Tahir Wyatt – What Breaks the Fast – Book of Fasting #02

Tahir Wyatt
AI: Summary © The importance of fasting during COVID is discussed, including the need for locality in communication and praying for the new moon. The speakers stress the importance of witnessing witness to the new moon and following social norms. The importance of clear intention for the whole month and avoiding meal waste is also emphasized. The speakers also discuss the benefits of fasting and the legal framework for meal waste avoidability.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdulillah Ravi Lara meanwhile shadowline Elodie sorry, he was Sharona Mohammed Abu hora, Su Lovato, la casa de la amin la sala de la sala vertical annum, Amina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi. Germaine,

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am I right? So this is the second lesson today, April 14, which is the 21st of shadowbanned. Today

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1441, the year of COVID Hmm.

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And then shala.

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We're going to begin where we left off last week, which we didn't particularly we didn't actually finish what we

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we started last week, which was less than one. So we made it up to the point where we talked about the Ramadan, beginning with the siting of the healer, that's where we stopped, right.

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So today, in sha Allah, everybody should have with them. The document that says fasting, to fasting to is the document that we're going to be covering today, but we're gonna start with the fasting one document the first lesson because we only made it down to the bottom of the page, which says, fasting begins when the new moon is cited by one just witness type. Before we begin,

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very quickly, when I asked you a question,

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when Ramadan, when does Ramadan begin?

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So there's

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two ways to think about it.

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So sort of first is when the Hillel of Rama line is cited

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by you.

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Does that mean wherever the * out of Ramadan is cited?

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What does it mean that the * out of Ramadan is sited in your locality?

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That's what a war starts.

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All right. Well, tell me what you you know, what did you glean from the information you heard?

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Okay, your locality. Good. What defines your locality?

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Define your locality.

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Your timezone? Okay, fine. So if we're going to go with our timezone, then our locality, for example, Cuba's in our time zone right.

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Now, I think Cuba is just south of Florida.

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Florida is our time zone.

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The Time Zone deals with with longitude, right? So

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we could be we could we could get getting into problems when we talk about locality. And nobody, let me just put it like this. Nobody would say, I'm just saying from a, from a logical perspective, that Miami is part of our locality.

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I'm not saying it from a site based perspective, but I'm just saying locality that doesn't work.

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So how do we define locality? You see how it starts getting a little hairy. When you when you actually dig down and you start looking at the details? In any event? That's fine. I mean, that opinion has been around.

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From for a very long time, it has been the action of the Muslim I want to assign a status point. Okay. And that is that the action of the Muslims from the past has been that each group of Muslims has fasted with under the imara or under the governorship, if you will, of their particular locality. So whatever is determined by their immediate, then that's when he fast, right? But part of that, that did not stop the focal height of the past and is the matter with him, or him Allah, that the sighting of one

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Muslim, you know, in any locality is a citing for the rest of the oma. Okay, and the scholars of the past is actually the statement of the Jim hood. And most of the scholars are the majority, I should say, of the scholars of the past held that opinion, that one sighting is enough. But why didn't they act according to that?

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Why were their actions different

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because they did not have the method

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communicating the way that we do today. So even though that was, for example, if they cited in above that their opinion was that the people have ended loose, should follow.

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But how are they going to communicate with the people of envelopes? Understand until very recent,

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100 some odd years, right? They didn't have the ability to get that information across. So, again, yes, that's where the war starts. I don't think we need to be very strict. on that particular issue, there are strong evidences for both sides. For those who say that one sighting is enough. For those who say that you fast according to locality. There's very strong evidence for that as well. Neither neither one of them

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is something that we should fight about. And what we should be looking at more towards is what helps to unify the Muslims of a particular locality. So if the majority of the Muslims are doing something and have been doing something for a very long time, then it makes more sense. And he to go with that opinion. The prophet Isaiah Salatu was sitting in a saloon Yeoman to Sumo fasting begins when you begin fasting. In other words,

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and there is no doubt that historically there have been mistakes when it comes to doodle yet. Okay. Forget it. Forget mistakes. Let's just put it out there and lay it out there. Plain and clear.

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If you go out on the 29th night of Shaban, and you're looking for the healer, okay.

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you can't see it because it's rainy or it's cloudy.

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Could the next day possibly be Ramadan?

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Go out on the 29th you can't see what I mean by the next day possibly being Ramadan. Could they have possibly been a new moon? That's the better question. Could they have possibly been a new moon? Absolutely. Absolutely. they possibly could have been a new moon. And the whole thing goes by now that the month goes, the month goes. So you fast 29 days for example, you see the crescent of show Wow. So the next day, you start praying, even fitter, I mean, you're celebrating it'll fit for the next day. Okay, because you fasted 29 days of Ramadan, but the reality is that Ramadan was actually what was actually 30 days. You just couldn't see the new moon. does Allah Subhana Allah hold us

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accountable for that? No. Because that was beyond our ability to to see it. But was it really Ramadan? In the sense that there was a new moon? Yes, but we're not held accountable for that. So what I'm trying to say is that the issue is not so much that we are Yes, we're trying to find out when Ramadan begins and if we don't see it, and we go 30 days and so forth. But the reality is, is that the prophets I send them summed it up for us a sama Yama to Sumo fasting begins when you all start fasting, that that objective of unity is pretty clear, you know, throughout the Koran, and outside of the the month of Ramadan. And for us to have that type of

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for us to allow this issue to not that we differ over because different is okay, we're gonna differ on certain things. But to allow it to to cause division amongst us. This is not one of those issues that should be causing division is not one of those issues where there's not any is clear evidence. Anything else besides that is a strike. This is a slam and that's something else. Now this issue is a lot more leeway in this particular issue. type of hammer they got on a muscle.

