Tahir Wyatt – Ramadan & Pandemics

Tahir Wyatt
AI: Summary © The conversation covers the loss of loved ones and the negative impact of COVID-19 on society, the spread of virus through droplets and social distancing, and the importance of managing and rewarding individuals for their hard work. The speakers emphasize the need to provide a safe environment for everyone, maintain social distancing, and avoid touching people. They also discuss the importance of praying and learning from past experiences, and the importance of understanding the book for one's own use and not just for others.
AI: Transcript ©
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Shaykh tar here we have lost a lot of people, man because of this virus. And you know, before we get into our main topic today, and I just wanted to get your your thoughts on the loss, and people having to put away their loved ones and not being able to do a lot of the traditional symbolic things that we do within the Islamic community, when it comes to a janaza.

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formed 109 slides.

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Just five days ago, I speak performs a genetic, and it was definitely

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the most awkward experience in terms of genetics that I can remember ever being involved in. That's because you are not, you know, you're not allowed to touch people. Right? So

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I mean, the brother is breathing, and the brother who was breathing himself had symptoms of covid 19. And, I mean, but even if he didn't, you know, I'm trying to be, you know, responsible and, and not

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touch anybody, right? I mean, we supposed to maintain, I just so it was, it was very awkward,

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you know, trying to offer comfort, and so forth. When a person when you can't touch a person, right? I mean, normal responses that she's gonna go in, he's gonna hug them and so on and so forth, the janazah we weren't allowed to have one in 10 people.

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And so, and that was it, you know, and then the person who died last month out and mercy on me, she was popular, I mean, we wouldn't have been very difficult to have a few 100 people that are hurting. But it just didn't happen like that. So these are, you know, when you think about it,

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not to not to sound grim. But our process, the light of the salon, told us a little music, it hasn't been like that you should think a lot about and you should remember a lot, the destroyer of pleasures, he was referring to death, because death takes away worldly pleasures, takes away, you know, your ability to be with your family, your ability to enjoy the things that you would, you know, normally enjoy in the simple life that we live in. So, so we're supposed to remember that off.

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And I think that, you know, hello, we look at this whole idea of what is this Coronavirus? Is it a punishment from that?

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You know, is it a test a mercy from God, in some ways. I mean, the reality is, is that all of life is a test the entirety of life is a test. A lot of times Allah has told us in the grind that he created destiny created life, Lena lucam, a useful accelerometer to test you as to which of you is best and beats, who is going to strive to do their best in this life, because this life is temporary. And whether a person believes in God or not, right, that everybody recognizes that this length that we live, is not going to last forever. So a Muslim processes that and says, Wait a minute, I now can I take something from this

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situation that is happening right now life has altered tremendously. So you know, in the last month,

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things have changed drastically. And one of the things that we should get out of this is better preparation for that meeting was a loss of Hannah was out and we asked a lot of parents out to count those who have died in this particular pandemic to count them amongst the show had lots of hands either give them the reward of those who have died as part.

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If there's any solace, you know, that can be gained from this. It's that a lot of times the other

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gives us more reward for difficulty if we haven't imposed the difficulty upon ourselves. So the Prophet sallallahu wasallam told his wife Aisha in the edge of the chioda Katarina setting your reward is is it coincide with the difficulty of performing whatever deed It is so you know, if a lot is difficult for you, because

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you know because of your work schedule, but you still take the time out, you know, to make will do and they'll pray. That reward for preparing for a lot and praying in a scenario and in a situation that doesn't make a lot easy for you is different from the one who lives in a Muslim man. Here's the advance

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Messages are prepared, you know, it's very easy for them to pray the reward for the difficult you get reward for the difficulty itself. People who are going through this difficulty if they bear it with patience, and that is the key, that is the key that we don't bear, we don't deal with the situation and, and we're complaining about what a lot has decreased, but it's outside of your control that part is not. But what is in your control is how you manage this situation, how you deal with it, what is your attitude. So if you bear in a situation patiently, and you seek a lot of strength is more than is a great reward and this trial in this test that we're going to, you know,

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shake it.

