Shady Alsuleiman – After The Blowing Of Resurrection

Shady Alsuleiman
AI: Summary © The segment discusses the importance of testing oneself and others to see if they can achieve the afterlife. It also touches on the four different world scenarios and their spiritual experiences. The segment emphasizes the use of "naught" to describe the process of destruction and death, and the importance of preparing for the upcoming " Diagnosis of J attending." The segment also emphasizes the need to be prepared for the upcoming " Diagnosis of J attending" and reminds the audience to be prepared for the " Diagnosis of J attending."
AI: Transcript ©
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My brothers and my sisters, I'm not here to petrify

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I'm not here to scale. I'm here to remind you, I remind myself before you

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that we've deceive ourselves, we ourselves deceived ourselves. And we think that we live in this world forever, as if we're never going to encounter experienced that moment that Allah azza wa jal will take us away from this world.

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So now the angel

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of the trumpet Angel list that I feel will blow the trumpet.

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And that moment I plays in the trumpet the first time, it's called not too far.

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the blowing of the trumpet,

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the blowing of destruction, that Allah subhanho wa Taala will destroy whatever is on the face of this earth, or whatever is in the heavens, and no one and nothing can stop Allah subhanho wa Taala

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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Sayidina Habib una vaca Idina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi edge mine

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rubbish alessandri via silly amor de la loche data melissani of Coca Cola bad

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or press Gita Allah subhanho wa Taala

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and please pay upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I testify that there's no god except Allah and I testify that Muhammad is the Prophet and the Messenger of Allah.

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Brothers and sisters.

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It is once again

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a great pleasure from Allah subhanho wa Taala upon us all

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that we get together for the sake of Allah.

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We get together to please Allah.

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And we get together to know more of Allah subhanho wa Taala what Allah azzawajal had mentioned the Holy Quran.

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One of the six principles of Amen, that we must believe in the day of judgment of Allah subhanho wa Taala promised that will take place in the Day of Judgment.

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And as part of my art as a part of my creed, though, I believe in this world and the afterlife. There are lots of hands on subhanho wa Taala mentions in Nepal only Kareem who Allah vihara Kalamata will hire Leah blue Akuma Yocum asanoyama Allah, Allah azza wa jal is the one that created death and life to test you to see the best of doers.

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So my existence on the face of this earth is for a purpose.

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My existence in this world is because Allah subhana wa Taala said in the Quran, Allah Kareem he put me in this world to troll me to test me so I am here to be tested. Not only to enjoy my time and have fun, even though the shadow is done does not stop you or deprive you from enjoying your time and having fun, but before I enjoy my time and before I have fun, I am in this world because I am being tested by Allah subhanho wa Taala

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also says a happy man so are you.

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afternoon? Do people think they'll be left alone? Do you think that you'll be left alone to say that you're from amongst the believers? Yeah Allah

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and Allah subhana wa tada tells you before I test you.

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So what

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Idea exists.

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What's the primary purpose of your existence on the face of this earth? You exist because you exist for the sake of being tested as Allah azza wa jal furthermore says another verse in the Quran, Karim, Allah told Gina while INSA in lolly, abbadon, the only reason I created the gene and mankind because I want them to surrender to me and to worship me.

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And I know my brothers and my sisters.

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It is so common for me as a Muslim to know that I am in this world. Because Allah subhana wa Taala wants to test me and my primary purpose of my existence on the face of this earth because Allah azzawajal commands and demands his worship. But how many of us really apply this in their life?

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How many of us today in the morning, when they wake up, they wake up saying, you know what, this is another day, another test another trial?

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Did you wake up

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with the thought in your mind today that you wake up today, and today is another day for you to be tested and trolled?

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Well, that's why we exist, not only for the sake of having fun in this world, and enjoying the beauty that Allah azzawajal created in this world. But before all that, I am here because Allah subhanho wa Taala is testing me and a lot of commands and demands his worship.

