Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P01 005A Review Al-Baqarah 8-16

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the cultural ways men and women lie, including causing embarrassment, expressing pride, and not being liked. They also touch on the use of facades and other techniques to create negative emotions and avoid wasting resources, emphasizing respect for one's religion and the importance of manners. The segment also touches on the concept of cheating and its various forms, including lying, cheating, and even trying to fool.
AI: Transcript ©
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No matter who I know Sally a lot of Sunil Karim I'm about for Rosa bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. Rubbish luckily Saudi way assembly Emery Hello Dr. Melissa Annie of Kahu Kohli Robina. Zina Ilma.

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Inshallah, we will listen to the recitation and I want all of you to reflect and think about the traits of the hypocrites and inshallah we'll review them all right so open up your juice well I mean as you may

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okay. What traits do you have? Hypocrite is the one who lies does it mean that if a person lies, he becomes a hypocrite. He has a quality of the hypocrites he has resemblance to the hypocrites. And the thing is that if a person has even one quality that resembles a person who's known for that trait, then what happens it leads him to becoming like them. Because if you lie once, then what will happen? It will give you more confidence to lie another time again and again until a person develops that habit of lying habitually regularly on every little and small thing. So, first of all, lying is a trait of who hypocrites and we should remember that whether home either Aleem will be mechanical,

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yuck the wound and because of that leave lying. Because sometimes just out of fear of people just out of fear of humiliation just out of fear of embarrassment, or just to keep a good image of ourselves, what do we do? We lie. But in fact, we are harming ourselves. Remember that if a person he manages to secure his image in front of others in this dunya by lying in the hereafter he will be humiliated. And that's much worse. Because remember, at the end of the lesson, what did we learn about them when African American Latina shadow Dolla dolla Bill Houda, they have taken misguidance for guidance from our Behati Jarrah to mama Kanemoto, the day their trade did not benefit them. So a

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person who wants benefit of this dunya and for that he sacrifices the hereafter, eventually, he will suffer eternally. So similarly, a person lies for the benefit of this dunya eventually what's going to happen, he is going to suffer. And many times it happens in this world as well that a person lies and soon after his lies become exposed, and he is humiliated in this Estonia even just the other day, I was reading on the news about some governor in the US who has been jailed, and his last week he went to prison. Just imagine somebody so high up because of the wrongs that they've committed, they're humiliated in this dunya even just imagine the governor ends up where people who are

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involved in drugs, because of a crime that he has committed in this dunya. So I was thinking about it, that when a person does something wrong, he is humiliated in this dunya even why do people lie to cover up their faults to cover up their crimes? Like for example, if a person is asked did you do your homework and they say, Yes, I did it. Where is it?

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reality that Hindu it why are they lying to cover up their fault? But will it remain covered forever? No, it will be shown in this dunya. And it will be shown in the hereafter as well. What other traits do we have? That the words and actions contradict? Or there's a discrepancy in the words and the heart, that in the heart, a person is thinking something else, he feels something else, he intends something else, and he says something else. Why would a person do that? He wants to fit in wherever he goes. Why else would a person do that? That He intends something else? But he says something else. Why? Because he's afraid. He's a coward on the inside. Why else to gain the

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temporary worldly benefits? When does a person do that? When he's afraid of speaking out, when he's coward when he's hiding something when he's guilty inside? Because when you're confident that what you're doing is right, then you're not afraid of seeing what's in your heart isn't a tool that shows that a person is weak on the inside, guilty on the inside. He's cheating others, he's deceiving others, he's trying to keep others in the dark about the reality. What else? Okay, easily persuaded easily convinced, in the home, homos sofa, that they're the ones who are foolish, because they call the believers foolish. Why? Because they said look at these people. They were on the religion of the

