Taimiyyah Zubair – Ramadan with Quran (Juz 18)

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The importance of being attentive during prayer, avoiding distractions, and knowing to control one's actions is emphasized. The need for fear and acceptance of one's good deeds is also emphasized, along with the importance of learning to control one's actions and avoiding harms. The importance of acceptance, empathy, and personal acceptance in complex situations is emphasized, along with the need for everyone to acknowledge and value diversity of human experiences. The speaker uses the analogy of a apple being a seed and emphasizes the importance of acceptance in our daily lives.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

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out there Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim wa Salatu was Salam O Allah Rasool e Karim. Probably slightly further away assembly Emily.

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Emily Sani Yakubu Kohli along with Maggie Colby was sadly Sony was sold supima to Colby meany a little bit earlier mean.

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Our beloved Ben Urban's obey. He asked a smart little deal on more on her, who was his grandmother? How were the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when they recited the Quran, meaning how did they appear? What was their manner like? She said, they were as Allah Most High has praised them, meaning their eyes would weep, and their skins whichever, meaning the effect of the Quran was very visible on their appearance in their eyes, and also in their posture in their attentiveness. So this shows us that when we recite the Quran, and when we listen to it, let us not engage with the Quran as we engage with another text. Rather, we should be fully attentive, we

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should be involving all of our senses. It will claim Rahim Allah said, that if you wish to benefit from the Quran, then keep your heart focused while reciting it, or while listening to it, and focus your listening, meaning especially pay attention with your ears, and be attentive with the attentiveness of someone who is being directly addressed through it, to whom he the Exalted is speaking, because Indeed, Allah has addressed you upon the tongue of His Messenger, meaning listen to every Ayah recite every eye of the Quran, as if it is directly addressing you. So pay attention. Don't get distracted by other people. And don't get distracted by thinking about other people that

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oh, this verse applies to them so perfectly. rather think about yourself, take everything for yourself, be in the lab.

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Just number 18 sudo Tomomi noon. Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim In the Name of Allah, the extremely Merciful, the ever continually merciful, God the F la haloumi known, certainly will the believers have succeeded. No doubt the believers have attained success, meaning they have already prospered how In what way? What is it that they will have attained? What success will they achieve? It is Jenna. We learn in a hadith that Allah the Exalted, created paradise with bricks of silver, and bricks of gold, and its mortar is of mosque. And he said to Jenna, that calamy speak, so it said, other ifla Hellmuth Nino, the believers have truly succeeded. And the angel said, Pooh Bear lucky

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men Zilla Moo Luke bless it, are you home of the kings. So the believers have succeeded how by attaining gender. But who are these believers who are upon success? They are alladhina, whom feels similar to him Hoshi rune, they who are during their prayer, humbly submissive, in a narration, we learn that the people would look up to the sky while they were praying, and sometimes to the right and to the left. And when these verses were revealed, they would only look towards the place of prostration. And none of them were seen looking anywhere other than the ground. So this is what it means to pray, with humble submission with her. Sure. So her sure is to pray with such stillness,

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that it shows that one is praying humbly to the Lord of the worlds. So remember two words about who should and who door was sukoon meaning humility and stillness, which means that if a person has who sure in Salah, then there is stillness inside and stillness outside, there is humility inside and there's humility outside. So for sure, is about attentiveness. It is not mere crying, it is to be attentive with the mind, with the body and with the heart. So if a person has for sure, it means that their hands are not moving here and there, it means that their eyes are not looking here and there. It means that they're not distracted, their body is still it shows that they are

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Humbly standing before the Lord of the worlds, remember that Salah is a reflection of your relationship with Allah subhanaw taala it is a manifestation of the state of your knifes. So those who are humble before Allah in their life, those who are harsher in then they reflect the same in their Salah as well. And remember that who sure perfects the prayer, meaning without who sure Salah is like a body without any life and the person who has who sure in Salah, then such people are worthy of Allah subhanaw taala this promise, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that Allah has made five prayers obligatory.

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If anyone performs ablution for them well, offers them at the right time and observes perfectly their record and who assure in them, meaning every portion of Salah every part of solid, they perform properly. And they also exhibit humility, and they're still in their Salah, then it is the guarantee of Allah, that he will pardon him. And if anyone does not do so, there is no guarantee for him on the part of Allah. Allah May pardon him if you want, and may punish him if he once and remember that he sure is something that makes gender watch what we learn in the Hadees that whoever performs will do and does it well. And then praise to the girl you could be no la you may be called

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B he will wear g in which his heart and face are focused, meaning His heart is fully attentive towards Allah and His space. His body is also fully attentive towards Allah than paradise will be his gender is guaranteed for a person who prays like this. And remember that our reward that we get from every Salah is actually in proportion to our whoa Sure, in that Sala how attentive we were how humble we were how still we were. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that a man returns after saying his prayer, while a 10th part of his prayer, or a ninth part, or an eighth part or a seventh or a sixth or a fifth or a third or half of it is recorded for him. soprano law, meaning

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what you get from your Salah depends on how attentive you were that same percentage. And remember that our standing before a law on the Day of Judgment depends on how we stand before Him today, it will claim said that a slave stands before Allah at two occasions. The first is during salah and the second will be on the Day of Judgment. So whoever stands correctly in the first occasion, then the second standing will be made easy for him. And whoever disregards the first standing, meaning does not stand for a law with humility, with submission with stillness, then the second standing will be very difficult for him. So it is very important that when we were praying that we only focus on

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Salah, we focus on Allah subhanaw taala don't allow your thoughts to wander. Don't allow your eyes to wander. Don't be scratching yourself here and there and don't be distracted from Salah to observe for sure in Salah it is necessary that we begin Salah with that mindset with that commitment that now I have to focus on Salah I have to have kosher in salah and it is necessary that we begin Salah with that with that determination that I am going to now focus on my prayer. And I'm not going to rush through it. And every single time that the mind or the heart gets distracted, the limbs get distracted, then bring yourself back to sukoon make yourself still and humble again, meaning

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throughout the Salah. Strive against your naps. This is Mujaheddin

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and remind yourself of who it is that you are standing before that I am standing before the Lord of the worlds I am speaking to him. Remember that a lot of Fatiha is actually a conversation. Every time you you say something you recite and I have so little fatty how Allah subhanaw taala responds, and pseudo Fatiha is a draw at the end of which we're asking Allah to guide us to the straight path and only the person who has been having the conversation properly. And he then Allah subhanaw taala says to him, that will he have the mindset that my servant shall have whatever that he has asked for. So it is necessary that we focus on what we are saying, we realize the fact that we are talking

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to Allah. And anytime that you get distracted by the things of this world, remind yourself of the pettiness of this world, that it's not even worth it mosquitoes weighing in the sight of Allah learn the meaning of Salah so that you can help yourself focus in salah and even claim said about this ayah that Allah soprano Tata has said regarding the the success of the belief

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That this is for who this is for those who pray with who shore in Salah. So this shows that a person who does not have who assure in Salah, meaning they do not observe. So now with humility and stillness, they're constantly moving. They're constantly distracted. It doesn't show that they're standing before the Lord of the worlds than such people are not from the people of success. So if we want to be among the people of success, then we have to begin by perfecting our prayer by improving our Salah by bringing humility and stillness. And you know, sometimes a person thinks that, well, no matter how much I try, I'm not able to focus, you certainly have control over your limbs. If you

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cannot bring for sure from the inside out. Start from outside in meetings begin by observing stillness in your body, and then slowly and gradually inshallah your heart and mind will also be able to focus. So begin by controlling your movements and Sunnah, that there should be no unnecessary movement. When levena, whom I love way more at loon, and they who turn away from ill speech from all that which is low. You see, her sure is only possible when a person refrains from low and what is level level is every word and deed that is useless, that is undignified, that has no benefit in it. So when a person stays away from useless things, then they're able to stay away from

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what is worse than that what is unlawful. And that is what allows a person to focus on what is important when our mind is constantly filled with unnecessary things. And we're constantly distracting ourselves with unnecessary things, then we're not able to focus on things for longer than we're distracted, we have shorter attention spans. And so in order to increase our attention span, in order to help ourselves focus on what is important, it is necessary that we allow our mind to have that space where we can enjoy some clarity, and some, some some freedom, so that we're not always being bombarded with information. And this is why it's important that we watch what we do

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between prayers. Also, we watch what we do right before salah and right after Salah. Because if we're watching things, looking at things and talking about unnecessary things, then of course, it's going to have an impact on our prayer. Think about it. If you ever watch a horror movie, doesn't that affect you for many, many days, you keep thinking about what you've seen, if you've been watching certain tiktoks you know those those sounds, those background music, you know that lyric, it will keep playing in your head. And imagine now a person is standing before Allah subhanaw taala and those sounds, you know those soundtracks are playing in their head, but what what an

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embarrassment, what a deprivation. So it is necessary that we filter out any what is unnecessary from our lives, so that we so that we can focus on what is necessary. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he used to recite a great deal of vicars, meaning he would remember Allah subhanaw taala a lot. He would engage literally an idle talk, he would make the prayer long, and he would keep the hook by short. And he would not refrain from walking with a widow or a poor person and tending to their needs. This was the way of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And the thing is that when we spend too much time, on just pursuing our desires on useless things, then we're not able to make

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time for useful things. So remember, the beauty of a person's Islam is that kumala yarny he is that he leaves What does not concern him, what is not his business. So anything that does not benefit us in this life or the next life, then we have to train ourselves to avoid those things. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that prayer, followed by a prayer with no idle talk between the two is recorded among the Illa Yoon, meaning amongst the highest there Elune Where were the records of the righteous are placed when levena whom lyza catify a loon and they who are observant of Zoo cat, meaning they gives a cat on their wealth. And they also practice the cat meaning to practice

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purification, purification of the soul. So self development is very important to them. And part of self development is that a person has pushover in their salah and they and they who guard their private parts meaning their sexual relations are lawful, except from their wives, are those the right hands possess For indeed they will not be blamed, because what is lawful, what is permissible is not shameful. And there should be no guilt in that it is not against piety, but whoever seeks beyond that. Whether it is indulging in Zina or prostitution, I know * etc. Then those are the trends

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dressers and they who are to their trusts and their promises attentive, meaning they don't neglect their commitments. Amanda, Amanda and I are mentioned over here and remember Amanda and that include every matter that a person takes upon himself, whether it is a religious nature or worldly nature, whether it is a word or an action, and it includes dealings with people and commitments made with Allah subhanaw taala. When Medina whom Allah, Allah, Allah to him, you have your wound, and they who carefully maintain their prayers, who diligently guard their prayers, earthier who sure was mentioned, and hear the guarding of prayer is mentioned. Meaning they guard the timings of prayer,

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they guard the prerequisites, the conditions, the pillars, they guard what they say, in Salah, and then they also guard their prayers from getting wasted. So those who guard their prayers, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that whoever guards the five prayers with their will do meaning they make sure they have will do and that they have done will do properly record sujood and their timings. And then they also fast in Robert and his personal two fasts in the month of Ramadan, makes hedge if he is capable, and gives the cat happily, then whoever brings us with a man on the day of judgment will enter Paradise. So it is said Allah aka whom will very soon those are the

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inheritors. What will they inherit? A lead in a yes or no for those who will inherit and for those, the highest level of Paradise hongfa Holly Dune, they will abide there in eternally. So what kind of people are worthy of this paradise, those who have these qualities, that Firstly, there is a man but that he man the mood meaning are not empty or not void of any good action? No, there is also good action, and it begins with Salah. And then when it comes to their saliva, it's not just that they're performing Salah that okay, dun dun dun know, their performance held up properly with attentiveness. They also guard the prayers. So remember, these traits that are mentioned over here. They're not

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optional, they are required, because it is the obligations that are mentioned over here not recommended deeds. Allah subhanaw taala approval is gained by doing what he has obligated, not what your heart finds pleasing. So alladhina Yeti Sonal, for those whom fee her Holly Dune, a love Majora lemon home, and certainly did we create men from an extract of clay, then we placed him as a sperm drop in a firm lodging. Then we made the sperm drop into a Klingon clot and made and we made the clot into a lump of flesh, and we made from the lump bones and we covered the bones with flesh, then we developed him into another creation, look at the beginning and then look at the final product. So

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bless it is Allah the best of creators, then indeed, after that you are to die, then indeed you on the Day of Resurrection will be resurrected.

