Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al-Quran 2010 – Juz 14 – L139E

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The conversation covers the negative impact of being in a city where people areungrateful and fearful, as well as the importance of acceptance and learning from one's past experiences. The speakers emphasize the need for individuals to show their true values and prioritize their deeds in order to achieve success in life. They also stress the importance of teaching others to value their own lives and achieve their goals.
AI: Transcript ©
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Why do people do this? Why do they leave Islam? Why do they leave even? For COVID? Why do they disbelieve in Allah after believing in him? Why do they deny the Prophet sallallahu Sallam after believing in Him? their legal that is the unknown because indeed they is the Hubble Hyatt adonia Island. They have preferred the life of this world over the hereafter. They love the life of this dunya more than life of the hereafter. Well, anila hilarya del Carmen cassadine. And indeed Allah does not guide those people who are disbelieving.

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So we see that apostates are mentioned in this ayah

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those people who leave Islam and adopt gopher for the sake of this world for the sake of the benefits of this dunya

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that a person is perhaps born in a Muslim family, he is raised as a Muslim, he has a Muslim name. But when he sees the dunya, when he learns about a few things, when he gets a few degrees, when he goes outside, he gets so influenced by it, he falls in love with it, that he will also compromise his religion for that sake, to the point that he abandons the religion he believed in.

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And then he rejected the existence of a Lhasa parameter.

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And unfortunately, this is becoming very common,

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very common, that people who are raised as Muslims, they go and study something, and they lose their mind completely. They lose their belief completely, they don't even believe in the existence of God anymore.

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Why? What's the reason behind that? Because they prefer the life of this dunya over the Hereafter, they have forgotten the hereafter. They have forgotten accountability. They don't think about the fact that they're going to be questioned about what they're doing. As a result, they do whatever they want.

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They say whatever they want about the profit subtle or the sudden, they say whatever they want about the Koran, whatever they want to say about a las panatela without any hesitation, without thinking twice because they have completely forgotten the hereafter. They don't fear accountability at all.

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And such a person who reaches such a level such as stage, then what does Allah say Allah does not guide such people. Because on them is a hadith of Allah, Allah is angry with them, and Allah does not guide them, which is why many times such people do not repent at all. They don't change their ways. They only go deeper and deeper into their coffers

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as we have learned earlier in Alina cafaro. So why are they under the home on their home? Now you may know kaatham Allahu Allah, while rubidium were on a submarine, were absorbed into the shower, what happened earlier and even over here, what do we learn, all of them are there when I leave that for them is a great punishment.

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So this is a person who leaves Islam for the sake of dunya that is influenced by the dounia and he leaves the religion of Allah completely.

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He becomes completely negligent of the hereafter.

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But on the other hand, there is a person who is forced to say words of man, aka the person who has been compelled.

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And he has been forced to say certain words, but in his heart, he is still a believer.

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Now when a person is in this situation, he does not become a Catholic. You understand? He still remains a believer.

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When was this sutra revealed?

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in Makkah, and remember in Makkah, the prophets are the loudest and the Muslims were facing a lot of persecution. Becoming a Muslim becoming a believer was like putting yourself in the fire. Because the situation was extremely intense. It was I come and attack my life, attack my wealth, attack my family, do whatever you want, because I become a Muslim. This is what it meant by becoming a Muslim.

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And we see that the believers were persecuted terribly.

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And we learned that two companions Yes, sir. And his wife sumaiya rodilla. Her in Houma. They were killed even. And their son, Amal Ebony Asad. He was also persecuted in front of his parents were killed. And remember the amount of money I said he was still young at that point. And he was persecuted very, very severely, to the point that he was told to say something. That was a statement of gopher

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and he said, just to get out of that situation. He said the kalamaki just to get out of that situation. And obviously he became very worried after that. Am I still a believer? Is my Eman still acceptable? I just said it to get out of that situation. So he went to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam asked him, How did you find your heart? How did you find your heart and our mouth set steadfast and faith? I was still a believer. I still feel confident about my Eman in my heart. So the prophet SAW the loudest

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told him not to worry. And he advised him that if necessary, you can repeat the same words to get out of the persecution. Because remember, it was a very, very tough situation, it was a very difficult situation.

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So we see that some Sahaba obviously, there were human beings. For them, it was extremely difficult to bear that persecution. And to get out of that they said kalama.

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But in their hearts, they were firm on email.

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Only on the outward, they showed COVID.