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And that's why

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the results of your exam, the results of your test, they come out after this world in the hereafter in the afterlife that we started speaking about yesterday, what happens after your death, but then there's another world after your death, as the scholars say, there are four different worlds.

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The four different worlds

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that we move in from one world to another, a world before this world that the scholars refer to as

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the world of souls. When Allah subhanho wa Taala created Adam alayhis salam, Allah subhanho wa Taala what the back of Adam and all the offsprings and the progeny of Adam appeared in front of him. We were all there. And Allah subhanho wa Taala asked that question, allow us to build or become until you love so all responded back to Allah subhana wa tada saying, Yes, or Allah, You are our Lord.

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But then Allah azza wa jal moved us into this world, where he cried with our bodies for us, our intellect, our brain, our memory,

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then after this world, will enter a third world called animal barossa, the world of barrier and that's where you die. And that's the world that you live in your grave. But then, comes after the the final world,

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the final world,

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the he after

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the world of the Hereafter,

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where it begins with the blowing of the trumpet.

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It begins with the blowing of the trumper

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the Prophet Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he says,

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The heck can I relax? How can I live in comfort?

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How can I rest at ease, knowing that the angel of the trumpet had held the trumpet, staring at the throne of Allah, waiting for large xojo to command him and give him the honor to blow the trumpet in which he does blow in the trumpet. And the first blowing of the trumpet is God, the blowing of destruction.

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So you've got an angel

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called angel is Rafi.

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And this angel has a task. He has an appointed task that Allah subhanho wa Taala had appointed him to do, and that is the blood in the trumpet. So there is an angel called Angeles Rafi and there is a trumpet.

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So Big Sur humongous they can't even conceive He can't even imagine

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that some of the scholars say and it is a saying of the scholars not the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam that the circle of the trumpet bigger than this wall bigger than this

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And now you've got the angel, the Angel of trumpet angel is love him. He's holding the trumpet.

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And he's standing in a position in a place that Allah subhanaw taala knows better, staring at the throne of Allah azza wa jal waiting for the moment Allah subhanho wa Taala will command an order this Angel Angel is Rafi blow in the trumpet, an angel is Rafi will blow a trumpet, and the very first moment that he blows into the trumpet the first time, Allah subhanho wa Taala will destroy this world.

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And that's why

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it's called nefa to saw

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the blowing of destruction

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that Allah Subhana Allah will destroy this wall and those who are living on the face of this world.

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But you know what? Because you are from amongst those that are c'est la ilaha illAllah Muhammad Allah, Allah, Allah azza wa jal give you an advantage.

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See her heavy.

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See how heavy the word La ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasulullah is, what's your advantage because you have La ilaha illAllah in your heart, and you're from amongst aza with La ilaha illa Allah, the advantage is that Allah Subhana Allah Allah will not allow the angel of the trumpet is refusing to blow in the trumper as long as there is someone who says La ilaha illAllah Muhammad Allah so Allah on the face of this earth is not allowed.

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So Allah subhana wa Taala takes the souls of those who believe in him. They'll just say la ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasul Allah before the angel is Rafi blows in the trumpet.

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Before Angeles, Rafi blows in the trumpet,

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so on the disbelievers on the non believers living on the face of this earth, Allah Subhana Allah will command the day of judgment to emerge and the day of judgment to take place.

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And it all starts with the blowing of the trumpet the first time

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know how to sock

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one of the sore for sorry, come on YT woman fill out the mansha Allah as Allah subhanho wa Taala says clearly in the Quran, Karim, when the trauma is blown in it,

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and whoever lives on the face of this earth and ever lives in the heavens shall die shall be destroyed.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala will destroy everyone and alone will take everyone away.

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No matter how rich you are powerful, you are strong, you are influential, you are prestigious you are your time will come.

