Shady Alsuleiman – 40 Hadith Nawawi Series Part 7

Shady Alsuleiman
AI: Summary © The Hadith is the book that explains the principles of Islam, and it is essential to follow the advice given by the Prophet Muhammad sallam. The importance of following the guidance of the Prophet is emphasized, as it is the mirror of one's behavior and reputation. The importance of protecting the Muslim community and following the rules of the Prophet is emphasized, and advice given in a neutral way is also strongly advised. The importance of being a good Muslim to make them better is also emphasized, and the need for strong leadership is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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smilla rahmanir rahim

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al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen

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wa Salatu was Salam ala Sayidina Javi Vina Baka Dotty Nava codina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa safiya Jemaine along Medina haka was not about nativa. widen obatala bottle, machined.

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Aluminum and found I'm a fan of Mr. Lipton. I was in Alma. Original minzu metal huami Joaquim levy northern farm. Wanda Marlena alvim Bishop Lisa de Wesley MD. After melissani fo Kohli continuing with the photo hadith of Amendment No, we are

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asking Allah subhanho wa Taala to enlighten us and to strengthen our knowledge, what does a hadith that were put together by this great scholar of mmm No, we

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are coming to the seventh Hadith. And this book, in which a moment now we believes this hadith as one of the main principles of Islam and benefits the believers and indeed it is a great and a beneficial Hadith

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it's the Hadith of the advice

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of Salah I'll say it and shall read it in Arabic, and then I'll translate it in English

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and Abu Korea, Tamim dari

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Nadia lo Thailand and then the VSL Allahu alayhi wa sallam Ecole de nanase ha

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una leemon all lillahi wa Nikita, Wali Rasulullah Wali emetine Muslim ina Juan Mata him, raha Muslim,

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narrated by Mima Daddy, the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, the religion is sincerity, or an advice. So they said our Prophet of Allah who said the Prophet Mohammed Salah Allahu alayhi wa sallam said

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to Allah,

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and his book, His Messenger, and to the leaders of the Muslims, and the common folk, or the common people,

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a very short Hadith, but has great meanings from behind it. And the scholars do take this hadith as one of the main principles of Islam, in which the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he speaks about the Messiah. And there is need to be clarified. Need to clarify a few few points in this Hadith, the meme a daddy wrote the allowed Thailand one of the great companions of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and one of the late companions who became a Muslim, and he was a Christian and he became a Muslim. And he was that companion, that the problem Hamas, Allahu alayhi wa sallam one day gathered the believers in the mosque. And he said that to me, my daddy had

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mentioned exactly what had mentioned to you about the story of the dogen that the shall have the word group of 30 of them on a boat. And then on in the sea of the ocean, a great wave came to come right and left until cast them on a on a seashore of a land or a soil and they have not seen before. And while they were there, they saw a very beast, very hairy, they didn't know the beginning of the front of it or the back of it. And then that spoke to them and asked them for your question. And then it took them and there was a man inside there that was chained his hands around his neck and his legs. His Shin was chained together. And that man was the digital and asked a few questions. And

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then he told him I'll come out and I'll get to every single place and enters every single land and enter every single city and town except Mecca and Medina. Every time I want to get near the city of Mecca, Medina, the angels are stopping me and blocking me from entering them. That's the name of daddy la the Allahu taala he says that the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says a dino naziha the Islam the religion of Islam. A Day in the religion of Islam is an advice is based on advice is based on advice. Some scholars interpret advice as sincerity depends where it fits in in the sentence when the profile is a lot worse. I continue says that a dino see how this Dean is an

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advice, service set of problems. A lot of his I said a lot. He said a lot. That's why some scholars say that and I see him in sincerity, not an advice and not see him in sincerity, not advice because we do not advise Allah know that Allah needs our advice. Allah azzawajal is the perfect and the complete one. He does not need that advice from his servants know that Allah Subhana