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But at the same time, there were some Sahaba, who remained firm despite the opposition that they were facing.

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Like, for example, billetto there,

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they infected all sorts of torture on him, they placed a huge rock on his chest, while he was laying bare on the extremely hot sand.

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And they told him to say that Allah has partners, and he refused, and every time he would say, ahead,

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and you would say that By Allah, if I knew any word more annoying to you than this, I would say it, he would say ahead. Because that is one word they could not hear. They could not tolerate the fact that Allah is only one God, because they're gone through being rejected. He never said kalamalka.

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So, the scholars they have agreed, that if a person is forced into disbelief, it is permissible for him to say words of comfort just to get out of that situation. It is permissible. Why? Because we see the evidence of that in the Quran. We see the evidence of that in the Sunnah of the prophet SAW about a Sunnah, the story of amount of vinyasa. So, for the sake of in the interest of self preservation,

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that is the German Arabic daliya or self preservation in this situation, in order to preserve one's life, to preserve one's safety and security, a person may say such words,

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however, it is better, it is more preferable that a person does not even say those words, and he bears that opposition with sub with patience, because they were Sahaba, who never said any kalama like that.

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So really, at the end of the day, it depends at the level of the amount of the person, if the man is stronger than a person will bear those difficulties. But if a person feels that he cannot handle it any more than what should he do, he should say such words in the interest of self preservation.

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And we see various examples from the lives of the companions of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam in which we see that they did not say Kalima Kava, even though they were put in an extremely difficult situation. For example, we learned that maceda maka dab the person who claimed to be a prophet. He asked Habib, even Zaid al Ansari, one of the companions of Prophet sallallahu Sallam he said to him, that do you bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah? He said, Yes, I do. Then beside him, I asked him do bear witness that I am the messenger of Allah. So he replied, I do not hear you. meaning you're not a messenger.

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And will say to me, what did he do? He kept cutting parts of his body, piece by piece. He would ask him, Do you testify as a messenger? Yes, he does have an eye on messenger, I do not hear you. And with every rejection, he would cut a piece of his body imagine a finger, a hand, a limb, another limb. He continued to do this until he died.

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Similarly, we learned that Abdullah even a Sami, one of the companions, he said that he was taken prisoner by the Romans. Because only the Muslims were at war with the Romans at the time that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam passed away.

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And these Romans, they brought up the law, but they learn how to the king. And the king said, become a Christian, and I will give you a share of my kingdom and my daughter in marriage.

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Abdullah said, if you were to give me all that you possess, and all that Arabs was asked to make me give up the religion of Mohammed, even for an instant, I would not do it. The things that then I will kill you are the lesser, it's up to you.

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And the king, he gave orders that he should be crucified. And he commanded his archers to shoot near his hands and feet, while ordering him to become a Christian, but he still refused.

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You know how people say that Islam spread with the sword. Look at how their people were, how Christianity must have spread, that they're forcing the person to become a Christian to such a point, that they're threatening him that he's going to be killed.

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This is a lie that Islam has been spread by a sword. This is not how Muslims went and conquered their lands. They let people remain on their religion.

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And these Christian kings, this is how they personally

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Did the Muslims who came to them

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so then the king, he gave orders that he should be brought down imagine, he said that put him up in order to crucify Him. And He commanded his archers shoot him by his hands and feet, you know, threaten him so that he may become a Christian, but he refused. So then the king gave orders that he should be brought down, and that a big vessel made of copper be brought and heated up, a huge pot of copper, heated up with copper inside.

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So then, while our doula was watching, one of the Muslim prisoners were brought out and he was thrown into that huge pot until all that was left of him was scorched bones, he melted inside.

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And the king ordered him again to become a Christian. And he refused. Then he ordered that our beloved thrown into the vessel.

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And he was brought back to the pulley to be thrown in at the low apt, and the king hope that he would respond to him. So he called him. But Abdullah said I only we because I have only one soul with which to be thrown into this vessel at this moment for the sake of Allah. I wish that I had as many souls as there are hair on my body with which I could undergo this torture for the sake of Allah.

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And according to some reports, the king imprisoned him, and he deprived him of food and drink for several days. And then he sent him wine and pork.

