Taimiyyah Zubair – Ramadan with Quran (Juz 10)

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The importance of reciting the Quran in war booty is emphasized, along with the need for patient and reflective action to avoid mistakes and avoid negative consequences. The importance of sharing love and respect for others, as well as avoiding giving up on one's religion is emphasized. The speaker also emphasizes the need to practice religion and be present in a culture, as well as protecting oneself and one's wealth. The importance of not apologizing for one's actions and not apologizing for one's own success is emphasized, particularly those facing hardship.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

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are the belay Amina Shea Pinilla, Jean Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim wa Salatu was Salam where a lot of Sudan Karim Baba shortly saw that he was where silly empty white Little Rock data melissani Yahoo Kohli a lot of money the quality was said the listen he was sold schemata Colby I mean you have a banana mean

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are the lemon was Rue de la de la Mora who would say that whoever wants to know if he loves Allah should present himself before the Quran. If he loves the Quran, then that means he loves Allah.

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Because the Quran is the speech of Allah, the mighty and majestic. And this is something that we all need to think about, as well. We all claim that we love Allah, but our love for Allah is proven by our relationship with the Quran. How frequently is it, that we pick it up? How much is it that we enjoy listening to it, or reading it, or learning its meanings and reflecting upon it? May Allah subhanaw taala increases in our love for the Quran, and increases in his love.

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We see that the companions, they used to like to spend more time with the Quran. And this is the reason why they would not rush in completing its recitation. So we learned that once Mohammed urbania, here he was, he mentioned that he was sitting with someone. Sorry, yeah, haven't said he said that once Mohammed urbania here and I were sitting down, and well how much called a man over to him and said to him, that tell me what have you heard from your father? So the man replied that his father had told him that he went to Zaid urban Sabbath, it'll do a lot more in whom the Companion of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. And he asked him that what do you think of reciting the

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entire Quran in seven days?

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So they don't belong on who said that is good, but I prefer to recite the Quran in two weeks or 10 days. Ask me why that is. He said, I asked you then, and say there'll be a lot more and who said so that I can reflect upon it and pause in it. This is why it is important that as we spend more time with the Quran, especially in its recitation, we don't just focus on the recitation of the words, it is important that we also reflect upon its meanings. So take your time, and enjoy the recitation. And I I hope inshallah, that this class that we are doing, as we're spending more time reading the translation. I hope inshallah, this is something that is making your recitation more enjoyable.

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We learned that Mohammed bin garble Chua Lee said, that were I to recite in my night until the morning only solid in asila, till out and sort of Carrera, meaning just to suit us. That is all I recite in my night prayer over and over again and reflecting upon them. This would be more beloved to me than reciting the Quran quickly, or tossing it aside like cheap dates, cheap dates, meaning something that you don't really give much value to. So you just cast it aside. So don't treat the Quran like that. Don't treat the words of the Quran like that, that you're just rushing to complete it without paying attention to its meaning. So Alhamdulillah we are given the opportunity to reflect

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over every juice, and I hope and pray that this becomes an aid for us in making our recitation more meaningful and more enjoyable. In Sharla.

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Just number 10 Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim We're number two and number one in two min Shay in for anelli la hermosa, who will Illa soon when he will come back. Well, yeah. Well, Mr. Keeney Wabi Sabi in kuntum Amman to Billa woman and zelner Allah Albertina young well for Conn young, multiple Jamin will la who are on our coalition in Cadiz, and know that anything you obtain of war booty, then indeed for Allah is one fifth of it, and for the messenger and for his near relatives and the orphans, the needy and the traveler, if you have believed in Allah, and in that which we sent down to our servant on the day of criterion, the day when the two armies met, and Allah over all things

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is competent. This ayah is the answer to the question that

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was mentioned in the first verse of the sutra. And we see that the answer is being given 40 verses later, the people inquired, and they disputed over the spoils of war that were obtained from the victory at birth. But before teaching the law, before giving the answer, important lessons were given. At times, we want immediate answers. We want immediate solutions. But Allah subhanaw taala in his wisdom, and in his knowledge, gives them to us at the time that he has set, of course, in the weight is a lot of pain. But through the process is much learning, which at times is far more important than the very answer, and the solution that we're seeking. So instead of getting

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exasperated with the weight, let us focus on what is being taught. You see, waiting is something that allows a person to become more attentive, it allows a person to look more carefully to think better, and to understand better. So remember, Allah subhanaw taala has not forgotten, nor has he abandoned you. But there are things for you to learn right now that perhaps you wouldn't otherwise learn. So the companions they disputed about the war booty, and before telling them who gets what Allah subhanaw taala taught so many important lessons that we read yesterday. Now when it comes to aneema, war booty, remember, minima is the spoils of war. It is the wealth that is acquired by

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defeating the enemy. And it is a natural outcome of victory. Because in the aftermath of a battle, the army that flees, leaves behind something or the other, and arms and weapons are valuable items that should not be discarded. So it was not going to be Finders keepers law anymore. The spoils were to be divided according to a fair and just system. Remember that the purpose of war in Islam is never to acquire the spoils of war, the purpose of war is far greater. But when it comes to property, wealth, even though it is dunya, it has its sanctity. And this is why we cannot lay claim over whatever property we find, nor can we acquire it through however, means that we please, Islam

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guides us with regards to all of these matters. So remember, first of all, that the spoils of war are actually an Amana. They're a sacred trust. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, hand over the needle and the thread even or what is less than that, and beware of perjury, for it will be a source of shame and regret for a person on the Day of Judgment. This teaches us that any property that belongs to a state or an organization, or that is being collected for a certain cause, then we don't have a right over it until it is given to us legally, especially when it comes to property that is for a lost cause. For example, the cat money that that is being collected, then we must fear

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Allah regarding that. Sometimes people collect food, donations, clothing, items, etc, for a charitable cause. So the individuals who are appointed to collect that wealth, and to manage it, are not allowed to take any of it, except through the process that anybody else can. So if ever you happen to volunteer for such a cause, or work for a cause, like that, then keep this in mind. Remember, cheating an individual stealing from an individual is wrong. But cheating, stealing from an organization is worse. And cheating. stealing from the wealth that has been collected in Allah's Name is much worse. So we should all be very, very careful with regards to this. We learned that a

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man from the side of the Muslims was killed in one of the battles. So the people said congratulations to him for getting jedna and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said no by him in whose hand my soul is, the sheet which he stole from the war booty before its distribution on the day of labor is now burning over him.

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So this is something very frightening that the wealth that does not belong to us, we cannot take it just because we have access to it. I'm alive. And I'm going to have been asked reported that when the prophets of Allah who were to send them gained war booty, meaning as a result of a certain battle, he ordered milagro de la hora and who to make a public announcement. So Bilal made a public announcement, meaning everybody should bring whatever they found in the battlefield. And when the people brought their

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There are things whichever they had collected, the prophets of Allah who were to send them would according to the love of Allah divided. Then after that a man brought some a rope which is used as rains. And that rope was made with hair, animal hair. And the man said, O Messenger of Allah, this is part of the booty that we got. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Did you hear the lad making the announcement three times? He replied, Yes. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asked him what prevented you from bringing it, and the man made some excuse. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Be as you are, you may bring it on the Day of Judgment, because I

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will not accept it from you. This is something so frightening, that if a person steals if a person takes from what is public wealth, then this is something that is going to bring such a person disgraced humiliation, punishment, on the day of judgment. Now, since Allah subhanaw taala, has permitted the spoils of war for the oma of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and remember that in the, in the previous prophetic communities, this was not the case, before the distribution, it has to be collected, all of it has to be collected in one place. And then according to this ayah, we see that a homeless a fifth has to be set aside for Allah. Not because Allah is in need of it,

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but because this battle was for the sake of Allah, and victory was by the help of Allah. So a portion of this property is for Allah. And this portion, which is for a lot of the homeless, this has to be distributed, the 150 it has to be distributed between the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And the the certain members of the society which are mentioned over here, amongst whom are mainly the weak and the poor. Because this way, wealth is is fairly distributed among people. And then the remaining four portions of the war booty there to be divided among those who participated in the battle, according to the expenses that they incurred

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in underbelly of the wetted dounia. Well, homebuilder oduah. Two costs were what lockable SLM income. Remember, when you were on the near side of the valley, Allah subhanaw. taala is reminding the believers of how the Battle of budget came about that when you were to the to the side which was closer to Medina, and they were on the farther side and the caravan was lower in position, the entire scene is being mentioned here. It was lower in position venue. So Sofia was taking the caravan safely from a different route to Mecca. If you had made an appointment to meet for battle, you would have missed the appointment, meaning one of you would not have showed up. Why? Because war

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is not easy. So Allah subhanaw taala made the situation such that both armies ended up facing each other. But it was so that Allah might accomplish a matter already destined that those who perished through this belief would perish upon evidence, and those who lived in faith would live upon evidence. And indeed, Allah is hearing and knowing. So remember, the Battle of butter was not actually planned. The Muslims were only 313. Why, because they had left to intercept the caravan of Abu sufian. And in the meantime, an army from Makkah came to defend it. And Abu sufian safely escaped by changing his route. And now the Muslims were left to face the army, they found themselves

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in a situation that they had neither planned for, nor they could avoid. And sometimes in our lives also, we are forced into situations that we never anticipated that we don't even want, but there is no turning away either. There is no way out. So remember, Allah subhanaw taala puts us sometimes in unavoidable circumstances, why so that we do things that we would never do otherwise, because it is necessary for us to attain benefits that we would not otherwise attain. Remember, when Allah showed them to you in your dream as few and if he had showed them to you as many meaning if you had come to know of the reality, then you believers would have lost courage and would have disputed in the

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matter. But Allah saved you from that, indeed, he is knowing of that within the chests. So we see that sometimes not knowing all of the details is actually better for us. Allah subhanaw taala protects us by keeping certain things in the unseen from us, because then the fear would overwhelm us and it would kill us. And this shows us how Allah subhanaw taala helps his servants in ways that they cannot even imagine. And remember when he showed them to you, when you met as few in your eyes, and he made you appear as few in their eyes. Why so that there would be no reluctance on either side. And this was the case at the beginning.

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Later on, we see that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when he saw the mystic army and he, he saw all of them, he saw their huge numbers. That is when he called upon Allah subhanaw taala desperately so that Allah might accomplish a matter already destined and to Allah are all matters returned. Yeah, uh, you had livina Armando all you who have believed evana petone phiaton when you encounter a company for butuh, then stand firm, what Gouda la casa de la and remember a lot much Lana come to flee Hoon so that you may be successful. Meaning if you want to be successful in future combats, as you're successful here, then do the things that are mentioned. First of all, be firm, be

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consistent. At times, speed and strength are actually less important than consistency. Because it is the slow and steady, the one who is deliberate who wins the race, whether it is the matter of Dean or dunya, when we do something, let us do it properly, as almost parents artists by either exempt of adelakun, Allah, that when you have put your trust, then then sorry, when you have made your mind when you have resolved upon something, then rely upon a lesser penalty, then don't keep changing your mind. You see, a lot of times it happens that a person begins something good. But then after a few days, they quit, or they change their mind. And then they try something else. And then again,

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they quit. And this is something that is detrimental for their own growth, and also frustrating for those around them. So be firm, don't keep changing your mind. Don't keep changing your your course your plan, because how will you get anywhere then? So when you start something, then fifth butuh then be firm and do your best. But then to maintain that patience and courage, you need determination, you need resolve, how do you get that with kudal Lucha Kafeel Ah, and remember Allah much. And remember, the vicar of Allah includes it includes his default it includes how should this be? So call upon Allah subhanaw taala. And as Eben Malik said, that when the Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam would feel distressed because of a matter, he would say, Yeah, hi, you Yep, are you there are hermetic studies, that all everliving all Sustainer of all, I beseech you by your mercy. So sometimes it happens that the work we're doing is indeed very hard. It is challenging, and we do feel stressed because of it. So at that time, make the deacon of Allah and remember the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave a prescription for those who fear the darkness of the night for those who are afraid of facing their enemy. And for those who are too afraid to spend in the way of Allah, what should they do? They should also make Vika sapan Allah He will be handy soprano Muhammad

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Ali. So what do we learn from this ayah that if you want to be successful, then work hard and pray hard. Neither be distracted from your work, nor be distracted from Allah subhanaw taala This is the way to success. What else should we do? It's mentioned in the next II and number 46 similar to what our two year old la hawala Sula, who will happen as and obey Allah and His Messenger, and do not dispute why, because then set up shadow, then you will lose courage. What doesn't have any hokum and your strength would depart was beautiful, what else and be patient? Why, in alohomora, slavery, Indeed, Allah is with the patient. So we see here, more more ways, more things that we need to do in

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order to be successful. And these are lessons that we can take from the from the success at the Battle of button. And it is very important that when you accomplish something, then you always you You must reflect upon it, that what worked, what didn't work, and what are the next steps, learn from the things that work, the strategies that worked, and learn from the mistakes that were made, so that they're not repeated. And then think about the next steps that from here, where is it that we want to go?