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No, the last one from

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fasting begins when a new moon

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from the last one, because we didn't finish 243

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begins when the new moon is cited by one just added witness. For other words, there must be two witnesses. Okay, so this is the next issue. We'll go over this fairly quickly. A shout out to Anna and that is that

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for the month of Ramadan To begin, okay. We just need the witness for the testimony of one person who is added one person who is just what does it mean when we say that a person is just

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Okay, first of all, let's go back, who, who's the author of our book? I want to say I understand some of these things. I'm not gonna dwell on it. But I want to say who's the author of this book?

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Sandra Neva. Now Sarah said he, and he wrote this book based on what motherhood

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the hanbali method, correct? Doesn't mean that he strictly follows the opinions, but for the most part he does. So and that was his intention. He said, he wrote it and now that Allah cola has had, and in other words, based on the opinion of the the US had the scholars of the method. Alright, so when he says idle, then we need to know what he means. When he says just Well, how do we know what that means? It means we have to go back and look at what do the humbly scholars say, is somebody who is just where do you think you would find that if you look at film as a whole? Where do you think you would find them talking about who's just would it be in the, in the books of judo, for example,

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he's having to harder.

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Every job, every job is not perfect.

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Okay, so we're gonna go to the end of the end, which is where we deal with,

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okay, dealing with judges and judgments and a lot of al Qaeda, which means, you know, taking a case to court, okay, because this is where, naturally we're going to talk about witnesses in general. And so, for, for the nebula, in general, scholars have the handle Mmm. And don't when we say that don't think that this is just something that's Hoss. BM nine is something that's specific to the handlers and in general, you know, they may say different things in different methods, but it's kind of similar. So in the handler method, the person has to have, let's just say a person who has eye data or a person was described as being just has two qualities. Okay, well, there's two pillars, if you

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The first is that the person is known for firm religious commitment. In other words, they do those things that are commanded for them to do they're not going to be a person who doesn't come prey in Jamaica, even though he hears the event, for example, so that person he has to be known to have a decent level of religiousness, if you will. Okay. The the second, the second thing, and this may differ in some of the mme is his adherence to what is known as an Maru.

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Maru py.

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What is Moodle? from the from the Islamic perspective? Well, Moodle

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comes from the root and mark.

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And Alomar is a person and model two is a woman, right? So Moodle means that he has the qualities of manhood, that's a literal translation. Is that that that he has the qualities of a man

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All right. Tell you what do you think that means?

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Right now they're not talking about that he's reached the age of puberty or or anything like that. And we're talking about

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he's a, he's a man.

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He acts like an adult. Good. What else?

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Oh, say that again? The character

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character that's known in society will keep going, what does that mean?

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Okay, so, so he adheres to what would be considered the social values? Right? He wouldn't go against what is okay socially

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in that particular society, so and that shows you something because Moodle I'm a change from, from place to place. Right. So where it's okay here in America, for example, for a man ride his bike down the street, right. That doesn't work in Saudi. Like if you saw a sheath, Ryan his bike down the street be like, that would be very weird. Right? And so people people would, people would look at that as being against the social norm something that Oh, you see the shake on a motorcycle, you know, it's like wait a minute, and then he pulls up to the bottom you know, he wants to teach it does. People not gonna look at that the same way that here but even for

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Have we kind of weird here, but I'm just saying it would be more acceptable. Whereas they're socially that's not acceptable. And so somebody who exhibits Moodle, is careful not to go against what is socially acceptable in their particular context. Okay. And so

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literally, literally, like I said, it's to have masculine qualities, but you know, we would just say good character, you know, good character, which includes that aspect of a being adhering to what, you know, the social norms of that particular place. All right. So, if a person testifies, one of those people who is added,

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testifies, so in other words, they were there, for example, and this is normally how it works. Now.

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You have a group of people who are in a particular place, they have certain places in Saudi where there's talk about Saudi Arabia for right now.

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Where they gather, and they look, they know exactly which direction to look into based on the season.

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They know when to look, a lot of times they are using an aid that they're not looking with the naked eye. So a lot of times they may be using a telescope, or something else to see. If they see it. They confirm it amongst themselves, usually the group that's there, and then they'll call a judge. Okay.

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The judge will preliminary, like send out a preliminary message to let people know, to let the other judges know, I only notice, because I was close with the judge. So they let the other judges know, okay, look, we got a preliminary sighting we're gonna go to, then they actually have to come to the court, like they have to come to the maximum. The people who who claim that they've seen it, and they have to testify in front of a judge that they've seen A, B, C and D. There may be some questions asked about that. And then they affirm it. And then once they once they affirm that they've seen it or that that Rodia has been accepted, it's been the sighting of the Hillel has been

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accepted from them, then they let everybody else know and then it goes out. All right.