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Just imagine he sent him wine and pork, but of the lead did not even come near that. So the king, he called him and he asked what stopped you from eating, Abdullah said, it is permissible for me under these circumstances, to eat pork to drink wine, but I did not want to give you the opportunity to bloat. I didn't want you to be happy to feel that you have been victorious over me

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to the king. Finally, he accepted his defeat. And he said to him, kiss my head, and I will let you go. Sir Abdullah said, and you will also release all the Muslim prisoners. Is that a condition? The King said yes, so the luckiest has had, and he released him and all the other Muslim prisoners he was holding, and when he came back on would have been hottub. The Learning was a relief. At that point, he said, Every Muslim should kiss the head of the law even earlier, and I will be the first one to do so. And he stood up and he kissed his head. May Allah be pleased with all of them.

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So what do we see?

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That one is that at the slightest thing, a person compromises their religion. He says things he does things just to please the golfer.

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And the other is that a person remains steadfast despite the hardship that he faces, despite the persecution that he undergoes.

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Yes, it is not impermissible to say Kalima covered in extreme situations. However, what is what is much better, that a person bears patient,

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and in this is a lesson for us. But sometimes we want to compromise in the religion on the smallest of things. The person is going to look at me like this. And they're going to say that, and they're going to feel threatened, and they're going to feel like this. And they're going to feel like that. And because of that, we leave our Salah, we ignore our religion, will that be acceptable?

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Think about it. If the Sahaba sacrifice such a great level, we compromise on the slightest of things. And at the same time, we want the same reward as them. We want the same denies them. How is it possible? For Dean for a man you have to sacrifice you have to go against your enough's, you have to bear the difficulties. You have to face the opposition. And when you do that, then you're uncertain.

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When an edge is the enemy levena suburu. Those people who do suffer, they will be given reward. But those people who compromise those people who fall for this dunya, who willingly give up their religion for the sake of this dunya Allah says Allah eco Latina, those people are the ones who are Allahu Allah kulula him, Allah has set a seal upon their hearts, once I marry him and their hearing well beside him and their sights, what Allah aka whom Allah feeling, and it is those who are the heatless such people are completely heedless, of what of what is to be done to them. They're completely heedless of their anger, for the pleasures of dunia they compromiser they're completely

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Leger on assuredly, there is no doubt that unknown indeed they fill after in the hereafter human costs zero it is only they who are losers. There is no doubt in this. Only such people are going to be losers who. Those who willingly give up their religion for the sake of dystonia.

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They will have a painful punishment, because they're heatless. They're deprived of guidance because of their love of dunya there

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Seat upon their hearts, and they will be losers.

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On the other hand, some then in our bucket indeed your Lord Lynn Medina, hedgerow member, the man 14 for those people who migrated after they had been compelled, after they had been put to trial after they had been persecuted.

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If you look at the word summer over here, what does the word summer mean?

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Then after some time, so, it shows a delay in time.

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And sometimes the word summer also shows the difference in position in rank in place.

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Over here, someone is not showing the delay in time rather it is showing the board the distance that is in rank that is in position.

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That on the one hand, there are those people who are mentioned above who those who willingly give up their religion for the sake of this dunya who willingly compromise on their Deen to such an extent that they have abandoned their religion, just so that they can enjoy this dunya completely negligent of the hereafter.

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On the other hand, there are those people who go to the extent of leaving their homes for the sake of of loss.

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They sacrifice for the sake of Allah soprano.

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They are far apart in their rank, in their consequence, in their end result.

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For the one group there is or they're gonna leave their hospital. And for the other group, a loss of penalty will be the food over him will be forgiving and merciful to them. who

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those people who had your room in very demand for dinner after they had been tormented, after they had been compelled to say words of God, but in their hearts, they were firm.

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To understand the sacrifice that first of all, they are burying all the persecution for the sake of their religion, they don't say anything wrong. And even if they have to, in their heart, they're firm on email. And then they leave their home country for the sake of a loss of parameter. And they don't stop there. They continue so much I had to then this drive this struggle in the way of a loss of personal data. They continue to increase in their email was saguru and their patient in our burger indeed your Lord member the after photo Rahim surely Forgiving and Merciful. If you notice its main body has not been Coppelia.

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It's after all that sacrifice that alone will be forgiving and merciful.

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What do we want? that we don't have to do any sacrifice? Then we can go on compromising on the religion. And we say, allez la foto Rahim, isn't it? So many times, we see our Muslim brothers and sisters compromising on their religion and what do they say Allah is a photo of Rahim. But what do we learn

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that after you do hijra, after you do jihad, after you do suffer, then Allah will be forgiving and merciful to you.