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I have some issues when I see that I'm still riding around throughout the city of Philadelphia now, and I'm hearing that there are still some masjids here in the city of Philadelphia, that are very much open for five daily prayers, and still hosting an operating Juma now You and I are both you are definitely a scholar in the religion. I am not a scholar in the religion, nor am I a medical scholar, but I pay play, I pay very close attention to what the media is saying with those people in authority, and in the medical industry of saying that it's not good that we come together and we have our worship. And I don't think the Muslims in that sense are any different than the Catholic

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churches or the synagogue, because you know, the disease is just out here. And it's just not singling out any particular faith or race for that matter. Why are Why do we still have our masjids? Open?

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Okay, so so let me just back up for a second, you know, and know that I'm not a fan of you, calling me a scholar. And so I appreciate if we back that up for a second. I've studied the religion I continue to study and learn every day.

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But But I'm so so this issue is is twofold, I think.

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Number one is that a lot of parents either

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has commanded us to record victory and control Let's have him on as the people of knowledge if you do not know. And that goes back to each particular situation, meaning that we have people who normally we would call them people have knowledge, we're referring to religious knowledge. But the reality is, is that these types of decisions cannot be made only by or with the information that we have available. From a sexual standpoint, what we have to do as people who study the religion is consult the people who understand best what this particular virus is, how it attacks, where it attacks, how it spreads, the potency of of it if

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you know contagiousness, for example. So these are things that, that we have to go back to medical professionals. And we have a lot of medical professionals in the Western world who speak English who are up to date when it comes to the latest as to what this particular

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what COVID-19 is and all of the other questions that I just posed. So

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that being said,

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I am not aware personally of masters that are just open for,

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you know, open an operating business as usual. They may be out there, I'm not denying that they're out there. But I'm not aware of those particular messages. So the messages that do remain open, for example, for celestial July 1, a very small number of people can congregate, and that the gym on the live stream, which is what, which is what we are doing at United for semester, then I'm not aware of anything that would prevent that from the Philadelphia department of health or from the State Department of Health for that matter.

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What they are talking about is, in fact yesterday we had a special session that was hosted by Aetna relief with the Philadelphia Department of Health with the specialists in viruses and

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a specialist in

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epidemics. epidemiologists, right. So one thing that that stood out was, was the idea of distancing six feet, right because I'm sure you heard it right when they say the social distancing stands at least six feet apart.

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One thing that she said was that that

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Bit arbitrary. The The idea is that go this virus is it can be spread like airborne through the air. That is not the main way that people are contracting the disease. Most of it is through droplets, right. So if somebody calls so they sneeze or even sometimes when people talk and you know, things coming out of their mouth, as they talk, this is more the way that the virus is spread. Along with,

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you know, the, the idea that when this person for example, let's just say that they cover their mouth when they, when they sneeze, but they covered it with their hands, and then they touch a doorknob, and then you come after them and touch the doorknob, it is a very easy way that it spreads, you know, and so people talk about touch points, for example, light switches, doorknobs and so forth. Anyway, the point being is

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that, even though this disease spreads that way, if we number one, isolate, which is the the or quarantine, which is the best course of action, that is that you just kind of stay away from people altogether to the best of your ability. But that if you do happen to come into contact with people,

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whether that's at the grocery store, or somewhere else, where you need to buy things for yourself, and, you know, for the time being, that you maintain a distance, that would dramatically cut down your

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ability to contract the virus through the air. Now, if that's been done at the masjid, is that being done at a particular message is similar to how one would do at a grocery store or a Walmart or a target? I personally don't have a problem with them.

