Sajid Ahmed Umar – Seerah S4 E29 – Lessons from the Farewell Hajj

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary © The historical context of Prophet sallama Alayhi wa Sallam's actions is discussed, including his teachings and actions, the importance of following evidence and rules of Islam, and the need for flexibility in handling behavior. The session is encouraged for attendees to attend, emphasizing following Sunur's instructions and avoiding criticizing them. The importance of honoring contracts and following Sunur's instructions is emphasized, as it is the source of Islam's history.
AI: Transcript ©
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smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Urbina stereo mono Salim Salim Anahata. Mina begin Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa seldom at the Sleeman kathira la la Medina My bad. Rubbish rally sadri westerly Emery. Look at that Emily Sani yufka Holly. We begin by praising Allah subhanho wa Taala. And we request praises and blessings upon the final messenger

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Muhammad Ali Abdullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam I bear witness that there's no one worthy of worship besides one Allah and that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is His Messenger. Brothers and sisters in Islam. Welcome to the second last episode of our season forbs panela Episode Number 29. The second last episode of blast from the past Sierra in the 21st century, our field of Syrah series, we almost panaway to Allah grant Baraka in the little time that remains today. As promised yesterday we want to

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go into our famous pitstop we want to have a pitstop one, we want to discuss the lessons that we can take from

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from the expedition of the book, what lessons we can take from them based on what we shared, that apply to us in the 21st century and then inshallah softly we will move along to discussing events from the final hedge of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, or the farewell hedge as it is called, and then inshallah, tomorrow will be our last lesson. And in that lesson, in later Allah, we will be discussing the passing away of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, no doubt, it will be a difficult lesson. And we will be taking them

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lessons that we can use in the 21st century from events that happened during him sallallahu alayhi wasallam passing away without further delay, brothers and sisters in Islam, let's go into the lessons from the expedition of the book. The first one obviously has to be and I think,

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I'm not sure if we have discussed it before. But you know,

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it is a rare phenomenon. It doesn't mean it didn't happen. But to this extent, it didn't happen. And that is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam fundraising. And this habit of the mind coming through in leaps and bounds so much so that Allah subhanho wa Taala dedicated verses about them in the Quran, about those who gave about those who wanted to give and couldn't give about those who didn't want to give, and were hypocritical and their statements. There's so much so many verses, as we discussed yesterday, dedicated to all of these brothers and sisters in Islam. So we learned the importance of donating, giving for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And brothers and sisters

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that Islam does obviously requires a walk fighter, it requires time and unfortunately, we don't have that time. But I want to say very clearly and quickly, when we talk about donating here, we're not just talking about Zika. Today, unfortunately, every time someone needs something we think of Zika we ask people do you have Zika? Right? The cat is the right of the recipients of Zika which Allah subhanho wa Taala places in our bank accounts in our businesses. That's the reality or in our pockets or in our homes. That is the reality. It is not you being charitable when you pay zakat. And I know the Muslims are praised on mainstream media that they're very charitable in the month of

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Ramadan and they are charitable at hamdulillah they are giving sadaqa but the focus is on the Zakat that is being given. Giving Zakat is not you being charitable, unless Allah subhanho wa Taala says we're akima salata or add to sacchetto wa caribou la carbon Hassan, Allah says, established us solder and fade the sucker and loan to Allah subhanho wa Taala a beautiful loan, right What is this loan This is your sidecar This is in the form of a you

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donating from yourself with no religious obligation upon you in the form of creating a work for an endowment or in the form of giving pure sadaqa. So the Quran differentiates between Zakah and then that which is a virtuous financial deed that we do.

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out of love for Allah subhanho wa Taala seeking His pleasure and also seeking the reward that Allah subhanho wa Taala has set for the one who does so who invests with Allah subhanho wa Taala So, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made a call Where did you hear him talking about Zika and bring your Zika and those who have been paid this occur, there's a cow or some other matter here he was looking for people to be virtuous to be generous, and people were coming out nobody was asking guys, does anyone have any sucker remainder you know, we have poor people who need an animal but you know what, they are Zakah recipients or pay them the sucker and they can go get the animal or you know,

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what can we go take this account money and go buy the animal and give them the animal Subhanallah You know, when you when you only think that you're you being charitable is based on the money you have to give them you start even working towards without realizing changing the rules of Zika. Right Zika cash should be given cash kindly should be given kind. But today, we ask about cash being given in kind Can I give my sucker in this capacity? can I build them a house? can I build them a well, and I need to build the wall? Can I have a cat? So Pamela, this is a long discussion, brothers and sisters in Islam. But the point that I'm trying to highlight and make perfectly clear here is that

