Omar Suleiman – Ramadan 2018 – Prayers of the Pious – Episode 04 – Enormity of My Sins vs His Mercy

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the character Black Panther, a complex figure who has a lot of accomplishments in Islamic history. The speaker describes the character's behavior as self-conscious, admitting his flaws, and acknowledging his mistake in seeking forgiveness. The speaker also discusses the importance of his mercy in bringing everyone together and addressing their obligations.
AI: Transcript ©
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So now I will have to cut. So welcome back to the prayers of the pious.

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So the figure that we're going to talk about today, unlike many of the figures that we're covering in this series, is an incredibly complex character. And you know, this is an era where the hero is not always the hero, and the villain is not always a villain.

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Especially if you watch Black Panther, you know exactly what I'm talking about. But this is an interesting character.

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His name is Abdul Malik ibn Marwan about the Allahu Rahim Allah. And Abdul Malik ibn Marwan was a Khalifa, who undoubtedly accomplished many great things in Islamic history. But he also has a lot of blotches on his record, right. And so a lot of times you're looking at these complex characters, and you don't want to completely deny their achievements. But at the same time, you cannot shut your eyes to, to some of the flaws of these characters. And he was someone that was very self aware of his flaws, and who recognize the complexity of a situation. So he has this, this supplication that he makes at the end of his life, that he lost my mind he lost that I actually envied him, for him

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being able to make that supplication for the beauty of those words that he makes at the end of his life. He says, Yeah, oh, my Lord, in azubi alima my sins are enormous. What in the kalila Africa of amo minha, but a little of your forgiveness is greater than all of those cents, a llama some hay before leaving Africa, oddly enough in ob, O Allah, so erase with a little bit of your forgiveness, the enormity of my sense, it's really interesting because, you know, the drought is so beautiful, this application is so beautiful, because there is no boasting on his part, this is the acknowledgement of vulnerability This is the acknowledgement of weakness on his part, this is the

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you know, laying bare as you shouldn't do out you should be very personal and very emotional with Allah subhana wa Tada, and acknowledgement. If you look through all of the supplications of the Prophet peace be upon him, particularly in the context of his default in the in the context of seeking forgiveness. There's always acknowledgement, a lack of in arithmetic with me and say that it's too far the chief of seeking forgiveness. I admit your blessings upon me and I admit my sins. But here I'm the medical marijuana is acknowledging a very important point in that, that you will not enter agenda because of the greatness of your good deeds or because of the the lack of your

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sense, you will enter agenda by your efforts and qualifying for the mercy of Allah subhanaw taala but we are all ultimately in need of the mercy of Allah subhana wa Tada. And if you think about this life, when the Prophet peace be upon him says that of the 100 parts of Allah's mercy, all of them have been reserved for the hereafter except for one. So all the mercy and compassion that you see in this world, all comes out of that one part of Allah's mercy and the rest of it is all reserved, the 99 are reserved for the hereafter. Imagine what type of a Lord that you have. how merciful manana Rahim, the Most Beneficent, the Most Compassionate, The Most Merciful actually is. And if you can

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acknowledge and this is how we should be at the end of our lives, have hope in Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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And that hope should not excuse us or should not cause us to run away from our obligations and responsibilities, but that hopes should be that it was never about me in the first place. Oh Allah, it is about your mercy. And I recognize and acknowledge that a little bit of your mercy is enough to handle the entirety of my sins. May Allah subhanaw taala forgive us for our sins, the big ones and the small ones, the public ones and the private ones, the ones that we recognize and the ones that we fail to recognize a lot. I mean, see you all next time in sha Allah and I want to come on up until the council

In this episode, we observe the du’a of a complicated character, Abdul Malik ibn Marwan, and how we can improve the quality of our du’as when asking for forgiveness from Allah swt.
[ Day 4 Du’a ] يَا رَبِّ إِنَّ ذُنُوْبِي عَظِيْمَةٌ ، وَإِنَّ قَلِيْلَ عَفْوِكَ أَعْظَمُ مِنْهَا ، اللَّهُمَّ فَامْحِ بِقَلِيْلِ عَفْوِكَ عَظِيْمَ ذُنُوْبِي
“My Lord, my sins are enormous, but a little of Your forgiveness is greater than them. O Allah, so erase with a little of Your forgiveness my enormous sins.”
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