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From a religious standpoint, I don't think that we are, I'm saying I don't think that the master is making it any more likely that somebody would contract the virus than they would at a regular store. However, if those guidelines aren't being followed, and people are very black, you know, with their adherence to physical distancing, and there's no method of sanitizing

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the domestic, there's no hand sanitizer available. People are not wearing masks, for example, which is basically what's being suggested across the board right now. In fact, many stores will not let you in, but around the corner from you, mmm, sprouts, you cannot get in without a niqab and gloves. Sorry, mask and gloves. So, the reality is, you notice how

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I don't want to digress too much. But it's interesting how you actually can't get in the store without a mask on now. Right. Whereas before, you know, your suspect, you know, your wife has covered a face or something like that you suspect. It's interesting how the ties have turned and how when man dictates right?

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Then Then it becomes something that we all you know, we could all bow down so we can all agree to. But when God dictates something, it's a little different. I you know, I don't know if I really want to follow that.

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But anyway,

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so So again, I think that this is an issue about the masjid as, as a responsibility to provide nourishment for people. So and that is the, for lack of a better term, that is the business that every Masjid is in, it's in salvation. At the same time, we also have a responsibility to provide a safe environment where people's souls are being saved.

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And if we cannot do that, meaning that if the message is becoming a place, where were those guidelines that have been provided for us by reputable physicians,

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we're not just talking about people who don't share our faith and our values, who people who even share our values and our faith, you know, have laid out the guidelines that are there, we can't follow them, then I agree with you that that the message should not become a place

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where we are more likely that people get infected than other places where people go about their business. So it's a delicate balance. I'm not,

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you know, I don't want to I don't want to be I don't think that we should judge very quickly like that. There are churches that are open by the way, one of them was featured. Last night on the news. They talked about how they'll be providing Easter service, the way that they plan on allowing people to

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come in to the church and the distance that they plan on keeping in the hand sanitizer, and the masks and those things that are, that are that will be available.

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And I'm talking about here in Philadelphia, yeah, I know of that church. And I know, like, this radio station and a whole flock of other people like really said to them, like, it doesn't really make sense. You know, and this kind of like chimes in with a question that just came across on the Facebook Live page, you know, how can how can we maintain the six feet in the masjid? Because when we pray, like, our tradition, you know, we're supposed to be, you know, next to one another in a certain way to make the prayer. Right. So, so the reality is, is that from a physics standpoint, purely from a from a jurisprudence standpoint, with gaps in the in the rows does not invalidate the

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prayer? It is not from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu is something to pray that way. Right. But if we put gaps in the road, none of the medallions, none of these schools have his final jurisprudence would consider that prayer to be invalid. The issue would be if a person is praying in a row all by themselves, okay. And then that would that could create a problem from a faith perspective. But, but, but the general rule in Islam is that and to state it, I'm trying to I'm trying to think of it in English, I'm sorry for me, but a little right before Mahabharat, which is that necessity makes what is normally impermissible permissible. So things that are normally

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impermissible, become permissible due to necessity, and had

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Colossus as Google had. So things that are mecool, right, which are normally disliked, even though they may not be hard on it, they become, they become permissible to need not necessarily a dire necessity, but need, for example, for example, it is it is disliked for someone to cover their face while they're praying. That's just like, across the board. And there's a hadith that supports that.

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All of the scholars that I have seen recently that talked about investment, not just recently because this has come up before you know you I don't know if you remember several years ago, the swine flu, right. That was actually the swine flu was prevalent during Ramadan.

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Several years back, I remember I was in Saudi at the time, and we had a very interesting Ramadan that year, because they had limited the amount of people that they were allowing to come into the country. So the messages message, the prophet SAW, it sounds nice, it was less crowded than it normally was in previous year. But the issue came up then about people wearing metal mask in the salon, in any way that the sexual across the board, from the style of the the stance is that in the scenario where it is fear, or there's a reasonable possibility that a virus may be spread, or any illness for that matter, it doesn't necessarily be, it could be bacterial doesn't have to be a

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virus, but that that it would be spread that is permissible for a person to cover a face in a slot and there's no cut off

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anymore, that ruling is lifted because of the need. So similarly here we have the issue of praying in the masjid, it's permissible to pray with gas in the road.

