Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al-Quran 2010 – Juz 27 – L274D

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The importance of knowledge and fulfillment in one's actions is emphasized, along with the need for a strong belief in oneself and others. The struggles of the Islamist movement and the American revolution, including the removal of wedding and family, are also discussed. The importance of family support and community support is emphasized, along with the need for a firm belief in oneself and others. Success is emphasized as a goal, and striving towards it is emphasized as necessary.
AI: Transcript ©
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What's up lady Michelle on rajim Bismillah Ar Rahman Rahim, lesson number 274. So let's imagine I am number 33 to 62.

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A 408 led to Allah. Have you seen the one who turned away,

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turned away from what turned away from a man in Allah and His Messenger turned away from obedience to Allah, during the way from observing the commands that Allah subhanaw taala has given during the way from performing the good deeds that he used to perform a photo at la de la la. Have you seen the one who turned away and what does he mean by Fr ATIA?

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Meaning Tell me Have you thought about this? Have you considered this ever? This expresses amazement.

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The one that he completely left. Remember, this is not error. This is not just the disinterest of the heart. But this is completely abandoning leaving, imagine Allah and His messenger. It's hard to align His Messenger

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leaving abandoning the good deeds completely that a person used to do something. And then he left it, though Allah.

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What are Taka Leland? Well, at the end, he gave a little and then he refrained.

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Or a thought colleague and he gave a little. And after giving a little, what did he do?

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He stopped. He reframed

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after his from the reflectors gaff that Yeah, what kind of a word is it? First of all, like the

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you have some candies. I'd like to reward people who are doing good and grammar back there. What kind of word is it? Is it a noun? Is it a fair?

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fair? Or isn't?

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It's fair, which fair does it

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is a foul? act? There are Fila.

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If you look at the translation, when I asked you about the word look at the word to look at me

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analyze the word don't analyze my face, back there alfalah. Right. If you look at the translation, he stopped, he refrained. What is it past tense family and third person masculine. So it has to be a father. Now that he stopped, this is not a relatively This is what I wanted you to know. This is not a follow to live but rather it is fair. So just like our thought our thought he gave back there he stopped at the from the refectory scuff Dahlia, and Canyon is to give a little

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one does a person give it

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when he's stingy.

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So it is to become stingy. Basically, this word derives from the word alcudia, which is such earth that is very hard, very tough, it's as hard as rock and which prevents the well digger from digging through when he hits it. Like a person is digging a well, right. And as he's digging, he reaches a point which is extremely hard, extremely tough. And when he reaches that point, he cannot break through he cannot go any further.

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This type of Earth is called what alcudia.

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Alright, so from this is the word up there, which is to withhold, to stop, to become stingy. Remember the Battle of Honda, the companions were digging the trench and what happened when they reached a particular rock, Boulder. They couldn't dig any further. This is what activates that something is so tough, so strong, so hard, that you cannot go through it from this to refrain do become stingy, do not go any further. The other person is still needy, but you don't give this is actor. So our thought callinan work that he gave a little and then he refrained. What does it mean by this? This is understood in two ways. That first of all,

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he gave a little in the way of Allah. He gave a little in charity. And then he stopped.

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He stopped giving.

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Secondly, autoclean meaning he gave, as in he performed a little

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he performed some good deeds. And then he stopped.

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He stopped he discontinued those good deeds.

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For eight Alito Allah, what are abraca leighlin? What

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have you seen the one who turned away? He obeyed for some time, and then he stopped? He stopped obeying

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arasaka didn't work. He didn't continue anymore. Why did he not continue anymore? Why did he not

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Dig anymore, because it was difficult. It was hard. So as long as it was easy, he did it. And as soon as it became difficult, he stopped talking even when

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he was sad, like the case of a people who dig a well, during the course of which they find a rock preventing them from completing their work. So they say, we are finished and they abandon the work. They start digging. But when they reach the codea, what happens? They give up, they say we're done with it, I can't handle it anymore. Just forget it. It's too much. It's unbearable. Arthur alkalyn will occur

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many times it happens that a person starts doing something good.

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And what happens then, after some time he stops, he just continues, whether it is an action that is very obvious, like for example, this course, what else wearing the hijab.

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But then after some time, when the difficulty increases, a person says that said, I cannot handle this anymore. I cannot deal with it. So he stops there.

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Allah subhanaw taala says,

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Have you seen such a person? Isn't it amazing?

