Al-Baqarah 177-182 Word-Analysis and Tafsir 178-180
Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al-Quran 2010 – Juz 02 – L024C

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The speakers discuss the history and importance of following the command on individuals and actions in protecting themselves from evil behavior. They explore the use of sauce and "slime" to kill and avoid deaths in Yemen, emphasizing the importance of forgiveness and following rules, avoiding fraud, and following laws. They stress the need for forgiveness and creating a positive environment for everyone, particularly for people to write a will and ensure their loved ones' lives are in good condition.
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Under the layman, a shared agenda smilla rahmanir rahim
will begin from Isaiah 178.
Yeah. Are you a Latina woman who are you who have believed quotevalet como is also Phil Cutler
prescribed for you is legal retribution for those who are murdered for those who are killed. Yeah Are you alladhina amanu The address is to the believers. And because the address is with yeah are you hear it is with Health Canada, it shows the importance of what is to be mentioned. And because the believers are being addressed, it shows that true believers are those who follow this command, who implement this command.
And it is a part of Eman to implement this command. What is the command quotevalet it was written upon you katiba cultiva extramural letters get the word from the word keytab.
Ankita means writing the word keytab which means book is also from the same roof letters.
And when the word katiba is followed by either like over here katiba la calm when the word katiba is followed by either then it gives the meaning of Fourier over from fourth, what does that mean and obligation. So katiba either means forever to make something mandatory to obligate something to prescribe something. And for fun for obligation, the word keytab or katiba is used, because when something is written, then it becomes confirmed, when something is written, then it is recorded and it is established. This is why receipts are issued. And you have to show your receipt to prove that you had purchased that particular object.
So, when something is written, when it is put on paper, when it is put down on paper, then what happens? It becomes established it becomes confirmed. So similarly quotevalet con meaning it has been made mandatory upon all of you. And notice comb, comb refers to all of the believers, that there are no exceptions. This is mandatory upon each and every single one of you. What is LP sauce, the legal retribution, the rule of equal retribution.
The word cause loss is really letters of thought.
It isn't the pleasures of thoughts or
any other word from the same root. That sound similar
causes this law which means story.
A senior person literally means to follow someone's tracks or footsteps.
What does it mean?
To follow someone's tracks or follow someone's footsteps? To follow a trail
as us stories are called puzzles. Why? Because you follow the narrative.
You follow one event after the other.
And puzzles, which is the word that you see over here is used for retaliation or the rule of equal retribution. What does it mean by that, that when a person kills another, or when a person hits another, when a person gives a wound to another, then the exact same thing is done to him?
What does it mean?
When a person kills another one a person hits another, he gives a wound to him. And the exact same thing is done to him.
So it is as though the killer the murder or the criminal, the guilty one, he takes a bath in killing or hitting someone and the sauce is retaliation, which is to follow after him and proceed along the same path in that do not exceed to do the exact same thing that he did. So don't leave a criminal free. Don't let him free. Don't let him do whatever he wants to when he does something wrong, follow him with retribution. He should be held accountable.
This is what causes
other say that causes is from the word us. Golf sought us with a shutdown the sod and pass means to cut or to mutilate and if you think of it
is the cause of loss. When a person hits another person when a person killed another, then the sauce is carried out upon him. So over here quotevalet cuca force Biswas legal retribution. retaliation, exact same punishment is prescribed upon you or believers, concerning who fill out law regarding those who are killed.
And Cutler is the plural of the word katene. It is a plural of the word party. And rdls run from kotlin. kotlin means to kill to murder often? Or does it mean to kill or to murder someone. And 14 is mcdole.
14 gives meaning of mcdole meaning one who is killed.
One who is killed, one who is slain one who is murdered. So
those who are murdered, those who are killed.
So over here we see in this part of the ayah, that it has been made an obligation on the Muslims to take revenge from the murder.
Anyone who has committed murder, anyone who has killed someone, they need to be punished. And this is a requirement of a man. Because Yeah, you're letting eminent believers have been addressed. Why? Why should the criminal or why should the murderer be punished? Because when he has killed someone, then he has violated the sanctity of life.
Remember that human life is sacred human life is sanctified, it should be protected it should be preserved. And when a person kills another without any right unjustly, then he has violated the sanctity of human life. Therefore, he must be punished.
We learn in Silicon Valley that I number 32 that unknown Mankato and Epson be late enough sin oversized and fill up further Anima. Patil and NASA gymea. Whoever kills the soul, unless for a soul, or for corruption done in the land, it is as if he had slain mankind entirely.
Any person who kills another without any right unjustly, then it is as though he has killed the entire mankind. Why? Because when a person kills one person, when someone kills just one person, when he stains his hand with blood, just once, then what happens? The shame, or the fear, or the guilt, of killing the human being, it leaves him and when he kills once, then he can kill again.
It's as simple as when a child hits another once, then what happens if he's not punished? And what is he going to do? He's going to repeat that action again, because he gets used to it.
So because the human life has been violated, the sanctity of the human life has been violated, when a person is killed, therefore, the murder or the killer cannot be spared, he has to be punished, he has to be held accountable for the wrong that he has done.
Or the question is, what is the sauce we understood the literal meaning of the word sauce? What is the sauce?
Basically, the sauce is taken off three things.
First of all, life, what does it mean?
That if a person has been killed, then the sauce will be taken, retribution will be taken.
Secondly, four limbs. If a person breaks the limbal another,
or amputates, the name of another without any right? He's not a doctor, he's not doing it for surgery, nor did the other person steal that his hand is being caught? No, he is doing it unjustly. Then the sauce is also going to be taken for the limb.
Thirdly, the sauce is also taken off wounds. What does anybody want? For example, if a person hits another and leaves a wound on him, or cuts him and leaves a big cut on him, then kasasa will be taken up that
and remember that in all three cases, it has to be unjust, only then this also be taken
and how is this has to be taken
in three ways.
