Nouman Ali Khan – Ramadan 2016 – Surat al-Baqarah – Day 2

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of finding past models to show the way of the Prophet and the use of the present tense to indicate when people are likely to use it. They stress the challenges of living in difficult situations and the importance of protecting oneself from negative comments and misunderstandings. They also touch on the cultural and political significance of the ancient religion and the afterlife, as well as the importance of belief in God and the afterlife, and early church preaching. They emphasize the need for everyone to be prepared for the next preaching cycle and provide evidence to support one's claims.
AI: Transcript ©
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Rubbish. Recently Emily Wagner aka melissani of cocoa leaf and hamdulillah salat wa salam ala rasulillah. By the early he was happy he was very intimate. Once again, everyone as salaam alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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Our intention today is to move on from where we left off yesterday, the last thing we read about was hotel motel. And I'll say a few comments about that last piece of the second is our allies. The region mentioned that this book is a guidance and a living guidance for people who protect themselves and want to be cautious. The word ultimate 13 is an a noun in the Arabic language. It's called an Islam fight and in the Arabic language, but in English, when I translate it, I have to use a verb I don't use a noun, I have to say things like those who protect themselves. And then when I said that, in English, the word protect was a verb. The thing is that there's a fundamental

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difference in the Arabic language between verbs and nouns. And lo, this is not a grammar class. One thing I should be able to explain to you with little difficulty is that verbs are temporary. When you when you say he eats, that doesn't mean he's always going to eat. It's not permanent. It's just in the present tense. a verb is either in the past tense or the present tense of the future tense, which means it's not timeless, which means it's temporary. As opposed to it a noun like tree, or car, or truth or something like that. these are these are nouns. nouns don't have a tense, they don't have a past tense, they don't have a present tense, they don't have a future tense. And so

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when you use nouns, you're actually referring to something permanent or timeless, that isn't caged by time, as opposed to a verb. Now, that's important because even though in the English translation of the Quran the difference between verbs and nouns gets kind of murky, it mixes up together, right? Because it's sometimes difficult, because in the in the language of the Quran, sometimes it's there's a noun, but it's very hard to translate it as a noun. So we end up translating it as a verb. And when we do that some of the original intention and power of that word is lost. And so you have to go out of your way to kind of explain Well, this one was a noun, and that means a lie suggesting

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something permanent. And that's important in the case of dental Matatini. Because when Allah azza wa jal says, I will move to the people who protect themselves are cautious, who take precaution, Allah is referring to a group of people that will always be there. He's not just saying these are people that used to be in the past back in the day, and then now they're not there anymore. And this is a big shift from what I talked about the good people a lot talked about right before I looked at in the good people a lot talked about was in fact, he said serata allatheena. And I'm telling him, the past of those who you have showered favor upon that was the last good group of people that we read

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about in this in the sequence of the Quran. But notice there those of you that are familiar with Arabic and lezzy, anantha Allah him those who you favored, or you showered favor upon. That's the past tense. Yes. So in fact, how we're supposed to look for role models in the past, because the people who are truly showered favor upon and gave guidance to those are the heroes of this Deen from the past. Those are the you know, and they've been a Sydney teen Shahada asahina those are the prophets, those who confirm the truth of the prophets, like the companions of the Allahu anhu would mean great people like the scholars of the righteous that we read about even there are in the Quran,

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Allah talks about great people that are not prophets and that are not so hobbies are companions of the Prophet like the people of the cave, for example. They're not prophets, and they're not companions of the Prophet either. But they're great people, right? So but they're also in the past. So we look for role models in the past. And that's important to understand because, you know, you can have a role model in the present. You can have somebody you look up to in the present, but that's always going to be limited

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Because they're still alive, which means they're still open to the west versus shavon, which means they can still fall before they die. But the people that have died and Allah gave them the certificate of graduation, that they're successful in their guidance, and a lot of proved of them, those are guaranteed role models. You know, I, when I explained that concept, often I give the example of college students, college students, if you are going, if you're studying accounting or business, then you don't take advice from the guy who's in the same year as yourself, even if he's an A student, you take advice from someone who graduated from that university with the same degree

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and now has a job because they've already traded this path. And so they're in much better position to give you advice, as opposed to someone who's on the journey along with you at the same time. So the point I'm trying to make is that in the fatty how we look for role models were in the past, but then it kind of makes you also depressed a little bit because it maybe gives the implication that the only people to look forward to or the only good people, all the good people are all gone and the only thing left is us us the leftovers. So there's no hope for us because those will have favored us back in the day. What about what Susan Baqarah does from the very beginning by using the word and

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within DSM five, the noun is to say that the people have Taqwa for whom the doors of guidance are gonna stay open. Those people were in the past. You're going to find them in the present and they're also going to be there in the future no matter how bad times get how modern day get. The Muslim should not develop the sick mentality. Man, I wish I lived in the time of the Prophet size of them, because the good people were back then now it's just us. And a lot of Muslims have accepted about themselves that they're bad people that they can't be people of taqwa. This is this is not this is actually absolutely absurd. And it's negated from the very first, you know, this course insulted

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Bukhara by Allah azza wa jal using the words Albertine. Now, describing these people of taqwa before we go on, you need to understand a very delicate concept. There are people in the Quran and when the time comes, I'll explain that in more detail. There are people in the Koran, whose taqwa whose cautious attitude, and who's a carefulness towards their Deen is described after they are Muslim. So someone who becomes Muslim, they take their Shahada, now they have Taqwa they're extra careful, for example, they're careful about not missing a prayer. They're careful about not earning harm. They're careful about where they look. They're careful about these things. So they're demonstrating the idea

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of taqwa in their life. But actually, there's also a kind of duck love before eemaan. There were people that were careful about not lying. They were pretty protective themselves from cheating. They're protecting themselves from hurting other people like Albuquerque, San Diego de la junta, Orlando. Eamon hasn't touched him yet. But he still has something of what have Taqwa, he's still careful about things, he's still protective of things. So Allah azza wa jal in this ayah by using a limit 13 has actually opened the door to Muslims and good non Muslims, all over the world. Anybody who comes to this book for guidance, if they have the quality, that they want to save themselves

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from evil, they want to save themselves from failure, and they come to this book, it doesn't matter if they're Christian, Jewish, agnostic, atheist, whatever they are, they will find guidance in this book, they'll actually the door to all of them, the invitation has been opened, you know, but there are certain prerequisites, though, that they will also have to meet and that's where we get into the next ayah which kinds of cautious people are going to actually benefit from the guidance of this book. So what I'm trying to get at is now Allah has opened the door to the entire Medina and community and by extension, the entire world, because the Medina community is not just Muslims, as

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Jews as Christians. They're also been given an invitation now hotel motel, because I didn't get a hotel muslimeen. Right, or hotel, meaning That's it? No, no, no, then we're talking it's actually more broad, as a matter of fact, and select Island Emraan describing some people have annual Kitab some of the people of the book The using the Christians, Allah says, What would I come in?