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zeca when you pay it, you're not being charitable. You are doing something that was a pillar of from the Pillars of Islam and something obligatory upon you. You had no choice in the matter. Right. What we see in the book is people who have the money in their hands, not in their heart, when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam called they came, and even those who didn't have money in the hands of Han Allah, they came, wanting to be part of the hair, and being part of answering the call of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam but obviously, they couldn't and we discussed that. So brothers in Islam, donate for the sake of Allah invest with Allah subhanho wa Taala who it Giada to

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lend taboo if you invest with Allah it's a it's a an investment that will never experience a recession that will never experience a crash Subhan Allah and Allah will give you back because he's not in need of your dinar is in your homes and your US dollars and your pounds and whatever currency you use, he will give it back to you and more for his alleghany al Hamid subhanho wa Taala so donate brothers and sisters in Islam, be charitable, have your money in your hands, not in your heart and be ready to part with it when the call of a lion is also sallallahu alayhi wa sallam reaches you when you know that there is a cause that is beloved to Allah subhanho wa Taala and is Rasul and they

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are in need of their financial help, help. How much you should help we'll discuss that just now. Also, we learn brothers and sisters in Islam from the lessons is you can donate openly or in secret, right? We see a man coming with his money and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam holding the money Abubakar comes and says I gave I left only Allah's name and his Russell's name at home. So people were aware of what was happening. But obviously these were people who are only doing it to please Allah, they couldn't care less about what anyone thinks. If you feel in your heart, that you have a weakness whereby you do become motivated by people's praise of you by people's thoughts about

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you about the goodwill that people might have in you, then yes, you donate privately. But it's not wrong for you to donate openly. And I highlight this because sometimes we have public funded fundraising programs and people refuse to step up because they feel that it's not allowed for them to step out. Now sometimes it's it's encouraged for you to step up because by you stepping up other people step up right so it all depends on you and your intention and how you manage your private matters between you and Allah subhanho wa Taala and your private thoughts in terms of your worship both physical and financial, between you and Allah subhanho wa Taala So again, this is related to

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fundraising but there is an added lesson does have separated the point also we land brothers and sisters in Islam, how the Sahaba competed in goodness and this is what Allah subhanho wa Taala commanded them to do and asked to do in the Quran festival qualifier Ah sorry, Mr. Ravi Kumar Allah tells us to do to compete with one another in goodness in that which is good in that which is beloved to Allah subhanho wa Taala. We also learn brothers and sisters in Islam, the virtues of aboubaker rhodiola and because some people Subhana Allah they naturally have it, and abubaker throughout the Sierra, he naturally had it from season one to season four, we see his tawakkol in

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Allah subhanho wa Taala is naturally at a level that is beyond our ability to comprehend his ability to be patient is beyond our ability to comprehend from day one, he was spending his money freeing slaves, and here we see he comes with everything because the situation needed it and he was able to be patient, leaving behind the name of Allah and His Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam at home. And this also testimony to the family, the wife and the children of Abubakar rhodiola. And then we should have this discussion. Can we donate all our wealth? Can we donate all our wealth because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam never told

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Abubakar to go back and leave some money with his family. Right? So this is a question

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that can be asked, Can we donate all our money? And the answer to that question is it depends because in the same expedition, we have the story of car

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Have you been Malik and khabib and Malik when Allah subhanho wa Taala forgave him he wanted to give all his wealth for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam advised did not accept qab giving all of his wealth but rather asked him to leave some for his family and said that is better for him. So here we see the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is dealing with people on a case to case he knew Abubakar, he knew Abu Bakr his level of Eman. He knew the family of Abu Bakar. He knew the ability to be patient, he knew that this will not lead to a case whereby his family will say that Abu Bakar is not taking care of his compulsory matters upon

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us, it won't lead to a divorce it only to a separation, it won't lead to a hump. He knows that the wakulla boubakeur, he knows the financial skill sets and ability of aboubaker and so on and so forth. With cap it was different.

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Right? So some people can give all some people can give half some people three quarters, some people a quarter, some people a little bit more, some people a little bit less. Right. So and we've spoken previously about competing, masala competing benefits. And we said that if you should, you should try and operate in a way whereby you can give justice to all the benefits at your peril. But if it's a case whereby it's going to be one benefit at the expense of another than doing that which takes care of the greater benefit takes precedence. Okay, so here we see the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam not asking the Sahaba to bring all their wealth, but bringing what they can in a way

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whereby they can take care of their priorities and responsibilities and the access is also to take care of this important situation. This is a very summarized drop in the ocean

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detail that I've shared with you about this discussion of can we donate all but inshallah I've shared with you a framework to use also we can have the honor of earlier on the other one was the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam chose him to remain behind in Medina and he said, Would you not love to be to me like how Harun was to Musa Subhana Allah, and we will see in the farewell hedge how the year before it the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam allocated earlier unique row.