The first option is or especially with regards to someone who has been killed. The command is that the
Exact same thing will be done to the criminal
that if he is killed another he will be killed. If he has amputated or cut off the limb of another person, then his limb will be amputated.
Similarly, if he has hit another person and has given him a terrible wound, then the same thing will be daunting.
So, the first way of thinking process is, do the exact same thing, do the criminal that he has done.
Secondly, the second way of difficult sauce is, and this is with regards to specially murder. inshallah, as we will see that the criminal, what he does is that he pays the compensation, or he pays the blood money, he gives the blood money, either all of it, or some of it, whatever that has been agreed, whatever has been agreed upon the DNA or the blood money is paid, or the guilty person, the criminal is completely forgiven. So, we see three ways of taking prisoners. But we learned in this ayah, that taking retribution is an obligation. taking classes is an obligation, it is a fault, except if the issue is resolved with the payment of the debt, or forgiveness.
So, we see that the command is to take a sauce, and then it's up to the person who has been hurt, or his heirs that either they can take blood money, or they can forgive the person. This AI in particular that we're reading over here, this ayah speaks of the sauce for cotton for murder,
over here in this ayah This is not discussing about crystals for a limb that has been amputated or a wound that has been given that is mentioned in another iron. So it will not either I have 45
over here, what is under discussion is the key sauce for collateral. Because we read quotevalet kukus also fill Atlanta regarding those who are killed.
So what is the role of the SOS How is it going to be taken a loss pantalla says unhelpful building, the free person for the free person
and help is from the root letters have rah rah isn't the root letters have or from the word who Leah
and her via means freedom, to be free, do not be a slave. And have the word that you see over here is used to describe a person who is free, meaning he is not a slave. He is not an act of another person. He is not a slave, but rather he is free. He is not mameluke so I'll help bill Henry for the free. What does it mean by unresolvable huri.
You see this bear over here, we'll hurry this bear gives the meaning of in place of or emphasis off. So if a free man, if a free person kills another, then who is going to be killed? Who is going to be killed in return? Meaning, who is the sauce going to be taken against the murderer? Who is the free man? Meaning if a free man kills another, then kill him? Take a sauce from him, not his 10 slaves. You see the Arabs, they are a tradition that if a noble man was killed, if a free man was killed, then the sauce would not be taken from him. Instead, what he would do is that he would give 10 of his slaves or five of his slaves. Okay, yes, I killed your person, but you don't kill me in return.
Instead, take the stance there's a vine and kill them. Take these five fears of mine and kill them.
So over here, the law is given that unhelpful bill hurry. The free person if you murder someone, that same men will be held responsible. Why? Because he is guilty. His slaves are not guilty. He is the one who has committed the wrong action.
So we see over here the justice that our last panel data has established that no matter what the status of a person is, no matter how noble he is, no matter how qualified he is, no matter what family he belongs to, if he has done something wrong, he will be held accountable, not someone else in his place, and he will hurry.
And also, because in the following words we learn what to do without the and the slave for the slave. What the Arabs used to do was that if a slave from a particular tribe would kill a free person of another tribe,
Then what they will do is that they will say, no, we're not going to kill your slave and return, we're going to kill your Freeman.
Because your slave killed our free person. We're not going to kill the slave, we're going to kill your Freeman.
And you're one person killed our one person, we're not going to take revenge from just one, we're going to kill five of yours. This is what they would do, to boast or to show that they were superior to show that their tribe was better. So I'll horrible bill Henry. Well overdue bill apathy and the slave for the slave meaning if the slave has committed murder, then he should be called to account not his master, not somebody else. While owns the bill on sir, and the female, for the female.
The word on site is from the newsletter is Hamza noon set, you may have heard of the word Enough, enough, feminine moussaka is masculine and own third is female.
boneset is female.
And remember that OSA refers to literally, it doesn't just refer to female human, but it can refer to any female.
And literally, the word owns that is from NFL yet loser which means to be soft. And the word NFL yet no. So it indicates the weakness and helplessness of something.
So owns their female
while own sir bill on sir.
So if a woman has killed, then you kill that woman, you take the sauce from that woman, not her husband and her children,
she will be called to account.
So we see over here, the main point is that whether the murder is a free man, or a slave, or a woman, no matter who the murderer is, they will be held accountable for the murder. Nobody else in their case, the murder is going to be held accountable, nobody else in their place.
And from this, the scholars have said that if there is a group of people, there's a group of people who together kill one person, then that entire group is going to be punished. Why? Because they together killed one person
or model they learn him. He said about a boy who was killed by seven men, that if all the residents of Sonora, which is the capital of Yemen today, if all the residents of Sonora if they collaborated on killing this one boy, I would kill all of them. I will take this house from all of them.
So what do we learn
that the one who murders The one who killed no matter who he or she is, he is going to be held accountable for the wrongs that he has done.
Even if it's a group of people, they will be held accountable for the wrong that they have done. pieces will be taken from them.
And what is the causes? What is the law?
The first command is that the person who has killed he should be killed in return. Capital punishment will be given
that Allah says from under Rafi Allah who then whoever was excused, whoever was pardoned. mean, he shaken from his brother, anything.
But whoever overlooks from his brother, anything
raffia raffia is on the roof letters I infer well, and our phone means to pardon to forgive. And men rufiyaa know who whoever was forgiven?
Who is forgiven over here, who is the one who committed the crime, the murder.
So mine over here refers to the cotton the killer
if he is pardoned, for what law who for it?
Now who it over here first for the murder? Whoever is pardoned for the murder that he has committed. Who is he pardoned by? Who is going to forgive him? I mean the person who has been killed, he's dead. How is he going to forgive his murder?
