Hamza Yusuf – 40 Hadith Of Imam Nawawi – Part 1

Hamza Yusuf
AI: Summary ©
The importance of Islam is discussed, including its impact on modernizing society and changing behavior. It is emphasized that individuals must act with their own caution and be aware of their surroundings to avoid missing important events. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of following the Prophet's teachings and avoiding mistakes.
AI: Transcript ©
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Toronto, Toronto,

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Toronto inshaAllah. In a series of talks we're going to look at the famous book of

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the 40 has the prophetic tradition. The book was written by one of the greatest of the Muslim scholars. Not even a knowing who was born in the city of Naira near Damascus is regarded as a great jurist, and a great mother, or scholar of the prophetic tradition.

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The book is generally regarded as the most popular anthology for the prophetic traditions and a great introduction for the study of the prophetic traditions of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. This is because it contains the essential teachings of the Muslim religion

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must be important to note that these hobbies were originally recorded in the tongue of the Prophet peace and blessings of Allah be upon him the Arabic language and the support, which is the word of Allah, which the Prophet only dropped as he was a messenger. He was the mediator between a lot and mankind, whereas these prophetic traditions are from the teachings of the Prophet himself. So it's important that the actual Hadith are not to be confused with the Koran, because there are two different sources into swana.

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That begin the first study on the authority of Omar

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who says, actions are backed by intention, and every man shall have, but that was intended, that use migrations was for Allah and His Messenger says, migration was for a mom and His Messenger, and he was migration was to achieve some worldly benefits, or to take some woman in marriage, his migration was for that for which he migrated.

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This Hadees was related by the two greatest scholars have had these are prophetic traditions. In America hobby, and Mr. Muslim,

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there are two books are considered the most authentic books after the time.

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So in the hobby, the purpose, the Confessions of a lobbyist on him is telling us the basis of a man's actions, that their intentions, and this has been, is considered by a man says, an ultimatum in Hamburg, and other those and many of the great Muslim scholars to be a third of knowledge. And that's because of what it contains important for a man's life. He begins by telling us that actions are bought by intention. In other words, any action that a man does is based on his original intention behind the action, so that a man giving out well, for instance, if his intention was to help somebody in need for the face of Allah, or for the sake of Allah, then he's rewarded based on

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that intention.

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He's giving out so that people say this man's a generous man, then he's rewarded for that intention. The Hadees came about because of the pilgrim that migration that early Muslims made from Mecca to the city of Medina, because of the persecution that they had endured for 13 years at the hands of forays, and many other of the Arab tribes before finally accepting the Islamic message. The process Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him was commanded to make this cedre. from Mecca to Medina, he has all of his followers, and they were making it in order that the deen of Islam or the way of Islam could be strengthened and established in Medina, where the onsolve or the helpers had told the

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Prophet that they would give them sanctity there and protect them.

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So that when they set out on this migration, one of the men in Mecca who was a Muslim was told by a woman in Medina whose name was own,

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if he would make this migration, then she would marry him. So that when he set out his intention behind the migration, was to marry this woman. So when this news arrived to the Prophet, he told his companions, that actions are by intention. If this man made the intention to marry this woman, then that's what he's rewarded for. Despite the fact that he did the physical or our actions of migrating with the believers. His intention was different from those who made the intention to go, he said the villa or in the way of Allah. For this reason, this man was called Mohajer in favor of the one who immigrated to

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later the Prophet peace and blessings of Allah

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on him, said in the hobbies, that whoever makes easier or migration for some worldly aspects, so that despite the fact that this hobbies or tradition came about because of a certain circumstance, it contains a general principle. And that principle is that anyone who does an action, including a migration is his intention as Allah and His messenger. That's his intention, and you'll be rewarded for that on the Day of Judgment. His intention in it is other than that, he states here, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, he Jr.

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For some worldly things that he should gain it attained some worldly benefit. So that we find, as an example, in this age, many people going from the Muslim countries to Europe and America, they go with the intention of getting better jobs leaving here in these countries great drainage is so that they go hoping to get a more worldly benefit. So that that migration, they should understand is based on that, that they think they're going for something but their intention behind it is a rule. The intention is that we're going to spread the Drina about the way of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. Likewise, they'll be rewarded based on that intention. So that

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we find the human being in his life is constantly called in this hobbies to look at his intention. None of the great Muslim scholars of Islam from North Africa, even hide from the city of Paris and Morocco wrote a book based on the rectification of the intention. And he states in his introduction, that the reason that he wrote the book was he saw so many people losing reward in their actions, based on their bad intentions, or based on not having any intention at all. So that many people will go through their lives in almost a trance like state, they'll do things based on habits, or they'll do things out of necessity with no intention, so that the believer when he takes his hobbies, as a

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principle in which to live his life, he begins to eat with the intention of strengthening his body for the ruleset and for gaining halau position so that he's rewarded by his eating, which is in its outward aspect, MOBA or an accept is permissible for anyone to eat. But if he makes his intention for our law, if you make him his intention to strengthen his body, he gets the reward of an obligation. When a man puts on his clothes in the morning, the further Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him was the most awake of mankind, so that every action he did he did was a supplication to his Lord. When he put on his clothes, he made an intention of clothing, his nakedness. So in doing

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that, he was doing something that Allah has made obligatory upon him, thus getting the reward of an obligation, another man will simply put on his clothes without any intention at all, and thus losing the rewards of the obligation. So that each action in a man's life he does with the intention of gaining a lot of contentment. And in doing that, he comes to Yama Yama on the last day, with mountains of happiness or good actions that he wasn't even aware of. And this is the main reason in which a man is a movement or believer is doing is that action.

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A lie he says in the Koran, in a

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Yama even the men are

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In truth, man is aware of the working of his self, even though he put forward his excuses so that the man is aware of what he's doing. And on that day, his excuses will be of no avail. So that in this hobby, we see the actions are by intention, and the man must purify his actions with pure intentions in order to get into contentment of our lives. We ask a lot that he gives us success in implementing this in sha Allah with the ATA for saddam why they can rock metal bar

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karasawa Rama

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Rama Rama Kumar.

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inshallah, we're going to look today at the second * or prophetic traditions of Birmingham know his famous book the 40 Howdy.