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forefathers, they came the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and immediately they left everything that their forefathers used to do. And now they've become Muslim. Allah subhanaw taala says no, these people than when I feel clean are foolish. Because when they go to believers, what do they say? We are believers, when they go to their own friends, what do they say we are with you. This is foolishness. They don't have any faith, any Iman. And this is the worst kind of person, a person who does not have any faith in the sense that he's not convinced about what he believes in. Because what happens is that he keeps changing colors. He keeps changing colors, you know what he is, you know

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who he is what he actually wants in life. For example, if you find a person who is very, very religious at one moment, like a certain occasion, and another occasion, you see them as if they don't know anything about the religion, you wonder, what are they? Who are they? What are they trying to do? This kind of a person is the worst type of a person because he's playing around with the religion. What else? They think very highly of themselves, arrogance, thinking that what they're doing is the best, and everyone else is lower than them lesser than them. And what's the sign of this? When does a person do this? Or how do you know a person thinks highly of himself? Exactly when

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they criticize others or law? When they pass judgments and comments about other people? Sometimes we have a habit of just talking about other people. She was wearing this, and she is doing this, she said this, and she said that, why are we talking about other people, we should be concerned about our own actions.

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Many times it happens that if a person gets a citizenship of a country, then they think very highly of themselves. And when they go back home, they show themselves as someone who's very special, someone who should be honored and respected. And it's as if they are showing off their passport everywhere. And if some new immigrants come, they market them, they make fun of their accent, that you're a fob. And you don't know any of this, and this is Canada, and this is the US and you don't know how life is over here. What is this show that a person thinks very highly of himself, we should remove such statements from our language. This is the amazing thing. He has doubts. But at the same

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time, he thinks very highly of himself, not proud about the faith, but proud about what they're doing that look, we are so intelligent, that I can fool other people that I'm a believer, but at the same time, I'm doing whatever I want to. And look at these people, they are following everything of the religion. This is the 21st century, you're living in the West, you don't have to do this. And you don't have to do that you're not living in a village of Saudi Arabia, you're not living in the 17th century. This is what the problem is. You see what I mean? People in the name of being progressive in the name of being modern, in the name of being educated. What do they do? They

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disregard religion, and they look down on the people who follow their religion. What else exactly, that they cause mischief, and they think that what they're doing is very good. What are some examples of facade of mischief? For example, people are on very good terms of family, a couple, some friends, a husband and a wife, or a brother and sister, parents and children. So coming in between them, destroying their relationship, and it happens many times. And sometimes it's unfortunate that it's the close family members who come in between that, for example, a sister in law will try to come in the middle of the husband and the wife. Or for example, the wife will try to come between

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the relationship of the mother and the son that Oh, you like your mother more than you like me.

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Well, she's the mother, and you're the wife, you are different. He loves his mother in a different way. And he loves his wife in a different way. Respect that, except that he has his duties towards his mother, and he has his duties towards his wife, and he's obligated to fulfill both of them. Similarly, a husband and wife perfectly fine, and what happens, some other relative comes in the middle and destroys the relationship. What other examples of facade fill Earth LIBOR, backbiting? Backbiting is also facade fill up? How? Think about it, by the way, Riba is something true, it is to mention about your brother, what he dislikes behind his back. And the prophets, Allah lorrison was

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asked that what if it's true, it's like, exactly if it was not true, then it would be slander. Right? So Libra is true. How is Libra facade fill up because when a person talks bad about the other in matters that are true, then he can also fabricate things about him. He doesn't have any respect for him, he can start mocking at him. It's the door to many, many evils. And similarly, when a person talks bad about the other, what kind of feelings is he spreading amongst people about that person? negative feelings, a person may think very positively about them. But you said something negative now their image will change, facade fill out. Other examples of facade fill up, twisting

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someone's words, Miss interpreting someone's words, misquoting someone's words. Somebody said something in a context relevant to a particular context. You ignore the context. And you just say one thing, and the other person understands it completely differently. What else comes in facade filler? Pollution? How? I mean, yes, there are factories in China, and they're really, really bad when it comes to disposing of waste. But think about ourselves, how do we contribute in destroying the earth? Okay, littering what else? For example, you see something on your way, like, for example, you're in the classroom, as you're walking towards the cafeteria, you see, somebody has dropped that

