Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al-Quran 2010 – Juz 29 – L292D

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of the Prophet sallahu Sallam's actions and how he faced opposition to his claims. They also talk about the use of tools and tools for cutting fruit, including s pods and s pods from plants, and the importance of blending individual behavior and finding one's own mistake. The speakers emphasize the importance of prevention and embracing blessings in one's life, and stress the need for everyone to share their mistake and find their own mistake.
AI: Transcript ©
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How's it goin rajim Bismillah Ar Rahman Rahim

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lesson number 292 pseudoscalar will begin from number 17

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in total column so far what have we learnt? The importance of the pen?

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What else have we learned in the sutra?

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The importance of good character. On the one hand the character of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is praised what in Allah Allah, hola Aleem?

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And what was his whole look of patience or forgiveness of tolerance? And on the other hand, was the Hulk of

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the machine of Makkah, those who were opposing him? And how was their whole look? How was that mentioned? What kind of characteristics are mentioned?

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The example of what even earlier? So what kind of character did he possess? What do we learn?

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One who swears a lot, then one who slanders one who spreads gossip.

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One who claims to be of a tribe, whereas he's not actually of that tribe. And why did you do that?

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To become famous to be very impressive, and it shows pride as well. So there is a clear contrast between these two different characters. And Allah subhanaw taala presents this contrast to us to show to us which one he likes and which one he does not like. And we see that well, even when

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he was the way he was especially towards the profits are allowed to set him towards the believers. It took literally, I don't know call it a cell total of wilin out of pride, he was opposing them, belittling them, monera, a little higher martyred, oppressing the believers. Why was it like this?

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Because he did not acknowledge the blessing that Allah soprano data had bestowed upon him. If you think about it, whatever wealth he possessed, whatever children he had, was it so that he would become more arrogant? Is this the reason why I Lost Planet Allah gave him know, if Allah gives any blessing to a person? What's the reason behind that? So that he becomes grateful, he becomes humble, he becomes more obedient. Similarly, we see that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he was sent as a blessing to the people of Makkah as well. But how are they dealing with that blessing, instead of being grateful, they were being ungrateful by denying the messenger and by opposing him as well.

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So Allah subhanaw taala says in avalonia home Indeed, we have tried them, we have tested them, who the people of Makkah, comma Bellona, just as we tested before us have an agenda, the people agenda, meaning the people of the garden.

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This agenda does not mean paradise of the hereafter. But what does it mean?

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The people who had a garden in this dunya in akosombo, when they swore layer three, Monaghan was behind when they swore to cut its fruit in the early morning.

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Who are these people of the garden? And how are they tested? Because the last panel, Darla says, gamma Bellona as hervorragenden,

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we see that the people of the garden, their story was very famous in Arabia. It is said that this garden was in the region of Sonora, and the owner of this garden, he would divide the harvest into three portions. And what would he do with all of those three portions, one part he would keep for himself, and his family and other party would keep for his relatives. And another part he would distribute amongst the poor and the needy.

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And you must understand that any place, any person from whom the poor and the needy get a regular share, what do they do? Every time the harvest season comes, they go in order to take their share, just as even at reading of her, when the animals are slaughtered, the poor and the needy, they actually go around asking for the meat. Why? Because they know that at this time, they can get it. It's understood. So similarly, this man who would distribute a third of his produce in who amongst the poor and the needy, so the poor and the needy, they would come regularly to him at the time of harvest to collect their share, and he would give to them readily happily. Now this kind of

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attitude, isn't this very grateful? Yes, this is something that Allah subhanaw taala likes, because it shows the humidity of a person it shows the concern he has for others. It shows his generosity, it shows his gratitude. So this is how this man was. However, when he passed away and his children, they inherited the garden. What did they think? They thought their father was not that smart in giving a third of the produce to the needy.

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So what did they decide that the entire

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shared the entire produce the entire harvest, they were going to keep to themselves they weren't going to give even one thing to the needy.

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So over here, they were being tested the people of gentlemen, the people of this garden, they were being tested, how are they being tested

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by the blessing that Allah had given them? Because remember, that were difficulties are attest, blessings are also a test.