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And we have created above us seven layered heavens and never have we been of our creation unaware and we have sent down rain from the sky in a measured amount and settled it in the earth and indeed we are able to take it away, what an excellent way of sending water down. Firstly, how beautiful is the fact that water is sent down from above, so that we also feel connected with the sky, you know, we feel connected to the ground because we are on it, but the sky is so distant It is so high above us. And Allah subhanaw taala sends rain down from the sky then we realize that there is something above also and then it is rain, any the water that comes down from the sky is so gentle, and it is

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as mentioned over here be fathering according to a certain measure meaning not at random, because otherwise it would be devastating. If the if the amount was too much excessive or if it was too little, then it would be devastating. And when Allah subhanaw taala shows us that that how at times there is too much rain or there is very little rain, we see the impact of that. So remember when a las panatela sends rain down, it is according to a certain measure. This was not an accident or it was not random. No it This was pre planned for us can now fulfill all of and then the fact that Allah subhanaw taala causes rainwater to settle on the earth. This is also a huge mercy. Because if

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Imagine if no water stood on Earth, all of it got absorbed by the ground, then our life again would be very difficult. And we brought forth for you there by gardens of palm trees and grape vines in which for you are abundant fruits and from which you eat and we brought forth a tree issuing

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Mount Sinai, which produces oil and food for those who eat, and this is referring to the olive tree. And now more blessings are mentioned. And indeed for you in livestock is a lesson we give you drink from that which is in their bellies. And for you in them are numerous benefits and from them, you eat and upon them and on ships you are carried. Now the ships are mentioned over here because the story of new Halley's tsunami is coming up next, what are called autosol lanahan, illa camii. And We have certainly sent to his people, and he said, Oh, my people worship Allah, you have no data other than Him, then will you not fear him. But the eminent among those who disbelieve from his people

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said, this is not a man like yourselves, who wishes to take precedence over you. And if Allah had willed meaning, to send a messenger, he would have sent down angels. We have not heard of this among our forefathers. So Pamela, we learned in a hadith that Adam alayhis salam was a prophet who was spoken to directly by Allah, and there were between him and his son and 10 centuries, leading after otherwise, it was no Elisa Lam, who was sent as a resume. And there were 10 centuries between the two only meaning only 1000 years. But look at how people forgot so quickly, within just 1000 years, how quickly people forgot the fact that you know, that Allah subhanaw taala, is to be worshipped

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alone, and look at the kind of things that they're saying, we have not heard of this among our forefathers, they said he is not but a man possessed with madness. So wait concerning him for a time being waited out, he'll die very soon. And then we can forget about all of this. Any This should make us really worried that today there are even more distractions, there is even more temptations. So how well are we teaching our children? How well are we? Are we informing them about who Allah subhanaw taala? Is? Do they know that they're supposed to worship only Allah? subhanaw taala? And and are they firm and solid in their knowledge in their understanding so that they can pass it on to

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their future generations? Or are we only concerned about the material lives of our children? Because remember, shikon is after everybody. So we have to do something to save not just ourselves, but our coming generations also. And we see that they said things about new Halley's Santa, they assume things about him completely ignoring his message, they were just judging him. They said that he wants to take precedence over you. He's only you know, he's a very cunning person who has a plan. And he's using this to, you know, exalt himself over you. And perhaps he is mad, any on the one hand, they portray him as a very evil person who's got a very, you know, evil plan. And on the other

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hand, they call him insane. So they're, they're sort of, you know, contradicting themselves. So new Harley, Sam said, have been sold an EB Mac and the Boone, my lord support me, because they have denied me. So we inspire to him construct the ship, under our observation, and our inspiration. And when our command comes, and the oven overflows, put into the ship, from every creature to mates and your family, except those for whom the decree of destruction has proceeded, and who were they his son and his wife, and do not address me concerning those who have wronged indeed they are to be drowned. And when you have boarded the ship, you and those with you then say Alhamdulillah Praise to

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Allah, who has saved us who has saved us from the wrongdoing people meaning thank and praise Allah for being relieved for being rescued from the evil of the enemy will call Rob BNZ, Lee, Monza and MOBA rockin, well antihero mousseline, and say, My Lord, let me land at a blessing landing place and you were the best to accommodate us. This is a Dora that is being talked to all servants, which means that whenever we get onto our vehicle or descend from it, whether it is your car or a plane or train or a bike and say this door and when you reach your destination, then enter and enter a place you can say this there are also you know, sometimes you go to a new place a new school or a new

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workplace. Then ask Allah subhanaw taala to bless that for you. Or bmz Lehman's Allah Mubarak and or under hiral, mousseline even when you return home, say this, indeed in that are Signs and indeed we are ever testing what in canalla moobot, Tallinn, then we produced after them a generation of others, and we sent among them a messenger from themselves saying, worship Allah, you have no data other than Him, then will you not fear him. You see the

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name of this nation is not mentioned the name of that Prophet is not mentioned, because this happened not just with one nation, but many. And the eminent among his people who disbelieved and denied the meeting of the Hereafter, while we had given them luxury and the worldly life, they said, this is not but a man like yourselves, he eats of that from which you eat and drinks of that which you drink. And if you should obey a man like yourselves, indeed, you would then be losers. So panela this is actually not true. Following a human being, and it doesn't mean that you're going to lose. Because when it comes to so many of our matters any week, consult one another. If you are unwell,

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you would listen to a doctor you will not say oh, this doctor is only a human and you What does he know? You know, you you trust people who are trained, who who are professionals. So prophets of Allah did not speak by their own desire, male to corniel However, they only conveyed what they were taught.

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Does he promise you that when you have died and become dust and bones that you will be brought forth once more, how far how far meaning this is impossible, is that which you are promised? Life is not our worldly life. We die and live but we will not be resurrected. They said he is not but a man who has invented a lie about Allah and we will not believe him all that have been sold honeybee maca baboon, he said, My Lord support me because they have denied me. Allah said after a while, they will surely become regretful so the shriek sees them in truth, and we made them as plants double, then away with the wrongdoing people, then we produced after them other generations, no nation proceeds

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it's time of termination, nor do they remain thereafter. Then we sent our messengers in succession, one after the other. Every time there came to a nation, it's messenger, they denied him. So we made them follow one another meaning in destruction. And we made them narrations, just stories of the past, so away with the people who do not believe. Then we sent Moosa and his brother * moon with our signs and the clear authority to fit our own and his establishment, but they were arrogant, and we're a hottie people. They said, should we believe to men like ourselves, while their people are for us in servitude, meaning they're a slave nation, look at how racist they were. You see, these

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were all excuses for not accepting the truth. So they denied them. And we're of those destroyed. And we certainly gave most of the Scripture that perhaps they would be guided, meaning they would listen to it, they would pay attention to it, and follow it. And we made the son of mme and his mother a sign and sheltered them within a high ground, having level areas and flowing water. So you see here, both him and her son, Teresa de Sena, are mentioned how, the fact that both of them were a sign, meaning both of them were a miracle, how they were born, and then their childhood, the way they were raised, restarted this and I'm spoke as a baby money. Orion is Sam, she had a unique upbringing. So

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these were clear signs, meaning the truth of the messengers was very visible, yet people focused on on their humanity, and they rejected them for that. Yeah, uh, you have Rasul Allah said, Oh, messengers kulu minify. You bad eat from the good foods, what are mellow slowly her and work righteousness in the bema Dharma Luna Eileen, indeed, I have what you do, and knowing I know the actions that you're doing. And this is something that should really make us scared, that we can just go on doing whatever we want, and eating whatever we want. Allah knows every single thing that we're doing. So we see here that all of the prophets are addressed here, meaning every single messenger

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was given this command, what that eat of the good things and do righteous action. So we see that there's a connection between righteous action and eating food, meaning, the food that you eat, will certainly have an impact on the kind of actions that you do. When a person eats what is lawful, what is what is good, what is clean, then, they will be able to worship Allah subhanaw taala better also, their worship will be accepted. And remember, by good food, this is what is lawful, good, meaning it is helpful, it is clean, and it is also suitable for you. Meaning eat that food which which is suitable for your body, meaning listen to your body, be merciful to your body. Don't just satisfy

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your taste buds and don't just eat something because everybody's eating it. Eat what is good for your body. Because remember, good health for a believer is very, very important because with good health.