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But again, because of La ilaha illAllah

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because of La ilaha illa Allah in your heart, because La ilaha illa Allah in your mind, because La ilaha illa Allah on your tongue, Allah subhanho wa Taala will not make you experienced that terrifying and petrifying moment Subhan Allah

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see how valuable and great La ilaha illAllah is.

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See how valuable and heavy La Ilaha Illa LA is La Ilaha Illa La La ilaha illa Allah we live by eight, a la ilaha illa Allah we wanted on eight and La ilaha illa Allah, we want to be resurrected with it.

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La ilaha illa Allah

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so now,

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right now, as the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said

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1400 years ago, the angel of the trumpet angel is Rafi. He is standing there with the trumpet in his mouth, carrying the trumpet and whining for loss of a job despite him blowing the trumpet.

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The Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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he himself he says, How can I relax?

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How can I live in ease knowing that the angel of trumpet had held and grabbed on the trumpet and he's got it in his mouth waiting for Allah subhanho wa Taala to command them to blame. If that's Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he's the one that's guaranteed the agenda and guaranteed no punishment. If he can even

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Relax, then how could you even relax?

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If he can even live in comfort is there what courage do we have that we live in comfort is neglecting a loss of power to others commands in our life?

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My brothers and my sisters, I'm not hating petrifying.

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I'm not here to scale. I'm here to remind you, I remind myself before you

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that we have deceived ourselves. We ourselves deceived ourselves. And we think that we live in this world forever, as if we're never going to encounter or experience that moment that Allah azza wa jal will take us away from this world.

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So now the angel

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of the trumpet angel is filled with blood in the trumpet.

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And that moment, he blows in the trumpet the first time, it's called enough to fire,

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the blowing of the trumpet,

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the blowing of destruction, that Allah subhanho wa Taala will destroy whatever is on the face of this earth, or whatever is in the heavens, and no one and nothing can stop Allah subhanho wa Taala

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It is Allah subhanaw taala is decree. And no one can stand before Allah Subhana Allah is decree that Allah azzawajal mentioned some scenes for us in the whole only get him have a full shake.

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The heavens will crack

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the oceans and the seas will explode. And people will be running away from one another like wall biess

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the loss of Hannah Tyler he says people think that are drunken, but they're not drunk and well I cannot abolish it. But the punishment of Allah subhanho wa Taala is so severe.

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The punishment of Allah azza wa jal is so severe.

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What are you going to do my brother and my sister in Islam? Why have you prepared for that moment?

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And everyone shall die.

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Imagine that moment.

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Imagine why you can't even imagine.

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Think of the unthinkable,

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everyone shall die, and everyone will be dead.

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So Allah subhanho wa Taala will command the death of every single living thing, every single creation of Allah, that includes human beings, that includes gene that even includes the angels, and the beings that we know of, and the beings that we don't even know of. Animals, whatever is out there that we know of, and we don't even know of

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Allah subhanho wa Taala will take the souls of every single creation, every single creation they had cried.

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Even the call servants,

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even the call servants, Allah azza wa jal will be dead, the prophets and messengers already died. And even the close angels, Allah subhanho wa Taala will take this away, that it's been narrated. And some of the scholars say it's a weak Hadith, that during that time that Allah subhanho wa Taala commands of the blowing of destruction. And there's another highlight is that the duration between the first blowing of the trumpet and the second blowing of the trumpet, which is called the blowing of resurrection. The Hadith says there's a duration of 14, whether it's 40 minutes, 40 hours, 40 days, 40 years, 40 1000s of years, Alonzo john knows better.

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But then what happens in between the two blowing of the trumpet between the first blowing of the trumpet the blowing of destruction, while everyone is dead, and the blowing of resurrection will Allah xojo resurrect everyone back alive.

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There is a weak narration that says during that time and during that moment, every single living thing and every single human being given animal an angel will be dead.

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Except a lemon sha Allah, except those that Allah subhanho wa Taala decrees not to die.