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So that's that's the process because we were still dealing with a court based system. All right. For other months, they have to be to just witnesses, okay, for other months. So for Ramadan, they accept one. Now this is again, this is not all of the scholars.

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Some of the scholars say, Well, that depends if it was cloudy, and only one person saw it, okay, but if it was not cloudy, how can only one person see it doesn't make sense. We're not going to accept that we're gonna look at that as being something that's odd and unacceptable and so on and so forth. But the the scholars who say in amongst them, is the humbling method, the scholars who say that it is permissible just for one, they rely on the hadith of Abdullah and Omar, while the Allahu taala and who met who said that the people were out looking for the moon, and I saw it so I informed the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam that I had seen the moon. And so the Prophet sallallahu wasallam

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fasted and he commanded the people to fast he fast he commanded the people too fast as collected by

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Rahim, o lozada. And graded authentic by many scholars are Howdy, how do you say, all right, so and then there are others that are not as strong like the one that talks about the veteran who came to the Prophet satellite it was sent him He says, I saw the moon and the prophet SAW him said you testify to lay the law under Mohammed Rasulullah? And he said, Yes, he said, and then he commanded the people too fast that had it had some weakness in it. But the reality is, is that the one had either had been Amato's enough to establish the fact that they relied on the siting of just one when it comes to show while however, which which is now what's happening is you're breaking your fast

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than they require to and that's for every other month as well as for every other month as well, and that's in general. In Islam, normally, you're going to deal with to just witnesses when you're establishing testimony. The exception to the rule is Ramadan, and that's because there's specific evidence for that, all right.

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Play keep going. So the intention for obligatory fast was to be made during the night preceding the fast for voluntary

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let's just start for the obligatory fast so your attention for an obligatory fast, must be made during the night that precedes the fast and that's due to the hadith of hafsa. While the Allahu to either enhance and some of them say is just her statement, and others attributed to the prophet Isaiah saw it in the same way even if it is her statement.

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And a lot of them say it still takes the ruling of the statement of the prophet Isaiah salatu salam in them, you bait you to cm flstc, MLA, whoever does not have the intention to fast during the night, then he has no fast Okay, let's, let's unpack that. Whoever doesn't have the intention to fast during the night, what does the night have to do with the fast when is the fast supposed to be

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during the during the day, fast is during the day? So what does the intention of the night me?

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right because the night proceeds, the night proceeds the day and so the intention has to be present before the for the action, present. intention has to be present before the action. Okay.

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So here, let's just go and

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to make to make it very simple. The night is any part of the night. So the night starts at mothering.

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And the reality is, is that as long as you have is the opinion of several

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of the major scholars of Islam, as long as you have the intention to fast from the beginning of Ramadan. And you don't break that fast by traveling or you didn't get sick or anything like that.

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There's no need to renew

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the intention

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in that sense, and that let's just look at it from this perspective.

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What is intention? Is it something you say?

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You're right, it's something that's internal, right? You intend to do something and that intention becomes clear through through your actions. So what you don't want to do is open up the door for wasa which is where shaytan starts whispering to you making you think that you didn't do something that you did, making you think you didn't have the right intention for something you know, and then you just because you you're giving too much attention to something that is actually natural, right? Every time you wake up to have some horror, or if you didn't wake up and you stay up all night and ate or

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what did you suffer for?

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Because you're fasting The next day, that's your intention you ate support, because your intention is to fast.

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Let's take this step further. And some of the scholars mentioned this is an example of why it's very clear that a person could just make the intention at the beginning of Ramadan. And that's enough. If somebody came to you, second day of Ramadan, after a week of Ramadan, five days in and they said to you, you fasting tomorrow.

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You'd be upset like that's offensive. What do you mean my fasting tomorrow? Of course, so because because what you have the antithesis Ramadan, when you meet my fasting, what kind of questions that that doesn't. So it shows that you have all you know that you have that intention for the entire month. Like you're not wishy washy about whether you're fasting or not. So, the reality is, is that you don't have to go overboard, right? And start thinking every day. Or you are for example, you overslept Soho or somehow you didn't wake up until you heard the damn forfeiture.

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How may I make my attention last night now, your intention is fine, right? So you don't want to get but but where does this come into play? It's important because and I've mentioned this because a lot of us don't

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don't understand the importance of intention. Let's forget let put Ramadan set aside. But if you traveled in Ramadan for two days and you broke your fast we have to do as we'll get to

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your makeup your fast haha

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when it comes to making up your fast you also have to now because it's you're making up a fast that is when you have to have the intention the night before, and he prior to slots and fetcher. Okay? So you can't just as we'll see,

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move on to the next point and then we'll combine it all together. The next point says what? for voluntary?

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Right for voluntary fast, the intention may be made during the day. And that is based on the Hadeeth of a Chateau de la Jana and her when she said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came to her that day. That's how that narration goes. He came to her that day and he said, Hi, Linda comerciais Do you have anything like anything for me to eat? And she said my international we don't have anything

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said he then an assign in some narrations for any sign and in other words, okay then I'm fasting

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which the scholars who say that it is permissible to make your intention during the day for a voluntary fan obviously that's not Ramadan he's not gonna go to her in the daytime Ramadan say we got anything to eat for lunch. So this is obviously during a just a regular day and he says to her Do we have anything and he said okay then I'm fasting so so the scholars who say that it's

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there that you can do a voluntary fast without the intention being from the night before they said that this hobby clearly shows that the prophesy some didn't have the intention of fast because he wanted to eat something. But then it was nothing so then he decided to to fast there's a couple issues related to this here

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that I think are beneficial, so I'll mention them inshallah.