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Anahata Allah needs know that Allah azza wa jal needs to perfect his knowledge, his knowledge is perfect without perfecting it, the knowledge of Allah azza wa jal is complete and our knowledge of Allah xojo is perfect. And Allah subhanho wa Taala does not increase his knowledge through experience. We increase our knowledge through experience but allows notice doesn't increase through experience allows knowledge is complete, and allows knowledge is perfect without down through the process of learning or experience, the way we get through so allows our judge does not need that advice. So what does the advice he mean? That the advice he mean what the scholar said do not say

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that the Dean of Allah is gonna say hi, when the professor was asked to him, he said to Allah, the mercy to Allah is to obey Allah. Then Allah is to obey Allah azza wa jal to fulfill the rights of Allah subhanho wa Taala nanase Allah subhanho wa Taala the advice to Allah is to be sincere in your worship to Allah azza wa jal. The advice to Allah is to obey Allah advised Allah is to follow the right path advice that allows Tika to keep away from the heart on advice to Allah is to get closer to Allah the advice to Allah is constantly remembering Allah subhanho wa Taala This is the naziha this is gonna say hi to Allah.

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Then the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa sallam he said, then Vanessa Hartley kitabi ikey tabula, then the NASA is to the book of Allah azza wa jal, and how are we given a book? How do you give a book? Of course, logically, there is no such thing that you give an advice to a book, but metaphorically he does not know see how to the book of Allah is by following the book of Allah as his origin. Then I'll say hi to the book of Allah azza wa jal is by following the book of Allah azza wa jal by learning the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala by implementing what's in the book of Allah azza wa jal by acted upon by the orders of Allah azza wa jal in the book by remembering the Quranic idiom by

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reciting the Quran and carrying Bobby fulfilling the rights of the Quranic idiom, by loving the words of a live though a gel in the Quran Al Karim and that's not to say half of the Muslim that's an essay of the Muslim to the book of Allah subhana wa Taala. The Quran Karim the greatest book, this book, the last hour Joel had revealed to mankind as guidance had revealed to mankind as he Daya as has as revealed to mankind as a light was revealed to mankind as a light and the book of Allah azza wa jal, there are many books and many books, and this is what the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said four books were revealed and that is a bone on the tablet and the angel and

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the Quran and the other books of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And we believe in the Quran, the Quran had abrogated all the sacred books before it and also the rights of the Quran upon us is to read the Quran, the Quran, and to get to understand the meaning of what we recite. This is the greatest advice

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is to read the Quran and Karim

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to understand what you're reading, because when you read the Quran Academy love the Quran Karim. When you understand the Quranic and if you love the Parana canon even more big difference when you read the anacardium and you not understand the love it, but when you understand the love even more, and you wish that the time they used to recite the Quran, the Canon when you didn't understand it, you should all repeat to yourself that you understand the antiquarian once again. So the Khurana Kareem is a node is the light of Allah subhanho wa Taala is the north node of Allah subhanaw taala revealed to mankind the Quran Al Karim, the rights of the Parana kinnaman, the servants of Allah is

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to read it, understand it and implement it, read it, understand it, and implement it.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala he described, he described and he mentioned the hearts of the hypocrite affiliate to the burden of Quran, Allah colbyn Aloha, they understand what's in the code, or the hearts are locked with locks, then they understand what's in the code and Kareem or the hearts are locked with locks. And the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said whoever does not recite the Quran, he can improperly he is not from us, who does not resolve the Quranic canon properly. He is not from us, and he also the profile a salat wa salam said that the Quran the Quran will come in the hereafter will intercede for those that used to recite it. The Quran Academy will

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come as a protection for you and I will stand by you and say Oh Allah, I stand by him. He used to recite me during the day or night. He used to live all the foolish things to recite me or Allah have missed out on him. This is the Khurana Kareem and also some Allahu Allah. He was