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So in this ayah, we are told, obey Allah and obey the messenger, meaning just because what you were doing is important to you, that does not mean that you disregard the teachings of Islam. And then the next thing that's mentioned while at the naza Oh, do not dispute because that is very detrimental for the group. You see, the people that are working together should remain united. differences will certainly arise and having different opinions is actually a good sign. It shows that people are being honest, it shows that they're thinking, it shows that they feel safe to express themselves. They know that they're being heard, but do not allow the differences to cause

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Do not bear resentment in your heart for one another anger for one another, because then this will lead to argumentation. And that will cause you to become weak. How? Because now instead of focusing your energy on the work, each person is focused on taking revenge from their peers, their mental their emotional energy is being exhausted in what in arguing in proving themselves right and improving others wrong. And also argumentation it leads to anger, it leads to too too high tempers, and Ill feeling for one another, wishing bad for each other. And it certainly reduces cooperation and argumentation, any This is something that distracts you. So the focus then becomes not the

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greater goal, but to, but to defend yourself from the evil off of the people who are around you. So instead of defending the group from the evil of the enemy, each person is concerned about defending themselves from the evil of one another. And then remember, when a group becomes weak, then it only gives strength to the enemy, when facing real dangerous. Those who argue those who are upset and bitter with each other will not come forward to help each other, they will in fact, abandon each other and defend their ego instead of the group. So yes, there will be differences. So discuss, but don't argue, communicate, but don't disrespect one another. And when you cannot agree, then learn to

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compromise. And when you compromise, then don't bear resentment in the heart. Because remember, the person who gives up an argument and giving up doesn't mean that you stop arguing at that time. And in your heart, you are filled with rage in your heart, you're filled with hate, that is not giving up giving up is that you compromise. You stop the argument and you just move on.

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Even if a person is upon the truth, if they stop arguing, there's a huge reward for this the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said and as their aim would be beighton feelable the agenda that I guarantee for him a house in paradise. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said two more are the bingeable and Abu Salah, surely, when he sent them to Yemen, he said create ease, do not create difficulty, give good news, don't turn people away, cooperate with each other, and do not differ with each other. And remember shaitan His goal is to make people fight, he cannot make he cannot get many people to do ship. But he can get many people to bear resentment in their heart, to be rude to

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be harsh to fight. So beware of the tricks of shaitan. So when you discuss your differences do not become vulgar. Do not become rude in speech. Because when people become rude in their speech, that is when a discussion turns into an argument. Don't raise your voice and start attacking one another because that invites the shape on. And then finally what is mentioned in this ayah was to be to be patient, be patient in bearing the hardship of the confrontation, be patient with one another, because as long as you are patient, you will receive the help of Allah. And when you lose your subject, you will lose the help also. When letter caloocan larina hora juman Dare him, Bertha LA,

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and do not be like those who came forth from their homes insolently and to be seen by people and avert them from the way of Allah and Allah is encompassing of what they do. This is how the army of the people of Mecca came to fight, they came with bottled under the anass and to stop people from the way of Allah. You see, Bhutan is to exalt in the blessings of Allah. It is to be unfaithful in disobedience. Any a person on the one hand is being unfaithful, is is being arrogant, is exalting, and they're also disobeying Allah subhanaw taala. So it is to be have proudly and insolently because of one's good state, because of the fact that they have the blessings of Allah. You see, when a

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person has done something wrong, they should be humbled before Allah out of shame out of guilt. But when a person does not feel that shame, and the behave arrogantly and proudly because of the blessings that they have been given, then this is disgusting behavior. And one is that you're doing wrong and the other is that you're acting proud. So don't be like those people. Now, this is how the people of Makkah came. They came with their women who would sing and entertain them, they came with their alcohol and the variety of foods as if they were going for a party. All of their focus was on looking impressive. And this is why it is set over here. Don't Don't imitate them. Don't go as

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buckled. Go with humility. Go with the vicar of Allah. When he announced and do not show off, do not strive in order to be seen by people because such effort will bring no reward the prophets of Allah

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He sent him said, He who lets the people hear of his good deeds intentionally to win their praise, then Allah will let the people know his real intention on the Day of Judgment. And he who does good things in public to show off and when the praise of the people, then Allah will disclose his real intention, and humiliate him on the Day of Judgment. So don't show off. Don't do good to be seen. Don't do good, or don't talk about your good in order to be heard by people so that people, people begin to think that you're such a good righteous person, you're doing that for the sake of Allah. What is a yen Allahumma Shantanu armella home. And remember when shaitan made their deeds pleasing

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to them, and said, no one can overcome you today from among the people. And indeed, I am your protector. We see the chatbot literally came in human form, on the date of bundle in order to urge the machine to fight against the Muslims. But when the two armies cited each other, he turned on his heels and said, Indeed, I am dissociated from you. Indeed, I see what you do not see meaning I see the angels. Indeed I fear Allah. And Allah is severe in penalty will Lucia de nada if calm. And remember, if club is a penalty, a punishment that is given as a consequence, for doing something forbidden for leaving your obligation. So we see the enmity of shavon over here, that what a

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terrible companionship upon is that first he urged them, he incited them to fight against the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And then, at the last moment, he ditched them, he abandoned them. And this is exactly what a pawn does. He compels a person to do wrong, and leaves him to suffer the consequences. And that is what's going to happen on the Day of Judgment also. So don't consider shavon to be your friend, no matter how much a pawn beautifies your sins for you realize sin is sin, sin is sin, and it's only going to get you in trouble. And we see that here shaitan sent me a horrible law, I fear Allah, He claimed to fear Allah, how, because shaitan was afraid of

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getting harmed by the angels. He was afraid that he might be destroyed that day because of the amount of help that Allah subhanaw taala sent for the believers. So we see that the strength of the believer can actually frightened shaitan and we learned in Hades that it can even exhaust shaitan when you remember Allah, when you go in the way of a low when you try, then this weakens shape on this puts fear in him. This This turns him away. We learned that when a person goes out to give sadaqa then it's it's as though he has, he has struck the jaws of 70 shall clean any when you when you are firm, and you seek the help of Allah subhanaw taala then this is something that not only

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frightens your enemies amongst the people, it even frightens shape on social concept. I fear Allah. But did he really fear Allah? He didn't actually fear Allah in the real sense. Because the the the fear of Allah in the real sense, is such that makes a person obedient to Allah. So it is not enough to say, you know, doba Tov, I'm so afraid. No, it's necessary that we exhibit that fear in our behaviors, in our language in our actions, because without obedience, fear of God does not help. Remember when the hypocrites and those in whose hearts was disease said their religion has diluted those Muslims, and they're crazy. They're going to fight an army so huge, but whoever relies upon

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Allah, then Indeed Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise. SubhanAllah. You see, sometimes people do judge you like this, that you must be crazy for fasting for so long. You must be crazy that you're giving your hard earned money and charity in good cause. You must be crazy that you slept so little in the night. And now you are reciting workload on you must be crazy that you wear hijab you must be crazy because of this and because of that, any people do judge you, but don't believe their comments. You don't always have to honor every comment that people make about you. There is feedback that you should value and then there is criticism or judgment and people shaming you that you must

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learn to ignore. So the hypocrites look at what they said about the Muslims a lot of La Jolla, Idina home their religion has diluted them they're crazy. But alas, lb Allah says we're mania token Allah. For in alojar Aziz and Hakeem whoever relies upon Allah, not in themselves on Allah, then Indeed, Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise, he is capable of helping his servants when otara and if you could see, and if you could, but see when the angels take the souls of those who

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disbelieved, remember, 70 of the machine were killed it but they're striking their faces and their backs, beating them and saying, taste the punishment of the burning fire. That is for what your hands have put forth of evil. And because Allah is not ever unjust to his servants, there is like the custom of the people of our own and those before them. they disbelieved in the signs of Allah. So Allah sees them for their sins. Indeed, Allah is powerful and severe in penalty. That is because Allah would not change a favor, which he had bestowed upon a people until they change what is within themselves. And indeed, Allah is hearing and knowing, you see the people of Makkah lived in such a

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good condition in Makkah, they enjoyed the privilege of being the caretakers of the Kaaba. They enjoyed the privilege of seeing the Kaaba every day of having the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam from amongst themselves. But then what happened? There came a point when they were killed, their leaders were killed at the Battle of others. Why? Why is such a huge decline? Was Allah subhanaw taala being unfair with them? No, because they did exactly what founded they did what exactly the people have no did before them. You see further on also how much Allah subhanaw taala gave him, the people of know how to use and I'm also they had 950 years to learn and to change and

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to improve their condition. But when they persisted in their wrong in their oppression in their denial, then what happened? Allah subhanaw taala changed his favor upon them. So remember, Allah subhana wa tada opens the doors of blessings for his servants, and those blessings would not change, they would not be taken away, until a person changes what is within them. Meaning when when a person becomes ungrateful when a person becomes disobedient to Allah. When a person disregards and wastes the blessed wastes the blessings that Allah Allah has given them one day commit abuse, it is only done that their situation deteriorates. So what is the lesson in this ayah? The lesson is, that if

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we want to enjoy the blessings that Allah subhanaw taala has given us, not just their abundance, but their presence, if we want to enjoy them, then we must be grateful. We must show gratitude to Allah subhanaw taala and, and and no matter what happens, even if we have committed the worst mistakes, still ask Allah subhanaw taala for wellbeing, ask a love of forgiveness. Don't ask for punishment ever. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam visited a man who had fallen ill and the men. The Companions describe him that he had become like a chick, any he had become so emaciated by his illness, he was so weak and so frail, that his body had literally shrunk. So the Prophet sallallahu

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earlier said, I asked him that, did you pray to Allah for something? He said, I used to make the law that Oh Allah, whatever punishment you're going to give me in the Hereafter, just give it to me before that in the world. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to him, you do not have the ability to bear the punishment of Allah. Why didn't you say Allahu mano bene, Tina fit dunya has an awful lot. He has an wappinger the burner that Oh Allah give us good in this life good in the hereafter and save us from the punishment of the Fire. So don't ask don't pray for your blessings to be taken away. Don't do things that will cause the blessings to be taken away, and don't and then

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don't ask for blessings to be taken away. Because sometimes a person develops so much hate for themselves because of their, you know, mistakes or their weaknesses. And in that self hate any people become so merciless towards themselves, so harmful towards themselves that they start making the law against themselves. So we should never do that. And even in extreme hardship, when things seemed very bleak, very dark, that there seems to be no hope it feels like yes, you know what, this is the end. still ask Allah subhanaw taala for good, or evil della horn who we learned that he was once ill, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came by. And at that time, I needed to deal a

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horn who was saying that Oh Allah, if my death is near, then give me relief from this illness, meaning hasten my death caused me to die quickly, and call me to yourself.