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The first thing before we get to the fifth side of things,

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he was the Messenger of Allah so liason the Messenger of Allah nobody on earth nobody has ever walked the earth better than him sallallahu wasallam and he didn't have any food

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so panela

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which for Muslim should show us that the means and that the scale with the lost parents either it's not about what you have in this dunya

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it's about what you do. It's about your deeds. It's not about what you have lost hands It is the duty of the people who he loves and people he does not love

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in the fact that the prophets of light it was one of the one who lost parents out of love the most did not have who that's telling is really telling somehow law and it's something that we need to let sink in. Because some people think unfortunately i mean i'm talking about Muslims but but non Muslims as well. They think because they're doing well in the dunya Allah blessings God loves me

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thank you again doesn't always work like that. I lost my dad is testing you

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testing you and if you're grateful then you pass the test on the law

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and if you're not then know that that's nothing but a hood Jenkins shoe is a proof against you are approved for you will almost

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from a 50 sign of this particular Heidi.

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One thing that needs to be understood is that uh

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they even know Rahim Allah channel he talks about this Hadees because this had even Sahih Muslim. And so when we talk about a Haddington Sahih Muslim, the most famous explanation of Sahih Muslim and probably one of the most detailed and the better explanation Sahih Muslim is that which was done by an Imam and no, he died. He said that this is the proof of the Jim Hoare and he the majority of the scholars who say that it is permissible to make the intention for a voluntary fast at any time during the day, as long as the sun hasn't set. As long as the sun hasn't set. There's some other scholars who say no, it has to be prior to half of the day passing. Because in order for you to have

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be considered fasting that day, you have to be fasting the majority of the day. Okay, now, here's a question.

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If a person

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starts, for example, they were thinking I am gonna go, uh, somebody invited me to have a meal. So I know when I get with this person, I'm going to eat like three meals at one time, so I'm not gonna have anything in the morning. Then the person cancelled 12 o'clock noon. So I can't make it today. All right. They says, You know what, well, I already made it this far mines, which is fast by do they get the reward of fasting and entire day? Or do they get the reward of fasting when the intention started?

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you'll see, you'll see why this actually as a practical benefit.

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Yeah, they get the reward. Yeah, probably sell them didn't have the intention of fasting. And he went and then he said, Yeah, I'm fasting. So yeah, of course, get a reward.

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But you don't get the reward of fasting the entire day. You're not like the person who had intention from the night. Did you get a reward for fasting the part that you did fast? Okay.

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Why is that significant?

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Let's look at the Hadeeth men sama, Rama bon summit's bow who said to me chawan Kanika see me whoever first month of Ramadan and follows it up with six days from Shawa. It's like He fasted what

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the entire year.

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Okay, let's just say one of those six days, he started out like that right there. I was like, Man, I'm gonna go eat, I'm gonna have a nice meal. And then he said, I, you know, forget that out, I'll turn it into one in six days of chawan. Nope, you only have five and a half.

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So, so what some of the scholars say is that when it comes to what they call a cm and mukai, yet, it's not whadjuk. Okay, but there's a special reason for that fast, like I showed all, like the 10th of Mulholland, or something like that, that, that that that needs to be prior to, in order to get the reward that was mentioned by the prophets, I send them for fasting that day, because we're talking about the entire day. All right, just so that we're clear on it.

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Like, so, if a person wants to fast,

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then the nanofiller that is a total work, which means a voluntary fast, they can do so even if they didn't have the need from the night before, as long as they haven't done anything prior to their need that would normally break defense, whether it's eating or drinking or sexual relations or otherwise. Alright.

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Play clear on inshallah Any questions?

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For a special class like martial art or something like that, you would have to have that session before? Correct. If you want the if you want the reward that was mentioned by the prophet Isaiah Salatu was sent when he's talking about for fasting that day. And the reality is, is that if you only fasted half of that day, then you have not fasted that day.

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You still get a lot, you still get the reward for the portion of that you fast it, you get the reward for for the for the portion that you fast, and it counts as a fast No.

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lump sum. Again,

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majority of scholars actually don't differentiate between what is yet or what what has a specific reason and what doesn't, in terms of the voluntary facts. And the Mondays and Thursdays and shallows, I don't. There's no specific reward, like peroxisome, we talked about alpha,

00:32:27 --> 00:32:42

there was a specific reward attached to it. There's a virtue for fasting on Mondays and Thursdays. But there's no specific reward whoever fast on Monday, he gets A, B, C and D, not like whoever fast on alpha than it is a expiation for the previous

00:32:44 --> 00:32:56

for the year for the sins of the previous year and the year to come. Right. So that's not something that there's no hiding like that for Mondays but there's virtual professional Monday.

