Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al-Quran 2010 – Juz 01 – L018C

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the history and importance of the word "mon Rest" in Islam, including its use for people to do their actions and the challenges of learning certain rituals and acts of worship. They emphasize the need for people to listen to the Prophet's teachings and apply their knowledge to their actions. The company is focused on reducing debt and maximizing shareholder value, while also working on a strategic initiative to improve the customer experience and reduce risk. The pandemic has had a significant impact on their business and may lead to a return on investment.
AI: Transcript ©
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I was a bit lame in the shape of a gene Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim.

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We'll begin from number 125.

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What is journal beta metabo leanness, you are unknown and mentioned when we made the house a place of return for the people and also a place of security which houses this Baitullah the karma. What does he do me McCormick, Ibrahima masala and take are believers from the standing place of Ibrahim or the salon, a place of prayer. What is the mahkamah Ibrahim? What is the Mocambo Ebrahim? What are the two things that could refer to? One of them is a stone in which he stood on and which he used in order to construct the Kaaba and it served as an elevator. And even till today, you see the footprints of Ibrahim and Islam on that stone. What does that show? What does that show?

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Allah preserved his footsteps? What does that show,

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giving credit to him for what he did. It also shows that whenever somebody does something for loss of data, that it is not wasted. A lot preserves that deep, that reward he preserves, and he preserves that deed as well, for the many generations later on to benefit from to see, to witness, so and so person did this good deed. And Allah preserved his footsteps for us to see. And what's the second thing that Macondo Ibrahim refers to the places where Ibrahim Alayhi Salam stood to perform acts of worship. Remember that the act of worship doesn't just refer to just you know, performing Salah, but it also refers to, for example, the acts of worship that are performed in a manner in

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which they refer to Romeo Jamal. So this is what the macabre he refers to

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that Allah says, where I hinted at either Ibrahima what is married, and we charge Ibrahim alayhis salam, and is married at Islam, both of them saying, I'm for hero Beatty, and you thought if he will aquafeed or reconstitute that purify my house for those who perform for love, and those who are staying there for worship, and those who bow and prostrate in prayer to a loss of $1. What do we learn from this part of the air? Ibrahim and his Mary? Both were told that he has to have built a cabana, but don't just leave it, what should you do? Clean it, keep it clean, keep it clean from what from two things, first of all, from physical impurities from physical uncleanliness and

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secondly, from intangible cleanliness, physical and cleanliness, for example, filled dirt, impurities and intangible uncanniness for example, shake idols committing sins over there. So clean my house, why, for whose sake for whose purpose for those who are going to come and do a better in my house? And what are the different forms of a binder that could be done at the Baitullah? First of all, it is the left because apart if intervention first. And we know that the best act of worship that a person could perform in the heroine in the beta is what for

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because that is an act of worship that is specific to that place only. You can perform erotica in any Masjid is an actor. You can perform siza record you can perform Salah in congregation in any Masjid. But can you do to work anywhere else? No, it's only limited to that place. it's specific to that place. So therefore, for intervention first, then occupying who are occupying those who perform erotica, often erotica, is to stay in the masjid for the purpose of worship and a rocker, a sudo. Those who do record and those who do such that they are mentioned, why are they mentioned because Santa has specific highlights specific major parts of solder, which are for example, pm, then

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there's also Riku. And then there's also Sasha. But the two that have been mentioned over here on Roku and such the why because they express humidity, they express humidity. So for those who do record and those who do such that because they have to come and worship at the house of Allah, therefore, keep the machine clean.

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So why keep the machine clean? so that people can come and worship? What does that show

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That if the masjid is not clean, what's going to happen? People are not going to come in worship.

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And we know that massages that are dirty. We don't like going there, massage that smell. We don't like going there, massage that are clean. We like to go and worship over there we like to go and pray over there. So Ibrahim alayhi wa salam, we're especially instructed to maintain the cleanliness of the Kaaba, because building the machine is easy, maintaining it, keeping it clean, keeping it populated, is the main thing.

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And what's the key to that? What's the key to populating the masjid? keeping it clean.

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So we learn in this ayah that places where a loss of panel data is worshipped. Places where a loss of final data is remembered. Such Places must be kept clean.

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Such Places must be kept clean. So it applies to massage it. It applies to places where the dean is learned, which includes this classroom of yours, which includes this entire Institute of yours and I say yours because it's yours. You come and study here, you come and worship here. Only when we take ownership of a place, then we really look after it.

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So places where a loss of pans out is remembered is worshipped. Where the deen of Allah is learned. Such Places must be correctly. Because if they're not, then people will not come up with it. It's a way of turning people off.

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There's a hadith that is mentioned in Sudan and Maasai in which the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, spitting in a mosque is a sin. spitting in a mosque is what it is a sin. And it's expiation is that the Spirit should be buried, meaning it should be covered up, it should be removed. Because remember that previously, the buildings that were constructed, they weren't of solid concrete. So if anybody would spit on the ground, what were they supposed to do? They were to make sure that it's covered with pebbles or mud or sand or whatever, that the ground is made up. All right, now, obviously, you're not going to spit under the carpet and, you know, put the carpet on top. Obviously, we know

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the standards of cleanliness.

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Okay. But what we learned from this hadith is that spitting in the masjid is a sin. It's not something that's just wrong. It's a sin. A person gets sin for doing so. How about writing on the walls? How about writing on the desks, leaving stains on the carpet?

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bringing food on the carpet, throwing that food spilling that tea and leaving a stain on the carpet? How about that?

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spitting is a sin? How big is that? Small, a piece of land maybe? And a big stain on the carpet? What would that be?

