Sulaimaan Ravat – Principles of Success from Seerah

Sulaimaan Ravat
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the misconception that success is only relevant to high positions or people who aspire to achieve it. They stress the importance of success in graduation, graduation, and graduation, and emphasize the need for individuals to pursue their spiritual ambition and develop their abilities to see success. The principles of success for human behavior, including hard work, pragmatic thinking, and finding one's potential are emphasized. The importance of continuing to learn and bringing these principles to one's own advantage is also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah.

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Alhamdulillah. I mean, what asked you to live with the pain was Salatu was Salam ala MB mursaleen. So you're gonna want to begin shipping masana mowlana. Mohammed, you wanna hurry he was happy

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this Miller

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factor, do you have a thought sort of allow the

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honorable are respected brothers

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was the most successful human being emigrated.

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Not only was he successful spiritually, but he was successful, militarily, economically, socially, and in every other way.

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One of the greatest

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challenges, one of the greatest deficiencies that faces the oma today is that of mediocrity.

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We just go with the flow, we are satisfied with the average. And that is contrary to the tsunami of total loss of Aloha, even

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if we study the Summa, in the Sierra of Salatu was salam, we will notice it was total loss of love, it was still was a positive thing was ogasawara, he was still in action. And he's deliberation, his thought processes and strategies, all solution oriented, result oriented, anything that would be counterproductive, anything that would compromise or that would slow down success, the sort of loss of a loved one, and he will seldom avoid that. So when we study the lifestyle of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, we learned the principles of success, not only the principles of success, for spiritual prosperity, of spiritual achievement, but even for material, economic, military, as well

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as social prosperity and success. Now, one thing we need to understand many times, we have this misconception that we think that this word success is perhaps relevant only to the so called high fliers, those people who aspire for very high positions, or high office, or those people who from a financial perspective, they make the right to the top, we think, and if it is the show, we think that success or the word success, or the concept of success is relevant only to those people. So in other words, once you become a billionaire, and you make the Forbes list, then you are successful. Once you have achieved a very high position, or politically, you make it to the highest office in

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land in the land, when you are successful. The problem was such a definition. And the problem was such a thought is that we think that the success does not relate to us. It's not relevant to us, we think, Well, you know, I have no aspirations to become a millionaire, let alone the billionaire, higher aspirations to occupy any high office or to be relieved at the highest level. So therefore, this whole discussion about success does not relate to me. And that's the first

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mistake that we make.

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When we study the teachings of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam, we realized that his Muslim is incumbent upon us to do the best in whichever field

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even if you don't own your own home, even if you don't own your own business, you are merely an employee for someone else, you must do what you are doing to the best of your ability.

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I once heard a quote where they said, even if it is your lot in life, meaning even if it is your deal, to be a street sweeper, then be the best street sweeper that you can be. That is the dictate of demand. That is the hallmark of a Muslim because not everyone is going to make it to the top and somehow the system have a mathematical

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formula. If you want to succeed as an offer, if you want to prosper.

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Every individual within the community, every individual within the oma needs to endeavor to be successful at whatever they are, whatever

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it is for them to do, they need to do it to the best of their ability. And the problem with us today is we going with the flow, we have become satisfied with mediocrity. As long as I get up every morning and do what I need to do on ticking of boxes, I went to work and I did that. And that's my job for the day. That's my job for the week. And the week did passes, the month passes, the year passes, and not too soon. We're not building we're not enhancing, we're not improving, we're not escalating. We're not prospering. Because we don't have that ambition. We think that ambition, prosperity and success is alien poverty. Now, obviously, spiritual ambition and spiritual success is

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of great significance. It's a very important, it's a greater priority, but you live in this world. And it's almost at its height when we were successful in everything. Because then we couldn't be independent. When we had our own money. When we had our own doctors, when we had our own scientists, when we add our own innovators, that is when we were independent of everyone else, and everyone was dependent on us. And then it was also very, very bad. So as the new year dawns, and not to say that the significance to a new year or a new year's resolution, we go according to the spiritual calendar and Islamic calendar as much as there is leeway and permissibility for us to run our worldly affairs

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according to the Gregorian calendar. But let's look at what else is talking about what they intend to do differently for the year ahead. Perhaps this would be an app for us. This year, we want to do whatever it is I need to do in my life, whatever my function is, whatever my role is, but I want to do it to the best of my ability, I want to prosper and I want to be successful. And in order to be prosperous in order to be successful, not only as a human, but as a Muslim, when it's ready to study the life story of a Soma.