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After you show that you are determined, that you are honest,

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it is said that this ayah is about those people who were oppressed in Makkah. And in that oppression, in that opposition, because of their weakness, they went on saying statements of gopher just to get out of that opposition. People like Mr. Ebenezer and others who have so obviously they had this guilt in their heart. Think about it, a person is appearing to be disbeliever in front of some and in front of others, he is a believer, isn't that living a double life. But this was necessary for them in order to save their lives, in interests of self preservation for Tamiya This was necessary for them.

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So obviously, they had this guilt in their heart, what does Allah subhanaw taala say? Now after this, make sure you do extra good

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hygiene, which was horrible, because when you made a mistake, then what should you do? Follow it by a good deed. Although this was not a mistake on their part, but this was a deed of a lesser degree. This was not sinful on their part, but it was not available. Therefore do extra good and Allah will be forgiving and merciful to you.

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On which day, yo Mati on the day when it will come who will come collapsing, every soul, every person is going to come on the Day of Judgment, whether he is a believer or non believer, whether he is righteous or sinful, and what is every person going to be doing to judge or pniewska it is going to be disputing for itself. To God do from do that. Each person is going to be arguing is going to be debating for itself. What does it mean by this in order to free itself

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Every person is going to be occupied by himself only, no one else is going to come and defend him. Each person is going to be left on their own on that day,

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what to have coluna absent and every person will be given in full may or may not whatever it did, or whom they are using the moon and they will not be wrong.

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We see that on the Day of Judgment, each person will be making a case in his own defense, no one is going to come and say, let me fight your case. Give me this much money and I will fight your case. No one is going to do that. Each person is going to be concerned only about himself, not about his mother, not about his father, not about his sister or his wife or his own son or his own daughter, people who we fought for in the dunya he will abandon them on the Day of Judgment, you may feel a little more human, he will only be he will suffer sahabah t bobunny. Because the equilibrium in homeopathy in non Yoni every person on that day, he will be occupied with something that is going to

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busy him, meaning he is going to be completely negligent of others.

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So what do we see in this ayah? Why is this mentioned right after go for an email?

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What do you think about this? What's the connection between the two?

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Generally if you think of it, people will compromise on their religion for the sake of other people. What does Allah say all these people are going to leave you tomorrow.

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Today they tell you leave your religion. We will give you this position.

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compromise on your deen we will give you this much money. We will give you this job. You will get this and this. You will establish relationships you will establish links and see how you'll be successful in your career. See how you will be successful in your dunya compromise. But what does Allah say? Tomorrow? No one is going to come and rescue you. No one is going to come and help you that yes I told you to do such and such I will take the sin of that. No, you're going to be left on your own.

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We listen to their station.

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yo Mata Ki Luna

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Amina what what

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if you look at the overall theme of the sutra, that we have been given many blessings

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and what is required of us?

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Allah has given you everything. You'll be obedient to Him. Don't get lost in the things that he's done. You don't love them so much that you compromise on his religion because of these things. Because these things are temporary Meyer intercommunion fit. It's going to finish eventually. So even if you get the entire world at the cost of your Eman, it is not enough because it is temporary in the hereafter. You

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be left on your own, none of these things will accompany you.

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It's going to be your deeds. It's going to be what you did, what you accomplished. That is what's going to be looked at.

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Well, a lot of Allahu methylone and Allah presents an example of who are eaten of a city, meaning the people of a city cannot. I mean, it was secure. Amina from a man, there was a man security beast. The city was very peaceful, how that the people of that city did not feel any threat from any raids, any possible raids, any armies coming in attacking them, trying to overtake them. Their base was never disturbed. The people of that city were saved from the enemy, save from any battle, any war, or any kind of hunger, save from the fear of being taken as captives, I am in a peaceful and secure mathema enlightened, satisfied content, meaning very content and happy with their city.

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Nothing was short, nothing was less in that city. They never thought of leaving that place going somewhere else because of not finding a job because of not having enough food to eat. They were well settled over there.

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Yeah, to her, it comes to it. What comes to that city risco had its provision. How are Odin abundantly in profusion from where men Kalima cannon from every place?

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Meaning every regional and seasonal produce would come to that city from every place and every season. Fruits produce were brought to that city. How? in abundance So basically, people of that city never experienced any hunger. But what did the people do? Fuck I forgot, but it disbelieved it denied it was ungrateful. For what be anomala he for the blessings of Allah

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and florala near me.