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Another Hadees we learn from Bukhari and Muslim in which the prophets are about as Adam said, Whoever eats of onions or garlic should not come to our mosques. And remember, this is raw onion or raw garlic, or such food in which there is a lot of garlic because of which you have the garlic better onion bread, for what is disagreeable to men is equally disagreeable to the angels, because people come to the mosque to pray. And remember that in mustard we're praying in congregation will bring together reciting the Quran. And when we're praying together, if the person standing next to you, every time he takes a breath, you can smell onion, you can smell garlic, you can smell the food

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that he ate. What is that going to do? It's going to take your concentration away from soda isn't it. And many times it's not coming out of our mouths but it's coming out of our clothes. That also we have to be very careful about very careful about because the kind of food sometimes that we cook deep fried food, that what happens is that the smell of the food it gets into our clothes. So when we come to the masjid, we should be very careful that we shouldn't smell in a way that distracts other people that upsets other people

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and other hobbies that we learned about from Bahati that a black woman she used to sweep the mosque. She used to clean the masjid. And she died. She passed away. An ordinary woman, not a man, an ordinary woman. The prophets are a lot of Southern asked about her. See, the prophet noticed? Because she used to clean the masjid.

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Many times we do these things and he said what's gonna notice what's gonna find out?

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So the prophets are lots of them even he noticed her act. So he asked about her that where she and he was told that she had died. He said Why did you not inform me? Why did you not tell me about her death? Show me her grave. So he went to her grave and offered her funeral care.

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Why? Why? Because she cleaned the mustard. She cleaned the mustard.

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Many times we stay away from cleaning the mustard. Why? Because it's not our job. It's not our duty. It's the job of the cleaners. It's the job of, you know, the people who run the masjid. It's not my job. I'm here just as a visitor, I just come here, pray, and that's it, I have to go.

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This is not my place. But if you go to a place and you worship over there, you should love a place. That place has been built for your convenience for your ease, you're benefiting from that place. And if you worship a loss of Paradise in that place, shouldn't you have some attachment with that place? And part of that is keeping the place clean, even though it's not your job. So that woman the profits are uncertain went and create special celestial janazah for her. Why? Because of her cleaning the machine. Also, we see over here is that who is being taught to clean the machine. In this I in particular, Ibrahim, right Islam, Islam, and Islam who are the prophets, leaders, they are

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being told to clean the machine as leaders. So no matter how righteous a person they think he is or how up there he may think he is, if he's the man where he's, you know, up ahead before everybody, no matter who he is. He goes to the masjid. She goes to the masjid. She benefits from that Masjid. What should she do? Be a part of cleaning that mosque as well.

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And also we learn something very important from this ayah that Ibrahim in Islam, he built the karma with who is married.

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Which is why Why are hidden Illa Ibrahima what is married, we charged both Ibrahim and is married both of them to do what? To clean the mustard to keep the machine clean to give the beta luckily. So what do we learn that when we do certain good things, when should we keep involved in those good things? Our children, many times, when we're doing good things, we become very selfish, you know, this is my work. This is my course I'm studying, and we forget our children. And on the other hand, we think that they're a burden on us because of them, we're not able to study, I have to cook for them to clean for them to do this for them. And therefore I'm not able to study and we consider them

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to be a burden. But what do we learn from this, that ebrahimian insulin had his son by his side, his son was a part of what he did never think that your children are a burden. Never. They're your asset. And the more you involve them in the work that you do, the more beneficial it is for you and for them.

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Because they will learn from your examples.

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So we see over here that it will a humanism took his family along with him. There are some people I know who when they did the course, what they would do is at every day's lesson, they would go over it with their daughters and with their children. So their daughters would test them. And so it wasn't just their who went through the course. But it was also their daughter who was also a child.

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So when you're benefiting from something like this from the Quran, benefit your children as well benefit your friends and your siblings as well. Just ask them to open up to us and test you. It's just an excuse for them to go over to Jesus we're sharing with our children sharing with their family members is a means of revising our lesson for ourselves as well.

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That Allah subhanaw taala says what you call Ibrahim and mentioned when Abraham and he said and said What did he say? About BGR? I had a bellenden Amina Milord make this a secure city. Ibrahim s&m. What do you build the cargo with ismar International. And he left his wife and his son is married in Makkah. There was nobody over there.

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It was a place that was empty. Nobody lived over there. Nobody resided over there. When he built the cover, this is the door that he did that Oh my Lord, make this place make the city a safe place to live in.

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So he made a drought that Oh my Lord make this place. a safe place. Probably john had a better than

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the word ballot is from the roof gutters, bad land than it isn't really that bad. Now that and ballot is used for a city. It can also be used for a country. It can be used for a village. It can be used for a time

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Mainly the word ballot is used for a place that is populated, a place that is populated meaning people are living over there. And it also has a boundary it also has a had a boundary

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and this boundary, it could be a wall or it could be a border that is understood.

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For example, borders that are between countries.

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Are there actually walls over there? Not necessarily. Not necessarily in some places, there are fences, but every border for example, even borders between provinces, borders between cities. Do you see walls? No you don't. But the border is understood, which is why when you're going to that particular highway, you see a sign Welcome to such and such city. Was there a wall? No there wasn't. But we know that this is a city and this is the boundary of the city or this is a province and this is the boundary of this particular province or country. So the word budget can be used for any place that is populated provided that it has a known boundary.

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And the word ballot over here is being used for which city Mecca the city of Mecca.

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And we know from suitable valid Avast pantalla called Mecca or heaven when ideal and and this sit you're sitting

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over here But listen, I'm praise that Oh my Lord make this city. What kind of a city I'm in peaceful, secure.

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And mean is from the roof veterans hands me noon. And I'm in is one that has a common

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one that is secure. One that is peaceful, one that is safe. So what does it mean by a city that is safe?