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What will I come in asylum, they are also from good people. There. He describes good qualities among them, you know. So this is something that is the part of the mercy of the Quran and the open invitation of the Quran. Whether, you know, we sometimes think that the Koran that was revealed in Makkah was focused on Dawa to the machine they were inviting the machine. And the Quran that was revealed in Medina is focused on the Muslims. Yeah, you have the denominator and it's just giving them laws shady.

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Things like that. That's not entirely the case. Yes, the law the a lot of the laws of Islam are revealed in the Medina Quran. But the invitation to the people of the book and by extension, all people is actually continuous, even in the but the new Quran, it's still not just entirely only focused on the Muslims themselves, and that's evident from the very beginning of certain Baqarah. Now Allah says Allah Xena you mean una behave? Perhaps in our times this this phrase is more alive than ever before. Those who believe in the unseen those who believes in which that which cannot be seen alive now

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The idea of it, you know, we're especially relevant in our times and the movements, the modern academic and philosophical movements that are taking hold in the world. For example, scientism, you know, the idea that the only thing verifiable is that which can be checked through means of science through the five senses, if you can gauge the data and find evidence for it in the physical universe, then we can discuss it. And if you cannot find it in the physical universe, or prove it through some kind of device or tool, like you can check, you can measure temperature so we can know it exists. You know, you can gauge gravity or gravitational force, so we know it exists. But God,

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heaven * angels, you there's no scientific device that can tell you that there's such a thing as a God, or heaven or *. So there's no point even discussing this stuff. This stuff is all irrelevant. The only things that matter to people that can move humanity forward is a discussion that's based on hard science, right? That's, that's a new mentality that has kind of shaped the thinking of a lot of young people. And there's a lot of money put behind this kind of thinking. It's important to note that not just Muslims, and not just Christians or Jews, but actually other philosophers, academics, mathematicians, sociologists, anthropologists have already refuted this

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concept. They've already demonstrated that this idea that everything true can only come from science doesn't hold it. Because if you if you go by that standard, for example, to make things easy here, what about something like literature? somebody reads a beautiful piece of poetry and says, Wow, that was beautiful. Can you scientifically prove that that was beautiful?

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Everybody experienced that it was beautiful, some young guys listening to a song and bobbing his head and think that this song is amazing. But there's no scientific evidence that that song is amazing. It's just a bunch of sound waves traveling through the air. Scientifically speaking, it has no qualitative value. But yet this young man is convinced enough to buy the, the mp3 or whatever and download it on his phone and waste hours and hours hypnotizing himself to the beat. There's clearly human behavior based on things that aren't scientific or proven scientifically. So it actually collapses on itself. There are elements to human life that are unseen. Like when you tell your

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mother I love you.

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Can you prove that scientifically? No. Is there a tool that can you can, you know, put some device on your heart and check if you really love your mother and know, a living emotion like love and how much of our life is driven by love and hate? You know, how much of your purchasing decisions? What neighborhood Do you love to buy your house? In? What car Did you love to buy? You know, the woman that a man loved to marry? You know, the name that a man, a parent's love to give their child how many decisions in life are based on what love and love is entirely unscientific? It's entirely unscientific, you can't explain it as well, you know, must be some kind of mysterious thing

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happening, then again, you have to resort to mannville hype. So the idea that we have to understand is a reality beyond the scene. When people accept that reality, then they are ready for the kind of demand that is Dean is talking about Allah azza wa jal didn't even say those who believe in Allah. He doesn't mention himself yet. He just says you have to accept that there's a reality beyond what your eyes can perceive. What you can touch what you can smell, you know, it's from the * to you. And as you know, you may not be right. The other thing that to mention here is that Allah use the Madonna and the present tense for a man, you find it no Quran, Allah, Xena amanu, the past tense,

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you find a learning noon, the present tense, and the present tense suggests is similar. Ah, it suggests continuity. It also suggests struggles something that's incomplete. Actually, the Medallia according to the people and rhetoric that people have when they say that this is a federal railroad town, it's incomplete. It's incomplete. Let me put that in simple terms for you. If I say I ate lunch, that means I'm done eating. When I say I'm eating lunch, does that mean you're done? meaning your action is still What? incomplete. So the idea of using the present tense is these people have in mind, but they keep working on their mind, because they work on their faith because they're not.

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They're not satisfied that their event is complete. They keep working on it. And they keep realizing that sometimes it goes down and sometimes it comes up and they don't give up on their event. And just because they had a low day one time, it's not over they get up and they try to pick it back up again. satin facade like the Prophet sallallahu Sallam says this Eman it comes and goes, time and time sometimes you feel a high of it. Sometimes you don't. Sometimes you're standing in prayer and it's the most it's the greatest revolution in your life. The tears that roll down your eyes change your life. Other times you're standing in the prayers same ions are being recited and nothing

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happens. And you're just waiting for a little cooler. That's what happens. So this is attend fossa. It's something that comes in it goes. And so Allah azza wa jal highlights that the people who are of constant taqwa even they have ups and downs any man so even if a person has stuck with it doesn't mean they're perfect. Even though the mind is gonna fluctuate, it's gonna go up and down.