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Sallam said

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that the best among the others who learned the Parana Kareem and teach the Quranic in him, and that's the greatest of nasima that's the greatest of advice referring in this hadith that whoever the best of people who document Alamin Khurana wa llamas are the best of people are those who learn the Quran and teach the Quran to put on a great reward in the hereafter. The Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said, You call him the Sahaba on our 35th dunya for in them unzila Taka in the diet in toto recite the Quran Karim, recite the Parana Karim the way used to recite the Quran. He came in this world. And then the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that

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the last level that you stopped is the last verse that you recite. So the parallels are levels and with every verse, you remember was a knock on the Karim Allah Subhana Allah elevate you a level. So this is the Messiah to the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So I didn't wanna say how Allah lemon

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salasar sallallahu wasallam lillahi wa Nikita behave? Well a la sala de la him, look at him. And the third one is the naziha given to the Messenger of Allah azza wa jal. The third advice is given to the Messenger of Allah. Of course, the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is a human being. And Allah subhanho wa Taala. He even mentioned that Napoleonic name well in Russia, say that I am a human being like you. But the difference is that the Prophet alayhi salatu salam gets revelation. Not all matters in life, the profile as a lot of us gets revelation. All matters in our religion, he gets revelation, but not all matters in life. He gets revelation. So one of the first

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we'll see how that could be given to the providers a lot was from the companions are matters that revolve around lively things around worldly things. That does not concern with the halal Haram. This is one aspect of it. And the most primary aspect of it. the mercy of the profiler is a lot wassalam is loving the profiler is Salatu was salam, and abetting the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and following the path of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Allah Almighty says well in kuntum to hibben en la, Fatah, virani, your big common law. So if you love Allah, follow me. say if you love Allah, follow me. Allah will love you in return, and Allah will forgive

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you in return. So if you love Ally's our jail, and you want a lot of love you in return, you love his prophet and messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the love of Allah is connected to the love of his messenger Muhammad Allah salatu wa sallam, and the love of the Messenger of Allah is connected to the love of Allah azza wa jal, and that's why he constantly say, a shadow Allah, Allah Illallah Muhammad and Mohammedan Rasulullah saw the love of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the love of Allah and Allah azza wa jal had made that man a path for you to get closer to him. Allah azzawajal has made the path of the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam, a path for you to

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get closer to the to Allah azza wa jal analyzer just says, Why am I attacking masala kazoo woman ha ha kumanovo Santo, and whatever the Messenger of Allah odas you take it, and whatever, if you bid you keep away from it, whatever, he forbid you keep away from it. So that mostly has advice to the Messenger of Allah is by loving him, and by obeying Him and by following him. This is the mercy of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had referred to and of course, loving the profile as Salatu was Salam increases when you get to know the profile a Salatu was Salam. When you read the biography of the Prophet alayhi salatu was Salam. And you read the lifestyle of the profile, a

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Salatu was Salam. And the Hadith of the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam, you'll get to get closer to the profile a Salatu was salam, by loving him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when you know the true character of the profile as a lot was alive. And you know the true sacrifice of the profile a Salatu was Salam through the biography of the Prophet alayhi salatu was Salam. You get to love him. Allah salaatu wa Salaam and you get to get closer to him. Some Allahu Allah He was alone. These the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, so didn't know. The Deen of Allah azza wa jal isn't advice sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was asked to him a prophet of Allah. He said to Allah to his

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book, His Messenger, and then Allah His salaatu wa Salaam, he said, Wally, a metal muslimin and to the leaders of the Muslims, this is the third one, this is the fourth one. The fourth advice is given to them.