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A city that is safe is understood in two ways.

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First of all, a city that is safe, secure, meaning everything inside it is safe, secure from the buildings to the people, to the animals to the trees, everything. Secondly, it has been said that I'm in a means I'm in an manfield meaning secure is the one who is in it. So Alvin describes the state of the people who are living in that city, that they are at peace. They don't fear from any threats. And there is also no violence amongst them. There is also no violence amongst them. So he prayed that Oh my Lord make the city a safe city, a peaceful city after making the cover.

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What does it mean ephemera and provide its people from fruits was also

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cause a cough. For me Mel was acuna who Yun sukoon this is provision. So what Zook and provide, give them provision, give who provision who its people and who is an Andrew Ellison group address Hamza lamb, and L is used for people. It is also used for family and is also used for people who have something, isn't it? Which is why we have the term loan keytab people have the book widely called Africa because they have the book. So similarly, who its people, what does it mean by its people meaning people who live in that city?

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Who does it refer to people who live in that city? So provide its people from what mean ephemera?

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fMRI is a plural of the word semara from newsletters, that means what we have done this word earlier as well. And it is used for fruits. But remember that the word tomato is not limited to fruit.

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It applies to all kinds of produce all kinds of produce, because summer is literally product of a process. So thammarat produce, not just fruit. So what is an alumina tomato? And the question is Why did Ibrahima is asked for some a lot as provision. Why?

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Because maca is where in the middle of a desert. It's a place that is barren. Nothing grows over there. Rayleigh dissolving, it is a place where nothing grows. No crop grows. It has no provision.

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So over here, Ibrahima is Santa, he prays that provide them with produce with fresh produce.

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Use not just fruit, but vegetables as well. Greens as well. lentils as well. Everything in so they brought him number 37 we learned Ibrahim is unemployed, but I've been at in the US going to Missoula Yeti, wedding, Wally these honoring innovative Harlem rock berners Lee famous for the federal government and NASA who delay him was up Home Minister Marathi la gnomish Kuru Our Lord, I have settled some of my descendants in an uncultivated value.

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What kind of values it uncultivated near your sacred house? Our Lord, why, so that they may establish prayer. So main carts among the people inclined toward them, and provide for them from the fruits that they might be grateful. So he prays to Allah, that Oh Allah, provide the people of the city with fresh produce as well with food, but provide who, which I hope, especially

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man who am an amine home, whoever believed from amongst them, believed in who believed he will do will, in Allah, and diversity. Why does he say that provide only those people who believe in a line the last day? Why not everybody? Why did you make this line particular?

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The previous verses we learned that when Ibrahim Hassan was told that he was going to be made the Imam of all mankind What did he say? That Oh Allah, make my children even as well? And what did Allah say? But my promise is not for those who do.

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So we see the adverb of Ibrahima. What a quick learner use, how quickly he learned, and he applied what he learned. So over here, he says, that, oh my lord provide who those people who believe in Allah, and the last day only What does Allah say, Carla? He said, woman cafaro and as for those who disbelieve for Oh, my dear, who Kadena? Then I will benefit him temporarily, a little bit.

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What does it mean?

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That if those people who disbelieve I will also give provision to them, but for how long for some time, and how much provision a little bit only

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because risk is for everybody, the believers and the disbelievers.

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So over here, law says all material material is for veterans mean that I metallic is useful benefit that is temporary.

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And remember that matter is also used for everything from which an animal or a person benefits from

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everything from which an animal or a human being benefits from, for what for his survival. So it includes food, it includes water, it includes air, oxygen,

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all of these things, but it's temporary, because it doesn't last for long. So, my dear, who I will also provide him with this a lot, but how much Colleen a little bit Canadian over here has been understood in two ways. First of all, it has been said that material Padilla means that I will benefit him for the land meaning for a little time for a short while, for some time. So Cadena level indicates the length of time that the disbeliever enjoys the benefits of this dunya

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and how much is that? How long of a time is that? A lifetime

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because even 1000 years, if a person lives 100 years if a person lives eventually they come to an end isn't it that time span is short, why? Because it is limited and the Hereafter is much longer Why? Because there is no end to that. It is eternal.

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If a person is given a billion dollars to enjoy for 10 minutes, a billion dollars to enjoy for 10 minutes am which is the benefit and that will only write so the time is important when it comes to enjoying something. So for material kalila clearly indicates a little time secondly has been settled. Cullinan indicates little benefit level benefit. And what is that little benefit referred to the benefit of the dounia as we have learned dunya has been called feminine cadila in a better price. A small price Why? Because no matter how

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Much dunya a person may obtain is less it is little compared to the benefit of the hereafter. So, for all my dear Luca, I will give him benefit for some time, or I will give him very little benefit some of them, then I shall compel him in our revenue to the punishment of the hellfire. ababu is from newsletters, Bob,

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are these words are from the same root which means harm, injury,

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I notice a word of thumb,

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you see the additional thought, right, it's not part of the root, it's of those additional letters, which give additional meaning, just as a scene in fact, give the meaning of seeking something.

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So, if the love is to force someone, to do something, that is harmful and painful for them,

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what is it,

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to force someone to do something that is a source of boom, that is a source of thought of for them, that brings harm to them, that brings pain to them.

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So basically, it is to force something difficult upon another, to force something difficult upon another, to force someone to do something that they do not want to do. So somehow pabu then I will compel him, I will force him I will force Who? Who does him refer to the person who disbelieve in Allah? And

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then I will force him after his lifetime is over in our revenue to the punishment of the hellfire. Why is this word used?