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What's wrong with him? What's making him do this? What's stopping him?

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are in the hurin, Moodle Avi, for who I era? Does he have knowledge of the unseen? So he sees? Does he have knowledge of the unseen? So he sees what does he see his state, his final consequence in the field? Meaning does he have knowledge of the unseen that tells him that he will be fine in the hereafter even if he stops doing this good.

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For Hawaii, Allah, he can see his end in the hereafter. He can see his success in the hereafter. This is why he thinks it's okay for him to discontinue. This is why he thinks it's okay for him to stop doing what he was doing before.

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If you think about it, the reason behind this abandoning of faith, this abandoning of righteous action is what false presumption about the hero

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thinking that I will be okay. Thinking that Allah is still happy with me thinking that whether I do this good or I don't do this good. Allah will not question me. He will not hold me accountable. Because he knows what difficulty I'm going through. He knows I cannot handle it anymore. Allah questions is over here. Does this person have knowledge of the unseen? Allah said Lechuza, Cohen fossa calm don't consider yourselves to be very pure. Does he have knowledge of the unseen? Does he know that he's perfectly fine the year after this is why he doesn't need to do it anymore. In throw some terrify 36. We learned well on masataka emmerton. Allah, Allah to Allah, Allah didn't hide,

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Amina Allah. This is a false thought about the alpha, that I don't think I've ever going back to you. And if I do, then I'll be perfectly fine. Allah will give me much better than this.

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Now, this is false thinking. Because Allah says in solitude, I have 41 I'm in the human labor for homeopathy, oh, no, no one has knowledge of the unseen. No one knows about their final end in the hereafter

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into the mighty mighty 78 upon our labor.

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Has this person been informed of the unseen? Did he come to know of the matters of the unseen of the future of the hereafter? Or has he taken a promise with Allah What promise that Allah will forgive him regardless, that Allah will definitely make him energetica that Allah will not question him about his actions. This is why he thinks it's okay for him to do whatever he wants. Is it so he doesn't have the knowledge of the unseen and there is no such promise that Allah has made with his servants either.

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In the hood, or even when Lavie for who era.

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It is said that this ayah was revealed concerning Waleed Alia, who initially was inclining towards Islam. He was inclining toward becoming a Muslim. And someone said to him that have you left the religion of your forefathers? So when he replied, I feared the punishment of Allah. Imagine, he replied, I fear the punishment of Allah. Therefore, I cannot but believe so the other person he said to him, I will give you a lot of wealth. And if the punishment comes, I will take your share of punishment. So when he left the deal, and he turned away, so it is said that these ayat were actually revealed about him. However, in the Quran, his name is not mentioned.

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No person has been specified, which shows that every person must reflect on this.

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Looking at himself, I thought I ate a lead Ito Allah. We're out of college and we are in the Hooray, baby for Hawaii.

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What knowledge does he have? What guarantee does he have

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Who has told him that he'll be perfectly fine, he doesn't need to do good anymore. Nobody has told him

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who has told him that he will be successful in the hereafter. No one has told him, and why does he assume all of this?

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The thing is that when a person does something good when a person walks in the Battle of the will desk, will they be difficulties? Of course, or has evenness. When you throw in your guru, Amanda who lived alone, there will be better. There will be tests, there will be struggles, a person has to put in the effort.

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And the thing is that when it comes to dounia, what do we think you have to put an effort, but when it comes to Dean, we think I cannot handle it anymore. I cannot take it anymore. This is getting too much. And Ally's Forgiving and Merciful. Well, what knowledge of the unseen do you have that he will definitely forgive you? Or that you don't need to do this.

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This recently, I came across an article in the news about this particular person who had removed their hijab and a public figure. And very openly, this was being spoken about. And they were mentioning what how they had struggled to wear the hijab for so long. And eventually they removed it, for whatever reasons. And I thought to myself, you struggle for 20 years for almost two decades. And then at the end, you take it off. The thing is that you have to struggle, struggle is a part of life.

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effort is a part of life, anything you want to accomplish anything you want to achieve, you have to go through difficulty.

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And then what is it that makes a person tick it off? What is it that makes a person stop the good that he has started thinking that it will be perfectly fine? thinking that it's not important anymore? Thinking that you don't have to wear it, thinking that it's not a part of Islam? Who gave you the knowledge of the ANC? When the identical honor so clear, so evident. How can you say it's not a part of Islam?