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Um, under the circumstance, without a doubt, and the slot is valid, the prayer is valid. Okay. I wanted you to give that good explanation that you did, because for a lot of people out here, they just regular

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layman, Muslims, they don't you know, they're not as studied and what learn in a religion as you. And you know, they may understand the religion one way, but you gave a really good explanation, and why things could be done during a time to win right now. What I want to do I want to go to the phone line, we have brother Anthony, who's calling from North Philly. But Anthony, welcome to the show. Yeah, I have a question. I'm a shop steward at a nursing home. When our nursing assistants, we have a Muslim brother in the home. And we were trying to accommodate for him to be able to get up in the morning to pray. So we had to make some ads him trying to work around our schedule to go into his

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schedule. And we're having a difficult time with it because every time we do he tells us first of all, a woman cannot see him. You know, we don't touch by him or clean by him and by her need to give him clean. So the two brothers which are myself and another has to you know, make sure he's okay. Now we made some arrangements for

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his prayers, and what the way we did it was, we said at 415, we had to get you up in the morning, he gets you set up. So you can start saying, you know, getting ready for your prayers. So we come to him, how long he does his, you know, cleaning up, he cleans itself, and then he has a signatory. He has the cleanest cleanser. So before he goes, sees Allah, and this takes between 20 minutes to 45 minutes, a minute, that's new, more time with him at 445, we take them, let him go to the window when he goes and facepiece or he can pray. And then as 45 we bring him up. So at the front of the desk that just nurses and so everybody can be aware he's there. So if he falls, we can also somebody

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can see it, we want to make sure everybody can see him, that we can make sure he's safe. Now, we made these arrangements with the film. He said, Okay. But the problem is,

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we're being not fully knowledge or knowledge.

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We like a woman can't touch you all she's don't we see she's cleaning you just like we do a regular room. And he's stone is no, no woman is not just seeing me. And we're like, okay, we don't understand this. I mean, it's, it's totally your religion. But what, uh, Anthony? Yes. Okay, I appreciate your call. And let me just say, I, I'm quite, I'm proud of you for, for calling in and trying to get an explanation is very important when we live in a society that does have different visions of people from different walks of life, and we make an attempt to understand each other. Right, right. So I'm trying to do now and I really am glad you're taking the step to accommodate

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means the person that you're talking about.

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And so hopefully, if you can, I don't

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know what I'll do is I'll get this number and I'll be able to give it to you. We thank you so much, Anthony. But what I want you to do, don't hang up, don't, because I'm gonna have my producer get your number. And I'm gonna have Dr. Tarr here. Give you a call. Okay, that's great. That's what I need. Thank you, sir. Thank you. Thank you for all you're doing your services are tremendous. Okay. Thank you. Thank you can JP

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Asian health to your family? Yes, sir. Thank you as well, you as well, sir.

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Very good question that after that. I'll answer the questions generically. Okay.

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Central was asked on on the air. But But these type of questions that were very clear,

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they they require waisting specific answers, right. So, situations are going to differ from place to place time to time person to person, what, you know, what's going on in the nursing home. So the compensation that they make are very, are very, honestly honorable that they've done that they've made those accommodations.

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In this scenario, where a so from a medical perspective, and strictly from a logical perspective, if we have a choice, then we are to be treated by somebody from the senior center. And that's just because we do have gender roles.