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So the scholar said, those that Allah subhana wa Taala decrees not to die. Our Angel gibreel is Rafi maker in the eight angels that carry the throne of Allah azza wa jal and the angel of death. So they'll be the only ones that Allah subhanho wa Taala does not take this on.

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So the angel of death will come to Allah and He will speak to him say Oh,

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Law, all your creation, all your creation is dead.

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All your creation is dead. So Allah subhanaw taala asked him and he stayed alive and Allah knows better. So the angel of death will say Allah, it is angels, your brain is a maker in the angels that carry a throne and urine

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in her life. So Allah subhanho wa Taala will command for the death of gibreel is a filmmaker in southern Angel of Death who say,

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Oh, your creation is dead. So Allah has also a team and he said the life says the Angel of Death Messiah Allah, it is only the eight angels that carry a throne. You and I You

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mean, Allah subhanho wa Taala will command for the destruction and the death of the eight angels that carry his throne.

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Bigger fall Komiyama even Semenya angels carry the grace of Allah azza wa jal and Allah subhanho wa Taala will take this oath, Allah will grant them death. Why? Because Allah doesn't need anyone and Allah doesn't need anything and does not need his throne. Allah does not need the angels that carries throne and Allah does not need any of his creation but or his creation need Allah the Creator.

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So Allah subhanho wa Taala

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will take

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the soul of the angel of death, for no living thing to exist, except Allah, the One that lives and never ever dies.

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And I want you to imagine that moment.

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Imagine that moment that now

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all the creation of Allah and every single greisen of Allah is dead.

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And not even one human being, not even one animal, one gene, one Angel, one being is the life except Allah the Creator.

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So what happens then my brothers and my sisters,

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the most amazing thing happens.

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The most amazing thing happens, in which Allah subhanho wa Taala after Allah Zaza granted every single creation of his death, Allah subhanho wa Taala will start asking questions by

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Allah to him are you addressing?

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To him are you asking?

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Allah azza wa jal will say I Naja Barone

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in Alamo Taka Pirone? Where are those with pride? Where are those with glory? Where are the pride ones are the Torah ones, Lima animal Corleone to him is the kingdom today.

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So the first time Allah subhanaw taala us

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no response comes back to Allah and he's dead to respond back to Allah. Everyone is dead. So Allah subhana wa tada will ask the second time.

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Where are those with pride?

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A bit on where those with glory Limon in Mongolia.

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To Him is the kingdom today, who is the Lord and he's the only Lord and he's the tree Lord. But Allah, no one is there.

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No one is allowed to respond back to you. So Allah subhanho wa Taala will ask the third time

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and alarm lot of xojo say

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well does with pride weathers with glory. Lehman in

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to him is the kingdom today. Who is the Lord Who is the only Lord Who is the true Lord. So Allah subhanho wa Taala will answer himself because there's no one to answer him. Salah xojo respond to himself and he'll say lilla Hill,

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the tree load and the Lord and no one but Allah subhanho wa Taala that irresistible the most powerful one.

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Allahu Akbar what a moment

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what are the moment my brothers or my sisters? You're not there? Because you are dead. And no one is there. Because the dead not King, not Queen, not powerful, not rich nurse.

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Strong, not prestigious, not famous. No one is there except Allah, the One that lives and never ever boys. lemonade monka Leone

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to him is the kingdom today. Lila Hello Hayden kaha tala, the only one that irresistible

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to him is the kingdom, Terra

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to Allah

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and Allah and no one but Allah.

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So my brothers and my sisters,

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Allah subhanho wa Taala will resurrect. Angel is Seraphin, the Angel of trumpet to come back a life

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where Allah subhanho wa Taala will command him to blow in the trumpet the second time, so blow in the trumpet, the second time, in which Allah subhana wa Taala refers to her as enough how to bathy the blowing of resurrection, that Allah subhanho wa Taala will resurrect every single living thing that ever existed on the face of this earth or in this universe. So everyone will start coming back alive, all the angels will come back to life,

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or the general come back to life, or mankind and human beings from the time of day the day of judgment will come back, come back alive, including you and I,

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including you and I, we will all be resurrected, to come back alive in a different world than this world.