Over here unless has been a fee from his brother
is on the newsletter is Hamza Jolla, or Well hi Yah, both are the letters and who as you know means brotherhood,
his brother and he his brother.
Now the question is, what does it mean by his brother? Who does his refer to who does this pronoun heat refer to?
This has been understood in two ways.
First of all, it has been said that he he
The pronoun he, it refers to the McLoone, the one who has been killed, the one who has been killed, the one who has been murdered. So who is the brother of the one who has been killed?
It refers to his heir, it refers to his ear.
So for example, a person is killed, a young man is killed, and his father is the air, or his brother is the air, or his uncle is the air, whoever the areas. So he, meaning if the murder is forgiven, by the heir of the one who has been murdered.
This is the first way of looking at this part of the
The second way is that he, his brother, the pronoun he, it refers to the party. It refers to the murder.
It refers to the murder. So whoever was forgiven by who, by his brother, meaning whoever caught it was forgiven by his brother, then who does a brother refer to Brother again refers to the heir of the one who has been killed.
And the question is, over here, a loss Pantanal calls the heir of the murder, the brother of the cotton.
Just imagine, somebody has killed a relative of yours, just imagine.
And that particular person who has killed meaning the murder, a lot of times are the same. You two are brothers. You two are brothers. Why? Because that person is still a Muslim.
The word brother has been used to show that the bonds of brotherhood, they still exist.
Don't forget that you are still brothers and being Yes, he has committed a great crime. Yes, indeed, he has committed a crime that is unforgivable. He has to take the punishment, but he is still your brother indeed.
And by using this word early, there is also the encouragement to forgive.
So, the murder, he is forgiven by the air of the Mach two.
And what does it mean by forgiveness over here? How is he forgiven?
forgiveness over here means that he is not killed. He is not killed in return.
That the sauce is not taken by killing him.
Rather, the IRS they say okay, fine, we won't kill you in return, but you give us the blood money. You give us the deer or that we will also forgive the deity.
So in other words, he was overlooked for the murder. He was forgiven for the murder. This is basically what is being stated over here.
Let me give you an example. Solomon is a person and Norman he killed him.
What should be done to Norman
kasasa is going to be taken.
What is the rule of causes kill the murder?
Now so man's family they say that no man after all, he's still a human being Okay, fine. He made a mistake. Let's forgive him. It's okay.
So what do they decide? The IRS have some and they say, let's forgive Norman we won't kill him. But we will take blood money from him. We will take the DNA from him.
And remember that even if one heir of the dead person says let's forgive the cartel and let's resolve on just taking the blood money then everybody has to agree. Even if one person says
then you cannot go and kill the cottage.
So Allah says that if the murder is forgiven, then what should be done for Tiburon bill Maloof? then there should be a suitable follower
30 burn. It is from the root letters there the Deborah and Tara means to follow someone
to follow and build my roof in the manner that is approved marylu official newsletters I offer malefor Irv means to recognize to know something we did the word you already foreigner who can I already phone. So modify means to recognize and maruf is that which is generally recognized and accepted.
What is maruf
a practice that is generally recognized and it is accepted. It is a norm.
It is not something shocking
It's not something very strange, it is an acceptable thing.
So fatty Baron winmar love, what does it mean by this? You see this fellow over here fatty burn fat means that fun word it
then mandatory is what? To follow up suitably, to follow up honorably?
Why did you upon who mandatory upon who,
then it is mandatory upon the heirs of the same person, it is mandatory upon the heirs of the slain person to have a suitable follow up meeting once they have forgiven the author, then they should follow up with the agreed matter, properly and gracefully.
And what does it mean by my roof over here, my roof refers to the blood money, that the blood money, the amount of the blood money should be a generally recognized and accepted amount. It shouldn't just be, you know, $2 or $10, or $100, no, human life has some value.
And maruf being something that is understood to be acceptable, that is the norm.
And this will be decided, according to the reasonable rate of the land, where these people live, wherever that blood money is considered.
So over here less As for devaron, build models, but notice over here, that the follow up, meaning deciding and taking the blood money from the party should be done with models, okay. maruf refers to the amount of the blood money, but maruf also shows the way that the blood money should be taken the way in which the blood money in which the DHEA should be taken from the cotton.
And what is that way,
that first of all, it shouldn't be too much, they should not demand too much.
They shouldn't demand 10 100,000 millions, whatever the biggest number is dollars, or it shouldn't be an unreasonable amount, it should be a reasonable amount.
And secondly, maruf also indicates that when they take the blood money, when they take the idea, then they should not remind the author of the favor that they're doing to him by forgiving him.
It should be in a manner that is recognized in a manner that is appropriate.
The IRS shouldn't say to the Father, look, we forgive you. So you owe us we forgive you, we did such a huge favor to you. So therefore, you do this.
And even when the blood money is being taken, they keep reminding him Oh, you did this, you did this, you did that? No, it should be in a manner that is appropriate. How that Firstly, the amount should be generally recognized and accepted. And secondly, that the way that they take it, that should also be appropriate that they shouldn't remind of favours.
And on the other hand, the cotton, what should he do? He should be thankful. And he should be grateful for the favor that has been done to him. And how is that going to be? What are their own la Hebei Essen are their own? That means payment and it's from the roof fetters Hamza that Yeah. And that literally means to pay or to deliver one thing to another, you have something that is still completely handed over to the other,
to transfer it to the other.
So the cartel, who has been forgiven, and it has been resolved that blood money will be taken from him, what should he do? What is why do you want the cartel? What is mandatory upon the quality that he should pay off the blood money lie to him? Who does him refer to the air the early the pardoner that are fee
he should pay the blood money to him how the sun with your son? What does anybody sign over here?
