Shady Alsuleiman – Before The Creation of Adam AS
![Shady Alsuleiman](
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The speakers discuss the importance of following the Prophet Muhammad sallal Ali bin Salman's teachings and messaging to achieve their mission. They emphasize the need for a proper stance when it comes to narrations from the Bible and the importance of preserving stories for future reference. The speakers also emphasize the importance of following the messenger's teachings and lessons for future generations, as it is essential for everyone to follow the same message. They also discuss the use of "medicell" to describe the meaning of a message and how it can be used to bring pressure on people to do things. The segment concludes with a discussion of the first entry into the Malaria region in Berlin.
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Gita Allah subhanho wa Taala and peace be upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam are testify that there's no god except the law and all justify that Mohammed is the Prophet and the Messenger of Allah.
And ask Allah subhanaw taala to make us from amongst those who get together for the sake of Allah.
To learn more about lots of hands on with Allah, the deen of Allah, and the prophets and the messengers of Allah.
And my brothers and my sisters, as from tonight, we will start with a new series, a series that we'll be talking about the stories of the prophets and the messengers, Allah him, a Salatu was Salam. O Allah subhanho wa Taala sent his peace and blessings upon them all.
We're not talking about the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam because that's a series on its own. The biography of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is a story, a series that will be talking on its own. But in this series, we'll be talking about the prophets and messengers before Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam starting from the first human being, and Prophet and Messenger, Adam alayhis salam, all the way to the second last prophet messenger before Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and that's Isa Jesus alayhis salam.
So the first human being, in which he was the first Prophet and Messenger, Allah subhanho wa Taala graded loss of Hanna what Allah credited as enhance, that was Adam Allah, his solemn.
And the second last, missing job before the last prophet, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, it was a sign of Islam. The gap between the ISA and Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam was 500 G's.
That was the longest gap and duration that Allah subhanho wa Taala did not send in the Prophet messenger in
and that's why they call it the gap. A little fatter. Other people have that gap.
It was a gap of 500 G's. Between between the final prophet messenger and the second last prophet messenger Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. But from Adam alayhis salam
salam, there wasn't a time No, there was no prophet messenger in it.
And sometimes it one time, at one given time, even probably in one village or one city. In one country. There'll be three or four prophets and messengers in one place. So there is a possibility that at one given time, there will be maybe even more than 10 prophets and messengers.
And that's why between Adam and Eve Salaam
Salaam Allah subhanho wa Taala sent 124,000 Prophet and Messenger
sama masaka for more knowledge and in a 25 Yes, you're right. Allah Allah mentioned
by Allah subhanaw taala sent about 124,000 people via messenger. So we're talking about a substantial number we're talking about big number of prophets and messengers, and I do you say prophets and messengers, and
prophets and messengers, is there a difference between prophets and messengers? Yes, there is difference between prophets and messengers, a messenger Rasul is a higher rank, then I prefer Nabhi.
I'm gonna repeat this, I assume a messenger is a higher rank, then I prefer maybe
Allah subhanaw taala said 124,000, prophets and messengers, out of the 124,000 prophets and messengers, there are only 300 313 messengers.
So every messenger is a prophet, but not every prophet is a messenger because a messenger is a higher rank than a prophet.
And the number of messengers is by far more much smaller than the number of prophets.
And that's why Allah subhanaw taala sent over 124,000 prophets and messengers from the
second last prophet messenger, and we could also say the last prophet, messenger before the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi Salaam. So you could imagine the number of prophets and messengers that Allah subhanaw taala had sent. And that's all the scholars
They comprehend and analyze the number of prophets and messengers and the timing, from Adam alayhis salam all the way to a Salah a Salaam and era, it makes sense that there was no given time that there was no prophet messenger.
There was always prophets and messengers
on a solemn every single time there was a messenger and sometimes more than one, more than two, one and three, and maybe even you could even say a low item. And there's nothing concrete maybe at one given time, a lot probably even sent 100 100 prophets and messengers to different nations.
A lot of them everything's possible. But all we know that every given time there was a proper messenger until
after a sign a sign up for 500 G's that were not profit. There were no messengers, until the final prophet and messenger, Allah subhanaw taala sent to the entire mankind and that was Muhammad Sallallahu sallam.
What's important for us to know that the prophets and messengers, Allah subhanho wa Taala
tell a story that we're sitting down to talk about and entertain ourselves and enjoy the beautiful story in which the joyful stories very entertaining stories but at the end of the day, these are real stories.
These are real stories that lots of Hamilton had mentioned.
And the reason that I mentioned them in the Chronicle him first to be inspired by them and to aspire to become like them. Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions in the Quran again, not no naka sonica Santa Casa si Bhima. ohana.
ohana, we're incontinent
or Mohammed we are the ones who are underwriting their service to you.