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It's again, on the authority of Omar, may Allah be pleased with him who said one day while we were sitting

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With the Messenger of Allah, they the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him. There appeared before us a man whose clothes were exceedingly white, and His hair was exceedingly black. No signs of journey were to be seen on them. And none of us knew him. He walked up and sat down by the prophet, many blessings and peace of Allah be upon him, nursing his knees against his and placing the palm of his hands on his size. He said, Oh, Mohamed, tell me about Islam. The Messenger of Allah made us blessings and peace of Allah be upon him said, Islam is to testify that there is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, to perform the prayers, to pay the cost to fast in

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Ramadan, and to make the pilgrimage to the house, if you're able to do so. He said, You have spoken rightly. And we were amazed at him asking him and saying that he has spoken rightly.

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He said, Then tell me about the man. He said, it is to believe in Allah, His angels, his both his messengers and the last day and to believe in Divine destiny, both the good and evil bear up. He said, You have spoken rightly, he said, Then tell me about axon. He said. It is the worship of law as though you are seeing him and why you see him not. He truly sees you. He said, Then tell me about the hour. He said the one question about his nerves, no better than the questioner. He said, Then tell me about its signs. She said that the slave girl will give birth to her mistress, and that you will see the barefooted, naked, destitute herdsmen competing in constructing lusty buildings. Then

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he took himself off. And I said for a time, then he said, Oh, Mom, do you know who the questioner was? I said, Allah and His Messenger know that. He said, it was Gabriel, who came to teach you your religion. This was related by Muslims.

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This has he contains the three aspects of Islam. Islam, which is the outward form of Islam, the prayers of fasting, and all of the laws that go with Islam. And then Eman, which is belief, or faith. And then a sun, which is the highest degree of Islam

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is something inside the heart of a movement that purifies all of his actions so that he's only doing actions for the face of Allah. So each one of these three aspects is, is explained here, by the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him upon being asked about them by Gabriel, or the angel.

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He begins by saying, Tell me about Islam, and the Prophet peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. His willingness to testify that there is no God, but Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. In Arabic, this needs to say I've had to Allah either is by law, a number hamedan law, civil law, and this Shahada are witnessing, or test ification is the first thing that a person must do in order to embrace Islam. When he says this

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law in the law, there is no God but Allah, he's a witness to the unity of the Creator, in his acts, his attributes and his essence, that are laws of how to lead to Allah has no partner in any action that he does. And that in the Koran, it says, Mesa committee, he says, There is no thing like him. The scholars say that anything that comes to the mind of a human being, Allah is other than that, for that Allah has no form. Allah has no gender is neither female or male ally is above all of these aspects, or law has no human attributes. All of his attributes are pure, and are wholly they have nothing that resembles any human attributes.

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Then, in c'est la ilaha illa Allah, he must also testify to the fact that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, in saying this, he is saying that Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him is the last messenger.

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And he affirms all of the previous messengers.

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Then he says, to perform the prayer, to pay those costs

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constantly in the foreign alarm, he joins for a lot and

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he is always saying that the believers are those who pray and they pay those costs. So he says you pay more

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per kilometer. They established the prayer the believers and from what we've given them

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They give out from what we've provided them. They're sending, so that this data or poor tax is obligatory on every Muslim. Then he says the past in Ramadan, the month out of the year based on the lunar calendar that he stopped eating. And then he says to make pilgrimage to the house. That means going to Mecca once in one's lifetime. That is one day. Then he asked him about Emacs. And he says beliefs and our ma is angels. And angels means that he believes in beings of light, that Allah subhanho wa Taala has prescribed that they have functions in the creation, many of these things we don't understand, and that they are not to be looked at, in the way that the Christians look at

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angels, that they give them forms, to say put wings on them and all these things that are lost to handle it the honor, he's made his angels in many different aspects, they have the capacity to change souls.

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Then he says his books, his messengers, and the last day and divine destiny or other, both the good and evil there are. And then he says,

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and he says that this is to us apologize if you see him, and this is why it's the highest aspect of Islam. When a man completed his Eman, he arrives to the station of Zen. They asked him about the hour or size. And this in the Koran, Allah subhana wa tada tells us, that the Earth, the heavens and the earth will come to an end at a certain point. And every believer has to believe this is one of the essentials of his belief and Allah and His messenger. So we asked him, he tells him that he doesn't know the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him has no knowledge of the exact appointed time when the star will come. So he says, tell me about his sign. So you said that the

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saved girl will give birth to her mistress. The older more stars of Islam disagree on the meaning of this statement. Some say that it means that in the end of time, children will order their parents around taking them like slaves. And we see this happening.

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Some say that many more people will be born of destitute families and become so wealthy that they'll be able to use their parents as servants. And then he says, you'll see the Barefoot naked destitute herdsmen competing in constructing lofty buildings. The man No, he says in his commentary, that at the end of time, you'll see the people of the desert, building and setting up lofty buildings and buying in that so that they that you see these buildings in the deserts appearing were the ones building. And we are witnessing in this in this time. And in this age, we're seeing this happen in many places in the desert.

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So all of these three things that are explained here, and then the spa or the last time are essential elements in the Islamic teachings. And the Muslim must know each one of these, and you must practice them so that he must know what Islam is. And you must know what Imani is, and he must know what Epstein is, and more than that, you must attempt to implement them in his life. And in doing that, he will find success in this world on the neck. So that his hobbies should be taken as a principle in a man's life. He should take it and study it, understand it and then implement it. And in doing that, a lot will give him success, inshallah Tada.

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in Toronto, Toronto,

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Today inshallah, we're going to look at the third hadith of prophetic tradition from him know his famous book, The 40 Hadith. It begins on the authority of man, Abdullah the Santa Ana,

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may Allah be pleased with tempo? Who said, I heard the messenger of our mouth many blessings and peace have a lot be upon him say, Islam has been built on five pillars, justifying that there is no God but Allah, and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, performing the prayer, praying that that making the pilgrimage to the house and fasting in Ramadan. This was related by both of the hottie and Muslim. This has been his idea that explains the basic foundations of the Islamic faith. It begins by the prophet peace and blessings of Allah be upon him telling us that Islam has been built on five. These five things are what every Muslim is obliged to practice in his life. It begins by

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saying that he bears with

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learn that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger. This bearing witness in the Arabic is Shahada, and that either in ba ba,

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ba Ba, the Shahada in Arabic means to witness with the I know, he says in his commentary that this witnessing is with the eye of the outwards and the eye of the inward at the bottom. What about Sarah? It means that in the, the man when he looked at creation, he begins to see the unity of Allah in the creation. So that he begins to see that the creation is a sign of a lot of unity, alive, he says constantly in the Quran, about looking. So he says, for instance, in sort of a Amman

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and the venier, Kuru mama Yama refer

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to the Himalayas

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or abana

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suparna Akina de la, he says, that they look and reflect in the creation of the heavens and the earth. And in doing that, they say, urbanna, oh my god, you haven't created this in vain. So that the human being is looking at the creation of the heavens and the earth. And Allah is telling him to look, he's saying, how would they look? He says, In the Quran, was he around to see close to the Pharaoh, and in yourself, how much you look. And this looking is what takes a man to the witnessing the Shahada, that there is no gods that are wrong. When we look in the creation. It tells us in the forearm, that Ibrahim, suppose that Abraham peace be upon him, that he first he looked at the

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heavens, and he looked at the sky, and when he saw the star, he, he looked, and he said, This is my Lord. And when the star said, she said, This is not my daughter, because my Lord, he doesn't say that. And then he saw the moon until it sat and he kept looking and said, he realized that nothing in creation is representative of our law. It's only indicating a law.