Excited refers to that, first of all, he should accept the terms of settlement without causing any further harm or resisting the payment. So for example, if it was resolved, that a particular amount was to be paid as blood money, then he should accept it without giving too much problem without creating any further harm. And you should also not resist that. No, no, no, I'm not going to pay. I'm not going to give this No. Why'd you upon the air is to do a suitable follow up. And why'd you upon the quarter is to hand over the blood money with your son.
And your sign over here has also been understood in another way. And what is that? That he should give the blood
Money. How, without any delay, without any procrastination, without any fraud at the right time, the right amount? Because many times what do people do?
The blood money has to be paid, the blood money has to be given, they disappear. They've been forgiven. And then they disappear. They're nowhere to be found, or the blood money that is to be given what do they do? They keep doing okay. And next year, next month, two more weeks. And it's not just with blood money, it's sometimes done with little, little small petty bills as well.
That a bill has to be paid and people keep delaying. Okay, just one more week, just one more month, just as much time just as much time they keep delaying and sometimes after the delay as well there is fraud.
So, for example, if the amount that was agreed was 100 camels, a person gives only 99. A person gives only such Gamble's that are very sick, that are worth no value. So their own in a heavy air sign, he should give the right amount at the right time, with gratitude without any delay, and without any fraud. That is how he should give the payment.
And if you look over here, with regards to the IRS, it was set for Tiburon Bill maruf.
And with regards to the cartel, what has been said, What are their own la Bs and
mandatory or wedges upon the air is to do that which is my roof, which is generally accepted and recognized, and wired up upon the pattern is to do a son.
Why? Because if you think of it, the air, when he is forgiving the cotton, that is your son, that is exciting the first place because he's forgiving me saying fine, we won't kill you, you give the deer that is your son. So therefore, it has been made wajib upon the cartel, that he should do your son when it comes to paying the blood money, because your son has been done to him. Therefore, he should also do your son, your son has been known to him, and therefore he should do your son in return.
So we see over here, that in the most extreme conditions in the most extreme situations, what has been taught maroof. And
don't forget to do that which is generally accepted. And don't forget to do that, which is excellent.
On the contrary, what do people do, they deal unjustly with each other, they don't forgive, or if they forgive, they keep reminding of favors, or when they have to pay the blood money, they don't do that they keep delaying. And as a result, what happens,
the life of one was taken, it leads to the murder of so many more. It takes a life of so many more,
that Allah says, then you get the free formula become that is a concession from your Lord. What is a concession from your Lord? Let's look at the meaning of the word the fee First, the thief is from the veterans Hall.
And the thief Villa you have for whom the punishment will not be lightened from them. The thief is on the same roof letters. What does the phrase mean to lighten to reduce something, either in the tangible sense or in the intangible sense? So the fevers and alleviation to create ease. So that is an ease that is a concession for you meaning for your believers from whom we lobby come from your Lord. What does it refer to?
That over here refers to do things? First of all, the wood you have the sauce? What does it mean by wood from
the obligation of sauce?
And secondly, it refers to the possibility of forgiving the murder
or forgoing the retaliation and in return, agreeing on taking the blood money.
That is it the fee from your Lord. How is it a reduction? How is it a concession? How is it an alleviation? How is it a facilitation from your Lord?
if we see the previous on the previous nations, for example, the Jews and the Christians, they were also given certain commands with regards to taking retaliation from those who commit murder. For example, for the Jews, it was widely upon them, it was mandatory upon them to kill the murder.
It was mandatory upon them to kill the murder. The murder could not be forgiven. Blood Money could not be taken. So if somebody ever killed another than what had to be done, people had to kill him.
There was absolutely no other way
Given our best weather, Darren, he said that the children of Israel were required to apply the law of equality, meaning the law of the sauce in murder cases, and we're not allowed to offer pardons
the children of Israel, the Jews, what were they commanded that they had to kill the murder, they could not forgive?
Just imagine if the cartel is one's own relative if the cartel is one's own friend,
and imagine if they had to be killed in return. Isn't that very difficult? It is. So over here, this is a reduction for us. This is an alleviation for the Muslim oma from Allah soprano, Darla.
And as for the Christians, forgiveness was watching.
As for the Masada forgiveness was mandatory, meaning they had to forgive, they could not take blood money, and they could not implement the puzzles they had to forgive.
And this was also very hard.
So we see that Veliko were first to first of all, they were Juba sauce, and the Christians. For them, they could not implement the crystals they had to forgive, they had to forgive. And on the other hand radical refers to the possibility of forgiving The one who has committed murder. And as for the Jews, they were not allowed to forgive either they had to implement the crystals.
So over here, we see that he cut the fee from you mirabito. This is an alleviation from your Lord. What else is it? What are hammertone? And it is also a mercy.
If you notice the words, the lifan and Ramadan, what do they end with makira. And remember, sometimes the word is Nikita to show the enormity of that particular thing. So it is a great alleviation. It is a great mercy from your Lord. Just imagine if you were not allowed to take revenge. If you had to forgive, just imagine.
Or just imagine if you had no other choice but to kill. What would you do?
This is a mercy.
It is a mercy for you. How is this commander mercy, that first of all, the murder is not killed. And instead he is forgiven for the quarter. He is forgiven for the murder? Isn't that a mercy? Just imagine if you had to be killed. So in his forgiveness, there is.
Secondly, it is also mercy in a way that it is permissible for the IRS to take blood money.
Just imagine if the man of the house was killed. The one who brings money to the house is killed. What is the family going to do? How are they going to eat? How are they going to survive? They need some money to survive. So with the permission to take the blood money, there is mercy upon who upon the heirs of the one who has been killed.
And also it is mercy in another way that the issue is resolved in the dunya This is also mercy.
So then he got a fee for Mila Beco what a feminist Tada. Then whoever transgressed bar the Delica after that fella who are there been a lien for him is a painful punishment. What does it mean by eta that your newsletters ended? Well, in year two, that is to overstep the bounds to cross the limits. And that is to go beyond what a person is allowed to do or go beyond what a person has the authority to do? That is what that is.