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leaders of the Muslims and he the leaders of Muslim and various refers to the leader as the governor, the halifa, the halifa of the Muslim in which unfortunately, it does not exist, it refers to the governor of the Muslim in which also unfortunately it does not exist, also refers to the scholars of the Muslim mean also refers to the scholars of the Muslim and so then we'll see how that Allah subhanho wa Taala us, the Muslims to give is also to give to the leaders of the Muslims to give the leaders of the Muslims is by obeying that Amir's by the obeying the Mr. But obeying the law by following the orders and what pleases Allah subhanho wa Taala. By supporting them on the good by

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stopping them from the bad this is the naziha to them, by advising them in which is good, what advising them and which is good by reminding them and which is bad. This doesn't say how the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had mentioned sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He says that that this Deen is based on advice. And this advice should be also given to the leaders of the Muslims. This advice should be also given to the leaders of the Muslims. And of course, the prophet alayhi salatu was Salam on emphasize on the unity of the Muslims and the one leader because the division of the Muslims will be when does not leader sanllehi la salat wa salam emphasizes on that nausea to be

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given to the Imams to the leaders to the scholars, to the scholars to perfect them, because no one the leaders people are in a position of leadership. They all have faults. They're not perfect people and people in a leader ship position people. A lot of people look at them from different way. Later on my take a decision that one party will get upset, the other one will get happy. I lead the companies everyone if there was someone that could have pleased everyone would have been the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and someone like Muhammad Allah salatu wa sallam in a position of leadership. He understood that position and he realized I would never please everyone who would

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never police Iran's one party will be so happy the other party will be so upset. That's what Allah is salat wa salam he said in the Hadith. Aqui Luda. Well, I lt authority, la salatu wa sallam said, cover cover up or cover the fault of those in leadership position. And as a lot wassalam said, cover the fault of those in a leadership position. Because to you it's a fault to others isn't to you is a fault to others isn't to others. It's a fault to the other ones isn't? You can't please people. You can't please Iran. If you have just 10 people under you never pleased us then one will always get upset or to always disagree. One would not like this, the other one would like it. That's what at

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the end of the day there be some love Allah wa sallam he said at the nanase ha Valley man or problem Allah lot to hear while they are imitating Muslim men and the Nazi hat to the leaders of the Muslim is to stand by them, to support them, to advise them, to be with them. And to guard against the oppression and the oppression of the oppressor as the Prophet alayhi salatu wa sallam he said in an album in jihad in de la Kalamata Hakan, in the Sultan enjoy, that the greatest of jihad, in the sight of Allah is a true Word in front of an oppressor or oppressing leader, one of the true Jihad and the strongest of jihad in the sight of Allah is to say the truth in from a presser laid out in

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front of a tyrant leader, this is the great Jihad and from Allah subhanho wa Taala is decided the truth and to turn the leaders into into turn the Muslim leaders to the right path to turn the Muslim leaders into the right path. And the Muslim leaders will go with what's going on and they go with the flow as once and Hassan Ambassador he was asked, he was asked Who should we elect as a governor avarice, say he said the way you are is who you're going to get at the top of

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who you are is where you're going to get who you are, is what you're gonna get. So we say to our Muslim brothers and sisters, especially to the Arabs who complain about the Arab leaders, look at your condition. Allah send you one, according to the way you think, Allah send you. You got this puzzle from a monkey. He thinks like you so you got him exactly the way you think. And if you're going to replace him, that one will be in his position will be worse than the one before him.

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Allah azza wa jal put someone in his someone as a leader over you, the way should you look at your condition the way you are, is the way you got him. If it's Roger was people and a righteous man will come up. But if it took people under wicked man's gonna come up. So the leadership does not come when the leadership does not someone enforces himself

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earlier cases the truth is if you have righteous people or archers men will come from among them. If you have wicked people or wicked men will come from among them. One of the companions have one of the always had the best of people because the with the best of people they had the best of leaders because they were the best of people the head back

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delivers the best man because the way the best of people then that has armor because the way the best of people then the head of man because the way the best of people because the way the best people but when the Muslim start electing the dentist I got behind Allah sent them someone look them online, send them someone, log them come out to what exactly what he said the way he was what you get. The way you are is what you get what you get.