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We believe that that is pure from the heart of the last corralitos. Right, and he tells tell the believing men to lower their gaze, same thing for the believing women, if we are to lower our gaze to not even look at our bodies from the opposite gender intentionally, like, you know, looking at them in a way that is that could create,

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you know, luck or then or even more so than that, right? To avoid touching them being in the accompany unnecessarily. Right. Right. From a from a medical perspective, it's the same medical perspective

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as the panel, I mean, you think about how many doctors have been accused of

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situations, right? The meter movement has bought a lot of this stuff to light, you just see that from my from the Islamic perspective, we would have a go that I wrote in the first place, there wouldn't be that type of situation arise in the first place because those two genders that you know, should not be alone with each other. So

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the point the point being is that what we try to do is make sure that a male doctors to treating a male patient but a female doctor treats a female patient

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However, again, we go back to our rule of necessity.

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Sometimes that's just not possible. Sometimes the only doctor that can treat this particular is the opposite gender. And

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then so be it because now it becomes a an overriding need and in some cases and publicity to save life. So we're not unreasonable. Yeah, there's nothing about Islam that is illogical Wilhelmina. So in the in this scenario where a male attendant can be the one who was cleaning the male patient, and that's what we would desire. But if there's a situation where that's just not possible,

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you know, like, like the brothers called Anthony, you mentioned that there's only two of them, their schedules may conflict, he may not be able to be there from that four o'clock schedule throughout the year, if if it boils down to the fact that there is only a a woman who is available, then it is permissible, even from a family standpoint, it is permissible for that woman to be the one who, who cleans the patient.

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And, again, again, we try to keep things we tried to do gender separation as much as possible to avoid undesirable outcome.

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Gotcha. Okay, now look, we are coming up very close to Ramadan. And with everything that's going on the public gatherings, not really being able to take place, not just here in Philadelphia, but basically across the world. What is what what direction will the United Muslim Masjid take in regards to Ramadan, Ramadan observing the nightly prayers, well, we have something set up for the for the nightly prayers. So there's two, there's two main, let's just call them distinguishing features of Rama bonds when it comes to communal life, right? One, one would be the iftaar,

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which is the breaking of the fast so that meal, which is done at a time or a sunset, or on a daily basis, that meal is often done communally at the match.

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And that and that is a distinguishing feature that makes Ramadan different from every other every other month. Right. The the other distinguishing feature is the Camille night prayers that take place after the sacrifice, which is our normally that's our last prayer of the day, or you can say the last period of night, whichever way, right? So

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what we are planning on doing for both of those scenarios is and, and I inshallah, by the by no later than tomorrow, you'll find a survey when you mmm online.org

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if you need meals for this car, Rama, that, or you can deliver meals to other people for Ramadan, then we are asking that you fill out this survey because what we're doing many of the methods have come together and pooled their resources together. So that we can still provide iftaar for

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more people who depend on on domestic environment for their meal, right. So I don't know of any negative or going if it is that you want to be able to just come to the masjid

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and, and get a meal.

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I don't know any medicines that do that. And we don't feel like that would be that we would be able to regulate that.

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Another word that would just bring too many people together at the same time

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without the possibility of regulation. So number one when it comes to iftaar, being close to UML online.org. And fill out the survey that is there if you need meals or you can deliver meals. The other

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avenue that has been created for people who need meals. This is specifically for the elderly. They can call the aging with dignity hotline at 2674280182674280108 they can call the hotline, they'll leave their name and some contact information and somebody from the aging with dignity committee will respond to them so that we can get the necessary you know, get the necessary details. How many meals do they need, what kind of allergies Do they have, for example,

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and what their addresses you know, so that so that the meals can be delivered if they need them delivered

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So that gets one thing, there will be no if that's okay, when it comes to Alaska totally,

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which is the communal nightmare that is done. After selecting that he said, that is a bit more complicated. And I don't want to make any promises.

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And public information will be communicated to people we're working with some of the other defense

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to develop policy, most of the messages that I'm aware of will be closed. And based at the beginning of Ramadan,

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I do it by May 15, for example,

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which will, which will almost coincide with the last days of Ramadan,

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I expect that there will be some restrictions lifted by them.