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Because many people claim this it's not a part of Islam, how can you justify that you have knowledge of the unseen is the Quran, a book of riddles? And you found out about that riddle in particular that this is not what the ayah means it actually means something else? No. The meaning is obvious. It's very clear. So are in the hurun will they be for Hawaii era what gives him the confidence to do this?

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Um, let me be Matthew surfy Moosa or has he not been informed of what was in the scriptures of Musa

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um, let me know but you know, but from the reflectors, known by Hamza, never

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important news has he not been informed of what was revealed in the search of new status

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of the scriptures of conservatism. So half is a plural of serif and serif and literally his pages. And from this is the word most half as well.

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Because mishap is a compilation of sheets pages on which there is written matter. So server for Moosa, the scrolls of Moosa, what are they?

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The Torah? So does this person not know about what Allah revealed in the scrolls of Masada center? What Ibrahima and of Ibrahim meaning and the serve of Ibrahim and his center,

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what Allah revealed in the serve of Musa what Allah revealed in the surface, Ibrahim nslm and who is a Brahim Addison and by the way, and let you have

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the one who fulfilled his obligations. He did not act the No, he fulfilled his obligations. Were able to human lady was if you think about it, who came first? Ibrahim

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Ibrahim Renison. Similarly in the other surah, what do we learn surfy Ibrahima well Moosa, why is musar Listen, I mentioned first over here and how can we apply him and his son has mentioned second over here Why?

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Because for Abraham it is to them a has a specific qualities being mentioned in order to mention that and to keep the ending of the same Ibrahim around the center as we mentioned afterwards. Why? Because for him, a house sofa is mentioned and what is that sofa and Lady walk?

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Which is very, very important, which is very relevant to the context. warfare, what does it mean to fulfill something? So Ibrahim or Hassan, what do we learn about him? Whatever obligations Allah imposed on him, Allah laid on him, did he fulfill them?

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Did he? Yes, what he did with Allah Ibrahim Abu Bakar imagine uttama when he completed all of them, he fulfilled all of them. Whether it was the command to slaughter his son, or it was the command

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To leave his wife and son, or it was a command to circumcise himself at a very old age.

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Any command Allah gave to him? What was the reaction of the volume or the center of submission?

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It's called a slim on a slim to none. And it wasn't easy. It wasn't easy. Imagine when his people were about to throw him into the fire. He had two options. Either he was to go back to the ways of his forefathers his people, and he will be perfectly fine. Nobody would harm him. Or he was to stay firm and to be thrown into the fire. Why did he choose

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the fire? Why? Because that's what Allah subhanaw taala wanted him to do and what happened? Good Nyan okuni Barden, masala Ibrahim

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seminary when he saw the dream in which he was torturing his own son, he could have said, only a dream. But if it wasn't what was wrong? No. It was a command from Allah. He didn't make any excuse. But rather he fulfilled the commandment of law gave him what evil our human living warfare.

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If you look at the life of Ibrahim resona, it's full of difficulties full of challenges. And you would think that as a person goes further in his Islam, in his submission to Allah, life should only become easier.

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But we see that with him. The difficulties they were there, throughout how, at the beginning, the challenge was from his own family, his own father, his own people, when he leaves them. And he goes with his wife. What happens when he stops by were in the mood was, he's going to give They're over there. And the king finds out that he has the most beautiful woman with some, because she was very beautiful. And imagine his wife was taken by the king. Just imagine what a huge test, what a big test, but Allah subhanaw taala protected him and protected his wife even. And then she got her job. And then it will on him or listener, he has a son and what does it

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take your wife and your son and leave them in the middle of the desert.

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So Ibrahim our listener, he fulfilled every single command that Allah gave him, despite the fact that every command was very difficult. This is why Allah praises him were able to human levy was enabled by him the one who fulfilled he did not act there. He did not refrain, he did not have DACA deal. And then he stopped. He said, I've done enough I don't need to do anymore. No. Who can think like this, I have done enough. I don't need to do any more. A person who thinks he's very good, but what is Allah say led to the coup and full circle? Who are Allah will be manita. So over here, Allah says, um, let me know, the Matthew Sophie Moosa, whatever our human lady welfare. What is in the

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sort of Ibrahim Earnest said I'm in a sort of a busara center

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and let the zero was rotten with

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Allah, this is explanatory, that the message in the serve? What's that message that no one is going to bear the burden of another.