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One story of us, my great Arab poet, tells about him meeting an Arab in the desert, and he asked him how have you known your Lord? And the Arab replied to him, he said, the camel dung indicates the camel.

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This Linda, Mama he was

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and the even more serene, astir, Amara,

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Raja Raja. Today inshallah we'll look at the 13th * for prophetic traditions from him know his book, The 40 Hadith.

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It begins on the authority of avanza Anna's even medic, may Allah be pleased with him the servants of the Prophet of Allah metta, blessings and peace be upon him, that the Prophet May the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him said, none of you truly believes until he wishes for his brother what he wishes for himself. This was related by a Bukhari and Muslim.

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The Hadith begins on the authority of Abu Hamza Anna, who said, to be the servants of the Messenger of Allah. This came about when the Prophet peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, made his migration from Mecca to Medina, fleeing from the persecution of the array. On arrival in Medina, the mother of Anna, this boy mentioned in the Hadith was, came to the Messenger of Allah with the boy Anna's. At that time, he was a young boy at the age of 10.

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woman said, O Messenger of Allah, I want to give this boy to be of service to you, that you can teach him and the Prophet accepted. So Anna stayed with the Prophet for a period of 10 years. And in that period, and as I said, in one Hadith, the Prophet peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. Never once said to me, if I did a thing, why did you do that thing? And never once said to me, if I didn't do a thing, why didn't you do that thing, and never once said to me, which was an Arabic way of showing displeasure at something.

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This treatment or this courtesy, this way that the Prophet peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, dealt with his own servants, is embodied in the Hadith that follows. He says, that the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him, none of you truly believes until he wishes for his brother when he wishes for himself.

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In this heartbeat, he begins by telling us in the Arabic

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Let me know. None of you believe none of you have a man. This means none of you has completed your Eman. So in other words, a man is something that exists on many different levels. The amount of the scholars of Islam said that Eman increases and decreases, it increases with good action and decreases with bad action. And in one prophetic tradition, the prophet tells us that a man has 60 some odd parts, or Shahada in the each one of these parts is a specific aspect of a man. And this is one of them. In fact, it's one of the most important

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even though he says in his commentary, this

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was a shocker, even more study.

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inshallah, today we'll look at the seventh heavy or pathetic tradition in Islam know his book.

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It begins by the prophet, that the blessing consists of a module upon him.

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Religion is sincerity. We said, meaning the companion to him. He said, to Allah and His books, and His Messenger, and to the leaders of the Muslims and our common folk. It was related to by Muslims.

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The tradition begins by the prophet telling us

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that the gene, or the way of Islam, is naziha. naseeha is an Arabic word, which means sincerity, it also means council giving advice.

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So it begins by the companions asking the prophets to move to whom is this sincerity, the prophet answers to Allah and His book. So that the nasiha that the believer gives his first to Allah, and then the book, the Koran, so that his worship, his way of turning to Allah, his way of looking to Allah is with total sincerity. He doesn't have hypocrisy, he doesn't have doubts. He's made his whole life sincerely for Allah. And then he says to His messengers, this sincerity to the messenger is believing in Him believing

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that which he came to bring to mankind is true, that the moon in the believer believes this with all his heart. And then he says to the leaders of the Muslims, which are called the IMA,

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the meaning of nopea, towards the leaders of the Muslims, his Council is stopping them, if they go outside the limits of our laws, boundaries, or our laws law, if they stop implementing the Sharia or the law of Allah.

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At this point, it becomes obligatory for the believer to give counsel, sincere counsel to the leaders of the Muslims. This is on the scholars of Islam, that enemy must give counsel to the leaders, especially the ones that have access to the leaders.

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So that if they see people doing wrong against other people, they must stop them. The prophet in one Hadith, he said, help your brother, the oppressed, and the oppressor, the companions, they said, As for the oppressed, we understand, but as for the oppressor, how do we help him? The Prophet answered, you help him by stopping him from his oppression.

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So we see that anyone that says that, you know, in Baba, there is no God, but Allah, and Muhammad is His Messenger, that and believe this, he is considered from amongst the Muslims. Therefore, if he does wrong actions, the moment or the believer does not hate the man himself. He only despises the action that's coming from the man, but he wants for himself what he has himself he wants for this man who's doing these wrong actions, to become straight to rectify himself.

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Then he says, and to the common folk, this means that the believer has to have sincerity and counsel for his brothers. If he sees a man doing wrong action. He doesn't look at the man and despise him. He goes in, he helps him he tries to pull him out of the darkness that he's fallen into.

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All the time that Muslim is constantly wanting for his brother, this, to find in his heart, the sweetness of Eman, the sweetness of belief and Allah and His messenger. When he does this, he finds that he begins to go out to mankind he begins to go out to the people that are having trouble. The people that are wayfarer, they've lost their way they've gone astray the Muslims

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According to his tsunami is the one whose hand and his tongue are the evil of these two things that people are freed from, so that the Muslim will not speak bad about another Muslim, he does, in fact, by, he'll go to the man himself and tell him, I've seen this in you, or I think you're doing this wrong. But he doesn't say it in a way that's going to disturb the man, or going to make the men not accept the council, he'll take them aside from other people, he won't say it in front of people showing his fault. The Prophet said, Whoever exposes the pulse of his brother in law will expose his fault, even if he was inside his house. So that the Muslim does not want to expose the pulse of

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other people. But he wants to rectify them in a way, in the best way in a way that's going to allow them to become straight. It's going to allow them to accept this counsel this naziha with a good heart. So the Muslim when he sees wrong actions, he hopes for that believer for that Muslim is doing this wrong action to change. But he's not going to change if he's not given counsel. This is one of the most important aspects of

