Omar Suleiman – Qur’an 30 for 30 #12

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes the destruction of the Prophet sallavi alayhi wa sallam's nation and the loss of their culture, as well as the use of words like "has been" and "has left" to describe the loss of culture. The speaker also discusses the history of the Prophet Joseph peace be upon, the importance of self-rejuvenation in spiritual renewal, and the use of the "use of" concept in the book of the Bible. The transcript also touches on the importance of happiness and understanding and rewarding others for their actions.
AI: Transcript ©
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I'm going to lie here we're going to cancel.

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Last year I'm going to shoot from now I

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mean, I don't want it now blinding me to one Saliba, seven methodical avocado, silica, Mohammed in Salalah, it was so long, and he couldn't be here or send them to see me cathedra and welcome you all back to 3430. We're joined tonight by the one and only chef Mohammed, this scenario, I wanted that. Very, very happy to have you on with us. So how long he's been doing a collab series, some of you might have seen his clown series actually with Jesus, the son of Mary Majid in, in Pennsylvania, maybe you can talk about it at the end, if we have some time in sha Allah, and is also taking out some time to join us for three nights, I just want to make sure I say it on camera. So in case you

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tried to change it to two and say you got busy, committed to three nights and shuttler Tyler with us and these 30 days for

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3430 in the nahi Tyler

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inshallah, tada, we go ahead and we start, right right away with just 12. And just 12 includes most of Surah Hood, as well as the first half of suta use is obviously a very special surah for many reasons. And it touches upon so many notes that I'm sure that each one of us has some sort of reflection on it some kind of lead that's going to hopefully, you know, reflect something that is of benefit to everybody. But I want to talk about sort of use it as a situated with sort of units and sort of hood. First of all quiz question, which I'll, I'll see if anyone's able to answer it for tomorrow, which is, if you notice something about the first of every one of these students shovel a

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title, we'll talk about it tomorrow, shall that's why there's a string of sutras where the first ayah has a common theme. So inshallah Tada, you all will be able to catch it. suta hood is a very, very special sutra, in that it presses upon us a great sense of urgency. And it had a special significance to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in a way of in a way of causing the Prophet sallallahu wasallam great distress over the fate of his own man and the fate of his home, his people that he was calling to. There's a very famous narration where I will beg you to simply hold the longtime had noticed that there was some gray hairs that had that had shown in the hair of the

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Prophet sallallahu wasallam. And he said, slightly, they just shaved that suddenly I've noticed the other sort of law of messenger of the law that you have gray hairs. And the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said she imagined he would wear a hoe to her that it was sort of hood and its sisters, sort of the wire prs within which to that sort of never sort of the tech we're sort of like this, that cause the prophets Allah life, it was salams here to

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appear with some greatness for the first time. Why not bustle the A lot of times it says because of a very specific idea, the general theme of pseudo hood as well as a very specific idea. The theme of pseudo hood is the destruction of nations after they've been given all the warnings. And so up until this point, you've heard of the warnings, the different types of warnings and different types of deviations. And then now you see the destruction of those nations. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was fearful for his nation that the punishment was coming to his nation. We're not blessed with a lot of time and he said that the a a 112, step into metal notes one and tab and back what I

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thought they'd be firm as you have been commanded, and those that have turned back to Allah with you, and do not, do not turn back barely Allah subhanaw taala is all seeing and all knowing. And so it was a reminder to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and that they had reached a stage at this point. And this is towards the end of, of Mecca. So it's the hardest of an ambassador a lot of time was said that there is no surah and no I in particular, that came down to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. That was more difficult than this particular

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the call to karma, the call to be firm in the face of great adversity. And the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sensing, that great calamity is about to befall his people in the midst of all of this, and of course, the prophet. So I said, I'm always concerned about whether or not we're always concerned with a loss, pleasure and concern with staying the course. And if he was concerned with that sort of long run, he was alone, Then where should we be? So I'll give you sort of an overview of the sutra, right

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25 to 35 or sudo hoods his new holiness Salaam, addressing his people, his people challenging him, and then 36 verse 36, to 39. A lot commands know how to use them to build the Safina build the ark and then 4241 knew how to use