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Because who will want to go there willingly. People will resist. We learn in solitude I number 13. Yama, you the owner, Illuminati Johanna muda, the day that they will be thrust toward the fire of * with a violent thrust. They'll be thrust, they'll be pushed, they'll be shoved towards the fire of * violently. because nobody's going to want to go there. willingly.

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How do we feel when somebody pushes us? When somebody forces us to do something that we don't want to do?

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How do we feel

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humiliated? insulted.

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So some observable in our opinion, I will force him do the punishment of the Fire will be sent mostly and how bad is it as a place of destination as a place of return?

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bitsa as we have done this word earlier as well, it is used as a verb of blame to reprimand someone to show how bad how terrible something is. So but how terrible how evil is what, ultimately, almost lead us on the route veterans thought yeah, or

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thought yeah.

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Notice the word must lead begins with meme. So must lead is again the place of what of return? What is it a place of return.

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Mostly it is used for a place where something comes to a stop after movement

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where something ends up.

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For example, something is moving, a person is going he's traveling one point to another one place to another.

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And then eventually, he comes to his destination. So after all that movement, must lead is the place where he ends up. Mostly it is a place where he comes to a stop. That is where he stays and he doesn't go from there then this is what mostly is useful.

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Now Allah says that the Hellfire, how terrible is it as a place of return as a place of ending up as a final destination? Because if you think about it, every person journeys, every person traveled through different different stages.

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We learned early in silicon avacado what quantum I'm working for

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somebody you need to come summer up Come summer in the heat of June, right. So, imagine that a person goes through the journey through life, the different stages of life. So many difficulties he bears so many things he sees so many challenges he faces illness, sickness, that poverty, opposition of people, every person suffers from these things at some point of their life.

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And then eventually a person goes through the agony of death. And then when he dies, he goes through the grave. And then when he is resurrected, he goes through the day of judgment. And where does he end up?

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Where does he end up over here? And now, hellfire.

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So how terrible is that destination, to where a person arrives after such a long journey, if you've taken a very long journey, and the place that you arrive at is horrible, is not what you expected it to be. That makes your journey even more difficult, isn't it? Although it's over, but you remembered how difficult your journey was. Why? Because of where you end up. You forget everything that you could have possibly enjoyed? What bits and mostly? How terrible is it as a destination?

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So what do we learn from?

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that Abraham really said he only made the offer for who? For those people who believed, right? But we learn that dunya is not just for the believers, but it is also for the disbelievers. But at the same time dunya is for the believers and for the disbelievers. Why, because the importance of dunya in the sight of Allah is very less is very little.

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Allah does not give much value to dunya at all. The Hadith explains to us that the value of dunya is like the wing of a mosquito, the wing of a mosquito.

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Do you give any importance to that? any importance at all? No. So unlike gives the dounia to the disbelievers. Why? Because he doesn't give any importance to the dunya What should we do? What should we do give importance to the new? Should we do that? No, it doesn't have any value in the sight of Allah, what should we give importance to

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the hereafter?

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Also, we learned from this ayah that a person should ask for both dounia and D. Why? Because you are living in this dunya and you need the dunya to survive here to prepare for your aka.

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So Ibrahim Hassan prayed for dunya and the he prayed for fruit for SMR art, not stale food. He didn't pray for stale food. He pray for a summarize. Why? Because you need dunia. You need good quality dounia Why? In order to prepare for you? If you haven't eaten, how are you going to pray? How are you going to worship? How if you don't have money, how are you going to go to Makkah to perform Umrah to worship the last panel down over there? You cannot but remember that having dunya is important but giving importance to the near making that are top priority. That is something that is disliked. So we think when it comes to the in that if you're religious, you know no eating, no

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drinking no good quality food. But Abraham listen I'm pray for someone.

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A loss of Paradise says it's a little out of full man have Rama Zina de la isla de la gente everybody, what are you betting mean of risk pool here in La Nina Emmanuelle hyah to dounia Holly Sonia will

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say, who has forbidden the adornment of Allah? What is the adornment, meaning these litters of life that Allah has made. So who has forbidden the adornment of Allah, which he has produced for his servants, which he has produced for his servants, and also the good things are provision, meaning Allah is not forbidden these things they are for who they are for those who believe during the worldly life, but exclusively for them in the hereafter on the Day of Judgment.

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So donia a person can a believer can benefit from it. A believer can make the offer it, but he should not make it his top priority. Remember, Ibrahim listen I made the star when after building the cover. Our focus is what let me get my dunya then I will worry about my team.

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Then another lesson that we learned from here is that no matter how righteous a person may become, no matter how high up there he thinks he is. He is still needing of almost

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Ibrahima Listen, despite his high status, what did he do? He made to Allah for what? For food

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for food and we think that making the right to level food I mean, why we only make the offer big things, but it shows how dependent we are on a loss.

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That even for our little little things, we should make our to Allah.

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Then Allah says, What is the offer, Ibrahim will covary them innovate and mentioned when Ibrahim ready Sam was raising the foundations of the house? What is your phone? What is our law says what is what is the altar number this Don't forget this mentioned this as well recall this as well benefit from this incident as well. When you're Pharaoh Ibrahim, your Pharaoh is from raw for iron. And Rafa means to raise something,

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but does refer me to raise something to lift something. So when he was raising, who was raising Ibrahim Reddy center, what was he raising Alka were either the foundations which foundations mean elbaite of the house, which house the Baitullah the garba the worker where it is the plural of car either or either from the roof of the car either literally means to sit, what does it mean to sit

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and the car either is used for Foundation, the basis of something?

00:36:35 --> 00:36:35

What is it

00:36:36 --> 00:36:41

the basis of something, it is the foundation or the basis of something, the groundwork

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and in construction corridor refers to the part of the wall on which the building stands. So you can see the part of the wall that is under the ground. Why? Because the rest of the building stands upon it, it rests upon it.