Obviously, the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam was sent 1000s of years after
1000s of years and hundreds of years after prophets and messengers that came before him. And the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam is no writing these people stories of prophets and messengers in the past. And those tools are so precise, so concise, that it makes it impossible for someone like Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that lived in the desert lived in Mecca amongst bedrooms and Arabs, that did not have much information about the surrounding areas around them, let alone for beyond those areas, and for them to come and
receive the revelation from Allah subhanho wa Taala in that revelation, which is the Quranic him, Allah subhanaw taala had made mention of tourism. And Allah subhanho wa Taala mentioned the past or previous nature, stories of prophets and messengers and previous nations that makes it impossible for someone like Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to put together impossible, especially when the stories are the problem.
And obviously, those stories are the stories of Allah subhanho wa Taala.
Amazon's making them up. Allah subhanho wa Taala is the one that's revealing the stories of the Prophet Muhammad Allah salatu wa sallam, it makes it impossible for someone like Muhammad, and the nature and the environment of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had lived in and the timing that the problem Mohammed Shah Sam had lived in it makes it impossible for someone like Mohammed and his character to come up with such precise stories of the past.
And that's another confirmation verification, proven evidence to every single human being a Muslim to know that Muhammad Salallahu Salam Alikum
which is the Quran Kareem berhak Allah subhanho wa Taala. You think about it.
living in a time or in an era with a
technology for him to know what happened 1000s of years ago? How did the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam mentioned names, stories, towns, villages, precise things that makes it impossible for
anyone during the time of the Prophet Muhammad SAW cinema before
we even use and centers off the top of the profile a saucer for them to come up with precise information on history, on people on nations.
When Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about the story of use of alayhis salaam
and Allah subhanaw taala mentions in the Quran Karim
other stories of other prophets that lived in Egypt. So Masada is Salah, lived in Egypt. Ibrahim Alayhi, Salat went to Egypt
and use have lived in Egypt. But then when Allah subhanaw taala talks about the ruler of Egypt during the term Maasai Salaam, Allah subhanaw taala refers to him as
they brought him around.
But when it comes to use of Allah is Salaam, Allah refers to him as Al Malik King.
When you think about it,
if Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the one that's fabricating the Parana Karim, who mentioned the ruler during the time of Ibrahim alayhis salam, the king, the woman during the time was on a salon, the king, the ruler during the time he said, I'm the king, oh, for around during the time of use of the Han during the time of Abrahamic during the tamasa. But then, when you read the story of Moses on a Salaam I was talking about Egypt, and it talks about the king of Egypt as for around but then when it comes to talking about the king of Egypt, during the time of use of La set up a loss of handle diversity was the king. Why in history have proven that? Yes, avataan
predominant it was for those ruling, and that's the total four hours ruling Egypt, only during a specific time who was overthrown by a group of people than the king and that was during the time of use of Allah Islam. How would someone like Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam out of the desert come up with something so precise like these?
What Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam get such precise information?
When you recite the Quran, Kareem when it's the time of
the Kingdom of Egypt is around when it's a time of use of the king of Egypt is the king very precise.
So Allah subhana wa tada is the one that had mentioned the stories of the prophets and messengers to Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. And that's why my brothers and my sisters in this series, we're only going to mention what's been authenticated in the Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. And obviously, the authenticity of what's been in the Quran the Quran, in which the Chronicle is authentic, so we're only going to be mentioning what's in the Quran, and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. Also, we will mention some of the sayings of the prophets and messengers or we will also mention some of the sayings
of the Sahaba, the alota, on whom I will say this is what the Sahaba had mentioned. But I want to also let you know, something in
him says, had the thrombin is Surah Illa. Allah hi Raj Narayan elections of Benny Salatin, the children of Israel, without any harm.
The problem Hamas has given us the consent for us to narrate stories, which are being mentioned in the Torah and the Injeel. In the Old Testament, in the Bible, subject, subject, subject to the stories that we do not find in the Quran, and we find them in the Bible, we find them in the Old Testament, we are allowed to narrate them subject to do not contradict the Quran and Sunnah and the principles of the Sharia. So for example, when we're talking about the story of lupinus, Allah
Alayhi Salaam was sent to the city of Sodom, you might get to the chronic Kareem and look into the Parana Kareem Sakaba What did you get that name? The city of Sedona doesn't exist. No, that exists in the Hadith. Society, yes, it does not exist in the Koran. It does not exist in the Hadith know that some of the Sahaba even probably even mentioned the word turban. So what did you get from us from the Bible? Okay, but are we allowed to depend on that? When it comes? When it comes to areas like that? Yes. The serious courts are doing what's called the Doom, Doom, whatever you want to call it? Does that affect your Sharia? Does that affect your data? Does that clash with anything from the
Quran that Allah mentioned a city that we are saying, Allah mentioned, it was sitting at a bar here, we're gonna go syllabi, notice that contradiction. So the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu, wasallam had given us license and consent for us to know right stories, which have been mentioned in the Bible and the Old Testament and the ngl, and the Torah, or any of the sacred books that we believe in, because we believe in those books, but we believe that we're also distorted so we can't depend on them. We are allowed to know right, narrations from those books subject that those narrations do not clash, or contradict the Sharia. I'm not gonna write a story of a Salaam
Salaam, open his window, and he saw a beautiful letter that she was having a shower, right in the open. And then he asked her Who's this beautiful lady. And then they told him, this is the wife of one of your generals. So what did he do? He went and state something to make sure that the husband of this lady
became so captivated to, and you want to put them at the frontline of one of his, one of his armies, and he sent them out to one of his walls to make sure that he dies. So when the husband is dead,
because this is a funny story.