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And if my death is far, then heal me and grant me health. And if this is a tribulation, then grant me patience. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said What are you saying? So I need the Longhorn who repeated himself and the Prophet sallallahu earlier said and put his hand on it, lol de la Mourinho and he prayed. Allahu mush. Fie, Fie, that Oh Allah, heal him, or grant him good health. I need to learn more and who said I never experienced that illness again. So don't ask for problems. Even when things are really hard. ask Allah Subhana

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For His mercy, be hopeful, ask Allah for Shiva, for raffia

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could be added to their own. Theirs is like the custom of the people of their own. And of those before them, meaning the people of Makkah, have repeated history here. Basically, they denied the signs of their Lord. So we destroyed them for their sins, and we drowned the people of our own. And all of them were wrongdoers, in the Shama the word beer in the law, indeed, the worst of living creatures in the sight of Allah are those who have disbelieved, and they will not ever believe, who are they, the ones with whom you made a treaty, but then they break their pledge every time and they do not fear Allah, just like their own did, you see for their own would say to masahisa, that you

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ask Allah to remove this punishment from us. And if it is removed, we will believe you we will send the money is about you. But then what happened every time the tribulation was removed, that would go back on his word. So the people who break their commitments like this over and over again, who do not fear Allah, than such individuals, such people are the worst of creatures, worst of living creatures in the sight of Allah. So this is referring to actually some certain tribes from among the People of the Book and, and others who lived around Medina, with one of the Prophet salallahu. It was that it made several agreements, but they would always breach their covenants their pacts that

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they made with him sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So if you gain dominance over them in war, disperse by means of them those behind them, that perhaps they will be reminded meaning of their treacherous with you despite the the Treaty of peace, they're treacherous, and they can fight you, then do not hesitate teaching them a lesson. And if you have reason to fear from a people betrayal, meaning you sense that they're going to betray you, they're going to break their, their their Treaty that they made with you, then throw their Treaty back to them, putting you on equal terms, meaning, then allow the treaty publicly so that it is known. Indeed, Allah does not like traitors. So in these verses,

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we see the importance of fulfilling contracts, fulfilling commitments, whether they're made with Muslims or non Muslims. You see, sometimes we, you know, make contracts with non Muslims, and then we break them, we don't fulfill them, and we say, Oh, he's a caffeine anyway. She's not Muslim anyway. Well, it doesn't matter who the other party is, what matters is what you are choosing to do. Because at the end, you are responsible for your deeds for your fulfillment of commitment, or your treachery. When I say Bonilla de Vaca, former Saba poo in the hula g zone, and light now those who disbelieve think they will escape, because some people, many people amongst the, amongst the army of

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the Muslims who came to fight the Muslims, they fled, and they made it back home safely. The caravan also made it back safely. So it is said, let them not think that they will escape. Indeed, they will not cause failure to Allah, and prepare against them. This is a command to the Muslims, that prepare against them, whatever you are able of power and of steeds of war. So Muslims are instructed here to stay ready for battle. Because you see, the Battle of button was unexpected, they weren't ready for it. But now it was very evident that people will, will come to combat you to fight you. So embrace that reality and prepare for it. And there's a very important lesson in this for us that we should

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be proactive also, we should be prepared from before, be prudent, because you never know what lies ahead.

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by which you may terrify the enemy of Allah and your enemy and others besides them, whom you do not know, but whom Allah knows. And whatever you spend in the cause of Allah will be fully repaid to you and you will not be wronged. Meaning what you spend in the cause of Allah is actually a loan that Allah will repay you for Allah will return it to you. And if they inclined to peace, then inclined to it and rely upon Allah. Indeed, it is he who is the hearing the knowing, meaning, yes, be prepared for battle. But don't be war hungry, be ready, because that is your current reality. But be eager to avoid war as well. Not out of weakness, but out of us, but out of a willingness to make

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peace, because peace is better than conflict. And every problem is not necessarily solved with conflict. Peace allows safety, it allows people to live in easy lives. And when it comes to war, it is definitely very damaging. So So if your enemies opt for the inclined towards making peace with you, they want to make a make a treaty with you. That That means that there is no fight

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between you, then accept that. And if you fear that they're just that this is just a maneuver to trap you, to let you put your guard down, then you know what rely upon Allah. Indeed Allah is hearing and knowing. And this shows us that war in Islam is only necessity in it's not the first and only option. But if they intend to deceive you, than sufficient for you as Allah, it is he who supported you with this help, and with the believers, so he can help you again, what I love avena cannubi him and brought together their hearts. If you had spent all that isn't the earth, you could not have brought their hearts together, meaning this was completely beyond you. But a lot brought

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them together Indeed, he is Exalted in Might and Wise. So we see in this ayah, that it is Allah who brings hearts together. It is Allah who puts love in the hearts of people for one another. I'm talking about love, not infatuation, or crushes. Love. This is genuine, it is real. It brings people together, it brings a sense of security, and it can never, ever be bought with money. You see gifts definitely increase love, but they don't create love. Love is with the agreement of hearts when people just click and this happens when Allah subhanaw taala puts that love in the hearts of people for one for one another. If you think about it, the people of Medina, the unsought, they were very

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different from the people of Makkah. Any there was there was a huge difference in their lifestyles. There was a difference in their, in their lineage. There was a difference in their, in the nature of work that they did. There was a difference between a huge difference between the weather the climate of Makkah and that of Medina, he there were many differences. But still we see that Allah subhanaw taala or Elif Sabina Kuru be him he joined their hearts together. So ask Allah dude, ask Allah subhanaw taala the ever loving for love between you and your family? And if you feel lonely again ask Allah for Allah dude, who who is the source of love to bless you with love, even our basketball

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de la Mora and who said that when Allah brings hearts together, then nothing can separate them, nothing can distance them and then he recited this verse as evidence. What lF abena Kuru be him no one is able to break such a bond. So man do your affairs with Allah and your relationships will also meant and you will be able to give and receive love and make dua to Allah. Allah. Elif bainer kulu Bina that all join our hearts were asleep, database Nina mend our social relationships with Dina sabula salon and guide us to the paths of a salon. And I mentioned to you what a salon means when a jean Amina little Matthew Ellen node, this is a long Dora which we should make for love and

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affection and cooperation between us and our families and the people that we work with the you know, Muslims will lF avena kulu be him. And this I also shows us that any you cannot win the hearts of people just by spending money on them. Sometimes we expect that you know what, if I bring expensive gifts to my spouse, if I prepare the best foods, etc, then you know what, they will be happy. This is how they will love me. But that is not the case. People feel loved not just by expensive gifts, but people feel loved when you spend time with them. When you show them that you care, especially when you respect them, when you have regard for their feelings when you have regard for their

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comfort, when you have regard for their dignity. This is how love is formed. And Allah subhanaw taala blesses such people who help one another, and people who are selfish, out to get only you know their own personal gain from every relationship, then such people are deprived of love. Such people are deprived of blessing in the hood, disease and hacking. And also this shows us that when Allah has granted us love of certain people, whether it is our families, our spouses, our children, or our friends, that we should not take this for granted. We should thank Allah subhanaw taala for this blessing, because there is a huge difference between people who enjoy who get to experience true

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love and need it's a huge blessing. It's a neuroma. It's it's a form of risk. So having it and not having it is not the same. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said about the love for Khadija de la Horan had the Indian music to her but I was given the risk of her love. So Love is a provision it's a form of sustenance. So thank Allah subhanaw taala for

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Don't take this for granted. Yeah. And you have to be, oh prophet has bucola sufficient for you is Allah woman it of our communal meaning? And for whoever follows you after believers, Allah is sufficient for who? For His Messenger. And for those who follow the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, not just those who observe his life and see what are the things he did, which made him successful know those who follow him with Eman many tabarka minelute many, because there are many people who will admire the success of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they will write books about him. But those who will get the help of Allah are those who follow the Prophet sallallahu

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radiocentre with a man and this shows us has spooked Allah, Allah is enough for you. Because real help comes from Allah, in the face of any challenge. Whatever challenge it is big or small. We can only be successful, if we have the help of Allah. And if we want the help of Allah, we have to earn it. How How is it that you earn it? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave us the answer. He said, If Ali Lucha fabrika you guard the rights of Allah, your duty to Allah and Allah will guard you, Allah will protect you. You see, sometimes we're preparing some food and we're very afraid about making sure that it doesn't get burned. We're very afraid that you know what I hope it's

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cooked through I hope it turns out, okay. And especially when you're fasting and you can taste your food all the time, you're nervous. And what happens is that in trying to get the perfect dinner ready, unfortunately, we delay our prayers, we delay our where they could we leave it sometimes any How is it that we expect things to work out by neglecting the right of Allah subhanaw taala. If we want success, in any matter, worldly or religious, in our relationships, in terms of our money, our income, then we have to fulfill the right of Allah first. We learned in a hadith Do not leave Santa deliberately, because the one who leaves Sala deliberately, then he is dissociated from Allah,

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meaning he doesn't have the protection of Allah when the other Binda O Prophet urged the believers to battle, if there are among you 20 who are steadfast, they will overcome 200 So we see that success is with somebody. And if there are among you, 100 who are steadfast, they will overcome 1000 of those who have disbelieved because they meaning your enemy are people who do not understand. So we've seen this if that one believer is is capable of combating 10 among the enemy, you have the capacity the ability to do this. However, this is very daunting. So unless Carla says, and her follow her and comb, now, Allah has lightened the hardship for you, and he knows that among you is

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weakness, meaning, yes, you may survive, but it will be very hard for you, so if there are from you, 100 who are steadfast, they will overcome 200 so one can come back to and if there are among you 1000 they will overcome 2000 how be vanilla by the permission of Allah, and how will Alomar savini and Allah is with the steadfast. So we see here that the help of a law comes when a person has suffered. And victory success, whether big or small, is only possible by the evasion of a law by the permission of Allah. So never be arrogant, rather be humble and be grateful. It is not for a prophet to have captives of war until he inflicts a massacre upon the enemies in the land. You all desire

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the commodities of this world today you do not Allah dunya but Allah desires for you the Hereafter, and Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise. So again, it is mentioned that just as the purpose of battle is not to earn spoils of war, it is also not to take captives, it is to break the strength of the enemy, those who don't let you live in peace. So we see that when the Muslims agreed to set the prisoners free, in exchange for a compensation, this is something that was an issue, this is something that is being criticized that too, they do not have that dounia did you capture them to make money? Do you desire the commodities of this life or adult and you see, the word that is used

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over here adult adult is that which is temporary? So is that your goal, to get temporary gains in this life? A why pet? Why? Why aim for that? How petty when you strive in the way of Allah, then you must you must seek what is greater that Allah subhanaw taala has to offer? Well, we usually do

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a lot intense for you the hereafter aim for the rewards in the hereafter. If not for a decree from a law that preceded you will

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have been touched for what you took by a great punishment. So consume what you have taken of war booty as being lawful and good and fear Allah. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. So remember, wealth, in and of itself is not evil. The gains of this world in and of themselves are not evil. It's love for it. It's blind love for it. It's misuse, that is evil. Yeah, uh, you hanabi Oh, Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to whoever is in your hands of the captives, that if Allah knows any good in your hearts, he will give you something better than what was taken from you, and He will forgive you. And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful, Subhan Allah, and there were so many