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They were ungrateful for these blessings of Allah which blessings I'm an intimate Nan risk. So what happened? further Allahu. So Allah made it taste what? The city meaning the people of that city were made to experience Libous and jewelry, the clothing of hunger, the clothing of starvation will hold up and fear why the American we have our own because of what they used to do.

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allure is starvation. What does it mean by libera sell jewelry will have

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that they were made to wear clothing of hunger and fear.

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This is an expression which means that hunger and fear envelop them, completely covered them. Just as a Garmin covered someone

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and just as a Garmin. It is close to your body. When you're wearing it. It does not just fly off easily.

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Similarly, labasa jewelry will have hunger and fear wear on these people constantly. And they suffered from this famine for seven years. And they suffered from this fear for many more years. Why be McIndoe? Yes their own because of the actions that they used to do.

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But city is this

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the city of Makkah

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and who is being referred to the people of Makkah, that Allah subhanaw taala gave him so many blessings, peace, security, contentment, despite the fact that it was in the middle of the desert, wedding lady, these are nothing grows over there. But still, every regional and seasonal produce was brought to that city. And the people of that city never feared any famine, any hunger, any enemy, any insecurity because the people of that city were well respected by entire Arabia. But what happened?

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They were ungrateful for these blessings. How that when a las panatela sent the prophets on a lot of them to them. What did they do? They rejected him. So in return, a lot replace their blessings with what

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the blessing of Iman and it made Nan was replaced with juice and hope, hunger and fear.

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What was his hunger? They suffered from a famine for seven years, seven years.

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And how what was that fear that when people would come in to Makkah, when the pilgrims would come in when the various people would come in, there was this fear are they going to bring any produce at all

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Are they going to bring any food at all?

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Similarly, this fear was also the fear of the Muslims. Because when the Prophet sallallaahu Sena migrated from Mecca to Medina, the machine of Makkah, they were constantly in fear constantly, which is why we see them coming in fighting the Muslims that were had at hand duck, and all those battles that took place until eventually they were conquered. Why did this happen, that their blessings were replaced with difficulties, the Macedonia scenario and because of what they used to do,

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what's the lesson in this for us?

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That if Allah has given many blessings to a person, and if a person is ungrateful, then what happens? those blessings are taken away from him.

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Sugar leads to increase, and perfor leads to decrease. Sugar leads to growth of blessings and ingratitude leads to reduction of blessings, loss of blessings.

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And again, remember that having blessings and not having blessings does not only mean that a person has many material things, or he lacks material things. What does it mean that a person does not have contentment in his heart anymore?

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He does not have satisfaction in his art anymore. He is not relaxed, he's always worried. Always densed he's not happy. He's always concerned. When does this happen? When a person is far from a loss,

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when a person has been ungrateful for the blessings that he has been given

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whether Khadija home and certainly he came to them, who rasuluh a messenger Minh home from them, meaning Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam has come to them as a messenger, who is from among them. Oh Qureshi, Arab, just like themselves. But forget the Whoo hoo, but they denied him for the homeowner or the devil. So the punishment sees them

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alone while they were wrongdoers.

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Allah subhanaw taala is reminding them of this blessing that has been sent to them. Or who the messenger Lakota man Allahu Allah movement in his birth a fee him Rasulullah min unfussy him. The messenger was from among themselves, they recognized him. But still they rejected him. They came up with many excuses, many justifications, many objections, they refuse to believe in him. What did he do? He took those blessings away from them. They were deprived of higher compliance. And they were given a life that is full of fear and hunger.

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And here, we need to reflect as well, that all these blessings that we're enjoying every single day, what is our attitude? Is it of gratitude or in gratitude?

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When we use these blessings, do we increase in our obedience? Or do we go on listening to shape on

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if we obey Allah subhanaw taala then definitely will be happy. If we disobey Allah, if we differentiate on if we are ungrateful for those blessings, then we will be unhappy, we will never be contented we will never be satisfied.

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or more on the law

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be unknown.

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We don't remember these from the Sunnah, that one of the persons we used to send a lot of wheat, which is a staple food to the people of Makkah, when he embraced Islam, he stopped sending food to the people of Mecca. So that they would believe and the people of Makkah, they suffer from so much hunger, that it is said that when they would slaughter their camels, they would mix the hair with the blood. Why? In order to preserve the blood and they would not leave any part of the camel, they would even consume the blood.