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How are they a test that is a person grateful or ungrateful?

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Does he share with others? Or does he become stingy? Does he become arrogant? Or does he become more humble? So they were being tested. And the people of Makkah are also being tested?

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And what is it that the people of the garden said in akosombo, when they swore an oath when they vowed

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that layer three Muna had, they were definitely going to cut its fruit must be seen as once entering in the morning.

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Yes, we wouldn't have half of the room fetters slot or meet some, and some is to cut off something to serve or something. And literally, it is to cut off fruit from a tree. So basically, to pick the fruit from a tree. And it's also used for cutting off the branches of a tree.

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And for that, you need a very sharp tool. For example, if you just want to take a flower of a plant, do you need a very sharp tool for that? No, you don't. But if you have to cut branches, then what kind of a tool Do you need that which is very sharp. So from this, saddam, saddam from the same root is used for a sword because the sword is also very sharp. And saddam is also used for that which is extremely sharp. So for example, Hassan even Sabbath, he said, with regards to his tongue, that listening sorry, that my tongue is very sharp, that he could cut off he could refute any person who insulted the religion of Allah soprano. And we see that those who insulted the prophets are allowed

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to send him the religion of Allah, how he lashed them back.

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So in XML layer three, when they swore in AWS, that they were definitely going to cut off the fruit of half meaning the garden, when must be seen as once entering in morning.

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Meaning by the time morning arrives, by the time it's day, they decided that they will pick all of the fruit when I asked at noon, and they did not make any exception. Yes, that's noon, from the word is this. Do you remember, I told you once about health is this?

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What does it mean, to make an exception? So what is how is this not

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in law? Good.

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Sometimes we remember these terms, we don't remember actually, what words they're. So it's the snare is to make an exception. So Elias does No, they did not make any exception. What does it mean by this?

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Meaning they did not make any exception to their harvest the fruit that a part of it would go to the needy, no, they said all of it, we're going to keep with ourselves. They didn't make any exception for the needy, for the extremely poor, for the extremely hungry. No, they made no exception. They decided to keep everything for themselves. And they said that they were going to pick all of the fruit, they weren't going to leave anything on the trees.

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Because if you leave a little bit on the trees, even then a person who comes late, can he take at least something? Yes, he can find something. For example, if you go fruit picking at the end of the season, maybe you'll find an apple or two here. But they made a decision that they were going to pick every single fruit without exception. They weren't going to leave anything there. So that even if the poor and the needy come later, they don't find a single fruit.

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This is how stingy they became.

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Just think about it. At the time of harvest, you'll find the majority of the fruit ready to be picked. But at least some fruit will be unripe. But they made no exception said no, we're going to take everything, we're not going to leave even one apple nothing at all. Nothing at all, nothing for the poor and the needy.

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Then there is another meaning of what is that's noon, that this is this not this exception they're making from what? From their custom that they said, We are going to go in the morning we're going to pick all of the fruit and they made no exception meaning they did not say insha Allah. Because when a person says insha Allah, then he is making an exception for what Allah subhanaw taala is well, in the sense that we're going to do this However, if Allah wills otherwise we will not be able to do it. That's what insha Allah means. We will do it if Allah wills but if Allah wills otherwise, we will

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will not do it. But they said no, we're gonna go as if they're saying that whether Allah wants or not we're going to go and take everything for ourselves.

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What have we been told? That will add a colon Alicia interferon?

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La Liga hudon, Illa, Anisha, Allah, that when you firmly intend to do something still you should say in sha Allah.

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When do we typically say in sha Allah when we are shaky, when we are in doubt,

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and if somebody says in sha Allah, then you think that perhaps they're not that determined, this is how we understand.

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But this is incorrect. You have to say in Sharla, when you've made up your mind, even when you've decided to do something, because ultimately it's the will of Allah, if he decides you're not going to do it, you won't be able to do it. So Elias does know they were very determined.