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What we're looking at across the country, but specifically in Philadelphia, it will be a gradual lifting of the restriction. So I don't know if you remember, before the stay at home order in Philadelphia, remember, you can congregate for only up to 50 people. Remember, yes, yes. And then went down to 10. And then from 10, and went to stay at home? Right? So the reversal is, is called a being similar, and a lot of how they work?

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What are some of the restrictions, they say you can titrate up to something called

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some of the scores will be built to open that up.

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And then I'm going to speak 50 people until they feel like they're, you know, in the clear, or they feel like the medicine, right now the whole reason why

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these restrictions are placed. Number one is to contain the virus. Number two is because our medical system is 24 hours it overwhelms the

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system, and people who wouldn't normally

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be able to survive with minimal treatment, might not be able to get that treatment, and the disease will worsen and they will probably

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die as a result. So in order to

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keep down the path, a minimum and be able to treat as many people as possible.

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Oh, no shake, I don't want to cut you off. But I feel you Okay, let's just say around May 15. You know, there's the ban is lifted, and a little bit of people can start congregating. Now, from a layman's point of view, don't it? To me, I would think that would make just make sense. And along those paths, if we just said, you know, what the things that we normally would do for Ramadan? We can't do them because we don't want yet.

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Okay, now we will normally

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is nothing normal about this. Right? The most, this is gonna be a very, very different time than we normally deal with. So how can we also look like, let's just put it like this, let's assume,

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let's assume that there is no title we can be totally as domestic because for most people, that's gonna be the scenario. Right? Okay. How do we now deal with that? as a Muslim? And I need to I need to say, because I feel like, I feel like it's, it's

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I feel like it's important that we understand that artists land, our relationship with the law of sound without our bond with our Creator. Nobody should come in between that. It can't be based on the fact that I get to worship with other people. And our relationship with the law can't be based on that. You know, and if we are anything that we know, is coming, anything that's important to us that is coming, we tend to prepare for it. Am I correct? I mean, let's just, I know you work with this. I'm in law enforcement out there. So I'm seeing I'm seeing I'm seeing a totally different viewpoint so much so that there aren't no warrants. No, no major warrants being served. There's not

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a there's not people really getting locked up for certain crimes that they're

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that they're committing. Now,

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let me let me

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let me

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let me let me take a step back because I need you to I need you to understand the the listening audience to to understand this point. Okay. Now, you work in law enforcement, law. There's nobody that becomes an officer except that they do what they go through training.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:35

Right, correct? Exactly. You can't just say, Oh, I want to be a police officer, you show up the next day, they give you a uniform, they hand you a gun, you don't even know what to do with the gun. You want to shoot yourself in the foot and kill somebody else, because you didn't even pick it up the right way. You can't do that. You have to prepare. Okay? Are you following me on that with a gun? Gotcha, gotcha. Anything that we anything that we know is coming. I mean, we have a lot of a lot of our listeners, a lot of our constituents and our times against our students, or they weren't students, you know that this test is coming up the final exam you got on the first week of May,

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you're going to prepare for it because you know is coming. Okay. One thing that we definitely know is coming, is that,

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okay, we know that we are going to die.

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How do we prepare for that, you can't pray, you're not going to be with your friends and your family and the people who sit next to you in a mansion, they're not going to be in the grave with the Prophet sallallahu wasallam COVID is three things that follow you to your grave. So have them go back and one stay with

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your family followers. Write your wealth file, you have some of your possessions

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and your deeds falling to your grave, all of that stuff. your family and your wealth is going to go back, you're not going to have that with the only thing you're going to have. And Greg with you is your is your deed.

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And we know that the Prophet told us a little liars Hello, that that the believer in the gray will see this beautiful figure comes to him or her.