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people who were taken captive. But then eventually they embraced Islam on becoming free. And this happened in multiple occasions, not because they were forced to accept Islam. But because in captivity, when they saw the Muslims, and the saw the beauty of Islam, they chose to become Muslim. We're in UD do pianoteq. But if they intend to betray you, then they have already betrayed a lot before. And he empowered you over them. And Allah is Knowing and wise, Indeed, those who have believed and emigrated and fought with their wealth, and lives in the cause of Allah, and those who give shelter and aided. So you see here, those who have general, and then those who are, well, we're

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not subtle, they're allies of one another. They're friends of each other. They don't just sing in love for one another, they actually work together, they support each other. But those who believed and did not emigrate for you, there is no guardianship of them until they emigrate. And if they seek help of you for their religion, then you must help them except against two people between yourselves and whom is a treaty. And Allah is seeing of what you do. And those who disbelieved are allies of one another, if you do not do so, meaning, if you do not help each other, then they will be fixed now on earth and great corruption. Earlier we learned that do not argue with each other. And here it

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is said that if you don't support each other, if you don't become allies of each other as Muslims, then what are you doing, you are going to weaken each other. Remember, a Muslim is meant to support another Muslim, of course, in that which is right, not in disobedience to Allah, but in obedience to Allah, we need to be supportive. Not that we start bringing each other down through our criticism and our rudeness and our harshness and our selfishness, but those who have believed and emigrated and fought in the cause of Allah, and those who give shelter and aided, this is referring to the unsought again oola ecohome almina haka. So, the Mahajan on the unsolved It is they who are the

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believers in truth, truly for them is forgiveness and noble provision. When livina, Eminem and Bardo hijo, or jahad, kumarakom, for Allah, he can come so beautiful, and those who believed afterwards and emigrated and fought with you, they're off you, they're part of you, they're with you, just because they joined your ranks later. It doesn't mean that you look down on them. But those are blood relationship are more entitled to inheritance in the decree of Allah. Indeed, Allah is Knowing of all things. So we've seen these verses, the two lufti stations in Islam are mentioned over here. One is a headlock, and the other is of newsflow. Meaning either be the immigrant who makes the

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sacrifice for the sake of Islam, who bears the hardship with patience, or be the answer, be the helper, be the supporter, those who are making the sacrifices. And don't be a third, that someone was just sitting there watching and criticizing, no, either be those who are striving in the cause of Allah, or be those who are supporting those who are in the cause of Allah. And this cooperation is needed. This cooperation amongst the Muslims is needed, so that the oppressed are uplifted, so that the Muslims can advance they can we can move forward, we can excel, because if we're constantly pulling each other down, then how can we move forward? If we cannot get over, you know, our

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differences. And these, like I mentioned earlier, differences will always be there. But if we're only concerned about the differences, fighting over, over petty issues, reviving, you know, the same arguments, the same differences of opinion that existed even 1400 years ago, any What are we doing, we need to look forward, we need to look ahead, we need to join hands, we need to work to help the oppressed, those who are suffering, and we need to strive to move forward. And we see that the unsolved because of their generosity, and their support, and their help, look at how you need look at how the Mahajan were welcomed in Medina and look at look at the success that the Muslims that the

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Muslims received.

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ethical dilemma and who said that when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam arrived in Medina, the Mahajan came to him and said, O Messenger of Allah, we have not seen people who are more willing to sacrifice when having a lot, nor more patient when having little than the people whom we are staying among meaning the unsought our provisions are so sufficient, any we have so much because of their help, and we share with them in their produce, such that we fear that all our reward is gone, meaning we're constantly receiving help from them. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said no, as long as you supplicate to Allah for them, and praise them for it, you're good. So it is

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necessary that when someone helps you support you in good work, you appreciate them, you thank them, you make the offer them and do not take the generosity of people for granted the offset to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that he also allowed distribute our date palm trees between us and our immigrant brothers, meaning the lands that we have, why don't you divide them? Look at them. land owners are so greedy, generally, they don't want to share their land. This is why when someone dies, and their land is now going to be distributed between their children, any people fight with their own siblings, people will kill their own uncles and aunts just so that they can get the entire

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land. But look at the inside look at their generosity, that yellow sunova you divide this between us and the immigrants? And the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said no, this is not going to happen. So the inside is set to the immigrants. How about you work with us? How about you look after the trees, you water them? You take care of them. And then when it comes to the produce, we'll share it. So the Mahajan agreed, and we see that the unsought always, always paid regard to the mohandro they always took care of them. They were not selfish, and this is the spirit that we need, that we need to stop. You know, always looking out for our own personal gain. We need to think about the greater good. The

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam at one occasion decided to grant a portion of the land of beheading among the unsought and the unsolved said we will not accept it until you give a similar portion to our Mahajan brothers. We will not be okay with this until they also get a share. So proud Allah, they, they were so generous. So when people exhibit such generosity, then they receive the help of Allah because remember, as long as a person is in the aid of his brother, than Allah subhanaw taala is in his aid, Allah will help him. So if you want allies help, think about how you can help others. You see Masada, your son, when he reached Medan he didn't know where he was going

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to sleep where he was going to live. He had no idea what the future held for him. And what happened he saw two women in difficulty he got up and he helped them and he did not ask for any compensation. He did not harass them. He did not any demand anything from them. And what happened very soon. So panela not only was he married, he had a home. He had a job for 10 years he had job security, any any of the best family, you get the help of Allah when you go out and bring help to others when you assist others. May Allah subhanaw taala make us such generous people not selfish.

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Sooner to Toba, sooner to Toba is also known by the name Bara because Bara means dissociation declaration of dissociation, which the suta begins with. And we see that the word Toba is mentioned many times in the surah as if it is an invitation to repent, an invitation to all types of people that no matter what you have done, how you have opposed the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what kind of, you know sins and and wrongs you have committed? The door of repentance is open. So come forward and repent before the door of repentance is closed for you. We see that pseudo Toba was revealed after the conquest of Makkah. And remember the conquest of Makkah. It marked the end of

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military expeditions against the machine of Makkah, and pseudo unfound, which is right before it, it marked the beginning because it was revealed about the Battle of bunded, which was the first battle against the people of Makkah. And the conquest of Makkah was the last battle with the people of Mecca. And we see that the sooner begins with the The sooner begins without the bus mala without mentioning Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. Why? Because right at the beginning of the sort of contracts are being an old arlena de la Horne who said that Bismillah is said where safety is being granted where contract is being made. And here, contracts are being untold, which means that the enemy is no

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longer safe from you. So this is not a place of saying Bismillah

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Burma to mean Allahu wa

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Su Lee in a Latina I had to middle mushrikeen. This is a declaration of dissociation from Allah and His messenger to those with whom you had made a treaty of peace among the polytheists. Meaning now, all treaties with them are untold. So travel freely throughout the land during four months grace period, but know that you cannot cause failure to Allah, and that Allah will disgrace the disbelievers. And it is an announcement from Allah and His messenger to the people on the day of the greater pilgrimage, this was announced at Hajj, that Allah is dissociated from the disbelievers, and so is His Messenger. So if you repent, for into the tomb, for who highroller come, that is best for

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you. But if you turn away, then know that you will not cause failure to Allah, and give tidings to those who disbelieve have a painful punishment. So if you repent, and you believe, then you will be safe. And if you don't want to, then you have to leave. Why this was an ultimatum given to the people who still did not accept Islam after the conquest of Makkah. Why? Because they had repeatedly demonstrated their dishonesty, they had repeatedly demonstrated their enmity towards the Muslims. So now they were given given an ultimatum, that because you are not reliable anymore, this is why if you want to be here, then you have to be Muslim. And if you don't want to be Muslim, you're more

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than welcome to leave, you're more than welcome to go elsewhere. But here, since the beginning, contracts are made with you, and you break them, and you don't care about the lives of the Muslims, the safety of the people, you don't even let Muslims you you did not even let Muslims enter Mecca to make their own law, any you cannot be trusted. So this is why these contracts now were made, were announced with them very clearly, very openly, that now you have four months, so make up your mind.

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excepted are those with whom you made a treaty among the polytheists. And then they have not been deficient toward you in anything, or supported anyone against you. So complete for them their Treaty, until their term has ended. Indeed, Allah loves the righteous, who fear Him, meaning those who have been honest, then you maintain the contracts with them. But those who have continuously exhibited their dishonesty, then now there is an ultimatum for them. And when the sacred months and remember these are for when they have passed, then it is said, kill the polytheists wherever you find them, and capture them and besieged them and sit and wait for them at every place of ambush.

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Because this is exactly what they did to the Muslims for all of these years. So now that what they did to the Muslims will be done to them. But if they should repent, even now, if they should repent, established prayer and gives a cat, let them go on their way. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. So we see over here that Toba is not just verbal doba repentance is actually with action. It includes a change of behavior. So for example, if someone says to you Oh, I'm so sorry that I hurt you. But then again, in the next sentence, they hurt you. That means they're not actually sorry. And just like that, if a person says to a lot that Oh, LA, I'm so sorry, I was so bad. But

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then when it comes to the next prayer, they don't perform that that is not Toba. This is why you see for in taboo, what accommo slapped what after was the cat if they repent and establish prayer and gives a cut. So out of all the actions sought out as a cat are mentioned, because Salah shows that a person is committed to Allah subhanaw taala and the cat shows that a person is committed to the upliftment of the poor. And remember, no society can flourish, until the poor are given their share. Until we start thinking about the welfare of those who are in need. We're in a huddle minimal shakiness.

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And if any of the polytheists seeks your protection, then grant him protection so that he may hear the words of a law have that is America, lamb, Allah, the Quran is column of Allah, then deliver him to his place of safety. That is because there are people who do not know. So the person who is unaware, should first be made aware, they should be given a chance to know how can there be for the policy is a treaty in the sight of Allah and with his messenger, except for those with whom you made a treaty at a muscular how long so as long as they are upright toward you, you be upright toward them. Indeed, Allah loves the righteous in the law, you have been with the queen, and this shows us

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that fulfilling contracts is part of the poor. And breaking them shows that a person lacks the power they lack the fear of Allah. And remember that your relationship with the last panel Tyler will reveal itself.