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our law. He says in the Quran constantly about commanding to good action, and forbidding wrong action, the armor the motto when he and in munkar. He says that by doing this, we attain success. And we change that which is around us, we transform our society. So that the believer by transforming himself, he'll begin to want to transform what's around him from oppression, from of aggression, of the wrong actions of the in justices that he sees, so that when he sees his brothers aggressing others, he must go out to them, he must stop them to according to his capacity, if he's unable to stop them, or by stopping them, he's going to place himself into harm, then our law

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make him responsible for changing that. Our law he says in the Quran, are a

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He says you should treat concern for yourself, it won't harm you, the one who's gone astray if you've been guided, but the commentators have this if they say that the guidance that he Daya, this meant in this item is enjoining right action and forbidding wrong actions, so that it won't harm you what other people are doing around you in the society if you're enjoying right action and forbidding wrong action, so that when you see people doing wrong action, by you're telling them No, this is wrong, you're saving yourself. But the man who's quiet about these things, is placing himself in great danger. The Prophet, peace be upon him told us a story about a man in a city who was a pure

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man. But every one in the city was doing wrong action. And this man was quiet about this wrong action. He didn't tell people to stop their own action. So a lot such an angel to destroy the city. And the angel said, a lot, there's a man in the city who worships you. And he says that doesn't matter. He doesn't command the other people to worship Me, or to stop them from the wrong action. So it's not enough for the moment or the believer simply to say themselves, it's on him to save other people, to help other people to take them out of their sufferings, to take them out of their misery. And by doing this, he is sincere. He has conspiracies to the Muslims, as a majority.

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And in having this sincerity, along, he promises that he'll change the situation a lot. He says that he won't change what's in a people until they change within themselves. So that many, many of the things that we witnessed in our lives, the oppression, the suffering is only from the wrong actions of human beings. And it's only from the fact that people have left stopping these things, and have stopped calling people to right action and forbidding rolling action.

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If one takes this idea, and follows it in its true meaning and attempt to make his life sincere, to make his actions sincere, then you'll see change in himself, and then the people around him. And by doing this, the movement is

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having a way of gaining success in this world and in the next and inshallah this has been has been a benefit for those who hear it. And we hope that we take it not as a word, but as a principle in which to live our lives and in which to implement now simply to be heard, and then forgotten. Like so many words we hear every day. And in sha Allah, Allah give the success in practicing this happy family.

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Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim karasawa Rama

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Today we'll look at the eighth hubbies for prophetic traditions in a moment Oh is great, both supported Howdy.

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It comes as a prophet says, I have been ordered to fight against people until they testify that there is no God but Allah, and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and until they perform the prayers, and pay the cost, and if they do so, they will have gained protection from me for their lives and their properties. And that they do act that are punishable in accordance with Islam. And their reckoning will be with our law, the Almighty. This was related by abdulhadi and Muslims.

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The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, tells us in the beginning of this tradition, that he was commanded by Allah to fight people.

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This fighting is what the Muslims called jihad. jihad is a word which means to struggle. And Jihad has many aspects. jihad is not simply struggling with the sword, but jihad is struggling with the tongue. jihad is struggling with the self, so that the Muslim is constantly commanded by Allah, to stop oppression, to stop to stop social injustice. The Muslim is not a pacifist, but at the same time, he's not an aggressor. Allah has commanded the movements in the Koran, to find where he sees oppression. He says, What are you doing whom have said at the corner system, that's one way of dealing with that. But in in several, but there is one in the auto body

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and fight them, those who fight you and chill, there's no worse tradition. And the dean is for our law. So if they stop their aggression, then there's no aggression except on the oppressors. This means that the Muslim fight when he's attacked, and it's permissible for him to fight, when he's not being attacked, if there were oppressors, stopping him from taking this message to mankind. If he is allowed to take this message in a peaceful and harmonious way, then he does not make aggression against those that are not making aggression against him.

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Islam sees the world divided up into two aspects, one which is called battle house, and the other is battle style. Battle house is the place of war, those who are against the Muslims who are opposing them, battle surrounding the place of peace. Because Islam comes from a word which means peace. It is the Dean of peace, but it demands that it be given a voice to all of mankind, so that the Muslim is striving, he is making Jihad to take this message to all of mankind, because the system of Islam, which is a complete and total system, is the only system on the earth that can establish social justice for all mankind. The reason is, is because this system is not a system invented by man. The

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system is a system that came from the creator of man, Allah He says in the Quran, Allah Allah Malhotra rahula.

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Doesn't he know who's created and he's the all knowing the all aware, alive telling us in this if he knows mankind, when he forbids men to do something, he's feeding him because he has knowledge so that his forbidding man to do illicit *. He knows what the results of the men doing these things will have that lead to illnesses that lead to diseases that were unknown from math, they lead to a social breakdown, they lead to the whole complex of the society breaking down the social structure.

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So the Prophet he says that if they say Laila, he's a llama, hombre sodoma. They perform the prayer and pay the poor tax, then they have his protection.

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Islam allows for the Jew and for the Christian to live inside Dada. Dada set out to live inside the Muslim countries, but they pay a tax like the Muslims. This tax is called Jesus. The fire worshippers, the Christian and the Jew all must pay this tax which is actually less than what the Muslim pays. This tax enables him to live amongst the Muslims in harmony as long as he doesn't stop the Muslims from practicing their religion and live according to the social structure that Islam demands, such as social justice and social harmony amongst people.

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If we look at the history of this

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We find that the Jews and the Christians lived in harmony with the Muslims for centuries. We find that in Spain, when the Muslims were finally defeated by the Christians there, the Jews living under a Christian Muslim rule actually chose to go to North Africa and live there,

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under the role of the Muslims, because they feared from the Christians, and from the retributions, as the Christians would make against them.

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We find today that so much trouble so much strife in the world based on aggression, based on social injustice, based on oppression of the big against the small, of the powerful against the weak. Islam demands that the Muslim stop social injustice, and he demands that he do it, if necessary, with war, so that the Muslim is commanded to war when he sees injustice when he sees a President when he sees aggression until these things stop, have to last

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until there's no submission until there's no oppression. When he does this, he does it with the intention of making a last word, Paramount's. He doesn't deal with the attention of oppressing people. For this reason, when the Muslims came into countries came in as conquerors. They came in conquering them with the sword, but their hearts were conquered with the social justice and with the equality that the Muslims created in these countries, so that in Egypt, when the Muslims arrived, the early Muslims arrived to Egypt. They showed the people there the social justice of Islam, as opposed to the injustice and oppression of the Romans that were ruling the country at that time.

