Ibraheem Menk – IntaLIVE #29 Stories In The Quran – Ismaeel; 100 sheep; Sulayman & Ayub

Ibraheem Menk
AI: Summary ©
The Mahoverah is a journey of ease and ease, where testing one's behavior and intention is essential. The speakers emphasize the importance of being mindful of one's partner's actions and avoiding mistakes. The speakers stress the need to be content with one's partner's successes and not just trying to get into a partnership. The speakers also emphasize the importance of the Quran and its use in science and health.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. smil lavalife man Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa Sallim wa barik ala nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi in your mind, we welcome you all to another session. Even in lab Today we will be going over the 23rd juice looking at three stories. We apologize for yesterday we weren't able to save the live as well as take up the audio. But love today we will try our best to get it.

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And just a brief recap yesterday we went over three stories we spoke about Suleiman alayhis salam and how the jinn didn't know the unseen. We also spoke about the people of Sabah and we said that the people have said that they had a lot of bounties, but they were ungrateful. They show gratitude to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And the last story we spoke about yesterday was a man who came from the outskirts of the city, trying to call the people

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to believe in the messengers believe in their message and ultimately, they killed him and he was entered into Jannah so that's a brief recap of yesterday salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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Riley como Sara lightworker to how you shift

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hamdulillah How are you

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at hamdulillah Al

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Hamdulillah inshallah, today we will be going over the 23rd juice, three stories in sha Allah. When we look at this juice, we find that there are actually a lot of stories mentioned Allah subhanho wa Taala in Surah. Assad that towards the end or after a few pages, he starts speaking about the messengers he speaks about new highly salonica Himalaya Salah Musa and how la Salatu was Salam and many other ambia I think today we will touch on in solar sofort just one story and that is the story of Ibrahim alayhis salam and his son is Marielle alayhis salaam, Allah subhana wa Jalla mentions how after Ibrahim had left his people he had left the place where you know he he wasn't able to do

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things and he he went out to another place in the Mahajan lobby, all the last panel which either insists that he made to ask for a son probably heavily manansala. He said, Oh Allah grant me a pious child, Allah, Allah, Allah then says permit shall now will be Lamin highly. We granted him a son, you know who was very Clement, and he he was He also became a nubby. As we know the two sons of by him alayhis salam is my L and his hat. They were both ambia. And this was a virtue and a bounty that Allah Subhana Allah had granted to Ibrahim alayhi salam, I think what stands out for me is how Ibrahim alayhis salaam moving from one difficulty where he's leaving a group of people, he then goes

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to another place he makes dua, asking for a son, Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions that he was given the sun. Immediately after that he starts mentioning a new test a new challenge or a new difficulty we could perceive that now occurs with the sun. So he is ordered as he sees in a dream. Remember, as we mentioned before, the dreams of the MBI hemas Salatu was Salam they had ye and they were true. Today, if somebody sees a dream of himself doing something, you know, to his son, or to this one, or to that one that is not revelation. So nobody can, you know, end up building, we're doing something carrying out solid action against people based on their dream. So I think what stands out for me is

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Ibrahim alayhis. Salam, yes, he moves from one difficulty he goes away from it, he finds his Allah subhana wa Jalla grants him the child, and immediately a next test. And we find after that, another test, and this shows us that life, it's between ease and difficulties it carries on rotating

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is absolutely some kind of luck. That's the nature of this dunya. And I think we tend to be looking for that which is everlasting peace in this linear, you know, and it's not, it's not there, you won't find it, we look for it. We think we'll find a piece where we will get to this point in our lives where we'll just be at peace completely. And there will be no tests. No, no hardship, no difficulty. I think a lot of us aspire to this yet. We don't realize that there's cycles of hardship and ease, hardship and ease and that's the nature of the dunya.

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I think ultimately, you know, ease and happiness everlasting happiness is for Jenna. Allah subhanho wa Taala says fella Bella Hama who's sorry cada una Yeah, in the film me and me at bat who co founder of moratalla. So he said that when he his son was now of the age of, you know, he was able to walk etc. He took him out and he says, look at it.