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I was commanded to embark upon that, that that arc with the believers and then you see the destruction of Allah subhanaw taala coming to the people of know how to his Salah, then you see that the address of who that he is set out to his people, their disbelief and their consequences, the destruction of the people who then the people saw the destruction and the disbelief of the people saw then the people who will tidy his setup little Tyson I'm addressing his people the destruction and the consequences of the people of rotala Islam than the Prophet sure anybody is to that the destruction and the consequences of the people of shredding them for their own right, also destroyed

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in that way. So it's going through the destroyed nations. And there's a connection then as it goes into sort of use of that we should talk about here. You'll notice it has Salaam left his people and they came back to Allah who died he has saddam stayed with his people and his people fled from Allah. Right so Eunice is not left his people. And he came back and found them having repented and turned back to Allah who that Islam insisted on calling his people. And they were destroyed, Yusuf Ali Salaam was abandoned by his family and that his brothers had had gotten rid of him. Yet he rose to power and they all repented and came back to a lot as a result, nations benefited from the

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resilience and the elevation of use of it, his Salah now as we get into the story of use of ideas that I've used use of also involves the intricate elements of family, because rejection from family is the most difficult to bear. And it's not one that unison who got he was saddam had to face right. But the Prophet sallallahu wasallam had to face the rejection of family, the abandonment of family and so the entire story of use of it is Salaam, the Prophet Joseph peace be upon parallels the story of the Prophet sallallahu. It was stolen, abandoned by his brothers to another nation, a place of uncertainty where he rises to power and prominence and then comes back and the people all gather

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around him. Accusations, slander the different types of things and elements of the challenges that the Prophet sallallahu wasallam had faced. There's also the elements of envy. Yaqoob already has set out Jacob saying to His Son, God talks us through yakka that is why Tikka key do record Qaeda, that they will be jealous of the position that Allah has given to you if you narrate your dream to them. What would you say about Ben Ohashi, the Pharaoh of this oma? He said that we feed us as in Ben Muslim, we feed and they feed. We compete with them in hospitality. And we sometimes they're more hospitable than us. Sometimes we're more hospitable than them. But where are we going to get a

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profit from if we acknowledge that he's a prophet of God, we can't win this battle. Right? it that's it. So the same level of envy, that the prophets lie, some would face that he was envy because of the potential threat to power and position and that's why his brothers would abandon him despite his noble and beautiful character, I think is salatu salam also has an opinion about him. Allah said that there is no person who had more to how would more switching in the blessings in his life than use if it is so that he went from, from being the favorite child, to being an abandoned brother, to being a slave to being a prisoner to being a king, and the Prophet sallallahu wasallam also faced

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every situation in terms of how we interact with blessing in this life. Also that Allah says Allah comin home lots of total use of Allah mentions that not all of the brothers of Yusuf were the same. And if you remember imbedded, the prophets lie some of them said that there are some people that came out will come when they came to fight us, but they just went along with the flow but they're not actually there to fight us. But they were pushed. So we mentioned that our bustle the allot of time, the prophet slice, and I'm also said in your can fill county higher fees, I had a gentleman come up, if there's any good in these people, it's in the one who owns the red camel talking about

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a bureau bureau who didn't want to go to battle, but I wish I had pushed him and insisted, so the idea that not all of your enemies are the same use of it has said I'm saying a signal I hadn't bought you later, that I would rather be in prison than disobeyed Allah, the prophets lie some turning away every single compromise that was put towards him, saying that I would as long as a loss of habitat is pleased with me, then I'll take all of the consequences of that belief, and of that mobility. Now I want to leave you with one gem. So Pamela in particular, and it blew my mind. You know, last night I was I was with my community at Valley Ranch right after this coffee. And I had

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mentioned something about sort of hoods, and somehow I was just thinking about the connection tonight. And it's a beautiful connection that I personally have never known before. But it's really profound sort of hood is the destruction of all of these nations. There is one bush law one glad tidy

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In the entire entire pseudo boot one Bushman which is the angels telling Ibrahim it has set them on their way to destroy the Nation of Islam, the angels telling Ibrahim and his wife, that they're going to have a son Isaac, and beyond Isaac yaku Jacob, this is the only wish slot in the whole school are the only glad tidings that what awaits you is this hack and then Yaqoob and some how to like use of it is Salaam, Joseph the son of Jacob, the son of Isaac, the son of Abraham. So how to like make use of it is Salaam coming out of this suit on and then being elevated to this position. And what does his father say to him that he has yet to be called on boot camp? Well, you Tim Moore,