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Photographer la aka for me Rebecca. So they're came upon the garden and affliction from your Lord, while homenet imune while they were asleep, Baba and thought if both are from the roof address, power amplifier to means to go around and blah if is one that makes circuits one that goes around and thought if is also used for a disaster and affliction that comes at night and set the bar if is only possible at night.

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So football, family health law for middle of big visitation came from your Lord meeting it visited the garden, it went around the garden and what was this a disaster like for example a hot wind or something similar that completely burned and destroyed the garden while home not anymore while they were still sleeping, meaning before morning arrived their garden was finished

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for us bahat so it became customary as though it was reaped

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a sorry from the root letters saadani layer three Muna same route and what is flooding sodium is that which is harvested remember, yesterday will know what does it mean that they will pick the fruit. So funny is that which is harvested. So in the morning, the fruit was already harvested. Why? Because of the because of the wind because of the punishment. So the fruit that they were expecting was going to be on the trees. It was now finished, it was gone from there, the trees were gone, the fruit was gone, it was all destroyed.

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The word sorry, is also used for the night or the day. Why? Because both are cut off from one another. When the night comes, the day goes when the day comes, the night goes both are cut off from each other. So for us by hackers, sorry. It's understood as that it became like a black night, the garden became like a darkened night.

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Just like a night is black and dark. Similarly, their garden was black Ash is extremely dark. Just imagine an orchard of trees. How is it beautiful, lush green,

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and you can see the fruits, they're bright, lovely colors. But this garden it became like a black knight, all ashes, nothing left. Similarly, the word slavery was also used for a ground that is covered by black sand, or a ground that has been burned black.

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So for example, if there are trees somewhere, and all of those trees are burnt, they're gonna collapse. And because of the fire, everything is going to turn into ashes. And as the trees are burnt down, the ground power does it become it becomes black. So for us, we had custody of the entire garden. It was like a ground that was covered by black sand, a ground that was burned black, covered in ashes.

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Fernando was buried, and they called one another at morning. So this is what happened at the garden. And these people who were sleeping, when they woke up, they had no idea what had happened in the garden when they woke up. What did they do Fernando. So they began calling one another most behaved at morning meaning as soon as morning arrived, it was early morning. What happened? They woke up and they started calling each other and they had no idea of what had happened to their garden during the night.

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And as they woke up, what were they saying to one another? Why were they calling each other? They were saying that meaning they were saying oh do I need to do either how's he can go early to your crop in kuntum. Sorry me if you would cut the fruit. overdue from the rotators lane that well what does that mean?

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For that morning, what are those? So what I have to do is to go somewhere early in the morning

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to go early in the morning. So unable to do either How can that go early in the morning? To what your crop your produce your field? In quantum sorry mean? If you are ones who will cut the fruit? Sorry mean floral upside Him and who is sorry one who cuts one who reaps one who harvests. Meaning if you really want to pick the fruit. If you really have that intention, then you better go now. Because if you go any later what's going to happen? The needy will come, the poor will come and they will start asking you so you have to go before they come and be done with everything

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from Tohoku. So they all set out in Baku, lamb cough, what does that mean?

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Decide how to proceed to go forth from Tanaka. So fun for a coup, they all set out. Each and every single one of them they went off to their garden. Well, who me at the half a tune while lowering their voices? They were talking to each other? And how are they talking in very low voices, yet a half a tune from the half foot half fat that

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we have learned earlier, we're allowed to have it to be heard. And to have it for food. What does it mean, to become inaudible, meaning to speak in a very low voice that can barely be heard, to matter to whisper secretly talk to converse in a very low voice. So homea to half a tune, they were whispering to each other talking secretly?

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Why were they whispering to each other? Because they didn't want anyone to find out. They were going to the garden.

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in smaller communities, what happens where people are living close to each other? If there is even a little bit of commotion going on in the neighbor's house, you find out very quickly. And if you hear people outside, you will wonder what's going on.

