Moutasem al-Hameedy – A Thematic Commentary On The Quran #23

Moutasem al-Hameedy
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the real-life Surah Nisa video series, which connects worshipling Allah with the central theme of family and bond. They emphasize the importance of learning from mistakes and avoiding mistakes to avoid future mistakes. The series includes popular songs and personal experiences, and the title "the beginning of the series" is meant to introduce a new video series. The transcript highlights the impact of Islam on people's behavior and provides insight into the "will" that comes from the culture of Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdulillahi rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Sayidina Muhammad Ali, he was HERBIE, he had you mean Roberto. Salaam Alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. After so much thoughts,

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I have decided to go back to our original series, which we started last year. And that was a thematic commentary on the Quran, sorry, a thematic commentary on the Quran. And I think we have come a good way. I mean, we reached the beginning of Sultan Nyssa. And I really found this to be a very, I found it to be a very enriching experience and very profound topic. And it also allowed us to talk about so many things, so many things within the context of every solar. And one opportunity I really appreciated with with this approach was that we could relate the Quran to so many practical aspects of our lives. So I really after after serious consideration,

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I found myself more comfortable, you know, picking up where we left off with this series, and I also found it to be a bit more beneficial. So Inshallah, what I'm going to give you this Friday inshallah. So for the Friday, how are we going to go back to a thematic commentary on the Quran, what I'm going to share with you today will be basically some sort of a refresher to just to get you back on track with the with the with the class or the Halacha. And also to some, I will make it longer as well, I will make it a little bit short, so that it just serves as a refresher, rather than a proper kind of start again. And just to recap, and put you all back in sync, when it comes to

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this, the approach we took to the Quran was basically that we would pick up

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the main theme, and every Surah would study a surah. And check what was the main theme was the central theme that really sort of

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weaves the whole Surah together and unite everything that is mentioned in it. So we find every other topic, and every subject matter that is dealt with in the soil really ultimately feeds into this central theme. And this is a profound way to approach the Quran. Because

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the human mind naturally looks for this kind of unity of themes, we assume that since all of these subject matters are treated under one title that there is something that unifies them, there is something that binds them together. And this is, this is part of our football, this is part of our mental football, I would say our natural, the natural way our minds think, why because we love to connect the dots. And the last one that is speaks to us in a way that is

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optimal when it comes to our understanding and addressing our nature. So we would take the central theme in every surah and sort of show how it unfolds in every part of the surah. Sometimes we would go into the sub themes, sometimes a few levels down the hierarchy. And some sometimes we just go one level below which is the sub theme itself, and then move on. Depending on you know how much benefit and how much I would say

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relevant we could make our discussion to our present times. And I believe last time we reached verse number 40 or 43.

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And I said that time that inshallah we will move on to the next spot. And our our style wise taking about five pages every Friday, every halacha we take five pages and Jollof from we sort of come into them and show how they connect to each other and how they they lead ultimately to the central theme. And again, I want to remind you that the central theme that we found out in Surah, Nisa was displayed clearly in the first verse of Surah Nisa

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were last month and it emphasizes the concept of family and bond at different levels. So there is the family as we know it, which is like parents and the children.

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And there is also the concept of the Muslim family in the sense of the Muslim community, being a family being brothers to one another. And also the human family. Well, we all humans are actually part of the same family because we come from the same parents, the same father and mother Adam and Hawa are Adam and Eve.

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then the solar actually, that's the central theme. So the central theme is is emphasizing the concept of family that we humans are the same, that we all connected to one another at different levels of this family, different levels of consumption. But Allah subhanaw taala puts that in context that our existence and this

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connection that we have, is not just random, it didn't just is not arbitrary, in the sense it just happened to be. But all of that is done is actually

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is put in place for the sake of fulfilling one purpose which is worshipping Allah Subhana. Homer to Hannah along, because ultimately we are on a journey to Allah. And we are supposed to make it safe back to our source of being, and on the Day of Judgment. And

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a great part of this journey. And a great, I would say, resource that we have in this journey is the fact that we are connected so we can actually we can be a source of help and support to one another. But we can also be a source of test for one another. So Allah Subhan, Allah and the surah addresses the different levels of the concept of family and addresses different rulings. So sometimes you will find the laws of inheritance which applies to the family in the nucleus family in the sense that we know it. And then you will find laws about that pertain to marriage and divorce.