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A believer is able to worship Allah subhanaw taala better with good health, a believer is able to do good things. Also, the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the strong believer is better and more beloved to 11. The weak believer, even though there is good in everybody, but the stronger one is better. Why? Because you're able to do more. So don't compromise on your food. Be careful about what you eat kolomela diabet Varma lucidly here and do righteous actions. And we see the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the companions, they were so careful about what they eat. We learned that once a lady sent milk to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And he sent the

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person back that find out where is this milk from? And the lady informed him that this was from her goat which he owns. And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam drank it. And when that lady asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi Salaam, that How come you asked about that? He said that I and the messengers before me, were commanded to eat only what is clean, and to do only what is good. So we so the same command is for us, eat only what is clean, lawful, good, and do only that, which is good. And you will see that these days, depending on what you eat, for if thought, you know that that really impacts your ability to stand in prayer in the night. And if you've eaten properly, it's

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time again, only then you're able to, you know, do something good while you're fasting. So in the Bhima, Dharma Luna Eileen, and indeed, this your religion is one religion, and I am your Lord. So fear me, hitting fear of loss soprano Tara and Hades we learned that there are four things which if you have them, then no worldly loss should harm you, meaning that you can survive if you have these four things. What are the what are these four characteristics, the first is guarding trusts, the second truthful speech, the third, good manners, and the fourth is very fertile Padma meaning clean food, eating only that which is lawful, being careful about what you put in your mouth. And indeed,

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this your religion is one religion, and I am your Lord, so fear me, but the people divided their religion among them into sects, each faction in what it has rejoicing, meaning instead of taking the religion exactly as it is, all of it in its entirety, they have only taken those bits and pieces which they like. But this is not the correct attitude. So leave them meaning those who are stubborn in their division, you have nothing to do with them, leave them in their confusion for a time do they think that what we extend to them of wealth and children is because we hasten for them good things, rather, they do not perceive, indeed, they who are apprehensive from fear of their Lord,

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meaning These are the people who will last panel title likes, these are the people who will be successful who, those who are apprehensive from fear of their Lord, and they who believe in the signs of their Lord, and they who do not associate anything with their Lord, and they who give what they give, who do what they do, while their hearts are fearful. Why? Because they know that they will be returning to their Lord, meaning no matter what they do, no matter what good they accomplish, they're still fearful of Allah soprano. Darla, what are they afraid of? They're afraid about their ex about the acceptance of their deeds. You see, when we love someone, we really want to

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please them. And that concern keeps us preoccupied. We pay attention to so much detail. And then even after we have given them what we've given them, we keep making sure that you know it is something that they like it is something that they have enjoyed. So when we do something for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala let us not take it for granted that you know what it's accepted that as long as I have done it, it's enough it's sufficient. Know, even after doing something good. Let us be concerned about the acceptance of our good deeds. Wasn't Ibrahim already said I'm concerned about that. After he built the garba Didn't he say about bene the Cabal Mina, our Lord accept this from

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us. So I shall de la Marengo, she asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam about this verse that he understood Allah Are these the people who steal and who commit Zina and who drink alcohol. And you know they still have the fear of Allah. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said no, oh Daughter of Siddiq. They are the ones who pray and fast and given charity mean they're doing good things. And as they're doing good things, they fear that it will not be accepted from them. So Pamela, this is their fear that what if I said something that caused my good deeds to be canceled? What if I you know, I wasted my own effort? What if there was something I said which is primatology

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did not approve off. So don't think that doing good is enough. Realize that what really matters is the acceptance of those good deeds. And this is that fear which keeps a person striving, then they don't take what they have done, as you know, enough and sufficient. Know, they keep striving hula, can you Sadie Runa? Phil hi rod. It is those who hasten to good deeds were home law savvy cone, and they outstrip others they're in, because they're eager for more, they don't check who is not doing, you know, as as much as they are, rather than focus on who is ahead of them. And they focus on what what more needs to be done. You see, when a person is very proud of what they've done, then what

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happens is that they stop exerting effort, they stop, you know, moving forward, they start, they stop working hard. But when a person has this fear that, you know, what I've done is not good enough. I know that that there are imperfections in it, then they keep striving to improve themselves. Now, this doesn't mean that that fear keeps us you know, weighed down, no, there should be a combination of both hope and fear. But hope should not make us arrogant. And at the same time, fear should not make us despair. It should keep us moving, striving and we charge no soul except with that within its capacity. And with us is a record which speaks with truth and they will not be

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wronged soprano LA, this record Kitab it will young people will help it will speak with truth. The record of deeds is going to talk imagine you need the deeds are not going to remain hidden in there. They're going to come out they're going to be you know, audible will be able to hear them. But their deeds are covered with confusion over this meaning many people don't think about the fact that their records are being filled, and that it will speak against them. And they have evil deeds besides disbelief which they are doing until when we seize their effluent ones with punishment at once they're crying to Allah for help. Meaning right now they're in heedlessness, do not cry out today,

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indeed by us, you will not be helped. My verses had already been recited to you, but you were turning back on your heels. You did not even want to listen in arrogance regarding it conversing by night speaking evil meeting instead of paying attention to the message of the Quran. What did you do amongst your amongst your friends, you spoke evil about the Quran, you spoke evil about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the kadesh would do that. But it wasn't just the Quran. There are people who do that till today, that even when they get a chance to listen to what the Quran says that instead of contemplating over its message, instead of self reflection, they talk amongst

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themselves making fun of the Quran. So remember, Allah subhanaw taala knows how people treat his book, how they talk about it, they have then have they not reflected over the Quran? Or has there come to them that which had not come to their forefathers, any is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam really preaching something that is completely new, something that is unheard of, or did they not know their messenger? So they are to word him dis acknowledging, meaning don't they recognize the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam isn't really a stranger to them? Is it really not credible in their eyes? Don't they know who he is? It wasn't our best said, Did they not recognize Muhammad

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did they not know him when he was younger? And they did not know him when he grew older in among them? Did they not know his background? Did they not know his truthfulness? Did they not know his trustworthiness, his commitment? So basically, they're being reprimanded over here, that what is wrong with you? Why do you deny your messenger? Are you really that unfamiliar with him? Or do they say in him is madness, rather, he brought them the truth, but most of them to the truth are a verse. This is the real problem. People don't like the truth. But if the truth had followed their inclinations, the heavens and the earth, and whoever is in them, would

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have been ruined. And this is something that is ever relevant today. Also, because people want the truth to change. People want the truth to you know, accommodate their wishes, but that's not going to happen. Because if the truth has changed, then what would happen? Everything in the heavens in the earth would be ruined. Rather, we have brought them their message, but they from their message are turning away. So they'll call on and remember it constantly invites to introspection. In fact, it compels you to reflect over yourself, but many people are unwilling or do you ask them for payment, but the reward of

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Your Lord is best. And he is the best of providers. So remember the reward that Allah subhanaw taala gives, that is the best and that is what we should really be aiming for. And indeed, you invite them to a straight path. But Indeed, those who do not believe in the hereafter are deviating from the path. And even if we gave them mercy, and removed what was upon them of affliction, they would persist in their transgression, wandering blindly, and we had gripped them with suffering as a warning, but they did not yield to their Lord, nor did they humbly supplicate. And we'll continue this, until when we have opened before the muldaur of severe punishment, immediately, they will be

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there in in despair, Subhan Allah, when Allah subhanaw taala puts us in hardship. It is so that we yield to our Lord, we humbly supplicate we become obedient and compliant, and it is he who produced for you hearing and vision and hearts, little are you grateful, and it is he who has multiplied you throughout the earth and to Him you will be gathered. And it is he who gives life and causes death. And his is the alternation of the night and the day he causes that to happen, then will you not reason? Rather, they say like what the former people said, What did they say? They said, when we have died and become dust and bones are we indeed to be resurrected? And he This is like something

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stuck in their heads, something that they cannot get over with? We have been promised this we and our forefathers before. This is not but the legends of the former peoples say to Whom belongs the earth and whoever is in it, if you should know, they will say to Allah say then will you not remember any of Allah owns everything? Don't you understand? His might say, who was Lord of the seven heavens and the Lord of the great throne? They will say they belong to Allah say then will you not fear him? meeting? Why don't you fear Him. And these verses are not just relevant to the people who you know, worship idols along with Allah subhanaw taala or who denied the possibility of

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resurrection, these verses are also applicable to us. That you know, we we know who Allah is, he owns everything, he knows everything, yet we go on committing sin. And he this knowledge should make us fearful. Because see what is said here are falletta takuan. It is not enough to know that everything belongs to Allah, it is necessary that we then fear Allah say, in whose hand is the realm of all things and he protects while none can protect against him, if you should know, beating, only that person is safe, whom Allah subhanaw taala grants safety to which means that if Allah punishes someone, no one can rescue them. If Allah put someone in fear, no one can bring them out of that

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fear. So ask Allah subhanaw taala, for safety, for protection for relief, they will say all belongs to Allah say, then how were you diluted? Rather, we have brought them the truth, and indeed they are liars. Allah has not taken any sun, nor has there ever been with him any day tea, if there had been than each day it would have taken when it created and some of them would have sought to overcome others. Meaning then there would certainly be conflict. Think about the conflict that people have. What's the federal law? Exalted is Allah above what they described concerning him? Early Middle, he was Shahada. He is nowhere of the unseen and the witnessed. So high is he above what they associate

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with him. say oh Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, my Lord, if You should show me that which they are promised, meaning if you punish them in my lifetime, then my Lord, then do not place me among the wrongdoing people. See the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was afraid of the constant denial of his people. That so he was taught that if the punishment should come in my life, then don't make me part of that save me. And indeed, we are able to show you what we have promised them repel by means of what is best, they're evil, we are most knowing of what they describe. We're called Rob br Oh, the becoming hemas attache are clean, what are all will be caught up be a boon and say, My Lord,

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I seek refuge in You from the incitements of the devils and I seek refuge in You, My Lord, lest they be present with me. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is being told to make this thorough, and there is lesson for us also, we should also make this door. This is such a beautiful door that Allah protect me from the incitements of the shouting and keep the shouting away from me, meaning Don't let them be present in my company. Because if shaitan is present with someone, then shaitan is going to lead that person astray. So I'll go to B cells that hemesath end up becoming homeless.