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milazzo filmmakers of those who wonder demand does go down, we know how to bring it back up again. Now allows origin mentions here of what I wanted to share with you is something like a little bit of a deeper look at what does it mean to believe in the unseen from the perspective of the Quran, you know, easily you can say, believing in the unseen means they believe in Allah who they cannot see. They believe in angels, they cannot see, they believe in a judgement day that they cannot see. They believe in Hellfire that they cannot see they believe in heaven that they cannot see, etc, etc, etc. As a matter of fact, for us, even the Prophet of Allah Salallahu alaihe salam, or the revelation

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that came to him, all of it is unseen to us. We didn't see any of it, you know, and they believe in miracles they've never seen, they believe in the water parting with Musan a cylinder they never saw. This is an easy list of things that we've never seen, but we still believe in. But then there's a deeper look at all of this. They see a reality around them that other people don't see. Everybody lives in the same era. We're all living in the same century, we're all living in the same year. The people that are in front of me in this audience are living in the same state. They're living in the same society. they're experiencing much of the same things around them. But the way they see them is

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not just with the eyes that can see the visible, but within appreciation of the invisible. So for example, yes, the food I mean, a nasty, you know, Melissa phenomenon is a phenomena Allah. They say people are sitting sitting in a party, they're backbiting. They're talking about somebody, someone will remind the unseen. Now everybody else who just talks and makes fun of somebody points out flaws of somebody. And you know, horror says horrible things about someone who's not there. They don't realize that this is a crime. And they're not feeling any pain. As they speak more and more evil, their skin starts itching more and more, it doesn't happen. It's not like they start sweating. It's

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not like they start feeling pain, or they started getting a root canal in the middle of their conversation. There are no physical consequences for you backbiting.

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But the one who has the mind starts feeling a disturbance. And says, I'm ashamed to engage in this conversation. I can't do this, because I'm embarrassed of what Allah is seeing of me right now. Right? So they are actually conscious of an unseen reality that everybody else at the party has no problem with. This is the mind in the unseen, you will find an example like you know, wherever you're traveling, sometimes, you know, especially I'll pick on the young man, a young man, you know, walking around between classes on campus, and he sees taking summer classes in La La, la Rajon so there's a girl walks by, who's, I don't know how you can call that dress, but okay. And I his eye

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goes there and he wants to look again. And he remembers who am I aquamarina Quantum Allahu

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Allah is with you, wherever you are. And what you do. He's He's looking, unless watching you check it out the girl unless checking you out right now. So you just kind of,

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you know, you just put your eyes down, because you recognize this is the man and that, hey, this is living human and behave. You know, it's easy to ask anybody? Do you believe in God? Yeah, I believe in God. But at that time, when it's tested, did it impact your behavior? Did it impact your thinking? Did it impact you know, your preferences? That's the man in the Haven. That's a struggle. That's a struggle. So make a distinction between the facts of Islam. The fact of Islam is God is one. Muhammad sallallahu alayhi. Salaam is His Messenger Quran in his book, these are facts. If I woke you up at two in the morning and asked you about these facts, your answer would be the same.

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Because this answer is quantitative. It's quantitative. But when you experience life, whether or not you're conscious of the unseen reality, that's a qualitative problem. That's not a quantity problem. That's a quality problem. And these, this is why it's a struggle. It goes back to consciousness, right raises, the caution is heightened. And you're more aware, and sometimes you're less aware, right? So I'm gonna give you a few more examples of that, like, for example, in business, you have an opportunity to charge your customer far more than normal, because he's desperate.

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And when you take advantage of the desperation of your customer, and you gauge your you put your prices much, much higher, then that's actually a form of impermissible income. Because when you take advantage of people, it's impermissible, some even consider it a form of price gouging.

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At that time when everybody else is interested in raising their prices 10 times you still sell at a reasonable price. Because you realize that there's a profit that is coming your way from Allah, that is far better than the money that's going to the extra cash that you'll get right now. danika Hi, Ron Wyden, Senator Vila, that's better for you. And it's much more preferred in the long run for you. This is belief in the unseen You know, when you see somebody else having a lot of worldly acquisitions, your brother, your friend, somebody else got a promotion. You know, they they bribed somebody back in back home, they bribe somebody here they kind of, you know, they socialize and they

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mingle with time and they go to the, you know, the Christmas party or the New Year's party and rub shoulders with

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The people that are drinking alcohol and that Muslim got a promotion and you're still lift left behind. You know you didn't get that promotion after that that's the time to believe in the unseen so so it'll be a new theory Halo mean genetic. Maybe Allah will give me better than your garden. Maybe if I stick to the halaal yokomen Heisler, Allah will provide him from where he couldn't even imagine. I have to believe that Allah will send money my way and resources my way and provision my way from places that are beyond my imagination, if I can just continue to have that blind Allah. Similarly, when you're going through a difficulty, when you're in pain, when you're on painkillers

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or medication, or when your family members are in pain, or you're going through some kind of crisis, it seems like it's endless. It seems like it's never gonna end. People come and tell you it'll get better. It'll get better. The first thought in your mind is what is it going to get better? I keep hearing this it's only getting worse. And that's the time to remember belief in the unseen innama you have Asahi Runa be ready

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for hola Yogananda Be ready Hassan. Allah azza wa jal says the people who can demonstrate patience, they will be compensated, and they will be given back in full without any limits. They thought their pain is limitless. Allah will compensate them in a limitless way. And they internalize that and their pain becomes easy for them to suffer from, you know, and they can pass through it easily. When you're feeling alone. There are people that are depressed and they feel alone. Nobody understands them. Nobody appreciates them. Nobody calls them everybody texted everybody else Ramadan, Kareem Mubarak or whatever else. And they never got a text. They never got anybody poking them on the

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Facebook page or anything else. They never got any notifications. They're complete loners. And even those people in

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my robe is always with me, I'm never alone, even they in depression and people that feel lonely, even they have a belief in the unseen that can help them remedy from it, you know, to understand that we're never without protection, as as the elections hyped up in the United States, we are more worried about what's going to happen with the Muslims. Some people are thinking about their move to Canada and Donald Trump, you know, becomes president, you know, and then these thoughts are, there are people are considering real estate in Mexico and things like that, right. But to understand that a lot, so just didn't just protect us he sent angels whose only job is to protect us. Well, you see

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two and a half hour he sends on to you, guardian angels, literally guardian angels. Why do you think when you press the brakes at the red light after you were going 50 miles an hour that your car came to a stop? It's not just because you got new brakes, because those things can feel whenever you want them to. There are literally angels on the road with you that are keeping that drunk driver from writing into you. That's what a lot does. He protects you through His angels, you know? Nothing Oh, Leah Oh come from hieratic. Dunya waffleh that's what the angels tell a person when they're dying. We have always been you're protecting friends in this world and in the next that's belief in the

