call mother. Those three things in the obviously in the most complete form if you want to make more than water in this most complete form.

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Number six is in sharp

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which is washing the nose is to pull up water into

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as far as you can into the nose to pull up or breathe in the water or sniffing the water as much as you can into your nose. And number seven, it is recommended to always in Bahara begin with the right side of the body is recommended and Tahara to always begin in the right side with the right side of the body. Those are the seven principles that we have the authority and authority then begins and he says concerning the first issue which are the obligations of voodoo, he says and there are six number one washing the face. I'll still watch the muscle of this chapter is the head the the verses of the Quran verse in Surah Nisa vs Surah either, which Allah azza wa jal speaks about the way to

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make wudu and Allah azza wa jal in that verse begins with the washing of the face. So that's the first one however, the Hannah Bella say that included in the face is it

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the nose and the mouth. So therefore, according to the handbook, you must have the mod model. And this didn't shock Awaji.

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They're also magic. So you can't choose to ignore them or leave them or dismiss them. Because they consider that to be from the face allows you to say what's your face, where are your nose and mouth, your face. And so that's the position. That's the position. So that includes the washing of the mountain, the nose, the second obligation is washing the hands up to the elbows.

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And that refers to washing the hands from the tips of your fingers up to an including your elbows, all of that. The first washing because we know the sooner we might have making model was the first thing you do.

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Wash your hands. It's the first thing you do like in terms of the actions, you wash your hands. So now if someone was to come in the window, and when he came to washing their forearms, they began from the wrist, like I already wash their hands. They began from the wrist and they watched him till elbow would that be considered valid, according to the handbook? Dimetapp? No, because the first one was sooner you didn't have to do it. This one has failed. And so Allah azza wa jal said,

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what do you do El Mirage Get your hands up to your elbows, and these are the hands, so long as we specified the hands, and washing them all the way up to the elbows, number three, wiping over the head, all of it

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will mean Hulu Nan and the IRS because just as the nose and the mouth are part of the face and the ears are part of the head. So the position of the Hanna biller is yes, you want over the head, but the ears are part of the as well. And so to wipe the ears is also something which is therefore an obligation. Number four, the fourth obligation and washing the feet including ankles, washing the feet, including the ankles, up to the ankles, and including the ankles. And obviously that includes the heels, the toes, all of that, that is the foot number five, the fifth obligation is to preserve the correct order to the table.

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So you have to make the will do in accordance to what Allah has commanded in the Quran. So if someone comes and washes their feet, and then goes on washes their face, you would say the feet didn't count, the washing of the faces where you started from, and you carry on from there. Tea has to be done in the correct order. And also because there's not a Hadith of the Prophet Salim in which he made will do except that he did it in order to have a single narration when he changed that order. Whereas the Sharia if it allows, if it allows changing an order like an homage, right, the devil How can I stone before I make the wall? Can I sacrifice before I cut my hair? The Sharia

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specifies right and the person said, yeah, no problem, no problem. But if it doesn't specify, like the prayer, the problem always prayed in one order. Never change the order that shows what that it's a it's an obligation.

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We're going to come to this.

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Number six, one will Walla. Walla means that it's done in succession.

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The question here is how do we define succession now in order, that's where you have different guidelines that the scholars have given, give different rules that they used the position of the Hanbury method, and the one that you will find in many of the methods actually that they use, when it comes to this is the one that's mentioned here by the author. And that is that he doesn't delay ylim in washing to the extent that the one before it has dried, right. So if someone's now washing their right arm, and their face has dried, we would say that wasn't done in in succession wasn't done in succession. So you have to go back and do it again. There is no as far as I'm aware, no

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explicit Hadith that measures this, that we have the opposite of measured this issue of Malala. And so the scholars differed over this what does that refer to some of them said it goes back to the earth of the people people's custom and what they would consider to be a will do or not do mean that if you saw someone doing the type of model where they watch their face, then they go then they come back would you say that person is still making Moodle or not because they had such a long time. But that's a difficult thing to do because it refers to personal judgment. And so what I have always tried to do is to give you a rule that's easier for you to follow than making your personal judgment

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because that's something which differs from person to person. So this is the one that the habila use that if the the limb that you watched before his drawing that means that you left too long the gap between that washing and the next one and so you have to start your will do again. After you defer cobbler

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Sinhala really come when was surely a toddler who was Looney Tune want to hurry toma in whatever had to do either to Maryam never was older when required remote job

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And it's condition and the conditions for bathing, I intention purifying water, that is permissible removal, removal of all things that which prevent the what the washing and stopping of anything that would nullify it. So the author, as we said, when it comes to the conditions of widow, and the conditions are those things that have to be present before you begin the action.

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If the conditions are not present, then the action is invalid. Right. So for example, someone comes to me will do, but they don't have the first condition, which is the NIA than the widow is invalid. So these conditions are that which has to be present before the beginning of the action. He said that there are 10, but the author only mentioned six, the first of them are intention. And this is for both

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every type of the hara, whether it's for major or minor, whether it's for Olson, or for, we'll do, number one is you need intention number two, that you must have met on the whole, surely find water, purifying water. Number three, that that water has to be permissible. And this is something which we've already discussed a number of times. Number four, the removal of all things

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that would prevent the washing,

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the removal of all things that would prevent the washing.

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So for example, someone has a leather * the arm might and it's not a cast, they can remove it, the Sharia says you must remove it before you make or do anything that's going to prevent water from touching, one of those limbs of widows must be removed before you make oldal. And that's why to the extent that some of the squatters are even on the position is that if you're wearing a ring that's very tight, doesn't allow water to go underneath it, then you remove that ring as well. Because otherwise that part of the finger won't be washed because of how tight the ring is. Anything that prevents water from touching one of those parts of the body is removed. And then he says and

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the stopping of anything which would nullify it when we thought well module mean that you constantly making wudu whilst you're still in the bathroom, urinating I mean, you construct one until as we said, you finish the other one, you remove impurity, and now you start with the Sahara. So that's what he's referring to when he says in Qatar and Boojum the stopping of anything which would otherwise nullify it so anything which nullifies the Moodle can be present because otherwise even if you start making although all you're doing is modifying it every time you stop

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the other ones that are not mentioned by the author

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most of them anyway are things like Islam right has to be a Muslim has to be seen badly has to have an uncle has to be able to have tummies at the child has over seven understands who might otherwise which isn't really valid for the child's unit they can make will do but it's not really although there is valid stinginess tomorrow as we already mentioned, that they have to make sure they cleanse the area and so these are the conditions that you will find

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I said Allah really come what Eddie Murphy he met this Mia to medical for when we are in the lab yes hearing of alhaja Thea with Baja Latinas for that in Metalla are in our use and Nola. We're in our mail you send Nullah who got the law at InWa and in will have a check in welcome Bob. I will now what did you do then as you and her daughter who I will host Lynette we do it in a way you didn't notify her that were in Delaware at that one for an hour I had a headache whatever I could do her.

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In both it is obligatory to mention Allah's Name if one remembers to intend that the time or just before it the lifting of ritual impurity or purification for prayer. For example, if one intends it for something recommended, such as recitation, then removal of doubt, anger, wants to renew it, forgetting that he had nullified it, or bathes for something like Jumeirah who made his ritual impurity state is lifted. If more than one ritual ritually impure state is upon him and he intends for lifting of one rest also lifted

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automata Anna speaks about two issues number one is the test missing Bismillah at the beginning of the hara, and number two the intentions that a person needs to have in order to be able to you know make that the hara valid. When it comes to the issue of the test meow and the word test Mia means to say Bismillah the position of the Hanbury madhhab is that it is an obligation if one remembers but if one forgets then it is forgiven.

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So if you come to make wudu and you remember that you had to say Bismillah, but you didn't do so, then the Hanbali method position is that your will is no longer valid. However, if you genuinely forgot, then you will do is valid. The question here now is what if you remember in the middle of Moodle? So you're wiping over your head now and now you really

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Remember, what is the madhhab say?

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Start again, that's the Hanbali position, that's the mother position, start again. And the other UI there is no you say Bismillah and carry on. But the position, the Hanbali position, the mother position is that you will start again see Bismillah and start again, because you remember wants to be able to still say that is me and perform, perform whoodle.

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The author Hamlet, Allah says at the time of the intention is made at the time or just before it. So now you're about to make will do, either at the time of starting your Moodle or just before it as you're getting ready to make, although that is the timing of the intention, what are the different intentions that you can have, he says, Am I allowed to either the first of them is rough on Hadith,

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that you will lifting from yourself to state of ritual impurity. That's my intention. So I'm going into make will do with what my intention being that I just went to the bathroom, and I want to lift off for myself, that intention of or that state of ritual impurity, that's sufficient, as an intention or at the heart of the Salah T method. Or that intention is purification for an act of worship that requires it like the sada like the tawaf are, these are obligatory acts of worship, that you need for them the act of wudu. So what do you do? You you own, for example, touching the most half, right, one of these are obligatory, and so therefore, you have that intention. So you

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have the choice. Either you're trying to remove the spiritual impurity or your intention is for an act of, of worship that you're going to perform.