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There are some other smaller sub themes that are mentioned some times in the in the in the

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perfect, I would say perfect location in the Surah. And then we came to the point

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where Allah subhanaw taala, here at verse number 44, Allah starts talking about

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the People of the Scripture, Allah has a reference here to the People of the Scripture, and why because again, this is part this is the level of the

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human family that humanity is a family, and there are members of this family who are not behaving well they all have not behaved well, or maybe some of them have not behaved well. So Allah subhanaw taala highlights this, to show that

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to show us where they went wrong, and show us how we can benefit from their experience. But these verses also serve as as an admonition and a reminder to the People of the Scripture, to take heed of the truth regardless where it comes from, and maybe it would be a source of would be a reason for some of them to actually revisit their connection with God or with Allah subhanho wa taala. So in verse number 44, and by the way, inshallah in future episodes, I will try to actually introduce some slides into the video, so you are able to see the text and you're able to see how we proceed through the text you will be able to see the translation as well. So inshallah I will try to incorporate

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this just as we first start for those who started with us at the beginning of the series, we actually had this but inshallah

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hopefully I'll be able to show how to introduce it back to the videos since we are pre recording these videos. So Allah subhanaw taala here says and I'm telling you they're living in Ottawa, salmonella Kitabi registerone. Ebola, well, you really don't and wo Sabine.

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Don't you see to those people who have been given a share of the Scripture, they actually purchase misguidance and they want you to lose the way will they want you to go astray. Allahu Haarlem will be that you can walk in Fabula He will even walk if he knows who you are. And Allah is Aware Allah is well aware of your enemies, and Allah is sufficient as a protector as a guardian and as a supporter. Then Allah says Meena Latina How do you have the final Kelemen nawabi Waiuku and SMA now so you know what's matter your Mazmanian wala in Allegan, because in a team of 115 What a non Paulo summit in our Aparna was not one dotnet again, Oh, hold on the homework one way that I can learn at

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home Allah we go through him, Follow me know that Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah says, from the people who have from the, the, from the Jews at that time, previously, those again, who were before Prophet Muhammad, Salah Salem, Allah is referring to them here in these verses.

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Some of those people, they have

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changed the words, the divine words, the words of the Scripture, either change them, literally meaning changing the words like exchanging a word for another one, or change the meanings change the interpretation.

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And these people when they are commanded, or when their command comes to them from Allah, they say, we hear and we disobey. And they play on words when it comes to something like this. And Allah subhana, Allah says, had those people said, we hear and we obey, and that actually they they acted obediently. It would have been better for them, but they have chosen disbelief. Thus, they don't actually take heed, and they don't they, it's very little that you'll find these people actually believe, truly, truly believe

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than Allah month that addresses them with some of their mistakes and some of their faults. And just like we said, in solitary Bacala, the reason Allah Subhana Allah mentions the People of the Scripture is that

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First, it's an admiration for them and a reminder. But it also, first and foremost, it's a reminder for those people who decided to follow the truth that came with Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam that these people that we learn, and we take lessons, we don't have to repeat the same mistakes, because the mistakes that they fell into again, we're by virtue of them being humans, and we are tempted to actually follow the same example. So by learning from their mistakes, we don't have to go through the same mistakes to learn from them. That's pretty much that's a main theme why reference to the People of the Scripture is mentioned throughout throughout the Quran.

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But it also, as we said, it serves as a reminder, and it also in the context of surah. In this app, if we want to take it at the level of the family, the family of humanity.