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unseen you're not without protection when you turn to a lot. And then of course, these aspects of the unseen I wanted to highlight because this is what we what the Oh my needs right now. You have Islam being ridiculed all the time. The Prophet is made fun of Islam is made fun of Muslims are made fun of the Quran is made fun of our asherah is made fun of Jana is made fun of not as what is not made fun of what is not criticized. Muslims have such low self esteem. Now, young guys in high school and girls in high school are embarrassed to let people know that they're Muslim. They're humiliated by that fact. And that's the time to believe in the ANC no matter what you see dignity as

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on the outside when they learn Raisa when he was God, what did you mean? Allah alone owns dignity. And his messenger has all the dignity and the believers have dignity by extension that Allah is the one who grants dignity. You know that we're dignified people no matter what fun people make of us. If you think people are making fun of your religion, understand that the prophets were far worse made fun of

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you know, look a look at this to see you know, Solomon public messengers were made a lot of fun have much before you,

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you know, for him because the buka then if they're lying against you, then messengers have been called liars before. So if you and I are made fun of then actually we get to live us on nonprofits. We get to live with enough, right? That's that itself is an honor that also is being embarrassed or made fun of the Quran changes our perspective to what nobody else can see. We see something that is invisible to everybody else. That is a lane that is maneuverable. Right? And so here, just a couple more quick examples, even about, you know, hospital high, high end, like you know, you're you're engaged in some conversation, and you're talking about somebody's dignity or character. Like I was

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telling you previously about backbiting. These are big problems. And some people who don't have the emaan president at the time Dexter buena Hainan, you think it's nothing. It's just we're just talking man. We're just talking well who are in the lucky Aleem?

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This is a big deal before long. As far as the likes is concerned, this is a massive thing that you just kind of blurted out with your mouth, you should be very careful what comes out of your mouth. You know, this is a matter of the unseen. My favorite of these that I wanted to just share with you tonight is about hope. When the oma seems like it's in a bad time, and then a worse time and then a worse time and then a worse time. We have to understand something Allah azza wa jal gave us certain promises in his Koran and when Allah gives the promise, I don't care what I see with my eyes, what I see with my heart over ways what I see with my eyes, a lot as an agent says, Well, I think you know,

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well into the unknown in quantum meaning, you don't become weak of heart, you don't become sad, you are going to be in the highest position if in fact, you truly truly believe you are going to be in the highest of positions. So it doesn't matter if the oma suffers or defeat after defeat after a defeat. If we are getting one depressing news after another depressing news across the world and even in the West, towards the Muslims directed towards the Muslims, that that is of no consequence, because at the end of the day, labuda Lilian Anjali nabooda al Qaeda and Castle at the end of the night is gonna go and the prison is gonna break, you know, the cell is gonna break. There's a hope

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from Allah that Allah will give the believer victory so long as they have human. You can take everything away from a believer you can't take their hopefully, you can't take their hope away, this ummah, is not allowed to be depressed. This online is not allowed to be without hope. We are the people that when we recite the book of Allah, the first thing we stand before a lion says on hamdulillah

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which means we always look at the bright side, you cannot say Alhamdulillah when you have when you're full of complaints. You can't truly say Alhamdulillah and praise and thank Allah, when all the only thing on your mind or negatives, you can't, you can only say Alhamdulillah Allah.

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I'm good things and Bill and blessings and favors and opportunities that Allah has given you. So this is a favor of Allah. As a matter of fact, some of the greatest people think about it this way. Some of the greatest people that lived in our history are heroes, the prophets, the messengers, the solid hain, the Koran honored that Allah mentioned in his Koran, they lived in some of the darkest times they lived in when when shake and cover, you know, association with a law of disbelief, corruption, evil was dominant, and they were the only source of guidance, they were never a majority, they were always what a minority under the forces of COVID seem to get more and more and

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more aggressive as they continue their work. And that's what made them amazing. When we are living in times when darkness is great. That actually means Allah has honored us to live relive some of the challenges of those great people. This is an opportunity from Allah, layers that we have in common and for common covenants at hirakata.

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Raja, though those among you that spent and struggled and fought before victory came, they are at a higher level. They're not the same as those who came after when times were easy. So when the Muslim hopes that I hope I wish I was living in a time, when times were easy, there were no challenges. Islam was all over the place. And I could just go outside and hear the anon and we would all walk to the masjid together. And, you know, everybody else, you know, left us alone and happy times. Well, you know what, those happy times the people who live in those happy times have not even close to the opportunity to please Allah, and to make a lot of proud, like the people who live in difficult

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times. That's, that's in and of itself for everybody else. Living in difficult times, is a reason for depression, for the believer and living in difficult times, is a reason to be grateful to Allah, that Allah saw you. And he saw me up to the challenge. If we were not capable, Allah is completely capable of taking my role and blowing it into a mother at a time when things were much easier for the Muslims. But Allah chose my rule and your rule and you and he put them in the wombs of our mothers for this day and age. He created us for this day and age, he saw us fit to face to face today's challenges, this generation of people, so don't think less of yourselves and that's again

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part of human behavior. Unless you know, you may not be live. And now if you have this worldview of the unseen this idea that you're going to live your life and it's going to shape your your view of everything will be shaped by a reality that most people can't even see. They can't even see it. How are you going to keep that fresh? You have to refresh this thing. Obviously, you know how they say in Arabic or in English even out of sight out of mind. Right You have to if this is something I can't even see that I need some mechanism by which this will be rejuvenated inside of me. And so you'll find the perfect continuing continuation of this wisdom and Lavina your new novel right where

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is the belief in the unseen strengthened inside of a person will up Muna Salah

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They establish the prayer of karma demanda Adana, they make the prayer permanent. They make sure this is a pillar that never falls. Our karma comes from the word karma, which means the stand of karma means to make something else stand. Allah azza wa jal could have said, well, you salute and they pray. He didn't say that. He said, Well, you Ki Moon a Salah, and they establish the prayer. There's a big difference between praying and establishing prayer. Establishing prayer suggests that we actually from very literal, to actually give the karma. What's the karma? Allahu Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah. So Allah, what's the purpose of the karma? The karma is an announcement