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I think Allah subhanaw taala will choose you and Allah subhana wa tada will perfect his blessing upon you cannot attend the heart of awake the way that he perfected for your forefathers that came before you, Isaac and Abraham. So the net, the blessing, the only blessing that's sort of given in sort of hood rises in the next sawed off from the children of Jacob, the grandson

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of Isaac. Isaac is how the son of a boy he married his son, his son, Jacob jacoba, is the bush lot of use of ideas. And these nations, these nations that are then formulated to nations under use of Isaiah Salaam, connecting Egypt and Palestine, you know, in the case of use of it Salaam and of course, there's a lot of the nations that are described in sort of booth were destroyed in those areas where use of ideas that are now reigned supreme, as amended, as it came after all of this. So somehow Allah Allah is giving us that bush law, that one glad tidings that then shows its fruits fully in the next year and sort of use of May Allah subhanaw taala make us amongst those that that

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rise to the occasion, that are not punished as a result of our delays or as a result of our disobedience. And that the last penalty to fines worthy of these be shout outs of these of these, these glad tidings that he gives to righteous people along I mean, sure.

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Exactly one here and this one that was a lot of cinema Sula, while Ernie he was he woman when I'm about, you know, Allah subhanho wa Taala being an harlot being that he is a creator, he knows what is most beneficial for us. And, you know, as we mentioned yesterday, who a nephew what bar he is the one that brings ultimate benefits, and can also bring harm, but what is it is with an ultimate wisdom, and it's all built upon justice. And with that being the case, you know, as you know, the chef mentioned earlier, you know, all of these stories approximately around seven prophets mentioned in the chapter of hewed there are lots of kind of with Darla mentions their voyage mentions their

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journey mentions their experience, but we always have to remember that the stories are there for a purpose. It's not just how we know is, you know, tall tales that we read. And you know, there's there's stories that we can just relate to our children or two generations that pass on, the goal of the story is for you to internalize the morals that are that are extracted from that story. And a loss of panatela always makes a point to remind you of that. It's not just something just to relate, but you should relate it and stop and ask yourself, where do I stand in relation to this story? What are the characteristics that the prophets prophets embodied? And where do I stand in regards to

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that? And when one consistently does that, this is the process of the process of self rejuvenation of spiritual renewal, which the month of Ramadan, it should be a catalyst for that a catalyst, a new beginning, not just something that seasonal and then you go back to your original self, rather, it's a catalyst. So when Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions in this beautiful chapter of sorts, hewed at the very end, when he talks about the reason, or reasons why he relates these stories to you to hit home. So after you've read all these stories, you know, you understand the trials that they went through, and they were different trials and the wisdom behind it. The ultimate wisdom is where loss

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of kind of what Allah says in chapter of houde, verse number 120, when he says after ministry Pantera Jean wakulla na casa la come in, and bat Eros Lee, man was that b2b e fu attic, where jack if he had hidden Haku are more able to him with a crawl, meaning a loss of power with dialysis. And all of these stories that we have told you from the news of the prophets is that which makes your heart firm, solid, it makes your heart firm and solid. And there has come to you in this truth, instruction and reminder for the believers. So the purpose of these stories ultimately, is to make your heart firm. And this is so very important when I first read this verse to panela. It really

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made me say

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No to myself is that, you know, Islam. Religion in itself is a process, one should never think that they are, quote unquote holier than thou or better than someone else. They realize that they have their flaws. But a lot just hasn't exposed your flaws to everyone, and maybe, maybe to certain people. And that person that knows has a responsibility in front of a law also. But all of this is a process. It's a process. So when we say religiosity, the definition of that is what is where one tries their level best to make their hearts firm in certainty of God, who he is and who he is not. And how do I actualize that in my life, the best people that exemplified that were the prophets. So

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when we look at the chapter of houde, we look at the examples of that of people that embodied the process of Islam, rejection, physical abuse, ridicule, when we face that in our lives, we should look back at the lives of the prophets, and then see how they handled it. And realize, throughout that process, we will make mistakes and trying to be like them. But the more you do that, the stronger You will be as long as your intention is straight. And that's why last month, I says, Man who said, b2b for addicts and make your hearts firm, something that is sabots is something that is well rooted in your well rooted your relationship with Allah is rooted in faith, trust, honor, love,

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respect, gratitude. When you look at all the names and attributes of a law, you should see how it's actualized in your life and know that it demands a response from you towards him. So when you continuously go through that, looking at your children, looking at what Allah has given you, and you remember our result, you remember, you remember, I recommend you the provider who has given me this, the one who has strived to bring this here and take it away, the one that has mercy, withholding harm from me at and when he when and how he chooses to do it. It's totally up to him, but I have total trust in him. That's the relationship that all the profits went through. So he says that we

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have made to make your hearts firm on that. And then he says, well, jack, if he had he had helped you were more able to withdraw money. Last month, Allah says, and that comes to you in this truth.