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Those who have, in principle responded, responded positively to the messengers of Allah who accepted revelation. Not all of them stay true to it. So Allah Subhana Allah is highlighting how some people who initially accepted the revelation, how they went astray, and how they left the path and lost direction. And it's not like they were so innocent to the point that they lost the truth. But actually, this was the outcomes of their own choices and their own actions. And Allah so I'm gonna highlight something here that is very important. This is verse number 48 in salt in this app, in the light of day of your usual I can be way off of your own aduna Daddy, can you make yesha? Oh my

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usually Camilla, he's awkward if Tara if an agreement that ALLAH does not forgive the association of partners with him, ALLAH does not forgive schicke Allah does not give that you give rivals and and companions to him or people who share his divinity or people who share his right of worship. Allah does not accept that. So any form of ship, like real major ship, ALLAH does not forgive it. ALLAH does not forgive it, but Allah forgives other sins. Now. Does that mean if a person committed shirk, but then they repented sincerely, does that mean ALLAH does not forgive them? Allah does forgive that. But what Allah is saying here is that if a person commits shirk and they don't repent, and

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they don't recant and they don't, do not fix it,

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then Allah would not forgive it for them because other sins, even sometimes major sins, if the person fixes their ways, and they don't make a specific Toba because there is Toba is different types. So there is a general Tober you make a general Toba you you your your return to Allah you sort of turn back to Allah subhanaw taala. In general, you don't specify any of your past sins and sort of repent from them. Specifically, this is a general Toba and it could actually lead to forgiveness of all of your sins depending on the level of sincerity. But there is a higher level of Toba, which is specific that if you commit a sin, and then you repent to Allah subhanho wa Taala of

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each one of those sins, it makes it more likely for your sins to be forgiven, because this is a higher level of devotion, and a higher level of Toba and it shows attention to details. So Allah is mountain and this verse is talking about the general Toba because some people sometimes just, you know, turn back to our last pantalla in repentance, without specifying without going back to each sin that they have done and try to undo it. Allah says that Allah forgives and most likely he will forgive the sins those sins.

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But when it comes to shift, you have to repent from it sincerely completely meeting all the conditions of Toba specifically, that's what Allah subhanaw taala is, is saying here.

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Again, so I'm not gonna just

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talk in details about how Allah speaks about those people of the Scripture, but Allah highlights that they had jealousy, envy towards the believers, why they have the revelation, why they received it, why they're able to follow it, why not us again, they took the whole concept of devotion to Allah, which is supposed to have selflessness. It is supposed to have complete unbias. They took it as a matter to serve the ego.

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And this is something that humans are susceptible to. I mean,

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and this is, I believe it was Sofia and authorial mo loved and he said in that inimitable Rhiannon Capaldi, any man, that

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knowledge gives a sense of arrogance and a big ego just like money and status do.

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You could be upon the truth, and this could make you arrogant. By the way, you could be following the truth, but it makes you arrogant.

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So an in your arrogance, you're not following the truth. So you are generally following the truth. But if you grow arrogant because of that,

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you're sort of departing from the truth in that particular area. And that's, that's no small thing. This is

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This is a really huge issue.

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So, humans could use good things for a bad end. This is something unique about humans, we're able to use the truth to tokenize others, we're able to use the truth to gain a name and reputation, reputation. We could use the truth, to sort of

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make, I would say, a wealth out of it, we could save the truth to serve our ego.

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So that's, that's problematic. Allah is referring to some of the people of the Scripture that this is what they did, they wanted the truth to be particular to them, like to be

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monopolized by them, or at least prophethood, monopolized among them, so that all other nations, all people, all ethnicities, just become their followers. And this is why they have envy and all they had envy and jealousy towards the believers. And they, they actually stated that, you know, sugar is better than the religion of Muhammad. It is these are some of the Jewish tribes in Medina.

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And the last one that says actual law states that these people should own a NASA LM at our home alarming. Do they just feel jealous

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about the fact that Allah has bestowed His blessings upon the believers upon the Prophet SAW Selim and his and his companions, Allah says, We gave the family of Ibrahim Ali Salam, Al Kitab, Al Hikmah, the book and wisdom, Scripture and wisdom, and we have given them such a great dominion.