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that everybody else should stand in prayer. That's what its function is. When Allah says up Muna Salah, this is actually an indication that they pray alone or together. They pray together, they pray together, because this reality, you cannot maintain it in yourself alone, it will become weaker and weaker and weaker. When you stop coming to the masjid. When you stop being around other Muslims who are trying to preserve their faith, and you are at your office day in and day out, then you go hang out with your friends and you go back to your apartment and you're by yourself. And you do this month after month after month, you will see a weakness in your connection with Allah, you will see

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how less you think about Allah, you will see how easier it becomes for you to do since you will see the effect of that rave inside of you becoming raised from you, if he is disappearing from you, and when you come back to the house of Allah, and you just pray, you just come here and pray that some of you Alhamdulillah you're inspired by Ramadan, and you've come to the machine. The feeling that you had when you stood and you prayed. The feeling that you have when you're just sitting there, Salah hasn't even started. there's a there's a Sakina there's a piece that descends from angels that comes into your hearts, that is given into the houses of Allah that is not given anywhere else. You

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know, Illa de la hemos Sakina like the prophet SAW, Selim says, Mr. Morocco when he beat him in beauty law, there is no group of people that ever gathered any of the houses have a line the best houses of Allah are his massages, that when they come and they want to learn the book of a lot together, angels come down towards them. You know how Fatuma melodica angels start surrounding them. And tranquility descends upon them. The there's a piece that they feel and that piece that that is because this belief in the unseen, the purpose of it is to give you peace, and I basically law he taught my inner guru. And so this is actually one of the next item that's been given people that

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really want to protect themselves. You have to protect themselves from dangers you can't even see. Well, if you can't see them. How will you be conscious of those dangers, you maintain a direct connection with a law by establishing solar. Literally the word salad comes from the word Silla, which means connection, meaning your connection to God in this religion is through the prayer. Your connection to a law primarily is through the prayer. Many people don't know this that actually an ancient Judaic tradition in Judaism.

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A lot of the changes were made to the Torah right? And we know that but actually one of the tragedies of that was their entire religion became focused more and more towards rituals and sacrifice, the temple and sacrifice. You know, the tempo was the most important thing and sacrificing animals for God was most important, but the Salah itself was actually weakened. The the the abandoned in many, many groups among them abandoned the Salah, and I'll get to some details about that later because you have to understand when these things are coming down, they are actually an indirect reference to the people of the look also, they're also listening. Allah azza wa jal

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concludes this first group of people of taqwa they have the man in the unseen How do they fulfill their How do they strengthen their humanity unseen, they establish the salah, then what's the next part? The next part is when we Moroccan commune. And from whatever we have provided them, they say, Marley lip balm, as opposed to mean Olivia's economic call me Mara Sakina. home now is also it's vaster. And it's open ended when you put that in Simple English for you. And it is only out of what ever we have provided them. Some people were provided nothing but health. Some people were provided nothing but a sharp mind. Some people were provided a great deal of wealth. Some people were

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provided opportunities, some people were provided fame, a lot provides different people different things. He doesn't provide my this is not the same as yours. I love provided some people signs a love provided some people, daughters, whatever Allah provided you, from whatever Allah provided them, it is out of that, that they spend you and

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in fact, in the Arabic language of spending, actually, one of the meanings of em Sakurajima media Yeah, TV man, if Takara Rajan to have a person to become bankrupt, to keep spending and keep spending and keep spending. And I don't want to dwell too much into the meaning of the word in fact, but one thing I want to share with you, it shares meanings with the word

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Africa, North Africa is a lizards hole. In in the desert, the lizard makes a hole to survive attack animals, right. But the way it makes a hole is it actually keeps two openings. So if the animal attacks it from this side, if hunting dogs or something are coming after a lizard, a big lizard on this side, the lizard goes on this hole and comes out of the other hole. Okay, this was something actually even used in Africa, it was also used by kings back in the day, because the Kings used to have their giant castles or whatever. But if one day that castle is going to be invaded behind the fireplace, what do they have? That secret tunnel that takes you out into the woods, or whatever?

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That's also called an Africa by the way. So a whole the two openings. Yeah. The idea of In fact, by the way, this is the same route from which you get when Africa hypocrite Why? Because the hypocrite keeps two options open. If things are good with the Muslims, you'll be on this side. If things get tough with the Muslims, you'll go through the whole come out the other side. But on the but the other interesting thing about infarct is that literally we put money in, in this world into one side of this hole. And where do we get it out?

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And the answer, this is actually the concept of a deposit. You know, you have checking accounts, where you can withdraw your money right away. And then you have long term investment accounts. You can't just deposit money there and take it out right away. That's a retirement account, you have to be a certain age to withdraw those funds, yes. But when you put money in that account, you're not spending. That's not called spending, that's actually called investing. Because the recipient of those funds is

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yourself. It's really just a transfer of funds. The idea of spending from what Allah has provided is actually the idea of us transferring funds from our dunya account, into our asset account, it's still my account. It's just in a different bank. It's not the Bank of America, it's not Wells Fargo. It's not Citibank or Chase. It's the Bank of a loan.

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That's the bank. And it's far more than FDIC insured. Right. So it'll give you your returns, and then some on top, you know, so it's actually an act. This is by the way, this can only happen if you believe in the unseen. You can only spend for the sake of Allah and spend and give sadaqa and help somebody out. And now think about what you have left in the bank. If two things are clear to you. Number one, manaka sama lumen sadaqa. When you give money doesn't decrease. That's the promise of the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam, money does not go down when you give sadaqa when you give charity. In other words, when you're going to give a lower replacement better, you want a promotion,

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give sadaqa you're not getting enough, enough savings, give sadaqa Allah will open more doors for you. That's the promise of Allah. That's one part of the belief. The other part of the belief is actually even deeper. And that is that when we are giving, you're not giving to an orphan. You're not giving to people flood victims or earthquake victims. You're not giving to a machine, you're actually giving to Allah.

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You see here law says Well, me my

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spoon, but let me open up akuna Allah Leah Tama, you know, Alan Misaki, Alan Pokhara. He doesn't say spend on what he just says they spend, but actually realize that the spending that we do, this is why I shadowed the Allahu taala on her. Every time she used to give sadaqa she used to put perfume on it.