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He then says Rahim, Allah to Allah or the intention is for something that you are recommended to do

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will do for or for something that you are recommended to make will do for like, recitation of the Quran. Right? It's not magic, but it's recommended that you want to stata will do if you're reading the Quran from memory, or the other than the Elven recommended for him to be in a state of Moodle when he makes the Adhan or offering Shaq, what he wants to remove from himself the doubt, right, he wants to remove something from that because he wants to remember Allah subhana wa Tada, or hadham He is angry at the Hadith says if one of us angry, then let him go and make will do on our tragedy, then ASEAN hada Oh, he wants to renew it, forgetting that he had nullified it.

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The issue of the deed, right the deed, so is renewing a widow.

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But if he forgot that he nullified it, then that will do now is, is correct. But if he just makes the deed, we just mix the deed knowing because some people make will do just to cool themselves down.

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Or they just renew they will do. That type of person, if he's broken his widow is not sufficient. Because there was no reason for him to renew it.

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It's not recommended for him to renew it in that way. Meaning he didn't want to do an act of recommended recommended worship, that are obligatory act of worship that he wanted to perform. They don't want to live for himself as a ritual impurity. So the author says that doesn't count. But if he had broken his word, and he'd forgotten and he just thought he was renewing it. And then later on, he remembers that he broke his widow. That's sufficient. Because what he did actually was correct in the sense of him needing to make wudu or he beads for something like salatu Jamara Salah to read, right? Then all of this automata Allah says all of this lifts your ritual impurity. So any

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of these types of intentions that you may have anything like this, so you want to pray, so you're making model you went to the bathroom, so you're making the middle, anything like this, or is Joomla and so you're taking muscle or whatever it may be, that all of this will lift your mind state of ritual impurity.

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He says Rahim Allah to Allah if more than one ritually impure state is upon him and he intends for the lifting of one the rest are also also lifted. The what is referring to here is now someone broke that will do and he did a number of things that breaks they will do he passed when urinated, for example, or he had pre seminal fluid Come out of him a number of things, all each one of them breaks the law, does he now have to intend all of them to be lifted was one enough? The author says the position of the mentor is that one is enough. One is enough. Included in this therefore also is that if a person needs to make muscle

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and will do because they're in a state of major ritual impurity, hackathon Akbar it is sufficient for them to intend the major one and the minor one will come beneath it. So someone needs to make listen

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to they have to have the intention.

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for both they can do but if they have the intention only for awesome it's sufficient it is sufficient However, what if they don't have to make model?

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They don't have to make sorry. Awesome. So someone wants to take a bath on Friday because the Jamar

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does that bath include within it the window and obviously we're talking about someone who doesn't make wudu in their lesson by not making although he's just doing a general shower is pouring water over himself. Is that included? Not an obligation for them today also on that day now it's sitting there for them to do so. Is that included? The Med hub is that Islam?

00:55:41 --> 00:55:52

By them is that is not right and so that person would have to have to make for themselves a separate model and Allah azza wa jal knows best

00:55:54 --> 00:56:04

accent Allahu ala calm Are you send no onion we will you send no onion we are in the A William is known in what are called lower JB vion with my yo Sam Mia to Mayor Latino Cafe he

00:56:07 --> 00:56:50

said Allah Welcome to my yo send me to my yellow sila cafe that to my mother mother from Maya stenchy Kobe I mean we extend the Ruby use raw that earth and that to my LC language you have women member Tisha idea what's in my daddy madam and Heather Amina Allah you knew what then? What the cannula when a banal Oh Dona in Yalova YMMV Himanshi I didn't have even wobba He didn't get Eve or you call little bell Tina from Maya de Hema middle of Africa you need while you're near CD was up in delta delta to my M several lotsa who to my M several not so to my M several do an AU model for males Hello DJ humanity they need

00:56:51 --> 00:57:02

to may Apolo raffia and bussola Wallace, Shadow Allah inna in la mala who the hula Sherry gotta watch had to Anna, Mohammed and Abdullah who knows who.

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It is recommended to make the intention before the first recommended act performed before an obligatory act. He makes the intention then says Allah's name, then washes his hands three times. Next, he washes his mouth and pulls water into his nose using the right hand and pushes up pushes it out using the left hand three times. He then washes his face from where his hairline would usually begin on his forehead along with the sides of his face and chin lengthways and from ear to ear with boys, including in this anything here, and what shows have thick hair, putting his hand through it. Next, he washes his hands up to an including his elbows, trace amounts of dirt beneath the nails is

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overlooked. He then wept over his head and ears once he then washes his feet including ankles three times. He then says whilst looking to the heavens, I testify that no one has the right to be worshipped except Allah alone. And without partner. I testify that Muhammad is slave and messenger both Ramadan speaks is doing to us the description of will do including all of the Sunnah in the recommendations and obligations right this is how you should make although he said he says Rahim Allah to Allah it is recommended to make the intention before the first recommended act performed before an obligatory act, meaning what time does the intention have to be present? What's the

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earliest moment he says it is recommended to do it before the first recommended activities, the first recommended act in will do

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washing the hands. Right? But it becomes wardrobe when the intention to have the intention becomes watch when before the first obligatory act. And the obligatory Act would be what?

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Intention we're talking about the intention when the intention of St. Allah's name right, if you remember saying Bismillah right. And so that's what he's referring to. So that's why he then says he makes the intention then says Allah's Name. Right, based upon everything we just discussed about intention and so on. And then he washes his hands three times. Next, he washes his mouth, then pulls water into his nose using the right hand and pushes it out using the left hand three times for the nose and the mouth. Does he take it with one water? Or does he do distinct ones for both right you will find both positions in the military. But as far as I remember, my memory serves correctly the

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meta position is that he takes different water, one for the mouth and one for the for the nose and Allah azza wa jal knows best.

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He then washes his face from where his hairline would usually begin on his forehead, along with the side of his face. And so when it comes to washing the mouth, as we said, three things have to be the number one water has to be placed in the mouth.

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Have number two or has to be moved around has to be run even if just a small amount. And number three, it has to be spat spat out. The first two are what are generally considered to be the mother Mother. First two are generally well considered to be the mother Mother. And so the position of the method because it's widely been the method is that you put water in your mouth. And even if you move it a small amount, that's enough, you don't have to go go, you don't have to the minimum amount that you must do is you move it slowly and gently if you're pouring water into your mouth, and then you're going to spit it out, it's going to move to that extent anyway. And likewise with the, with

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the stern shark, putting up water into the nose, and then using the left hand to blow out again. He says he then washes his face from where his hairline would usually begin on his forehead, along with the sides of his face and chin lengthways. And from ear to ear with waves, including in this any thin hair. As we said, if it's thin hair, what's the red

01:00:56 --> 01:00:57

fin has to be

01:00:58 --> 01:00:59


01:01:00 --> 01:01:26

Fin hair has to be washed. So someone for example, a young lad, a young boy who's just starting his beard just starting to grow, doesn't have much of a beard, that person has to wash their face, wash all of that hair, right, your eyebrows have to be washed, your eyelashes have to be washed. These are small amounts of hair that need to be washed. However, if it's a thicker amount of hair, then he just has to wash the outside of it.

01:01:27 --> 01:01:40

And it is the sunnah to put his fingers through it right to wet as much as he can on the inside. But what is why our job is to wash the outside. Right? That is what is watching.

01:01:42 --> 01:02:22

And to put your fingers through it that is recommended. Next he washes his hands up to and including his elbows and as we said, starting with the hands the fingertips all the way up to an including albums. And the author says trace amounts of dirt beneath the nails is overlooked because as we said one of the principles of the Sharia is that if something is traced, it's small, it's negligible. The Sharia overlooks it just because of how difficult it would be on each and every single occasion to you know, be sure that there is no trace amount of debt that would that would that isn't present there. He then wipes over his head and ears once. He then washes his feet including ankles three

01:02:22 --> 01:02:34

times. He then says was looking to the heavens. I testify the man has the right to be worshipped except Allah alone with that power partner and I testify that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam is Stephen messenger. What is the dog that he doesn't mention here?