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Allah says some of them, this is the family of Brahim, the descendants of Ibrahim alayhi salam, some of them believed in it, and some of them opposed it.

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So again, it's not about whether you can trace back your ancestry to Ibrahim ASAM Otto is happening to them or to his made a solemn or whether your parents were religious or righteous, etcetera. It's not about this. It's about how do you perform how sincere Are you in your relationship with Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah, Allah ultimately sort of settles this whole issue by saying in verse number 56, and 57 in the Lavina cathodal ba attina selflessly him now, coulomb and obligate jerudong But the noun Giroud and Leila do colada in Allah can as is an Hakima those indeed those who have disbelieved in Our signs, and in our words, we shall

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put them in the fire, where every time their skin sort of burns and becomes right every time the skins burn. We give them fresh skin,

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so that they taste the chastisement and the punishment. Indeed, Allah is almighty and all wise.

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Will levena am and what I mean aside, he had his imprint on genetic integrity material and how Halloween if he had known for years, why domata Holla went to the funeral home little number Nina, and those who have believed and performed righteous deeds, we shall enter them into Gardens under which rivers flow and they will live there forever, eternally, they will have pure spouses, and we shall make them enter into shades of, of bliss in paradise.

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So last, we're going to settles this affair in this way, how does this connect again to the central theme and salt and Nisa, which is the we said the concept of family and that Allah subhanaw taala. Organized humans around families, it could be again, the nuclear family, it could be the extended family, it could be the tribe, at a higher level or more, a wider level, or it could be a community, like a Muslim community, for example. Or it could be

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humanity in general. All of those are levels for humanity. The reason Allah organize this in this way, is that to help us and facilitate for us, the worship of Allah, the fulfillment of the purpose of our creation, which is devotion to Allah, obedience to Allah worshiping Allah subhanho

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wa taala. So how does this connect Allah here, basically highlight how one segment of this human family who had actually received true revelation, how they abused it, how they changed it, how they followed the changed word of Allah, and how this led to their corruption where they became envious, jealous,

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not necessarily aligning themselves with the truth.

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And they would actually give a test

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ceremony for falsehood and for shook and polytheism

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against Islam, which is the truth, which is actually the same message that they are messengers and prophets received from Allah subhanho wa taala.

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So this is something that again, it's also sort of instructors instruct us how we deal with those people. First and foremost, we take lessons, we take lessons from their example.

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So and we avoid falling in the same mistakes and we realize the weaknesses they had. We have them as well, we are susceptible to the same issues that they suffered from. And if we are not on our gods, we could easily slip into that. And it happens unnoticeably it it happens without us realizing we're doing it, it's so conniving, it is so subtle, that

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we didn't we don't actually realize that we are doing it, we don't realize it's happening. This is why it is extremely

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important for us to keep ourselves in check all the time, and keep our our evil tendencies in check, keep our ego in check. And make sure we are fulfilling the word of Allah subhanaw taala internally and externally, and finally Allah subhanaw taala we said he said settles the affairs in a shows all of these disputes among us segments of the human family will be disputed by Allah subhanaw taala when everyone will ultimately receive the jury award of the Jury Award of their deeds in this life of their performance in this life.

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I really want to sort of stop here at this moment because I don't want to and again as I said I'm trying to refresh your minds and get you back to Allah on track when it comes up to speed with

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with our previous Halaqaat on this topic, I hope inshallah we will be able to pick up again pick up the same speed and be able to go over this and make it inshallah beneficial Halaqa.

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A will probably figure out yeah, in sha Allah and as I said in sha Allah will try to incorporate the slides and

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into the text and the translation, the text of the Quran that we're dealing with and translation and maybe some of the benefits be in LA to Arizona insha Allah looking forward to seeing you next Friday with the Halacha

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and it will be about an hour before Mercury an hour before slotted Mercury beginning later and that

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was Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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