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Immediately the Egyptian people became Muslim, not through coercion, but through their contentment and their knowledge that this Deen was true that this was the true Deen of Allah. This also happened in North Africa. In India, much of the Muslims that became Muslim in the early time became from the examples of the Muslims from their fine qualities, from the truthfulness in their speech, from the correct manners in their merchandise in the way they traded with the people. In their example, the Prophet, peace and blessings of a mob The problem was the best example for mankind. He abhorred war in itself, but he knew and he was commanded by Allah to fight to stop the aggression, so that the

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Prophet peace and blessings of Allah be upon him when he was in a battle in the early part of the Salaam,

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one of the Sahaba or companions said to him, oh, Prophet of Allah, curse these people, because he knew that the process is supplication with the answer. The Prophet then answered mirbeau as to the island, I wasn't sent as a cursor, would I kill many birds to die? But I was sent as a caller to good and as a mercy. Allah says in Surah, Rama Asada NACA

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army, and we haven't sent you except as a mercy to all the worlds so that the prophets teachings are a mercy to mankind and mankind. Only in looking at these two teachings in their proper perspective, will he accept them? Allah says, You can't coerce them to be more meaning to be believers. Allah knows that people will only believe when they accept something when they see this true. And this is what the Muslim is striving to do, to show the people the truth of Islam, to take this message to all of mankind. And if he stops, that he is commanded to fight, and Allah subhanho wa Taala gives victory to those who strive in His way. Allah He says Jay Do they have the gene jihad is struggling

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the web are locked in a true struggling, so we hope that everyone every movement will take on him upon himself to strive in the way of Allah and in doing this, he will establish social justice on the earth and we hope inshallah, that this has been a benefit to those who hear it. And we asked a lot of success of somebody from

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this Milan.

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Ramada MBA, ma

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ma ma ma ma ma ma.

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Today inshallah, we're going to look at the ninth Hadith or prophetic tradition of No, no is both the 40 hubbies.

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It begins on the authority of Abu huraira May Allah be pleased with them who said, I heard the Messenger of Allah May the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him say that I have forbidden to you avoid what I have ordered you to do.

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Do as much of it as you can. It was only their excessive questioning, and they're disagreeing with their profits that destroyed those who were before you. It was related by Bukhari and Muslim.

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This Hadith begin by telling us what the messenger has forbidden for the moment he must avoid. And this begins by telling us also the two aspects of Islam. The two aspects of the Sharia or the legal law of Islam are the Quran and the Sunnah. The Sunnah is the way of the messenger, Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. He said, Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him on the last time, where he was leaving the people. He said, I've left with you two things, as long as you hold to them, you'll never go astray.

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And my son

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has many different aspects to it. It has stories of the ancients. It has law, it has prohibition, it has wisdom. It has all different aspects. The cinema is the way in which the Prophet lives his life. It's based on his words, on his actions, and what he saw and acknowledged that it was alright to do. So he tells us that that was used for bid for bid and we must avoid. In other words, anything that the prophets forbade the believer to do, he must avoid it. Because of the two aspects of this forbidding none of them is the forbidding of suffering, or absolute forbidden, the other is the forbidden or net, which is something that disapproved of or disliked. In the first one, the prophet,

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for example, forbade the movement, or the believer to go along with a woman, if she wasn't a relative or his wife, this is forbidden. Absolutely. And if a person does it, then he's done a wrong action.

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The second one is a forbidden, that's just life. So the Prophet gave the example of a man who goes into the Imam or the public bath with other men, and takes most of his clothes off. This is just life. And it's preferable that he doesn't do that. Then he says, what I have ordered you to do, do as much of it as you can. In other words, the sooner or the way of the life of the purpose is for the moment, who loves the Prophet, to attempt to emulate the Prophet as much as possible. So that the Prophet gave us an example of how he lived his life and all the aspects of his life. How he got up in the morning, what he said when he got up in the morning, at humbly the landlady, Ayanna

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Presley to the one who has given me life after causing me to die, the death of meaning or his sleep. Then when he put on his clothes, he was put on his clothes, using the rice first and then the lead. When he went out, he made supplications to allow how he was with his wife, when he ate the egg with his right hand, and commanded us to eat with our right hand. These are all aspects of the Sunnah. In fact, the prophet didn't leave any aspects of a human beings life, except that he gave us injunctions and showed us the right way in which to live our lives. The believer who does this is doing it out of emulation of the best of creation, because the Muslims recognize that the Prophet

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Mohammed is the best of creation, Allah, He says, you have a good example in the messenger.

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So taking this example, the moment in every action in his life, he tries as much as possible to emulate the Prophet. For this reason, he says, do as much of it as you can, because everyone's capacity differs from that of his brother. So a man who has a strong capacity or is able to emulate the purpose. In all the aspects of this right, this man has given a great success in this life. Even Omar, the great companion of the Prophet of Allah, used to attempt to emulate the prophet in every single detailed aspect of his life. The Prophet once heard people talking about if it almost, and he said,

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even Hamas is the best of men, even Omar If only he would stand up in the night frame. When not arrived, if an Omar, he immediately began to stand up in the night and pray, because he knew that the Prophet wouldn't have said it unless there was a direct meaning to it for actions that he should apply to himself. And the purpose himself was commanded to stand up in the night and pray.

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So then he says, it was only their excessive questioning, and they're disagreeing with our process that destroyed those who were before you. This is an indication that excessive questioning is disliked in Islam, the Prophet he said.

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He said, pretty high level

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Elpida? Well, it's been disliked, for you to say such and such, and so and so or to speak, excessive talk that has no use.

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We'll talk about this to add and too much questioning that a person should question. The Prophet peace and blessings of Allah be upon him said, If you meet a man, you should ask him his name, the name of his father, and the tribe from which he's from. And other than that is considered excessive questioning unless the man is willing to come from himself.

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We also find that in the Hadith is an indication of one man at the time when the HUD came down, or the pilgrimage to the Muslims. And Allah He said, when he said he had a nurse had just a minute Papa era used to be there. And it's for that mankind to make the pilgrimage to the house who's ever able to. So one man when he heard this, if he asked the Prophet, should we do it every year? And the Prophet said, If I would have said yes, it would have become obligatory for you. In other words, Allah has left it clear, he's left it open, don't ask fine details until it becomes too difficult for you. And this, in fact, is mentioned that the Jews, when in the sort of that Bakara, or the

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chapter of the cow in the Koran, were asking about the cows that allowed commanded them to sacrifice. Is it a female cow? Is it? What color is it? Does it eat from this? Is it a version that asks so many questions that are Ma, the he became angry at them and said that they almost didn't sacrifice it.