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Lambda zero was rotten with

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while they

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who was was the

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one who is burdened one who is carrying a heavy load with burden which burden is a burden of sin. So no friend, no person, nor relative is going to come and take the burden of your sense. What does it mean that if you've done something wrong, you have to carry it on your shoulders? No one's going to assist you with that burden. When he didn't really know what happened to him. What if his friends say, if you're punished, I'll take a share of the punishment. And I'll give you a lot of wealth.

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But Allah says, Let us utilize it autonomously. This is in the Quran. And Allah also revealed the same message in the Torah. And he also gave the same message to Ibrahim right, Sam

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aletta zero y zero through with Roca. And many times we see that when a person starts doing something good and he stops, what's the confidence that he has what gives him the confidence?

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First of all false belief about the hereafter. And secondly, my family supportive, isn't it? The family is supported. The friends are supportive, the friends are accepting.

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So this is why a person thinks it's okay for me to do it. But what does the law say? Even if your family is supportive, your friends are very accepting. Your Community reacts very normally. But still remember that no one is going to carry your burden you have to carry yourself into the rancor booth i a 12 Wheeler and Waqar alladhina cafaro de La Nina Amano. Taveras Elena well Nashville hotwire Come on.

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Those are disbelief say to those who believe follow our way and we will carry your sense. But Allah says woman whom behind Millenium and woman che, in the home, look at the bone, they will not carry their burdens at all, anything at all. They're like, tomorrow, when the burden is laid down on you, no one's gonna come and help you. So the fact that I at 100

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will enter the room was Colleton, ella hemley her life moment who she was Canada,

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even the closest relative, even they will not come and help you.

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And let us 00 don't wish

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to have How can we stop doing good just for the sake of others when they're not going to help us?

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What unlace and insanity illamasqua

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and that there is not for men except that good for which he strives. What and this is also explanatory meaning has he not been informed of what is in the scriptures of Moosa, enabling him, first of all, that no person will bear the burden of another. And secondly, that a person will only get what he strives for what unnecessary Yahoo so far you're on, and indeed has effort that is going to be seen very soon. It's not just the action, it's not just the result, but Allah will also see the effort that a person would

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suggest as no person will carry the burden of any other. Similarly, a person will only benefit from the good that he has done himself.

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Well, unless a little incentive ala massage, a person can only get what he strove for. If a person did not strive for it, if he didn't put any effort for it. If he didn't do it, is he gonna get the reward? No, because the hammer cassava warlingham accessor. But you will only get what you have earned into the Torah 21 calamari invima cassava Rahim, every person for what he earned is retain, meaning he's given what he has done. And a person will only be rewarded for the efforts that he has put in himself in a sentence or sentence. He unphysical when Amina sila Han funnily enough, see, whoever does good that it's for his own self. So a laserline, insanely illamasqua. And there's a

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very beautiful if

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you only get what you strive for.

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If you don't put an effort, you're not going to get anything.

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What do we want, we want to get everything but without putting in any effort.

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I remember when I was in school, after studying the law course, I went back to school, I wrote this i a huge big in front of my desk.

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Because you could imagine after a year and a half, almost two years when you go back to school, it's difficult to get into all that study, you forgotten your math, you forgotten your science, all these basic basic things, it gets difficult. And it was very difficult for me very challenging. But I wrote this for myself Why? To motivate myself that it's possible, but I have to put in the effort it will not come without effort.

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So alasan insanity, Lavasa, a person cannot get except what he strives for. If you haven't put in the effort, you're not going to get it.

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And people want to learn Arabic, they want to do so much they want to have so much knowledge but without putting in the effort. You have to put an effort or unnecessary Yahoo. So for your and indeed his sorry, his effort that is going to be examined euro, Euro from newsletters, or Hamza? Yeah, that's going to be seen, that's going to be examined, that's going to be expected that how much effort did he put in?

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Now, if you go back to the previous if for eternity to allow autoclean work that when is it that a person stops doing good?

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When he thinks it's too difficult

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when he doesn't see any results when he doesn't see any benefit? When she thinks that if she's putting on the hijab, and it's only leading to family arguments. It's only leading to distance. It's only leading to more and more trouble. But what do we see over here what unnecessary who so for your, even if you don't see any results in the dunya, Allah will examine your efforts. He will reward you for your efforts even

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how much effort did you have to put in? And the more effort a person has put in, the more reward you will get?