So whoever transgressed after that.
What does that mean by after that?
That vatika over here refers to bargaining, or forgiving the cartel or accepting the deal from him.
So whoever transgressed after that
so after overlooking, after forgiving the murderer, after deciding the blood, money, and the matter being settled, who so ever transgressors.
What does it mean by who who does who refer to over here?
This has been understood into his mind over here can be understood to be referring to the murder, the cost, if that if the cartel transgressors, after he was forgiven. After the blood money was settled, he transgresses So what could be his transgression, his transgression could be running away and hiding. He's nowhere to be found. And the air is there wondering where did this person go? He killed our father. He killed our son, he killed our brother. And now he's disappeared. We forgave him and he has disappeared. And sometimes what do people do? That right after killing, they hide? They disappear.
And the murder is not even known. Who is it that killed my son? Who is it that killed my brother? Who is it that killed my father, people have no idea.
So this
Is the entity there, this is the transgression on the part of the murder. Similarly, it could be that the blood money was decided, and what does he do? He doesn't give it
and the heirs there after him, give the blood money, give the blood money, and he doesn't give it this is what transgression.
On the other hand, man can also be understood to be referring to the air, the elite, what could be the transgression of the air, that he takes the blood money, and then he kills the body.
He takes the blood money, he takes the deer, and then he also kills the cotton,
or that he takes the blood money, and he kills the relatives of the cotton.
People do that sometimes, instead of following the law of a horrible, horrible, horrible act, what do they do, or this person killed my family member, I am going to kill his family members, I'll take the blood money and I will also kill his entire family.
So whoever transgresses after that, Allah subhanaw taala says fella who are there, for him, is a painful punishment for who? Whether he is the father, or the heir of the multitude. Why? Because now he is being unjust. Previously, in idle, where we learned while Moo funa Brd him is
those who fulfill their promises whenever they make them.
Sometimes, when we've been very hurt, what do we do, we don't look at what we're supposed to do. Rather, we follow our emotions,
we are overcome by our emotions. And despite knowing what to do, we don't follow the commands.
So sometimes it is the heirs of the person who has been killed, who commit injustice, they take the blood money, and they also kill the person who is killed.
So what do we learn from this is
whoever is involved in murdering one person, even whoever is involved in any way, they are responsible for that murder. And catharsis will be taken from all of them.
And we learn about the justice that we have been given in Islam that it's like for like, whatever wrong, whatever injustice has been done, the same wrong is going to be done. Notice the word besides that you take the exact same path, you don't exceed, you take the exact same path, whatever the criminal has done, you do the exact same thing you don't exceed. Because if you exceed, then you become the criminal.
And a Lost Planet, Allah has blessed this Muslim woman, by giving such laws that are very realistic, and that are easy to implement,
that really solve the problem for us. Because imagine if the heirs of the person who has been killed, if they had to forgive, just imagine the state of their heart.
And everybody is accountable for their deeds, the murderer cannot say that Oh, take 10 of my slaves or take 50 of my slaves, no, he is going to be held accountable for the wrongs that he has done.
There is encouragement in this ayah to forgive because the word he has been used, so there is encouragement to forgive.
And for every problem, there is a solution, even if it is a big problem like murder. On one hand, maruf has been commanded not the other hand air sign has been commanded
the watch with regards to the three ways of different sauce, the rule, the law, is to kill the murder. And if the heirs that decide No, we don't want to kill the murder, instead, we will forgive him, they're allowed to do that to the second degree is to forgive and resolve on the blood money. And the third is that you forgive the blood money even partially or completely. So there are degrees but the command is the sauce which is to kill. And then after that, we have been given concessions.
So we learn about the importance of the law of the sauce from this ayah
because Allah subhanaw taala addresses the believers with this command and implementing this law is a part of EMA.
Also, we see over here that Yeah, are you alladhina amanu quotevalet como sauce,
the sauce has been made mandatory upon you. Who does you refer to the two parties, the cartel and the mcdole? side, the cartel and the family of the macdon? They are the ones who are being referred to over here. What does it mean by this, that the two parties, they have to resolve the issue themselves, which two parties, the cotton and the family of them have to they have to resolve the issue themselves, meaning they decide how the sausage is going to be taken, what the blood money is going to be and the state the state cannot compel either the two parties as to what to decide
But the role of the state is that the state is going to enforce whatever has been decided. The Heirs decide, the people decide, and the state enforces whatever decision has been made, and that no injustice has been done on either party.
Then Allah says, Welcome Phil Casals and for you in crystals there is what higher tune there is life. Yeah, although all people have intellect, law law, contact the phone so that you may save yourselves over here in this ayah there Illa The reason or the wisdom behind the law of resource is being given.
Because many times people say, oh, capital punishment, even for murder is too harsh. But ask any family whose relative has been killed? What do they want to do to the murder?
They want to do the exact same thing.
If somebody even hits you, what do you want to do? The exact same thing in return. If somebody slaps you, you want to do the exact same thing in return. So it's not harsh. This is justice. Like for like, whatever the criminal does, you do the exact same thing to them. And what is the wisdom behind that? That one account for you all meaning Oh, you believers alladhina amanu felucca sauce in the sauce meaning in the capital of the cotton, there is higher tune there is life. Notice the word higher tone is Nikita, what does it mean? Great life heightened Cobra, heightened aroma.
And what it means by life over here is that there is saving of life for you in the law of SOS.
When you punish the person who has killed when you punish the murder, what are you doing? You're saving human life. Because if you don't hold him accountable, if you don't punish him, What is he going to do? He is going to go kill someone else tomorrow.
And if you don't punish him, somebody else is going to be encouraged to do the same action.