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And then he says, and they're disagreeing with their profits. So the people that if the profit has given us a commandment, and we disagree with it, then this is what this this will destroy it. This is what destroys the early people that they didn't accept things that came from their profits, they began to see, oh, I don't like this, or this doesn't agree with what I believe or how I feel. And this is a great wrong, this is going away from the prophetic tradition. The Prophet was so concerned for his own for his community, that he only did the things that he knew that they would be able to do. He said about using the sea wax, before the prayers, if I didn't fear that it will be too great

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for my own mouth, I would have commanded them to do it at every prayer. This is an indication that he should the moment should do it at every prayer, brushing his teeth within this wax. But the process, he was feared for his own life, that it would become too difficult for him to do it. So he said he didn't command them to do it, but only said that it's beloved for them to do it.

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The Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings of Allah be upon him is our ultimate use of mercy for all the world. And his life is a guidance for all of the believers. And for those who take him as an example in their lives, they find a constant spiritual nourishment, they find a criterion in which to base align, they find that behavior in which is only the finest and noblest of behaviors. If they follow the process, they'll find that our love begins to love them. Because Allah says, If you love me, then follow the process. So that by following process, we gained the love of Allah and this should be the desire of every believing Muslims and inshallah, to Allah. We hope that this has been

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a benefit for those who have heard it was said on Friday from last month last

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shala Today we're going to look at the number 10 have been an email no is booked for 14 days.

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It begins a lot of the Almighty is good and accepts only that which is good. Allah has commanded the faithful to do that with the commanded the messengers. And the Almighty has said, oh you messengers, eat the good thing and do rice and allow the Almighty has said, oh you who believe eat of the good thing where we have provided you. Then you mentioned the case of a man who having journeyed far is disheveled and dusty. And he spreads out his hands to the sky, saying, Oh Lord, oh Lord, while his food is unlawful, his drink unlawful, his clothing unlawful, and he has noticed unlawfully. So how can he be answered? It was related by Muslim

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body begins with a very important principle in Islam. And that is Allah telling us that he is good five years and then you accept only that which is good. In other words, if a man wishes to go do good actions, such as giving out from as well

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The wealth that he gives out must be halau, or permissible wealth. It can't be wealth obtained from interest from time. It can't be wealth that he stole. It can't be anything that has any doubtful thing concerning it, it must be good in its essence.

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Then also, he's telling us, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, that any action that a man does, must have a good intention behind it.

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And it can't have any doubtful matters concerning it. So that a man who's praying, must be doing it without

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conceit, or with without doing it for once of showing off to other people. And then he says, Allah has commanded the faithful to do that which he commanded the messenger. This is another important aspect in Islam, and that is that the messengers themselves are commanded to do what the believers are commanded, so that the Prophet himself has to pay the five for the day that will prescribe upon the Muslim, he was never setting himself above the believers. In one story that comes down to us, the pulsar was with his companions on the journey. And he ordered his companions to slaughter a sheep to be eaten. And then he's ordered some companions to sacrifice the sheep, and then to take

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the skin off. And then he said, I'll gather the firewood. And one of the companions contested and said, How can we allow you to do that? And he says, a lot forbade me to raise myself over the believers. So the humility of the Prophet that we see is, in fact showing us that he is an example, in his own life, that he wasn't raising himself above the believers. He used to sit amongst the Muslims, as if he was one of them. When people came in, who didn't know the companions, sometimes they couldn't distinguish the Prophet from his other companions because of his humility.

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Then he says that Allah says in the Quran, oh you messengers, meaning all of the messengers eat up the good things and do right. So he's commanding the messengers to eat up the good thing and do good actions. So the moment are the believers also commanded in another is Allah He addresses the people who believe thing Yeah, you have Latina M and O you who believe, who know men fight the back, and Nima Takenaka.

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So he says he from the good things which we provided for you. And this is a commandment to the believers, saying that his food must be permissible, it must be allowed. This is a very important aspect. In order that is worse at

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some of the great scholars of Islam said that if a man eats some forbidden meat or forbidden foods, his prayer is not acceptable for 40 days. And this is because his his cells are absorbing it. We know now that what we eat is being absorbed that our cells are actually taking nourishment and regenerating themselves based on what the human being is taking in from his consumption from his food consumption. So the aspects of eating good things, eating proper things constantly, we find in the Koran, it says highlighted on pages, it says the permissible and the good, the pure. So it's not simply eating what's permissible, that eating the pure thing, the people of the cave, in the Koran,

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the story of the people of the cave, when he's one of them, sends his brother to the city, he says, go and seek the best of food as kapama the purest of food. So in that is a sign from a law that the movement is constantly seeks to make this food as pure as possible. He then he mentioned the case of a man who having journey, he's disheveled and dusty, indicating here that his life, a man's life in this journey, that he's disheveled and dusty from rolling action, and he's raising his hands to the sky saying, oh, Lord, oh Lord, and his food is wrong or unlawful, his clothes are unlawful, his actions are wrong. So how should he expect a lot to answer him if he hasn't purified his his food,

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his clothes, his actions, how can allow acceptance supplication? Allah He says that he is pious that he is pure, he's good and he is only accepts the pure, so that he'll accept the moment when he sees him struggling to purify himself.

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Also, in this Hadith, we see the importance of the movement, making sure that he feeds himself and he feeds his family and he doesn't eat anything that's not permissible to eat such as pygmies, such as wine, such as meat that's been slaughtered for other than allow

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in doing this, he's going to be doing Robin right action because he is nursing his cells, his body

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With fewer foods on the roof, one of the great scholars of Islam from North Africa from the city of fez, he said that the basis of every good thing is in two things, a man's company and that which he eats. And then he says, So eat what you live, for, as you eat so so you ask. In other words, if you eat halau, permissible foods, your actions will be halau and permissible to spite oneself. And then he said, and keep company with whoever you wish, for use of the on his demons or his way.

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The Prophet also indicates here, that many people who make dua or supplication to Allah and find that this application is not being answered. It's not being answered based on their own action, that they haven't sincerely turned to Allah. Allah says in the Quran, yeah, you have nothing to boo Illa he told us

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turn to allow or you believe, a sincere turning a sincere repentance. So that when the moment turns to Allah, our life steps this Toba, he accepts his turning to Allah, one of the names of Allah is

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the office returning to continually returning. In other words, a line is telling us that if you turn to him, he turns to you. If you make supplication to our law, he's going to answer a line. He says, Osan. If they asked about me, tell them I'm near in your body. I'm near and close to him. And I answered the one calling me when he calls me.