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So nubby la salatu wa sallam, he says that the deen Messiah, the religion of Islam is an advice. And it's also an advice to the leaders of Muslims. Also, it's an advice to the scholars. Also, it's an advice to the scholars because the scholars are the leaders of the Muslims. Without the scholars, there is not heads, the scholars of the tree heads and the head scholars of the true heads of the Muslim nation. That's all on the visa Allahu alayhi wa sallam he said that Allah subhanho wa Taala does not take up this knowledge Allah Xhosa does not ascend this knowledge or take it away from the people from from by switching it or taking it from the hearts of the scholars. But Allah azza wa jal

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takes it by the death of the scholars until there's no longer scholars around, people start taking ignorant people as scholars, and that ignorant people bolo apologia Australian that make other people astray, those misguided and make other people misguided.

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So that the scholars in the Muslim in the scholars of the Muslim scholars are the heads of the Muslims. Without the Muslim scholars there is no head the nasiha to them is first of all to stand by them and support them. Not gonna say hi to them is to protect them than they are to them is to support them than they are to them is to give him an advice when they are doing the wrong thing or to change it or give them advice to change. What they doing incorrect.

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And lastly sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says

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a Deen honestly how the deen of Islam is honestly How are allowed to him. He said when there are Muslim Muslim men and to the general common folk or the common Muslims. So this Deen is based on advice by giving advice to everyone giving an advice to everyone he started to realize our job and that's obeying Him then the book of Allah but following it, then the problem homosassa Lambo, following him as a source of them the lives of Muslims, and then to the comment every Muslim, it's a duty of our Muslim to give an advice to his Muslim brother. It's a duty by Muslim to give an advice to a Muslim sister to advise one another as the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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mentioned in this hadith this Deen is based on advice advising each other with an advice my brothers and sisters were encouraging each other for the good with an advice with perfect and complete with an advice. We support each other as the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam he mentioned that the Muslim is the mirror of a Muslim brother, a Muslim is a mirror of a Muslim sister. When you stand in front of the mirror, you could see what's faulty in your hair, what's folded in your face, and you fix it. That's exactly how a Muslim to a Muslim he sees the faults in him and he fixes him to become better. The way you fix it. The way you see a fault in you. You don't make it worse. You fix it. A

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Muslim sees a fault in a Muslim brother. He fixes him a Muslim or sees a fault in a Muslim sister. She fixes her not to go out and speak about them or speak about their faults or keep on speaking speaking speaking to spread the faults and get the whole world involved in that fault. Then the Muslim is not a mirror of a Muslim brother and Muslim is a weapon against his Muslim brother. That's not the meaning of it. A Muslim is a mirror in front of a Muslim brother. He supports him He protects him. He stands by him as the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam he said also a haka volume and our Muslim and support your brother whether he's an oppressor or being oppressed, so they said a

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problem Allah been oppressed to understood have an oppressor. Ally salat wa salam said, you stop him from his oppression. You stop him from committing that wrong, you stop him, he paused him. This is the mirror of a Muslim to a Muslim southerner. From a Muslim, a Muslim is always to perfect them and that's what the witness an advisement and advice he gives someone I know say hey, give someone advice is to perfect them to complete them to make them a better to make him someone better to make him a better Muslim, a better believer, a better moment in the sight of Allah azza wa jal. That's not to say how that's not to say hi caring for others, sharing with others. This does not say how

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Islam so the deen of Islam is based on Muslims advice.