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She's different perfume before she goes to Dhaka. And that's why, because she thinks I'm sending it to Allah and sending it to Allah. She's giving every time you give charity, it's actually an act of giving to Allah Himself. subhanho wa Taala. Now, that idea, I want to expand upon a little bit before we go any further.

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Think about it this way. The you know, I'll give an example I used to give many, many years ago, but it's still relevant. I find it beneficial. Children can be very selfish. Okay. So my kid one of my kids, you know, Hassan when she was little, she's really into chocolate. That's genetic problem we have we're all addicted to chocolate. So I'm eating chocolate. She's looking at my chocolate and says, Can I have some?

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No, you can't have any of a little bit. No, you can.

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Can I just have a little bit? Okay, here, you can hold it. But after 10 seconds, you have to give it back to me.

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So I gave it for 10 seconds.

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And she's eating it as fast as she can bigger bites than her mouth.

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And it's not finished and 10 seconds are over. And as I was thinking to have it back, and what does she say? Mine and runs away.

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Your kids go to somebody else's house. They've got it too. You know, the kids are awesome. Kids never played with their own toys. Never played with their own toys. The only time they play with their own toys is somebody else's child is there.

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Then they say this kid this toy is so awesome. It's mine. As soon as that kid is gone, they throw it away again like

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Want to make that guy feel bad? So that kid keeps begging? Can I play with it? Can I have a turn? Can I have a turn? Can I have a turn? And finally he hands him, the Avenger or whatever. And he plays with it for two seconds, then it's time to go home. And the kid who had that who's borrowed the toy does he let go easily?

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says, Can I keep it?

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There mom said I could keep it.

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You know,

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human nature, from childhood onwards, is when we are given things that are not ours. We're given things that are not ours. Very quickly, we forget that they're not ours. We start assuming imagining, we forget that part that it was given to us, we start imagining that it belongs to ourselves, that that it actually doesn't belong to someone else. And we want to hold on to it. And when someone wants to take it from us, we're like, No, no, mine, mine mine. What is Eliza what you'll do a lot I could have said well unicorn and they spend, but he says Nima Sakina, whom you don't feel good, from what we provided them were the ones who give you forget that. You forget that

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it's not yours. The clothes I'm wearing aren't mine. The money in the bank isn't mine. The car I'm driving is not mine. I say all the time my shirt by car, my wallet, my account my house. I use the word my song so many times, that I forget that it's actually the belonging of Allah. So much so that my body my eyes, my ears, my nose. In Nadella he was in LA he Rajon we ourselves belong to Allah, we're going to be returned to Allah, Allah to speak of our property. Our property is only an extension of the very property of a lot ourselves. So the idea we easily forget that it is given by Allah. And that's why there's an extra sauce here. There's a special to hidden. That's why it's

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macadam for grammar students memorize. Now whom you'll

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notice also that Allah says from what we provided them, they spend. In other words, the only past tense in the ayah is provision. Allah says they believe present tense, they establish the prayer present tense, they spend present tense, but providing he didn't say my nosocomial code, he said Mimara zakenna, whom you will come from what we provided them, they spend so what's the point of using the past tense here of the many benefits, think of it this way, you don't have to wait for Allah to provide you until you spend. Some people say I won't give sadaqa I won't give when Allah gives me.

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Right now, right now, I haven't given this cat for Hina miles okuni.

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When he gives me then I'll spend a large portion is saying that every single human being, I've already given you, you already have something. If you only have two dates, give me one of them. If you just have an apple, give me a slice, if you have us, give me some of it. If you have energy, give me some of it. If you have talent, give me some of it. Everybody's been given something, you wouldn't be breathing on this earth, if you weren't given Liske Allah is not just giving this ayah to millionaires. And he doesn't care how much you give, he doesn't care about that. He cares about the quality of what you give, not the quantity, these quantities mean nothing to Allah. Somebody

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donates. $20,000 amazing, somebody donates $2 not that amazing, not to us, but the guy who has 20,000 maybe he owns 20 million.

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And the guy who gave $2 only has $10 you know those $2 are more valuable to him than those 20,000. For us, we're like oh $20,000 check, wow, this is gonna help a lot and the $2 bill or the $2 two single dollar

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inshallah more will come. But you don't know what that those $2 are more blessed by Allah. And they will bring more good than the 2 million you might raise.

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Because of the the intention that came behind it, and the sacrifice that came behind it. And when someone internalized from whatever little Allah has given me, I will come forward. This is why Allah says later on in the Quran. infura Yvonne was the color. Come forward, light or heavy. Doesn't don't ever underestimate what you have to give, you know, little kids, we should give them practice. Some of our kids collect coins.

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And they have just pennies, and they take half their pennies and put them in a sadhaka box. Right? And it's not valuable to you. That's what you gave it to your kid. And it might not even feel valuable to the one who's collecting the funds at the end opening the box and going through people who have pennies in here. But to that child that's like his her life savings man. That was a big deal to her that she did that and she sent that present to Allah. So don't underestimate the value of your giving. Whether it's small or big, this is what matters.

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Now as my time runs out quickly, I do want to get to one more idea at least very powerful Ayah When does he know you mean una de mountains Isla Lake they also believe and M those who believe in what was sent down to you. There's some remarkable things happening in desire among faculty, not

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He is among those Kamala who comments that this next ayah is about another group of people. The first I was open to all of humanity. The next idea is actually a special group of people, those of them who were exposed to previous revelation, Jews and Christians. So they believe in what was sent to you. And that's rough translation says, well, Mount Lindsay died in public and what was sent much before you will be laughed at who you can own. And in the afterlife, they have absolute conviction. Now, let's break this up a little bit, because it's profound. The first is anybody who's going to believe in the unseen, anybody who's going to establish a connection with Allah, and anybody who's

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going to give to a law, give back what he's received in this. That's everybody, right? But now among the People of the Book, some background is so vital here. The first thing you'll notice is ma Zilla, Elijah,

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what was sent down to you. The EU refers to those who lost in the long run to sell them. So Alliance said revelation, he mentioned revelation, and the fact that it came down. But he also mentioned who received it, who received it, the profit slice on him. But if you notice the next phrase, well, now, I've been public, and what was sent down much before you, does he mention who it was sent to?