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So that I'm not he's promising us that he'll answer us if we call on him. But it's based on a sincerity. And this calling on our law must come from a heart that's pure that's been purified, through proper eating, through right actions, through good deeds, through sincerity, through truthfulness, and speech. All of these things, purify the heart, when the heart is purified, then it's the heart that can come to a law peacefully. Allah says, On that day, it won't benefit them well, or children, only the one who comes to a law with a heart at ease, so that this turning to Allah is the way that our law answers the prayer of the slaves. So every movement every believer

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must try his best to eat what is allowed and permissible. In doing that, you'll find that your application will be answered and shall have a dialogue. And we hope that this has ease has been beneficial to those who are burdened with federal radicals.

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Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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Today inshallah, we'll look at the 11th hubby of him I know we both support your hubby.

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He says on the authority of Abu Mohammed that the grandson of the Messenger of Allah made the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him.

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He said, I memorized from the Messenger of Allah, leave that which makes you doubt for that which does not make you doubt. It was related by ceremony. And

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this had he is one of the comprehensive words of the Prophet, the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said that he was given the comprehensive words. He said in another Hadith, the best of speech is that which is short, and that was benefits

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so that the profit indicate the good speech or the speech that benefits man is short, comprehensive, concise, and giving a lot of meanings. One of the miracles of the Prophet was his linguistic capacity with the Arabic language. The Arabs at the time of the Prophet, Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah the funds have arrived to the pinnacle for the active eloquence, so that when the Prophet came, he was an unlettered man, we could neither read nor write, and was not to have known to have studied amongst the learned people of that time.

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He grew up in Mecca, which was the city of the the tribe, of which the Prophet is from this tribe was given cures.

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That Arabic language has many aspects to it. And many tribes, each tribe has a different dialect or tone. And the forests were known to be the purest of all of these dialects.

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So that the Prophet when he came first with the Koran, this

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was a linguistic miracle. It was a miracle that it completely

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dumbfounded. The Arabs have that time to tell us of the time of the Prophet Muhammad had reached the highest points of language, so that when the Quran came, they were amazed that this capacity

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In which the Quran was linguistically describing the things that it was describing.

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So that when the Prophet spoke, he spoke in the best of the Arabic language. So he said Dharma, your evoca, in a manner, your evoker very few words yet containing immense meaning. He says, leave that which makes you doubt for that which does not make you doubt. In other words, anything in the human beings life that causes him to doubt, the causes, causes turbidity in his heart, this should be less, the Muslims should not look at it, so that any well, that has any doubt about it, about it, forget about where it's from, he avoided any food that he has doubts about it, whether it's pure interior, if there's doubts, he should avoid it.

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And it's only with certainty that he could go into matters. So that we find now many Muslims are not concerned about where their wealth comes from. They're not concerned about the food they eat. They're not concerned about the clothes they wear. They're not concerned about the way they live their lives, about the way their families are about the way they're women and children grow up about the things that their children are learning in the schools, about certain concepts that are completely against Islam, that many of the children are learning. They're not concerned about these things, though, if the Muslim heart was correct, is it was tuned with a line as messengers teachings

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do you think would cause a breakdown in his heart? And that doubts would make him want to avoid these things.

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So that when the moment has an Eman or a face, that the sterling in his heart that it's firm, he begins to experience doubt when he draws near to things that are doubtful matters. So that Allah subhana wa Tada, he will question the slave about these things, where he's had doubts. Many people now they'll do actions without knowing the judgment of Allah and His Messenger in it. And a lot he commands the movement, such

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as the people of Vicar of the Koran, if you weren't knowing about a matter, you must ask them this is obligatory on the Muslim to ask about things that he doesn't know. If he has doubt about it, His heart is in tune, then he should know because of one of the earlier hobbies that we read that the lawful is clear, and the unlawful is clear, and between them are doubtful matters. So these doubtful matters, is. This is what this hadith is concerning itself with, he tells his grandson,

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who will only give him the best of this side, because he's his grandson to leave things which were doubtful. And his grandson took this as a principle in which he lived his life. How often in the later years of Islam, after the death of the Prophet became the halifa, or the leader of the Muslim.

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There became there was dissension amongst the Muslims, and another of the companions of the Prophet has commanded armies in Syria, while Hudson has commanded the armies in Iraq, then Hudson was frightened that there was going to be dissension amongst the Muslims, he left his authority and gave it to more Alia, may Allah

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be pleased with both of them, he gave his authority and he left, because he felt that there was doubt there was doubt that perhaps, by taking the political power, he would cause dissension amongst the Muslims. And at that point, he left it so that the Muslims, whenever you feel down about a matter, he immediately avoided and in avoiding it, he finds tranquility, he finds peace, because certainty is what the Muslim is after in his life, a certainty without any doubt, the doubt is what the Manasa or the hypocrite has

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allowed, he says in the Quran, CFO, lluvia, Mara, they have in their hearts, the hypocrites, a disease and illness, and their illnesses down. It's the doubt about our lives existence. It's the doubt about the truthfulness of the Koran, these things the moment doesn't have in his heart, because he has certainty. He knows that these things are true, because of the deep image that he has embedded in his heart. And when he knows these things are true. Anything that he hears from Allah and His Messenger, he has absolute certainty about it. He has no doubt in his heart whatsoever about what Allah is telling us in the book. And what the messenger is telling us is similar. So that when

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the Muslims takes this as a principle, he begins to find a criterion in which he bases his life on so anytime that he finds himself in situations where perhaps he's worried, is this a correct thing? Am I doing the correct thing? Is this from the noble characters of man? Is this from the Sooners my purpose? Would I do this in front of my Prophet, one of the things that he has to ask

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Ask himself constantly is about his actions. The early Muslims they used to at the end of each day would take themselves into account. You have unserviceable they would take themselves into account each action that they did during the day, they would look at it, was this a correct action? Was it beneficial for my team? Was it beneficial for the next world, and by doing this, they rectified themselves, and they purify their hearts, from the doubt which come into Man, these Delta from chiffon chiffon is constantly coming to men, making him down. The Prophet said in another Hadees, chiffon will ask the man who created such and such, and the men will say our vows, and he'll say,

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Who created such and such, and the men will say Allah, and sociopath will say to him, who created Allah. And at this point, the prophet said, say amen to be dead, say I believe in our bond, because these are the ways of the champion or the savings. These are the ways in which they're trying to create doubt in the heart of the believer about his team. And when the moment begins to learn about the tricks of Chapin, then he begins to know how to fight them with Vicar of Allah, Allah subhana wa samosas and

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without further inland insanity, by the end of the day, surely man is in law in the living room, and

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he has

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been happy with Allah, except those who believe and do good actions, and enjoying to the truth and enjoying to patients. These are the people that have success. And these are the people of certainty. May Allah make us from the people of certainty, and make us far from the things of doubt and give us a strength to live that which gives us doubt in our lives, about a mom and His Messenger and about the deen of Islam. And until I learned about success, with saddam It

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a shocker. Even after Omar

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insha Allah, today we're going to look at the 12 hubbies, or prophetic traditions of Imam no his books, the 40 hubbies

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and the authority of Abu huraira. May Allah be pleased with him who said the Messenger of Allah, that the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him said, of someone seeing a good Muslim, it is leaving alone, that which does not concern him.