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In the way that you deal with people, this is not that oh, I am very good with a lover when it comes to people I hate them. Know, your consciousness of Allah your love for Allah your fear of Allah will become manifest in the way that you deal with people can infer how now the reason is being given for the enjoyment of the contracts, that how can there be a treaty, while if they gain dominance over you, they do not observe concerning you any pact of kinship, or covenant of protection. Any for all of these years, look at how they've been treating you, they've been showing that they don't care about you, they satisfy you with their mouths, but their hearts refuse compliance, and most of them

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are defiantly disobedient. So you cannot get bitten by the same hole over and over again. They have exchanged the signs of Allah for a small price and diverted people from his way. Indeed, it was evil that they were doing, they do not observe to were to believe or any pact of kinship or covenant of protection. And it is they who are the transgressors, a lot of people will, you know, make a big deal out of the verses of sort of the tobei, especially those that are mentioned,

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those which mentioned killing them wish to Keene wherever they're found. But then they just take that idea, and take it out of context and blow it out of proportion as at the Muslims are like bloodthirsty people who are out to, you know, kill others, that this is what the Quran teaches. And they ignore the rest of the solar. Why were those commands given? When were they given? What was the context, that is something we need to remember? So here, the reason is being given that you have to now you know, treat them the way they treated you because you cannot trust them? They don't have any regard for you whatsoever. So why should you be constantly hurt by them? For in taboo, what I call

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masala, you see when there is a criminal, a person who has committed a crime again and again and again, then what happens is it that they're treated with mercy and clemency in the court know, they're given not just one sentence, multiple sentences. And then they're not just put in an ordinary prison. Sometimes they're put in solitary confinement, I'm not saying that these forms of, you know, punishment are, are good, but I'm just saying that this is part of our human conscience, that when someone does something atrocious, not once, but repeatedly, then you must put an end to their violence and their crimes, you cannot let them out free, because they will only continue in

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their dangerous behavior. For in taboo, accomplice Allah subhanaw taala. But if they repent, established prayer, and gives a cat again, this has mentioned, then they're your brothers in religion, soprano law, this is the reason why if you think about it, I was a fan. There is a period of his life, where we view him as an enemy. And then after he embraced Islam, when we say Abu sufian, we settled a lot more on who clearly didn't believe when we were talking about the Battle of God. And he inflicted so much harm on the Muslims. But then what happened after he embraced Islam was a harlot, la de la Mourinho. So any once they change, then accept it, you know, we have this big

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problem, that we don't accept people, we keep reminding them of their past that remember, 30 years ago, you were so rude to me. And 30 years ago, you did this and you did that. We don't allow ourselves to heal, we don't forgive people. But when a person has really changed in their behavior in their actions, for if one config, Dean, then they're your brothers in religion. And we detailed the verses for people who know, and if they break their oaths after their Treaty, and defame your religion, than fight the leaders of disbelief. For indeed, there are no old sacred to them, fight them that they might cease. So then you have to fix the problem at the root, the reason for fighting

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them as given, would you not find a people who broke their olts and determined to expel the messenger and they had begun the attack upon you the first time, meaning they began all this violence. So this violence must be stopped? Do you fear them? But Allah has more right that you should fear him at the Shona home for Allah who have good and talk show in quantum Meaning, if you are truly believers, why should you fear Allah because all power is with him, not with people, his will prevails, whatever he wants happens, so fear him, not the people. This is something that we are reminded of in the Quran, over and over again, that health, fear kushtia fear with reverence raba

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fear with all this should be

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directed to Allah subhanaw taala and only Allah meaning a person should have such feelings of fear towards Allah more than anyone else for that the half of whom will have funny illustrations artists don't fear them fear me, fill out the shadow NASA work Show me. Don't fear people fear me, what a half of her boonie only have lava of me only fear me. So different words of fear are used.

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And each time it is mentioned don't fear people fear Allah. What does it mean to fear Allah in Hades we learn and Tasha Maha can an naka de la who that you fear him as though you can see him. And if you cannot bring that feeling, then remember that he is watching you. So let the fear of Allah show in your actions. And remember, when a person fears Allah, only then can they be successful. Because when the person fears a lot more than people, then the peer pressure will not affect them. The fear of Allah overcomes the fear of people. This is why we learn that whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger whales shala Hawaiian Ducky fears Allah has taqwa of him. For Allah eco homophone is on

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the inside. Such are those who are successful, and there is great reward for those who fear Allah, because those who fear Allah are able to do good than the fear of people does not prevent them. So we learn in melodien I have shown above and below a low Mark felittle what I don't cabbie, those who fear or love their Lord in the unseen while they're alone, for them is forgiveness and a great reward. And the fear of Allah brings salvation. The Prophet sallallahu Bredesen I mentioned three things that bring salvation and one of them is fearing Allah in secret and in public. fight them, Allah will punish them by your hands, and will disgrace them and give you victory over them and

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satisfy the chests of unbelieving people, where you Hibler, you will kulu be him and Allah will remove the fury in the hearts of the believers and Allah turns and forgiveness to whom He wills and Allah is Knowing and wise, you see you the hippo hayleigh kulu be him at times this happens that because you have suffered so much for so long at the hands of certain individuals, then you develop you have this wave in your heart and this layer, this fury, which is in the heart, any is understandable, but it can also be very detrimental. It can also be very dangerous for a person, why because it can lead to many ills, it can make a person you know upset with a lot then a person

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develops a habit of being vengeful or being hateful of you know not trusting anybody and you know, always looking at the the negative side of things. So the anger the vengeance and the heart. Remember it can only be removed by Allah will use him Laila Columbian. So when you ask Allah subhanaw taala for the health of your heart, also bring this to mind that Yeah, I love these old wounds. This fury that I have towards certain people. Yeah, Allah relieve me of this helped me get rid of this so that I can move on. See ya Ashfield. So do the cow move Mini. Allah heals and satisfies the chests of unbelieving people with a man slowly and gradually, your heart, your chest,

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it heals, it can heal. And Allah subhanaw taala does give that healing. So So ask Allah subhanaw taala to heal you

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and has a boom or did you think that you will be left as you are, while Allah has not yet made evident those among you who strive for his cause, and do not take other than Allah, His Messenger and the believers as intimates and Allah is acquainted with what you do. It is not for the polytheists to maintain the mosques of Allah while witnessing against themselves with disbelief for those their deeds have become worthless, and in the fire, they will abide eternally. You see the people of MCI, especially the Qureshi among them, they were the caretakers of the Kaaba. But now after the annulment of the treaty, it was made very clear that you can no longer be the caretakers

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of the Kaaba, if you remain on your ship. So this was something very strange, because since so long, they were the caretakers of the karma. So it is made clear over here, that they're not worthy of this privilege. Why? Because they associate partners with Allah, they commit disbelief in Allah, and their deeds are wasted anyway, if they continue this way. So you see, sometimes people need that pressure. They need that pressure in order to stop their crimes in order to improve themselves. So these honey bees is even though they seem very harsh in

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fact, they contain a lot of mercy. And this is why you see the sutras called adobo. Why, because through all of these through the strictness which is in the sutra, people are being encouraged to repent, because they were given a long time. And now, stricter measures were being taken to urge people to encourage them, some people, they need that push. So here it is made very clear that serving them you know, taking care of the mustard, cleaning the mustard, and supporting you must get it will only benefit a person when their belief is sound. The mosques of Allah are only to be maintained by those who believe in Allah and the Last Day and established prayer and gives a cat and

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do not fear except Allah, Allah miasha illa Allah. And the problem with the people of Makkah was that they feared many besides Allah, they feared their false idols, they feared the decline in their economy, they feared the judgment of people. So those who only fear Allah, they are the ones who are worthy of maintaining the massages of Allah, for it is expected that those will be of the rightly guided, have you made the providing of water for the pilgrim and the maintenance of a muscular Hawaiian equal to the deeds of ones who believe in Allah and the Last Day and strives in the cause of Allah. They're not equal in the sight of Allah. And Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people.

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So you see the people, the Quraysh, they were, you know, treated with a lot of dignity and honor, because of the fact that they were caretakers of the karma. So yes, taking care of the budget populating it, maintaining it worshiping alignment, this is excellent. But there's something that is greater, there is something that is better. And that is Amen. Angie has faith and striving in the way of Allah. Sometimes a person is not able to go to the masjid, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the companions, were not able to go to El masjidul. hella for so many years. But then what did they do? Did they just sit back that all? Poor us we cannot go? No, they made use of the

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other avenues that were opened up for them. And this is something that we need to learn from that. Yes, these days, we are not able to go to the masjid. You see, every Ramadan, and 100 alone, we spend on our massages, we go we pray there, you know, we break the fast together, and we spend an hour massages. And now people are wondering, well, we're not going there, we're not able to give each other. That doesn't mean you can do nothing, you can still do something, you can still support your mustard. And you must support your mustard. This is the time to support your Masjid. Because you need your Masjid not just today, but tomorrow and for years to come. So support the masjid. And

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just because you're not able to go to the masjid, it doesn't mean you do nothing. You still have the option of believing in Allah and hamdulillah and then worshiping Allah striving in his way. And remember jihad is not just, you know, picking up weapons and fighting the enemy. jihad is striving to the utmost degree, in order to please Allah subhanaw taala for his sake. So when you strive, for example, to fast to recite the Quran, to study something, and Mashallah many of you, I you know, I hear amazing things of people who are striving so much just to be able to listen to every just every day in this striving, 100 enough for this. This is better than just maintaining and looking after a

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Masjid. So do this for the right reason. those the ones who have believed emigrated and striven in the cause of Allah with their wealth and their lives are greater in rank in the sight of Allah. There are a level of Dada jetten in the law, and it is those who are the attainers of success. Their Lord gives them good tidings of mercy from him and approval and of gardens for them wearing his enduring pleasure fee her Nariman, Joakim Colleen a fee. How about that aboda they will be abiding there in forever. Indeed, Allah has with him a great reward, he has no shortage of rewards, people's desires and greed will be exhausted, but the blessings of Allah will not be depleted. So it is up to

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you, how much do you want. So we see these verses, two actions are mentioned here, and then the better one is pointed out. The first is the eagerness to take care of the masjid, to be present in the masjid. And certainly that is a rewardable deed. The love for the masjid the person whose heart is attached to the masjid will be of the seven who will be given shade on the Day of Judgment. Those who regularly attend the masjid are the Beloved of Allah. Allah

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I will say on the Day of Judgment, where are my neighbors and the angels will say, well who could be your neighbor? Allah will say Where are the inhabitants of the masjid were those who used to visit the mustard regularly.

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So certainly there's a lot of reward in going to the masjid regularly morning and evening.

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But then we see that there is something that is even better that is mentioned here. And that is a person who's tribes in the way of Allah works hard to serve the religion of Allah. And that is definitely difficult because when you strive for the religion of Allah knows not only do you have to any strive against your own nups but you also have to strive against the people who create hardships for you the criticism and the judgment of people, you know, their their rudeness, their harshness. So a comparison is being made over here, the people who have monka Yes, they were the custodians of the carpet great, but the people of Medina, they were striving non stop in the way of Allah, their

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rank is better. And besides the people of Morocco are doing all this work with coffin. So those who believe and those who don't, are not the same. So it is necessary that while we are home these days, any Yes, we are, you know, enjoying our time with our family. You know, we're able to sleep extra we're able to attend to the things within the house, which were neglected for so long. You know, we're trying new recipes. People are even baking bread at home, any Yes, you do all of these things. But you have to also do something to attach yourself to the religion of Allah, you have to strive for the religion of Allah. And how will you do that in your house right now? Learn it, review it,

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and help in different good projects in different ways. And there are ways to connect with different people in your community and see what you can do. But strive in the way of Allah, will you have believed, do not take your father's or your brothers as allies if they have preferred disbelief over belief. And whoever does so among you. Then it is those who are the wrongdoers, people in Canada who can say if your father's webinar calm and your sons will want to come and your brothers was Why did you come and your wives why she loved to come and your relatives or Mr. Luna Katara to Moo ha and the wealth which you have obtained with the gelatin duck Shona casada and the commerce wherein you

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fear decline, while masakan while Masaki Nutella Dona ha and dwellings with which you are pleased, if all of these are a habit in a con. If they are more beloved to you mean Allahu wa suli he was he had in feasability then Allah and His messenger and jihad in his cause Fatah bustle, then wait hedayati Allahu be me. until Allah executes his command. Then see how Allah will deal with you will love ya and do Komal philosophy and Allah does not guide the defiantly disobedient people. We all need to look into our hearts. What is it that we love more? What is it that our hearts are attached to? What is it that we find joy in? What is it that we are more eager for? So many important things

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in our lives are listed over here. So many relationships are mentioned. parents, children, siblings, spouses, families, and then property and business and work and homes Subhanallah these are the things that are closest to us. These are the people who are closest to us. So what are we being told that in every matter of your life, whether it is personal or social, even financial, your future goals, you have to give, always give preference to Allah and His messenger and striving in the way of Allah? What does that mean? That means that we love Allah and His messenger and his religion, more than anything else. It means that we obey Allah and His Messenger, and we follow his religion

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in every matter. It means that we give preference to elicit approval, that we fear Him, we love him more than we love and fear our families and friends. It means that we rely upon Allah more than we rely upon anything else. We care about Allah, His Messenger, his religion, more than any of these things that are mentioned over here. Anything that we love, that we feel attached to. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, none of you has believed until I am dear to him, that his family, his wealth and all the people in another nation, even his parents and children, this doesn't mean that we have to cut off from them as the little love No, it means that they have a place in our

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lives. But Allah, His Messenger and his religion also have a place in our lives.