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And today I want to discuss 10 principles of success from the sphere, from the life of

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10 principles of success. The first principle is we need to develop the ability to see an advantage you can be disadvantage, we need to develop the ability to see an advantage in every disadvantage. Even those who are acquainted with basic knowledge on Sierra would know that those 15 years in Makkah, were very difficult turbulence, traumatic and challenging time for the for loss of life.

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The difficulty, the persecution, the hardships that they went through the torture that they had to endure is unfathomable for many of us. Yet, in the midst of all of that difficulty, what is the person

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in history useful in number three, you saw that with difficulty these always

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after every rainfall, there has to be a rainbow. The harder the rain, the more intense the rainfall, the greater the color and intensity of the rainbow. It is up to us to be creative and resourceful in our thinking to have an open mind to be able to see the advantages of the situation of disadvantage. And it is a skill of Islam. Many times it was at the back of so called defeat. It was on the back of difficulty.

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Open up the door victory. It's really nice to say that, that no prizes go wasted, that no prizes are wasted every crisis that comes in your life with Adrian individual basis whether it be on a collective basis, it is the system of a law that will open up some door the other opportunity. So we need to train our minds not to be so pessimistic. hardship, difficulty and challenge is part of the cycle of life. It's part of the system of life that

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has played with this Boolean, but in Muslim develops the ability of the art of seeing a situation of advantage in a disadvantage. The second principle of success that we learn from the sale of a scotoma

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is sometimes you need to change the place of the plan of action.

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Height of stupidity is you do the same thing over and over again and you expect different results.

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I was born in Makkah, he lived his entire life in Makkah, when he left, he was 53 years old. When you live for 53 years.

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That goes in your heart. And this was a this was

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this was the greatest of all cities. This was the place waiting for our security. And nobody understood the spirituality of karma better than us.

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But when we saw that he was making little headway. He was not making the inroads that he desired in terms of spreading the message of Islam in Makkah, as painful as it was it was there to change

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Plan of Action, it was time to make a painful decision and change the place of action. And then after having to make the painful decision of going to Medina, which was much colder, which was a place known for a sickness, where he had to totally relocate amongst people who were still unfamiliar with, yet within 10 years of such success and such prosperity, that Medina became the foundation for the conquest of Makkah.

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So sometimes it like it cannot continue to do the same thing. In the same way, if it's not achieving the desired results, it's already the decision, it wasn't an easy decision. For

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him, it was a painful one, but a necessary one. So that's the second lesson of success. The second principle of success that we learn from the life story of a soul.

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The third principle of success is always begin with the possible always begin with that which is easier, they shall be allowed, as you mentioned, to the effect that was suitable

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whenever he had two options, and both were equally permissible to choose the easier it means it will take you less time and less effort. Why do you need to be unnecessarily

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and take the harder route. But the more difficult route just to prove that you can overcome the obstacles. But it's more resource intensive, it's more time intensive, you're expending more energy, like we saw, there's a lot that we need to accomplish. And there's a lot that we need to achieve. If there are two options up for the easy option. It is the second seller, it is in line with logic. And it's more pragmatic, it's also the way of those who achieve sometimes our ego makes us think more difficult.

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Sometimes you need to communicate the message to the world is something you're not happy with is the easy way of doing it. But that's going to be more intense in your ego, when you humbly mentioned to the client change in a

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more difficult way, but more palatable to the ego, where you send to your authority. And you wrote the top of your lungs, and you make it known. So what happens he keeps quiet temporarily. But she becomes more stubborn, and she does it over again to prove your point. And then you become more obstinate to show that no I wasn't leaving. And ultimately perhaps you will prevail, or it took you more energy, it could be more inconvenient. And in the end, it was a much, much more time, much more time to get to spend on that particular activity than was necessary. So it is part of the suit numbers

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are always good for the easy option, as long as both options are permissible, and both options will will lead you to the desired result. So those are three principles from the 10th purpose in the setting of how to become successful human beings. The fourth principle that I would like to discuss is gradualism instead of radicals. This is a very important point, you will be created very tasty.

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So what happens we want to see change overnight. We want to see change overnight. We live in an instant age instant this instant that we will get instant food now just pop the packet to the microwave popcorn like 10 or 15 years ago now pops up after three minutes very difficult to so we want instant gratification. We want instant results. But that's not the system.