So when the law of the sauce is implemented, then life is preserved. So for you or believers, there is great life in this command meaning there is great preservation of life. Yeah, are there Al Bab all those who have interact only means possessors those who possess and the word UI is actually a plural and it does not have a singular form. So possessors of who those who have what Albert, Albert is the plural of the word look for the root letters lamb that the and look literally means the core or the middle part of something. It is also used for the bulk of the fruit, the essence of something, the main part of something, what is the main thing that human beings have? that
distinguishes them from other creation?
intellect, mind, reasoning. So yeah, Alba, Alba, the plural of lobe is intellect. And the word Labib, which is on the same root letters is used for a person who is very intelligent.
But what kind of intelligence is this?
Well bad are those people who are endowed with intelligence.
Those who have penetrative minds, those who don't just take something on the surface, but who get to the crux of the matter.
Apparently, you might say, Oh, my God, you're killing the murder. The murderer killed one person, there was loss of one life, you're killing the murder. There's also two lives.
A group of people killed one person and you kill that entire group, there was loss of one person, others a loss of 20 people.
So apparently, there seems to be loss of life. But Allah says all those who have intellect, don't just look at the surface look deeper, get to the essence, get to the crux, and what is that saving of life.
And notice here will albear only old Al Bab have been mentioned why because they are the ones who will benefit. They are the ones who will really understand.
So, it shows that a person needs to use his mind, a person needs to use his uncle to understand the commands that are lost.
AKA needs to be used, intellect needs to be used, it needs to be exercised in order to understand the commands that are Lost Planet Allah has given local accounts. So that you may have
learned again is used to give the meaning of reason or it is used to give the meaning of expectation it is expected it is hoped that you will get the code What is the matter code over here it has been understood in several ways.
First of all, it has been said that at the cone you fear all of you fear what do you fear that you fear killing another
Out of the fear of retaliation,
the law of the sauce has been given why, so that you fear killing another out of the fear of being killed in return.
Secondly, it has been said that the coup means you may save yourselves, you may save yourselves from what from being killed.
Because when you implement the Casals, then you're saving your own life.
How are you saving your own life, because you're saving human life, you're preserving human life and if human life is preserved, then your life will also be preserved.
Then it has also been said that we are looking at the code that you may develop the code, meaning you may become righteous how, by obeying this command of Allah
by obeying another command of Allah.
So we've seen this idea that in implementing the law of the sauce, which is getting the murder, or taking revenge from him, there are great benefits for the people for the society at large. It has been made obligatory, why, in order to protect in order to preserve the human life. Because, as we learned earlier, that when a person kills one person, then he's able to kill more.
Apparently, it seems as though by implementing the sauce, there is death. But in reality, there's preservation of life. Remember, when we learned about the command here, are you in Medina Ave kulu. Each, I told you that the laws that Allah Subhana Allah has given the commands that are given or the prohibitions that he has prescribed? Why are they in order to benefit the human beings? There's always some objective.
And remember, every law of the shittier, every law, every command, in our religion has some objective.
And these objectives of the shittier are known as the mocassin. of the Sharia, the mocassin of the law, and what are they? They are the preservation of the first of all, the preservation of the that is one of the main objectives. For example, when we're commanded to praise Allah, what is the objective that our Deen is preserved? Secondly, the preservation of progeny, meaning the preservation of the correct lineage, which is why even when a child is adopted, whose name does he get his biological parents, and if they're not known, then you still don't give the name of the adopted parents.
Thirdly, it's the preservation of wealth.
Another objective of the shittier is the preservation of wealth, which is why when a person commits theft, he is to be punished. Fourthly, the preservation of intellect, which is why of their false rumors, then what a person who spreads the false rumors, he is going to be held accountable, and fifth, the preservation of human life.
And this maxlength, this objective of the Sharia, which is to preserve the human life, in order to attain this objective, the law of crystals has been given. And for this objective as well, the command to eat was given.
So we see that the law of crystals has been given why to preserve the human life. Because when you catch the murderer, when you stop the murder when you punish him, or when you take the deer from him, What are you doing, you're stopping the situation from occurring again,
you're stopping the crime from occurring again. And if the person is left loose, if the person is allowed to do whatever he wants, then what's going to happen, he is going to commit that crime again, and other people might also commit that crime.
So by implementing this command, the number of killing is reduced.
The total is reduced. And as a result, there is life, there is preservation of life for the entire oma.
Because when a person knows that, if I kill, I'm going to be killed in return. That stops him from killing that stops other people from getting and as a result, there is life for the oma.
And if there was no law of the sauce, if there was no law of retribution, what would be done? What would happen?
So many innocent people would be affected, and that we see that today. So many people are killed, and no justice is established. One murder leads to so many other murders
and ask about the state of the families, the heirs of those people.
have been killed unjustly. how their parents feel, how their siblings feel, just imagine a relative of yours committed no crime, and he has been killed unjustly, and there is no retribution. Is that fair? It's not fair at all.
And also, if the kasasa is not implemented properly, then what would happen? One murder would lead to the murder of many.
We learned that at the time of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam before he came to Medina, there were two tribes. in Medina, the US and the US and husbands were actually two brothers. And they had a dispute over water. And that dispute turned into fighting into killing. And it wasn't just limited to those brothers, but it continued on for generations, so much so that it was one tribe against another tribe. Just imagine where it started from dispute over water continued for generations, so many people were killed. So if the killer is not punished, then what happens, the consequences that more and more people are killed.
And if the law is implemented properly, then there is preservation of life.
And we know about places where the sauce is implemented, the number of people who are killed, that is very low, compared to places where kasasa is not implemented.
Literally, there are people who kill, they're held accountable, they're taken to court, they're jailed for like a year or two. And once they're released, within six years, within five years, within two years, they will kill again, because they haven't taken the lesson. When you have to pay the blood money. It's a whole lot of money when you have to pay it, or when your life is at risk, or even even think of committing that crime again, No, you're not.