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What Allah His Messenger his religion deserve from us is more and better than what our near and dear ones deserve from us. So we cannot live selfishly, we cannot live, thinking only about, you know, our family, etc, we also have to think about Allah, we also have to think about the deen of Allah, how can I support the religion of Allah, how can I strengthen it, and this is important, it is very important that we at least learn the religion of Allah and, and 100 Allah, we have such an excellent opportunity right now that you know what we are, we are at home. Because typically what happens is that our time goes in what in social gatherings, you know, in visiting one another, in traveling,

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and now all of that is cut off from us, we cannot even go shopping. So Alhamdulillah for this time at home, use it to learn the religion of Allah, because only when you know it, will you be able to practice it, and only when the religion is practiced, will it be strengthened, if we are ignorant, and if the actions of the religion are not visible, then this is a way of, of abandoning the religion, this is a way of weakening it. So strengthen it, not just with your belief, but by with your knowledge, your expertise, your action. So find out what courses you can take what books you can study, so that you increase in your knowledge of religion,

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that allows puntata reminds the believers Allah has already given you victory in many regions, and on the day of her name, when your great number please do but it did not avail you at all, and the earth was confining for you with its vastness, then you turn back fleeing. Remember that after the conquest of Makkah, the tribes of her lesson and belief of thought if and remember how the people have thought if dealt with the Prophet sallallaahu Ellison many years ago. So now there was a battle with them. And this is known as the Battle of her name. And remember that the people have thought if we're excellent archers, and they really took the Muslims by surprise. And the Muslims actually

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began to flee. Even though the Muslims were so many a number at that time, they had so many resources, they were prepared for the battle. But it is made clear over here, that your numbers, your great number, did not avail you at all. So the fact is that our richness does not bring us success. Allah is the one who brings us success. Resources are important, but never the source. They're not reliable. So reliance should only be on Allah subhanaw taala then Allah sent down his tranquility upon His Messenger, and upon the believers and sent down soldier angels, and sent down soldiers angels, whom you did not see and punish those who disbelieved and that is the recompense of

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the disbelievers that Allah will accept repentance after that, for whom He wills and allies Forgiving and Merciful, all you who have believed, indeed the polytheists are unclean, not untouchable, no, this is referring to spirit, this is referring to spiritual uncleanliness. So let them not approach a mosquito how long after this their final year. So these privileges now are being taken away so that they would realize that they were doing something wrong. And if you fear probation, because that now if they don't come for trade, then how are you going to make money in your economy might decline if you have that fear, then remember, Allah will enrich you from his

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bounty, if he will, and support the law. The following year, at the farewell pilgrimage had to do with our 100,000 Muslims performed Hajj, Indeed, Allah is Knowing and wise. So remember, the provision that is written for you will find you the way death will, it will reach you the way death will reach you. So don't fear that don't fear about about lack of money, because what is written for you will come, what you should be afraid about is the way the means through which you're earning money. Because that means is what you are going to be responsible for, and realize people and systems are never the source of income. It is Allah subhanaw taala

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fight those who do not believe in Allah, or in the last day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth from those who are given the Scripture fight until they give the jizya willingly while they're humbled. The juicy crusade is the son of Allah and the Christian said the mercy is the son of Allah. That is their statement from their mouths. they imitate the saying of those who disbelieve before them. May Allah destroy them. How are they deluded? They have taken their scholars and monks as Lords besides Allah, how they obey them in every matter. And also the mercy the son of Medea by worshipping Him and they

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were not commanded except to worship one God.

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There is no deity except Him. Exalted is He above whatever they associate with him. They want to extinguish the light of Allah with our mounts. Ud do not unusual Fionnuala ebf where he him, they want to extinguish what light the light of Allah? How would their mounts so Pamela, how? By blowing with their words with their false criticism with their propaganda, but could anyone ever blow out a massive light and fire just with their mouth? Impossible. They want to extinguish the light of Allah, the religion of Allah with their words, way below who elect and ut minoura, who, but a lot refuses except to perfect his light without getting health care for your own, although the

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disbelievers dislike it. So remember, if Islam was ever to come to an end, because of the lies that people say about it, it would have ended by now it would have been forgotten by now. But that is not the case. In every era, remember, lies have been spread about Islam and about Muslims in order to turn people away.

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But Allah subhanaw taala will never let that happen. We have Bella who illa anutin minoura, who, who led our Salah Sula, who bill who the it is he who sent His messenger with guidance, and the religion of truth, to manifest it over all religion, meaning so that many become Muslim, although they who associate others with a lot dislike it. So Allah comforts the believers over here, that you don't fear. You don't fear any financial loss or the fear of people's criticism, put your faith in Allah and do what is right. And when a person puts their faith in Allah, that Allah subhanaw taala grants them peace of heart and contentment. So remember, hurdles will come but the ease will also come. Or

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you will have believed, indeed, many of the scholars and monks devour the wealth of people unjustly through bribes. This is referring to the scholars and monks of the People of the Book, and they avert them from the way of Allah and those who hurt and those who hoard gold and silver and spend it not in the way of Allah give them tidings of a painful punishment. We see that's a matter of fact, acetal de la Mourinho, he went from one monk to another, and one of them was apparently very pious, but he had hoarded all the gold and silver for himself, which the people had given him charity. So he lost his reputation in this world also. You see, people are very weak when it comes to money, so

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hoarding wealth, get the zona

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those who hoard wealth, gold and silver cans is the wealth the property on which the cat is not given. And notice how it is set over here. And they do not spend it in the way of Allah. So wealth should be spent in the way of Allah, in obedience to Allah does a cat should be given, and, and wealth should be spent. For the religion of a love also, the day when it will be heated in the fire of *, and seared there with will be their foreheads their flanks and their backs, it will be said, This is what you're awarded for yourselves. So taste what you use to hoard. Remember, the person who loves something in a wrong way, and what is the wrong way that you love it so much that

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you forget about a loss.

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You love it so much, so excessively, that you don't care about what Allah has commanded you regarding it. And sometimes people have this kind of love for their money, so they don't give us a cat. So, remember, when a person loves something in this way, then they will be punished by that very thing.

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The love, that is right, that is for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala it brings joy, it brings any contentment to the nuts and the love that is for the knifes for the ego. That is what brings torture in this world and in the hereafter. So they hoarded money, they didn't spend it. They didn't give us a cat from it. And on the Day of Judgment they will be punished with that vary gold and silver and this punishment is for not giving the cap and it will be given even before being sent to *. in Hades we learn if any owner of gold or silver does not pay what is do you want him on the Day of Resurrection plates a fire will be beaten out for him meaning from the golden silver that he hoarded

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and they will then be heated in the fire of health and besides his forehead and his back will be burned with it cauterized with it. And whenever they will cool down it will be repeated on the day the extent of which is 50,000 years. This is on the Day of Judgment any before being sent to Jenna or agenda. And then he will see whether his path has to take him to paradise or to help. So what's the use of this? Well, you see is a cat. It purifies our money and it purifies us

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It purifies us of greed and what is hoarded becomes a source of burden for us. I shall Dylan Warren has said that once the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came to me, and he saw two silver rings in my hand, and he asked, What is this? So I said, I have made these ornaments my for myself for you, meaning to dress up in front of you. So he asked, Did you pay zakat on them? She said, No.

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And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said this is sufficient for you to take you to the Hellfire sopran Allah, anyone we have such wealth on which the cat is due, we must be very, very careful. So it is the month of Ramadan a lot of people give there is a cotton Ramadan, be eager to calculate it very quickly and very soon. And then think about how you're going to give it because now it really is a time where giving is also any it's it's difficult, there are certain opportunities that are no longer available to us. So don't delay this till the last moment. Indeed, the number of months with ally is 12 lunar months in the register of a lot from the day he created

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the heavens and the earth. Of these four are sacred. That is the correct religion. So do not wrong yourselves during them and fight against the disbelievers collectively as a fight against to collectively and know that Allah is with the righteous who fear Him. Indeed, the postponing of restriction within sacred months is an increase in disbelief by which those who have disbelieved are LED further astray. They make it lawful one year and unlawful another year to correspond to the number made unlawful by law, and thus make lawful what Allah has made unlawful, made pleasing to them as the evil of their deeds. And Allah does not guide the disbelieving people. So remember, four

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months are sacred. And what that means is that in those months, fighting is not permissible war is not permissible. And this is something that was practiced even pre Islam. But the machine would they would do at times because there were a war and loving people. If there was ever a need to fight, and the month was sacred, they would just switch the months around. They would say, you know what, now we're we're not going to make it the sacred months, we're going to delay it. Three months from now we're going to swap it, we're going to switch it around. Why so that they could fight whenever they wanted. This was their way of trickery, right? their way of changing the law of love to suit their

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own desires.

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Will you have believed? What is the matter with you, that when you are told to go forth in the cause of Allah, you adhere heavily to the earth, the indication is towards us with a book in which participation was mandatory. So some people they were afraid and they were lazy. So he said, Are you satisfied with the life of this world rather than the hereafter? But what is the enjoyment of worldly life compared to the Hereafter, except very little. So when they gave preference to worldly comfort over the comfort of the Hereafter, they were reprimanded because the comfort of the hereafter Remember, it cannot be achieved without the discomfort of this world. We learn mantella

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dunia Allah will be a hero. Whoever seeks the world will suffer in the hereafter among thought about, although Abby dunia and whoever seeks the hereafter will most certainly suffer some pain, some difficulty in the world. So don't have FOMO because you're not going to miss out by obeying Allah subhanaw taala. If there is some loss here, you will be compensated in full in the Hereafter, you will be compensated with what is better in the hereafter. So prefer the long term over the immediate gratification.

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Then it is said, If you do not go forth, He will punish you with a painful punishment and will replace you with another people and you will not harm him at all. And Allah is over all things competent. So we should pray to Allah Allah Mr. Dabney, Allah use me for your deen, what are the sub D do not replace me if you do not need the Prophet, Allah has already aided him when those who disbelieved had driven him out of Makkah as one of two 70th name in the cave during the hedgehog, when they were in the cave and he said to his companion, it'd be a kulula sahibi do not grieve Indeed Allah is with us. And Allah sent down his tranquility upon him, and supported him with angels

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you did not see and made the word of those who disbelieve the lowest, while the word of Allah that is the highest, and Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise, many beautiful things in this ayah. But one thing we can definitely see here is the virtue of Abu Bakar de la hora, where he is described as sahibi, the Sahib the Companion of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he truly was his companion. He's described over here Fannia named the second of the two, meaning they were alone. It was just the two of them in the cave, and this was not the only

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The time of avacado de la Martin who was the second in Islam meaning, meaning that he was the first man to embrace Islam. So he was second to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam in embracing Islam, he was second in the cave. He was second in the 10th of battle with with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with just him and the prophets of Allah radiocentre and even in the grave, he is the second meaning he is right next to him of ibaka de la Mourinho.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in his fatal illness, that there is no one who has done more favor to me with his life and property than aboubaker. So if I were to take a Holly, I would certainly have taken a bucket colleague and intimate friend, and that is only Allah subhanaw taala. He said, No one's wealth has benefited me as much as the wealth of Abu Bakr has on the Prophet sallallahu urges and except that at one occasion abubaker wept. And he said, Well, * never any Allahu in Lubbock. And is it not that Allah has in fact benefited me through you? Allah has benefited me through you, Allah has benefited me through you.