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So in my dream that I'm sacrificing use so what do you feel? What do you see? How do you see that appear in the matter? So Carla, a beautiful metal man, this is oh my father do that which you have been ordered and commanded to do. So we find that Ibrahim alayhi salatu was Salam is only asking him that, you know, what do you think about the matter? And he immediately answers with a certain answer, do that which you have been commanded to do. So it shows the level of Amen, that not only Ibrahim alayhi salatu salam had, but his Marielle alayhi salaatu wa Salaam also had this level of Eman and belief and conviction in Allah subhanho wa Taala, where he's willing to undergo the

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And it's something that we can all learn from, you know, sometimes we are being tested in a small way. But we need to come out and say Allah, you know, that I come out fully with full conviction and belief in you and in, you know, the fact that you will grant me the reward for this. So I think that's something that we can actually learn from.

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It's ultimately Allah subhanho wa Taala tested him and he passed the test and he submitted fully to Allah, a times we also find in our lives, yes, we're not saying that is why he will revelation but we find that there's a test and ultimately, the test of the difficulty you're going through Allah subhanho wa Taala is testing you to see you know, how sincere you are, are you able to leave certain things for his sake alone, for example, now we are fasting, we leave food and drink for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala alone, not for anything else, you know, we personally his intention has to be for Allah not to lose weight or to get on to, you know, get better health. So ultimately, this is

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a form of a test and a form of a trial where you are leaving food and drink and it's, you know, to cleanse you Yes, spiritually. And also when it comes to your heart and your intention, you know, to rejuvenate it and your ethos, your sincerity, so you can be attached to Allah subhanho wa Taala alone.

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Yes, absolutely. Also, we find that Ibrahim alayhi salatu was salam, his actions and his behavior with his son affected the son of his Of course, it was at a very early stage when this happened. But the fact that he brought him up in such a manner that the son could respond in this manner, you know, he, but if Alma took me to that which you have been commanded to, it shows us the Tobia that Ibrahim alayhi salatu salam brought his son up with such a strong, you know, Tobia on the obedience of Allah subhanho wa Taala, where he's telling his father that I don't mind sacrificing, it doesn't matter.

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You know, an interesting point you mentioned, some of them have a silly and say that when Ibrahim alayhis salam, obviously he had received revelation and ye from Allah, it was an order. So when he is asking the son the questions, he's not really asking him as such, because what if the son says, No, don't do it, rather, what he's trying to inform him of something that's going to happen, but in a different way. So he is a way. And I think sometimes, a lesson we can take from this is sometimes you know, when it comes to your children, somebody younger, you want to do something, maybe it's going to be something big or something huge. And there may be a shock. And but you really need to do

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it. You don't need to ask them but use a you know, a slew a way of bringing your point across so they are aware of the situation before it actually happens.

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Yes, that's that's so important. Sometimes if we, if we just spring something on to them, they can be shocked. They can react in in the wrong manner, etc. So that's something I don't know we can really learn from

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Allah subhanho wa Taala then speaks about Musa alayhis salam. He speaks about Eunice alayhis salam, he speaks about some of the other messengers and then surah Saad begins in Surah, Assad Allah Jalla wa ala he speaks about the mood and Suleiman alayhis salam, also a you Valley Salah, but the very first story that goes into detail is the story of the organic surah. Allah Allah Allah is mentioning an incident that occurred at the time of the Nabhi, the prophet of Allah that Allah says will attack and about will he asked me if the sowhat will be Hara has the news of the story of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam not come to you have the two who had an argument or they were debating,

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and eventually they jumped over the wall to get to the root alehissalaam they wanted somebody to judge between them, and will facili and have mentioned a lot when it comes to you know this, these verses, some mentioned that maybe they were angels and Allah subhanho wa Taala was trying to test their own IRA Salam. Others mentioned different things. However, what's important to remember a lot of times when reading the Farsi, especially when it comes to the stories of Deadwood and Salaam

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At a salon, these a lot of you know, negative and bad things that have been mentioned not in the books of the sea, but people have taken it from Israel, India, etc. So we have to be careful. We don't want to say something of a Nabhi of Allah was, you know, the bit in the best of people, the MDR, Allah in salaatu wa Salaam. And, you know, we say something that brings down from their level and their status bearing in mind that there were people before who didn't really view the order. And so a man alayhis salam as good people. So it's important for us to mention that sometimes you may read something in the in a book of Tafseer. But it's just mentioned as a story, you know, the slimy

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and as we mentioned before, is that which confer conforms or what goes according to plan. And soon as say, it doesn't contradict, here, we accept it. There's those things that go completely against here, we don't accept it, we leave it and then there are those things that are, you know, in between, it's neither this way, nor that way. It's something permissible, What color was the dog of people of the cave, here we are allowed to speak had this one Venezuela, how much however, the scholars usually mentioned, they need, who they got it from, and after that, you know, they just mentioning it.