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If you don't have the foundation, the building is not going to stand it's going to collapse.

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So are there what are the foundations, the basics, the basis the groundwork?

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On the same note the word card is used for in Nigeria. When you learn how to recite the Quran, you begin with the character. Why? Because it is the foundation of learning how to recite the Quran, what do you learn in it?

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Why because it's the basis its foundation of being able to recite the Quran.

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So when will I hear this when I was raising the foundations of the house?

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Meaning when he had just begun the construction of the Kaaba, who else was working with him? What is Marine, and is married and SLM as well. Meaning he was also constructing the car with him. So what do we learn from you.

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getting help from others isn't a bad thing.

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But sometimes we want to do things ourselves because we want all the credit for ourselves only.

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Or we want to do things our way. And we don't want to help others. We don't want other people to interrupt. But we learned that some things because they are difficult or because they require a lot of work. You need help of other people.

00:38:33 --> 00:38:39

Abraham released an article from his son. So both of them, they were building the car.

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And what were they saying? as they were building the car?

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Just think about something very difficult that you're doing? What's going on in your head? What are you talking about?

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when is it gonna finish? It's so difficult. Ouch. It's so heavy. Oh my god, I'm so tired. My back is broken. And we go on and on and on. Or we think, oh, is she looking at all the work that I'm doing? And we say these things? Why? To draw other people's attention to make them acknowledge the fact that we're doing something acknowledge the fact that I'm doing this. Look, I'm cleaning the house. I'm vacuuming the floor. I'm doing, you know something so difficult, something that takes so much energy. What is Ibrahima this alone and is married and so what are they saying? They're saying

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Oh our Lord,

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accept from us.

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accept what from us. This building of

00:39:45 --> 00:39:59

this work that we're doing, accept this from us. Why? Because this work is being done for who? For Allah subhanaw taala not for the people and any deed that we do. We can do it for the sake

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Have a look. And anybody that we do, we can get reward for it.

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A simple act as cleaning the house as doing the kitchen. We could do it with frustration. Why do I always have to do it? Why doesn't she do it?

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Why does it come in my plate? Why doesn't she do it? We could do it. The work is done. Is there any word for it? No. At the same time we do that exact same work with the NEA. Yes, I know she doesn't do it. But I'm doing it because I'm doing your son. I'm doing your son, I'm going to be better than her. For example, is that going to bring you a reward for your, for your good thinking? Course. Similarly, I'm doing this because I'm helping this person. She's too tired. Let me do it. Let me help her out today.

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So it's that exact same deed. But when you do it for the sake of Allah, Allah, you know what I'm doing? You know how tired I am, you know how frustrated I am? You know how unfair it is. But said I will do it. Why? Because I want to do X and is that deed going to be rewarded? Of course it is.

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So they say robina, Corbyn will not accept from us Why? Because the deal has been done for Allah.

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After we do the action, so we cannot grab it in the face of God. We can't say, look what I did.

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Taco Bell, when

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they say, oh, Lord, accept from us. The Kaaba is from the IP address of bad lamb. And COBOL is to accept something, how it is to accept something with happiness, with agreement.

00:41:44 --> 00:41:47

You know, sometimes we accept something's grudgingly.

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This is to accept something, while being happy with what you're accepting, while being content and satisfied with what you're accepting.

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For example, at the time of nica, what are the spouses supposed to say?

00:42:05 --> 00:42:06

I accept probability.

00:42:07 --> 00:42:14

I accept meaning I accept this person, as my spouse, as my husband or as my wife, happy

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certifiable minor, meaning you accept this deed from us be happy with what we have done, be happy and satisfied with what we have done. approve this deed of ours, the government

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approved the service of ours

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in Mecca, indeed, you understand me or Indeed, indeed you are the always are hearing, and you are the always on when you hear our prayers, you hear our thoughts, and our lien, you know, the state of our hearts, you know, the actions that we have done, you know, the difficulty that we have borne, that we have gone through to do this stuff. In nikka. Anderson, you'll

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notice over here, they don't boast, there is no arrogance, there's no showing off. The deed is done exclusively for the sake of Allah. And when a person does something for Allah, his only worry and concern is that Mila except this worker,

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may Allah accept this work of mine, not that made this person accept this work of mine, or that person accomplishes work of mine. His only concern and worry is May Allah accept this work of mine?

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In the contest,

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and if a person remembers that Allah hears, Allah says, Allah knows what I have done, and he's not going to care about what other people do.

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So in this ayah, we see about the construction of the garden.

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We learned that Ibrahim and insulin constructed the karma

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of palani, he has mentioned that the garba was built 10 Times up until his time and after that, obviously was built many times. But I mentioned to you the first few times that the cover was built.

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It isn't the first time the angels are the ones who have forgotten

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who will become angels.

00:44:25 --> 00:44:31

Then in a sense, that other incident when he came to this world, he built the cover as well.

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Then, after the flood of new addition, the cargo was destroyed, because everything came under water. And we know that when there's a flood, how things are completely destroyed. So after other medicine, after the father of new Edison on what happened. sheath, he is the one who builds the carbon sheath shed. Yes, sir. sheen. Yeah, sir. And some say

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It is shaped Shinya.

00:45:03 --> 00:45:13

And after him, Ibrahim and his son was the one who built the Ganga. So we see that Ibrahim Elisa was a fourth one to construct the grammar.

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And because he built the Kaaba, he constructed the karma, or he renovated the cargo, whatever we want to say, because of this noble task, he was given a lot of honor. Why? Because he built the masjid. He built the masjid. And because of that, he was given a very high status. Remember that building the machine, or being a part in building the machine is something that is very honorable, because you're making a place so that people can come and worship, they're not everybody who comes in worships over there, what's going to get the reward as well, you because you put a share in building the machine.