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And Rebecca was he the Companion of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who supported him so wholeheartedly, and there is a lot for us to learn from his example, that this is how we should love the Prophet sallallahu radiocentre This is how we should love the religion of Allah. Any this love is not just expressed by singing songs, this love is expressed by action by spending on the religion of Allah by any giving your lot your your effort, your time, your energy in the way of Allah subhanaw taala and then we see that abubaker was not just afraid in the cave when the enemy was right outside. Obama was also said he was sad for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam so he said

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let the hidden in the Lucha Marana he said at that time, that what do you think of to the third of whom is Ulla? Any Don't be afraid Don't be sad allez help is with us. The thing is that sometimes sadness and fear can be debilitating. So it is necessary that we ask a lot to protect us alone My niara becoming an HMI well hasn't that Allah protect me from worry and sadness in futile FF and with your partner? Go forth, whether light or heavy, meaning whether it is easy for you, or hard for you, whether you have a lot of resources or limited resources, go forth in the way of Allah as Abu Bakar did with whatever that you have, and strive with your wealth and your lives in the cause of Allah.

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You see wealth as mentioned first self is mentioned. Second, that is better for you, if you only knew. So this shows us that it is important that we contribute financially also, on the religion of Allah, we contribute with our services. But wealth is mentioned first because it is not enough for us to just go and volunteer here and there, but to spend from our pockets as well. Because when we spend on something, it shows our commitment to it hadn't been an easy game and a moderate trip. The hypocrites would have followed you, but distant to them was the journey and they will swear by Allah, if we were able, we would have gone forth with you Destroying Themselves through false oaths.

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And Allah knows that indeed they're liars are full of wearing May Allah pardon you. Why did you give them permission? You should not have until it was made evident to you who were truthful, and you knew who were the liars? You see what happened is that the Prophet sallallahu arias and untold people very clearly, to go for the expedition have to book a lot of people the hypocrites they came and started presenting excuses in order to stay back and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam kept allowing them so Allah subhanaw taala gently reprimands him here. But look at how the reprimand begins our alpha lamancha Allah is already pardoned, do you any you're not guilty here but Lima

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didn't Allah Why did you allow them meaning in the future you should not you should not do that. So this is any a manner that we need to adopt as well because sometimes we do need to correct people, especially our children or people who are at home. But always begin gently.

01:44:28 --> 01:44:41

Lay us the vino can Latina you mean una bella he will do will hear those who believe in a line the last day would not ask permission of you to be excused from striving with their wealth and their lives and allies knowing of those who fear Him.

01:44:42 --> 01:44:55

Only those would ask permission of you who do not believe in a line the last day and whose hearts have doubted and they in their doubt are hesitating. So what do we see who likes to go in the way of Allah, those who truly believe

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and who likes to stay back those whose Eman is

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deficient. So we need to check ourselves. And if they had intended to go forth, they would have prepared for it some preparation, but Allah disliked they're being sent. So he kept them back and they were told remain behind what those who remain. This is so frightening. You see if a person is not able to do something good, then Honey, you should reflect Why? What happened? What did I do that I was not given the ability, that that they'll feel was taken away from me being left behind means you were not chosen, you're deprived of the privilege. Now, how did you feel at home? Why did Allah not let them go, because had they gone forth with you, they would, they would not have increased you

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except in confusion. And they would have been active among you seeking to cause you fitna and among you are avid listeners to them and Allah is Knowing of the wrongdoers. So, two reasons one is that if they went with you, they would have caused many problems, they would have given you a headache. So Allah saved you, by not letting these people come with you. So panela there are people who cause more facade than good in the places they go to. Because hobble and this is of hypocrisy. So we need to see that when we go to different places, what do we do? Do we cause problems or do we bring benefit

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the prophets of Allah, any wherever they went, they were Mubarak or Jelani, Mubarak and I never come to that Allah has made me bless it Wherever I am, that wherever I go, people benefit. So we need to see what do we take to different places, different, you know, houses, different gatherings. And then secondly, there are people who are very naive or very impressionable who get affected by their negative speech.

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So this is why Allah spawn tada protected you. Because these people they gossip, which breeds hatred, and Ill feeling it creates a disunity. And it makes people lazy in their obedience to Allah because you see, if someone for example, says, oh, Ramadan is so hard, you know, my head is hurting so much, I'm feeling so weak and I don't get to sleep so much. Then what happens even if you don't have a headache, you develop a headache, the negativity, the negative talk affects you. So be careful about who you listen to. They had already desired dissension before and had upset matters for you until the truth came. And the ordinance of Allah appeared while they were averse and now

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their hypocrisy is completely exposed. And among them is He Who says permit me to remain at home and do not put me to trial upon Allah, Amanda even case he came and he said to the Prophet sallallahu radiosonde that I've heard that Roman women which is basically where they were going to for the expedition of the book, he said that I've heard they're very beautiful. So if you take me there, I will end up committing Zina a stuffit Ulla, unquestionably into trial they have fallen, any, they're coming out as so many, so extra pious and righteous that they don't even want to look at a woman. But the problem is that already they have fallen into trial, soprano law, any there are men who will

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sometimes criticize even the presence of a woman in hijab and niqab that your existence is a fitna. The problem is that you have already fallen into fitna that you're coming out with so much judgment, and indeed * will encompass the disbelievers in good befalls you. It distresses them, but if disaster strikes you they say and we took our matter in hand before and turn away while they're rejoicing kulanu cebuana a llama? katapola? hula, hula molana say, never will we be struck except by what Allah has decreed for us. He is our protector, and upon Allah let the believers rely. This is so important for us to remember that nothing can harm us. Nothing can reach us, except what Allah

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has already written for us. So don't don't be fearful all the time. And if something does hit you, then who am mowlana allies? My Mona allies, my caretaker, he is my protector. And I put my trust in him. Who will help her persona Bina say do you await for us except one of the two best things while we await for you that alone will afflict you with punishment from himself or at our hands. So wait, indeed, We along with you are waiting So remember, every everything that happens to a believer is good.

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Nothing is a failure for a believer. It's it's always two best things. Any either the believer will win will receive something good, or if he suffers a loss, it looks like suffering but in fact he is gaining because even if you suffer from the prick of a thorn, and you are patient over it, you're rewarded, Your sins are removed. So the believer never suffers.

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You're never a victim, say spend willingly or unwillingly, never will it be accepted from you. Indeed you have been a defiantly disobedient people, meaning there is no reward for the hypocrites in the hereafter for even the money that they spend in the way of Allah. Why? And what prevents their expenditures from being accepted from them, but that they have disbelieved in Allah and His Messenger, and that they come not to prayer except while they're lazy, and that they do not spend except while they're unwilling.

01:50:30 --> 01:50:53

See the problem, they pray, but they pray lazy Lee, they stall, they delay and when they spend, when they give something in the way of Allah, they do something in the way of Allah, they do so unwillingly. So we have to do the opposite. We have to go forward in obedience to Allah, how happily willingly promptly, don't delay.

01:50:54 --> 01:51:12

I showed a loved one who was asked and what the prophet sallallahu Sallam used to do in the house. And she replied, who he used to keep himself busy serving his family. So Panama, and he outside also he was so busy and when he came home, he would serve his family. And when it was time for prayer, he would go for it.

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So Salah is not an interruption. It is meant to be a break a source of relief for you that you need.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said would you are enough Allah taurine for Salah the comfort of my I was placed in Salah he would say your beloved Optimus solid Rihanna be her ob lol, call it karma for prayer and give us comfort by it.

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And then secondly, we have to spend in the way of Allah happily when you give Zakat be grateful and humbled Allah, when you give some sadaqa when you contribute somewhere, do so happily. So let not their wealth and their children impress you. Allah only intends to punish them through them in worldly life, and that their souls should depart at death. While they're disbelievers. sopran Allah, this wealth that they're enjoying right now is the very thing that will ruin them. So don't be impressed by it. And so often it happens, that the money people make becomes the source of their torture. And they swear by Allah, that there are from among you, while they are not from among you.

01:52:17 --> 01:52:47

But there are people who are afraid if they could find a refuge or some caves or any place to enter and hide. They would turn to it while they're been heedlessly mean this is how much they avoid Good work. And among them are those who criticize you concerning the distribution of charities, if they're given from them, they approve, but if they're not given from them at once they become angry. So we see over here that the hypocrites they would only come forward in the way of Allah when there was a chance of personal gain.

01:52:49 --> 01:53:28

Which is why if they didn't get what they were expected, they would get upset, they will get angry with the Prophet salallahu Oradea Center. This is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Let the slave of the nod and did Han and the slave of homies of parish as he is pleased if these things are given to him. And if not, he is displeased. Let such a person perish. And if he's pierced with a thorn, let him not find anyone to take it out for him. And he was making garlic and such selfish people. Because Paradise is for him, who holds the reins of his horse to strive in a lost cause, with his hair unkempt, and feet covered with dust. If he's appointed in the vanguard, he's

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perfectly satisfied with his post. And if he's appointed in the rare, he accepts his post with satisfaction, meaning he does not object if he asks for permission. People don't even think he's that important. So he's not given permission, if He intercedes his intercession is not accepted. sopran Allah, so there are some people who are out for personal gain. They're so selfish, so greedy, that even if they're doing something for the deen, first thing is what's in it for me, what do I get out of it? And then there are other people whose goal is to please Allah soprano Tada. And so they go on serving the religion of Allah, through whatever capacity that they have, and whatever option

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that they're given, and they don't object to criticize, if only they had been satisfied with what Allah and His Messenger gave them, and said, has spoon Allah sufficient for us is Allah, Allah will give us on his bounty and so will His Messenger. Indeed we are desirous toward Allah than that would have been better for them than it is mentioned as to who's a cat is to be given to us or the cart, the charities, there's a gap expert, there's a cat expenditures are only for the poor, who have nothing and for the needy, those who don't have enough to fulfill their needs, and for those employed to collect, meaning those who are employed to collect as a cat, because they're spending

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their time in it. Then the a portion of that will be a portion of the cat will be given a salary to them, and for bringing hearts together for Islam me so those who are new to Islam, give them so that they become

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For in Islam, and for free and captives or slaves, and for those in depth, so that they can improve economically, and for the cause of Allah, for striving in the way of Allah, Darwin Allah and for the stranded travelers so that he can go home and obligation imposed by Allah and Allah is Knowing and wise, so you can give to any of those categories, but especially the the category that is made available to you that you have the opportunity to give to then be eager to give there. And among them are those who abuse the profit. There are people who did not spare the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam also, and they say he is an ear who thought this was an expression that he listens

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to everything, say it is an ear of goodness for you. Because imagine if he refused, imagine if he interrogated you all the time, that believes in Allah and believes the believers and is a mercy for those who believe among you, and those who abuse the Messenger of Allah, for them as a painful punishment. They swear to you, they swear by Allah to you, to satisfy you, but Allah and His Messenger are more worthy for them to satisfy, if they should be believers. Do they not know that whoever opposes a lion is messenger, that for him is the fire of * where and he will abide eternally. That is the great disgrace to remember making fun of their religion, whether it is

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through words or behavior, this is sinful, the

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Illuminati acun the hypocrites are apprehensive lest a pseudo be revealed about them, informing them of what is in their hearts, because the guilty is afraid, say, Mark as you wish, Indeed, Allah will expose that which you fear. And if you ask them, they will surely say we were only conversing and playing extremely defensive. Say It is Allah say is it Allah and His verses and His messenger that you were mocking, make no excuse. You have disbelieved after your belief. If we pardon one faction of you, we will punish another faction because they were criminals. So we see that the hypocrites they would, in their private gatherings make fun of the Prophet sallallahu radiocentre they would