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The shouting hammers that the incitements of the devil, the these are those attacks of shaitan. When a person gets overwhelmed by uncontrollable anger, meaning a person is so filled with anger, that they that they must say something they must lash out, where they feel like their head will explode unless they say something. Any there's so much energy and pressure building up inside of them because of what a plan is, you know, doing or saying to them. So then how do you deal with that kind of anger? Because if you explode, then you're accountable. And you will only regret later. So how is it that you counter such anger and sometimes it's not just anger, sometimes it is obsessive

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thoughts, obsessive thoughts about a law about people about germs, any, it's so obsessive, that a person gets tired from them, and a person finds no escape. So yes, sometimes therapy is needed. But along with that, remember, shaytan is our enemy. And shaitan tries to harm us through our thoughts. So we must seek a loss of penalties protection. And look at the door that is being taught rugby are all becoming hammers that they shall clean. What are all the become a be a boon, made the stirrup, teach this door out to your children to your families, because remember, our wood is the best defense against shape on when you seek refuge with ALLAH, this is your best defense against shape on

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and even when a person is very angry, that they should seek protection with a loss of Florida. Because when a person says are always will be lower than their anger subsides, because saying are the belies a way of sort of, you know, distance of distancing yourself from your from that situation. It's a way of allowing yourself to consciously think, and not let your anger drive you. And remember, there are certain things which if we say, in anger, the consequences can be very, very serious. There can be any irreparable damage that we cause, by speaking when we're angry, you know, marriages are destroyed, children, their self esteem is destroyed. So it is very important that we

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learn to control our anger, especially that anger, which is just building up inside any blank, like a pressure cooker. Don't just release that pressure by exploding on people learn to calm it down. And the way you do that, is by seeking refuge with Allah subhanaw taala. We learn in a Hadees that once there were two men from the bunny ears saw a lot of good friends, one of them was very righteous and the other and he would fall into sin over and over again. So his righteous friend would advise him that you know, what, don't do this, don't commit the sin, because this is not right. So he would say to him that you know what this is between me and my Lord. So leave me to

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myself, you're not, you know, in charge over me. So then one day, he, you know, hit this guy saw his friend committing a sin and he got really upset with him. He said, leave it, don't commit this. And he said, let me be this as a matter between me and my Lord, Kundalini, you know, leave me with my Lord. And so he got so angry, he said, Well law, he lay federal law hulak By Allah, Allah will never forgive you. Allah will never forgive you, because look at the kind of sin that you are committing. Or you said, Now you defeated colonial agenda to Abba, Allah will never ever admit you into gender. So you see, he was very, very angry, and he said, a statement like this. So what happened last,

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because both of these men to die, and he said to the person who committed sin, that you enter agenda. Why because that man, any he said, this is a matter between me and my Lord. Any Yes, perhaps he had guilt and he had that, you know, faith in Allah and that hope so Allah tada pardoned him, that with my mercy, you enter into gender and the other one, the religious guy who would stop his friend and who got so angry that he said you will never enter agenda. Allah spawn tada said to him a counter be alima Did you know about me? A good Talia mafia. De Hasina? Did you have ownership of what is in my hand? Any do you make my decisions that I will not let someone enter gender, or that I

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will never forgive them. And that person was then admitted into hellfire. So remember, what we say in anger, even if it is coming from a place of righteousness or piety. It's very, very serious. So we must seek almost artists protection against anger, for such is the state of the disbelievers Until when death comes to one of them. He says My Lord, send me back that I might do righteousness in that which I had left behind. meaning there's so much more good that I want to do but I was busy. I was having fun. So please send me back. Give me some more time. No, it is

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Only a word he is saying. And behind them as a barrier until the day they're resurrected. There is a boat as of now, being now, p after death, people are in a transit, they're in the middle, they can go ahead, nor can they go back. Now they just have to wait for the trumpet to be blown. So remember, once the Angel of Death shows up, that is it. So be careful. Be careful. Don't waste your time getting angry and staying angry. And then, you know, being distracted from what is important because you see when we're angry, you know, shaitaan comes and puts what's what's on our head, and then what happens, the entire day is ruined. And because of the kind of things we say to people in anger, the

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entire week is ruined. Any this has consequences. It distracts us from the purpose of our life. So seek Allah's refuge against the incitements of shaitan. So when the horn is blown, no relationship will there be among them that day, meaning no relationship will benefit that day. Doesn't matter. If someone's your parent or your child or your friend, doesn't matter, no one will care, nor will they even ask about one another. That How are you holding up? No one will care. It will be as if those relationships never existed. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, How can I be at ease when the angel of the trumpet has placed his mouth upon it, bent his forehead and is awaiting the command

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of his Lord? And he's literally waiting to be commanded so that he can blow the trumpet immediately. So this hava asked what should we say at that time, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, say Hassan Allahu, and airman Joaquin, are the lucky token now, and those whose scales are heavy with good deeds, it is they who are the successful, so don't be stingy in doing the little things even you see some good deeds, even though they appear to be very small, they're very dense, either packed with goodness, they're very heavy in the scale. For example, good luck. And part of that is to control your anger. Good words, remembering Allah subhanaw taala. They'll be heavy in the

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scale. But those whose scales are light, those are the ones who have lost their souls, being in * abiding eternally.

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The fire will sear their faces, and they they're in will have Toad smiles, meaning the fire will shrink the skin, exposing the bones and the teeth of stuff in the law. It will be said, we're not my verses recited to you, and you use to deny them, they will say Our Lord, our wretchedness overcame us a lot about arlena shippo shipwire tuna, and we were a people astray. What is this wretchedness that overcame them? It was their desires, wishes, because it is the pursuit of desires, which leads a person to wretchedness, or this assumption that we can do whatever we want, and nothing bad will happen. It is our own foolishness. Our Lord, remove us from it. And if we were to return to evil, we

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would indeed be wrongdoers. Just one more chance alone will say, remain despised there in and do not speak to me federal law. Why? Because Indeed, there was a party of my servants we used to say, Our Lord, we have believed so forgive us and have mercy upon us. And you're the best of the Merciful. mean, there were servants of mine who are very humble, who would call upon me, but what did you do? But you took them in mockery? You made fun of them. So be very careful when you speak about another Muslim. When you speak about a person who is worshiping Allah, never ever make fun of them. You know, people, they make mistakes. No, no human being is perfect. You can correct someone's mistake

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without making fun of them. You can any speak to them. You can communicate with them without mocking them. mockery is something that we see a lot pantalla does not like you took them in mockery to the point that they made you forget my remembrance, and you used to laugh at them. So never ever make fun of their religion, especially people who are on religion, people who are practicing Islam, who are doing something to please Allah subhanaw taala comedy is great, but cheap comedy, in which people are making fun of those who pray, those who are eager to eat only Hello, those who stay away from any form of what is unlawful. People who are observant Muslims. This type of comedy is very

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dangerous, making fun of someone's piety, mocking their righteous actions, their worship, their obedience, and this is very, very low. So welcome to men home, Todd Hakuna, you used to laugh at them. Indeed. I have rewarded them this day for their patient endurance because it's very

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Hard to put up with, you know, people laughing at you. It's very painful. And it's very difficult to keep doing good, even in the face of mockery. So because of their Subhan, Allah rewarded them, that they are the attainers of success and the Home, home with his own. Allah Jose, how long did you remain on earth in number of years, they will say we remained a day or part of a day, ask those who enumerate, he will say, You stayed not but a little, if only you had known, if only we can understand this right now this life is very, very short. Then did you think that we created you uselessly, and that to us, you would not be returned? Meaning you thought that you were just created

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and put in this world to have fun? That's it. This is why you forgot the ohana. So Exalted is Allah, the sovereign the truth, there is no data except Him, Lord of the noble throne. And whoever invokes besides Allah another day, for which he has no proof than his account is only with his Lord, indeed, the disbelievers will not succeed. The sooner begins with the statement that believers are successful. And it ends with the statement that in the hula, you flee home cafe alone, the disbelievers will not succeed. We'll call a belief in what hum what under halal raha mean, and say My Lord, forgive and have mercy and you are the best of the merciful, mean.

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Sula to know Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. Sula, tune Anza now how what followed nah ha, one zelner fee her item bayonet line La Quinta comun. This is a sutra which we have sent down. Allah subhanaw taala has revealed the entire Quran. But this is especially mentioned here to show us to remind us of the importance of the surah. Allah is the one who has revealed who has revealed this sutra. So take the suta very seriously, and made and made obligatory, meaning the commands that are in it. So the commands that are given in the pseudo are not optional. They're an obligation, they must be followed. So let us learn them properly so that we can follow them and reveal their inverses of

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clear evidence, meaning there without any ambiguity to free of any ambiguity, they're very clear that you might remember. So what are the commands in the sutra, the first one, the woman or men found guilty of unlawful sexual * meaning Xena, then lash each one of them with 100 lashes and do not be taken by pity for them in the religion of Allah. If you should believe in Allah and the Last Day, and he this shows us how much Allah did tests this act and let a group of the believers witness their punishment. Remember that our religion ensures the preservation of lineage and commands us of higher of modesty. This is the reason why Xena is not allowed. Because not only

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does it cause paternity issues, it also violates the limits of HIA. And remember, where there is no hierarchy where there is no shyness there is no modesty, there is no faith. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that part of what has reached people of the words of the earliest prophet hood is that if you do not have modesty, then do whatever you like. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that higher is from a man and a man his agenda in another Hadith, that when one of them leaves than the other also leaves meaning hyaena men are always together. Another Hadees Belvoir Dino kulu, that hyah is all of the religion. So how could there be any tolerance for an act like

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this? So we see that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam condemned Xena a great deal. He said the one who commits an illegal sexual * is not a believer at the time of committing that act. In our best explained that the light of a man departs from him when he is committing Zina. And remember there's severe punishment in the hereafter also, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said the two men two men came to me.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that two men came to me, held my arm and took me to a very difficult mountain. Over there were some people whose bodies had terribly swollen and from them was emanating a terrible stench like that of toilet areas. I asked Who are these? It was said these are men and women who would commit Zina. So we see that the punishment is severe. Even in this world, any lashes stuff at a lot is very, very severe. Why? Because this is a very strict measure that has been taken to prevent people from falling into a habit like this. Because Xena remember is neither

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unhealthy for the individuals involved nor their communities. It is the height of immodesty. Whereas modesty is from a man. It is the culmination of immorality. There are many, many wrong thoughts, inappropriate behaviors, sinful interactions that have happened before the act of Xena, Xena allows infidelity. It breaks the family, there is mistrust, there is non consensual * there is the risk of contracting diseases, their sexual assault and there is much more. So remember that * is not just simply a physical act of pleasure. It is more than a momentary physical act. It is directly related to a person's emotions, their thoughts, even their identity. And it produces powerful, even

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lifelong changes in the brain that influences a person's behavior significantly. And remember that casual hookups any they can never be safe. It's not as safe as it seems because a person can do something to protect their body from disease, but the damaging effects of such behavior any bare unavoidable their long term. There's studies that show that people show more depressive symptoms and loneliness after engaging in casual *. And even if research on this topic may be inconclusive, as some people suggest, it is enough for the believer that Allah subhanaw taala does not allow this, that is it. Allah subhanaw taala does not allow this so severe. Now, what Alterna the forni

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character does not marry except a female fornicator or polytheist. And nun marries her except a fornicator or a polytheist. And that has been made unlawful to the believers. Meaning when you know that someone commits Zina, and that they are fine with it, they have no problem with it, they have not repented from it, then please do not marry such a person. Do not make your daughter marry such a person. And don't think that getting his Annie married will stop them from committing Zina. It will not stop them, it will only put their spouse in danger. So many women's lives have been ruined, because they have been, you know, kept in the dark about the activities and the behaviors of the men

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that they're marrying. And they find out only after marriage, that their husband has been a nanny for so many years. So this is something that harms the individuals that they're marrying. So this is why this is not allowed unless and until a person has completely repented. Because once they have repented, they have changed their behavior. They have you know made Toba then inshallah that is good. And those who accuse chaste women of what have Xena and then do not produce for witnesses, lash them with 80 lashes and do not accept from them testimony ever after. And those are the defiantly disobedient. So we see here the punishment of others is being given other ways to accuse

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someone of committing Zina and not producing any evidence for that. And the evidence is what four witnesses who with their own eyes have seen the act and this is any very rare. So if a person does not bring the witnesses but dares to say that she has committed Zina, or he has committed Zina, then you know what, they will be punished. This is why it is very, very important that we are careful about the things that we say about other people. And he we see that so many women's lives especially and notice how women are mentioned in this ayah it doesn't mean that men are not accused men are also accused, but usually it is the women. It is the women who become target of such violence. So

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many women's lives are ruined by such accusations. When we see that first a woman is falsely accused, and then the law is misused against her. In fact, there are times when a woman is raped. And then she's accused of committing Zina. So there is violence upon violence. So we have to be very careful, a Latina taboo, except for those who repent thereafter and reform for Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. So remember, the people's honor, the honor of the believer is very, very sacred in our religion. So raising such you know, scandals and spreading such scandals, talking about who is sleeping with who this is not just level, not only is this useless talk, it is a waste.