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The system of a law is more about gradualism than radicalism. It's more evolutionary than revolutionary. Look, when the first revolution came to moccasin McCullough, what would it what would have been involved in from tribal warfare to making the cover naked to bring their own life. But the first revelation did not say bring your daughters alive is haram. Interest is haram. Alcohol is haram. No, the mindset was not there. It was a gradual process. First talking about the necessity of reading and educating yourself. Then talking about gender and gender. And when the phrase that the man was strengthened. Now, the necessary injunctions and the necessary do's and don'ts will be your

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eye today spell the stitches, we want to see a medical change. I gave one talk to my kids. And tomorrow I want to see them walk the straight and narrow. I gave one talk to my congregants or to my students. And I want to see an instant total complete and perfect change. The system allows us to go that way. And people who aspire to be successful at what they do they understand it is hard work you and I want the easy way out what to say once or twice and we want to see instantly change. It doesn't work that way. If it was to work that way to do it that way for them.

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And they had to do the hard work they had to put in the hard yards before they see that they saw the desired result. So that's the fourth. The fifth principle of success that we learned from the life of consumer laws is that you need to be pragmatic

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In the midst of controversy, you need to be pragmatic in the midst of controversy. They talk about cool hits in English, they talk about cool heads, if the occasion of

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the blood of Sahaba is already boiling our English, they came to perform Amara, and here they were intercepted. These people are threatening war. They did not need

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the emissary in the best of ways. And now he's about to sign a treaty which goes against the Muslims. It's all advantage to the enemy. And what is the enemy cooperating about? No, they don't want to buy at the bottom?

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If not, they say no, we don't recognize you as the Messenger of Allah.

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Allah Allah is refusing to wipe it off. He says, I believe in Allah, but you get

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the ability to keep a cool

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prophecy and see the bigger picture understood that this, this treaty would become the cornerstone of the conquest of Makkah. It was made to become the foundation of the victory, that not this issue, that this issue, stifle the greater objective

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of a pseudo law, not the law, I will wipe it with my own hands. And then you can write it again, right? To law, there's no contradiction between the two is a law. I can understand yourself if you don't want one.

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I have it before you had it be written. That's selfish the moment because there's a great objective in life. There's a great objective in life. This is a life skill that many of us have.

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This is a life skill that many of us have not yet. This is also part of the student.

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So those are five of the tips. Before I move on to the next five lessons or principles of success that we learn from the life of muscle loss of life. Let me share with you something related to what I said in the beginning. Many of us think that this word success so the word prosperity is relevant to those people who want to fly really high in life. And it's not success is relevant to every one of us, no matter what your occupation.

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This is where I was in Cape Town. And I was about to board a flight and I decided to go to the bathroom to make videos like to perform PSA. And as a walk in the corridor, those who are familiar with it with the with the airport in Cape Town, according to that needs you to the bathrooms so the toilets. As I walked into the corridor, the janitor, the toilet cleaner, he's standing with a broad smile on his face and he say, welcome to my office, sir.

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Welcome to my office, sir. I had a hectic day I was tired and looking to get home. And all of a sudden, I was smiling. And when he tells me welcome to my office automatically, I break into a smile. And he sees the way I dress. He sees that I've got a long beard, he understands this guy.

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He says, Let me open the toiletry. He knows our time, but it's easier to do that and you don't have all the eyes looking at you. What are you up to with your feet in the sea? So he opens up and the paraplegic toilet is spotless. So I make my way through when I come out, he tells me was it? Was it up to standard? Of course it was. Let me ask you a question. Any human being in this situation? Would you be with you feel easy to be with the five men with 10 men? I could not my conscience will not allow me to take anything out less than that.

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And when we open this

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is what you call it a man who's working smart.

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He's not in life is to clean the toilet. He could have been sitting there sulking,

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sulking and pondering that, you know, is this what life is supposed to be for me, but he made the most of that particular situation, even if it was even if it was for financial reasons. So the lesson we can learn, the lesson we can learn is that no matter what you want in life, you're going to get an employee. Even if you are doing some menial tasks, do it to the best of your ability. That's what the owner requires. That is what is expected.

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The sixth principle of success that we learn from the

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children is that always try and bring methods into a position of your own advantage don't play to the advantage of the adversary of the enemy. Look at the time of conduct. Salma lavon gave us the suggestion of the French

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as the Confederate she had a coalition of armies wanting to wipe off the Muslims. They want it to go hand to hand in combat. Why? Because it played to their advantage for so long.

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Then, and the Sahaba stayed on this side of the trench until the enemy lost the steam out of pure possession. They try to talk to us a lot. This is not how we fight. This is not how we do it. We know politics we don't follow better. We don't follow anybody with the WWE

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many times people notice that we just need to instigate you. He's hot headed, he will walk into a trap. Even your wife knows it sometimes. She knows how to get you angry, that make you feel guilty. These are life skills you want to possibly be anything. economically, socially, militarily, these are the skills that are required. You have to

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always bring it to your position of advantage, play to position of advantage, he stuck to the technique of the trench. This will be I read, I don't know how accurate it may or may not shake with you. This is

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David Goliath, how the underdog can prepare an interesting example.