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one another, they can play one another because when you're a better Muslim, I'm a better Muslim, when you're good Muslim or get influenced by a good when you're strong Muslim or become a strong Muslim, but when you're weak Muslim you might drag me with you. That's why la Salatu was done describes the Muslims as one body is what if one limb hurts, the whole body hurts. Sometimes you don't get to work because your fingers hurting. Although your fingers even do the way you'll be sitting down on the phone. But because one finger hurts, the whole body hurts. And that's how the profile is a lot with some squad the Muslims as one full body one full figure, if one limb hurts,

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one, one part hurts, one organ hurts, the whole body hurts. And that's how the Muslims and that's what the job of the Muslim always advise another Muslim to perfect him and to complete them and to make them a better Muslim. And always the advice my brothers and sisters is given with adapt with respect. Your advice, you Muslim brother, you advise your Muslim sister First of all, you advise them with a sincere heart. I want to give you an advice for the sake of Allah, not for the sake of put on your own show. Not for the sake of putting you down, not for the sake to show you I'm better than you not for the sake of pride. Some people give advice with pride to let people down. My advice

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to my Muslim brother. My advice to my Muslim sister is with sincerity, the adversity for the sake of Allah. And because you're a Muslim brother, or you're a Muslim Sister, I also want to advise my Muslim brother and sister, advise them secretly as an adverse in front of people. advising someone from people is embarrassing him is embarrassing him is telling him what is disgracing him is looking down at him. This is an advice when someone gives an advice to people in the open. Now if I want to really give an advice to my Muslim brother or sister, I choose the right time and I'll choose the right moment and choose the right place. I take them on the side and I speak to him I speak to him

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mostly, I speak to him the way I would like to be spoken to when someone would give me an advice. I will speak to them. Now I would like someone to speak to me when someone has forgiven me in a spoke that when someone's giving me advice. So you give an advice the way you like to hear that advice to solve and the speak to them in the most proper manner. And then you ask a lot of a child with a sincere heart that inshallah this advice benefits you and benefits them and you walk away and leave the rest of our lives our agenda. Allah azza wa jal as I said was tala MP Messiter. Allah does not give you authority over them. Allah didn't give you authority over them to tell them what to do and

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what not to do. Let's be Messiter. No, he forced them to a and he forced them to do things they had you do your job, only live the rest of our lives origin. You do your job and you live the rest of Allah subhanho wa Taala your advice and you live the rest of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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So Muslim gives him advice to his Muslim brother or Muslim it gives them advice to Muslim sister in a proper way to give them in a proper way. And the most important thing you give them an advice the way you love to receive that advice from someone else, the way you like it in a secret respectable manner. You give it to other people. But unfortunately, sometimes we want to give an advice but this advice becomes I tell off becomes a disgrace. I want to give an advice to my Muslim brother why he's not coming to the mosque. So I look at him and say sure that dunya has Sakshi in watch. I'll tell him for our people. That's not an advice. My intention is to advise this person and bring them to

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the den. But when I end up saying that I will never come to the dinner again. Now rather keep my mouth shut would have been better. Maybe this person would have been at least coming. Some people did not give advice. The advice to others is offensive. That's why one should always think about how we're given advice to people. I'll give an advice to people thinking that I want to get the best advice, or then give an advice to someone that I'll make offending and make. Make that what I want to throw out of advice becomes even worse. What I wanted out of that advice becomes even with I've seen how people sometimes want to give someone advice to pray, pray, man, you're careful is not

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advice. This person will never pray again. And amateurs people only want to pray hellos go away. But if you gave to someone nice to give him advice in a nice way so and people will accept that. It's a nature of mankind 99% of times, I'm not going to say 100% but 99% of time, if you give advice to someone and you come across to them in the most way, no one will reject you. On the contrary, people might even kiss your hands on your head until you decide to look for this advice or really respected. But people become offensive when you put them on the spot. And so I'm just giving advice for advice that to me is not offensive. You give people advice in a most proper way, in a

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respectable way and people always accept it and if you don't accept that Elisa would not turn against you or they would not say something is to give people advice in a proper way. And that's what the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said at the no mercy had the Dean of Islam isn't advice. So the said aloud to him he said a lot

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to his book, his messenger to the leaders of the Muslims and

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To the general Muslims, nuts Allah subhanho wa Taala is Alan venustiano old faith to be honest

Part 7 of an amazing series by Shady S.uleiman

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