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It is unlawful, it is sinful. In fact, it is a major sin. It is among a savant movie called The seven destructive sins. We learn in a hadith that if someone slanders his slave, even

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a man a person slanders their slave that my slave has committed Zina with so and so, and the slave is free from what he says. Then he will be flogged on the Day of Judgment. He will be flogged on

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The day of judgment in another Hadees. We don't if anyone makes an untruthful accusation against a Muslim, he will be made by Allah to dwell in the corrupt fluid flowing from the inhabitants of *, until he retract his statement, stop it Allah, and it is something dirty. It's something filthy. Don't talk about, you know, people's illicit relationships. Even if you know for a fact, don't talk about it. Because when you talk about it, you are basically accusing them. And if you are accusing them without witnesses, then you are the one who is punishable. You are the one who deserves punishment, if not in the world, then definitely in the hereafter. So be careful when talking about

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such things, in fact, don't talk about such things at all. And those who accuse their wives of adultery, meaning a man has himself seen his wife commits such an act, then any How is he supposed to continue in a relationship like that, and have no witnesses except themselves than the witness of one of them shall be for testimony swearing By Allah, that indeed he is of the truthful. And the fifth will be that the curse of Allah be upon him if he should be among the liars, but it will prevent punishment from her, if she gives for testimony swearing By Allah, that indeed he is of the liars. And the fifth oath will be that the Wrath of Allah be upon her if he was truthful. So here,

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Leon is mentioned, and remember, the arm is only done by the men. Because if a woman is expecting a child, and she's married, then of course, it's understood that the child belongs to the husband. But if the husband has seen himself, that his wife has committed Zina, and if he speaks, then he is punishable, because then you know, he doesn't have any witnesses. But then how is he that he can continue with that relationship and have you know, that child be associated to him? So remember, that this is, this is the Leon is only initiated by the men because it's a paternity issue. It's a paternity issue. So this is why it's only for the men. And if a woman sees her husband and something

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like that, of course, she has the right to leave that marriage. In one Olaf agulla here aleikum wa rahmatullah and if not for the favor of Allah upon you and his mercy. And because Allah is Accepting of repentance and wise, meaning otherwise your life would be very, very difficult, Indeed, those who, indeed those who came with falsehood are group among you, what is this if this false or this lie that some people came up with, this is referring to the incident of incident of if remember that, that unreturned from a certain expedition, I Chateau de la Mancha. She went to use the bathroom and the people left thinking that she was in her carriage. And when she returned to the

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place where the people had camped, she knows she realized that she had been left behind. So she stayed where they had camped, thinking that when they will realize that she is missing, they will come back to find her. So one of the one of the companions of the Prophet sallallahu were to send them any his job was to remain behind the caravan to ensure that nothing had been left behind. And so when he passed by, and he noticed her, he brought her back to Medina. But on seeing this the enemy of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam or the library obey the chief of the hypocrites. He said that the two had been up to something, meaning he accused them of Xena stuff that alighieri

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people did not even spare the wife of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and he This is the height of toxic male privilege. This news spread and people responded in different ways. This was certainly very hurtful for I shall de la Mourinho for the Prophet sallallahu to send them for their families, for their friends for the believers. But what does Allah subhanaw taala say? He says, Do not think it is bad for you. Rather, it is good for you, Allahu Akbar, any for the believer. There is nothing bad. Nothing at all. A slander like this, and remember me it took a long time I shall de la Mancha was sick. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was unsure. And then finally these

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verses were revealed after about a month, that entire ordeal alone primarily says do not think it is bad for you. Rather, it is good for you. How could it be good for you? Because there were so many good things that came out, especially for our Chateau de la Horan. her, her innocence was revealed her chastity, her fear of Allah, her piety was established, it was revealed by Allah subhanaw taala. What a great honor for her that Allah subhanaw taala is the one who defended her. And because of this false accusation, because of her patience on that her reward was also great. And of course, there was a great lesson in this incident for all believers to come and humiliation for those who

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falsely accused her people who speak carelessly, so don't think it is bad for you rather, it's

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is good for you. And for every person among them is What punishment he has earned from the sin. And he who took upon himself the greater portion they're off, meaning the person who initiated who invented the scandal of the love and obey, for him is a great punishment. Now, some lessons are being taught that why when you heard it did not the believing men and believing women think good of one another. This is the lesson to learn. And when anyone is accused, that Oh, so and so has committed Zima put yourself in their position, that if it was me in that situation, would I do something like that? So why didn't they think good of one another and say this is an obvious false?

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I mean, they should have rejected it immediately. Why did they mean who slandered not produce for it for witnesses, and when they do not produce the witnesses, then it is there in the sight of Allah who are liars. So remember, you don't prove innocence, you have to prove guilt. And if you cannot prove guilt, then you are guilty for accusing someone without evidence. And if it had not been for the favor of Allah upon you, and His mercy in this world and the Hereafter, you would have been touched for that lie in which you were involved by a great punishment.

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When you received it with your tongues, received it with your tongues, meaning the moment you heard about it, immediately you passed it on, the moment you read it immediately shared immediately forward, Kenny, we have to be very careful when you received it with your tongues and said with your mouth, that of which you have no knowledge. And you thought it was insignificant. It was not a big deal. While it was in the sight of Allah, tremendous. So we have to be very careful about the things we say the things we share the news we pass on, you know, sometimes we are so thrilled by sensational news that we cannot wait to share. But you think it is not that important? It's no big

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deal, meaning not not really a big sin. But in fact, it could be very, very great near Allah subhanaw taala. Even serien said that By Allah, I do not cry over the sins I have committed, rather I cry over sins, which I thought were insignificant, whereas they were big in the sight of Allah. Meaning I didn't even realize I didn't even think that you know, that they were sinful. But and the thing is that when a person does not think, does not realize that what they're doing is something serious in the sight of Allah that they will not even repent from it.

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Will Ola and why when you heard it, did you not say it is not for us to speak of this? Any even if you hear such information, you know, such news and people produce image after image that, you know, look at this screenshot and look at this picture and look at this, you know, video recording and all of that, look at this voice recording, even if such information is being passed around? Are you the judge? Are you Jani the jury? Is it that you have been called to pass a judgement? It has nothing to do with you. So it's best that you mind your own business? It is not for us to speak of this, stay away from such conversations. Exalted are You Oh Allah, this is a great slander, meaning you should

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have spoken against it you you should stop one another from talking about such things. Allah warns you against returning to the likes of this conduct ever, if you should be believers. So this shows us that the believers do not talk about such things, they do not accuse one another. They do not talk about scandals like this. And Allah makes clear to you the verses and Allah is Knowing and wise, Indeed, those who like that a morality should be spread among those who have believed will have a painful punishment in this world and the Hereafter, and Allah knows and you do not know. So, the fact is that a loss of primal target is not like an fabrication. He does not like immorality,

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and he does not like that people should talk about it. Why because when we talk about it, then it becomes common. And when it becomes common, then people more people committed more people talk about it. And then that feeling is gone from the heart that you know this is this is dirty, this is not clean stuff. So we should not talk about immorality at all. Our tongue should be clean, even our bass or even aroma any there were some with some of his with there. One of them. It is said that one of them was with his companions and some food was being served. And there was a slave woman over there who was working in their presence. And a man said to her, you know you called her or zania.

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zania is a woman who commits in like a prostitute. And there's, you know, equivalent insults that are used these days.

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Dress women.

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So he said, Oh zania he said quiet. If she does not exact the punishment from you in this world, she will take it from you in the next world. Meaning if you accuse her if you insult her with such a dirty word, Guinea she will take revenge. You are calling her azania this is not acceptable. So remember, all swear words, especially swear words that are lewd, we must not use them. No matter how angry we are, no matter how much we think the other person is worthy of it is deserving of it. Because if you think about it, a lot of such lewd you know, such swear words. What do they refer to they refer to indecent acts. They refer to sexual violence, sexual profanity. And some people have

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made it a habit to use such words. And they use them even you know, when they're talking to their own children, or over little petty things. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Allah does not like indecency. He hates the indecent person, and the one who seeks in decency. Any such indecent speech, shameless speech has nothing to do with Islam. It is not something that befits the believer. So whether it isn't jokes, okay, or in comedy, or in anger, or in regular conversations, or in song lyrics, whatever it is, Allah does not like lewd speech. So neither be the initiator, nor be the promoter. Don't even say such words, because when you will save them, you are promoting them.

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So stay away from such expressions, stay away from such words. And if it had not been for the favor of Allah upon you, and His mercy, and because Ally's kind and merciful, then you know what, you would be in great distress, there would be serious consequences for you for force for saying such you know, lewd, that words and such dirty talk, there would have been severe consequences, or you have believed, do not follow the footsteps of shaved on you see, these are footsteps of shape on worshiping takes you from one scene to another, and whoever follows the footsteps of shaitaan Indeed, he enjoys immorality and wrongdoing. And if not for the favor of Allah upon you and his

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mercy, not one of you would have been pure ever, but Allah purifies whom He wills and allies hearing and knowing. So we should ask Allah for forgiveness. And we should ask Allah for purity of tongue, y'all know, grant me a tongue that is clean. That no matter how angry I am, no matter how upset I am, or no matter how light I'm feeling, I don't resort to dirty words.