00:33:00 --> 00:33:01


00:33:03 --> 00:33:03


00:33:05 --> 00:33:10

Yeah, next class less than 245 minutes in, we just get into lesson two, her

00:33:12 --> 00:33:29

excuses for sick people arm by fasting and travelers have the option of fasting or not. Right, and this is by ej Mac, of the scholars, all of the scholars say that if a person is sick, and their illness

00:33:32 --> 00:34:15

and fasting would cause them harm if they sick, and fasting will cause them harm or they're traveling, then that person is excused from the fast during the month of Ramadan, they can break their fast and then they have to make up the fast later. Why do you think they say a sick person who is harmed by fasting? And what does that mean that they are harmed? It means that their healing will be delayed, or that the illness will become more severe by by fasting. But there are some people who are sick, fasting

00:34:16 --> 00:34:22

doesn't increase their sickness at all. Or they may call it a sickness. Right? Yes.

00:34:32 --> 00:34:48

It's the same travel is travel. Travel is travel whether whether it's whether it's alive, or whether it's fasting, there's no difference in what that's a different issue altogether. What is considered to be traveling that's a different issue altogether.

00:34:49 --> 00:34:57

So when you say you know you don't you don't have to be traveling. What is that traveling is more than 50 miles or overseas in

00:34:58 --> 00:35:00

its tracks.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:11

Traveling is traveling, it doesn't differ because you're fasting or because you're so the way that the sky is different about what traveling is. So I imagine that you probably know some of the Hanafi

00:35:12 --> 00:35:22

madhhab on this particular issue. So for them traveling is anything over 15 anything over 15 days, if it's under 15 days, I don't consider it to be

00:35:23 --> 00:35:54

15 days in terms of length of time. Okay, in terms of in terms of the amount of days that you'll be traveling for. Okay. When we talk about distance, okay, then there's different opinion amongst the the mme, the strongest opinion is, is that it's what we would consider to be 48 miles or 80 kilometers, about there about, okay, anything over that in terms of distance is considered travel.

00:35:57 --> 00:36:07

And so, if a person travels that distance, like from here to New York, as traveling, no doubt about it, even if a person, even if a person does that every day.

00:36:08 --> 00:36:14

So let's just say for example, they work for a limousine service. And

00:36:15 --> 00:36:48

three, four days out the week, they have to go to New York, they're traveling, they're considered to be a traveler. Now, what they do about that that's a different story, should they break the fast not break the fast? We'll get there inshallah. All right, a pilot pilot who travels every single day, no doubt about it. If he's getting on a plane and going somewhere as he's traveling, they have that option of fasting or braking. In fact, somebody might drive a truck for a living, they're traveling it doesn't. The fact that they do it consistently does not take away from the fact that they are that they're traveling. All right, yes.

00:36:55 --> 00:37:30

Okay, so the fast thing is harming a person, then it depends on what what kind of what level of harm, right and they do have the option. If it's causing them abnormal harm, than it becomes macro, for them to fast, if it's actually going to lead to in some people's panela, they are so strict in terms of their fasting, that they'll fast until they literally are on a deathbed, so it puts them at risk of losing a limb or something like that. That's high, Toronto fast in that case. All right. Play. So

00:37:32 --> 00:37:37

the the ahaadeeth when it comes to this particular issue, all indicate

00:37:38 --> 00:38:22

this, this rule here, whatever is easier is what's best. Whatever is easier, is what's best play. What does that mean? Well, let's look at the hadith of Ennis or villalta. And his most famous Hadith when it comes to this particular topic. He says, we were with the prophet Isaiah Salatu was Salam. And in some narration, it says during Ramadan, for Mina saw a woman and lifted from a monster stay with those who were fasting for monsters. They were those who broke their fast. He says, Well, I'm yeah, I had a solid amount of mustard while I moved to Russia. And the the one who was fasting didn't that was not critical of the one who didn't fast. And one who didn't fast wasn't critical of

00:38:22 --> 00:38:51

the one who did fast, which means that you have the option. The option is there. Which one is better? If I'm traveling? What's better for me to do? The better for me too fast or not too fast? The answer is whichever one is easier is what's better. Now, somebody might say, What do you mean? How can it ever be easier to fast than not too fast?

00:38:52 --> 00:38:52

Go ahead.

00:38:57 --> 00:39:07

So your emotion like you said, Okay, so you already gotten accustomed to the fast and so forth. But it's still easier for me to eat than it is nothing.

00:39:08 --> 00:39:36

Ah, that's the issue. Because if you don't fast, you have to do what you have to make it up. So the issue now is not whether it's easier for me to fast that day, right or not fast that day. The issue is, whether it's easier for me to fast that day or make it up at another time. That's that's the issue. All right. So like was mentioned here, for a lot of people when they're already in the flow.

00:39:38 --> 00:39:58

You know, a weeks gone by two weeks have gone it's, it's actually a lot easier for them to fast then rather than making it up at a different time when they're not accustomed to it. When not everybody else is fast and especially when you talk about the Muslim world. It becomes very

00:40:00 --> 00:40:44

A lot easier to fast in Ramadan because society kind of shifts to accommodate accommodate the fast, right? So it becomes easier. The other thing that that that is looked at in this particular case, and this is why some of the scholars say is actually better for a traveler to fast no matter what even if you don't follow that opinion, but there's some strength to it, which is that, which is that number one, it's quicker in terms of removing liability. So, if you don't fast, then now you owe a loss penalty, or something, you know, you don't want to Oh Allah, you just want to, you know, you want that to be off your off your plate. But the reality is, is that if it's difficult for you, when

00:40:44 --> 00:41:28

you're traveling, that is from the sooner or from the sooner to break your fast, if it's difficult for you to fast while traveling. The other thing that they say is that there is nothing like the fast during Ramadan itself. So even though you're traveling or whatever the situation may be, it's still Ramadan, and that fast is going to be better than making up the fast pay. What about somebody who's sick, and we can say sick, we can use injured, right? The Fast doesn't have any effect on their injury, or their sickness, that person has to fast. So for, for example, let's say somebody, they broke their leg. Hmm.