This is a story they told me about a third go against them. Even though you might find that even though you must
love that because that's not a good story that contradicts this idea.
How does it contradict this idea because it teaches us that prophets and messengers are the most normal people are the greatest people, that story of the world on a Salaam staging and planning and plotting to kill the husband of this woman that he became captivated to. That's not a good story about a human being or any person. That's not a good story about a leader. That's not a good story about a
good story about a proper messenger.
So we might read few things in the Bible, Lord few things in the Old Testament in the total NGO, which contradict the Sharia, we can read those that's against our Sharia. I'm not gonna Ghana, right, I stay in which will love Allah, he said, I'm left his people. And he left his people with his two daughters. And then they went out. And they lived in the plains on the peak of a mountain, and then one of his daughters back to the other bird. And she said, Okay, it looks like just me and you and his normal progeny, our father's not gonna have an offspring, we need to make sure that we maintain the offspring of a father and that's why How about I get a call, give it to my father, let
my father become drunk. And then you could have the intimacy with him and fall pregnant from my father, and then we could preserve the progeny of our father.
Even if you're gonna find that say, in the Torah Ninja, we're gonna read stories love that we reject soldiers love that. This is undermining and disrespecting, and this honoring a proper messenger. But we can write things that do not clash and contradict to the names of cities. We could talk about
in the Bible in the ngl, it's been mentioned that Ibrahim alayhis salam had this or name of a some of these open even depends on the Torah, for example, and it talks about the children of the accumulation of their names with such and such. These things do not crash. We could speak about and we could not write what's been mentioned the run in jail on matters that do not clash with the Sharia. And maybe some have given us that license. Where's your stance when it comes to that? your stance when it comes to narrations from the Bible narrations from the Old Testament from the Iran engine? your stance is you could believe or disbelief. It's up to you. You could take our objective,
but your stance from the Quran and Sunnah. It's not up to you, you must believe in it.
You have to believe in it. Muhammad said you have to believe in it. Whatever the point of view, and the position of the Sahaba if it's open to debate, it's up to you on a take or not take but when it comes to click up. verses from the Quran, Kareem and Condor from the Hadith bottom homosassa we must believe in them. When it comes to elections from the Torah narrations from the engine, then it's up to you if you want to take you don't want to take it take it. If you don't want to take it you don't take it. And inshallah This is our strategy in sha Allah and this is our structure when it comes to writing the stories of the prophets and messengers, because the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam received this revelation from Allah subhana wa tada
and the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam conveyed the message of Allah subhanaw taala to us, from the Quran, from the Sunnah, when it comes to the stories of the prophets and messengers, we can also depend on the Torah and injil subject to that those narrations do not clash with our Sharia and in sha Allah, I'll do my best to always mention that this has been mentioned in the Quran indeed. So to give you an option, you want to take it take it, you don't want to take it, reject it, but when it comes to the Quran and Sunnah, it's not up to you have to take it because that's the authenticity of those two sources that Allah subhanaw taala revealed to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam which is the Quran and the Hadith of the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam which Allah subhanaw taala says about the Prophet Muhammad SAW Allah.
In the poem Hamilton law Salam says there was a prophet His name is Luke, there was a prophet His name is Eunice. There's a prophet His name is such such the information didn't come from Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam
makes mention of him and it's not up to Mohammed to make up anything. There's another verse Allah subhanho wa Taala says in the Quran the Quran
if Muhammad fabricates or if Mohammed makes up anything from his own, Allah says in the Quran, this was revealed to Muhammad Muhammad is conveyed to us I was saying in the beginning if Muhammad makes up anything from his own, fabricates anything from his own will destroy him.
We will destroy Muhammad. And so Pamela just says, boy,
if there was a letter that was made up by Mohammed Salah,
those verses would have been the last wisdom homosassa chronically,
you know, people like here's the problem, Hamilton lasala are fabricating the Parana Kareem if Mohammed sauce lm is fabricating the Chronicle, Muhammad Allah
together. Have you ever read a book of an author, the author himself threatens himself.
So I'm writing this book and I'm the author of this book, share this with a man and then I'm saying and you know what show that if you say anything out of love, I'm gonna destroy you. I'm threatening myself. It doesn't make sense. So Allah subhanaw taala made it very clear to Mohammed, Mohammed makes up anything from his own fabricates anything will destroy him. And that's why he says if the Quran the Quran was made up by Mohammed bin from the first verses that the problem
would have taken out or not.