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And let not those of virtue among you and wealth, swear not to give aid to their relatives and the needy and the immigrants for the cause of a law and let them pardon and overlook allowed to hit buena el Faro law hula comb? Would you not like that a law should forgive you and allies Forgiving and Merciful. You see one of the people who spread the slander against I shall de la Honda was actually a relative of Abu Bakar de la hora, whom Abu Bakar would financially support. So what kind of de la Mora who was so hurt he was so angry that he decided never to offer him any financial help again? But Allah subhanaw taala interceded over here that no, you have money you're a virtuous

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person, so don't swear that you will never give him anything again. No, you are better than that. So forgive overlook Don't you want them to lash it forgive you? Amazing any This was such a serious offense. Imagine someone accuses your daughter of Xena. What would you do? Any you would want to chalk that person to death you would want to strangle him yourself? Any How dare you speak of my daughter like this? How dare you. But look at abaco de la hora and who Allah is telling him, forgive, overlook pardon. Because now if you forgive, Allah will forgive you. And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. So when Allah forgives, you should also forgive. So remember that the recompense for

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an action is similar to the action that has been done. The reward matches the good deed, and the punishment also matches the sin. So the one who forgives then Allah will forgive him as Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam said fire for your is a common law, you should show pardon and Allah will honor you, Allah will honor you. So remember, the tolerant and forbearing person is not the one who is tolerant when oppressed and vengeful when when he is able to take revenge. Rather if forbearing person is tolerant when oppressed and forgiving when he's able to take revenge. And remember that the person who forgives people actually puts himself at ease for dailyburn in Riyadh said that if

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you're able to take revenge fairly then do so otherwise opt for pardon, because it is a much broader door and the one who

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forgives and men's then his reward is due on Allah. And the one who forgives, sleeps in peace in his bed. And the one who takes revenge worries night and day because constantly he's thinking about how to take revenge. So forgive a millennial Muna more Sana indeed those who falsely accused chaste unaware and believing women are cursed in this world and the Hereafter, and they will have a great punishment. On a day when their tongues, their hands and their feet will bear witness against them as to what they used to do stuff at a law you see any people who are interested in such gossip, then yes, their tongue is involved. Their hands are also involved because now it's upon Allah. And it

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because of the fact that we're using our phones constantly typing hands are involved, and our feet are involved because you're going from place to place so that you can hear more, you can speak more. So their hand speed tongue are going to speak against them on the day of judgment that day, Allah will pay them in full their their deserved recompense, and they will know and they will know that it is Allah who is the perfect injustice. Evil words are for evil men, and evil men are subjected to evil words, meaning such words don't affect good people. And it is only evil people who will say such words, or this ayah means that bad men or for bad women and the Messenger of Allah sallallahu

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it is known as a play of men, his wife, Arusha was a young woman by iba and good words are for good men, they're worthy of it. And good men are an object of good words, those good people are declared innocent of what the slanderers See, meaning no matter how much they're accused, they're innocent. for them is forgiveness a noble provision? Why for their patience over hurtful words. So remember, your speech reflects who you are, what you talk about reflects your interests, you are what you say, and the person is recognized by their speech, you see your speech reflects your maturity or your immaturity and it reflects your flock also. Now, some rules are given more laws are given first was

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related to our speech. And now our actions, all you who have believed, do not enter houses other than your own houses, until you ascertain welcome and greet their inhabitants that is best for you. Perhaps you will remind you will be reminded meaning do not enter into people's homes without permission. seek permission, not say Salaam say your name. And once you have been granted permission, then you enter and if you do not find anyone there and do not enter them meaning of there is no answer, then it doesn't mean that okay, you open the door and peek inside No, don't enter until permission has been given to you. And if it is said to you go back, which means that you

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are allowed to refuse people from entering your homes. And if you don't want someone to enter your house at a certain time you have the right to say please come another time. So if it is said to you go back then go back, don't get offended, it is pure for you. And Allah is Knowing of what you do. There is no blame upon you for entering houses not inhabited meaning of public place like library or community center, any in which you have a reason to go You don't need to take permission may enter in which there is convenience for you, meaning you have a reason to go, then you don't need to take permission and Allah knows what you reveal and what you conceal. Now another command is being given,

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only meaning mean, your whole domain above sorry him all Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you tell the believing men to reduce some of their vision, meaning they should lower their gaze, men should guard their eyes. And they should also guard their private parts that is pure for them. Indeed, Allah is acquainted with what they do, meaning Allah knows their actions. Remember that the eye is the window to the heart, what the eye sees reaches the heart. So if a man's vision and this is a man, not a woman, because the verses related to women are coming ahead, so this is particularly about men. So if a man's vision falls on what he should not be looking at, then what is the

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etiquette that we're being taught here, that the man should turn his gaze away? You see, men are particularly sensitive to visual cues, it is commonly said that men are visual. So what they look at can easily trigger you know, arousal. So it is especially necessary for men to control their eyes. And in general, also, men should practice you know, lowering their gaze, that if a woman is before them, and sometimes even she's covered, and you keep staring at her and you find that one stray hair coming out of her hijab, you know, before telling her to go hide in her house, perhaps you should lower your gaze. Sometimes the fitness inside it is not outside. So when a woman senses that

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fitnah inside. When a man senses that fitna inside then he should look away, he should move on. If a woman's voice is causing a problem, you know her presence is calling a problem that causing a problem then please, with all due respect, scroll on. And when a man controls his eyes, remember, only then he is able to control his thoughts, his actions and his behavior. And the man who will guard his eye will guard himself against major sins. And remember, when a man leaves something for the sake of Allah, then Allah will give him what is better, Allah will give him satisfaction through what is lawful. And if a man is careless about this, then remember Yamaha in our union our motto is

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sudo, Allah knows the treachery of the eyes and what the chests conceal. Allah knows when he is looking at something when a man is looking at something wrong secretly, while others may not be watching, Allah knows what what the man's mind is imagining. So remember, that even the eyes commit Zina. This is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he advised rd they'll do a lot more angle that do not give a second look. or early. Because while you are not to blame for the first, you have no right to the second, meaning the first time you look at something, you know, unintentionally, your eyes fall in something inappropriate. You're not accountable for that for that accident. But

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what you are responsible for is the second one when you choose to look at that again. So whether it is a drawing or a person, an adult or a child, a video or a magazine, or a billboard, practice self restraint. And when you practice that self restraint when a man lowers his eyes, and remember Allah subhanaw taala he appreciates this a lot. We don't in a Hadith, three eyes will not see the fire on the Day of Judgment. The eye that weeps from the fear of Allah, the eye that guards in the way of Allah meaning it stays away guarding people in the way of Allah and the eye that was lowered from looking at prohibited things. Allah knows the effort that a person is putting, you know the self

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control that a man is practicing, Allah knows that and he will reward him for that. So lower the gaze, and then next, protect the private part. Meaning cover your body properly, do not expose it and and also guard the private part from doing what is unlawful. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said guarantee six things to me, and I will guarantee you paradise. When you speak, speak the truth when you promise fulfilled. When you are trusted, then fulfill the trust. guard your private part, lower your gaze and keep your hands to yourself.

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Now, next ayah and oh Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tell the believing women to reduce some of their vision, meaning women should also guard their eyes because women also have desire, and they will also be held accountable, so they should be careful, and they should guard their private parts, meaning they should also protect themselves from committing Zina, and an additional instruction for women. They should not expose their adornment, except that which necessarily appears they're off, meaning they should cover their adornment. But then no matter how much a woman covers herself, there will be something that will still show you know her eyes or hands or hide the small jewelry that

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she's wearing on her hands perhaps. So there is no any extreme difficulty that has been created in our religion. So what do we see here we see that a woman should not expose her Xena her adornment.

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This doesn't mean that she should not adorn herself. No, she should adorn herself, but she should cover herself. How should she cover her adornment? Allah subhanaw taala teaches the way and what is that and to wrap a portion of their head covers over their chests, meaning they should use a head cover to cover their adornment whether it is whether that adornment is you know on the on the hair or it is you know on the chest and they should cover that that adornment with a head covering. And this means that you know for example there is makeup or there's jewelry they should cover that and especially what is mentioned here is that they should place a part of that head covering over their

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chest need to further cover and conceal the chest because that is a major part of a woman's beauty. Unfortunately, many women will wear the scarf but they fail to cover the neck and the chest correctly. Remember, a portion of the headscarf should be put on the chest. You need the shirt or the dress the turtleneck is not enough. You have to take apart

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Have your female have your hijab and place that on your chest. So where should they cover their adornment? It is clarified over here and not expose their adornment except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands, fathers meaning father in law, their sons, their husbands, sons, their brothers, their brothers, sons, their sisters, sons, they're women, meaning within their social circles as long as there are no men present, that which the right hands possess, this is referring to slaves, not servants, or those male attendants having no physical desire. This is extremely old men, or children who are not yet aware of the private aspects of women meaning little boys. But if

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they have learned about these things, through movies and through school curriculum, then no, and let them not stamp their feet to make known what they conceal of their adornment. So we see here that it's listed in so much detail Anywho, a woman is allowed to reveal her adornment before any, all of this detail is for what is it useless? Is it for no reason? Look at the length of this ayah. And it's unfortunate that, you know, we will read these if but we will go on living our lives as if these verses don't exist. This should not be our attitude, we have to take this very seriously. And then it is mentioned at the end that let them not stand their feet, meaning walk in such a way that

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the adornment that they're concealing becomes evident, meaning they should not walk in a way to, you know, deliberately to attract people to their beauty, meaning such clothing or shoes, or a manner of walking, because of which people begin to stare at her. Now this in no way means that it is the responsibility of women to ensure that men are not tempted. No, we see that the men were commanded first to lower their eyes, every person is responsible for themselves. But at the same time, we must not forget that a person is also a product of their environment, our behaviors are guided by our internal mechanism, meaning what we think what we decide that affects our behavior. And there's also

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external forces, meaning our environment that also affects our behavior. And there's plenty of research, you know, that shows that our environment does have an impact. So we see that individuals are taught to take responsibility for themselves, lower your gaze, right, but it must also be acknowledged that the environment affects them. So this is the reason why men are told to lower their gaze and guard their private parts meaning to cover themselves. And women are also told, lower your gaze and guard your private part. But women, because generally men are more attracted to women. And it's it's well known. I mean, if that was not the case, then why would we have women, you know,

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used in advertisements to sell cars, any soprano law, you go to any car show and what you will see is women who are scantily dressed, for what reason, any advertisement you need, the cheapest things also are being sold on TV how with a beautiful woman. Why? Because men in general are attracted to women more than women are attracted to men's physical beauty. This is any indisputable, this is effect. So this is why women are taught here to not reveal their adornment. So imagine now if Despite this, any a woman is covering herself, and a man has been told to lower his gaze, yet he harasses her, yet he fails to lower his gaze and control himself, then that is really a proof of his

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own evil than a woman is not responsible. So let us not blame women, for what you know, for for what the men do. And despite the fact that women are covering themselves, so these are not the things that you know, people have said these are verses of Allah subhanaw taala. And this is the reason why it's important for us to talk about these concepts very clearly. And this is a truth that many people find uncomfortable, and it's almost become, you know, politically incorrect to talk about such things. But it is our responsibility to remind one another because Allah subhanaw taala has made the sutra an obligation. So the truth must be conveyed. And the responsibility is on each