01:02:36 --> 01:02:36

Most of the Dalai

01:02:38 --> 01:03:02

Lama journey the two were been with Jiang liminal Matata hearing and that is an authentic narration and it is on that hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam whoever makes a will do the perfect they will do and then they see this Torah or of its agenda will be open for them they may enter into it from whichever they wish and so there are numerous Hadith that speak about the following the virtual reward of making Moodle and making this Taha

01:03:08 --> 01:03:09

gets into your water

01:03:13 --> 01:03:15

but if there's a scarcity of water what is the surely I say

01:03:17 --> 01:03:29

use the waterfall because there's stuff that scares that is optional between drinking and making although the surely I would say you don't have to and we'll come on to that inshallah when you come to the chapter have to know

01:03:30 --> 01:03:39

Sinhala really come Where was he to call Tyrone back here finally while you bear who then Chief on one more Indian woman will there be evening one hour Who

01:03:41 --> 01:04:08

are you send no for you. Although ncwa Cornwell was with us Luca Fay in in lemmya Kanaka human me no million in NAPLAN label Joe in fire Jim. While butter Tocopilla slavery Hindi mother mama invest in Cha OMO Bella cotton female diva unius la him are definitely getting captivating whilst labia what else labiatae am wondering what that is what also domain Jedidiah lil or domain well was that 110 Yet one whatever Anita Well, Cody you have

01:04:11 --> 01:04:54

the one who has a severed limb must wash what remains, it is recommended dry himself and to have a helper whoever is washed with his permission and intense so he has a valid ablution it is recommended in widow to use them as work to wash the hands so long as he has not awoken from a night's sleep which nullifies model, in which case it is obligatory. It is also recommended to begin with the mouth and nose before washing the face and to do so forcefully unless fasting to run wet fingers through a thick beard to wash between the fingers and toes to begin with the right to rub with the hands to use new water for the ears and to make the second and third washes more than more

01:04:54 --> 01:04:59

than this is disliked. Both are 100 Tara mentions an issue and that is if someone has a severed limb

01:05:00 --> 01:05:41

What does he wash? He says he washes what remains. Someone, for example, has half of their forearm missing their hand and half of their forearm missing. The shipyard says, Can you miss out that the rest of it? No, he must wash it up until the elbow. And if the whole of that limb is missing, so he has only up to here, that's where they differ to see just what from the small amount that's there, or does he not have to do anything but otherwise he washes what remains from that which is recommended also, and these are the Sunon number one is to dry yourself, after you have performed will do. Number two, Maureen if you need to help her to have her help, as we already mentioned

01:05:41 --> 01:06:18

before, in the Hadith that we covered, and whoever is washed with his permission and intense so it is valid for him so someone's sick, find it difficult to make physically the widow themselves but they say you make my little funny meaning that you take the water and you wash the parts of his body you make his widow in that way that is considered to be valid because his intention was present, and he doesn't have the physical ability to do so himself or herself. He says It is also recommended in the widow Tuesday miswak which we've already mentioned, to wash the hands so long as he has not woken up from a night's sleep which nullifies will do in which case it is obligatory. So every other

01:06:18 --> 01:06:22

sleep a nap is a sunnah when you wake up to wash your hands before you do anything else.

01:06:23 --> 01:06:29

Right? That's the Sunnah. But if you wake up from a night's sleep, which nullifies what's the night's sleep that nullifies will do

01:06:32 --> 01:06:34

then it doesn't matter if I will do

01:06:37 --> 01:06:40

what is the night asleep that nullifies will do, he says here,

01:06:42 --> 01:06:45

so long as he has not awoken from a night's sleep, which nullifies will do

01:06:48 --> 01:07:29

a deep sleep, that's the main sleep. Because otherwise if someone just just nodding off or they have just a couple of other companions, just to do the mystery, that they're waiting for Swat, Russia, and so on. That's not what we're referring to, we're referring to someone who sleeps sleeps properly at night, and then they wake up for them. As we said, the minimum is the to wash their hands is watch it not sooner, but otherwise, it is a sooner it was also recommended to begin with the mouth and nose before washing the face before washing the face. And to do so forcefully and as fasting meaning goblin when washing the mouth, blowing or pulling up the water on the nose, with with power

01:07:29 --> 01:07:48

mic, that's also something blowing it out. Likewise, forcefully. That's also something which is recommended unless the person is fasting because of the Hadith of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe salam to run wet fingers through a thick beard, as we mentioned before, right to wash between the fingers and toes. This is called the clean Alasania. How do you wash between the fingers?

01:07:49 --> 01:07:51

Someone showed me how do you wash between the fingers?

01:07:53 --> 01:07:55

Yeah, so the mother position is like this.

01:07:58 --> 01:08:16

How they describe it. But any any one of those like is is like does but this is the way they would say like this, right? Because that way you ensure that what was reaching in between as well as this may be less so but the tips of your fingers are always going to be more accurate in terms of these types of issues.

01:08:17 --> 01:08:27

Will tell you I'm going to begin with the right so to begin with the right is sunnah. Let me ask you this question. Therefore someone's making Moodle. And when it comes to washing their forearms, they wash the left one before the right one.

01:08:28 --> 01:09:09

That permissible? Yes, it's permissible. So the order when we say a tea is obligatory, we're talking about the order of the limbs, not within the limbs. And that's why he says is recommended in the washing of the face to wash the mouth and nose before the face. But if someone wants to hold face, then wash them out the nose, the mouth app says it is still correct. And that is an important thing to remember distinction to remember what the * can and to rub with the hands, meaning that you make sure that the water has reached everywhere because if you just pour water, it's likely that you may miss certain parts of the lip but if you run your hands over the limb, then you're more likely

01:09:09 --> 01:09:50

to ensure that water has gone everywhere. Well hello Matt and Julian and although Nene and there is the method that use fresh water for the IRS, even though as we know there are a number of a hadith that say they use the same water for the hair and for the ears, but there are other generations that say this as one and this is the mouth position and to make the second and third washes meaning in widow to wash once every limb that needs to be washed to wash it once is obligatory to wash it more than once is recommended. And that is because there is established in the books of the Sunnah of the Prophet is seldom used to make wudu Margaret and Mara, Marathi and Marathi and ferrata Murat

01:09:50 --> 01:10:00

ahaadeeth. I say that he only washed himself once in order. And the Hadith has said that he only washed twice in order and the Hadith that say that he washed three times in order and then he says

01:10:00 --> 01:10:30

What's out there? What do you have for oha? But more for QA and more than this is disliked because it's not narrated, not narrated that the officers have ever watched himself four times in all five times in order and that's why it is disliked. And so therefore, once twice, three times, all of them are permissible one is obligatory, two and three are recommended three being the optimum number, the optimum number in that regard. Okay, let's take a break inshallah Tada for about 10 minutes and finish

01:20:36 --> 01:20:41

Learn from the below solid or cinnabar also the law Harada he also became my bad

01:20:46 --> 01:21:30

Sinhala they come, Babu chapter will and Abby Harada are the Allahu Anhu and once only Allah is Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam Alcon Lola and national partner Umatilla monotone busywork, a man called Li Wu kraja HumanIK wahama the oneness, you also home no Hoceima Abba Herrera narrated Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi salam said, we're not but where it's not burdensome for my ummah, I would have commanded them to use Ewok with every ablution created by Malik, Muhammad and necessity and authenticated by Ben Hoceima, this hadith in the wording of Bosnian Muslim so obviously, it's a more authentic wording. The Prophet Salam said, I would have commanded them to use

01:21:30 --> 01:21:42

the seawater with every prayer, my ablution every prayer. So the question here is, why did the author mention this wedding? Even though we have a wedding in Bukhari and Muslim which is more authentic?

01:21:44 --> 01:21:49

On a benefit something from the way the scholars of Hadith compiled books and accounts,

01:21:51 --> 01:22:25

because it's more pertinent to the chapter that we're in, we're discussing the chapter of Waldo. So for him to use the wording that contains will do makes more sense than the wording that doesn't contain although, and so sometimes you'll even get an explanation of Buhari, like he knows the wording in our body. It's not like he's unaware. But this is something which they do is often in the chapters of faith. They will use a word even though there's a more authentic and established wording also that has been rated from the Prophet Salam, but simply because of its relevance to the chapter and this you will find in books of after either you will find this in the books of faith you will

01:22:25 --> 01:22:30

find this in many different books that the scholars have authored on different issues.

01:22:31 --> 01:23:09

As an anomaly come one who Marana AND narrows man or the Allahu Anhu the IRB Waldo in Felco Salah cafe that I met a lot through my mother Nava was 10 Check our stencil to never set our water timer lot to mega Salah, the whole new Elan middle Falco, then as a Marwan to Medusa Rahmatullah the lake to Mombasa Have you not seen from Malka salary Jada volume now you know Gabbay Anita medulla from a noose Rahmatullah Dalek to map on on a tool on sunnah Allah He Sanlam Allahu Allah He was a limiter Burnett will be the de facto gnarly

01:23:11 --> 01:23:13

runner on the Arabic

01:23:15 --> 01:23:17

but the Lord's like the actual book

01:23:19 --> 01:23:22

think the greatest hammer on what homegrown

01:23:23 --> 01:23:28

someone has Arabic like the actual Boulogne, Madame otro Hadith number 30.

01:23:50 --> 01:23:50


01:23:53 --> 01:24:32

camera camera on the rated Earth man called for water to perform ablution he washed the palms of his hands three times, then rinsed his mouth and sniffed water in his nose, then blew it out. He then washed his face three times. Thereafter he washed his right hand up to his elbow three times in the left one likewise. Then he passed wet hands on his head. Then he washed his right foot up to the ankle three times, then the left one likewise. He then said I saw Allah's Messenger Salallahu Salam performing ablution like this abolition of mine agreed upon Tamron is from Ron is the the slave of the amount of the Allah Juan is writing this Hadith from him and Earthman is the Khalifa.