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So they went out to their garden. And they were speaking in a very low voice. Why? Because they didn't want anyone to find out they were going to their garden. And they were saying and that layer to Holanda that there will surely not enter it. Aloma today I lay come upon you miskeen any needy, meaning no needy person should be able to come to you today. Why? To ask you for any fruit. layer, the Holanda Yolanda, he will enter her, it being the garden? Why would a miskeen person enter the garden?

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Why? To ask for the fruit. So don't let anyone come in. Don't let any miskeen come in. Because if they come in, then we will have to give them Well, hello. And they went early. They left early in the morning, for where for their garden, either held in indetermination, or the rain assuming themselves capable. How is from the roof letters? How old are they? And the word help has several meanings. First of all, how is understood as determination.

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So they left in the morning with firm determination, what determination that they were going to pick all of the fruit, and they were not going to give any of it to the needy. So they set out early in the morning to their garden with this firm determination with this firm resolve that they weren't going to give anything to the needy. And they assumed themselves to be a party or the employer enough

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that they thought they had full power over their garden they could take everything for themselves. Secondly, the word help is also understood as anger.

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It also gives meaning of anger. So they went to their garden in a state of extreme anger, anger over who? over the needy, that why do they come and ask us because they come and ask us look at how inconvenient our life is we have to go out early in the morning. And we have to go pick the fruit early and we have to hide like this as if we are stealing from our own garden. So they were extremely angry on who underneath it.

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And Allah says they were called in then what is meant by Cardinal Cardinal means that they were capable capable of what of giving something to the needy. It wasn't like they were going through extremely hard times that they couldn't afford to give anything. No, they could definitely afford to give Cardone they were capable. They had a lot of produce, from which they could definitely give a portion to the needy, but they didn't they became stingy.

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So while they were either held in, or did, they went early in determination, or during assuming themselves able,

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but what happened? Follow me over. But when they saw it when they reach the garden, and they saw it kalu they said in a lowball loon, indeed we are lost. Why did they say that?

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Because they thought they ended up somewhere else. Because of the darkness of the night. Remember, it was early morning. But still, it was a little dark at that time. It was a time when there was still a part of the night left. So for Lamar, oh hakala in a balloon, they said, We are lost, perhaps we have lost our way. We have come to the wrong place. But when they looked, and they checked, they knew that they were at the right place. They recognize their garden.

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And then they said, Well, no mahalo moon. Rather, we have been deprived. We are at the right place. But we have been deprived, deprived of what deprived of the fruit deprived of the harvest. Why is it that we are deprived because we denied it to the poor? When we denied it to the poor, we have been deprived of it as well.

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Paula OSA, to whom the most moderate of them said, Oh sub

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o sub is from newsletters well seen?

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And what does it mean, to be in the middle,

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to be central. And the word OSA is understood in different ways, most moderate of them, meaning the average of them.

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And remember that OSEP also gives a meaning of most sensible the best, for example, omoton was upon what does it mean by that? The best nation? The most moderate one? Why? Because it has been given the best shittier. So Paula, also to whom it doesn't mean he was in the middle of them in the sense that that's where he was standing, or that's where his position was in the sense that he was in the middle of them in age. No, I was that means he was the most sensible of them.

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Though it also was also used for our well being the person who is most wise. So the wisest of them the most sensible amongst them, he said, an akula calm. Did I not say to you, Lola to sub beehoon? Why do you not do this beer? Why do you not glorify glorify Who? Allah subhanaw taala? What does it mean by this low lattice of beer? What does this mean in this context?

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Meaning, why don't you thank Allah for what he has given you? When Allah has given you these blessings, what should be your response of doing this be have Allah, not of becoming stingy, and keeping everything to yourself and not sharing it with the poor and the needy Lola to sit behind? I told you that you should be grateful. I told you, you should do a lossless beer. Because many times when a person has Well, the person is successful in worldly terms, he gives all the credit to himself, which is why he becomes proud and arrogant. He doesn't want to share anything with anybody. But when a person is grateful, then what does he do? He does this be a Who? Allah subhanaw taala

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that Allah It's because of you. You gave this to me. You are perfect. So Lola to serve behind.