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Number six, we learn brothers and sisters in Islam, we do not have to be rich to donate any amount you give, even if it's half of a date. This is big with Allah subhanho wa Taala. Never look at the size of the deed. Never look at the size of the deed, look at the reality of the Creator. Look at the reality of the Creator, who will accept your deed. Look at the reality of the Creator who will accept your deed.

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Right? As we say, Oh, this is just a small amount doesn't matter how small it is. This is just a small thing. It doesn't matter how small it is. Look at the reality of the one who watches your deed.

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tapana who attend. Okay, so remember this and we learned this from this battle now Schneider is telling us he or she left a comment. But I thought this is a common sense amongst Muslims to differentiate between obligatory soccer and soccer. Yes, it is what it is Muslims definitely differentiate, but

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the wave Muslims also become part of the wave. Right? How many people challenge the narrative that Muslims are charitable because they pay this zakat. They're not being charitable, they being dutiful. That's the point I'm trying to focus on here. That when you give us a cow you being dutiful, and you should be ready to give sadaqa and not squeezed and squeezed and squeezed. zeca someone needs a bow guys, I need a cat someone needs a Masjid guys, we need zakat. No Zakah has its rightful recipients who said Zika is for both and massage it

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right. So we need to also uplift the oma and they need to realize that Zika is just 2.5% but Allah has made us the best of all nations and the best of all nations. Allah expects them to give more from themselves and Allah has entrusted them with. He's entrusted him with this reality. That's why he only stipulated 2.5% other nations before it's been brought to my knowledge that they were given they was they had a stipulation of 10% to give in compulsory charity. So if Allah only made it 2.5% for the owner of Amazon Allahu alayhi, wa sallam, this means Allah subhanho wa Taala holds the oma of Mohammed Salah Allahu Allah, he was seldom in higher regard. It means this Omar will do more than

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2.5%. Okay, so I hope you you catch the idea that was being presented at the time. Next brothers and sisters in Islam, we learned that do not belittle people's actions and do not belittle people's speech. And if you do so, it's a sign of hypocrisy. Right? Don't laugh at people. Don't make fun of them. They're trying some people. They're not natural public speakers. They're trying to speak you mock them. This is how wrong

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this is an Islamic This is against the Sunnah and you sinful.

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And if they feel hurt even more sinful, and who doesn't feel hurt brothers and sisters in Islam,

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somebody makes a mistake. You mock that person you laugh at that person. And as the pious before used to say, don't laugh at your brother for Allah will forgive him and protect him and test you and you will fall and people will laugh at you

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to panela so it's from hypocrisy to make

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In front of people and be happy when they make mistakes. This is not the way of the believers. In any intrusive book a hazard has an advantage. Oh Subhan Allah. Allah says when when goodness comes to you the hypocrites what happens? They feel depressed and sad

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Subhan Allah and when do they get happy when difficulty befalls you?

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This is one of the ways of the of the of the hypocrites. What not the way of the believers and especially with each other who Allah said the believing men and the believing female helpers and assistance and supporters

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and protectors of one another. Number eight, do not be a backseat driver. If you cannot do good, do not do harm. Keep your mouth shut. Don't sit at the back and comment.

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Your comments are worthless, especially if your comments create harm and belittle and scoff and insult if you can't do good brothers and sisters in Islam, do not do bad Keep quiet. Number nine, we learn about the severity of joking about Islam, its tenants, the Quran, the Sunnah, and the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, because the hypocrites they were scoffing

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what they were making, they were ridiculing the Sahaba they were ridiculing the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And when it was brought to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam Allah revealed all a belay he was at he was surely he quintus does he own latter, it you can refer to him by the manickam. Allah says, say to them, are you joking and scoffing about Allah and His Rasool and his His revelation? Let it rule do not seek a pardon.

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You've disbelieved.