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And then the scholars will come later on actually judge on this. So that was also allowed. And it's important to mention this, especially when it comes to the Odin Sulayman Allah is Salah, somebody was asking me the other day, a few days ago when it came to the story of Suleiman alayhis salaam, getting the queen of the bill please the queen of Southern to enter into that castle, or that fort made of glass. There's a lot that's been mentioned that some of them say no virgin wanted her to do this, or she had this etc, etc, etc, we must remember that when it comes to an OB of Allah, any Nabhi for that matter, if it's something that's not befitting of the status of no more of

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prophethood it's not befitting for us to mention such things in the first place. Getting back to the story, these two people whoever they may have been Allah subhanho wa Taala said two people came and they jump the wall. If there's someone who may have been told that Medallia has some problems, one of them begins to speak he says in Haha, this is my brother in law What is wrong? What is wrong? Imagine when you're not

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taking the bus as it is apparent. He has 99 sheep and I have one sheep and he told me his train is persisting for me to even give me that one. He has 99 I have one and he's one step one also. So now Allah has Salam he judges between these people. You know, he all aloka development can be so energetic Ilana it you basically oppressed this person by trying to get that one ship also. Allah subhanho wa Taala then says we're in NACA, Thea minal filata Isla de Barbuda, Malabar Hill alladhina amanu annual solly hearty welcome. This verse always stands out for me when coming over the story when going over the story, whether it's from the same of the Buddha, his salam, Allah subhanho wa

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Taala, then, you know, acknowledges the statement as being correct or it could be from Allah subhanho wa Taala himself saying this, that when it comes to partnership, most partners, they oppress one another in the levina ama, except those who believe wangyal solidarity to good deeds, what I mean, and you must know these people are very few when it comes to yourself going to a partnership or joint venture. If you can avoid it, avoid it, but it's not hard if you need to go into it, then you must know how to choose your partner. Try and you know try and choose a partner who has belief in Allah because ultimately if he knows that there's a last day is a day of TMI, if

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he is our last animal to Allah is not really going to cheat you when it comes to your money or anything else. So how do you know Sally had they do good deeds? What Hello, mom and you must know that these good partners are very few.

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Yes, Pamela is going to touch on the same point. It's amazing, something that really does stand out.

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You know, what comes to mind is the statement or the saying of the Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in which he says, unnecessarily to Sherry came Hadith from Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam from Allah subhanho wa Taala. So he says that I am three of the third of three partners. Madame yahoomail Sahiba, as long as one of the partners does not cheat his partner in Hana who has to mean by him, so if he cheats him then I leave that partnership I come out of it completely. So the help of Allah subhanho wa Taala or in whatever way this is to be interpreted, but Allah subhanho wa Taala is with him. The minute that one of them cheats the other, Allah subhanho wa Taala leaves

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that and he discards them leaves them to the to their own, you know affair, so to speak. So 100% were in the concealer mineral hula party layer, but he got all mad about most partners. That

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You will, you know, transgress against each other, they will try and cheat each other, they will try and deceive each other. Why? Because we all know that in business, a lot of people, the goal is to make as much as money as as much money as possible with whatever means possible. It doesn't matter whether you've had earliest harm, it doesn't matter, without cheating or deceiving the next month, as long as I make money on this deal, this is what matters. So I think that's why there's so much that we can learn from that, you know, partnerships, generally, you could say, are not the ideal thing to get into, you want to try and avoid this, because most partnerships will bring you

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problems. But if you believe in Allah subhanho, wa Taala, and you You're doing good deeds, or the person is doing good deeds, then you can actually enter into that partnership, it may end up being beneficial.

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Yes, as we mentioned, that, you know, what we're not saying it's hard, I'm saying that if you want to go into a partnership, or collaboration, not only in business, some other project etc, you know, choose properly, choose wisely, don't just get into it so quickly. And usually, you'll find that at the beginning of these partnerships, because both of them are not established. Remember, if one was already fully established, he wouldn't really need the other one. Same with the other party, if they were on the top, they wouldn't need to, it's usually they start at a time where people are both in need, or this one may have wealth, the other may have status, or vice versa. So one needs something

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from the other. And you can only get to that goal, if you go through this person. So a lot of times people just say yeah, and they jump in, you should take your time, think about it, you know, ponder over it. Because we all these partnerships, you know,

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within a little while, you end up seeing problems, every partnership. I mean, if you want to look at marriage as a partnership, also a for a bond, you find that there is no marriage that is free from problems. And this is somebody who you living with the whole day. If that's the case, in marriage, and it's normal, it's part of life, you will also have problems when it comes to businesses and when it comes to other joint ventures. So it's important to be careful and to know who to choose and make dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala that, you know, you get into the correct partnership with the right person.