So my brothers and my sisters, our sauce is number one, the Quran, and the authentic son of the Prophet Mohammed Salim. And after that, we'll be depending on narrations of the Sahaba.
And what's been mentioned in the Bible, in the Old Testament, in the Torah and subject to the it does not clash with our Sharia and subject to the who mentioned that's been mentioned in the Torah that's been mentioned in the engine. So Allah Subhana Allah says in the Quran, Karim Na Na
Mohammed when they write to you about the stories in the truth, without any distortion, we're not gonna fabricate
a fabric a fabric store on Ibraheem alehissalaam we're gonna fabric on Masada Salaam, we're gonna fabricate stories on a Sunday salon.
No, no, no.
No writing the true stories of, of the greatest people to tread this earth. We are talking about the greatest people to ever walk on the face of this earth. So we need to preserve their stories. It's our responsibility for us to present the stories of the prophets and messengers because they are the greatest examples.
So we can't portray them to be people that had shiftiness like the Buddha, Allah His Salaam in that story, oh, the head awkwardness, or they committed sins, or some of the stories that you hear not in the Quran, not in the
books, a prophet drank and become drunk. SubhanAllah what kind of a prophet messenger is that? He tells his people, they get drunk and he becomes drunk.
the line he lives. These are the people that Allah subhanaw taala hasn't granted to send to be a role model to mankind. That doesn't make sense. That's why my brothers and my sisters, prophets and messengers are the greatest example. And role models Allah subhanho wa Taala has sent to mankind. The greatest of people are the prophets and messengers. Obviously the messengers are a higher rank than the prophets. messengers are a higher rank. Then the prophet SAW the greatest of people are the messengers, then the prophets, then the rest of the disciples and the companions of the prophets and messengers, then the rest of the righteous people and the righteous believers
in the Torah
and the best of messengers, the top five, the Allah subhanho wa Taala describes in the Quran, Karim, Allah as memento, Russell,
the firm
and perseverant prophets and messengers are five on top of that list, Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. Then Ibrahim, the No, then Isa, okay, and some of the scholars say Moosa Isa and no goes around us. Three, so the top five prophets and messengers, and the greatest of people on top of that list, obviously, without any dispute,
without any dispute, Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam is on top of that list. Ibrahim alayhi salam, no Moosa as a samosa, whatever rank you want to put them, but obviously the two top ones, Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, and then the rest No, Musa Musa no Isa, some of the scholars put them in different top five prophets and messengers beyond the top of the list of Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. Without a doubt, without any dispute, the greatest human being to tread this earth is Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
That's what the rest of the 300 messengers, then the rest of the 124,000 prophets, then after that the disciples
and the companions of the prophets and the messengers, and obviously the companions of Muhammad, sallallahu alayhi wasallam have a higher rank than the disciples of the other prophets and messengers. There are weak Hadith that say that the greatest man to walk on the face of this earth after the prophets and messengers is
okay, but through the actions of the Prophet Muhammad SAW some of the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad SAW Selim, they imply that the greatest people are
Prophets are messengers of the Sahaba of the Lord.
In particular, the top 10 days of the Prophet Mohammed Salah guaranteed the paradise, the people are better. And then other narration speaks about different companions and disciples if you want to call them of the problem Hamsa Solomon other disciples of other prophets and messengers,
Allah subhanho wa Taala also says faac su su casa de la la homeopathic Quran, Allah recommends the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to know the stories of the prophets and messengers. So what's the purpose of the stories of the messengers? What's the purpose of the stories of the prophets, to encourage people to follow them because at the end of the day, our fabric, our nature, is that we are followers. We are followers, we as human beings, yes, we can be leaders. But even when we are leaders, we are following someone else. Allah subhanaw taala credits in the way that we follow other people will look up to other people were intentive or other people will take other
people's examples, even the best of leaders on the face of this earth, they still follow other people that are still inspired by other people. So Allah subhanho wa Taala had made this job easier for us and Allah subhanho wa Taala has sent to us prophets and messengers, to be our example, to be a role model for us to follow. For us to inspire to become or aspire to become more of them and be inspired by them to be motivated and following their footsteps. So Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions the stories of the prophets and messengers. In all the sacred books in particular, the aim there hasn't been distorted there will never be distorted because Allah subhanaw taala promised the
preservation of the Quran according to the Day of Judgment.