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Subhana Allah, right. And there's a fifth discussion about his brothers and sisters in Islam regarding the one who insults the messenger insults, the religion of Allah subhanho wa Taala and the punishment that they should receive, and even if they seek remorse and forgiveness and show tober does that

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redeem them from having to face the punishment? Or does that just redeem them with Allah, but they have to slow pace the punishment on earth? This is a matter of the fuqaha. And that discussion is in the books of number 10. Brothers and sisters in Islam, we learn from the story of cap the evils of procrastination, procrastination, I will do it tomorrow. I will do it later. I will do it. Yeah, I'm going to do it. Yes, I'm going to do it

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leads to disaster brothers and sisters, and it's now how do you deal with procrastination, you just start doing it. Don't say I will do it, do it immediately start on something immediately. Right. So procrastination can harm us in different ways, sometimes in a big massive way, like we saw with capital Hamdulillah, Allah subhanho wa Taala saved him. We also learned that procrastination has consequences. You might be saved from a catastrophe. But depending on where the procrastination took place, there will be consequences. Right are handled at the Battle didn't take place. So kerbs.

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His his his his massive mistake and sin was was forgiven and he didn't.

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It didn't lead it didn't aid more difficulty falling upon the Muslims in terms of the difficulty you imagine if a battle took place, and they had shorter numbers because people stayed behind. However, there's consequences at the end of the day, you still didn't follow the instruction of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam he told you to move he told you to get ready, he gave you time and you procrastinated. So Allah delayed their pardon for 50 days.

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And in this story, we also learn brothers and sisters in Islam that though procrastination and making a mistake and sinning has consequences, a Muslim never loses hope in the mercy of Allah because cap and the other two they felt what they felt had died about Allah He will have to be Morocco but without that Allah human who sumava No, no, no lemon jammin Allah, Allah, Allah Subhana Allah, they this is what they felt. And we described it yesterday in the narration of crab himself. He felt that the the east and the west and the north in the south were closing him on him. He says I couldn't recognize my environment, what it was before the expedition of the book and what it was

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after, because of what I did was totally different. I was abandoned as if I was sanctioned.

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But he never lost hope in the mercy of Allah. He set out the period successfully. So metab Allahu Allah Himalaya tubo and Allah subhanho wa Taala pardoned them. And so that these, that they and the others seek repentance from Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah subhanaw taala. So our sins as consequences but we should not lose hope in Allah if you lose hope that's the bigger crime brothers and sisters in Islam. Now you might say or someone might say that she has I was just pondering over this whole event. Why did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tell the people to stay away from carbon the other two believers

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but with regards to the mafia cool, they gave the excuses and he left them

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remember, yes

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He said Allah says Allah nk Lima I didn't tell him had HIV and Allah Kadena Sadako. Animal kvb. Remember we said Allah revealed to the prophet may Allah, you know, may you be pardoned. Why did you accept the excuses before you knew who's truthful and who isn't.

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But when it came to cap, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the other two, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam effected steps, that would be a good question. How come with regards to the others?

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There were no consequences. With regards to these three, there were consequences. What is the answer? What do you guys think?

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Okay, since we're running out of time, let me share with you, this brothers and sisters in Islam is a sign that these three was special that Allah knew their truthfulness. And he revealed to the messenger salallahu alayhi wasallam the truthfulness and Allah subhanho wa Taala. Love the Eman to the extent that Allah didn't want them to face the consequences of their mistake. So Allah put them through a trial. And through it they were patient and forgiven. And also three day ranks were raised. Both in this life and the next in this life, they became better people than they were before. The mistake will never be repeated. And in the next they got a bigger paradise for the

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patients that they sat through to handle

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this in the wisdom of Allah subhanho wa Taala. They had to be consequences brothers and sisters in Islam.

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The hypocrites will have it don't believe that the hypocrites got off scot free. I know you will say but if you just said that there's consequences to procrastination. There's consequences to this this Yes, there are consequences. And the hypocrites will get this way could kill us fairly mean enough. In the in the pits of the hellfire.

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Subhan Allah.

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Alright brothers and sisters in Islam. That brings us into the quickfire 11

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benefits from the expedition of the book, they were more they were more sampleshere during

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the events portion of our lessons. And I've brought some of those together in our pitstop session and I've added some but as I always say, go back to the Syrah. Read the details in full and contemplate, contemplate based on the notes I've given you and your own experiences and you'll see the syrup speaking to you and guiding you being like that. Very quickly. Brothers and sisters in Islam. Let's go to the farewell pilgrimage. Now I've summarized this great. Again, I'm going to say this because I really, really want you to go back to the books of the Sierra. Okay, and read about it. I've summarized This greatly because it's beyond the the scope of our lessons, the ability of

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the scope of our lessons to add more detail than I have for you. So hon Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah forgive me for any,

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for any oversight, this is to the best of my ability based on what I understand from the time that we have in the days that we have. And Allah doesn't hold us accountable except based on that which we are able to do. So I seek your forgiveness. And before that I seek Allah's forgiveness. If I have