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We say truth instruction and reminder. And more ILA is is very interesting word because firstly says how, firstly, it's important for you, as you know, Michelle's organization's yaqeen certainty, you know that to be certain, it's a process for you to obtain that certainty, the initial Eman that you have, I believe that there's one guy, he's the Creator, the Sustainer that demands for me, you know, those names demands for me to worship Him alone. But the actualization of that when you face trials and tribulations to activate that belief is where the trial may come in for you, when you fight those desires, another trial, but all a law wants for you to do is to try your best. And that's the

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process that takes place. So when you believe that this is the HAC, you know where to resort to who to turn back to what message to turn back to. And that's this message that he says the hook and the more ILA, the more A lot can be understood as a reminder, and depending on the situation and admonishment for you. It's something that when you read it, it makes you stand straight. It's a final frontier for you at times, we say, Okay, what choice Am I going to make? I know that this verse is talking directly to me, I opened the Koran and I see that verse immediately Subhan Allah, what does that demand from me? So more ILA, and Vic craw, and a reminder, a reminder of something

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that you've known previously.

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So it's something that you've known previously to remind you have the HAC, which serves as a more ILA for you. It's something that you known previously to remind you of the truth that you had allegiance to with your soul that serves as an admonishment for you.

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And that is these beautiful, beautiful, illustrious individuals, that Allah has chosen to tell you a message. And that's why the prophets, Allah uses them as vessels, through their experiences, to remind you, that you should be thankful to him. And that's why he said these costs are there and was very beautiful, is at the tail end of that. And this is the third to last verse, a loss of power without it being one of the greatest sentiment puzzles. And that is the story of uses. So just as Omar alluded to, with the beautiful, the beautiful team and organization of the Quran that has been chosen by who Allah has chosen to organize the sword, we see the beauty of how right after that it

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gets you ready to tell you about one of the other prophets use of Allah he set up so May Allah Allah make us of those that continuously monitor our hearts to make them

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firm upon him in his beautiful lawns in attributes coffee, coffee chef and so now we get into sort of use of and we should mention somehow for the benefit of everyone so to use it is very different from all the other sources about the profits because it's revealed all about use of it so them as one story complete story from start to finish, whereas an insert of who would you get many other profits so to us you get many other profits, but use of it Salaam, the noble brother of our beloved Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam whose life every single element, you know, I don't know a single person as extreme as the life of use of it Salaam was, is there anyone that can't relate to that

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sort of that doesn't find comfort when they read that sort of handled? I mean, I don't know anything of what he knows but it's just every element of his life lends itself to something that is beneficial for us so shall BB that no.

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Longer is a Samaniego, everybody smilla hamdulillah salat wa salam ala rasulillah Allah Allah Yasaka Shrine

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is located on first of all, for inviting me and allowing me for a change to benefit that hamdulillah I actually haven't been hearing so many reminders in the nighttime at least in Ramadan.

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And it actually is very difficult for me to see what's wrong with you. So though I love this little dearly, but I actually was involved in translating I translated a book that was the summary of an encyclopedia on sort of the use of still underprint and so the thoughts do crowd one another quite a bit, so forgive me if I'm incoherent from the get go inshallah.

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But that's just handed off saying, the amount of comfort and consolation that sort of use of lens to anyone being distressed, anyone plagued with sadness is what led some of the early Muslims to say how can someone ever grieve meaning grieve to the point of being broken by their griefs when they have,

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when they have with them, Allah has revealed to them the sort of use of Allah, his salon, who was devastated at the very onset and the way that he was. And there's so much to talk about. But first of all, you know, I see in the story of use of a solemn, you know, the the story of devastation that can almost not be outdone, sometimes death is easier than prolonged separation, and unexpected betrayal. And sort of use a value system is not just about sadness, it is about the type of sadness that comes from being betrayed from where you least expect it, which is what betrayal is, right? Like if someone were to get into like a conflict on the road, and they they exchanged you know,

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offensive words, and then someone like swings at them or slaps them across the face, they would be shocked when they would be far more shocked to be slapped by a family member or someone where they never expected it from. And so that's what adds to the the shock factor and the emotional wound that lingers that I never thought it would come.