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Now, if you cannot physically go and construct the machine, what can you do? Give some money, even if it's $1 or two, even if it's $5, even if it's $20, whatever you can do, because you never know that that particular brick that was bought from your money is a part of holding the Mersey together, that particular brick that was bought from your money is a part of holding the masjid together. Anyone who comes and benefits from that Masjid, you're sharing in it. So you will also get to share in the reward.

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Also, we learned over here that we should worry about doing good deeds. And also, we should be worried about we should be concerned about the acceptance of our good deeds.

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Because there are some people who do a lot of hard work, who do a lot of deeds, but their deeds are not accepted. their deeds bring them no benefit whatsoever.

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There is a hadith that is mentioned there is the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, there are many who first. There are many people who first whose fasting does not bring them anything except hunger and thirst. Why, for example, while they're fasting, what are they doing, they're still engaged in other long things. Or they're not actively doing good things. For example, they're not praying to Allah, they're not reciting the Quran, they're not worshiping a lot more.

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So what is their fast bringing to them?

00:47:43 --> 00:47:46

nothing except hunger and thirst.

00:47:47 --> 00:47:58

And the prophets are lots of them continued. And there are many who keep standing in the night. But they're standing does not bring anything except being awakened tonight.

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It doesn't bring them any reward whatsoever.

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They don't get any reward. Why? Because there's something wrong with the action that they're doing.

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Remember, that the condition for the acceptance of Adidas was that it should be done first of all, for the sake of Allah.

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Secondly, it should be done, according to the way of the profits,

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according to the way of the profits are provided.

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So when a person does, you know, a big thing, it's a huge deed. But if he's not doing it for the sake of Allah, it's not worth anything. If he's doing that, just so that people praise Him, or they comfortable with every single day, oh, my god, they're all all at all. 20 then the NEA is not pharma.

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Or if while praying, a person is thinking about this, and a person's thinking about that, and there's a whole movie that is being in his head, I mean, what is that we are going to bring him.

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So these have to be done exclusively for the sake of Allah and also, according to the way of the Prophet sort of notice of them. Then they're accepted.

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Ibrahim in a certain period again, he made another what have been our, our Lord, meaning. This is a device that was being made by Ibrahim and it's my book because of why the story and remember that robina is a combination of love. And

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and before there is an implied Yeah, what does he mean? Oh, which is why we translate robina as, or our Lord and not just our Lord.

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So robina Oh our Lord, what's your alert and you make us make us make us What? Muslim maynila to Muslims laka for you was remain as a dual Muslim, Muslim is one who submits to Allah. So Allah make us those who submit to you.

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Make us those who are

00:50:00 --> 00:50:01

submissive to you,

00:50:02 --> 00:50:05

who are sincerely devoted to you?

00:50:06 --> 00:50:08

Why are they making the straw?

00:50:09 --> 00:50:20

Weren't they already Muslims? Weren't they're letting Muslims weren't they? Of course they were. So are they making the store or lawmakers Muslim, there were already Muslim,

00:50:21 --> 00:50:31

to continue to be a Muslim, to increase in their submission to increase in their submission.

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Because many times people have the label, people have the title of being a Muslim, but their actions are far from being submissive to Allah.

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And also remember that a man is something that fluctuates, it increases, it decreases. Sometimes you have a very high demand, sometimes you have a very low amount. So when you're alone was remaining, like, keep us submissive to you through our lives. And not just us, don't just make us Muslims, were means of the yaquina. And also from hours of the year, make who make an automaton and oma, that is Muslim matunuck that is submissive to

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make from our progeny, a community, a group of people who are submissive to you make our progeny submissive to you.

00:51:25 --> 00:51:36

So over here, we see that Ibrahim Hassan is not just making a duel for himself, but he's also making a doctor who, for his children, whenever you make the law, don't forget your children.

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Don't forget your children.

00:51:39 --> 00:51:53

When we make some law, we only worry about our sense or when we make the law we're only concerned about our dunya What is he praying for thee for himself and also for his children?

00:51:54 --> 00:52:06

What arena and show us when as he can our ways of worship? Edina is a little veterus but ah Hamza, yeah. Are you which means to see, and Eddie is to show.

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So show us make us see, make us see what manasi can our ways of worship? monastic is the plural of the word, man or man sick. It is a plural of man sad, or man sick. From the root fetters known seen calf

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necec literally means to wash something. What does it mean? To wash something, to purify something?

00:52:36 --> 00:52:47

And no soap is used for sacrifice in masala tea, when Uzuki Omar he a woman at the lay of the land. And

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so what does nusach mean? sacrifice? Why? Because sacrifice is a source of purification.

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Sacrifice is a source of purification is the source of washing away our sins, our faults. And the word man suck or man sick is used for if you take it as mindset, it is the place of worship.

00:53:14 --> 00:53:27

But is it place of worship? And then it is also used for the right ri D not ri ght? The right meaning the ritual of worship.

00:53:28 --> 00:53:36

So when sacraments are what the place of worship, and also the ritual, the right religious rituals.

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So any dominicana shows our ways of worship shows our worship places, meaning show us how we should worship you where we should worship you. Show us the ways and the formalities of the acts of worship.

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And why do they say show us we can see them? Right? Because when you see something, it becomes very clear to you, isn't it?

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So what they mean by this is that clarify our ways of worship to us completely. explain them to us in such a way as though we can see somebody doing those actions, adding m&s econda but to berlina entered in mercy upon his meeting, except I was over in the interweb over him indeed you are the greatest acceptor of repentance, and you're also the Most Merciful.

