Sajid Umar – Advice of Ibn Jawzi

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the negative perception of people leaving their oppression and forget about themselves in culture, as well as the importance of learning to boost one's ability to achieve goals and avoid overwhelming events. They emphasize the importance of learning to achieve things and not just giving tools for managing oneself. The conversation also touches on the importance of learning from experiences and people with similar experiences.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Juana and he was married back from the surgery where suddenly every one

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my dear brothers and sisters in Islam Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. We have lots of Hannah, who are Tyler except our Salah, and our cm, and our pa and our supplications and invocations and charity and all our events that I mean, I mean, welcome to yet another reminder, in this blessed month of Ramadan here at the Melbourne, Medina

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with us the reminder from after solid

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to this particular period between a karma and as an it seems most appropriate and Allah subhana wa tada and those best brothers and sisters,

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you've heard me speak to you all a lot about this whole about the concept of

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introspection and self auditing and taking account of oneself, especially from the statement of honorable Fabiola one, when he said has evil and to second copula and to have that take account of yourself before Allah subhanho wa Taala takes your account before your deeds

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studied, take some time out to study your own deeds. And this morning during my reading, I came across an amazing observation penned down by a man in New Jersey.

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And I thought I share with you some of his observations

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as part of our sitting this afternoon,

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or within a title, or within that title, food for thought, food for thought the only food you allowed to eat was fasting.

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He says

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in his discussion of

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the delusion of a believer he says

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when we look at the Muslims, and this was at his time, a long time ago. But Pamela there's, there's there's definite wisdoms for us to consider in our time today. He says when we look at the worshipers of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And we look at the believers, we find that they are those who are diligent in their worship.

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But once they are diligent in their worship, they are people who are proud of themselves are proud of the worship, that Allah Subhana Allah has blessed them to complete meaning they have some form of South amazement. And this is a contradiction.

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He says when we look at them, we see from them those who have left many obligations, and those acts of worship, which are considered obligatory, yet we find them busying themselves with acts of worship that are considered to be voluntary denwa. So they leave the Ferraris and they busy with the nawada. He says Rahim Allah, that when we look at them, we find those that recite the Quran a lot,

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but rarely practice on that which they recite. And we find those who fast a lot, but they are unable to control their tongues. He says Rahim Allah,

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we see from amongst them, those who go for Hajj frequently,

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but they do not leave the oppression of others.

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And they do not look at the sources of the earnings.

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And they do not consider the avenues of their spending.

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And they are those who leave their neighbors hungry. He says Rahim Allah, that from them are those who invite others towards goodness. Yet they forget about themselves. And even our best probably a lot one was asked about this person who invites towards goodness May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us all the speaker first and foremost.

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He was asked about a person who invites towards goodness, but doesn't practice that which invites towards anybody our best hope your loved one.

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Or have the Allahu anhu Matt because him and his father are from the Sahaba of the legendary. He mentioned the iron Surah Baqarah Allah

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penawaran assays, moon and NASA will believe at unsewn and booster calm. Do you command the people towards goodness and you forget about yourself and he recited the ayah in the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala we are lost to Canada to Allah says limits, una mirada final cavora moccasin in the law.

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he recited the area in the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala we have lots of kind of word jealousies, why do you invite to that? or Why do you say that

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which you do not do? Indeed, this is something mighty with Allah subhanho wa Taala when you say things, which you do not do, if I have no Josie Rahmatullah here and he says, I see people who invite towards good, yet they don't practice that good, which they invite towards. And he says, Allah, that I see people who pray,

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but they never ever aim towards studying.

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We pray offer sort of muscle, Allahu alayhi wa sallam, and the best way to pray. And he says that he saw those who frequent the taraweeh prayer, and they had good prayer. They frequent the voluntary congregational prayers. Yet, when it comes to the obligatory congregational prayers, they are absent from this prayer. And he says that I've seen those who ensure that the attempt the majority of a lot of meaning, the sittings and circles were

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talks related to the purification of the soul take place. And those talks which you and I today called Eman, boosting talks take place. He says I see people who frequent these types of gatherings, these gatherings that aim to boost one's Eman and aims to soften their heart and aims to soften their soul. But rarely do I see them changing for the better to Panama. Right? He's trying to say it's as if they've just come for entertainment. And this has been discussing with some of the brothers, the whole nature of the dour, in this particular century, this 21st century. And we differences between the hour after the turn of the century and the hour, for example, in the late

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The nature of the talks, and the nature of the people who attended the talks, the talks in the 90s. For those who care to ponder, were talks that were or that had high academic content in it.