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And so sort of use of is really about a type of people as well as people that are less expecting to be hurt by others. Because of how pure hearted they are. They can't imagine hurting others, right. And so they're hurt all them that much more when they are hurt by others. There's a certain like vulnerability that comes about for most people, due to the beauty of their hearts, the the purity of their hearts, their innocence. It's not just the innocence of a child who could never imagine that people could be so evil as to throw their own brother down a well, a person when he tries to keep his heart pure. One of the ways he does that is to dismiss these notions that that person could ever

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be that that and that opens a huge door for for being assailed for being wounded emotionally. And for long periods of time. Like most beings don't have the capacity of oma or the level on

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on Mondays to say I'm not a trickster, nor can tricksters trick me, right. Like I'm not a conniving guy. But you know, the people that are mischievous, will not be able to I've been around the block, I understand how it works, it's not going to happen. Most people are not, you're either going to, you know, bury your innocence and become callous, and allow the cold hearted people throughout the years to make you a carbon copy of themselves, which is the greatest victory of your enemies, right? Or you're going to be so devastated because of your good assumptions of others. And what that sets you up for. That's the first thing.

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The second thing I only mentioned three very quickly what sort of use of that really stuck out stuck out to me. The second the second of them is something that was mentioned by

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by say it multiple times a lot to be honest, they had hoped for his his famous reflections on the Quran in the shade of the Quran. And the reason I mentioned the author, and it's important not just for the credit, but because he was a person that got his education outside of his native land and so like he was born, I guess he felt what we sometimes talk about that we need to be careful of American exceptionalism really

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The context in which we live in and the world does not revolve around us and how deluded we could be. He actually writes about that at the end of sort of use of he says, Listen, Yusuf Ali Salam went through four tests in his life that were increasingly hard, but people only notice the first three. And this is just this is probably the number one gem that I've ever read regarding the the arrangement within sort of uses. He says, first he was thrown into the well, and this is the the test of patience, patience with each other. And that is mandatory, you need to do that. And it's for your own good because you can't change it anyway. And so it's even logical, even a non Muslim would

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understand that I should be doing this, even a non believer understand I need to be doing this. It's not about particularly believing in Allah is like a survival mechanism, right? Be patient accept what is fated, and, you know, Dodge with, you know, with the punches, as they say, roll with the punches. He says, then the second one was a harder test when he was not locked in a well against his will, when he chose to go into the prison, right to get locked into the prison to obey Allah subhanho wa Taala. That was voluntary. So that was an even more difficult test. And he passed that test to be of those who are pleasing to Allah xojo ease and then he came out, and then he was garbed

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in his kingdom, and his brothers came along, and then he chose to forgive his brothers, which was a much harder test, because that test is a higher level, it's not even mandatory, it is mandatory on you to not fortigate right, it is mandatory on you to just ask Allah for strength and bear the consequences to the end of it. It's not mandatory on you to forgive people. It is certainly commendable. It's certainly virtuous. It's amazing, not mandatory, right? Justice is mandatory, being gracious is not. And so he even passed that test. But then when his family all came around,

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at the conclusion of the surah, this is the part or save for him. Allah says, There was one final test before he says that the curtains of the story come down just before it ends. There's one final scene that Yusuf Alayhi Salam from his great virtue, his great piety didn't miss. He welcomed his father welcome his brothers, they prostrate to him, the climax the culmination, the manifestation of the dream in front of him, then he turns away from them, he almost like steps aside and says, Rob, before that date anyway, that, oh, my Lord, you have granted me kingdom, limbs and events that we did a hadith. And you taught me the interpretation of events and our dreams, felt that it will all

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do the Originator of the heavens and the earth. Then he says, and Tara Lee dunia will ask, you are my guardian in this world and the next that were funny Muslim and will help a neighbor sila hain. Allow me to die now Muslim, and allow me to catch up with the righteous reunite me with the righteous on the other side in the hereafter. He says that's the hardest test. Because those first three tests as hard as they are and increasingly hard. The hardest test anyone will ever face in their life is actually the test of prosperity. The test of assuming you've arrived at the happy ending in this dunya when this dunya is not the end. He says many people pass the test of

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difficulty, relatively speaking. And far few people ever passed the test of prosperity with use of at least one pass that fourth test noticed it was a test when most people in that moment would get caught up and wouldn't notice.