And when there are no harsh consequences, or you just stay in jail for a year or two, that's it, then it's easy to commit the crime again, it's easy for other people to do the same thing.
So this issue with regards to killing someone unjustly, it seems, this is a law, that is fair, it should be implemented.
And we learned that implementing this command is a part of a person's email, if he's truly a believer, then he must implement this command. There's a similar issue with regards to women. And what is that
killing babies who are not even born yet who are in the womb.
Abortion is also a form of murder.
Remember that, especially when there is life in the fetus? When the heart is moving, when the heart is pumping, when there is blood? What does that show life? When there is growth? What does that show life?
And if you try to finish that life, what does that mean? It is murder.
And scholars have said that if a woman abort the child in her womb, then she has to pay the deer as well. She has to give the blood money as well.
And some have said that it comes up to five camels.
There is definitely a deer for even killing or aborting a fetus. Because that is also human life.
When a fetus is killed when a fetus is aborted, what has been done, human life the sanctity of human life is being violated. Whether it is the mother who is getting or the doctor who is getting anyone who has killed the fetus, they must who is the father, they must repent from this because it is a major sin. And they must give the D as well.
Let's listen to the recitation of these verses.
quotevalet can either hover ahead the common mode
prescribed for you when that approaches any one of you
tarraco hyaluron if he leaves Well, what is prescribed upon him, and we'll see ya a request quotevalet come again, the same words have been used to show that this is an obligation upon all of you or believers. What is an obligation either halberda, however, is from newsletters help blah, blah, we have done this word earlier it means to approach. So when it approaches, a headache, or any one of you or believers, what approaches you Elmo to the debt? What does it mean by the approaching of the debt, meaning when a person is about today, the causes of that are the signs of death are visible, they're evident when the person is in muddled or notes, it's very clear that he is going to
And sometimes, at such a time, doctors, they say such and such person is only a guest for another day or two. So, when death is near, when a person is clearly going to die very soon, then what is mandatory upon him that in taraka Hyeon, if he is leaving behind, higher and
higher, literally means good. But remember that the word higher is also used for wealth. Because high is something that is beneficial, something that is good, that is useful. And wealth is also something that is beneficial and useful if a person uses it properly. And when the word height is used for wealth, then it implies a great amount of wealth.
So if the person is leaving behind him, hi, Ilan, if he is leaving behind him a fortune, then he shouldn't just leave it without any instructions, because that would create problems, what should he do what is mandatory upon him, and obviously, the request will,
the word mostly is from the root letter as well, Satya, and we'll see you literally is used for a command that is given with a lot of emphasis with great importance.
Otherwise, the word will see it is used for the will, or the request that a person leaves upon his death, or before he dies, as to what to do with his wealth, with his possessions, with his property, or with his children, after he has died.
And remember, that was the year is with regards to three things. First of all, we'll see it is with regards to the wealth of a person, the property, the possessions of a person, so he instructs his family, his children, his relatives, as to what to do with his wealth.
As we know that the laws of inheritance have already been given, everybody's share has been fixed. And believers have been allowed, that they can, will one third of their wealth to someone who is a non heir. So for example, a person at the time of death, he says that one third of my wealth, give it to a Masjid, give it to the poor.
So we'll see us first of all, with regards to a person's worth. Secondly, we'll see as with regards to instructions about the particular responsibility.
For example, the person at the time of death, he instructs very clearly as to how his business should be run, or how the responsibility that he had should be carried out how things should continue.
And thirdly, was here is also with regards to matters concerning one's family, concerning marriage concerning children etc. For example, if a woman is dying, she can say, it is my will, that my children should be looked after by my sister, or by my mother, or by this relative of mine.
Or if a man is dying, he can will, that I'm leaving. Now, if there's any problem, you should seek the advice of this particular relative of yours, this is my instruction to you.
So, obviously, it could be with regards to these things.
So, when a person is dying, and if he is leaving behind himself, well, and remember hydron is a fortune, a great amount of wealth, then what should he do? He should make a will see you in whose favor in the favor of little validation for the parents will a Caribbean and the close relatives, the Caribbean is a plural of UCLA and UCLA is used for those who are close to you.
How should he make the will Bill Maher aloof in the manner that is approved in a manner that is recognized? Now what does it mean by this? This ayah is a martini ayah and it was revealed before the ayah of Milan
What does muroc mean? inheritance? The I have me Roth which is in Surah, Nisa, in that ayah the heirs and their respective shares have been specified. So it's not up to us that Okay, give all of my property to my father or give everything of mine to my son know a person
Don't do that.
The errors have been specified Allah subhanaw taala has decided that the mother inherits the father inherits the children inherit, the spouse inherits. And how much are the parents going to inherit? How much are the children going to inherit? How much is the spouse going to inherit every case, every person, every air, every share has been specified.
This ayah that we read over here, this was revealed before the actual command was given.
Therefore, the majority of the scholars, they consider this verse to be abrogated,
because a person cannot by his own will a lot a particular portion to his parents, or a particular portion to his relatives, no, the shares and the ears have been specified by a loss.
So therefore, majority of the scholars, they consider this first to be abrogated. However, other scholars say that no, this verse is not abrogated, but rather it is mussels. mussels, is from hos what is horsemen specific. So this ayah, is applicable in certain situations. And what is that certain situation,
that certain situation is when a person is leaving behind himself a fortune, a great amount of wealth.
If he is leaving behind him a fortune, then it's not just the particular heirs who should get his wealth. But it should also go to other distant relatives who don't necessarily have a share.
So for example, a person is dying, and he's leaving behind him a big fortune, and he has a spouse, and he has one son, who is going to inherit
his spouse, his son, and his parents, that's it, their entire fortune is going to be divided between four people. Okay, it is allowed. But if a person is leaving behind a fortune, you should also think about his other relatives who don't necessarily have a share in that particular inheritance. So for example, his grandparents are his uncle's, his aunt, his cousins, his other relatives, he should also think about them.