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This Hadith was related by ceremonies.

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Again, we find, as in this collection of hobbies, a very important aspect or principle of his CINAHL.

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He says, part of someone's being a good Muslim. In other words, part of someone's being a proper Muslim, a real a true Muslim, is that he leaves alone that does not concern him. So many people find that they waste our lives in aspects that don't concern them that have nothing to do with them personally, or existentially. If you look at the hours of one's day that one spends in other people's business, you would be so amazed at how much time is wasted in use this talk in idle chat in things that have no importance for a man's world, the benefits, or his other worldly benefits. Omar was a great companion of the Prophet, may Allah be pleased with him said, I'm just tested at a

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man who's involved in something that neither has benefits for him in his life in this world, or in the next world. In other words, the early community of the believers concern their whole life with either this world worldly benefit, or next world the benefits, so that every single action that one of these believers Did, did it for a world the benefits in order to obtain from that world the benefits, another benefit which is in the next world, so that the people who were involved in merchandise for trading from the early companions, they did these things, in order that they could get money in order to further the cause of Islam. So we find them giving out when the murder.

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Allah says in the Quran, and from what we provided them, they give out so that their wealth was used in what concern them. It wasn't using what didn't concern them. Their speech was only things that concern them only things that have benefits for them. The Prophet, he said in another habit that a man shouldn't speak, except that which has has benefits for him. And he said in one hubbies masama 10 Naja, whoever is silent has had success, because in being silent if one has nothing good or positive to say

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Nothing beneficial or relevant to what is is the conversation is about the need to be quiet.

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Again, we see that the Prophet is telling us that this is from in the Arabic ministry is phenomenal from the good aspects of the Islam as a person. So that this is, in other words, he's telling us that there's a Muslim, who perhaps is concerned with many things that don't involve him in reality, and this Muslim, he has lack in his in his Deen is not complete, so that a Muslim in the true sense of what the prophet is telling us here, he should only be concerned about that which has benefit for his life, so that when he sees someone doing wrong actions, he should only be concerned and changing that wrong action, because he knows himself that he's responsible for it. Every single human being

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on the Day of Judgment is going to be called before Allah subhana wa Tada. And he's going to be asked for every single action that he did him Ahmed ozai, a great Imam and scholar of the Muslims from Syria. He said

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that the moment or the believer will see on the Day of Judgment with all other people, every single hour that he spent on this earth, run before him. Like a movie, he'll see every single action that he did in this life. Go before him, and he'll be taken to a town alone he says in for an

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incense and use Raja suta there's many things that he reckons that he'll be left in vain. Does he think that his actions are for nothing? Does he think that he can oppress? Does he think that he can be aggressive? Does he think that he can murder cheap, and then he won't be called to account? Because he thinks that by undoing good actions, you won't be rewarded. This is the justice of our law, that he's promised the believers, this justice will be established on the Day of Judgment a lot is that how come this is one of his names the judge, He will judge every human beings according to what he meant, how he lived his life. And on this basis, the moment he knows he has absolute

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certainty, that this day is going to happen, the human the day of rising the day when every single human being is brought before his Lord his maker, and you will know with the appeal with certainty, around he says in the Quran

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is in LA para

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la villa. The faces on that day are overjoyed

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to their Lord, they're looking these are the faces of the believers.

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So Allah Subhana Allah, Allah, he's giving Boucher or good news for the believer in that if he does right actions, you reward him. So this is making him continuing wants to do that which concerns him for his worldly goods. And for his next word, the good. And the Kafeel, or the non believer is constantly involved in things that have no benefit for him, either in this life or the next slide. He's constantly involved in talking about people in backbiting. He's involved in finding ways of increasing only his world because no matter what the price ally, he says in the Quran, and has a Mr. Castle, says optimal macabre. He says that the castle or multiplicity has to be dazzled, gathering

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wealth, trying to obtain more has to be dazzled. It's taken you away. It's made you heedless, until you visit your grave.

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The instance of the human being dies, he has absolute awareness. He has absolute certainty. He's out of the realm of the world. And he's into the realm of the unseen. He's into the realm of the real world. He's gone out of the transients, the poverty said in one heartbeat, and NASA began that either met when several people are asleep, and when they die, they wake up, they become aware. But the believer he wants to awake up, he wants to wake up in this life. He wants to take this life as a means of arriving to our lives, to knowledge of our lives. Our law says fathom and the who that either is devil know that he or law is one. So that the moment in this life wants this absolute

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certainty. And he leaves what doesn't concern him? Because he's concerned with a matter much greater than that. Allah He says in the Quran, the Quran limit and minimum Yama.

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For every human being on that day, he'll be preoccupied with himself alone. So on the Day of Judgment,

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Prophet told us that a man will come to his mother, and he'll say Oh, Mother help me and she'll say nipsey nestie myself myself, because she feels

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occupied with their own safety, her own sanctity, she's forgotten her own son, then he'll go to his father, he'll say the same. And you'll go to each one of the prophets. And they'll all say the same. Everyone on that day is concerned with himself, except the Prophet Mohammed is the intercessor. For those who believed in him, and those who attempt in their lives, to do good actions and concern themselves with what Allah has made them responsible for, they're the ones that have success on that day. And in doing that, in continually leaving alone, that was doesn't concern him. The believer is concerning himself, in what concerns him, he's concerning himself in what he knows, will be he will

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be responsible for on the Day of Judgment. So we hope that our laws will occupy us in that which concerns us in this world in order that we have success in the next world. And we hope that this has he is not mere words, to be listened to and then forgotten, but to be applied in our lives daily, and in every second, and inshallah it's been beneficial to those who heard it was somebody from

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