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tissue and you don't bother picking it up and throwing it. Okay, what else? Smoking, wasting. Living in this country, we end up wasting a lot. Food, clothes, money, water time. The amazing thing is sometimes if you go to a class, when everybody leaves, you know what you find all over the classroom, pencils, erasers, books, notebooks, water bottles, and tissues. Water bottles are the most common, and especially water bottles that are open, and only a few steps have been taken from them. And the rest has been left in what do you do with that water. Nobody wants to drink it. So that water goes waste and the bottle goes waste as well. And you know how much effort has been put

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in to get that bottle to you? How many resources of the Earth have been used to get that bottle to you? Cemetery many times there are pens and pencils that are lying around. Yeah, we buy them from the dollar store a huge bag, and then we don't care. Oh, I have so many I can't be bothered. I have so many of these. Uh, you have so many of these. But you know that if you leave them just like that, it's going to lead to facade fill out. There are so many people who don't get pencils who don't have stationery, and what do we do, we wasted thinking I have so much I can't be bothered keeping all of this stuff. When we go to the stores, we can't hold ourselves back. And we shop shop shop. And when

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we come home, we get overwhelmed by the stuff. And then we throw throw throw, unfortunately, we waste control yourself when you're at the stores. Don't buy everything that you like, buy what you need, and then use it properly. My grandmother when she was visiting me, she was very concerned about taking care of dishes and clothes. And unfortunately, living over here you get so used to it, you have a cloth in your kitchen. As soon as it gets stained or something you just throw it but she'd be like, you know, wash it, you can reuse it. Similarly with clothes, or there's an oil stain, nevermind, we'll just get rid of it. But she was like this is wasting. You don't do this. But

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unfortunately, we become so used to getting rid of things that we don't like getting rid of things that have you know, small stain on them or something like that. This is a part of arrogance as well. wastefulness.

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For example, a person says I live in an apartment, I give my monthly rent, and the electricity bills are included. So I don't have to care about the use of my electricity. I can leave the lights on all day all night, even though I'm out of the house. Doesn't matter. I don't have to pay the bill. People do that. They will leave, for example, a lamp on all the time, even if it's not needed. I mean, if you need the light, that's different. But you don't need the light yet you leave it on thinking that I don't have to pay the bill. So why worry what else?

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I was thinking because we're talking about wasting and thinking that a lot of these things are related to wanting things that we don't really need. We want so much more than what we can handle it like we want more than what we're actually using. And I was thinking about how a long time ago maybe

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like 100 years ago, if you went to the Pacific Ocean and you put a bucket and you would come up with a bucket full of fish, and these days, if you put a bucket in the ocean, you wouldn't come up with any fish, you would come up with maybe some seaweed. Like there's so many types of animals and creatures that used to be so abundant in the earth and because of our actions, because we over fished because we already were hunted. we overdid everything. Now they're almost extinct. I mean, when is that you need it. That's understood, Allah subhanaw taala has created all of this for our benefit. We are to use them, but we're not to use them and waste them. What did the Prophet said a

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lot of times say that even if you are by the river, and you're making wudu, with river water, how much should you use? Only as much as you need? Because if you use extra, what you don't need, then you're wasting, then you're destroying the earth. So there are many, many examples of facades. Well,

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what other traits of hypocrites? Do we learn from these verses? That the hypocrites don't have good manners? The circle is very, very vast of what comes in good manners. Remember that culture also defines what good manners are. Because sometimes we say that, you know, in our religion, there is no such thing as sitting like this and eating like this. I can sit however I want and I can eat however I want, what's the big deal? But if you are at a particular gathering, and the proper etiquette is that you sit on the chair and you eat nicely, properly, then you follow the rules. Yes, you follow the Sunnah as well. But you also follow the proper manners that are understood that Omar rule. What

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else ignorant that a hypocrite does not have knowledge, knowledge of what knowledge of the D knowledge of himself, the rebellious, rebellious to the commands of Allah, that even if they know they're supposed to do something, they don't do it. And when somebody tells them, they say, You think we're silly, you think I'm dumb. I'm never going to do this, I don't want to look foolish. What else selfish, the seeking advantage benefits for themselves only what else? They try to deceive, cheat others.