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chosen a path

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that is not considered the best path to choose. But to the best of my knowledge, what I've summarized for you, is what I feel is the best in sha Allah and Alhamdulillah

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like I told you, this hedge has the farewell sermon I do I would like you to make a note somewhere to just go on Google and search for a talk titled The farewell sermon. sajit. Irma, and inshallah there's a one hour 20 minute lecture, just talking about the lessons from the farewell sermon of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. So you can get those details there. And with that knowledge, I have omitted it from today's session. Let's go quickly to the farewell pilgrimage. The farewell pilgrimage took place in the 10th year after the age of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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And obviously, it was titled The farewell pilgrimage. Because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam himself was going about his pilgrimage was happening before. And when people found out that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam is going for hide you can imagine people from many parts of the region who are believers came flocking to Medina so that they could take this journey with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And they would come saying that wanted to hydrate the profits so we can see the hedge firsthand. And we can do as he does sallallahu alayhi wasallam. But you must be having a question in your mind if that was the 10th year after Asia and Macau is opened earlier.

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What happened to the 90 after Asia?

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What happened to hedge during that here? Because Mercury is now Muslim? How come the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam didn't go during the ninth year? Or did Hajj happened during the ninth year after his death? And the answer to that question is yes, Hajj did happen, but without the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam rather, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sent Abu Bakar in his place to be the Amir to be the leader of the hedge. Okay, now, how what are the details here? Well, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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He sends Abubakar as we said, to take care of the affairs of the hedge. Now that here, they were still isolated in the region. They were still isolated in the region, which means hedge that here had people performing hedge upon Jia helia. So yes, they were no idols around there, but we you know, the people have Jamelia, some they would come and perform hygiene. performed. The toa, for example, was naked. We discussed this in season one, where they felt that the clothes is made by man and it's impure and the Kaaba is pure. So we should go with the clothes given to us by Allah, which is our best skin.

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Allah homestand. So

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these scenes would be the

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right and remember they were polytheists that had an agreement between themselves and the Muslims. So they would remain upon their faith and upon the way and they had a running agreement with the Muslims and the Muslims respect this, which means there would be polytheists there. Now after Abubakar rhodiola and leaves of Han Allah Allah reveals the opening verses of surah tobe Bara Tomita la hora su de la Latina I had to meet and Misha Ricky Percy who will have the arboreta actually what Alamo

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Alamo and Nakamura merges Illa Allah Mozilla Catherine caffeine all the way up to many verses down we Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah says

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Allah with Hera who Allah de Nicola, he will carry illusory con. Okay, so these verses were revealed.

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And these were verses of intent that Allah in His Rasul now I innocent

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in terms of

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arrangements between them and the disbelievers and that the disbelievers are four months after Hajj to get back home to wherever they came from. Alright,

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and now the rule of Islam is going to take over, except for those who had already Illa Latina I had 2 million mushrikeen except those who had running agreements between the Muslims and the disbelievers. Allah says Fatima, Elaine, I don't mean to him in the law. hibou taki Allah says, Those who already have running agreements between them and the isolators those contracts remain in play until they expire. But when they expire, they are expired. And Allah loves it is from piety and righteousness to Allah that you fulfill your contracts. So that was the revelation now Abubakar had left. So what happens the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam dispatches earlier the other one to

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catch up with Abubakar and he gets to Abubakar and Abubakar tells him

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a mural oma Amel, did you come did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam send you as the leader, so I should step down or as someone who will be under my lead, he says Bulma now I've been sent to be under your lead. But the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sent me to announce a message during the Hajj. Right, what was this instruction, the instruction that I shared with you that the polytheist had four months after Hajj to return to the people and then the Lord Allah subhanho wa Taala is going to rain in the rain in the region. And as for those who have contracts and the contracts will run for the period, but after that, there is no renewal.

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Now, it is said that what Allahu Allah, Allah Adam because this is a discussion between the scholars, that was hedge compulsory and the prophets of Allah Allah wasn't didn't go for Hajj, he delayed the Hajj.

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And when did Hajj become compulsory? When did Allah subhanho wa Taala reveal? Well Allah Allah naseeha jewel Beatty minister early he said Villa right the first that say Hajj to be compulsory and Apollo from the Pillars of Islam. This is a discussion in the books effect between the scholars and it also has reference to this portion of the Sierra. The fact that Abubakar when during the ninth and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam when during the 10, some scholars said Hajj became compulsory during the ninth year, but after the days of hedge after Abu Bakar had already left, so that means the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would have to do it on the 10th Some say no, it

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became compulsory prayer, but Allah didn't want his rhassoul to go for the Hajj when there would be mushriks polytheist going around the Kaaba naked and practicing idolatry.