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I land that's different in this land. And I haven't that's different to this heaven as Allah subhanho wa Taala he says in the Quran, Karim Yamato but

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lay it all out of the way

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in which Allah subhanho wa Taala replaced this world with a different world. I learned different than this land, and I haven't different than the heaven that we currently live under.

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And Allah subhanho wa Taala will resurrect us all.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala will resurrect every single one of us. So imagine, not him,

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not her. Don't feel sorry for them. Imagine yourself. It's going to be you. That's gonna die and it's gonna be you that's going to be resurrected then and there.

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And how a lot of us have had our Tyler who has erected Allah azzawajal will resurrect you naked barefooted uncircumcised, the way your mother gave birth to you.

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When the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned this hadith

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out of a modesty

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out of her innocence, she says a messenger of Allah when Allah subhanaw taala resurrects us naked, when people look at each other.

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would people be concerned over looking over one another, they have a lot more greater issues than watching each other.

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They have Allah subhanaw taala to answer to

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their lives or just to stand before they have Allah subhanho wa Taala to judge them. That's what everyone will be concerned over, who's going to be concerned looking at him and looking at her.

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And you know what my brothers and my sisters, people will be resurrected in groups. Allah subhanho wa Taala will assemble people in groups. Allah subhanho wa Taala will resurrect people in different groups. So you're not gonna be in a group that you choose later on. You'll be in a group that you choose in this world.

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You make a choice in this world not then. So you're not gonna be resurrected, then you're gonna say you know what, I want to be amongst the poorest people I want to be with Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, it's no longer your choice, then it's your choice. Now.

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The choice that you make right now is the choice that you're gonna get later on.

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And that's why you're so fortunate. The last panel has given you the advantage for you to choose what you want to choose right now. But after you die, it's no longer your choice. It's the choice that you made before your death.

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The choice that you made before your death, so you better make the right choice right now before because if he doesn't, then you'll be paying the price then in there.

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So people will be resurrected and assembled in different groups.

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Where people will stand before last zoa Jen

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and Allah subhanho wa Taala will divide them into different groups. And here you are, you've got the two different parties, the two different groups, the group of the believers and the group of the non believers, the grip of the righteous and the grip of the underwriters, their grip that worship Allah and the grip that did not worship Allah. So you need to ask yourself which grip Are you going to be resurrected with?

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molars or gel makers from amongst others. The heroes are x with the righteous, pious,

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and those who worship Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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So people will be resurrected in different groups

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to stand before Allah subhanho wa Taala with the grip that we're in,

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but then why you need to keep in mind that everyone is on his own.

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Everyone is on his own, you're on your own. I am on my own my children on their own, my wife is on her own. My parents are on their own, everyone is on his own. So don't think your friend in this dunya or your mother or your father or your son or your daughter or your brother or your sister will help you then because it's all about Neff see enough see myself myself.

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It's all about me.

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I want to save myself.

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It's all about me.

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I want to make sure that I save myself from the punishment of Allah azzawajal in the Hellfire, that's what everyone's concerned about.

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Allah subhanaw taala even mentioned this in the Quran, Karim Yama, Amina he

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De Luca. Minami oma even knew of me that day that you run away from your own brother from your own sister, you'll be running away from your mother from your own father, you'll be running away from your own wife from your own husband, and you'll be running away from you and son and daughter, everyone just concerned about themselves.

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You got up to your mother mom helped me. So she'll say no, I need someone to help me. Father help me. No, I need someone to help me. Son daughter helped me know I need someone to help me. I am concerned over myself and you know what my brothers and sisters, not only your mother, not only your father, not only a brother, sister, son or daughter who will be concerned about themselves, even the prophets and messengers will be concerned over themselves.