01:24:33 --> 01:25:00

And so the man of the Allahu Allah asks him to bring water and then he describes him or shows him practically the widow of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam in all of the chapters of faith. We have in every chapter of faith when it comes to a hadith, what we call the apostle Phil Bab, right the Hadith are considered to be the foundation of this chapter in terms of narrations. This hadith is one of those in will do. This hadith is one of the most famous ones because it's agreed upon by Bukhari and Muslim

01:25:00 --> 01:25:10

It's so different it's authenticity but also because of its content. And that is the truth malady Allah one went into and showed the complete widow of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

01:25:11 --> 01:25:33

accent Allah who they come when and en la the Allahu Anhu fields if it will do in Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Alcon Warmaster hubiera not seen either a halogen who Abu Dawood Ali said concerning the description of the Prophet salallahu Salam solution, he wiped his head once collected by Abu Dawood therefore what's what do we benefit from this edition? Compared to the hadith of Earthman

01:25:35 --> 01:25:38

what are we benefiting in this wording rally

01:25:41 --> 01:25:42

how's it more detail

01:25:43 --> 01:25:44


01:25:46 --> 01:25:47

I said what another one as well.

01:25:49 --> 01:25:58

He said once what is in the Hadith man he doesn't specify the number but here what he's saying is meaning once per use what over it once

01:25:59 --> 01:26:16

as an Alajuela econ, well and Abdullah hip knee as he the beginning is the type of should be even Zaid accent, Alavi alaykum wa and Abdullah hip knee is a they are an app de la hip knee is a dibny I'll say middle of the Allahu Anhu obviously fatin will do you call

01:26:17 --> 01:26:58

and we'll call Warmaster Hassan Allahu Allah He is sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Army ROTC Valco Bella BIA they were developed with death upon la vie Loveman. By the Aviemore parte de mi ROTC Domi said Allah will come by the me mocha Demi lotze had their hair Bobby Hema Isla Casa Tamara de Houma Eden Mecca Annie levy by the mean and the live in Zaid Nelson said concerning the description of the prophets, Allah Salam solution, he wiped over his head starting from the front of the head to the back and back again, agreed upon in another wording he bought, he began at the front of the head, then wiped until he reached the back. He then bought his hands back to where he began from. This is

01:26:58 --> 01:27:05

the description of how the profit of solemn will result in although what is the Hadith say? He began from the

01:27:06 --> 01:27:26

beginning of his head, then took his hands all the way back, then brought them all the way to the front. And in other Hadith on other wedding, started from the front hand, man to the to the back. Does anyone know the other narrations in the books of the Sunnah, that's describe different alternative ways of wiping over the head.

01:27:29 --> 01:27:36

Of the narration, this is the most famous one of the most authentic one, because of who clicks this hadith, but where else?

01:27:37 --> 01:27:39

Or what are the other wordings that we find? Anyone know?

01:27:41 --> 01:27:42

We will agree that it's once

01:27:49 --> 01:28:28

the Sunda like I'm not speaking about what's the minimum? What's the obligatory amount they have to wipe over? Like, what other descriptions do we have in the way the prophets and Mister wipe over his head? It's reported the opposite that he would begin from the back and he would come to the front. That's another way that's reported in some of the weddings. And the other way that he would, that is narrated also is and you know, the younger guys will probably appreciate this more is that he would wipe each side according to the direction of his hair like this, like this, like this, like this. Right? Not to do what because what happens as soon as you do this, right, all that money you spent

01:28:28 --> 01:28:28


01:28:30 --> 01:29:01

hair products just went out the window. So it is the alterations and so sometimes if a person's in that situation, this is a common thing. Someone's at work right and they have like a meeting and they have to pray beforehand, and they're all stressed. They've taken a bag full of combs and everything else because then as soon as they make although like you have this in the Sunnah as well however there should these other methods are done here and they're the one that's most established and the one that is most authentic. The one that is most famous for the Prophet Solomon is the one that we find here this hadith of Abdullah Z about the alohar

01:29:02 --> 01:29:37

Sinhala weenie come well, and I'm delighted me I'm Ravi Allahu Anhu mafiosi fatin although Yeah, no call to Mombasa Hassan Allahu alayhi wa sallam and do not say what are the holidays? Why is a better individual donee? Well Mr. Habib have a newborn you know donee of Raja Hua Buddha wilderness. II also have no Hoceima and to live in Ambleside concerning the description of the Prophet salallahu Salam solution. He then wiped over his head and entities index fingers into his ears, and then used his thumbs to wipe over the outer part of his ears collected by a Buddha award an essay an authenticated by Ben Hoceima

01:29:39 --> 01:29:59

Well, I never You will no doubt all the Allahu Anhu and now we'll call upon Simone Allah His Allahu alayhi wa sallam either stay ahead your commitment me here for less than delta, the inner shine you can be to identify you Schumi motif upon gnarly Ebola narrator that allows messengers on loaded Salam said when one of you awakens from sleep

01:30:00 --> 01:30:03

Let him blow his nose out three times for Satan sleeps in his nostrils

01:30:07 --> 01:30:38

who and who won? Who won? Who does stay cola? Hadoken me know me fella amusia who fill in at Dale sila heard that for inner hula Yeah, did he ain't that yeah do whatever con La Bajada enough for Muslim. He also narrated when one of you awakens from sleep, he should not enter his hand into a vessel until he washes until he first washes it three times four does not know where his hand went as he slept agreed upon. And this is a wedding of Muslim. Some of the Sharia, you will see

01:30:39 --> 01:31:10

some of these a hadith and these things that are mentioned in the Sunnah. One of the things that we are trying to do is also to remove people from situations that are frowned upon that people just natures and they're just like your by your nature, you dislike someone who just wakes up, they've had a long sleep and they come down and they start touching your food, or I'm gonna make you breakfast. And so he's they're touching your bread and your eggs and he's touching all of the food that you're going to eat. A lot of people don't like that. At least go to the bathroom, wash your hands, wash your face, brush your teeth, and then come and start preparing people's food. Right?

01:31:10 --> 01:31:44

That's a general thing before you start preparing food wash your hands before you start. So you will see in the shipyard those things that people dislike, just by their nature, dislike to them, right, that's something which is which is which is problematic, right? It's something which also the shipyard says you should bear that stuff in mind. And so if you know that certain things, because people's cultures and customs also different that way, you know that certain people dislike certain things, right? They dislike certain things. So, for example, in our time, right, it would be disliked for a person to spit in the masjid. But only was a hadith in which the Companions used to

01:31:44 --> 01:32:14

do some obviously didn't have carpets and rugs. But they used to spit in the toilet and send them or they used to blow up their nose in the time of the rostrum in the masjid. Right. And so that's what you have those Hadith that speak about the manner in which to do this. Now in many cultures, or especially in our western cultures, that's something disliked, right? People don't like to see that stuff from other people and other cultures is normal. They don't have an issue with it's not a problem in their communities and so on. And so if you're in a place where it's disliked, and that's not the norm, and people would frown upon that and the Muslim should also stick to those norms so

01:32:14 --> 01:32:15

long as there is nothing haram in it.

01:32:16 --> 01:32:21

Accent Allah welcome. We're unlocking YouTube new Sabella talebi soapy water

01:32:25 --> 01:33:03

accent Allah when they come, we're undoubtedly living in slavery or not at all the Allahu Anhu Animoca naqada Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, us be reloadable we'll call Little Wayne and El sabia Abellio Phyllis tincher He learned Hakuna saw Eema across the whole Aruba also have no Hoceima but the worry me that I would have to rewire either the whatever malt mill located in Slovenia narrated that Allah's Messenger SallAllahu sallam said perfect your ablution wash in between the digits throw water into your nose forcefully unless fasting collected by the for and authenticated by Ivan Hoceima.

01:33:04 --> 01:33:40

In Abu Dhabi was wording when you when you perform ablution then wash your mouth. He surely places a great emphasis on his burgle will do perfecting your odo or completing your Wardour meaning fulfilling all of its sunnah and making sure everything is washed correctly, taking your time doing it diligently. There are numerous Hadith that speak about the virtues and the rewards for such people and the way that Allah azza wa jal honors them. By doing that if they make after the asana or they ask Allah make plan or they make Toba and so on. And so that's something we shouldn't be dismissed. And it was a practice of the self or some of them that if they came through hardship and

01:33:40 --> 01:33:47

difficulty or they had to hide that they really need an answer. They need Allah's help and something this is one of the things that they will do. Make his bible

01:33:48 --> 01:33:51

so that's something we shouldn't be dismissed or taken lightly.

01:33:52 --> 01:34:11

That's an Allah hillicon We're an Earth man Alami Allahu Anhu and Nabil sallallahu alayhi wa sallam again and you will call me Lola later who Phil although a fraud routine maybe you also have no Jose Emma was mandated that the prophets Allah Salam used to pass his fingers through his beard during a pollution collected by 10 million authenticated by Juan Jose Emma

01:34:12 --> 01:34:37

well Abdullah in his ADA Radi Allahu Anhu and then the videos on Allahu Allah use a lemma atta beefalo time mod. Vijay Isla de Luca Vijay Isla de Luca de la I, across the whole argument also held no Hoceima and alive in zayde narrated that the prophets allowed Islam was brought two thirds of a month and began to rub water in his arms collected by Amazon and authenticate vitamin Hoceima. This will be mentioned by the author

01:34:38 --> 01:34:46

from time to time in terms of what the person would use in terms of quantity of water for though and for also right that's going to be mentioned and will speak about in more detail

01:35:00 --> 01:35:37

accent Alajuela come where and who I know Ron Nabil sallallahu alayhi wa salam ala Julio donee Hema and Phillip Alma and Lydia Daniella say for the whole day happy well who are in the Muslim in minha delivered here we love them. Well master Have you not see Bhima Innova Yura Leah they here the one who will manifold. He also narrated that he saw the Prophet salallahu Salam take water for for his ears. Other than the water he used for his head collected while basically it is also collected by Muslim but with the wording he wiped over his head with water not used for his arms. This wording is better preserved also difference between the two wordings.