Allah subhanho wa Taala had mentioned the stories of the prophets and messengers for us to aspire to become like them,
for us to aspire to become like them and Allah says, fuck Susilo Casa de la la vida, Corona, Mohammed narrate the stories, the stories, because the Chronicle name is not only stories, the Chronicle name is made out of stories, yes, but also predominantly The Chronicle legislation or constitution. And the Quranic rim is a book of law, a book of attainder, decree and fate. Allah subhanho wa Taala had mentioned Allah subhanaw taala had mentioned your faith in the chronic enemy decree in the Parana Karim. Allah had mentioned the laws and legislations that lots of anatella want you to abide by and Allah subhanaw taala had mentioned stories of the past. So the stories of the
past are to motivate you, to inspire to make you aspire to become like someone.
And Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions in the Khurana Karim, a number of prophets and messengers in the Quran, Karim. There are only 25 Prophet and Messenger mentioned the chronically
25. Prophet and Messenger. What about the other 124,000 that I mentioned? No chronicling? What about outside the chronically? Yes, this few a handful we mentioned by the prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam and a handful that you find in the Torah and indeed, but in the Quran Academy, Salah 24 be mentioned, some are asked but why that's 25
there's a number of different opinions, nothing is concrete, nothing is solid. But some of the scholars say the reason that Allah subhanho wa Taala had specifically mentioned 25 prophets and messengers, and those specific 25 prophets and messengers because they are the best, and the greatest prophets and messengers out of all prophets and messengers. That's an opinion.
Another opinion is a lot just mentioned them.
And those 24 prophets and messengers, some of them their story is so detailed what the story must be mentioned the Chronicle remember 70 times and some of them and the names like those
an eye on our last panel that I mentioned his name and he's a private messenger beyond that we don't know anything.
So some profits and messages and we have detailed stories of them
and some prophets and messengers in Napoleonic any we have early names and the rest guy in between detailed and names the most detailed story in the Chronicle is masala Islam and the scholars have the opinion was a panel with Allah had mentioned the Torah masala Salaam in details because it suited the problem Mohammed salado Salim and the nation of Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam for the Prophet Muhammad SAW some to reflect upon the story of Musa alayhis salam. That's an opinion by Allah subhanaw taala mentions
Ibrahim Allah
in Arabic,
Allah is haka.
One, how dynamin carbon. These are names of prophets and messengers, Allah mentions a one verse, woman. The reality though was when a man Why are you Why are you so
once again here we are here Why is a what is called Domino solid why smile when Elsa wah wah colon for Bama Allah Allah. So Allah subhanaw taala mentioned these names and these are the names of prophets and messengers and Allah subhanaw taala mentions at the end, we're gonna learn for bonda Allah, Allah mean, we favorite all those of the rest of mankind. There are the best people, the best of people, not only the best people,
the prophets and messengers are the best creation, the even better than the angels better than the gene and better than every other creation out there. So Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam it's not fair to say he's the greatest human being No, it's not fair. He's the greatest creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam is the greatest creation of alized religion, from amongst the human beings from amongst the angels that constantly worship alive.
From amongst the jinn from amongst every single living thing, Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, and it's not fair to say the prophets and messengers are the greatest human beings, the greatest creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah subhanho wa Taala says wakulla nakasu alaikum in amber Russa The man was happy to be back. Now Allah subhana wa tada is mentioning, while isoa gel nerites Allah subhanho wa Taala makes mention of the source of the prophets and messengers in the Quran Karim wakulla
Rasul Mohammed we are informing you know, writing to you, revealing to you the stories of the prophets and the messengers or the stories of the messengers, man who said be to be here for adeq that's the reason not only reason not limited to,
but Allah mentions one of the reasons why Allah subhana wa tada makes mention of the stories of the prophets and messengers, man was happy to be here for Adak so we could strengthen your heart, empower you in Islam.
The Prophet Mohammed Salah Mario Solomon is encountering hardships, tests from his own people. When the problem homosassa is encountering resistance from his own people. Then Allah reveals to him the story of Musa alayhis salam and the resistance that masala Salam had faced from his people that will come from the problem homosassa it's like, you know, you're sick, or ill, and then someone comes to visit you. And then he's
going through a lot of hardships. And then this person tells you, you know, the other day, I was with someone who's 10 times worse than you that comfort you handle a list I'm not the worst.
It comforts you. So Allah Subhana Allah makes very clear, a man with a b2b for either Oh Mohammed when writing the source to you to strengthen your heart to empower you, with Islam, to strengthen your Mohammed. And obviously stories do motivate you inspire you. stories were the stories of prophets and messengers are stories of successful people.
Stories of successful leaders, sportsmen, business people, it does inspire you when you hear stories of other people, especially when it's successful stories it does inspire. Can you imagine when you're hearing stories of the chosen ones by Allah subhana wa tada and what Allah subhanho wa Taala had given them
I've made them go through a lot longer than have given them a pen, while I promised them it does inspire you. So the purpose of this series is for us to be inspired by the stories of the prophets and messengers, as Allah subhanho wa Taala makes mention of that to the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam man who said b2b for duck, oh Mohammed to strengthen your heart, to motivate you to inspire and inshallah take that, as one of the primary objectives of you listening to this series is because you want to be inspired, inspired by the stories of the prophets and messengers to aspire to become like them
to be inspired. So you aspire to become like the prophets and messengers. What do you have the llama waiver? What do you mean? This is a remembrance of Allah subhanaw taala similar stories, and every single story, Allah subhanaw taala is mentioned as a true well, Jackie, these are true stories. These are not like fabricated fictional stories, login at a level that you really you know about a story this and that. And then I wake up from the dream.