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Yes, and also being content with what you have. This person has 99 you know, sheep and he's asking for the one that this guy has, you know, how much more do you want? This is the nature of the son of Adam like Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us that he had one Valley full of gold, he would want to and if you had to, he would try to get a third value full of gold. So here he has 99 and he's asking for the one that this guy has. He wants to make it 100 you know, so it's important to just become content with what you have. You have 1015 100 Alhamdulillah you happy with what you have? Don't look at what others have thank Allah subhanho wa Taala for what you've got, and Allah

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subhanahu wa taala will give more.

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Yes, we ask Allah subhana wa Taala to grant us all goodness. In the same story Allah subhanho wa Taala says after Tao galletas salaam gave judgment he says one nadamoo Anima fatahna basically double dialing Salaam knew that Allah subhanho wa Taala had tested him for still follow along with hot Rocky and whatnot. Basically he made it still felt he fell into frustration in his Salah he made the frustration some of them have actually mentioned that one of the reasons why they will gala is Salaam knew that this was a tester he realized it was a test and he made his still far was because he had judged without listening to the other side of the story. So he had one person saying that,

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you know, this is my brother, he's taken everything. So he immediately gave judgment without waiting for the other side to speak. And I think again, that's a very important point we touched on it. If you judging between the people or there's a problem and you call to be you know, the moderator mediator, you have got a job to listen to both sides. Don't come there with your bias already. You have to be impartial. Listen to what everybody has to say. As you mentioned before in the story of Sammy, even though he did something completely wrong. muscley Santa still gives him a chance to speak qualify my book as me What's this? Oh, Sammy, you know, what's your story? What do you have to

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say for this? So it's important to hear all sides out?

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Absolutely, absolutely. 100%

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moving on Allah subhanho wa Taala then speaks about Sulaiman Ali Salam. And then he speaks about a Yoruba, he said, I'm two different stories mentioned one after the other. I think just looking at these two stories as a whole, some of the scholars mentioned that when pondering over the fact that is it better for a person to be tried and tested and his

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Patience, or is it better for him to be given everything all the bounties and he is grateful to Allah subhanho wa Taala? Which servant or which slave is better? Is it the one who's going through hardship and his patient, or the one who has ease and bounties and he, you know, he's grateful. They mentioned a lot. And one of the scholars he mentions in the books of the festival, you can go back and see it. He says that, after pondering over these two verses, I saw that Allah subhanho wa Taala. He praises Sulaiman, Allah He said that because Sulaiman Ali Salaam was given everything and he was grateful, near malahat, In a word, you know what a wonderful and great servant and slave of Allah

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subhanho wa Taala, always turning back to him, in repentance, in worship, etc. Also, when it came to a umali salam who was given the, you know, the most difficult of tests, Allah subhanho wa Taala also praises him near my lab in a web, he says that, from what I did use Allah subhana wa Taala. He praises both. And for me to have alfia to have everything to have bounties and be grateful would be better, and being tested, and going through, you know, being tested and being patient. Yes, a person doesn't choose what they go through. But sometimes people think that, you know, you're looking at people going through difficulty and you burn through ease, and you think, oh, the only way I can

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attain good deeds is if I have calamity in my life, and I, I'm going through difficulty, no, there's also another way of looking at it, there's a whole different dimension to it. You can be a slave of Allah subhanho wa Taala, who is grateful as a man Ali Salam was Allah subhana wa Dionysus near molap. He praised him for if you're going through difficulty and you're patient, again, you Valley Salaam nitmiluk. Allah subhanho wa Taala praise Him.

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Wow, what an amazing analogies Allah. So any powerful lesson derived from this, that Allah subhanho wa Taala doesn't require us to put ourselves through difficulty or hardship if you can have it easy. Alhamdulillah thank Allah, and how Allah subhanho wa Taala plays them with the exact same words Nirmal added in our web. So it's amazing. Yes.