01:35:38 --> 01:35:39

What was the first one say

01:35:40 --> 01:35:42

that you took fresh water for his

01:35:43 --> 01:35:45

ears? What is the second one say

01:35:49 --> 01:35:50


01:35:52 --> 01:35:53

the what's the difference between the two?

01:35:54 --> 01:36:10

That narration is used for the HANA video to see what the first one that when it comes to wiping your ears you take fresh water for it. And then the author of methodical Hotjar says but what is stronger or the wedding that is more accurate is the wedding of Sahih Muslim

01:36:11 --> 01:36:18

which is an authentic narration and that is that it is the owner it is saying that it was he's taking fresh water for wiping over his head.

01:36:19 --> 01:36:30

And that is why the position of many of the scholars is that you take one water for the head and the ears as opposed to two distinct ones. But you can see why there's a difference amongst the scholars because of these different wordings.

01:36:31 --> 01:37:08

That's another along really well and me Hold on I thought all the Allahu anwender Who called me and told us Hola Hola, he's Allah Allahu alayhi wa salam ala Khun in Marathi tuna Yeoman creo. Mattia Waterland Mohammed Julian I mean at that it will do feminist Allah I mean, come on up level rather Ophelia Val, whatever corner either he will love fully Muslim, Abu Huraira narrated that he heard Allah's Messenger Salallahu Alaihe Salam say, my own man, the day of judgment will come illuminated limbs from the effects of ablution. So whoever can increase his illumination should do so agreed upon and this wording is full of Muslim. What does that mean? Whoever can increase his illumination

01:37:08 --> 01:37:13

should do so? How did the Buddha or the Allahu Android or the Hadith understand this hadith.

01:37:15 --> 01:37:17

But wipe all the way to his shoulders.

01:37:18 --> 01:37:27

He will wash sorry, all the way to his shoulders, and he would wash all the way up to his shins or above. In Waldo. That's how he understood this hadith.

01:37:28 --> 01:37:34

And not Him or me, but a number of his students and other scholars as well. And the majority understood it to mean what

01:37:35 --> 01:37:38

how do you increase illumination? was he referring to

01:37:41 --> 01:37:42


01:37:43 --> 01:38:17

how many times how often you make model meaning that the believer should always be in a state of war, they should always be renewing the old one freshening they will do and so on and so forth. That's how the majority of the study and this is a good example of some issues that you will come across in the books of faith where in the early parts of Islam, there are differences of opinion as to the ruling prover time and especially towards the latter times, the majority of the Muslim scholars, if not all of them agreed on one position. So it's as if the other position became, you know, it became abandoned. And there's a number of examples of this that you will find from the time

01:38:17 --> 01:38:50

of the companions the Companions themselves have different interpretation of this hadith, the tab you're in and so on and so forth. However, as you progress, you find that Muslim scholars generally speaking like I don't know if anyone Allah knows best today that says that this is what you should do. Maybe there are some scholars I don't know Adam, but the majority that I have come across in my readings and so on from the last generations are of the position of the majority and that is as referring to frequency although meaning you should always make although as often as you can, as best I can allow you to come when I shut down all the yunlong or enhance codons canon nebules Allahu

01:38:50 --> 01:39:15

Allah your selama your gebouw Dr. Mona V that V Dennett, accent Olalekan can interview someone Allahu alayhi wa salam, your OG boyhood they are mono feet and are only whatever Julie what the Holy he will fuchsia and equally whatever corner they actually narrated the prophets Allah said and prefer to start with the right in putting on his shoes, combing his hair, his purification all his affairs agreed upon.

01:39:16 --> 01:39:36

Whenever you already know tell all the Allahu Anwendung kala kala Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam either there will work to him forever that will be May I mean you come across a whole lot of that was a * no Hoceima will hold on and the reason that Allah's Messenger SallAllahu sallam said when you when you perform model begin with the right collection by the foreign authenticated Bible because Amer

01:39:37 --> 01:39:59

well and in removing your lat evening shorter better la Vela who and when the NABI sallallahu alayhi wa sallam it was a messy hobby now see it for Mr. Hobby Nelson Yeti, what I learned Eema medieval profane, a Kannada home Muslim and mobula ensure venerated that the prophets Allah is Allah made widow and wiped over his forelock, turban and socks collected by Muslim Hadith

01:40:00 --> 01:40:06

This issue of wiping over other things like the terminal so I'm gonna come on up because the next chapter is wiping over the socks and

01:40:07 --> 01:40:18

x and Lola Rangel betydning Abdullah here on the Allahu anhu, mafioso infatti hygiene Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam aka feels if it had interviews Allah is Allah malerkotla Salam

01:40:23 --> 01:40:53

Well, Andrea, Brittany Abdullah here on the Allahu Anhu mafiosi for the hygiene Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam akala Salah Allahu alayhi wa sallam. EB that will be met by the Allah will be a colada Hoon nessa you will work at our beloved. Well we're in the Muslim bailiff they will cover Jebel narrated consent the Hajj of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that he said began with that which Allah begins with collected by a necessity with the command and by Muslim as a verb. What does that mean in Sahih? Muslim that it's rated as a verb

01:40:57 --> 01:41:01

begin with is a command right begin with that which Allah we cannot that's the wedding of an essay.

01:41:02 --> 01:41:04

The wedding of Muslim How do we change to a verb?

01:41:06 --> 01:41:36

The describing the Muslim said we will begin with that which Allah azza wa jal began with and that the author is saying is the is the wedding that is more preserved. That's not a command. He's not telling people what they should do, but he's informing them or what he's about to do. But the authors or the scholars have had the effect usually mentioned the wedding of a necessity. Why? Because they are speaking about an issue here that is that if Allah begins with something, then you should begin with that as well. Right? And that's where we get the evidence we'll throw team in will do you follow a certain order, like the Hadith, let's speak about the process from say, he began

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with which mountain suffer and what did he say that will be met, but that Allah will be that's what he's referring to here. We begin with that which Allah began with, that's the Hadith that he's referring to, in the Hajj of the prophet Samuel sermon, Safa, recite those verses of surah baqarah and say, we begin with that which Allah began with, but in some wordings it's a command. So therefore everything for love begins with something that's what you should begin with in terms of your acts of worship now as an Allah Allah come who and who Allah canon one who unknown Karna again and maybe even some Allahu Allah even send me that one down on my Allah immunotherapy, Kannada who

01:42:10 --> 01:42:51

download Navys najem by if He also narrated that the prophets Allah Selim would make model and run waterways elbows collected by Dr. Courtney with a weak chain. Whenever you want to tell the Allahu Anwendung kala kala rasool Allah is Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam, Allah will do Lehmann lumea we call this Hmong law. He is a philosopher who I met while Buddha Buddha with no matter be snatched him by Eve polythene media and say he didn't say it was a visa ad network network. Allah medulla is proto V che Abu Huraira narrated Allah's Messenger SallAllahu sallam said, there is no although for the one who does not say Allah's Name collected by Ahmed Abu there would have been merger with a

01:42:51 --> 01:43:26

weak chain that didn't regenerated from Satan's aid and it is similarly reported by urbosa Syed Ahmed said there is nothing established in this regard. Like I said, from this hadith we want to benefit principles as opposed to going into a detailed explanation. The benefit here is the statement of Imam Muhammad Rahim Allah Tada what does the man Muhammad say about these a hadith, similar Hadith all of them to speak about saying Bismillah, the beginning of Budo and so on, he says, law is beautiful. None of these are authentic, in that there is not authentic narration in this regard that can be attributed correctly to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. However,

01:43:27 --> 01:43:30

the position of empowerment as we said in the meta is due to what

01:43:31 --> 01:44:04

he said it's what you have to say. This Mila number one you take from this position. When someone like a Muhammad Imam Bukhari, Imam Malik, and I'm sure every one of these Greek Imams of stem cells in this chapter, everything has weakness, and nothing's authentic in this regard. That's something right gives you a general principle here. The problem with all of these a hadith whichever position you're going to follow, however, number two, as we said, Just because something's not authentic, it's not established doesn't mean that companions in the whole deposition others didn't take from it, that it can't be applied. And that's why the Scholars will still take from it because even if

01:44:04 --> 01:44:37

there is weakness in it, isn't it more likely that that wording is closer to what the person said unwanted and said than you coming for 200 years later, wherever and just determining it of your own accord. And so that's why the Scholars will often take these types of weddings, even if they found it to be problematic. It may well be that in this hadith, it says a statement of a companion that's more authentic. Rather than being a Hadith of the Prophet Selim. It may be the position of a number of the tambourine, what the students are the companions who took the knowledge from them in one way or another, that understanding of the companion to the tablet even or even their students, that