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Know. So if you want to check what was given total pseudo loss of a loved one, who can you ask, you can ask those who Allah, he's the one who received it from the lotion, and so they can go what has been given to you, and he can recite it on to them. But the revelation that came Allah says it came down much before, but he doesn't mention, who did it come down to? Why not, because who are the carriers of revelation were forgotten. They were not remembered. And as a matter of fact, a lot of those revelations, they were either part of oral tradition, or some parchment here and there, and they traveled, and even when somebody got a hold of them, they couldn't tell where this came from.

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When we recycled iron, we can say this came directly to

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them. But unfortunately for the people that came before us, because of the deterioration, especially among the Jewish people, a lot of what was sent down the who you could trace it back to was lost, it was lost. As a matter of fact, even modern academics, a lot of them believe that the Torah, the Old Testament, or the Hebrew Bible, as we have it. Now, the written form of it cannot be traced back to the prophets. It can't, you know, there's a gap, there's centuries of gaps in between where the all the copies were burned down and have to be revived again. And you know, it's a very complicated history of how the Bible was compiled. But understand that some pieces of it some elements of that

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truth survived over the centuries, and even that much emaan in whatever was set left over was enough that when somebody heard the Quran, they said, This is what I've read before. This is what was passed down to me. So what they had was very, very little of the original teachings. On this note, I want to share with you something about previous scripture, basically, the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament meaning the teachings given primarily to Mousavi said on the Torah and then the Injeel given to a scientist and those are the two fundamental revelations and of course, there's the you know, there's another seven there's a book given also but the two major ones are Torah and in G.

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Let's talk about art for a moment a lot was given to who musasa Okay, masala Sam goes before a lot on the mountain for the first time he's going to speak with a lot. Yeah. And when he goes and speaks with a lot, one of the first things Allah tells him, he says,

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the hour is coming. Listen carefully, now the hour is coming. accardo fee ha, I am keeping it almost hidden. Meaning when exactly is the what is the hour? By the way, the day of judgment? Everybody knows. Yeah. So musasa was told the day of judgment is coming, but I'm keeping it almost hidden, meaning some signs are there. But I'm not opening all the signs before you leave today is our coluna sin v matassa. So every single person can be given according to whatever effort they made.

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The reason I'm quoting this ayah for you, is one of the first teachings given to Musa alayhis salaam in the Quran is what that the day of judgment is coming. And he said that there are signs of the Day of Judgment. And he also said that what will happen on the day of judgment was the most important part of the Day of Judgment, every person will be given the efforts they made. Now, when you look at Jewish tradition, a lot of Jewish tradition, the rabbinic tradition, now if you go back a few centuries, even before Jesus, you'll discover that the group the Jews were actually broken up into two major religious groups, the statuses and the Pharisees this you may not have heard before, I

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won't go too deep into this stuff. But I want to give you an overview. It's very fascinating stuff. And it helps you appreciate this I really that's the purpose was for which I'm sharing with you is it helps you internalize the teachings of this ayah the Juniper group, broken up into two groups way before

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centuries before these are they some Five, six, even longer centuries before the stratasys. And the Pharisees, the Pharisees were basically custodians of their Qibla. What's their Qibla? Jerusalem, okay? Then these were also religious people, they did rituals and worship. And they believe that the entire religion is focused on the worship of the temple, and sacrifices in front of the temple. And what's really interesting is the stratasys did not believe in an era, they believe that we will be turned into dust. And that's the end of it. There is no afterlife, custodians of the house of Allah who don't believe in.

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The other group was the Pharisees and these were rabbis also, what we have nowadays is the rabbi tradition, Orthodox Judaism, their ancestors are the Pharisees, they actually did believe in the resurrection. And they also believed in a part of Torah that was not written, it was only transmitted, transmitted orally, meaning that it was recited and passed down, but it wasn't written down. Okay. And this is a smaller group that believed actually, there's a significant group also that believe that there isn't such a thing as an Arcana. But you know what, even they didn't believe that the acid is for every single individual, they believe nations will be judged, but not people.

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So they had a very different concept of the asset that was left. Now does this sound different from what Musa was given? The night he went before Allah? Yeah, so you can tell a lot has changed over the centuries with them. Even the group that has some concept of the ark or as a very rough concept of the euro. And when their temple was destroyed, enemies came, you know, several other nations came and destroyed the temple. And the temple was completely destroyed, and the Jews were exiled. Which group believes that the religion centers around the temple, the Sadducees. There, historians argue they were almost completely wiped out. And the only ones left were the other the Pharisees who had

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some concept of al Qaeda even there, it's weak. As a matter of fact, if you study the Hebrew Bible, until the very end of the Hebrew Bible, you don't find any mention of acara, Yeoman tiama Jana, pretty much nothing, nothing, such a central concept in the Quran. Can you imagine every other passage in the Quran is somehow or the other about what the author and in the Jewish tradition It was almost completely gone. Then you have books later on, like the book of Job, or the book of

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Ecclesiastes, who actually straight up directly said, we will just be turned into dust and there is no resurrect in their books. complete denial of the aka, there is no such thing as the Oscar this concept somehow though, by the will of Allah somehow, some of it survived in oral tradition, and made its way back a couple of centuries before he saw a set up. And slowly some groups of Jews started believing in the afterlife. Again, as a matter of fact, in the Bible, whatever record we have in the New Testament, Jesus actually argues with a group of satisfied remember the statuses were the ones who did not believe in the asset. He bit he debates with them about the existence of

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inocula. So there are he's actually talking to fellow Jews, Muslims of that time, who don't believe in an afterlife. In other words, of the you know, the the fundamentals of our faith or belief in God, belief in Revelation and belief in an afterlife. Of these three, which one was mostly forgotten by them or ignored by them or completely corrupted belief in the afterlife. Now you appreciate the wisdom of this ayah when levena You mean una de mon de la liga.

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amanzi, Robin publica.