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And he will say what are you and He will say

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I am your good deed

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that is going to be your companion in the Great. Now how do we prepare for that time of being alone? See, one of the things that is legislative for us and it's interesting how it ties in the Ramadan. One of the things that's legislative for us to do and the last 10 nights around done for the last 10 days is to perform what is known as he can hear and he can mean it. For a general translation would be seclusion in the masjid. You are secluded your individual but you're secluded. You're not with anybody else. You're in your own space. You're reading the poor, you're praying, you're remembering the last 10. Without it, you're doing those things that draw you closest to him. And you're all

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alone. Because it prepares you for the loneliness that you will face in your grave. But that loneliness is only lonely if you don't have good deeds to go with. And so now we take a step back and we say, this Ramadan, the COVID-19 Ramadan, which is crazy. I mean, because we look back in history, that's what we're going to call it. Yes. And a lot of you look at the 1997 the Hajj that was done in 1987 that has is famously known as the year of the fire. It's one minute bumped down. Everybody who remembers the highs of 1997. It's called the year of the fight. This Ramadan is coming up is going to be called Ramadan. COVID-19 a lot of Ramadan and the virus, the Corona, whatever

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Corona Rama. Now, how do we how do we?

00:38:25 --> 00:38:28

What does that mean? How does he use this rather than?

00:38:29 --> 00:39:13

How do we make the best out of a bad situation? Nobody. You know, there are people who say this can be your best Ramadan? This is no, no, it might be it may be your best friend. It's not the best fall down over there's nothing ideal about this Ramadan, but the last 10 was tested for a reason. What can we get out of this? How can I make the best out of a bad situation is a bad situation? How do we make the best data now, here's what I'm going to suggest and the little bit of time that we have left, and inshallah This is coming for us. I'm working with some other events in the city, and inshallah Tada, we're going to put out a series of tutorials on how to best benefit from this

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And one of the things that we're going to be talking about is how do you pray the night prayer in your home? It's whatever Koran you know, and how can you start from now? We are today is the eighth of Shabbat. Right? Right, that Ramadan is going to be starting either on the 23rd of April, or the 24th of April, the Thursday or Friday. Which means, which means that you'll be praying starting the night before the day effect, right because the night proceeds today. So that being said, How can I now from now until then, what can I do to learn a little bit more

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and you make sure that you memorize for example, you showed us

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up to sort of the net.

00:40:03 --> 00:40:38

If so, then that means you'll have memorized. Well sources from the prior. Which means you can pray 12 Raka each quarter, you know, each rock out with a different tool. And then you can finish with with it. Right? And, and how do you do that? In the masjid, for example, we normally pray for 45 minutes for our afternoon shift. Can you do that same thing with whatever cry you memorize? Absolutely. Take the time recite as slow as you as you learn and sort of learn the meaning of Well,

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what does that mean that a last principle is swearing by what is normally translated as time, but it's actually Alaska. And we all know what it is. It's not just any time it's the afternoon. And what happens after select Alaska after soccer after the sun begins to set. These The time is running out along reminding us well as to time is running out in the insanity hustle. Mankind is at loss. We're all at loss unless we do those four things that will last the commandments was right after that, except for those who what they have been illuminating to me while I'm the solid head and they do righteous deeds, but also been happy with the loss of the summer. And then mutually enjoying

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truth. Are they mutually enjoying that patient? recite that sort of let it sink in. Don't recite it like the band might recite it in a messy because got people by them and he can't stop. You can restate velocity, you can pause and think about what it means. I'm telling you that you can take whatever you know from the Koran. And you can pray every night yourself for the same amount of time that you would normally pray in the masjid. Let that sink in. As you make the as you bow as you as you bow after you say, after you recite whatever you say you say hello as you go into court, and you say Suppan, I'll be lobbying, let's say 20 times 30 times you don't have to just say it three times.

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they log in, you're subdued. And as you say, some kind of appeal Allah after that, call upon a law you don't have to English to do after you say

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either. You don't have to make do it. In Arabic. If you don't know Arabic, you can say it in English and ask the law for whatever it is that you want from the good at his life in the neck.