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People will flock to Adam alayhis salam, or Adam.

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Adam, you're the Prophet of Allah. Look at this petrifying moment.

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Look at the scary moment. ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah to pardon us. ask Allah azza wa jal to make it easier upon us. So I would say

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that the Prophet and the Messenger of Allah the first cries of Allah zoa does that allowed crowded from mankind? He'll say to them neph see nuff. see myself myself, God to someone else got to know.

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Lay me on my own.

00:33:37 --> 00:33:46

Leave me alone got someone else got to someone else. I'm concerned over myself the way you're concerned over yourself and this is a proper messenger of Allah.

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So then people will flock to no hurry Salaam

00:33:55 --> 00:33:57

people run to know

00:33:58 --> 00:34:20

Oh no. You're the Messenger of Allah, He are the Prophet of Allah. Look at this petrifying moment. Look at this scary moment. ask Allah azza wa jal to make it is upon us. ask Allah to pardon us so know who replied to them the way Adam replied to them. Nuff said enough see myself myself got to someone else got a follow him? So they'll get to Abraham

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and they'll say the same thing they said to know and Adam and Abraham will say to them the same as no and Adam knifes enough See, got to Moosa saw the flock to musanze same thing, and I've seen I've seen him I saw myself. So the flock and resort to esala, his seller,

00:34:40 --> 00:34:41

or Isa,

00:34:42 --> 00:34:43

or Isa,

00:34:44 --> 00:34:45


00:34:47 --> 00:34:49

look at this petrifying moment.

00:34:50 --> 00:34:57

Look at the scary moment. ask Allah to make it easy upon us. Ask a lot upon us, sir. He's

00:34:58 --> 00:34:59

never seen. I've seen

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Myself myself got to someone else. Oh, we got to get to Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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So people will resort and flock to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam

00:35:16 --> 00:35:17

Oh Muhammad,

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you're the Prophet of Allah. You are the Messenger of Allah.

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Look at this petrifying moment. Look at this scary moment. We can't even bear.

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We can't even handle it. It's too hard for us.

00:35:35 --> 00:36:08

It's too rough for us. It's too petrifying. It's too scary for us. It's too terrifying. ask Allah to make it easier upon us. ask Allah to pardon us. ask Allah to forgive us. Ask a lot of mercy upon us. So why would the Prophet Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say to them? would he say no, I've seen I've seen myself myself. No, but Allah by Mohammed, your Prophet, your messenger, the ones that Allah chose you for him and chose him for you. He'll reply to them and he'll say to them.

00:36:11 --> 00:36:15

I am the one that's made for this moment and for this day,

00:36:16 --> 00:36:17

I'll ask Allah.

00:36:19 --> 00:36:27

I shall ask Allah subhanho wa Taala. So the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will go under the throne of Allah

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and prostrate under the throne of Allah. He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, Oh supplicate to Allah subhana wa ilos applications that have never ever supplicated Allah subhanaw taala with before Allah azza wa jal will inspire the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to supplicate with a special supplications during this special time of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is prostrating under the throne of Allah supplicating to Allah seeking allies or just forgiveness and mercy upon his ummah. Allah subhanho wa Taala the laws of the universe and the laws of the Day of Judgment, he will call upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam from above his throne. And Allah

00:37:11 --> 00:37:15

xojo say to Mohammed O Muhammad, put your hair up.