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What do we learn from this ayah

00:54:35 --> 00:54:40

First of all, that we are dependent on Allah subhanaw taala

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we are in need of him. Because we see Ibrahim elesa he continues to make the robina but I've been at Robin Robin. Oh our Lord. Oh our Lord. We need we are dependent on him.

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Also, we learned from this ayah that

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We should make the law for knowledge we should make to offer knowledge which knowledge in particular knowledge of the

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arena monastic gonna show us how to worship you. Show us how to be.

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And remember that sometimes we know about certain rituals and certain acts of worship, but we're not able to do them. We find them too difficult, or we find ourselves unable to do them. Later. They pray to Allah Allah shows how to and we also need to know sometimes shows when to in which way, how should I do it?

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For example, in the month of Ramadan, we know about the importance of reciting the Quran, going through the Quran, praying salah and reciting the Quran in silence. And sometimes we find ourselves unable to do these things. Mikado, Oh Allah, show me Tell me when should I How should I? Show me Tell me teach me. So we should pray to Allah subhanaw taala for the knowledge of the deen as well as the telehealth the ability to practice the deen as well.

00:56:14 --> 00:56:26

But I've been a overlord whenever I see him, and a point in them ever is from the reflections that I bartha which means to send to a point.

00:56:27 --> 00:56:29

So a point in them in Who?

00:56:30 --> 00:56:34

in ours of our children, because the previous I What did they?

00:56:35 --> 00:56:56

What did they make off that make from our children who and omata Muslim and luck. So this oma that is Muslim with a luck that you make a point in them who Rasulullah minha, a messenger from them? A messenger from them, what is anybody from them?

00:56:58 --> 00:57:05

Who is off the same people? Who is off the same? You could say family, who is from among them, who lives in that city.

00:57:07 --> 00:57:15

So we learned that, first it was humorous that I made to offer an oma, then for righteous offspring, and then a messenger.

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Because if you think about it, in the previous ayah, he prayed Edna manasi can show us our ways of worship.

00:57:25 --> 00:57:27

For that you need in which is

00:57:28 --> 00:57:29

end of the day.

00:57:31 --> 00:57:32

And how do you learn that from who?

00:57:33 --> 00:57:34

From the messenger?

00:57:35 --> 00:57:51

So within my children, Sandhu, a messenger, and where I live a teacher who will do what? Who would ye florilegium ionic? Who would recite upon them your verses, meaning the verses that you reveal upon him.

00:57:52 --> 00:57:57

So he would recite your revelation upon the people. What else would he do?

00:57:58 --> 00:58:03

While you're under Mohammed keytab and He will teach them the book, which book the book that you would send out.

00:58:04 --> 00:58:12

And he would also teach the people what will Heckman and the wisdom and also he would, will use a Kenyan and he would also purify them,

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who was the messenger

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who was finally sent to his children.

00:58:20 --> 00:58:22

Muhammad Sallallahu sallam,

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he was sent as a teacher, to the people, and he was from among them, he was from the city of Raqqa.

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The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said another word to me, Ibrahim, I am the answer to the prayer of my father, Ibrahim medicina.

00:58:43 --> 00:58:47

Now the question is, Ibrahim Reddy said I made the law when he built the karma.

00:58:49 --> 00:58:54

And when was the Prophet sort of artisan himself as a messenger? After 2500 years?

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When do we want our doors to be accepted?

00:58:58 --> 00:59:01

Within seconds, within moments,

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and Allah knows when he should grant our door to us.

00:59:09 --> 00:59:26

Sometimes our doors are not answered right away. Why? Because it is not in our best interest at that time. And Allah did nice. And then eventually the door is answered. Why? Because it is in our favor at that time.

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And sometimes we see that I'd rather not answered at all. A person dies, without his door being answered. Why?

00:59:36 --> 00:59:45

Because all that there are that he has done. The reward for that is secure where in the hereafter which is why the Day of Judgment, people will wish that none of their doors were accepted.

00:59:46 --> 00:59:53

So he prayed that Allah sent amongst them a messenger. And what would he do? First of all, yet through our lady

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who would recite upon the people universes why

01:00:00 --> 01:00:07

Because when the Verses are recited upon the people, it has a completely different impact.

01:00:08 --> 01:00:12

What does this teach us? That we must listen to the

01:00:14 --> 01:00:20

we must listen to the Quran because listening to the Quran has a completely different impact.

01:00:21 --> 01:00:45

Then when you're on the moon will kita and you will teach them the book. And never your unlimited aim is to teach something gradually, according to the need of the learner, according to the face of the learner. So your unmemorable Makita, we will teach them the book, because only reciting the book is not enough. Understanding the book is very important as well.

01:00:47 --> 01:01:10

So he wouldn't just recite the book to them. But he would actually teach them the book, so that they know the words of the book, they know the meaning of the book, they know the understanding of the text, and they're able to apply the work. Because remember, you cannot apply something until and unless you understand it. We cannot apply the Quran until and unless we understand the Quran.

01:01:11 --> 01:01:12

So you're on the moon.

01:01:14 --> 01:01:20

And he wouldn't just teach them the kita because what is the katana it has the laws it has the commandments.

01:01:21 --> 01:01:31

But he would also teach them hikmah wisdom, because wisdom is very important in order to know how to apply a certain command

01:01:32 --> 01:01:57

hekla is from the root address have caffeine and Heckman literally is to put something where it belongs in a manner that is suitable in a way that is suitable a place that is most appropriate for it. So Heckman is to do the right thing at the right time, in the right way, in the right manner, in the right amount. This is what Hickman is,

01:01:58 --> 01:02:10

for example, when you say this person is very wise. Why? Because they say the right thing at the right time in the most effective way, isn't it? Or they do the right thing at the right time in the most effective way.