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Lola to serve behind is also understood as that why did you not say insha? Allah, Allah, Allah calm, Lola said, Behold, Did I not say to you, why do you not exalt Allah? Meaning Why did you not say in sha Allah?

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Because when a person says in sha Allah is there a lust has to be in that? How? Think about it.

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You're declaring the perfection of Allah His power, His supreme ability and control and authority. That only if he will, then we'll be able to do this. And if he does not will we will never be able to do it. So when a person says in sha Allah in fact, what is he doing? Alice this be so Lola to step behind? Why do you not do this via meaning? Why do you not say in sha Allah you didn't listen to me see what has happened?

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So what happened then ALU server handle have been the sets of Hernan have been immediately they started doing this view.

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They didn't do this before. Now they're doing this beer in cannavale mean, indeed we were wrongdoers. How did we do?

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That we did not do this. Before we did not say insha Allah, we did not thank Allah. We did not think of even sharing anything with the poor. So silverhand albina in cannavale mean indeed we are wrongdoers

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for Elko Bella

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Boom, Anna Berlin, then they approached one another than some of them turned to the other. Meaning they approach one another, they began talking to one another. And what did they do? Yes, alone, they were blaming each other.

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It's an element from tala one from lone, low Mr. Blaine. So today I want to blame one another. So they began blaming one another. For what?

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For what they had resolved to do. It was your idea? No, no, I never said that. It was your idea. Because whenever people, they end up in a trouble like this, what do they do? They start blaming each other. You said we should do this? No, I never said, I just suggested you decided, you told us.

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So yet and our mood, they began blaming each other for what they had intended to do. And what is it that they had intended to do to completely deprive the poor of any share of that harvest?

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And this is the behavior of people generally, that whenever they end up in trouble, they accuse each other. They do not take responsibility, but what do they do? They blame others.

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And sometimes it's for the smallest of things even

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like, for example, if a person trips, what will he do? blame somebody else? Why did you put this here? While you should have been looking? Similarly, if a person, their desk is very messy, somebody else comes and cleans it organizes it, they can't find their stuff. What do they do? They start blaming other people, I cannot find it because they cleaned it. Well, they did a favor to you. But know if it's messy, then I know where my stuff is. That's what people say. So whenever people suffer, they tend to blame each other. They don't want to take responsibility for it for alcova Navarro from Allah Berlin. He attalla Moon carlu. They said, yo, Elena, over to us. In couldna.

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Tallinn, indeed we were transgressors. They all blamed each other, and then they realize that no, it's everybody's fault. Why? Because all of them decided to do this.

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And this is a reality, when people are working together as a group. And when they suffer at the end, then whose fault is it? It's everyone's fault. So in Kona, Tallinn, it's our fault. At that time, they realized it was their own mistake.

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And then they said, there are several boonah, perhaps our Lord and you will deal and that he will substitute for us. You will dealer ever data you will do if the What does that mean? To replace something with another, to substitute, give something instead of the other.

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So hopefully, our Lord will substitute for us higher men have much better than it much better than what much better than the garden that we have lost.

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We have lost this garden this garden is burnt down. All of the harvest has gone waste. But hopefully our Lord will replace it for us with something that's much better in in our abena, all the blue, and indeed we are to our Lord wanzhou incline, or the bone florala.

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And who is rotting? One who desires one who hopes one who wishes for something, one who turns in hope to someone. So we are to our Lord Rafi born meaning we hope for the best from our Lord.

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We turn to our Lord seeking forgiveness, in repentance, and we hope the best from him in that in our opinion.

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Now, if you think about it, when a person suffers in this way, that just imagine it takes months and months to look after a garden.

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And for the fruit to be ready to be picked. months and months, a lot of effort a lot of time. And if the fruit is finished, it's destroyed at that time. No matter how many hoops you have, no matter how much is the fault of yours, no matter how much you turn to Allah. But definitely you have lost something.