01:44:37 --> 01:44:59

better brain is still stronger and better than the understanding of those who come after it. And that's the that's what we study in the book of people origin. Right? We did when we spoke about the virtue of the knowledge of the setup, always to understand the position of the setup that it's more, more correct and more authentic and stronger and closer to the Sunnah and more beloved to Allah azza wa jal unless it is a peculiar position like

01:45:00 --> 01:45:06

All of them agreed on something else I wanted to set something that's a different issue. But speaking about when there is a mainstream position amongst them,

01:45:07 --> 01:45:47

accent Allah who they come when Paul Hattab Nemo suddenly finance being injured the new call and now Waukon What are you told us? Hola. Hola. sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, AFC Robaina and mob mob it when is 10 shop Frasure who aboda Would there be ensnared in by Paul Haven Mossad live narrated from his father who narrated from his grandfather that he saw that he's that he said, I saw Allah's Messenger SallAllahu Sallam separate washing of the mouth and the nose collection bubble that would be the weak chain. I've been massaged with his father is Masada. ImmunoCAP as grandfather is caribou hammer, so he's reading this Hadith from his grandfather by way of his father. And so as we said,

01:45:47 --> 01:46:21

this is one position that you will find among some of the scholars that when it comes to washing the mouth and the nose and will do you take separate water, but then he will mention the next Hadith sent along really well and Annie lovely Allahu Anhu obviously Fatima widow fomat Mr. Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam I was that was 10 terracotta you mail me the way anteromedial Cavalry who don't mean Holmer kraja horrible there were they weren't necessarily Ali narrated in the description of photo. He then rinsed his mouth and his nose three times. Doing both with a single scoop of water collected by Buddha would say

01:46:22 --> 01:46:35

well and the liveness alien Radi Allahu Anhu views if I didn't know tomato ha la sala Allahu Allah He was a llama their whole family. My mother was 10 Jack. Minka Finn warhead Yes, I do that Nikita

01:46:36 --> 01:46:55

accent Allahu they come for Mother Mother was 10 Check I'm in caffeine wha he that in yet another Nika with death Hakuna Ali, and alive in Zaid narrated in the description of although He then entered his hand and from a single handful rinsed his mouth and nose. He did this he did that three times agreed upon what does this wording seem too intimate?

01:46:56 --> 01:46:59

Look at this wording what is what does it seem to say?

01:47:03 --> 01:47:07

The motor for his washing of the method knows all three times

01:47:08 --> 01:47:09

or three times

01:47:11 --> 01:47:50

follows. So he washed his mouth and nose with one. You know the brother was coming to me earlier and said can I not use it separate because even one is sometimes not enough for both. According to this wedding, you use it once for three times. According to this wording and obviously this is why he's mentioning these different weddings because according to those differences of wedding there are different positions amongst the scholars 10 Allahu nikam well and as you know the Allahu Anhu and no con Allah and NaVi salam ala Nabi us and Allahu alayhi wa sallam or La Jolla new Athena Academy global freedom Usain Bolt fell called a RWJF x in woodwork, a colada Hua Buddha wouldn't want

01:47:50 --> 01:48:19

necessarily an incinerated the Prophet salallahu Salam saw a man who had a dry patch the size of a nail on his foot and said go back and perform it better ablution corrected Well that wasn't necessary. This is a good example when we said the camera received the rulings of what is considered to be a small amount differs depending on the issue that has been referred to when it comes to though what is the small amount that if you miss the scholars say it's enough to Hanbury method says it's enough you don't have to repeat your door based on this hadith

01:48:22 --> 01:48:32

less than an hour because the prophets resort the size of an ale and what did he tell him to do? Go back and make model so they say if it's less than the nail size that you miss, it's okay.

01:48:33 --> 01:48:35

It's okay according to the humbly position.

01:48:36 --> 01:48:42

And so therefore the issue of you see what is a small trace amount negligible amount that differs depending on the issue.

01:48:43 --> 01:48:45

But anyway, this hadith is a wonderful Hadith

01:48:47 --> 01:49:28

accent Allah Hillegom who and who are now mukaan canon also known lies on Allah who I know he will send me a demo of what will be removed while testing open psi in a handset Yeah, and whatever happened it He also narrated Allah's Messenger SallAllahu Sallam would perform model with and bathed with a sire to five modes agreed upon look come on to this in more detail but we are mode as we said is what? To handphones that's what he would make will do with under you saw is four of those. That's what he says between assault and five months. between four and five months is what he's referring to 10 Allahu they come. Well, Andrew maralell The Allahu Anhu and the Hong Kong akana Rasulullah

01:49:28 --> 01:50:00

sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Mammon caminhada Nieto Honeyeater workflow of I used to be an old widow to my Akula Shadwell, Inna in Allah who the hula Sherry gala wash had to Anna Mohammed Abdullah who also know in 40 hydrilla Hua boo boo Jana colada who Muslim what was it? What did maybe he was at Allahumma journeymen at the well being our journeyman anymore Delta heating. Oman Oman narrated Allah's Messenger SallAllahu sallam said, if one of you have to perform

01:50:00 --> 01:50:23

ablution completely besides the following supplication, I testify that there is none worthy of worship but Allah, He is alone and has no partner and Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam is his slave and messenger, all eight gates of paradise will be open for him and he may enter through any gate he wishes collected by Muslim at 10 with the added our ally include me amongst those who frequently repent and those who keep themselves pure.

01:50:25 --> 01:50:38

Come on to the next section and the next chapter, which is the chapter recording, wiping, wiping in Salah, sorry, wiping and although over the socks and similar things, we have three principles, three principles.

01:50:42 --> 01:50:43

The first principle is

01:50:46 --> 01:50:57

that it is permissible to wipe over that which covers the foot all that which covers the head, well that which a person needs for a medical reason,

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these three things are permissible that which covers the foot like socks that which covers the head like a turban as we saw in that hadith. And that which a person requires like a caste because of a medical reason.

01:51:12 --> 01:51:14

The number two the length

01:51:16 --> 01:51:26

or duration for wiping for other than a cast. So for turbans and socks and so on, is one day or night for the resident three days and nights for the traveler.

01:51:29 --> 01:51:35

For the duration of wiping for other than casts, because the cast you know, someone needs four weeks, maybe months.

01:51:36 --> 01:51:41

It is one day or night for the resident three days and nights for the traveler.

01:51:44 --> 01:51:46

Number three that it is generally speaking the principle

01:51:47 --> 01:51:53

or the condition but in order for you to wipe over something you must have first made proper will do over it.

01:51:56 --> 01:52:02

In order for you to make to wipe over something you must have first made full and proper withdrawal over it now.

01:52:03 --> 01:52:29

10 Allah when a con fossil, he has 100 Masada whorfin One way MOBA inserted in live and yes portovino FC, while imamat in Mohan nicotinell. That said you're not in Lima. Lima de la June. We're home organiser in moda Ratan Tata Hello clean. We had that in Isola, Yeoman Malayala and Lemo beam, whatever they can be Layali in Ibiza, the castle

01:52:30 --> 01:53:08

wiping is correct over a leather sock. And it's like if it is permissible covers the required portion and holds up by itself. It is also correct over a turban that is wrapped under the chin, or has a or has a tail that covers that or has a tail that covers what is usual for men. Likewise, wiping is allowed over a woman's scarves that is wrapped under the chin. All this is for minor ritual purification one day and night for the resident and three days and nights for the traveler. So those are Hamlet's are that begins with this chapter. And he says wiping is correct meaning it is permissible over a leather sock. And it's like in Arabic this is called hoof. The hoof is the

01:53:08 --> 01:53:26

leather sock or something similar to it, like in our times, all these other socks that we have made of different types of material. However, in order for it to be something that you can, like over according to the madhhab has a number of conditions. Three of them are mentioned by the author number one has to be permissible

01:53:28 --> 01:53:30

has to be permissible mobile.

01:53:32 --> 01:53:33

Number two.

01:53:36 --> 01:53:44

Permissible as we said before you have stolen that you haven't taken in a way oppressive and so on number two covers the required portion.

01:53:45 --> 01:53:51

So if it's the foot covers the foot, if it's a turban, covers the head, and so on.

01:53:53 --> 01:54:10

Yes, Bucha will be enough see the third condition it holds up by itself, even if it's held up by a shoe that's placed over it. So if it's a sock that if you leave it because it doesn't, it doesn't hold together or has gone elastic or something's just going to fall off. They will say that's not off anymore.

01:54:12 --> 01:54:14

There has to be something which will hold up by itself.

01:54:16 --> 01:54:21

The other conditions that are not mentioned by the author in the middle are that it must be something that you can walk in

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something that you can walk in meaning that it's not so dilapidated, no so old. So you know so coming apart that if you were to walk in it would rip anyway.

01:54:36 --> 01:54:40

You have to be able to walk in number five, that the sock itself is fine.

01:54:41 --> 01:54:52

Like if it's leather, for example, to be here, right from you know just what you take the sock from has to be powerful. And number six, they can't show the foot

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if it see through and he can see the foot that according to the madhhab that wouldn't be considered to be you

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A horse socks are a very light that are almost sterile see through you can see the foot in it and can make the nails and make out the toes and make everything they would say that isn't what we call to be a hoof.