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individual. It is up to us as to how we follow the commands of Allah. What to eat Allahu gymea on a you help me noon, and turn to Allah in repentance, all of you are believers, meaning not just the men, but the women also, not just the women, but the men also, every single believer must make Toba to Allah, y la la come to flee Hoon so that you might succeed. You see Toba is that a person turns back meaning they leave the wrong that they're doing

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But that is only possible. If a person acknowledges There are several ways to turn back to a law to change your course of action. And sometimes this means changing your manner of dress, changing your manner of walk, changing your manner of interacting with the opposite gender. And remember that Toba is to repent immediately from disobedience and he with feelings of regret, to not delay to not be lazy in leaving sin. It means that a person acknowledges their sin with humility, that they feel bad, they humble themselves before Allah and they seek Allah's forgiveness your love, forgive me for what I did in ignorance, and then tell by is that a person replaces those things with good deeds to

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erase those sins. Because sometimes what happens is that of that, you know, for example, a woman is going out, revealing her Zina and then later on Autobot Oba Sofitel, I shouldn't have done that. No, this is not total Toba is that with guilt with humility, you know there's there is a real there is a visible change. And when a person fears the punishment of Allah, when a person hopes for the reward that is with Allah, then they rush to repent, when they regret over their sin, when they have love for Allah azza wa jal when they realize that Allah is watching them, and they feel Alice parotitis favors upon them, then they cannot sit without making Toba. They turn to Allah. Allah forgive me,

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because it is not. You see our actions, you know, forget about people. People can say whatever they want, at the end of the day, what matters is what Allah will say regarding our deeds, our matters should be good. It should be clean with Allah subhanaw taala and marry the unmarried among you meaning Don't let people remain single, help them get married, and the righteous among your male slaves and female slaves. So the people who have reached marriageable age and find a suitable match for them and get them married, meaning don't leave people single. Marriage is not just for the doctors and engineers, for people who are perfect for girls who are, you know, perfect with

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beautiful hair, marriages for every adult. And this responsibility to help them get married is on the entire community, not just the parents, if they should be poor, Allah will enrich them from his bounty, and Allah is all encompassing and knowing. You see many times when people think about financial constraints related to getting married, it is the wedding expenses that they're more concerned about because we have made our weddings into shows and a complete waste of wealth, the dresses, the decorations, the entrance, you know, the videography, the food, all of that just to impress. Remember Nika blesses wealth, and wastefulness makes room for shaytaan. Allah dislikes for

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us to waste our money. And we will cut out the Longhorn who said obey Allah in what he has commanded you have nikka and Allah will fulfill for you what He has promised you of Rena, meaning he will enrich you He will give you financial independence. But let them who find out the means for marriage abstain from sexual relations until Allah enriches them from his bounty. He Yes, it is hard to wait. Sometimes a loneliness gets to a person but just because they're not able to find the right person yet, it does not mean that they let go of the boundaries that Allah subhanaw taala has set. And those who seek a contract for eventual emancipation from among whom your right hands possess meaning

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your slaves, then make a contract with them. If you know there is within them, goodness, and give them from the wealth of a love which he has given you. Meaning if if a slave wants to buy their freedom and cooperate, and do not compel your slave girls to prostitution, and the desire chastity, to seek thereby the temporary interests of worldly life. So pimps are being addressed over here that stop this business of prostitution, do not compel a woman to do this, and financially benefit from exploiting her and if someone should compel them, meaning if a woman is compelled into this, than Indeed Allah is to them after their compulsion Forgiving and Merciful, because she never wanted to

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do that act anyway. And We have certainly sent down to you distinct verses and examples from those who passed on before you and an admonition for those who fear Allah. Allah who knows CML if you will, oh, Allah is the light of the heavens and the earth, meaning Allah is the Creator of light, and the giver of light, the one who is himself light, he is the source of physical and spiritual light. His book is *, his guidance is *, he himself is *, and the example of his light, meaning the guidance that he gives is like a niche within which is a lamp. The lamp is within glass, the glass as if it were a pearly white star, lit from the oil of a blessing olive tree, neither of

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the East nor

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The West who's oil would almost glow, even if untouched by fire, noon on Allah new light upon light, what a bright light because all the elements of purity and brightness have been combined over here. There is a reflecting niche, a burning lamp, a reflective crystal globe and the purest fuel, Allah guides to his light whom He wills and Allah presents examples for the people. And Allah is Knowing of all things. So this is the light of Eman Newton Arla *. The first is the light of Eman And when the light of Quran is added to it, then it only augments that light and there is light upon light, complete enlightenment illumination awakening. So when a person is given a man, this is

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something that enlightens a person from within their internal and their external, how within them, there is the light of fitpro than the light of a man which lights the wick of the lamp than the light of knowledge. There is that beautiful oil, so there is clarity, there's shutter Southern, there is conviction. And then there external is also enlightened. So the actions are beautiful, they're consistent. The person is steadfast, they're productive, they're useful, they're blessed said and then they also bring light to their surroundings, enlightening those around them. And notice how this has mentioned right after verses that talk about lowering the gaze supanova you see

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when a person lowers their gaze from what is not right to look at, then Allah subhanaw taala blesses them with insight. Allah subhanaw taala blesses them with the ability to see things for what they really are. Allah endows them with wisdom. feeble youth in Edina Lucha until Farah when youth coffee has smooth who used to be hula houfy habla hoodoo We will also on such leashes are in mosques which Allah has ordered to be raised, meaning they must be built, and that his name be mentioned there in exalting him within them in the morning and in the evenings. So we should also light up our homes with the vicar of Allah, with Salah with the recitation of the Quran. We shouldn't just light up our

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homes with decorative lights. The real light is the light of a man it is of, of Allah, it is of righteous action of Riba. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said perform some of your prayers in your homes, and do not make them into graveyards as the Jews and Christians did. And the house in which the Quran is recited is seen by the inhabitants of the sky as stars are seen by the inhabitants of Earth. You see in the month of Ramadan, a lot of people like to, you know, create that festive feeling at home and brighten things up and put decorated lights and that's okay. But remember the real light in your home, what is really going to make your house shine and enlightened,

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is the presence of the vicar of Allah is the presence of the recitation of the Quran when Salah is performed together.

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These are men whom neither commerce nor sale distracts from the remembrance of Allah and performance of prayer and giving of zakat. Here specifically, those men are being praised, who, despite their work are not distracted from Sunnah. They make time to remember Allah, they're particular about zakat. They fear a Day in which the hearts and eyes will fearfully turn about that Allah May reward them according to the best of what they did, and increase them from his bounty. And Allah gives provision to whom He wills without account. So sometimes people compromise and their ibadah out of fear of losing money. And we see here that Salah brings risk, the cat also grows wealth, and the

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reward of the hereafter for being consistent in worship, that reward is endless. On the contrary, but those who disbelieved their deeds are like a mirage in a lowland which a thirsty one thinks is water. And what deception, amusing themselves in their ignorance, until when he comes to it, he finds it is, he finds it is nothing but finds a lot before him, and he will pay him in full his do And Allah is swift in account. So remember, this world is like a mirage, a person keeps chasing the water, but when he gets there it is nothing. And the actions of people who live with disbelief. their deeds are like a mirage because they think they're doing something good, but when they make it

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to the author, when they see their record end, they will they will find nothing good to save them. Or they are like darknesses within an unfathomable sea is very deep, which is covered by waves upon which our waves over which are clouds darknesses some of them upon others, when one puts out his hand there and he can hardly see it. A person isn't

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To even recognize himself and he to whom Allah has not granted light. For him, there is no light. So we see that where some people have been given the light of Eman, the light of Quran of guidance, there are other people who are in depths of darkness. So we should ask Allah subhanaw taala for noon, allow majority of colombina raw, ask Allah for noon. And I'm Tara, do you not see that Allah is Exalted by whomever is within the heavens and the earth, and by the birds with wingspread. Meaning even while they're flying, they're making the speed. Each of them has known his means of prayer and exalting him. And Allah is Knowing of what they do. And to Allah belongs the dominion of

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the heavens and the earth and to Allah is the destination. Do you not see that a lot drives clouds, then he brings them together, then he makes them into a mass. And you see the rain emerge from within it. And he This is the benefit of coming together, of being gentle, of cooperating with each other smart, small cloudlets that are scattered over the horizon can bring no rain. But when clouds gather together, they join together, then look at the beautiful benefit that they bring. And he sends down from the sky mountains of clouds within which is hail, and he strikes with it whom He wills and averts it from whom He wills, the flash of its lightning almost takes away the eyesight.

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Allah alternates the night and the day indeed, and that is a lesson for those who have vision, any there's something to learn from rain also sapan Allah will love mahalo kakula de Botton mimma, Allah has created every living creature from water, one water, and so much variety. And all of them are those that move on their bellies. And all of them are those that walk on two legs and of them are those that walk on for. And then there's some that have even more legs than that. Allah creates what He wills, indeed, a law over all things is competent. We have certainly sent down distinct verses, and Allah guides whom He wills to a straight path. But the hypocrites say, we have believed in the

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law and in the messenger and we obey, meaning they verbally say that and their actions don't show at all, then a party of them turns away after that. And those are not believers. And when they're called to the words of Allah and His messenger to judge between them that look at what the Quran says, Let's follow that at once a party of them turns aside, meaning they refuse right away. But if the right is theirs, they come to him in prompt obedience, meaning when they know that the ruling in the Quran is in their favor, they will come right away. But when they know that it is something that goes against their nuts against their desire, then they stay away. Is their disease in their hearts,

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or have they doubted? Or do they fear that a lot will be adjusted them or his messenger? Rather, it is they who are the wrongdoers? This is why they don't want to learn what the Quran says and they don't want to follow it

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was possible to give us sincere EMA real email. The only statement of the true believers when they are called to Allah and His messenger to judge between them is that they say Sameera. Now what Aparna we hear and we obey? And yes, sometimes there's that hesitation in the heart that fear that how can I bring about such a huge change? What will people say? You know, there are these fears, but remind yourself Sameer now what Aparna tabacalera Lama you know, put your trust in Allah. And look at our last promise, what una ecomondo, flee home, and those are the successful, you're not going to miss out, you're not going to lose out it is those who are the successful and whoever obeys Allah

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and His messenger and fears Allah and is conscious of him when he is those who are the attainers look at this lovely home for his own. Who are these people, there are those who respond to Allah and His messenger. And they swear by Allah, their strongest oath, that if you ordered them, they would go forth in a lost cause meaning there are some people who just like to please you with their words, say, Do not swear. Such obedience is known, obedience is visible, it is an action. Indeed, Allah is acquainted with that which you do, say, obey Allah and obey the messenger. But if you turn away, then upon him is only that duty with which he has been charged meaning to convey and upon you is