00:41:29 --> 00:41:59

No, diabetes, diabetes is a whole different topic. Somebody broke a leg. Ramadan came, they don't feel like they need to take any more pain medication, anything, it's not bothering them. If they don't do that. Right, then that person would fast because unless unless there's some way that the fast would increase their their injury or something like that. But in general, that's what you look at, does the fast increase your injury, or your sickness? Or not?

00:42:00 --> 00:42:14

Does it make it more severe or not? So that that's what we're looking at when it comes to and that's why he said, That's why I said, well, Marie, the lady yet Ah, this song, not just the melody, but the one who is harmed by

00:42:15 --> 00:42:15


00:42:20 --> 00:42:28

Next, it is held on for women who are menstruating or experiencing postpartum bleeding too fast, they must make up.

00:42:30 --> 00:42:49

Right. So if a if a woman is menstruating, or she recently gave birth, and she's experiencing postpartum bleeding, and this scenario, it is hard for them to fast. And

00:42:52 --> 00:42:56

you know, somehow this is something that for, for a lot of women,

00:42:57 --> 00:43:00

it causes them some,

00:43:01 --> 00:43:15

you know, grief in the last 10 nights of Ramadan, especially when they really want to get into it and you know, some Hana laws, like, they don't feel like they're able to do whatever we're all experiencing that this year will allow them and

00:43:16 --> 00:43:24

you know, where the messages are not open what she can't come to the masjid and she can't pray with everybody else. That's the last 10 nights and they want that experience.

00:43:26 --> 00:43:52

And even our mother, I shall be alongside her. And when she went to make hygiene, everybody else was making oma and she was on her period, the prophet is allowed to Assam came to her and she was crying. He said, I'm gonna catch up, Oh, hello, I have an auntie Adam, this is something that I lost my dad has written for, for the daughter is bad. Don't Don't let it get you, you know, to a point where it is,

00:43:53 --> 00:43:58

you know, when you're overwhelmed, you know, by by the emotion. So

00:43:59 --> 00:44:16

the reality is that the scholars will humbly lie. I mean, especially in recent times, have written numerous ways that a person could benefit from Ramadan and women can benefit even though even though they're not able to fast and pray.

00:44:17 --> 00:44:20

And so that is your research project for next week. inshallah.

00:44:23 --> 00:44:26

Yes, we're dishing out homework.

00:44:29 --> 00:44:31

We're sick, they get their water, whatever they were doing before.

00:44:33 --> 00:44:43

Come on, say Listen, this, you can't jump the gun. Now. It's a research project. Next, I'm not saying I'm not answering your question. You're not gonna say anything else about it. So

00:44:44 --> 00:44:53

next week, next week, but I want you to do is I want you to talk about this particular issue. What is it that

00:44:54 --> 00:44:59

put some framework to the issue of sisters who

00:45:00 --> 00:45:26

are experienced and hopefully very some people you know, in following online and they can come in and they can write their things online and shallow Tada. But what are some of the things that women can do when they cannot fast and pray in the month of Ramadan and again, this is something that allows parents it is written for the daughters of Adam, and there's no shame in that. And there's still a lot that they can do to gain reward in the nighttime.

00:45:28 --> 00:45:33

And that is by as Matt By the way, there's consensus amongst the scholars that it is haram for

00:45:35 --> 00:45:40

women on their menstrual cycles or experiencing postpartum bleeding from fasting.

00:45:43 --> 00:45:54

pregnant and breastfeeding women who fear for their child should not that they must make up the days as well as feed the needy person for each day, they did not read that again.

00:45:56 --> 00:46:12

Now, the whole thing, pregnant and breastfeeding women who fear for their child should not fast they must make up the days as well as feed a needy person for each day, they did not pass. Okay, so this is the madhhab of hope.

00:46:14 --> 00:46:42

The handling metal, the metal element, I'm going to go over this particular issue with the not a whole lot of detail, but just try to provide some clarity, shallow data. He says pregnant and breastfeeding women who fear for their child should not fast by what if she fears for herself, but she fears for her own health?

00:46:45 --> 00:47:05

It will fall into the first category, as mentioned previous. Right? Exactly, which is that they are sick. So the PS here, or somebody that's sick is very clear. And this is why some of the scholars actually mentioned that there's edge math, that if the woman is pregnant,

00:47:07 --> 00:47:20

or breastfeeding, and she fears for herself, she fears for her own health, that if she fast that there is edgemax that she breaks her fast, and that she makes it up and that's what's upon her. Okay, play.

00:47:23 --> 00:47:31

Keep going. If she fears for her child, it says here she should not fast. Okay?

00:47:32 --> 00:47:35

What if she fears for herself and her child?