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So many times we see that people they express regret, they express their Toba when when they have suffered a loss, they expect the best from Allah subhanaw taala which is something that definitely however what they lost. Can they get it back? No. Over here the fruit that was lost the harvest that was lost? Could they get it back? No. The blessing that is gone. Can you retrieve it? No, Allah subhanaw taala can definitely give you something else instead, which is what you should hope for realizing your mistake and seeking forgiveness from him. However what is lost is lost. So

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Alaska daddy colada, thus is the punishment.

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Like this is the punishment.

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This is how we punish punish

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those people who are ungrateful,

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even if they realize later,

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because many times it happens that a person has a blessing. He's not grateful for it, he doesn't value it, he doesn't use a property, he loses it. And when he loses it, then he realizes and he turns to Allah. Right. However, he has lost that blessing. Gary Keller that this is exactly how punishment comes. For who, for those who are ungrateful for those who are stingy with what Allah has given them.

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For those who withhold the rights of the poor and the needy, for those who respond to Allah blessings, with what in gratitude for those who oppose the commands of Allah, this is how the punishment of a law comes from where they don't even expect a radical either. And even in the future. If Allah subhanaw taala gives them something else, however, they've lost that blessing. And Allah says, Well Are there will herati Akbar, and surely the punishment of the Hereafter is much greater. It's much more enormous, much greater than what then the punishment of this world low can we are the moon, if only they knew. If only they knew they wouldn't behave like this.

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Just think about it. All of your effort gone waste, you don't get any benefit.

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And the the punishment is much greater.

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We'll listen to the recitation, and then just a few more things.

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must be me

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for me

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wanna How

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You know,

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any blessing, whether it's knowledge, or its wealth, or its food or anything that Allah gives to a person, then what should a person do?

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That he should not just keep it to himself, he should not just be proud about it, that oh, I have this and look, other people don't have it. Boasting to them, selfishly keeping everything to himself. No. The responsibility of every person is that whatever he has been given, he must be grateful for it and he must share it with other people. Because remember, that no matter what you have, ultimately, who does

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belong to Allah subhanaw taala you are only temporary owner. You only have it for some time. So while you have it for some time and you becoming so arrogant about it, can Allah not take it easily away from you very easily, within moments within seconds, and you see how photographer la otra even tougher, what is it, you're all around. So this calamity surrounded the garden, meaning it left nothing of the garden untouched. Everything of it was gone, everything was finished. To the last bit, it was destroyed. So similarly, when a person becomes stingy and arrogant with the blessing that Allah has given him, a luck and completely taken away from him, leaving nothing at all with

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The people of the garden their father used to give of this garden regularly to the poor. And because of that, there was a lot of barricade as well. A lot of Baraka in the garden. And the sons they thought it was very foolish of their father. And the moment it fell into their hands, they said we're keeping everything to themselves, and what do they have with themselves, nothing. So this re emphasizes the fact that in Shackleton that as Eden Naco, if you're grateful, I will increase for you and if a person is stingy, he doesn't share that there is a means of losing the blessing

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of Allah subhanaw taala and still, they are fair and they also have of Allah subhanaw taala they said, okay, we did mistake, Allah forgive us, but maybe I lost when we change it to something else. Like most of the time when we do something, we not even regret about our mistake. And we're not even back or forth. Allah Subhana Allah so Allah subhanaw taala can replace it and we are negligent about whatever we do. Yes. But we see that, yes, they were very hopeful. They were repentant. They sought forgiveness. But did they not suffer loss? Yes, they did. Yes, in sha Allah in the future, Allah will reward them make things easy for them. When a person doesn't mistake like that. But

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Allah subhanaw taala does make a person suffer from the consequences of his ingratitude, even if he changes afterwards, but still he has suffered a great loss.

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When are you gonna hire I mean, house thinking, prevention is older, they say prevention is better than a cure. So before, you know if nothing was taken away from you, you should like you know, take preventive measures and try to be like, well, exactly. This is the point that I've been making that prevention is better than cure,

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that before a blessing is taken away, prevent that blessing from being taken away. Why wait?

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No, do something to preserve the blessing. And what is that sugar, as well as humility, obedience, as well as sharing it with other people.

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Now, basically, over here, the people of Makkah, they are being taught a huge lesson. And what is that lesson that a lot of panatela has given you a great blessing as well.