You know, their stories are so this and this happened. And you went into this adventure and this wall and this isn't a wake up from the dream. No, no, no, this is not a dream.
There's no dream. There's no fiction this first these are true stories that take place
that these stories did take place. It did exist in the past. And Allah subhanaw taala makes mention of that. And allies don't origin also mentioned to the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam were in contact with
Mohammed he didn't even know the stories of the prophets and messengers when Allah subhanaw taala told
Parvati salatu salam
ala my story of the prophets and messengers in the past even though
even though the Arabs during the time of the Prophet Alayhi, salaatu, wa Salaam they knew of my prophets name Abraham,
because they consider themselves the descent and the progeny of the son of Ibrahim.
Ibrahim, not much about his mind. On the contrary, even the thoughts the perception of his mind, and Ibrahim was also distorted. What they thought we brought him in his mind was also distorted. So Allah subhanaw taala corrected that we're in condemning completely nomina halfling even you mahamudra didn't know much about the prophets and messengers, until Allah subhanho wa Taala had mentioned the Prophet Muhammad until Allah had mentioned the prophets and messengers to the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
Allah subhanho wa Taala also says,
the law,
Allah, Allah is referring to the prophets and messengers that are those that lost
their homes today. So Muhammad, and believers, obviously Allah subhanaw taala is addressing the problem homosassa and addressing other believers, with the goddess of the prophets and messengers follow their guidance.
People, though, your example, the other ones that you should be aspiring to become like the other ones they should look up to. And that's another thing that you shala want to achieve out of this series is for us to look up to the prophets and messengers, and not only look up to them and say, well, they're beautiful. They're beautiful people, great role models, but also want to aspire to become like them. Because, unfortunately, Muslims they aspire to become
to become not the best people on the face of this earth. Sometimes our people, our Muslim brothers and sisters, our kids, our children aspire to become like the worst people on the face of this earth. Don't want to become drug dealers,
thugs, gangsters.
These are the people that aspire to become like, it's not like that aspire to become like someone maybe he's a non Muslim, or maybe a non practicing Muslim but at least successful one area in life. And there's nothing wrong for you to aspire in the area for you to aspire to become like this person in the area to say a successful businessman. And you know what? This journal jack aspired to become like him in business, nothing wrong with that. But at the end of the day ever, when it comes to your faith, when it comes to your life when it comes to your success, ever success, I aspire to become one of the prophets and messengers on top of that list, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
And these sort of things I wanted to teach and embed
in the life in the minds of our children, become more of the prophets and messengers, become like Abraham or a Salah become like most become like us
and become like the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu sallam.
Our ultimate role model is Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. He's the one that we aspire to become like he's the one that will look up to him and follow and including, encompassing the rest of the prophets and messengers. naka camella confy rasulillah assalamu Khurana Karim. Allah subhanaw taala sent Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam is also a great example.
A great example a leading a leading example not just an example, but a leading example a great example. For every single human being not only Muslim, but for every single human being, to follow the footsteps of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam and to become like the Prophet Muhammad Ali salatu salam
salatu wa salam is an example not only to Muslims, but to every single living human being on the face of this earth. You know what, not only human beings but the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu. wasallam is an example to mankind and mankind, to the human beings and to the jinn.
Because the problem Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam is sent to all mankind and to Elgin coins. That's the problem Muhammad sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam. So Mohammed Salah Selim is a great example to all human beings and to Odin.
Some of my sisters in sha Allah in this series, we'll be talking about the prophets and messengers, and obviously the first prophet messenger was Adam. We're not gonna talk about Adam tonight inshallah we'll talk about him in the next lessons, or upcoming lessons in the future. However, we need to have a good understanding of our Sharia. When it comes to marketing when it comes to my faith when it comes to my fader, I must believe in the prophets and messengers.
When the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam spoke about an Amen belief, or when the Prophet Muhammad SAW said was ever asked about a man and a man who wanted
it to be.
That's something that we are taught. From a young age was thought learning as a man the principles of a man are the pillars of a man, a man is for you to believe in Allah in the angels in the sacred books and in the prophets and messengers. You
As a Muslim, you're required to believe in all the prophets and messengers that Allah subhanho wa Taala had mentioned,
in a general form, not in details. So you're not required to believe in every single Prophet and Messenger by name, that I have to believe in profit and loss is not enough to memorize those names. But you have to believe in all the prophets and messengers that Allah sent
you as a Muslim, you're required. So the Prophet Muhammad SAW Some said, Allah said, 124,000 messenger, you must have a general belief. I believe in every single prophet and messenger that Allah sent and Allah mentioned.