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Ask you'll be given intercede will accept your intercession. Saba would the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asked for with the Prophet Mohammed Salah lohana your solemn stand up and pour his head up and say, forgive me, have mercy upon me. Allah make it easy upon me. No, no, no my brothers or my sisters, but the Prophet Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he will stand up

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to Allah subhanho wa Taala

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of Mati Almighty Allah my nation my nation

00:37:58 --> 00:38:03

sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who put who put his hair up,

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he will stand up from his frustration and will say

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Almighty Almighty my nation, my nation, have mercy upon them, forgive them. My brother, my sisters, my brothers and my sisters who are the nation on Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he

00:38:25 --> 00:38:51

It's mine. We are the Nation of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam Oh, Mohammed, put your hair up. As you be given, intercede, we'll accept your intercession, Southern Nevada salatu wa salam will put his hand up and then he will stand up from his prostration I will say, my nation, my nation. So Allah subhanho wa Taala will say to Mohammed or Mohammed

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or Muhammad,

00:38:55 --> 00:39:07

will we will take care of the Hellfire anyone from your nation that had a man equal to a seed of wheat, because of you will do that.

00:39:08 --> 00:39:15

So the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will ask Allah for more so prostrate to realizada the second time

00:39:17 --> 00:39:56

I know supplicate Allah azza wa jal supplications I had never supplicated Allah azza wa jal was before. So Allah subhana wa tada Jose de ma Mohammed put your hair up ask you'll be given in to say Don't exaggerate the sessions of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who stand up from his frustration. And then again, who say yeah, my nation, my nation, I want you to forgive more of my nation have mercy more upon my nation. So Allah subhanho wa Taala. The second time will say to Muhammad or Muhammad, because of you and for you, we will take out of the Hellfire from your nation, anyone who has a man equal to the weight of an atom

00:39:58 --> 00:39:59

equal to the weight of an atom

00:40:00 --> 00:40:04

So the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will seek for more,

00:40:05 --> 00:40:47

will ask for more. So he prostrates to Allah the third time, and he supplicate to Allah azza wa jal with a supplication that he had never supplicate to Allah subhana wa Taala with before, so Allah azza wa jal will call upon him from above his throne, oh Mohammed, put your hair up, ask you be given x, intercede. We will accept your intercession. So the provider is salat wa salam will stand up from his frustration and again and the third time he'll continue to ask Allah azza wa jal for more pardon for more mercy for more forgiveness upon his nation for you, for me, for us, for our children.

00:40:49 --> 00:41:06

Oh Allah, my nation, my nation. So Allah subhanho wa Taala will say to Mohammed, Mohammed, because of you, we will take out of the Hellfire, anyone that had ever said La ilaha illa Allah,

00:41:12 --> 00:41:38

we will take out of the Hellfire anyone had ever said La ilaha illAllah Allahu Akbar, your wolf is not going to help you. Your strength in this world is not going to help you. Your fame, your prestige is not going to help you what's really going to help you is La ilaha illa Allah and following the path of Muhammad Rasulullah that's what's going to help you.

00:41:40 --> 00:41:46

That's what's really going to help you. That's what's really going to help me that's what's really going to help us.

00:41:47 --> 00:41:54

How far are we from La Ilaha Illa. Allah? How close are we to the path of Muhammad Rasulullah

00:41:55 --> 00:42:09

Some of us are so far away from it. We think that that moment is never going to emerge. We think that moment will never ever come. When the reality is, this is the most read out of all realities.

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It is the most reality of all realities. It is the truth of all truth.

00:42:19 --> 00:42:21

Something that no one can escape from.

00:42:24 --> 00:42:26

Where are you going to escape to and where you're going to run to?

00:42:28 --> 00:42:42

My brother or my sister? There's a lot that we can speak about and talk about the Day of Judgment what happens after the second blowing of the trumpet and the first blowing of the trumpet. However, what you need to be concerned of, is why have you prepared for that moment?

00:42:44 --> 00:42:52

And before that moment, is the minor day of the Day of Judgment, which is the day that you die? Man motherfucker karma Thea motto

00:42:54 --> 00:42:58

is in his day of gentlemen had began. What have you prepared for that moment?