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Given the purity of the messenger, he shouldn't be in a place for this noble act where Hajj is being done in that way and we know that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam after Islam he only did one hedge and it's this hedge that we're discussing. Some say before Islam he did hedge and he would stand on the plains of alpha when the Muslims would stand on the plains of Metallica during the day of arafah because you wanted to perform hedge esperto you have Ibrahim

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In any case, after he became a Prophet he only did one hedge. So Allah wanted him to go for that hedge when MK when Mecca and the region and the attendees were Muslim Muslim. There was no impure practices and beliefs and behaviors

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around the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam at that time anyway, this is a summary you can refer back to it. In any fifth lessons if you are taking any or if you do read about this whole concept of when it has become compulsory, you understand

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But the discussion is far deeper than, than just the narrative. Now,

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Ali rhodiola. And he goes forth. And he,

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he goes forth. And obviously, as we said, Sorry, just one second brothers and sisters in Islam.

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As you know, we monitoring different platforms. So it's just one mind in one heart, and I'm trying to make sure the platforms are running. And sometimes some things don't go to plan in some other platforms.

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So I have to attend to it with session, please forgive me. And sometimes it happens, and I have a slip of the tongue. Like yesterday, I did make a mistake in a verse or two, as a small mistake, nothing that changes the meaning. But that did happen. So I want to apologize, then. And for those who are watching this episode, and you go back to you, oh, you have notes from yesterday's episode. In terms of the verses that were shared, please go back to the must have and

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take the verse correctly from there, because I didn't get a chance to edit. And I would love it if I will get a chance to edit the episode. So if you have taken notes, please go back to the must have and revise those verses are there. Now, in terms of Admiral della, when he met Abubakar, as we said, they go through the hatches under the leadership of abubaker. And then on the 10th, of Dhul hijjah on the day of sacrifice, as he makes the announcement, and he completes the instruction that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave him and now the isolators and everyone have knowledge about this new rule that is in play. Now in terms of the 10th of Dhul hijjah, the Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam leaves for Hajj. And he leaves with guess how many 100,000 Muslims Fatima 100,000 Muslims Subhan Allah when we spoke about the Romans and the army, and there were 200,000 in number and the Muslims were 3000 and then we had to book and there were 3000 there were 30,000 now we have 100,000 Muslims going out with the prophets of Allah who it was and you can imagine what the size of the ship, you know, like the Titanic, moving through the deserts of Arabia, Subhan Allah and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam left towards the end of the character. And he said that he made the journey continuous such that within eight days, he was on the outskirts of Mecca he was close to

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Mecca. Now in terms of his harem because the Haram is done from Medina, then he had the harem of a hedge known as Tehran hedge. Kiran is where you join between Hajj and Umrah in one intention.

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Okay. And

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he carried his animals for slaughter with him as well. And when he reached Mecca, he did ombre he did the tawaf, he did the side, but he didn't come out of Iran. He remained upon Iran, given the hedge that he was doing.

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However, however, he wanted to intelligently deal with

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incorrect be an incorrect belief that the people of Jehovah had which was it wasn't allowed to do Amara during the months of, of Hajj. So he told the Sahaba, who didn't come with their animals, who didn't come with the animals for slaughter, he told them to come out of the state of Utah, to complete their Umbra fully and come out of the state of Iran, and then to where they from again, on the eighth of the ledger, when the days of Hajj begin. Now, this is known as hedge tomahto. As many of us do hedge this way, when you come from outside of Saudi Arabia, you land a month before hedge three weeks before hedge, and then you do Umbra, and you come out of your harem. And then on the

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eighth of the hedger from your hotel, or wherever you are you a ROM again, and you announced the TLB and you go to Mina, right, so he was asking them to do what we do today. Now, they didn't want to be different to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam so many of them were, they were apprehensive towards the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam telling us did we understand this properly? So to encourage them the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, If I knew then meaning back in Medina, what I know now, I would have not carried my slaughter animals with me and I would have done as I am asking you to do.