Some people asked that question after, memorize the names of the Prophets and Messengers, now you don't have to memorize the only prophet they have to memorize His name is Mohammed sauce Allah, but you have to believe in every single Allah subhanaw taala since in general, I believe in every single Prophet, messenger Allah subhanaw taala sent
and the prophets and messengers Allah subhanaw taala had mentioned the Quranic Karim, you must believe in them, you can't deny them.
Especially when Allah subhanaw taala had mentioned to me for him You have to believe in Allah to memorize the names will be good for you to memorize the names I know most of us do know, at least if not the 25 maybe 15. We know in general form, profit. No Mussa we know those names, but you don't have to memorize every single out of the series inshallah we intend to and for us to memorize the names of those prophets and messengers of Allah subhanaw taala had mentioned Khurana Karim, and understand the story,
understand the story, and also learn lessons out of those stories. So I'm gonna mention the stories of the prophets and messengers, but also come up with conclusions, lessons that we learn out of the story of this prophet, I listened that we learn out of the story of this prophet, or that Prophet, these sort of things inshallah we'll discuss. Finally, my brothers or my sisters, since we spoke about messenger prasun,
Prophet, Nabil, and I mentioned to you before that a messenger is superior to a profit, a messenger is a higher rank, then a profit. And we said that every messenger is a profit, but not every profit is a messenger paneled as a 124,000 profit, profits are missing just out of the 124,000 profits are missing just the raw 300 313 messengers. So what's the difference between a messenger and I prefer
the scores of different opinions, they agree that say a messenger is a higher rank than a prophet. If there's no consensus, there's a majority opinion the say that a messenger is a higher rank than a prophet, and every messenger is a prophet, but not every prophet is a messenger.
They say that I provenant messenger have something in common. What they have in common, is number one, Revelation. Both prophets and messengers have something in common, which is a revelation. They receive revelation from Allah subhanho wa Taala. Revelation means a form of communication, direct communication with Allah subhanaw taala, whether it goes directly to the origin, or through a main, a medium, most of the times is through a mean a medium and that medium or men is Andrew jabril, Allah Islam, he's that platform. He's that reception that Allah subhanaw taala uses to communicate with the prophets and messengers. So prophets and messengers have a special line of communication
between them and Allah subhanaw taala. Once that line is open to this human being, this human being becomes a prophet.
This year a man becomes a prophet.
all Prophets and Messengers have something in common number one, Revelation, they receive a revelation from Allah subhanho wa Taala, which is why revelation can be through directly from Allah subhanaw taala to them so Allah speaks to them directly as Allah subhanaw taala spoken directly to Musa alayhis salam, a number of times as the Maha masala and maybe a number of other prophets and messengers of the energy that Allah subhanaw taala spoken to directly his Musa. And that was ongoing or constantly or frequently if you want to say, and the Prophet Muhammad SAW salam, occasionally maybe twice in some narrations, maybe once in other narrations
or Allah subhanho wa Taala will communicate with the prophets and messengers through a platform, that platform even though
that platform is and why Allah is Allah. So jabril is the Messenger of Allah to the messengers of Allah
jabril is the Messenger of Allah to the messengers of Allah. So he is the communication point in which Allah subhanaw taala informs or reveals to Djibouti, you get informed this prophet 1235 so the sense that it informs the Prophet wanted
these are the two main common ones with a problem
is to receive revelations different ways.
One of those different ways that you bring
come speak to the problem with that seeming, old singing and sometimes will come in his real opinions and sometimes it comes in different appearance and appearance of a human being. The other way or form that jabril salaam used to communicate with the Prophet Mohammed salatu salam, in which the problem homosassa needs to find that to be
or used to bring a lot of pressure up on the problem homosassa them up.
They used to cry a lot of pressure on the process of them. Lastly, Allah subhanho wa Taala will inform the Prophet Muhammad SAW Salaam with an inspiration that inspiration just something goes in the heart and the mind of the problem comes also from Allah. And the prophet SAW some did not hear anything from debris. No, that's a hiccup in his mailbox, that's it.
You've received something from Allah never saw some noses from Allah subhanaw taala. And it happened
with prophets and messengers. What we know allows a panel that is linked to them directly
to them, and jabril inform them on lots of panel talents from them.