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Being treacherous, being dishonest, being disloyal. An example of that in today's world, okay, making promises and not fulfilling them. For example, telling someone that you can buy something for this much money, whereas in reality, it's more expensive. So in order to sell, cheat, lie, what else being two faced cheating on a test, you had your own Allah when Lavina Amanu. It's the worst thing that a person can do cheating on a test. Allah is watching you, you cannot hide from Allah have higher of Allah, at least, deceiving other people, the examiner, the teacher, it's unfair, cheating the government as well. Cheating from your bosses time, for example, the boss expects you to work

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nine to five so that you can be paid a particular amount of money, you walk in casually at 930, knowing that your boss never comes up before 10 o'clock, and you leave around 430 Knowing that your boss leaves at three o'clock. This is what cheating, not doing the work, saying that you've done something and you haven't done it. Not paying for software, movies, games, things like that on the computer, because we think that anything on the computer, it should be free. So we think that we need Photoshop, we can just go download Photoshop, and we don't have to pay for it. And also many software developers, they go broke because nobody's paying for their software. Exactly. Even Islamic

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media, we know it has a copyright, but we say, oh, doesn't matter, you know, reprinted recopy it. And the reason why people have a copyright is so that they can make profit, why make profit so that they can produce more things. And secondly, they have a copyright to make sure that the quality is the same. If for example, you buy CDs, or whatever, from the bookstore or books from the bookstore. Like for example, your use even and you say, oh my god, they're selling it for $7. And you say, I can photocopy it in my own photocopier at home, I'm not going to bother buying it from the bookstore. Okay, you photocopy it, you have a very bad copy in front of you, because the color is

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not the same. Some words are not clear. You say oh, you know what I can photocopy it for you get it for free from me, just give me $5. You know, I'll give you $2 cheaper. So what's going to happen? It's going to affect the production of mortgages. And secondly, there's going to be poor quality available. You know, what people are gonna say, you know, the Aloha juice. They have such poor quality. Yes. Yeah. Good example. jailbreaking your phone or your iPad or your iPhone so that you can download all of the applications for free. People don't like to pay for applications. But the amazing thing is, I mean, how much do apps cost for generally? 99 cents? $1.99. Don't you buy a

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coffee for that much money? You do? More than that? You go to Tim Hortons you buy a coffee, a muffin a cookie, and that's more than that. But surprisingly, when it comes to buying an app that could help you work more efficiently or help your child learn something good. You don't want to spend over there. For example, you have an assignment and you lie I was sick so that you can be given more time. lying, cheating.

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receiving. And we think we're so clever. This is not cleverness This is foolishness. Because a person is preparing fire for himself in the hereafter by these things. We think religion is only about performing Salah givings AKA, no religion is about how you deal with other people as well. This is also very important. Exactly cheating parents. Where are you going? I'm going to school. I have a assignment right now. So I'm just gonna go and where do you go to the mall with your friends, for example, a person is fasting, and their parents know that they're fasting because they woke up for school, but when they go to school, they're hungry. They want to go out with their friends, and

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they go and eat with their friends. And when they come home, they pretend that they're still fasting, and they have the photo with their family as well. This is really you called your own Allahu Allah Vina Amma know what else, like, for example, overcharging someone, if a person has a salesperson for a particular company. And at the end of the month, or at the end of the year, whenever they give their bills that say, Oh, I went to this restaurant because I had to take a client over there, whereas they took their family over there. They charge it as a business expense. Similarly, if a person has a private business, at the end of the year, they even submit their

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personal expenses, their business expenses, so that they're not charged taxes on that, just to save a little bit money.