So this is his muscles with regards to which situation when a person is leaving behind him a fortune. But if you look over here, why did they never mentioned? But parents already have a share? How come they haven't mentioned over here? scholars have said, as we know, from the Hadees, that if the parents of a person are not Muslim, then they don't inherit from him. But if a person is leaving behind himself a fortune, then he should, as a kind gesture, will some of his wealth for them, you never know, this kind act of yours may bring them to Islam?
a carabiner haven't mentioned. Secondly, for being close relatives, who are they those who don't get a direct share from the inheritance over here. So a person should also willed some of his wealth for them. We don't previously in the aisle where we're at and men are happy, who first of all, the will Cordoba.
He gives us wealth, for the love of Allah to who to the close relatives.
But how is it going to be done? What's the condition? How should he make the will see a bit more aloof in the recognized way? What does he mean by my roof, my roof is understood in two ways. First of all, that he should not make a will for his ears, because they already have a share from the inheritance. So you should not say Okay, give 50,000 to my mother, or give 50,000 to my son. Now the son already has a share, the mother already has a share. So he's not going to write a will for them in their favor.
Because every person has their share that is fixed.
And secondly, it should be model of how that a person should not will a person should not be queried more than one third of his wealth, do the non heir.
He is only allowed to give one third, do the non IRS two thirds must go to the IRS.
We learn about a companion of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam sorry, even Malik. He said that in the year of hospital whether the Prophet sallallahu Sallam visited me when I felt sick, and I was about to die because of that illness. So I said, well as messenger, I am very ill as you see, and I am a rich man. And I have no air except my only daughter, one daughter he had and only she had the right to inherit from him.
So he said, should I give two thirds of my property in charity?
Because I have so much fortunate I'm leaving behind only one daughter. She's going to take everything can I give two thirds of my property for charity? The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said no, I said Should I then give one half of it in charity?
He said,
Give only one third in charity, and even one third is too much. No doubt it is better to leave your children rich than to leave them poor, reduced to begging from others.
And this is mentioned in Sahih Bukhari.
So what do we learn? What's the conclusion of this ayah, that if a person is leaving behind himself a fortune, then what should he do? He should make a will, in the favor of who, some other relatives, or other people who don't have a share in the inheritance. And how much should that be, it should not be more than one third.
And this is specifically with regards to a person's Well, if a person is, you know, he has a big business or he had a particular responsibility, or he managed a lot of people or he had a lot of things running under him, that he should also consider making a will about the responsibility that he was carrying out.
Remember, that whatever tasks that we're doing, it is dependent on us.
And if we leave, what's going to happen to that work?
What's going to happen to that task, if we have not transferred that work that responsibility to someone else, that work is going to be affected. So a person should make a will, concerning the work that he does, or concerning other things that he is responsible for. We learn from our bodies that isn't Bahati, even are mortal, they learn who he said, that allows messengers that allowed us Adam said, it is not permissible for any Muslim, who has something to will to stay for two nights without having his will and testament written and kept ready with him.
If you have something that you must give instructions to others about as to what to do with it, how to deal with it, after you have gone, you must not spend even two nights without making that will even remodel Delano. He said that ever since I heard the statement from the last messenger, no light has passed, but my will is Get Ready With Me.
So we should also think about all the things that we're responsible for, not just our property, not just our money, but other things as well that we're responsible for.
What's going to happen to those things when we are gone. We don't know when we're going to die. We don't know that could come at any time.
And from this, we also learn a very important lesson, that anytime when you leave something, when you've moved on from one work from one task, and if you're leaving it for somebody else to do after you, you should Hand it over in a way that they're able to carry it out. Don't leave it to them to figure out, explained properly.
And we should also see, sometimes our money, our property is all spread out. And our family has no idea. There is money lying on the table. Okay, whose money is it? Is it yours? Does it belong to somebody else? Whose is it? clarify? Because if you don't, and people make a mistake afterwards, it's not their fault. It's going to be your fault.
So if there is anything that you should write a will about, do it today. Do it tonight. Don't sleep without making it.
What are the prophets that a lot of them say that he should not stay for two nights without having his last will and testament ready.
So if you have any responsibility, whether it is your children, or it is some work that you used to do that you do, make sure you have someone to carry on that work after you're gone.
Because you're not doing that work for just to satisfy yourself.
You're doing it to help other people as well. There was a lady that I knew of a very close friend who was almost like a relative, always looked up to her as my grandmother. Every time that she would travel, she would open up this notebook, and she would write about the different things that she does. For example, She wrote about it on every eat, I give this much money to this servant, or I send this much money to that particular person. On this day, this month, this week, I give this stuff to that person. And she wanted to make sure that her children, her family, they knew about us that even when she's gone, the people who are getting money from her, they continue to get the
money. Although it's not their share, but she wanted to make sure that this good deed that I'm doing it continues even after I'm gone. These four people should not suffer.
So we should look at all the responsibilities that we have. Are all those responsibilities clearly written. Are they clear? When I'm gone? What's going to happen? Is the work just going to collapse? Or is it going to be manageable by somebody else?
We should do our work in a way that anybody who walks in should be able to take it up and should be able to continue
especially when it comes to the work of the we take it very lightly or doesn't matter. Anybody can do it.
We don't take it seriously.
Make sure everything of yours is properly organized properly kept properly written properly detailed, so that other people who have to take your work, it is not a problem for them.
For that how can I deal with the pain it is a duty upon those who have the core meaning writing the overseer making the overseer is mandatory, it is a hook. It is an obligation upon those who are taqaddas really fear.
Let's listen to the recitation.
Obi Wan Kenobi nada
me welcome Phil