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You know, a Yoruba in salatu salam we Allah subhanho wa Taala, where he's been afflicted, and then Allah subhanho wa Taala tells him could be very easily, you know, strike with your with your leg, or your foot, have a mortar saloon buried or shut up. So strike with your leg, this is a something that you can water that you can use to bath basically bave multicell, buried washed up in a cold water, and it's something to drink, you know, maybe perhaps, we can deduce from this the benefits of bathing or birthing with cold water, drinking cold water, it doesn't have to be cold, but cold, you know that which comes from the ground, maybe there's benefits that can be derived from this health

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benefits, etc. You know, today, we find the doctors and the healthcare specialists, they tell you to bath or shower in cold water. So it might benefit you might help you boost your immune system etc. Maybe we can deduce this from the AI Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best you put it. So you know properly we, you know maybe we can deduce this and why we mentioned maybe is because when it comes to science, and that it carries on changing. So if you find for example, today they've got a certain fact and then people then go and interpret the Quran according to this fact so to speak, and then 10 years later it becomes common knowledge and then 10 years later, 20 years later, we find something new. Then what happens is that people then start doubting the Quran they say no, the answer's no the Quran, the Quran, when you look at his love, or when you look at the word of Allah subhanho wa Taala you find that Allah

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subhanho wa Taala doesn't mention, you know, excess detail in a lot of things. He mentions what needs to be mentioned people then go and try to derive Yes, is that which is correct that which may be incorrect. That which we don't know why we mentioned maybe, maybe it may be true, but if it's not true, there's nothing wrong with the Quran. But it's rather because you know, somebody tried to derive this. And later on they found something different and later on, they might find something different. So I think it's important to in fact, we have to believe in the Quran the word of Allah subhanho wa Taala as is, yes, it's nice to get, you know, certain flour into health benefits. Some

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people mentioned how the fruit is always mentioned before the food and this shows how you know, it's health benefit to eat fruit before food, and Allah knows best. It's something that's been deduced. Whether it's 110% correct or not one level

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100% Yes, the deduction may be wrong. But of course, the word of Allah subhanho wa Taala is never wrong. So that's something that we should. Yes, we should mention and we firmly believe in that 100% I think that's so important, especially in today's world where people now start looking at, you know, different scientific discoveries and starting Okay, so for this reason, the plan is right. And for that reason, the plan is correct. Yes, if it has been proven Alhamdulillah and that's good and fine. But if at some point that scientific discoveries proven wrong, then we don't want to say that the Quran is wrong, your deduction is wrong, or your understanding was wrong.

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Yes, and sometimes also when it comes to the life of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I've had some people mentioned that you know, he was vegan. So they said, We are vegan.

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You Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he lived at a time way. at a certain time. There was difficulty when it came to food, as I shall be alive on horses, you know, months would go by there was no fire lit because we were only living on dates and water because there was nothing to eat. Do we say that he said be vegan and you must be vegan? No. There's also other Hadith in Sahih al Bukhari Sahih Muslim mistaken one of the two or maybe both way also the loss of love and he was after you know, the,

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the lands have been opened, and there was victory and he was granted certain things from these, the treasures, he would have the food for his family for the whole year, you will be able to store it, what food it was well in more in the law, but we know the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also ate meat. So for us to then say that he was vegan, so we must be like this, or we must follow this diet. I think that's that's a bridge a bit too far for somebody to go down. You know, tomorrow, they find something wrong with this diet. And the whole diet thing is, it's like, there's a lot of differences of opinion. And it obviously comes down, boils down, everybody is different. You live in

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a different place, a different climate. There's so many things that can be mentioned, the people bathe themselves, they differ amongst themselves, what's good to eat, what's not good to eat. So when somebody comes and says the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was vegan, for example.

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And then let's say they find something wrong with this diet tomorrow. They say that it's not the best also known as Allahu, Allahu Allah, he also ate meat, he also did this, he also fasted. So don't try and you know, sometimes we want to make Islam seem appealing to all. So we take certain phrases of what's going along and try to apply it in the future. And and soon, as we mentioned before, this type of deduction of this type of symbol, you can say, maybe one level or another thing was he like this by choice over circumstances, you know, forced at the time where they had no food. So it's important to remember all these things. Why? Because 345 years later, a certain point you've

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been pushing, the so called research comes and it goes against what you said, Now people start shaking, but the full answer to this, but as soon as No, as soon as I didn't say that. It's a person who deducted it and this could be right or this could be wrong.