00:47:42 --> 00:47:55

Then she shouldn't fast? Right? Okay. So she's like the first one as well. So she feels for herself and she fears for her child. But there are some who some of the scholars who distinguish between now the issue is, and this is most of the time?

00:47:57 --> 00:48:00

Is that the woman fears for her for her child.

00:48:01 --> 00:48:02


00:48:03 --> 00:48:38

so what should she do? In this scenario? We just go down? And we're going to look at the four mme, because, in general, any, that's where you start. And fifth, you look at what the legal schools have have said and what their scholars have said, and then you can look outside of that, are there other opinions on this particular issue? Or not? So for the Hanafi, the, the Hanafi scholars, the Hanafi madhhab, is that she breaks her fast, and she makes it up.

00:48:39 --> 00:48:46

Period. She doesn't feed, but she has to make up the fast. Okay, so she's like,

00:48:47 --> 00:49:06

she's like anybody else who's sick because her child is such a part of her either child is actually a literal part of her being inside of her or the child is constantly attached to her. So it's like she's sick. And she's going to just make up the fast like anybody else. In fact, who would be

00:49:08 --> 00:49:10

who breaks the fast for any other reason.

00:49:11 --> 00:49:18

What's upon them, they make up the fast line. It's the hanafy method, the madikwe method.

00:49:19 --> 00:49:38

They distinguish between the pregnant woman and the one who was breastfeed so they say that the pregnant woman has to make up the fast whereas the breastfeeding woman has to make up the fast and she has to do a Kapha. Okay, video

00:49:39 --> 00:49:41

for each day that that is missed.

00:49:42 --> 00:49:43


00:49:45 --> 00:49:49

Before I get to the sort of handle these Chevy's let's just look at this issue.

00:49:51 --> 00:49:53

Should a pregnant woman fast in the first place?

00:49:56 --> 00:49:58

What do you say? Probably not.

00:49:59 --> 00:49:59


00:50:00 --> 00:50:01

Probably never had a pregnant wife

00:50:04 --> 00:50:06

should a pregnant woman face

00:50:09 --> 00:50:12

he was I guess it depends on the period.

00:50:20 --> 00:50:27

She shouldn't because the baby needs nutrition tie. Stop right there. Excellent. Okay, I'm going to give you a scenario.

00:50:29 --> 00:50:32

We're fasting in December. You're fasting in December before

00:50:35 --> 00:50:39

you start fast and what time about 630

00:50:40 --> 00:50:46

breaking your fast at 445 low acaba is a hot outside in December

00:50:47 --> 00:51:11

okay tell you stay with her. She stays up all night Mashallah praying worship and love she's eating from 445 the night before until 630 the next day she almost got a nice 14 hours in hydrating herself very well. My Salah stayed up Mashallah she working now worried about this took off. Okay.

00:51:13 --> 00:51:14

She goes to sleep at 630

00:51:16 --> 00:51:22

Okay, wakes up 12 o'clock, for though. She prays

00:51:24 --> 00:51:25

for hours left?

00:51:26 --> 00:51:27

Does she get the nutrients you need it?

00:51:36 --> 00:51:50

My point? My point is this. Okay, so let's just say she did that she fasted that day. She's good. Next day, she felt like I'm not gonna fast every day, but I'll fast every other day. How many days? Yeah, 15 days Ramadan.

00:51:51 --> 00:51:58

Fast. Now she's got 15 days, you got 330 days that make up 15 that possible?

00:52:01 --> 00:52:08

for most women, even depending on situation, for a lot of women it is. For some women, it's not.

00:52:09 --> 00:52:12

The point is not to

00:52:13 --> 00:52:17

not to rush to push either side. So

00:52:18 --> 00:52:21

I'm only saying this because, I mean,

00:52:22 --> 00:52:34

I've almost so once you fasted for 33 years, you complete a complete a cycle. Right? You fasted basically every time of the year. Okay.

00:52:36 --> 00:52:40

I haven't done that yet. But um, I fasted every season.

00:52:42 --> 00:53:08

finished the have finished the cycle yet? Yes, every 33 years, you complete a cycle. When I when I first my first year fast, it was February. And then it moves back. So it's going, you know, February, went back to January, then it goes back to to December. You know, where should we back around? Right right now it'll be starting in April. play. Play. Did the Prophet salallahu Salam ever fast Ramadan in the summertime?

00:53:13 --> 00:53:14

Probably sometime

00:53:15 --> 00:53:45

during his lifetime, because the fast of Ramadan was obligated in the second year after the hegira. Okay, which was the end of February, and then it moved back. And then the last year that the prophecy so fast that Ramadan, it started at the very end of November. Okay, so the prophets I saw them when he was alive. They never did. They never fasted Ramadan. In the summertime, they fasted in the summertime, but not Ramadan. Faster, voluntary fasting, so

00:53:47 --> 00:53:47


00:53:50 --> 00:53:54

Sure, depending on the time of the year,

00:53:58 --> 00:54:13

right, whatever. Exactly, exactly. And that's, and that's what you're looking at. So my point is that a lot of people look at it like this. Fast Ramadan. So they think automatically fast. 30 days straight.