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There were talks that had high academic content. With the turn of the century, those talks don't bring people to the masjid. If you teaching something with academic value, people rarely come. But general talks talks which are quote unquote, Eman, boosting talks. This is what gets the most useful. But how many actually practice

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that which they hear how many really become substantially boosted.

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And people

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who are diligent with the rabada throughout the course of the year that they experienced and witness how many from these talks actually find this.

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And how many enter a slumber with the waking up the next day. They were boosted at night. They woke up the next day, Shere Khan said to them greetings.

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And they were left with no tools to manage themselves and boost themselves themselves, right? It's not sustainable for you to get somebody to change your car battery every day, and charge your car battery every day, or charge your phone battery everyday motional everything has batteries nowadays. We don't need to talk about the carpet. That's an old example. Right now we charge our phones, we charge our watches, even the watches get charged. Right?

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So sustainable. To get somebody to come charge your battery every day. Why don't you charge it yourself. They famously said, If you give a man a fish, he feeds him out for a day. But give him a net and he will feed him and his family for the

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safarnama. And I say that's good enough as well. giving him a net is not enough as well teach him how to make the net.

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Because one day you might have a hole in that net, you become stuck again. Right? So when we look at the Dow in the 90s, it was filled with talks giving people the tools how to build their nets. There were people who are able to self motivate themselves. And we find from them those who are the means of starting up organizations and there are initiatives even though they were not graduates from big universities in the Muslim world, or There are rooms and places of knowledge in the countries that they came from.

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They were skilled in jurisprudence and Judas critic methodology. They were not skilled in the sciences of, of theology. They were not skilled in matters pertaining to the Quran intersil yet they instigated the startup of many platforms that graduates from Islamic universities and Islamic institutions could enter and do sucka. have the knowledge which Allah gave them meaning teach the knowledge which Allah take them because there's a cow of knowledge is to teach it just like this account of wealth is suspended in the park of Allah subhanho wa

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Americano. Josie Rahim Allah is it a very pertinent point in something for us to ponder this halaal Food for Thought while you fast? He says I see men who attend these sittings, Eman, boosting sittings, but many really grow from the sittings that they attend. He says Rahim Allah that I saw many who give charity, but continuously involve themselves with rebar and rebar transactions. They give charity by night, and by day they are assigning rebar contracts with rebar institutions. He says, Rahim Allah that I see those who are good to their parents, but they eat up people's property. They are not trustworthy with that which people have entrusted them with. And he says regime of law

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that I see is those who sin, remembering Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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I see those who sin while they are those who remember Allah subhanho wa Taala. And I see those. What he's trying to say is you remember Allah subhana wa Tada. But that remembrance doesn't pass your collarbones. It hasn't entered your hearts. It hasn't stopped you from selling. It hasn't taken you away from that which Allah subhanho wa Taala has considered disobedience. And he says Rahim Allah, that I find those who sin

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and use as an excuse that Allah subhanho wa Taala is the most merciful and they forget that Allah subhanho wa Taala has said that his punishment is severe as well. Indeed food for thought, My dear brothers and sisters, may Allah subhanahu Allah grant us the understanding. And may Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us from being in a state of heedlessness, where we live our life in this world, thinking we upon goodness, thinking, we upon the path of those that are destined for Jelena once in reality will not May Allah subhanahu Allah protect us we're lucky The worst thing is to realize on the day of May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us realize before he takes us back to him, I mean, have

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Allah who was Allah wa Sallim wa barik ala nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi edubirdie Subhana Allah who will become the satanic Allah home or become the kalasha to Allah Allah Allah Allah. Let's go to the corner today.

This advice was shared during the dhuhr reminder – ‘Food for thought, the only food we allowed to eat whilst fasting ‘ – at the Melbourne Madinah,Australia.
And focused on the advice that was given by ibn Jawzi (May Allah have mercy upon him).

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