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So then every difficulty, doesn't become enjoyable, doesn't become pleasing? Of course it does. What do we learn instead of silver? That when a person goes out in the way of Allah, he doesn't suffer from any thirst, any hunger. He doesn't take any step except that what is written for him? I would say a good deed is written for him. So yes,

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The difficulty is there. But if a person has a CFP and has this belief that will unnecessary Yahoo so for Utah, then he will keep striving. He will not give up.

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We don't insert the Toba 105 we'll call it Malou fossa Allah Allah Kumara, Sulu, moon, that they do, meaning perform actions do something, airman who is basically in Africa who had not gone for the expedition to the book. So later on it was said no do something for Sierra Lomonaco. Allah will see your armor and His messenger will also see your armor and the believers will also see your armor. So your efforts your actions, your armor, that will be seen, what have you done.

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So my you desire who does an OVA, then he will be recompense for it with the fullest Recompense. Whatever deeds a person has brought in the Hereafter, the efforts will be examined, and then a person will be given the desert for it, how much is that? an alpha, the fullest, the fullest desert, alpha, this is a fruit of the what is the most for fullest, meaning, nothing less. The recompense will be complete. The most perfect recommends no deed, no effort will be ignored.

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No striving will be ignored. This is why we learned from a Yamaha Miss Carla the lead in hiring young, my youngest brother was in children.

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Even if it's an atom's weight of good or evil person will see it and you'll be given its recompense some way you deserve, we deserve opha fullest recommends.

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And we see that when it comes to the matters of dunya we have this firm belief that in order to survive, we have to put in the effort and you put in the effort very soon, you will reap the benefits. This is what we believe that you have to strive and very soon you will reap the benefits.

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But when it comes to the after, we don't have as much okay, but we see that it's the other way around. You can put in a lot of effort is done yet. And it's not necessary. You see all the results. But with regard to the aka whatever effort you put in any effort that is going to be seen, and that is going to be recompensed for dessert, alpha, the fullest reward. What an honor to be called monta and that to your Lord is the finality meaning your return is to do almost well and this is also connected with the previous ayah what a laser insanity lomasa was unnecessary who so for Europe, and then we're under a lot of become moonta alimenta is from the rotators noon higher, this is a summer

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fruit withdrawal syndrome into right. So alimenta is what the place where something comes to an end, the highest level, highest degree utmost limit, Siddhartha monta and over here on one Taha gives meaning of the final point, the final destination where a person will come and ended up so we're under a lot of bigger moonta and to your Lord is a finality meaning the merger the return like we learned the Quran mostly. So everyone all the matters, where they're going back to who are they going back to

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Intuit the SEC si 83 for Super Han Allah de Vere de mercado de chez la Ito, Jeroen to Him you will be returned. Why is this mentioned over here? That when you are going back to Allah, when your end is with Allah, then what does it mean? Don't forget Allah.

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Don't forget Allah, whatever you do, do it with the end in mind. Whatever you do, don't just do it with the dunya in mind, we do it with the in mind. Because whenever a person does something good, it gets difficult. But when it gets difficult than you remember you're going back to Allah. Then it gives you the courage and the confidence.

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Well, I know who and that indeed he who he alone meaning Allah alone of the hacker. He is the one who makes you laugh whatever God and He is the one who makes you cry.

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out the hacker. But hacker lik What does it mean to laugh and advocate from Boca Baca? Do we decry

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the hacker he causes to laugh Africa he causes to be both of these words are which words

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a Fila same Barbie fan family. So he is the one who makes you laugh and he is the one who makes you weep. What does it mean by this? One does the person laugh

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When he's happy

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when he gets some benefit when he's successful, when he sees the fruit of his effort, he's happy. When does a person cry?

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When he said when he has failed, when he's unsuccessful, when he doesn't accomplish much when he doesn't see many results.

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What do we see over here? That when you laugh, and when you cry, who makes you laugh and cry? Almost.

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creates such events in your life which make you happy, which make you sad? Allah. So, sadness, happiness, success, failure.

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All of this is a nuisance, a loss,

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blessings, difficulties, deaths, trials, all of these come to you from from Allah. Well, I know who

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you're going back to him. And he is the one who has full complete control over your life as well. And how can you ignore him? How can you be indifferent to him?

An-Najm 31-62 Tafsir 33-43

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