01:55:12 --> 01:55:46

So those are the conditions for wiping over the sock. He then mentioned the conditions for wiping over the turban. And the wiping over the turban, by the way, is from the OMAFRA that it's from the unique positions or the Hanbali madhhab. The other mme say, you can't wipe over a turban. But because of the Hadith that we mentioned, in Boko Haram, the position of the Hannibal is that you can write and one of the benefits of studying the Honeyberry method, even if you're originally Shafi or Maliki or Hanafy, one of the one of the benefits of studying the Hanbury method is that Imam Muhammad came after all of those Imams. And he was familiar with their positions and familiar with

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the evidences as well as familiar with the narrations because he lives in a time where people are now compiling books. Amendments, time is a time of compilation. So the writing books and the compiling them and the gathering operations together. So he was very well versed in terms of the positions on not only the other three Imams, but all of the Imams from the companions, and the tambourine and others. And so often he will mentioned positions that are calling for that they unique to the hunt, but he might have no other madhhab agrees with that position. But often it also becomes a matter how to have Metalla. So a great number of narration from the companions or

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tampereen, or others holding to that position. And so he liked that, because if you saw many of the scholars agreeing on something, even though other scholars differed, he felt that it was more, you know, more more having more contentment towards a position where you have many scholars. So when it comes to determine the conditions are number one, either it is one neck, and neck is a turban that is wrapped

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underneath the throat. So you have the turban, and the part that comes out which we call the tail it is wrapped around, right like you often see in Sudan, and some countries, this is the style of wearing the turban that is called more hand neck, this is the hook right underneath the chin. This is called the hunk. So they wrap it around it or that you do AB or it has a tail like is very common. Most of the temples you see today, they have a tail. So a turban that only goes around and around.

01:57:15 --> 01:57:45

You know, like you see them like for example, in certain countries, Egypt and so on their turbans only go round and around, have no tail, don't go and not wrapped into anything according to the map that's not considered to be a turban. Why? Because these are the terms that were used in the time of the prophets of Allah values. And this is what they would consider to be a turban. And so that's why it is based on that certian on the mortality the module, and it covers what is usual for men, that is the third condition. Why does he say what is usual for men, because unlike the suck, will the turban cover all of your hair?

01:57:46 --> 01:58:22

No, it will show the sides will show the back of the hair turban doesn't cover all of the hair covers the top part and the majority of it. But there are other parts that are still visible. And that's why he says that's okay. As long as it covers what a turban will normally cover. We consider it to be acceptable. It then goes on to the conditions of women watching over their spouse and this is very beneficial, especially when sisters are in public. Right they need to make although they're in an airport on pain or something else, it's difficult for them to take their hijab off, put it back on, especially if sisters are wearing niqab and so on, this is something which they can use.

01:58:22 --> 01:58:35

Likewise, Weiping allowed is allowed a woman's arms. And the condition for this is it is wrapped into the chin meaning like the women do right comes and covers the face and is under the chin.

01:58:36 --> 01:59:03

Right that is what we are referring to when it comes to the homeowner of a Nissan or the women's comps. And then he says Rahimullah to add to all of this is for minor ritual purification. Meaning that if a person needed to make major ritual purification, they also could they wipe over the socks? No. Could they wipe over there remember the turban? No. So this is restricted only to issues of Moodle, or issues of Moodle where wiping is allowed.

01:59:04 --> 01:59:35

And then he gives the duration as we mentioned before one day and night for the resident three days a month for the traveler. As mentioned the Hadith value of the Allah one that we covered in Bloomerang. And from the fifth of Arusha about the Allahu Allah when she was asked by some of our students, how do the prophets of salaam used to wipe over the socks? She said go and speak to Ali or the Allah Huang because I used to travel with him. And he used to go with him and he knows this stuff better than I do. And that's that's what the Companions used to do if they knew that someone has some type of specialist knowledge, just as the other companions will come and speak to the wives

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of the Prophet Salam as to what he did at home, because no one knows that stuff except them. The likewise Arusha and this narration that you see here, the Hadith that we hadn't seen a Muslim, she's asking, or she's saying, Go and speak to Ali because he will often travel with him. So he knows how did he wipe here? How did he wipe home and that's because the norm in those days anyway, was that a person usually used to work over socks if they're out in public? Like now it's something which we do even at home, but

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But those days it was common that it's people that are outside even if you're not traveling, you're outside, you're busy, you're working, you're meeting with people, that's when you're likely to wipe over the Salk

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accent Allahu La come, where Elijah you're not in them that's why Allah wa not in them that there was other EHEDG that in what ofI Akbar Illa Khalifa either Levy selkoe la vida camellia Taha la Team Dima,

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it can it can be similarly done over a cost according to need, even if in major ritual purification until its removal. If the above a one after for purification using water. The

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issue here now we will move on to what we call a JB Roger Bira is a cast, something that people pour over because they've suffered a break or they've suffered some type of injury that needs to be needs to be casted with something that's in Arabic is called gob. Ron, he said likewise, you can do the same with the GB ROM, meaning what you can wipe over the JIRA. So for example, someone's making Moodle, but this arm from the wrist until the elbow is covered in a cast, what is the surely I say now?

02:01:11 --> 02:01:49

It says wash the hand that's exposed and wipe over, the customer isn't exposed. That's what it's referring to here. Even if a niche major ritual purification, because a person who has a cast has to do the same whether they're taking a bath of muscle, or whether they're making wudu. Right? They can't take off that cast as and when they please, if it's something which is temporary, like sometimes people have a sprain, right, and they use one of those little arm slings. But then when they want to take her off, and then when it's hurting, and they put it on, what would you say to that person? When will you have to take her off because something which can be removed with minimal

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harm to you. You do it anyway, when it's something you need to do. And so therefore, you likewise do a photo, but we're talking about a customer that can't be taken off. So even a major issue of purification until its removal, which shows that there is no duration, no one day or night for resident three days a month for the traveler as long as it takes. So that person may take weeks or months before they are able to remove that cast. And then he gives the condition if the above are worn after a full purification using water. This is the method position that for the above. For a man for socks. For a cast, you must make a full model before you put it on.

02:02:30 --> 02:03:03

Which is easy when it comes to the remember and the the turban and the socks. Pretty simple. But when it comes to a cast now, right and that's why the position that you will find many of our teachers and scholars hold now is that you don't have to go someone's broken their arm. And then in extreme pain, they're unlikely to want to go and make a full whoodle before they turn up at the hospital and so on if they did so. And remember the HANA biller are always erring on the side of caution. They seem Equador safer for you better for you. Right but as I said many of the scholars today hold the position that actually you don't need to anymore, but anyway that is the Hanbali

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position and Allah azza wa jal knows best.

02:03:07 --> 02:03:13

SN Allahu La con woman Massa heavy seven intima Karna will XO famous Romo team

02:03:16 --> 02:03:30

am settled on your email Mittenwald la Hinako DAMN YOU HAVE MET max min el sabia e SRP doing us fairly well, dB. Well, Mattel, Valhalla, Algoma, Hadley followed in bad they're headed out denmat mode that was to an effort Baja LA.

02:03:31 --> 02:03:54

Whoever wipes during travel then becomes a resident or vice versa. He takes the ruling of the resident wipes over the turban, the top of the sock starting from the toes, to the back of the foot, not wiping the bottom of the sock or or his heels. Whoever uncovers part of the required limb of nullifying their purification, or the time period elapses must make fresh ritual purification.

02:03:55 --> 02:04:00

The author who Matata says here now concluding this chapter, whoever wipes during a trouble then becomes a resident.

02:04:01 --> 02:04:36

So he was traveling, meaning he has three days and three nights now he becomes a resident or vice versa. He was a resident, which means he has a day or night, or day or night. And now he travels. He says that he takes the ruling of the latter. So if he's become president, we say to him, No, you only have a day or night. If it's been more than a day or night, take your socks off. If it hasn't, even though you were traveling when you started, now is the moment that you need to stick to the day and night. And if he was resident, and he spent a day and night then he traveled, we say to him, you can extend that now by a further two days and two nights. The scholars or the mentor differ,

02:04:36 --> 02:04:58

however, as to when that time period starts. Does it start the first time you make wudu? Or does it start the first time that you break the window that you're in? This is a difference of opinion both of them are relatively similar in terms of time period, but whichever one you choose, that is the time that it will start with. And the day and night means a 24 hour period and three days and three nights means a 72 hour hour period.

02:05:00 --> 02:05:08

He says I'm about to hear that he wipes over the top of the turban. So in wiping over the turban, he wipes over the top. So a turban does what it is

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in, in circles, right, you wrap it around your head, so it has a number of circles. So as long as he wipes over the majority of those circles, that's enough, he doesn't have to wipe the rest of his head or the head are showing, you know, for him to wipe over the top of his turban.