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Yes, absolutely. You You put it so rightly there, that, you know, people start deducing things and based on what's happening, they take something a trend that's going around also now there's you know, vegetarianism or vegan or whatever they call it, now, you've got to be vegan, you know, because in the Quran, it says x y&z or muscle loss or salhan You know, he did this in his life. So they using circumstance and then deriving from the Quran based on that. Whereas if you just look into the Quran and read into it, and perhaps you come up with certain you know, benefits from it Alhamdulillah that's good and fine. But like we said, of course the Quran remains one and correct

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until the day of Dr. Mohit will be correct. And we believe in it fully in every word, every letter, we don't deny any of its Allah. So whether science remains the same or not. You know, we believe that the Quran is one and it remains the same. And one of the miracles of the Quran the word of Allah subhana wa Taala is when it comes to you know, details specific detail, you find the Quran doesn't really go into specific detail until unless it's needed even the Sunni Islam as a religion. So you find that there are rules that have been set out we've mentioned before that the with the verses of halal and haram, as well as

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the Hadith that speak about halal and haram, you're probably not going to get more than 500 to 1000. That's all. But what happens between day to day lives in your day to day life. So many different things may happen. So there's not enough resource there's not enough

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I try to hide the fact rather the framework is there, the principle is, you then go and get your ruling. So what I'm getting to is that imagine, just imagine it's not the case. But just imagine that for answers, you know what everybody has to eat this food. In the morning, we people may be living in a place where they can't eat that food. That's why it's a set. Allah subhanho wa Taala has given us rules and principles, yes, that govern our lives when it comes to our API that our worship when it comes to our normal, you know, interactions with others when it comes to our business dealings. More than that, more than that, it's then the halal and haram aspect is then derived or

00:30:39 --> 00:31:11

deduced from it or extracted from it. However, now if somebody comes and says that, you know, everybody must fit this certain, this certain framework, they must eat only meat for example, it's not applicable to everybody and the Quran didn't say that. So it's important to mention this and to also realize why is Islam applicable everywhere and from you know, every every time for whether it was the previous generation so in the future that's one of the reasons the framework is the it's solid but every specific detail you know, when you

00:31:12 --> 00:31:36

I don't know when you eat, you must eat this I think maybe we hungry some of us we carry on saying, but if you eat you must eat this specific food. No, rather everything was halal and things that was specified that are Haram, Haram. So Allah said, don't eat this and don't eat this and don't take this as for everything else, it remains hollow, and you'll find that it's all encompassing rule.

00:31:37 --> 00:32:17

Yes, I think so I tried to generally trying to add to certain trends into Islam because they're part of our current day to day lives, or they're part of our, the trends in our time is a wrong ideology, you know, altogether, you shouldn't try to add it just for free because it's part of the trend that's going on, but rather it should work the other way you look into the Quran, and whatever agrees we'll take it whatever doesn't agree we will take it, you know, will, whatever goes against the Quran. So you use the Quran as a principle, not where you you use that as the principle and then try to apply it into the Quran and take it and you know, bring it into the it doesn't it doesn't

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work that way. Rather than the Word the Word of Allah subhanho wa Taala is supreme, you put it so rightly a trend the trend it goes up and then it dies out and also not using something else. As you know, the principal and then trying to justify to find it in the form annoyed is the opposite way it works the other way around with and we're not saying that, you know they may be things that we the world we live in today whether from the poor and or the sooner we are able to take certain flower aid or certain pieces of benefit. We're not saying it's not the it's possible. For us is the word of life is a miracle. But what we're trying to say is your your yardstick or your measurement shouldn't

00:32:57 --> 00:33:04

be trying from day and then you try to justify it here. Now your framework is here. Your principles are here. The Mattila agrees you take it

00:33:05 --> 00:33:07

Yes, yes, absolutely.

00:33:09 --> 00:33:11

Jeff, is there anything else you'd like to mention?

00:33:12 --> 00:33:14

Allah he says and I think we should call it today

00:33:16 --> 00:33:37

in sha Allah, we apologize for yesterday I think after I left I didn't share the well I didn't save it but I think I had new options. Maybe the app updated so inshallah I hope to save it to the inshallah inshallah inshallah. It should be safe. Salah there's a lot of Avon, Allah we see everybody tomorrow.

00:33:38 --> 00:33:44

Like a little circular here Saira Malik alikum Salah Mohammed Allahu Allah cat

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