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Now what was sent to us, and what was sent before us, includes belief in God, and the stories of prophets. It includes laws icon, but what one thing of all the revolution that Allah highlight at the end of this ayah will be at home you can own and especially when it comes to the final life, they have absolute conviction. They're absolutely convinced. As a matter of fact, he certainly said I'm in whatever's left of the Bible, and how much of it we can rely on we don't know, even uses the word paradise, what goes back to those in the Bible. And when I said a couple of centuries ago, this belief was kind of revived among them, they did have two terms that are similar to the Quran, Ghana

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and Ghana. Ghana is the Hebrew for jahannam. And God is the Hebrew for agenda. They didn't use these terms, they did make a comeback, but even then, it was very, very vague. Nothing even close to the description, agenda and not that you find in the Quran, nothing even close. And that's why when they came to this book, the thing that hit them like no other is the aka, the thing that was just completely almost lost on them are very vague, even they were concepts like, you know, we're gonna be ghost like figures, you know, shadowy figures, and the body will not be resurrected, only the soul will be resurrected. And there's even traces that they develop that idea from Plato's

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philosophy, because they figured the body decays and dies. So how are we going to be resurrected, maybe some soul survives and the body will be gone forever, we know that the body will also be revived. That's what our belief is what I wanted to

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Try and conclude with today is that the man in the accident that human beings are going to experience death. And after death of this world, there is another life that starts inside of their graves. And then that life is going to take another form. When the trumpet is blown, the horn is blown into, and humanity will rise again. And they're going to be judged one by one by one for every last thing that they did. And then they're going to walk a path, and that path is going to lead them either towards heaven or towards *, this entire life cycle that the Muslims have always believed in. Every child here knows what we take it for granted. Like he won an Oscar, of course, we believe

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in Africa, this thing was erased from the minds of people that were before us, it was erased from them, it was taken away from their consciousness, and they will only you know, droplets of it remained. And Allah as always, our centers called on to restore that faith to revive the man in the era. So in this in these two minutes that I have with you, I want to share with you the value of this hospital. Larissa was in in the previous I mentioned, they believe in the unseen remember that you will have a life which part of the wave that they forget.

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They forgot the alpha. There, they forgot the alpha. And when they forget the last hurrah, then what is the value of your deeds?

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Why are you doing good deeds? Why are you staying away from bad deeds? You don't really have any real motivation because what's been taken away?

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So then it karma to Salah will suffer or no.

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If you don't have any assets, or if you have no concept of there's consequences of me missing my prayers, are you going to care about praying? No. And when you're going to spend and you have no belief that this spending will bring you good in this life and in the next life? Then what motivation of spending do you have left the fundamentals of taqwa, Mr. linhai and then establishment of salah and giving, they disappear when the ACA disappears. They don't know when the ACA dwindles. It is a fundamental of our faith. It's something we are our faith anchors on. And so we've been asked to whom you can notice you mean when was used they have Eman And finally UK known as us,

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European, European and Arabic means to have absolute conviction of all the things they believe the one thing they never forget about is the afterlife. The idea that they're going to stand in front of Allah, and with that consciousness inshallah tada as we read the rest of the surah, you will see a different flavor to the surah because it's talking to those group of people that have forgotten about that life that is coming. One of the goals of a student of the Quran is to understand how everything Allah teaches in the Quran, in one way or the other takes us back to that meeting with Allah. This life is about getting closer to Allah. The next life is when you get ultimately close.

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You see, so this life is actually preparation for the next one where we actually have to meet with him. So every Salah is a rehearsal for judgment day. Every Juma is a gathering like Yogendra Hajj is a rehearsal when we stand in front of Allah like we're gonna stand in front of a live judgment day, every one of the acts of worship and Islam in one way or the other, remind us of that standing in front of Allah. May Allah azza wa jal prepare all of us for that standing barakallahu li walakum for the call Anil Hakeem when a fire anyway er can be it was it was Sarah, Morocco Morocco Lucha barakato

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going on

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all right.

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01:04:55 --> 01:04:56

when you go

01:04:58 --> 01:04:59

to see movie

01:07:06 --> 01:07:06


01:07:43 --> 01:07:43


01:08:19 --> 01:08:20


01:08:35 --> 01:08:37

along with me

01:08:51 --> 01:08:52


01:08:53 --> 01:08:55

Dina stone

01:09:13 --> 01:09:14


01:13:37 --> 01:13:38


01:15:51 --> 01:15:52


01:15:55 --> 01:15:55


01:16:44 --> 01:16:46

the owner

01:18:19 --> 01:18:20


01:18:25 --> 01:18:26


01:19:15 --> 01:19:16


01:19:18 --> 01:19:18


01:19:26 --> 01:19:26

say Well

01:19:59 --> 01:19:59


01:20:03 --> 01:20:04


01:20:12 --> 01:20:14

this summer while he was up

01:20:26 --> 01:20:26


01:20:36 --> 01:20:37

then he can

01:20:44 --> 01:20:45


01:20:52 --> 01:20:53

called Eva

01:22:23 --> 01:22:24


01:24:58 --> 01:24:59


01:26:51 --> 01:26:51


01:26:58 --> 01:26:59


01:27:08 --> 01:27:09

send me a lovely

01:27:25 --> 01:27:26


01:28:07 --> 01:28:08


01:28:12 --> 01:28:13


01:29:34 --> 01:29:36


01:30:00 --> 01:30:02

won't be any

01:30:06 --> 01:30:06


Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan delves into an explicit lecture and provides insight, lessons to imbibe and inculcate and reflections on some of the introductory Ayats of one of the most magnificent Surahs of the Qur’an – Surah Al Baqarah.

In the Ayats discussed here, the people of Iman believe in what Allah SWT sent them with, and in what the previous Messengers AS were sent with. They neither distinguish between them nor do they reject what they were sent with from Allah SWT. They believe in all of them because they all were for Hidayah given to other Prophets AS to provide the Message of Allah SWT.

Believers are those who are certain about the Day of Judgment when Allah SWT will ask them about all their good and bad deeds and consequently, Hell or Heaven will be decided. Our actions of Iman are only useful when we have belief in the Hereafter. 

Allah SWT says in Ayat number 5 that those who believe in the Unseen, establish the prayer, spend from what Allah SWT has granted them, believe in what Allah SWT has revealed to the Messenger ﷺ and the Messengers before him AS, believe in the Hereafter with certainty, and prepare the necessary requirements for the Hereafter by performing good deeds and avoiding misdeeds, then they are on the right path.

Muflihoon is from Falah which implies success. Success always comes after hard work and effort and as a Muslim, we believe we will get Falah in the form of Jannah. If one does great effort in this world to get the love of Allah SWT and does this according to what is described in the Qur’an and proven by Sunnah, then he will get guidance and Falah on the Day of Judgment.

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