00:42:59 --> 00:43:15

The problem Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says, an Estonian for either Martin taba who people are sleep, longer sleep, but when they die, they wake up. But unfortunately, when they wake up after their death, it's too late for them.

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It's too late.

00:43:19 --> 00:43:24

That moment, that you stand before Allah azza wa jal, and you are resurrected.

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And you shall be asked and question as the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says in the Hadith, every single one of you shall stand before Allah azza wa jal, no one in between them.

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And Allah will ask you

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a question you alone will judge you. How scared are you? When you stand in front of a judge? In a normal court in this world, you should be a lot more scared in standing in front of the judge of all judges in the court of Allah in the hereafter.

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Why be prepared?

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And that's why my brothers or my sisters, it's not about saying, well, that's a nice lecture, I was moved, no put something into practice.

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I want to walk out of this conference. I don't want to walk out of this lecture. Having something in my life that I want to make a better change in my life. And if there's one thing that I want to do in my life is to get closer to Allah subhanaw taala because I want to make sure that I am resurrected the Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and no one else.

00:44:29 --> 00:44:31

That's why I want to make sure

00:44:32 --> 00:44:51

I want to make sure they all want to be in the company of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and those who supported the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam does he live like Muhammad? sallallahu alayhi wasallam does he live for what the problem Hamas is live for Android on the that's what I want to make sure.

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So he's gonna be with

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he gonna be with

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something for us to work on.

00:45:00 --> 00:45:24

Now, something false to stress on from now, something for us to prepare ourselves from now, not then. Because then it's too late. And it's only one way ticket now return no matter who you are and what you are. Because the first thing that you're going to say to Allah, when you're resurrected, then yeah, bring me back into this Hold on, I'll do exactly what you wanted me to do, but a lot xojo will say to you

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know, everyone will say that, but they're not gonna get it. You had your opportunity and you lost it, you stuffed it up. So do something about it. Now, you're so fortunate that you're still breathing, and you're still standing on the face of this earth. So do something for you and for you.

00:45:45 --> 00:45:52

Do something for yourself, do something for you. After do something to stand before a lot of xojo

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as the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says, when you die, three things follow you to your grave, your family, your wealth and your actions, your good deeds, your deeds, good or bad, they'll be with you. But then after you are buried,

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your family and your wealth are gone and you are left with your deeds. And the only thing that you will be resurrected within a year after is your deeds. So how much of good deeds? Have you prepared?

00:46:19 --> 00:46:57

How much of good deeds? Have you prepared yourself with? What do you have to present to Allah subhanho wa Taala because everything that you do, it's all been recorded by law soldier. So prepare yourself from now and get yourself ready from now as the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did as the Sahaba of the Allahu anhu did and as our righteous predecessors did, and that's something that we need to follow. That's something that we need to follow their tracks their footsteps that we want to leave behind a good legacy and take with us good deeds to stand before Allah subhanho wa Taala molars origin makers from amongst him, Allah subhanaw taala protect us from

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Allah azza wa jal makers from amongst those who are gathered to the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the hereafter. Allah subhanaw taala make us from amongst those who only do good in this dunya to carry with them in the aftermath Eliza john Backus from amongst those that had had deprived and prevented your flesh from the Hellfire mala makers from amongst those who enter the Jana mala makers from amongst those who enter the gentleman lives automakers from amongst others. They enter the agenda no questions asked no judgement straight into the agenda with our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, oh want to be in the agenda. And I want to be with you

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in the agenda in the company of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

00:47:39 --> 00:47:48

Amin Jazakallah Hiram for listening subhanak aloha mo Abrahamic Natasha de la ilaha illa and Mustapha Roca, one or two

The Angel Israfeel will blow in the trumpet and Allah will destroy whatever is in the heavens and the earth, and no one can stop The Almighty Allah! Do you want to know the details of that blow, what will happen before it and after? Join Sh. Shady Alsuleiman in this terrifying lecture about what happens After the Blowing of Resurrection!

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