So the number one thing common between messengers and prophets is that Allah subhanaw taala sends
a revelation right to them, the moment they were super invited to become messengers. The other thing that's in common with all prophets and messengers, all prophets and messengers are men, who don't have anything called female prophets and messengers,
or prophets and messengers are men. All prophets and messengers are free people. There's no such thing called a slave, Prophet and Messenger. It's not befitting for Allah subhanaw taala to choose a slave that's been in that's been ever powered by his master to be a prophet a messenger.
prophets are messengers come from a noble descend. Allah is not gonna send someone who was born out of wedlock,
people undermining
people undermining
prophets and messengers. Maybe they're not perfect before the prophecy, but they're not extremely bad to the extent that I was gonna choose a thug until I can now become a proper messenger. People are gonna listen to him. So prophets and messengers, maybe they're not perfect before the prophecy, they'll become perfect after the prophecy, in their actions in the quality, but not to the extent that Allah subhanaw taala will choose a criminal to be a prophet, the messenger for mankind, Allah subhanaw taala is the best of people, at least when this person comes to speaking says Allah subhanho wa Taala sub Sasa people listen to me imagine someone who is a fraudulent, someone is a
liar. someone that knows is a dishonest person and it says
on the Prophet, messenger of Allah, Allah He can't even be honest every so if you want to be honest with Allah subhanaw taala.
These are qualities that the scholars have spoken about prophets and messengers. Now what makes a messenger more superior than a prophet these two opinions, one opinion that says prophets and messengers both have the mission of Dawa However, a messenger has a specific mission of Dawa, which Allah subhanaw taala would say this messenger, you can call this specific person or this specific job, or this specific nation, you can call them to Allah subhanaw taala. So Allah gives a messenger a specific task. All prophets and messengers have a general power task over Moscow to Allah. But a messenger has a specific task, that his task, you have a mission. The other opinion which makes a
bit more sense, or maybe even more sense, is that a messenger is someone that receives a new sacred book.
Last a prophet follows a sacred book and a legislation, shadow of a previous messenger, Sai messenger Allah subhanaw taala revealed him a new legislation, a new sacred book. So it's a new legislation, new Sharia, that this proper messenger will follow and this proper messenger will convert these people. A prophet will follow a Sharia and a sacred book of a previous messenger. So this prophet will come. Yes, he's receiving revelation from Allah subhanaw taala miracles might appear on his hands. However, he's still advocating and promoting a Sharia of a previous messenger before him. A messenger will come with a new Sharia. What for example, masala Sonam he came with the
Torah. This is a new Sharia
is Allah Islam came with the Injeel Ibrahim Allah.
So they came with a new Sharia. Finally my brothers and my sisters, and this is my final message to nine shallow shallow it is a series so this is an episode of many episodes in the series that we'll be talking about.
Very important.
prophets and messengers came with one religion, one arcada
the actor of La ilaha illAllah. Let's see stops
all prophets and messengers came with one al Qaeda
but they differ in the legislation.
The way they prayed the way they fasted.
Some of the haraam z, some of the Hello z, little minor things, but for us to believe, prophets and messengers came, Prophet Musa alayhis salam came with Judaism.
Islam came with Christianity and Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam came with Islam. What are you trying to say? That Allah told one nation worshiped me alone? And he told another nation wishing me and my son, and he told the other nation worship Me and three other animals with him. Luck. We tried to say, that doesn't make sense. Well, I'm not contradicting himself.
And unfortunately, this is something that gets taught to Muslims in Muslim countries, and sometimes in Muslim schools. That Allah subhanaw taala sent all the religions not Allah sent me one religion, I'm sorry, oh, listen, only one religion. That's called Islam in Medina.
And Islam that led to a loss of Islam. So the same religion Allah subhanaw taala sent him Amazon is the same religion that Allah sent to Adam, and every single proper from
124,000 profit messenger. But they did differ when it came to practicing the religion based on what Allah subhanaw taala had commanded him to do. So for example, in nature, Mohammed Salah prayer five times a day,
maybe more, maybe less. We are commanded to pay people 5% of the nation's more, maybe less, were allowed to eat the fact of the shape for example, let me select one and I'll tell you the fact of the shape.
So a bit of hot on the common Haram is haram. It's not like one nation
is not allowed to know no harm is haram. But in some areas, some nations have more flexibility than the
other nations have less flexibility from the nature of Mohammed Salah Salah
in their practices and the implementation of the show they have a different based on what Allah subhanaw taala revealed to the prophet and messenger that nation. So all Prophets and Messengers come with having the religions or religion called Islam, La ilaha illa Allah, but they're different in the Sharia, different legislations, different practices. A bit, a bit of changes in more than a halal and haram allowed in the nation of homosassa. Not allowed in another nation, permissible or not permissible. So all prophets and messengers came with one being in Medina in the law Islam.
Islam Medina.
Like any religion, besides Islam is a religion except for the
Islam. So hamdullah is an introduction about the prophets and messengers, the number of prophets and messengers. He's more superior, the greatest prophets and messengers, the different qualities of Prophet and a messenger and the number of prophets and messages to the end of inshallah, in our next episode in sha Allah will talk about the first creation of Allah before Adam, and that will lead the way to the malaria Salaam and we'll talk about other matters Islam, Allah Medina, Medina, Sanjana,
tobiano, Asana, Ravana, Takapuna in Atlanta similarly, to Berlin in the Kanto Brahim