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that with which you have been charged, meaning you're supposed to now do your part, the ball is in your court, what until the router do and if you obey Him, you will be rightly guided. This is the standard of guidance, because who is who revealed the Quran and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam it is a law. So the one who follows the Prophet sallallahu radiocentre obeys him, then only that person is guided and there is not upon the messenger except the responsibility for clear notification now

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To ensure whether people have obeyed or not, Allah has promised those who have believed among you, and unrighteous deeds, that He will surely grant them succession to authority upon the earth. And he Allah will, will grant you success, just as He granted it to those before them, and that He will surely established for them they are in their religion, which he has preferred for them, and that He will surely substitute for them after their fear, security for their worship me not associating anything with me. But whoever disbelieves after that, then those are the defiantly disobedient and established prayer and gives a cat and obey the messenger, that you may receive mercy larhonda come

01:50:41 --> 01:51:26

to her moon, these verses are so encouraging, so uplifting, never think that the disbelievers are causing failure to Allah upon the earth, their refuge will be the fire and how wretched the destination, or you will have believed, let those whom your right hands possess, and those who have not yet reached puberty among you, meeting your little children, let them ask permission of you, before entering meaning your room at three times, meaning even little children should not walk in or open the bedroom door whenever they feel like it, which three times specifically before the dawn prayer, and secondly, when you put aside your clothing for rest at noon, and thirdly, after the

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night prayer, these are three times of privacy for you. How beautiful is our religion, where a husband and wife are given privacy even from their own children Subhana Allah. So, this shows us how important the relationship between a husband and wife is because only when you know that that connection is solid, then the family can be can be taken care of. And this shows is that

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you know, parents have to be careful you need they should not undress before their little children either. There is no blame upon you, nor upon them beyond these three times, meaning the rest of the day, any they should have children should have the freedom to call in and out for they continually circulate among you, some of you among others. Thus does Allah make clear to you the verses and Allah is Knowing and wise. And you see some people need some parents when they co sleep with their children, it's fine, but then any you have to make sure that the that the marriage is not being compromised, the relationship between husband and wife has not been compromised because of the

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children that are co sleeping and the boundaries have to be drawn sooner or later. So these are important instructions that are Lost Planet Allah has given for our own benefit. And when the children among you reach puberty, let them ask permission, meaning at all times when entering the house, or entering the bedroom of a married couple, as those before them have done. Thus does Allah make clear to you his verses and Allah is Knowing and wise, and women of post menstrual age who have no desire for marriage, there is no blame upon them for putting aside their outer garments. outer garment is referring to the hijab, only the jilbab or you know there are by etc. The big shawl that

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a woman wears to cover herself. And an elderly woman who is no longer expecting that she will ever get married any because of the physical difficulty. It's okay for her to not wear a big hijab anymore, but not displaying adornment, so they can remove their shawl but not display their beauty. So this means that if she has makeup on and jewelry, nice colorful clothes, and you know the hair is also done, and she's got a young spirit, then she's got to observe the rulings which are for a young body, but to modestly refrain from that is better for them. And Allah is hearing and knowing there is not upon the blind any constraint, nor upon the lame constraint, nor upon the ill constraint or

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upon yourselves when you eat from your own houses or the houses of your father's support of law. You see, first people with disabilities are mentioned, meaning they should be included in our social gatherings that we cannot, you know, leave them out that all because they're different or because, you know, they will cause the problem where we have to make special accommodations. And because of that we're not welcoming them. No, every single person should be welcome in social gatherings. So it begins with those who are generally neglected. People with disabilities they should be included, they should not be left out. So there is no blame. If you eat from your houses, meaning your own

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houses or the houses of your fathers or the houses of your mothers or the houses of your brothers or the houses of your sisters or the houses of your father's brothers, or the houses of your father's sisters or the houses of your mother's brothers, or the houses of your mother sisters or from houses whose keys you possess or from the houses of your friend. The friend is also mentioned, there is no blame upon you whether you eat together or separately, but when you enter

01:55:00 --> 01:55:36

Her houses give greetings of peace upon each other, a greeting from Allah bless it and good meaning when you enter a house, whether it is your own, or it is your friends where you have been invited or your families. And he says salam, when you enter, don't enter like a thief say salam does does Allah make clear to you the verses of ordinance that you may understand. So we see here that specifically eating has been mentioned that there's no blame if you eat from the houses of these people that are mentioned here. But if you sounds that, you know, for example, you go to your brother's house and you're eating cheesecake out of his refrigerator, if you realize that he's not exactly comfortable

01:55:36 --> 01:56:12

sharing that cheesecake with you then respect that. But notice how the houses of your children has not been mentioned here. Because your children houses are like your own. You have the right to eat from your kids house, whatever you want. And the friend is also mentioned here because sometimes friends become even closer than relatives. And there is nothing wrong with that. Of course, a person cannot neglect the rights of the relatives, but the friends that Allah has blessed you with any they should also be cherished in them and will be known alladhina amanu Bella who are solely the believers are only those who believe in Allah and His messenger. And when they're meeting with him

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for a matter of common interest, do not depart until they have asked his permission, meaning they don't just leave like that. Indeed, those who ask your permission or Prophet sallallahu, or to send them those are the ones who believe in Allah and His Messenger, not those who just disappear without taking permission. So when they ask your permission for something of their affairs, then give permission to whom you will among them and ask forgiveness for them of Allah. Why ask forgiveness because even one's work one's responsibility. This is not correct. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. Do not make your calling of the messenger among yourselves as the call of one of you to

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another meeting when the Prophet sallallahu where it is and and calls you to something. Don't consider that as a you know, as an invitation from somebody else take that call very, very seriously. Already, Allah knows those of you who slip away, concealed by others, and the hypocrites would do this, so that those beware who descend from the profits order, lest fitness track them or painful punishment. Meaning when a person knowingly disobeys the messenger sallallahu, where to send them that they're at risk, at risk of fitna unquestionably, to Allah belongs whatever isn't the heavens and the earth. Already, he knows that upon which you stand for the Arla moment and tomorrow

01:57:29 --> 01:58:21

LA and knows the day when they will be returned to Him and He will inform them of what they have done. And Allah is Knowing of all things. So we should make sure that our matter with Allah subhanaw taala is clear. sooner. TOEFL con Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim, de Bella can Latina zenfulcolor ana de Li akuna de la la mina de la bless it is he who said down the criterion, the Quran upon his servant, that he may be to the world's a warner called honest for all, he to whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth. He is the one who has sent the Koran and who has not taken a son and has not had a partner in dominion, and has created each thing and determined it with precise

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determination. And you see, this determination means that the creation is not random. It's not haphazard, everything is planned and decreed and decided from before. In fact, we learned that Allah subhanaw taala decreed the other of the creation 50,000 years before he created the heavens and the earth, but they have taken besides and Gods which create nothing while they are created and possess not for themselves any harm or benefit and possess not power to cause death or life or resurrection. And those who disbelieve say, this is not except a false hood he invented meaning they don't believe in the Quran. And another people assisted him in it, but they have committed an injustice and a lie.

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And they say legends of the former peoples which he has written down, and they are dictated to him morning and afternoon. So the doubt the truthfulness of the Quran say it has been revealed by he who knows every secret within the heavens and the earth. Indeed, he is ever Forgiving and Merciful. People don't have knowledge of themselves with which they can guide one another. Allah is the one who knows everything. And he is the one who has sent this revelation. And they say what is the and they say what is this messenger that eats food and walks in the markets and he should have been some superhuman. Why was there not sent down to him an angel so he would be with him and Warner meaning

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how come and Angeles and accompany him all the time and Angel whom we can see. You see the prophets were humbled men. They were human beings and their honor their dignity wasn't being humans, and at the same time slaves to Allah soprano tada

02:00:00 --> 02:00:43

So yes, the prophets of Allah ate food. They walked in the markets, meaning they earned their own income. They weren't arrogant. They were humble servants to Allah, or why is it not? Or why is not a treasure presented to him from heaven? Or does he not have a garden from which he eats? And the wrongdoer say, you follow not but a man affected by magic. Look, how this trick for you comparisons, but they have strayed. So they cannot find a way, meaning they keep changing their mind, they are themselves confused. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is comforted here, who can lady bless it is he who if he will, could have made for you something better than that he could have made for

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you gardens beneath which rivers will meeting in this world and could make for you palaces, but they have denied the hour. And we have prepared for those who deny that our a Blaze and the demands of such people are not fulfilled. When the Hellfire sees them from a distant place, they will hear its fury and roaring. And when they're thrown into a narrow place they're in bound in chains, they will cry out there upon for destruction, they will be told Do not cry this day, for one destruction, but cry for much destruction. say is that better, or the garden of eternity which is promised to the righteous it will be for them a reward and destination final home. For them their aim is whatever

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they wish while abiding eternally, it is ever upon your Lord a promise worthy to be requested and mentioned the day he will gather them and that which they worship besides Allah, and will say did you mislead bees, my servants? Or did they themselves stray from the way they will say Exalted are You it was not for us to take besides you.

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They will say Exalted are You it was not for us to take besides you any allies, but you provided comforts for them and their fathers until they forgot the message and became a people ruined. So they will deny you in what you say and you cannot avoid punishment or find help and whoever commits injustice among you, new vehicle who are either been Kabira we will make him taste a great punishment. And we did not send before you will profit any of the messengers except that they ate food and walked in the markets they were human. And we have made some of you people as trial for others would borrow back home liberal in fitna turn at us be rune. Allah is asking us will you have

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patience, will cannot have bukoba. sila, and ever is your Lord seeing. So we see here that some people are literally a trial for others. Sometimes this is within the same household where certain individuals don't get along. They're constantly a source of trial, a test for one another. Parents are a test for their children and children are a test for their parents. And then this test is also outside of the house where a rich person can be a test for a poor person, any he keeps looking at him that Oh, he has so much and I don't so he becomes envious. Sometimes a poor person can be a test for the rich that why is he begging me he's lazy, He's useless. The sick person, the sick person can

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be a test for the healthy that you know they have to be looked after. Now. So many people are a test for one another. a dustbin alone, are you going to be patient? Meaning Are you going to be patient over the hurtful things that people say to you? And this is a fact that people as long as they're together, you know, yes, they will love each other, but they will also be a trial for one another. So no matter who it is that you sit with, that you work with, that you live with, that you marry, there will be problems, there will be annoyances, there will be hurt and irritation. So Allah asks us and us be rude, you better because what cannot bookable Allah, your Lord is watching me Allah

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subhanaw taala not make us a trial for one another meaning a trial that is very difficult. Melissa penalty Allah grant us patience with each other. MLS palletizer keep us firm on his obedience regardless of the situation that we are in. inshallah we'll conclude here so Chronicle la humo behenic A Chateau a la ilaha illa Anta istockphoto A to LA Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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