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If you can do that, then you become the worship of Allah, Your Worship is not based on the congregation. We can't be people who are our Deen is tied to what everybody else is doing, because everybody else is not going to help you when you stand in front of a law. In fact, a law reminds us of that endocrine Yomi, a physical model woman, and he will only he will be the day when a person is going to run away from his brother's gonna want to wait for his mother he's going to run away from the spot is

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always gonna be the answer to what you've done. Oh, but you haven't done? It was supposed to do, right. And so we can actually use this Ramadan. Again, we're talking about making the best out of a bad situation. We've talked about making lemonade out of the lemons that we have, right? So I mean to you, you know, these are our colloquial expressions. Because the reality is, again, this isn't an ideal situation. And we don't want this to be the way that Ramadan looks. Number four, we want to be able to celebrate with community. And if that opportunity has been taken away from us, then let us realize, let us roll up at a law is giving us another opportunity. And that is to use this Ramadan

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to perhaps become from amongst the people who pray the night prayers throughout their lives and not just in Ramadan. Maybe now that I feel more confident in my ability to do this prayer alone, I start praying more at night, I take advantage of that opportunity where a law tells us that he comes closer to us and that last third of the night. And now I can call upon Him and ask Him for whatever I want. Again, again, my my sole point in going on this this digression is that we realized that we had to use this Ramadan to create a better relationship, personal relationship with Allah. And not that our worship of our Creator, and not that our service to our Creator and then to his creation,

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that it is not based on the fact that I'm doing this the congregation This is a big textbook. And I pray that Allah blesses us with the best and allow us to pass all of this stuff. I mean, I mean, what I want to do I want to jump to the phone line very quickly. We have brother Jacob has been waiting very patiently. So not only can brother Jacob. Wow,

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look, yeah, look, man, I'm getting it all. But brother man 4068

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Right, I've been reading the Holy Quran in English, right? And you got the part of the man's job, right? We get that one look. And I'll be using that especially where we live in summer. Right? That you definitely got to lower your gaze. But for the women

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for the years that I've been a Muslim, there's always been a back and forth about the in the dust. does Allah in the Quran in Arabic order the women to cover their face? Or is it the bosom because the reading that I've, you know, read? It always said that cover your book when you go out but I've been in message with sisters have been going back and forth with you know, it should be your face? Is it the face? Or is it the bosom? And and what's the difference? Can you throw a little light on that and I'll listen inshallah, thank you, brother Jacob, we got like two minutes left.

00:45:59 --> 00:46:01

Very quickly, because off the off the top of

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what he's referred, what he's referring to, is the 59th is in sort of academic, which is the 33rd chapter of the Quran, the 59th I there are

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varying ways of interpreting that. There are many scholars of the past who have said that it does include the faith. And there are some that says that it does not and that's outside of the scope of what we have the ability to do within a minute's time. So we'll leave that for a different discussion until outside. Okay, shake, leave us with some some final thoughts of things, other things that people can do during this time right now, this very difficult time that we're in.

00:46:49 --> 00:46:50

Okay, so

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Allah has told us that he is a rock man that He is the Most Merciful. And that is the 55th chapter of the Quran, which is named after a rough man. It's called sort of a rough man, the Most Merciful. This is the second verse. And he says, a black man, a black man finally taught the core. Part of His mercy to us is that he has taught us the Quran, he has revealed to us the Koran, which is his speech, verbatim, and it has been preserved by God. It is the final revelation to mankind. What we should be doing with the extra time that we have, and especially as we move into the month of December is the month of Ramadan, which is a month so for us, what we should be doing is spending

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more time trying to understand that books, the brother that just came on the line, he said he's been reading the crime for 46 years. We need people to spend that time with the crime, understanding it to the best of their ability repeating it. There is a there is a healing Yes, in the repetition of the Quran. So we should be reading that for us. Not just once or twice and three times from I'm talking about covered, covered. Check. We we got we got to go we ran out of time.

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