00:54:14 --> 00:54:47

You don't have to fast 30 days straight, not a woman who's saying a pregnant woman, she could fast the day and not fast for two days. But the point is, don't just think that Oh, I just can't i can't fast any day. Maybe she can. Maybe that is her reality, and that's going to be based on see one of the issues here, especially in the West, where a lot of people are first generation fasters right. They don't have anybody to look at, but you go over you go overseas.

00:54:48 --> 00:54:57

That that is healthy because sometimes there's a stigma attached to not fast you'll find a pregnant sister who really shouldn't be fast and machine and fast every day and it's July

00:54:58 --> 00:54:59

in Saudi Arabia is 122

00:55:00 --> 00:55:04

Yeah, it's like having inside. But the whole point is, that's,

00:55:05 --> 00:55:30

that's, that's pushing it right. But so you have to look at what season we're talking about who the who the woman is, is she able to hydrate well enough at night, maybe she shouldn't fast. Every day, she should fast today in two days off, whatever. Okay, but let's just look at it from a fit perspective, she has to make those days up, according to the Hanafi so far, and according to the Maliki's.

00:55:32 --> 00:55:38

But the Malik is the word they separate, they distinguish between the one who is breastfeeding and a woman who's pregnant,

00:55:39 --> 00:55:52

we get to the hen bellies and the Saturdays, The Saturdays and assemblies, then they say, not only does she have to make up the fast, but she also has to feed a poor person for each day.

00:55:53 --> 00:56:02

Because she didn't break the fast because of herself. She broke the fast because of somebody else. And because of that she's penalized.

00:56:03 --> 00:56:35

So not only does she make up the fast like a sick bird, like any person would have to do if they if they missed it, but she also has to has to feed a poor person for each day. And that is actually the fatwah of some of the campaigns of the law of China. No, and that's what they base their opinion on. That's what they base that statement on because there's no clear evidence from the Quran or as soon as that would make it an obligation for them to, along with making up the fast that they would have to

00:56:36 --> 00:56:46

feed a poor person for each day. It doesn't seem to be anything clear from the Quran and Sunnah. But it was the federal of some of the campaigns, maybe I shouldn't say penalized, but that's the way it feels a lot of

00:56:47 --> 00:56:49

the point here, though,

00:56:50 --> 00:56:59

as well as be cognizant of, is that the four minutes, according to all of them, the woman has to do

00:57:00 --> 00:57:03

makeup, the fast makeup, the fast now.

00:57:05 --> 00:57:07

Does that mean the truth of Islam

00:57:08 --> 00:57:28

is only found in the form of hymns. And that if somebody has an opinion outside of that, that it's impossible for it to be the truth. No, it doesn't mean it. And there's not edge math on this issue. And there are narrations from both Abdullah and I'm best. And the law even our motto the law of China and home

00:57:29 --> 00:58:01

that indicate that she only has to feed in that she does not have to make up the fast. But, but some of the scholars have said that those narrations are shed that is that there are stronger narrations on both of them on both of the live events and the live in omak that indicate that she has to make up the fast and feed not just that she can feed in avoid making up the fast

00:58:02 --> 00:58:16

I find it I find it almost not plausible that you would have companions saying that you only feed in it all of the format ABS would abandon it.

00:58:18 --> 00:59:05

In other words, the and not a lot of issues where you have the companions where you have something that is a firm from the companions of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. And none of the meta hams agree with what the companion said. So the statement that those narrations may be shared or what we will call anomalous that they're that they're not authentic for that reason, Allah Subhana Allah knows best, but it seems strong. And it seems that the stronger opinion and definitely the safer opinion is that a woman should prepare to make up that fast that she missed due to being pregnant or breastfeeding. Now, if we have a scenario, you know, where a sister has been pregnant

00:59:06 --> 00:59:24

and or breastfeeding for 10 years in a row, right, then you deal with that scenario as it comes. And then we can talk about how to address her particular situation that she has to make up 300 days of fasting. Right.

00:59:26 --> 00:59:38

That that's a that requires a fetter, but what we're talking about here is establishing default positions. Okay, what is the muscle in this particular are the default ruling in this particular

00:59:39 --> 00:59:59

issue, and our time is up along with Stein, and inshallah, I'm going to try to figure out a way to move a little faster next week. We don't have a lot left I see what you see here on lesson two, which which I which I wish I distributed. That's actually the last of the fifth part of what we have in key tablets.

01:00:00 --> 01:00:05

see em? The rest is 15 Hadeeth with no explanation

01:00:07 --> 01:00:12

and that's because the author he didn't do that certainly didn't do that anywhere else and

01:00:14 --> 01:00:55

except for here and that's because he feels like the Hadith are so clear that they don't he didn't need to comment on it. And so we'll go over those ideas and we won't have to you know do a whole lot of breaking down and you know explaining word for word like we do we go through the fifth and shallow title, but this isn't a bad place to stop. Understand that the default ruling is that a woman who is who misses the days of fasting she's like anybody else who's misses those days and she has to make them up. And Allah Subhana Allah knows best with any questions that need to be the second the second traveler do not make the second the traveler do not pay any fee. Right? They

01:00:55 --> 01:01:05

there's no there's no time there's no feeding. For the one who breaks they're fast because they were sick or due to traveling. And the last transaction was vessel panic Aloma

01:01:06 --> 01:01:07

stockbroker was

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