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The last thing I think I have a minute, do I have a minute or two I stop? You go you got 10 minutes? Oh no, no, I got a minute.

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Something I shared with my community the other day. And I remember when one of my shields only first mentioned this I was just staggered. I said man like this is the hole that actually has this stuff. Like how much are we not catching because we're just not paying attention. There's something beautiful and like it comes across in in translation. So she was laughing at me. I was much younger in my I guess journey. With I'm just being a little bit throw out here. I was just boggled. And, by the way, there's lots of literature out there. I'm not sure how much in the English language about sort of use of being a standalone proof on the divinity of the Quran.

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And so this is the the part where use of Allah said I'm the verse before the one I just explained before he steps aside and speak so Allah says you're my guardian, I still need to die Muslim in the presence of his father, his guardian, know the verse before it when he's actually welcoming them. He says, a law says or a family he had a lot of she lifts his two parents up onto the throne, or her ruler who Sue Jeddah and everybody falls straight to him meaning and respect. Worship was never for anyone but Allah subhanho wa Taala they all fallen prostrate to him.

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And he says, Oh, my dear father, this is the interpretation of my dream. My Lord has made it a reality and he's been so good to me, pulled me out of the prison, and he brought you all to me.

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From the bedroom life after a lie instigated between me and my brothers, but then he says my lord is so subtle, so subtle in everything that he does so delicate, so kind so subtle.

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He says in the whole animal Hakeem certainly he is the most knowing the most wise. And this is straightforward. I mean after you see how the events turn, a lot of the best of planners knowing wise are the correct names to reflect on here. But there is something very special about those two names for use of Allah is Allah because if you're a wine, this is what the chef was catching his if you're a wine 3040 years, you were a wine 90 is in the surah you find that when use of Allah His salaams father realized that his son is having a dream about being elevated Yusuf Jacobo a Salaam knew this doesn't happen without a road of tribulations. First. He taught him to Names of Allah, he

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said in Rebecca alim and Hakeem your Lord is knowing wise. So I ended up the surah, Yusuf Ali Salaam says it back to his father, as if to say that you were right. Allah certainly is the knowing the weisse. It's as if like carving or engraving those two names in our lives, though it's in his personality about a lot. So a gel is what carried him through everything, no matter what it was. And so I asked a lot of religion, to benefit us and deal with with these short words and to illuminate our hearts and

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our minds with understanding him and allow the Quran for us to be a dispeller of all our sadnesses in this world, and a dispeller of the darkness of our graves when we when we lay in there, and

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to be a security for us from the terror of the day that we stand out of our graves, a lot of money.

00:31:53 --> 00:31:55

Like a lot of our sons asking why they can I think

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it's important to remember all the political prisoners that have a law that find such comfort in this war. I've never talked to anyone incarcerated, that does not find incredible comfort in the sutra. And that's sort of the consistency, people that have been imprisoned for, for being people of truth. And

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you know, for no other reason, but their truthfulness. And this is where they find when they find that they've been separated from their families when they find that,

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you know, they've been doomed to a cell for the rest of their lives. And then they read this suit on this channel, as you mentioned, it reminds me of what else well, the line was said that we were tested with Bella with hardship, and we passed that we we failed the test of prosperity. And you know, that that is a very powerful reflection, and that's the last parts are to reward you for it. One is the book coming out.

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I'm not sure. I mean, this was I i pH and II pH was hit very hard by the war in Syria, because they print in Lebanon and the containers pass through Syria to get to the ports. So I'm not sure exactly.

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Exactly. Well, we'll keep we'll keep everyone posted and

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look forward to having you back. And again, I think you know, just to remind everyone, please make that for our brothers and sisters that are unjustly incarcerated all over the world. All the stories of people would sort of use of just came to my mind as you were talking about that reference. So does that look as if man will look forward to having you two more times inshallah, unless you choose to, you know, jump on, you're always welcome. And please keep everyone in your

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way. Like

Juz’ 12 with Sh. Mohammad Elshinawy

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