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make fun of the believers. And when this news would reach the Muslims, it would reach the prophets of Allah who it was that they were asked Did you say this, they would outright refuse and they would swear oaths? Why? Just to not get in trouble. So such to, you know, to face it ness that a person is one way in one in one place and completely different in another place. This is hypocrisy. And, and people who make fun of the deen of Allah. They're being criticized over here. aluna Hakuna? Well, Mona Phil part, the hypocrite men and the hypocrite women. Yes, hypocrisy can also be in women. They are of one another. They're all the same. They enjoy what is wrong and forbid what is right to

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discourage one another from doing good. And close their hands. They're stingy. They don't come forward and doing good. They have forgotten Allah. So he has forgotten them accordingly. Indeed the hypocrites It is they who are the defiantly disobedient. Allah has promised the hypocrite men and hypocrite women and the disbelievers the fire of *, wherein they will abide eternally, it is sufficient for them and Allah has cursed them and for them as an enduring punishment. You disbelievers are like those before you there were stronger than you in power and more abundant in wealth and children. They enjoyed their portion of worldly enjoyment, and you have enjoyed your

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portion as those before you enjoyed their portion, and you have engaged in vanities like that in which they engaged. It is those whose deeds have become worthless in this world, and in the Hereafter, and in this day, who are the losers? So we should see who is it that we resemble in our lifestyle? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and his companions or their enemies? Has there not reached them the news of those before them, the people of New had the tribes of odd and smooth and the people that are boy, Ibrahim and the companions of meridian and the towns that were overturned. This was the people of Luther who set up their messengers came to them with clear proofs

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and Allah would never have wronged them, but they were wronging themselves. So why were they destroyed because of their COVID because of their denial, their ingratitude. When Mina Mina Bardot, whom Alia, borrowed the believing men, and believing women are allies of one another, they aid each other, they support each other, how, with good advice, with support with encouragement, withdraws, they enjoy what is right and forbid what is wrong and established prayer and gives a cat and obey Allah and His messenger. Those Allah will have mercy upon them. Indeed, Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise. So we see here that the believers are in complete contrast to the hypocrites. The believer

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spreads goodness, and the believer serves as a support for other believers. Believers are supposed to

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Strengthen each other because there is a lot of things that we cannot do alone. And remember, where there is love and support within a team that they're able to accomplish a lot. Where are the local minima will move Mina, Allah has promised the believing men and believing women gardens beneath which rivers flow were in their bite eternally, and pleasant dwellings in gardens of perpetual residents. But approval from Allah is greater is that which is the great attainment, oh Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam fight against the disbelievers and the hypocrites and be harsh upon them. And the refuge is *, and wretched is the destination. You see this ayah proves that Jihad

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jihad is not just fighting with weapons, it's not just a battle, because the prophets of Allah or to send them never waged war against the hypocrites. He strove against them in different ways. They swear by Allah, that they did not say anything against the Prophet, while they had said the word of disbelief and disbelieved after the pretense of Islam, and plan that which they were not to attain. Because at the expedition of Tibet during the journey, the hypocrites actually attempted to kill the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. But they weren't successful in that. And they were not resentful, except for the fact that aligned His Messenger had enriched them of his bounty. So if

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they repent, it is better for them a lot about if they repent, after committing this crime, it is better for them. But if they turn away, then Allah will punish them with a painful punishment in this world and the Hereafter, and there will not be for them on Earth, any protector or helper. So remember, there is no refuge from Allah, except to Allah. And among them are those who made a covenant with Allah saying, if he should give us from his bounty, we will surely spend in charity, and we will surely be among the righteous, just once I become a millionaire, once I start earning a salary, once my business is making a lot of money, I will be so charitable, I will spend here and

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there no start spending now from whatever that you have. Don't wait. But when he gave them from his bounty, they were stingy with it, and turned away while they refused. So he penalized them with hypocrisy in their hearts, until the day they will meet him. Why? Because they failed a lot in what they promised him. And because they habitually used to lie. So this is what creates hypocrisy, breaking promises with Allah and lying. Did they not know that Allah knows their secrets and their private conversation, and that Allah is the Knower of the unseen, those who criticize the contributors among the believers, those who criticize the contributors among the believers,

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concerning their charities, and criticize the ones who find nothing to spend except their effort. So they could so they ridicule them, Allah will ridicule them, and they will have a painful punishment. Subhan Allah, some companions that were really poor, we learned that, that almost Rudra de la hora and who said that we worked as porters, any carrying the bags of people. Why? So that we could earn some money? Why so that we could spend that in the way of Allah imagine. And when they would bring the little that they had, the hypocrites would make fun of them. So at one point, we learned that a hypocrite mocked at such a charity that a believer abroad, and the hypocrites said Allah is not in

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need of the arms of this men, meaning this charity is not going to make a difference. So this ayah was revealed. So remember, it's not about the quantity that you give in the way of Allah. It's the quality is still Fiedler whom oleta stokfella whom ask forgiveness for them, or do not ask forgiveness for them. If you should ask forgiveness for them 70 times never will ALLAH forgive them. That is because they disbelieved in a line is messenger and Allah does not guide the defiantly disobedient people. You see, this is the way of the hypocrites Allah. Allah gives them so many chances, but they refuse to benefit from them. This is why they said even if you seek forgiveness,

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they will not be forgiven, because they have proven themselves to be enemies from within.

02:04:20 --> 02:04:59

But yet we see the Prophet sallallahu Urdu Sena was so kind of the Leben obey the chief of hypocrites. When he died, his son came to the prophets of Allah where it is I'm asking him for his shirt. So that I'm delivering obey could be buried in that the profits of the local artisan gave his shirt, he prayed for him. Subhan Allah, if someone has treated us like this, we don't even want to look at their face. We are not willing to let go of the past. But the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam was those who remain behind rejoiced and they're staying at home after the departure of the Messenger of Allah and dislike to strive with their wealth and their lives and the cause of Allah.

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And this

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Do not go forth in the heat. They said to each other, don't go for the Battle of the book, because it's so hot, say the fire of * is more intense in heat, if they would but understand. Remember, the fire of * is truly very, very hot, we learn in a Hadith, that it is

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69 parts more than the worldly fire, it is truly hot. This is why Allah says fully up Heroku kalila. So let them laugh a little, and then weep much why as recompense for what they used to earn. So we see here, that the hypocrites rejoiced at the fact that they were left behind from the expedition of tabuk. They were laughing over it, they were happy about it. So they're told this is not something to be happy about, you should actually cry because of what awaits you, if Allah should return you to affection of them after the expedition. And then they asked your permission to go out to battle next time say you will not go out with me ever, because this was the last expedition that the Prophet

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sallallahu Ortiz and I participated in, and you will never fight with me and enemy no more chances. Now. Indeed, you were satisfied with sitting at home the first time to sit now with those who stay behind. And this is something that we need to fear that for example, the month of Ramadan, if we're lazy about it, and we don't strive in it. Think about it. What if this is your last Ramadan? What if you're not able to worship Allah again? What if so, don't take opportunities for granted, and do not pray, meaning the funeral prayer over any of them who has died ever, or standard his grave indeed, they disbelieved and aligned His Messenger and died while they were defiantly disobedient, and let

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not their wealth and their children impress you alone, the intense to punish them through them in the world, and that their souls should depart at death while they're disbelievers. And when a pseudo was revealed in joining them to believe in Allah and to find with his fight, along with his messenger,

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those of wealth among them asked your permission to stay back and said, leave us to be with those who sit at home, they were satisfied to be with those who stayed behind, and their hearts were sealed over, so they do not understand.

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But the messenger and those who believed with him fought with their wealth and their lives, those will have all that is good. And it is those who are the successful, Allah has prepared for them gardens beneath which reverse flow, wherein they will abide eternally. That is the great attainment and those with excuses among the Bedouins came to be permitted to remain, and they who had lied to Allah and His Messenger sat at home, there will strike those who disbelieved among them a painful punishment. So we see that some people after the expedition came apologizing, and some did not even bother to come and give an excuse. Remember, staying back from doing something good, is not being

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lucky. This is a deprivation. However, law makes it clear that there is not upon the weak or upon the ill, or upon those who do not find anything to spend any discomfort when they're sincere to Allah and His messenger. This is important. Even nessa hulan that you are Sweetie, we should always have that sincerity, that willingness to worship Allah subhanaw taala. And he, for example, these days, were not able to go to the masjid. One is that Oh, finally, and hamdulillah we don't have to go to the masjid. We're so fortunate. And the other is, I wish I could go. But yeah, Allah, you know, I cannot go. So the person who has the intention, but is not able to go because of their

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circumstances, whether it is their disability, or it is their health, or it is the fact that they don't have the opportunity, then they're equal in reward to those who go out in the way of Allah. But if a person goes out in the way of a law, and they hate it, they're unwilling, they don't get the reward.

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There is not upon the Dewar's of good any cause for blame and Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. So we see here that just as there is allowance when it comes to Salah that you can join the prayers when you're traveling, you can shorten the prayers when you're traveling. When it comes to fasting, there are allowances if you're not able to fast because of health reasons, you can make them up later, you can give the video then in the capital to enhance you also, likewise in Jihad also in striving in the way of Allah subhanaw taala also, but there is a condition either NASA who lillahi wa su D have that sincerity towards a less religion, and when a person has it sincerity than look at the reward.

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in Hades we learn the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that some people have remained behind us in Medina, meaning that we're not able to participate in this expedition with us. But we never crossed a mountain path or a valley, but they were with us, meaning they got the reward also, as they have been held back by illegal excuse, someone who has been held back because of a genuine reason

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They, they get the reward. So we learned, for example, in a hadith that a person who intends to go for Hajj, but then he dies. On the day of judgment, he will have the reward for Hajj. A person who goes out with the intention of Ramadan, and then he dies, then the reward of Roma will be written for him until the day of judgment. A person who goes out for jihad in the way of Allah and dies in the way, then again, the reward of jihad will be written for him until the day of judgment and the reward for Hajj will be written for him until the Day of Judgment if he dies. Nor is there blame upon those who, when they came to you, that you might give them mounts you said, I cannot, I can

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find nothing for you to write upon. They turned back while their eyes overflowed with tears out of grief that they could not find themselves.

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They turned back while their eyes overflowed with tears out of grief that they could not find something to spend for the cause of a law. So some people when they're not able to do something good. They actually feel sad. They cry, and there are other people who rejoice what a huge difference. We see that I shall do more on how when she was going for Hajj with the prophets of the law where it was on them. And she began her menstrual cycle. She started to cry, because she realized that she wouldn't be able to do so she cried. So we need to see that what is it that we cry over? If we don't get to go to the mall, if we don't get the ice cream, if we don't get that gift

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any we start crying over petty things.

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Cause for blame is only upon those who asked permission of you, while they're rich, they have the opportunity they have the ability, but still they're satisfied to be with those who stay behind and Allah has sealed over their hearts. So they do not know sometimes a person is genuinely unable to do something for the sake of Allah. But what matters is a state of the heart. So we need to see what opportunities as Allah subhanaw taala given me right now, what is it that I can do right now? And the things that I am not able to do? How do I feel about it? Because it's the state of the heart, and also the effort that a person exerts that will be examined, with almost a penalty of assault,

02:12:13 --> 02:12:25

sincerity and the strength to strive in his cause. Does Akuma lo Haytham cathedra soprano locomobi handig a shadow Allah either in Atlanta as the Furukawa tubal la Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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