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And what is that great blessing, the Messenger of God on this Deen hedaya guidance, knowledge.

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And this is very similar to how the people of the garden they were given a blessing. And when Allah gives a blessing to a person, what's the reason that he shows gratitude? He shares it with other people. He accepts it, he becomes obedient. He glorifies Allah, Lola to serve beehoon. He remembers Allah. And if he's like that, then you will be able to benefit from that blessing, and that blessing will stay with him. But if a person becomes ungrateful, disobedient, then what happens a lot of panel data deprives him of the blessings that he has. So we see that the people of Makkah, when they rejected the Prophet sallallahu sallam, they opposed him What happened? They were struck by a famine

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of drought that we have learned about instead of the Han

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Shan ness that the horn that smoke it covered the people, because it was completely dry. It hadn't been rained for so long, and people were living off of carcasses, and they were in a miserable state. Just imagine people have Makkah. And when Abu sufian came to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and requested him to please pray for them, that Allah saves them from that affliction.

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We learn instead of the natural i a 112. Also, well dorabella who method and caryatid cannot Amina tan martoma in Latin, t Harris kohara de min Colima can in fact, be anomala He further Kahala holy basil jewelry will hopefully be back and we are sinner moon.

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And Allah presents an example a city which was safe and secure. Its provision coming to it in abundance from every location, but it denied the favors of Allah.

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So when it denied the favors of Allah, Allah made a tasty envelopment of hunger and fear for what they had been doing.

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So what's the lesson in this for us that when a person does not value a blessing when he is not grateful for

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Then Allah deprives him of blessings. Allah deprives him of blessings, then difficulty and misery, enter his life, where his life was easy, convenient, full of blessings before now it becomes difficult.

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So whenever you feel that something is missing from your life that you had before, whether it is Baraka and risk or anything of that sort, then what should you do?

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Think about your behavior, that perhaps you have been ungrateful, perhaps you have been selfish, perhaps you have been stingy.

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Perhaps you weren't obedient enough. So, at these times, a person should reflect on his behavior and turn to have not, in our opinion, well, he wouldn't turn to Allah, and be hopeful, and Mater and seek forgiveness that Allah will give you better inshallah, in the future. And this is only possible when a person has learned a lesson, we see that these people have the garden, they learned a lesson. They got it, they understood what their mistake was, which is why they sought forgiveness. But many times it happens that in such situations, people don't take a lesson. They think that still everything is in their control, if they have lost some money, it was because they weren't working in

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a good place. If they don't have enough money, it means they need to work more. If they lost something, it's because of so and so person. They just blame other people, they don't learn a lesson from it. So it's important that we learn a lesson and we change our ways.

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Sometimes people also blame a loss of penalty for that, what wrong did I do? What sin did I commit? Why have I been deprived in this way? So instead of behaving in this way, what's the proper way that a person learns a lesson

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and he turns to a loss seeking forgiveness. And in over here, their attitude, which has mentioned that how they left so quietly, so secretly, they're saying, don't let anybody hear you. Don't let anyone come today, keep everything to yourself. This shows such a childish behavior, that children who have like a candy or something and they're keeping it with themselves, and they don't want to share it with anybody, the food that they have, the stuff that they have, they don't want to share it with anybody. It's such childish behavior.

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Because if you share it with someone, after all, how much will they take from you? How much? Hardly anything and even if they do, is it that you will become hungry? No, you will also have something because remember that food for one is enough for two, but we think food for do is enough for one, which is why we don't want to share anything with anybody. And we hide our things, and we don't even show it to other people.

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So, this kind of behavior we should get rid of and we should also discourage our children from behaving like this. A person must always be sharing share with other people give to other people give so that you can get what is the loss of Pam data say spend so that you can be spent on unfair spend so that you can be spent on

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give, so that you can be given

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but if we hoard everything, we keep everything to ourselves, then definitely there will be a decrease in blessings.

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We listen to the recitation

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Al-Qalam 1-52 Tafsir 17-33

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