01:02:11 --> 01:02:20

And a person who is not wise, they don't think about how they're doing something or where they're doing something in which manner they're doing something. This is what hikma is.

01:02:21 --> 01:02:25

So he teaches them the hikma What does it mean by Hickman

01:02:26 --> 01:02:31

Hickman has been understood as the teachings of the Prophet sallallahu.

01:02:33 --> 01:02:41

hikma is what the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam because the Kitab tells us what we have to do.

01:02:42 --> 01:02:46

The Sunnah tells us how we have to do

01:02:47 --> 01:02:50

in the Quran we learn of the masala will add to

01:02:52 --> 01:02:56

the Sunnah tells us how we should pray the Sunnah, how we should give this

01:02:58 --> 01:03:04

and the Sunnah is the best way of applying the teachings of the Quran.

01:03:05 --> 01:03:11

There is no other way that is better than the summer. The Sunnah is the best way.

01:03:12 --> 01:03:18

So you're under Manuel keytab, when hc Mata will use a key him and he would also purify them.

01:03:20 --> 01:03:28

And we learned that the Prophet sallallahu sallam, when he talked to people, he didn't just teach them as to what they were supposed to do and what they were not supposed to do.

01:03:29 --> 01:03:34

But he taught them the wisdom behind the actions as well.

01:03:35 --> 01:03:37

The wisdom behind the commands as well.

01:03:38 --> 01:04:19

Because when you know the wisdom behind something, then it's easier to do what you're supposed to do. For example, we know that had he said is mentioned in Episode 100, in which a young man came to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and he said, O Messenger of Allah, permit me to commit fornication, allow me to commit Zina. I'm not married. But I want to commit you know, with such and such woman and the companions. They were extremely annoyed with that man, that young men notice young people don't know what they're doing. So similarly, this young man comes up and he says to the prophets that a lot of setup allow me to do Zilla and the Prophet sallallahu sallam, what did he do?

01:04:21 --> 01:04:22

He asked him to take a seat.

01:04:23 --> 01:04:24

He asked him to sit down.

01:04:25 --> 01:04:32

And then the Prophet said a lot of them, asked him, would you like someone to do dinner with your mother?

01:04:33 --> 01:04:45

He said no, by Allah. May Allah sacrifice me for you. I would never want that. that anybody would do dinner with my mother. He said, other people do not like it either for their mothers.

01:04:46 --> 01:04:59

Then the profits out of us and imagine would you then like it for your daughter? Meaning would you like somebody to do dinner with your daughter? And he replied, No, by me, I'd be sacrifice for you. Meaning I would never want anybody to do dinner with my daughter.

01:05:01 --> 01:05:35

And he said, others also do not like it for their daughters. Then he said, Would you like it for your sister? And he replied, No by Allah maybe sacrifice for you I would never want this for my sister. And then the Prophet sallallahu Sallam asked him about, would you like this for your honor? Would you like us for your eternal honor? Would you like this for your maternal aunt? And each time, that young man who would say no, and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said that people also do not like that anybody would do Zina with their mother, with their daughter, with their sister with their aunt, so on and so forth.

01:05:36 --> 01:05:59

And then it is said that the Prophet sallallahu sallam, then put his hand on the man's chest, on the young man's chest. And he said, Oh Allah, forgive his sin, cleanse his heart, and make chaste his private parts. And it is said that after that, that young man, he never even looked into anything like Xena meaning he never even considered doing Xena.

01:06:00 --> 01:06:07

Why? Because the way that he taught him was very effective. It made sense to him.

01:06:08 --> 01:06:29

Many times when we tell our children when we tell young people, just you have to wear hijab, you have to cover your face. You have to recite the Quran, you have to go to the masjid. You have to do this you have to do this you have to do this. And this you know, wisdom behind such actions. We have to show to the people what the wisdom is, so that they're able to practice the deen

01:06:30 --> 01:06:35

the Prophet sallallahu Sallam didn't just tell them do this, don't do this. He also taught them wisdom.

01:06:36 --> 01:07:20

Similarly, there is another Hadith, which is very beautiful about how the prophets of Allah sort of once as the companions that you know who the Muslims is, who are very poor person is, and the people said, you know, a person who doesn't have any better harm a person doesn't have any money. He is for profits at a loss. I'm sad. No. The mufflers the poor person of my alma is the one who will come up with a judgment with a lot of fasting, with a lot of prayers with a lot of Zakat, and he will come on the Day of Judgment while he had hurt somebody or curse somebody or blamed somebody or consumed another person's wealth unlawfully. So this person was going to happen, people are going to come and

01:07:20 --> 01:07:33

they're going to say, this person did this to me, this person did that to me, and his deeds will be taken away from him and given to others and at the end, he will be left with no good deeds that listen to the recitation of these verses.

01:07:57 --> 01:07:58

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01:08:01 --> 01:08:01

year off.

01:08:03 --> 01:08:05


01:08:50 --> 01:08:50


01:08:53 --> 01:08:54

is Mary.

01:09:02 --> 01:09:03


01:09:12 --> 01:09:14

Tina. Dena

01:09:16 --> 01:09:17


01:09:18 --> 01:09:23

arena mana Chicana arena secara.

01:09:31 --> 01:09:33


01:09:43 --> 01:09:47

kita Mata Ki

01:09:50 --> 01:09:51


01:09:53 --> 01:09:56


01:09:59 --> 01:09:59


01:10:00 --> 01:10:04

La ilaha illa Anta the Sofitel covelo to a set of already

Al-Baqarah 122-129 Word-Analysis and Tafsir 125-129

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