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So they listened to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and they came out of a home. Now this is quote, evidence brothers and sisters in Islam regarding the discussion in the books are fake on whether tomato hedge is better. Okay, Ron hedge is better. So if if you ever pick up a hedge book when you're going for hedge, and you some books mentioned this discussion, which is the better hedge to do and the different views of the scholars, you know, you know, where the discussion comes from? Some say the Ron hedges better because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did it Some say no, no, no, no tomato hedges better because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told those who

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didn't have the animals to come out of your home and he said he would have done the same had he not had these animals. In any case, I'm just trying to connect the zero to the fifth in case you come across these discussions now

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This all happens and the eighth of the hedger arrives the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam goes to Mina. He prays to her, he prays also he prays, he prays Isha there, and he sleeps there. sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Then on the night, he goes to alpha, and he enters the plains of alpha after midday, and he worshipped Allah subhanho wa Taala, a great worship, and he did the famous quote, the heartbeat of America. And that's the talk I asked you to go back to and listen to the final sermon if you search for it using my name. I have a one hour 20 minute lecture on it, as I said, and they are the lectures out there and you can listen to it inshallah, and I share some of the benefits that

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we can benefit from today in the 21st century from the speech of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then he stayed on out of her until the McRib, after Muhammad he went to Metallica. When he went to miss Delica, he prayed maharrey benicia in was Delica upon arriving, and he did the rest of the Hajj,

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accord accordingly, telling people to take the hedge practices and rituals and rites from him.

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Right. He's to tell them to do as he does sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Now regarding these hydrates, for an example, if an Abbess rather Allahumma he says that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam during the morning of October

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October he refers to the morning of October meaning the morning in which he was going to pelt gemorah to acaba. gemorah to Aqaba refers to the last stone pillar at the end of Mina.

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Right now they all look the same size, but back then it was considered the bigger jamara than the one before it was the middle jamara and the one the first one was called the smaller Jama. Okay. And nowadays it's just one big long wall with a picture around it. But it's written, its name is Avi sohara Allah Allah cabal Cobra, you see its name is the smaller one, the middle one, the bigger one. So during

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the morning of the 11th sorry, the morning of the 10th The morning of the 10th after was Delica when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was going from his delaford to Mina he would go to Mina and he would tell Gemma to lacava

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then he would head to Mecca. When he was going he told him an Abbess he said pick up for me seven stones. So even our best picks up seven pea sized stones, pea sized stones and when you're when you're going for hygiene the box that says pick up you know psi stones you get the idea where it came from.

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When he did so he brought it to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam looked at it and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam announced his companions like this and I warn you against being extreme in religion

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so you're showing them the size of the stones and he said I warn you against being extremely religious avoid some people come with rocks brothers and sisters in Islam.

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Right? Forget about rocks I've seen you know when you go for Hajj you see people with umbrellas

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as ferox I've seen this with my own two eyes. I understand

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you you belting and UD slippers flying over you and sometimes rocks alone Mister, you think to yourself Allah saved me from being from being pelted with a rock because some people are behind throwing rocks. Understand, and this is look at the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam instruction it's as if he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam could see what we see today. Back then of Alma Stan, right so he said like this piece I stones. Now, these pillars or this wall or these, these jamara they represent the stations that shape on met Ibrahim Alayhi Salam when he was going to carry out the instruction of Allah with regards to his son is married.

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It's not really shape on there. Now there are pillars there but some people think that its shape and then they start throwing rocks and slippers and umbrellas and whatever they can find.

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They don't throw money by the way, no one wants to give shape or money right.

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They believe some people believe that shape is the shape and is getting pelted.

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shaped shavonne is being touted how by you being pious righteous by you following the sun. So follow the Sunnah and truly pouchy upon by taking seven small pebbles, right? So this is some lesson I share with you now because it's connected.

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But it would have been part of our pitstop lessons had I not mentioned it now. And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam completed the rest of the days of Hajj. Now let me share with you some highlights very quickly. During the Hajj. There's a famous event that happened whereby Omar Abdullah who and when he was doing his stuff when he went to kiss the Hydra last word, he said to the Hydra last word that I swear by Allah I know that you are only a rock you don't benefit and you don't harm me if I didn't see the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam kissing you I

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Would not kiss you.

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Right? So this is what happened. Also, what happened? We'll discuss the lesson from this just now. Also what happened? people imagine there's 100,000 people doing hydro the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So some people missed what he did. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he pelted then he went and he did that off, then he snorted, and then he shaved. So this was the the way he came out of your harem. Right, the way he came out of the sanctified state of Iran during his pilgrimage, was he pelted on the 10th then he did. Then he slotted and then he shaved. So some people came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and said, O Messenger of Allah, I cut my hair

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before stoning. Some people came and said O Messenger of Allah, I slaughtered my animal before before shaving.