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They were so hungry. They had nothing.

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Because remember makan nothing grows over there. Everything has to be brought from outside. So a lot deprive them of that risk, as a consequence of their ingratitude,

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that their messenger was made to leave that city.

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And eventually, they were finished how that ship was completely eliminated from Morocco. Morocco was conquered.

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The heat was established over there.

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So what have you learned from these if?

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If you look at it sometimes we hear about stories where people were taken as slaves were their freedom was taken away they were made slaves, and we feel really bad for them. But we need to reflect on our lives as well. That how many times is it the blessings that Allah has given us, we don't use them properly. We don't obey Allah soprano, Tada. And because of that, we're becoming slaves to this dunya

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that instead of using this dunya to earn our Hara, we are selling ourselves to this dunya for this dunya, which is only temporary, we feel bad for others, but we don't reflect on ourselves and feel bad for ourselves. Think about it, a person who has invested everything of his on something that is not going to bring him any profit, feel so bad for him. When in reality, many times that is our case, we are investing our time or energies in something that is useless.

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The reason behind in gratitude is because we don't even recognize the blessings. We don't even see them as blessings. We take them for granted. We say, Well, this is a part of life. At the people of Makkah, perhaps they never thought this was a blessing of Allah until it was taken away from them.

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The fact that now, you know, we have this challenge of doing the lesson seven times and four meals finding it so hard. For now, in seeing this, how dare I make excuses when they were tortured, and they went through all this. And they still, you know, they persevered.

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What I do, I have to say can read seven times. And then the other point I was thinking about was for the people who leave relief and go to disbelief, you know, just thinking it's so important for us even now as managed to train our children not to have an attachment to the donor. Because when you think about it, this all stems from that. If everything your child asks you give you give you give, what are you saying that this dunya is more important than your heart? So for me, it's a lesson that you know what, yes, there are things you can give them, but teach them that they're more important things and teach them from now that, you know, these are the consequences if you value this dounia

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more than these are the consequences of your hereafter. Exactly. Then unfortunately, every time a child does something good, we give them a candy, we give them something which makes them feel that yes, my goal in life is to get a candy. My goal in life is to get something that is going to bring immediate pleasure, immediate benefit. This is teaching them something that is not beneficial for them, we should teach them what delayed gratification is, what suffer is what sacrifices, only then they will be able to apply this at a later stage in life at a greater level.

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And more in the community. Whether you have nuclear power or you have anything, eventually it's going to go. So what's the pride about?

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Sound like

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thinking that our Deen is really made easy for us. Like even if someone forces you to say something, you're still allowed and given permissibility. But obviously, having patience is the best thing.

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This shows the east side isn't our religion.

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This for us is actually the biggest number of all the numbers up till now.

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When what is our relationship towards this

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because this is the one who makes our life higher than ever, even because we are away from it, we are so much lost into the other things to have contentment, and as a result, we are not happy.

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Because if you think about the people of Makkah, they weren't necessarily ungrateful for the food that was brought to them or the city of Makkah, the pleasures, the status that they enjoyed over there, they were ungrateful for the blessing of religion, of the of hedaya, of Koran of the messenger.

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And when they turned away from that, their blessings were taken away from them.

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Similarly, if we leave the Quran, if we turn away from it, if we abandon it, if we stay away from it, our life is not going to be happy. We're going to be deprived of blessings.

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just example from turning from belief to unbelief in I witnessed, I was really scared in grade 12, my biology teacher, she had a Muslim name and everything was good. So I think it was it was next year, in two days, I just want to eat Mubarak just in advance. I should like it, you know, burn to true, but I'm actually not Muslim anymore. I turned to Buddhism or something. And the reason why she's like, I just don't agree with a few things. So I just turned to Buddhism. And I was like, so these are just like just houses but

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most of them just don't know the reality of the Quran just because you don't agree just kind of challenge the ground and say lumps in a corner and I really don't believe everything. And many times it's the ignorance that people have up the religion of Allah which is why they live it. They have not studied the deen they have not studied the Quran. And they go on studying many other things and they cannot understand them. They can

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Understand the religion anymore because you haven't studied the religion. So if a person has the time the capacity in their mind to go and take a very difficult degree, then they should also have the time and mind to study the Quran to know their religion first.

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Let's listen to the recitation of these verses.

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Move on,

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either illa Anta

An-Nahl 96-113 Word-Analysis and Tafsir 107-113

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