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Now, David, was was the young boy with the catchy with the sling. And so many of us may have wondered when he took off the kitchen is about to shoot up the stone. Why didn't

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Why don't you take some evasive action. And they did some research into this. And they said, obviously, he was this humongous warrior. And he preferred hand to hand combat. But he also had a problem with

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his vision was not good. So as

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he was talking to him, what are you doing come closer come closer, why he wanted to play to his advantage when he would see that mystery that really stood out because

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he did not show false bravado, he understood that he had not had the space longer than me, is more equal to me, he kept his distance. And that meant never saw the stone coming because of his weak eyesight.

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He never saw the stone coming because of his weak eyesight. So do not do not rush in because of a previous kind of knee jerk reaction. He's also a principle of success that you learn from the zero pursuit of law. So the law

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the seven, he says do not be a dichotomous thinker in life is not always black and white. In light of all the Sahaba were 2000 against 200,000 in the Battle of Buddha, and three leaders were slave

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monkey, and he started with the day he managed to push back the Roman army and he took the Muslims and they retreated back to Medina. Now when he came to Medina, some people thought

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that, you know, when you go to war, it's either either you win, or you die, you don't come back, you don't retreat. So they will rebuke him.

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These are not retreat as these are men of advancements. In life, there's something called the technical matrix, when you see the altar heavily stacked against you, you know, go like lambs to the slaughter, Holly be willing to be brought back the Muslim army, they prepare. And three years later, they conquered Roma,

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at the concert and Roman army, so it likes to not be a dichotomous thing. It's always either mo many times in the day, the third option is not a fourth option just requires the ability to be able to see that option. They don't want to see the

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lesson that we learn from the principle of success from the state of the market volatility. This is the power of peace is always stronger than the power. It's much easier to start, it's much more difficult to construct. You know, after the conquest of Makkah, everyone was forgiven, except those were really vicious in the empathy towards the Muslims. But even amongst those they were those who were brought were about to be executed. And then there'll be apologist suddenly and unexpectedly told him go, you are free for the pleasure from every one of those wishes enemies except

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because Allah allowed the power of peace to prevail over the power points. Sometimes violence and affection is necessary. Islam is the religion of parents. We do not negate it altogether, but study the life of muscle mass. He always advocated peace over violence, violence was always the last resort. You and I today have a small parking issue where

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somebody says something that is the ego somewhat, and we're ready to go to battle, we're ready to start what our metal was ready to show what we can deliver. But that was not part of the suit.

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He was always looking for an opportunity to make peace the night. He said a minus intro class, and the people not so many examples

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are displayed. We gotta give you one example up to the Battle of whether there was 70 prisons and prisoners become a burden for those who have taken the captain. So now it's this big discussion about the Sahaba Do you execute them and get rid of them? Did you mention them and get the money look at the solution

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and came up with the children of Medina will not literate because literacy was not something which was the norm. Many programmers the 17 you have read and write and the people support them instead, if you teach the young children of Medina how to read and write that will be your answer.

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You will be free. The first Muslim school in Islam was established with the prisoners of war with the teachers and the existence of Medina with the students. That's how the people attended minus into a plus. And the 10 of the 10 principles of success from the Sierra, that I want to discuss with you today is to make a friend out.

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Anyone can make an enemy out of someone who doesn't like you, or who you don't like. But to take someone who's the enemy, into a friend that requires skill. And that skill we can learn from the life of a sort of loss of a monster. It's based on a maxim and a principle in the Quran, Allah says is the fact we left the accent that always returned the eight with Better Behavior Hold on,

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it will melt even the heart of that person who is most animosity towards you. What it requires is for you to have a sober disposition, for you to have tons of humility and to have insight and foresight and say, the objective is greater than my ego. objective is greater than my ego. The purpose is greater than me as an individual. I can sacrifice myself but let me turn this enemy into a friend. That over who left his house with the intention of killing the enemy of Allah today, he lives resting next to

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those people who are ready to spill the blood.

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He turned their hearts in such a way that they became ready to bring the blood of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam my time is up brothers mentality simple. mediocrity is a great cancer that is eating away at the ambition of the soma. If we want to succeed, then we need to have the ambition to be successful in every aspect of our existence. As this success is relevant to every one of us. No matter what you do in life. Don't do look at it as medium. Don't look at it as insignificant. Wherever you're not even live, do it to the best of your ability and debit reports find to be successful, and learn those lessons, those techniques and those skills to achieve success from the

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greatest example and the most successful of all, illustration, Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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Medina Mohammed welcome

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