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A person goes to school in front of their parents with their hijab on with their via on and as soon as they get to school, there goes off the hijab there goes off the air via and you don't even know who that person is anymore. Cheating, trying to fool the parents. And it's amazing how children think that when they're doing something like this, they are so clever, they're so intelligent, they're so smart, that they managed to deceive their parents and their parents didn't even figure out

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taking somebody else's work and pretending that it's yours submitting it as your own essay, whereas you took it from the internet so that you can get good marks on it.

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Yes, deceiving yourself by procrastinating saying I don't have time for this. I don't have time to do this. Whereas in reality, you do have the time. Okay, telling someone that something is halal, whereas in reality, it's haram, or saying that something is haram, whereas in reality is hella like, for example, if parents don't want the children to buy something, they say, oh, no, it might be haram. It is haram. What isn't? Reality is hella okay person says he prayed salah, or he gave us a cow, whereas in reality, he didn't do it. Now, one thing that we learned about the hypocrites is cheating, deceiving others. And there are many ways of cheating and deceiving. And there's one more

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thing that I want to mention. A lot of times we try to deceive others by appearing different than what we are. So we'll try and putting on makeup will try like clicking our eyebrows and doing our crazy things, to show that we are more beautiful or more different person than who we actually are. And we deceive others through that. Like for example, wearing makeup, no harm in that. Obviously a woman should beautify herself. But if it's gone to the extent where you can't even tell what her original skin color is, you know what her eyebrows are like, then this is deception. Similarly, chipping the eyebrows. This is also deception, putting hair extensions, that is also deception.

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Getting those fake long nails, deception,

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you put like makeup on, you put something that's more natural looking, it's perfectly fine. No harm in that because it's only enhancing your beauty. Like, for example, it's understood if you put lip gloss, everybody knows your lips are not actually shiny. I mean, there could be a problem if your lips were actually shiny like that. Something maruf is understood benefits, like layers and layers and layers of makeup, which completely hide your reality. I mean, you actually have wrinkles, but because of that you can't even see those wrinkles. That's not right. This is deceiving others. Exactly. Sure. You've seen videos of how people makeup is done on them. And then eventually, their

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pictures also photoshopped and so that they look completely different from who they are actually, one more thing about the hypocrites that somebody didn't mention is mocking and others making fun of others. In no manner muster has the own. Does it hurt if somebody makes fun of you? It hurts a lot hurts me at least, I don't like it. So if you don't like it for yourself, don't do it to others. Another thing that the hypocrite is also blinded, he doesn't see reality as it is. Anyway, the list is endless. As you can see, there's so many things that can come up in this. Do you remember about the successful people we learned that who are they with the clean? They are those who are conscious

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and careful, fearful of who? Allah subhanaw taala careful and conscious when it comes to dealing with other people. If you see a Motoki is completely different from immunologic, what is it going to affect to he follows his desires does whatever he feels like he's dishonest, he cheats he lies. He doesn't care about other people doesn't care about other people's feelings, doesn't care about other people's trusts that if people have trusted you with regard to something, you don't cheat them, he doesn't care. But a McDuffie cares company completely different. So we all must think about ourselves at this moment. That what are we doing? How are we with other people? If we ever come

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into a disagreement with other people. Do we become rude and loud? And do we start yelling and become disrespectful? If somebody has trusted us with something, what are we doing? Are we keeping their trust? Or are we doing something that they told us not to do? What are we doing? We all need to reflect on ourselves. Because remember, if a person goes towards hypocrisy, then he's going to increase and that fear will be him maragon fuzzer, the hula hoop model Gah, it's going to increase. So a person must stay away from all of these actions from all of these traits from all of these negative qualities in order to save himself

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