02:05:26 --> 02:05:30

And likewise, to wipe over the

02:05:31 --> 02:05:52

to wipe over the top of the sock starting from the toes to the back of the foot. So he wipes from the beginning of the toes, all the way to the back on the top of the foot doesn't have to wipe over the heels. Doesn't have to wipe over the bottom of the successes mentioned in a number of Hadith or the Hydra Hangul. Tada, we mentioned to us surely the

02:05:53 --> 02:06:06

issue here, though, isn't the scholars differ as to how it's done? How is it done? Does he went over both socks at the same time? Or does he do as he would do and washing his feet, the white first on the left than the left?

02:06:07 --> 02:06:10

Understand the difference? So if you do both, what does it mean?

02:06:11 --> 02:06:13

How do you do both at the same time

02:06:15 --> 02:06:39

you work both hands and then together you do the right and left. And the other way is to do the right first and then the left second. The month hand position as far as I know Allah knows best is to do both. And that is because that hadith as we will see in Bloomerang are not explicit in terms of this issue. And so the scholars interpretated the different wordings that are found and Allah knows best.

02:06:41 --> 02:06:46

And then he says Rahim, Allah Tala and whoever uncovers part of the required limb after noting the minifying the purification

02:06:48 --> 02:06:54

or the time period elapses must make fresh which will purification must make fresh Tahara. So if a person takes off the sock,

02:06:55 --> 02:07:21

does that break the will, because they must over it. The meta position is yes, breaks, you will, you have to make a fresh model. Because what you did in terms of wiping, it is an alternative to what you should have done which is the washing. So now that you've removed the reason for that being there, which is the sock, it means that you must make a fresh model. The other position in our mindset is that it doesn't break the mold.

02:07:22 --> 02:07:49

That's the position that was chosen by even Taymiyah Rahim Allah and others. However, the supposition is that it does break the law and likewise the turban and so on if you worked over it, then you must make a fresh wudu or the time period elapses meaning your day and nights over your three days and nights are over. What does the Sharia say now make a fresh will do even if you had no reason to take off your socks. Now you must take them off and you must make a fresh window and then you can wipe again and start that process. Once again.

02:07:52 --> 02:08:38

Accent Allahu leikam Bible must be analytical Fein chapter wiping over the socks and in Model United Nations that are the Allahu Anhu and call going to man maybe some Allahu Allah us and Lemma Fatah wa wa for way to the nzr cafe for all their or whomever in near the hall to Hormel call Halothane masa, the EMA will develop on it. Well in Aloevera it and who in London so II and then every year samama who only has LMMS I know Kofi was further where he is now the wife, a movie Robin sherbert narrated, I was with the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and he made well so I bent down to take off his socks and he said leave them for I put them on in a state of purification. He then wiped over them agreed upon

02:08:39 --> 02:08:48

the full acceptance I collected the prophets Allah SLM wiped over the top and bottom of the sock. It's Chinese week, because holy moly I'm a short little the Allahu and

02:08:49 --> 02:09:24

just to show you something about Hadith al bazar Rahim Allah Tala, when he clicked with this hadith, he said I gathered at different chains for it at different chains with this hadith of Madeira, about the Allah one. And sometime after him, the freedom scholar even Amanda, or him on law also tried to gather the narrations. And he said I found only 60 and results that he found at even woman that said he found 60. In more recent times, scholars also tried to gather these chains and weddings of the hadith of Maria and they found only 14

02:09:26 --> 02:09:58

shows to you how much knowledge is lost over time because it's not preserved, or it was burned, or it was ransacked and looted or whatever it may have been over history or people not just seeking that knowledge and so on. This is a good example of this hadith but anyway, it's a famous Hadith, the hadith of Mughal era and it's the Hadith that is used by those scholars who say that you should wipe over both socks at the at the same time because the wording is for masa highly Hema he then wiped over them and he didn't say one than the other. He says Mr. Harding what over the two of them which seems to intimidate the he what over both of them together.

02:10:00 --> 02:10:37

Assalamu aleikum wa aniline lobby Allah who and when Hong Kong Logan and the nobility like an S federal houfy owner been Miss Femina and welcome, eternal soul Allah is Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam I am so Allah He the whole fee of Raja horrible there will there be ensnared in Hassan Ali said, if the religion was according to opinion, the bottom of the sock would be more worthy of wipe of being wiped than the top. But I saw the messenger of allah sallallahu Sallam wipe over the top of his socks collected by Apple, that would be the sound chain. That is why the majority of the scholars are of that position that you aren't only the top even though you have as you saw in the

02:10:37 --> 02:10:38


02:10:39 --> 02:10:40

the wording

02:10:42 --> 02:10:47

that he went over the top and the bottom, but the more authentic and established relations is that he would only wipe over the top

02:10:49 --> 02:11:16

that's an alarm really come when software and hardware and software and son in law the Allahu Anhu and the Hong Kong Governor la Sol Allahu Sunlen, Allahu Allah, you are sending me Morona either Sephora and learn and the fff and tada yeah meanwhile, the one it alarming Jenna but in what I can mean law it in one bowl in one o'clock Janessa you worked in movie will love Lola Webb no Jose matassa haha

02:11:18 --> 02:11:38

so finally when I say underrated Allah's Messenger SallAllahu Sallam used to use us to command us when traveling to not remove our socks for three days and nights unless we intend to major ritual impurity but to keep them on fortification, urination and sleep collected by nessa Timothy and it is his wording. And both he and even Jose am authenticated it

02:11:39 --> 02:12:06

well and I live near the Taliban law the Allahu Anhu and who called Geralyn Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Matata? Yeah, I mean what I do know a little Mousavian. Well, yo Manuela 10 Linamar beam here and even in Mississippi, Idaho Fein, a Florida home Muslim, had inherited the Prophet salallahu Salam use three place three days and nights for the traveler and one day and not for the resident IE for wiping over the socks collected by Muslim

02:12:07 --> 02:12:35

well untold burner on the Allahu Anhu unknown call bathala sunnah lines on Allahu alayhi wa sallam said to yet and for Mr. homonyms and we saw a bit here I needed I met him what there's a scene here I need a river of lava who I met with a Buddha who there was a who also who came though binary to Allah's Messenger sort of loads and then sent out a military expedition and commanded them to wipe over their turbans and socks collected about Mohammed and the Buddha award and Al Hakim authenticated

02:12:36 --> 02:13:09

well and well and Rama Rama * and well and as in model for either Dawa Comala visa whoa favor lianza Allah you Hema while you also leafy Hema, what are your color, a woman in sha Allah Ameen, Jana Accardo Donald Courtney will help you Musa Roman said unless narrated as a Prophetic narration. If one of you performs will do and wears his socks, then wipe over them and pray in them and do not remove them other than from major ritual impurity collection by Dr. Courtney and Hakim authenticate it

02:13:10 --> 02:13:44

well and be backing out on all the Allahu Anhu Annie Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and now all of a sudden Musa Vinita Yeah, I mean what I do well in multimedia woman well either either data Hello fella visa Hefei, an EM Sahar Lima Corrado Donald Coatney. You also have no Hoceima Abu Bakr generated that the prophets Allah Islam allowed for the traveler three days and nights and for the resident one day and night that in the state of ritual purification if they wear socks, they can wipe over them collected by darkening authenticated by one Hoceima.

02:13:45 --> 02:13:46

Well, and

02:13:48 --> 02:13:50

one over ugni ammirato

02:13:55 --> 02:13:55


02:13:58 --> 02:14:19

Assalamu Aleikum went over YouTube near email ontology Allahu Allahu Anhu on here rasool Allah SallAllahu Fein ordinare I'm Carla Neoma or nm Allah will mean all nm all data Island warmer shade of Raja Hua Buddha with our caller in Serbia call we will call we

02:14:22 --> 02:14:56

obey obey even in Milan aerated that he said, O Messenger of Allah can I wipe over the socks? He replied, Yes. He asked for one day he replied Yes. He asked for two days he replied, Yes. He asked for three days he replied, Yes, and whatever. And what do you wish collection Bible that will do said that it is strong, it is not strong. And this last hadith is the Hadith that is used by those followers who say that there's no duration for wiping over the socks. Keep it on as long as you want and wipe as long as you want. And that was a position of even Omar. Radi Allahu Anhu and from the meta MC mimetic, which was a position of Rahim Allah Tada. But the majority of the scholars did what

02:14:56 --> 02:14:59

they took this narration and they said it's a general narration and other Hadith

02:15:00 --> 02:15:34

specify, specify what is generally the ruling of the Sharia is that if you have a general ruling and a specific one, the specific one specifies the general ruling. And so that is why you have this difference of opinion. That's why I said to like, from the ways of the scholars is even if these Hadith don't necessarily support their positions from the Amana from the integrity, because they wouldn't read them all. And then it's upon you to understand how they, how they make tau g how they explain that how they reconcile between it. Okay, Inshallah, tada, we're going to stop here for today within that IRA and inshallah to Allah tomorrow at 10am. We will continue Bartok, la frequent.

02:15:35 --> 02:15:41

Muhammad are an early savage mine and by the way, if you have questions, the link is in the description of the

02:15:42 --> 02:15:51

telegram group, and we will probably do the q&a tomorrow as opposed to after the course. So people are questioning each other if time permits, we will do those inshallah. Tada.

02:15:52 --> 02:15:53

So I'm on a computer

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