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And to all of them the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say is no problem shave your head now if it's okay shave your head now. It's okay do this now do what you miss. Now, if Allah harch

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Also, during the Hajj, Allah subhanho wa has revealed the famous verse Aloma akmola convener commitment to an equilibrium it will be to the community Islam Medina, that today I have completed your religion for you or today I have a Yama ECMO two I've completed your religion for you and I have perfected my favor aunty and I have chosen for you Islam as your religion. This was revealed and and there was a conversation once between Amara Viola and some Jews and they said to Mr. That if this verse was revealed to us, we would have taken the day upon which it was revealed as a day of celebration to handle

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but which favor is being spoken about your brothers and sisters in Islam?

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Which favor

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I know I should take this into pitstop. But let's take it here so that we, the idea is completed. When Allah says I've completed my favor which favor the favor of money, the favor of financial standing, the favor of material well being the famous of having a water mattress, which favor because Allah revealed this verse was the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam rode a camel while he stepped practically on the floor, while the meals were still not guaranteed for him or his family.

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So which favor no doubt, favors of the hereafter. Okay, and there's a lesson which you shared before inshallah Allah makes me remember I'll share it with you also, the last highlight I want to share is a shot of the Allahu anhu when Aisha came for Hajj, she began her monthly cycle, her menstrual cycle. Now as you know, if you begin your menstrual cycle, you can go to the harem, you can go to the mosque, you can go to the masjid.

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So she was on her menses, and she wanted to do her ombre before Hajj.

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Now her situation didn't mandate this. Right. Islam has rules for everybody circumstances situation, and it had rules for her circumstances situation as well. Right? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told everyone come out of your haram do your Umbra separate between your Umbra and your hatch. Right. And she wanted to she felt sad in her heart. She felt difficulty in her heart that you know what?

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You know, I, I want to complete hedge this way. I want to do my camera and then I want to do my hedge.

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So why did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam do? And this is evidence

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for those in Makkah.

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Who want to do ombre? So you You came from outside into Makkah. So you up beyond the McCart and you stayed the number of days. And now you decided you want to do so that you're not considered a traveler. And now you decided you want to do tomorrow. What do you do? You go to the closest place which is outside of the harm boundary, which is outside of the sanctified boundary.

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For her the closest place was at 10am, a place called at 10am. And this is while in Makkah today. And there's actually a Masjid built there called Machida Asia and you see many people go there so they can adorn the harem again.

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So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told her brother to take her to attend him so that she could enter her arm and do her.

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She could do hamara

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and then hedge as she wanted to do it. All right, I know we're going over time. But tomorrow as we said, it's dedicated to the passing away of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So allow me to share with you these quick lessons so that tomorrow we can dedicate it to the events surrounding the passing away of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. All right, very quickly, brothers and sisters in Islam. Number one, we learned the honor of Abubakar Allah and for in the ninth year after hijra, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made him the leader of Hajj. And from this the Sahaba understood that he had to be the leader of the Muslims after the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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Whenever the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam wasn't available, he would make Abu Bakar the Imam of the Salah or the Imam of Hajj as we've seen here, so when he passed away who should be the Imam of the Muslims, Abu Bakr

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All right. And Roma understood this, because when Abubakar highlighted after the death of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam that he is weak and Omar should be the leader of the Muslims. Omar said I will not go in front of the person who Allah chose to be in the cave with the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam, during the hedgerow and this was a look at the look of the Sahaba to how they thought about events. Right? So Allah chose Abu Bakar, to be with the Prophet during the hedgerow and he he inspired the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam to choose Abubakar whenever he wasn't available for salah and also for the Hajj. So the honor of Abu Bakar brothers and sisters in

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Islam, we also learn about the honor of Ali Ravi Allah who,

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right because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam chose him to go and announce the message which Allah revealed in the opening verses of Surah teutoburg.

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And we also spoke about in the book how early was on it when he was made the governor of Medina when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam left We also have brothers and sisters in Islam, the honor that Allah has bestowed the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that Allah did not want the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to do Amara, whilst the idolaters were practicing Vijaya helia around the cab and during the Hajj. He wanted to purify the scene before his purified messenger arrived to the scene for the sanctified and purified act of hedge. Right. So we also learned this as a third lesson. Lesson number four, we learned the importance of looking after our contracts and honoring

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our pledges as Allah revealed in sort of October for a team will lay him at the home eluded him. Right so Allah commanded that despite this announcement of

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Allah subhanho wa Taala and His Messenger being free from entering into contracts with the isolators Allah said, the contracts that are in play that are live that haven't been broken under those contracts. Yeah, you are levina M and o code O you who believe honor your contracts, honor your promises, honor your word, your word is your bond, don't say one thing and go against you What? That's the sign of the hypocrites. That's what they do.

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If they if they promise they break the promise. When they speak, they lie when they entrusted with something they go against that which they entrusted with the usurp it. That's the way of the hypocrites, not the way of the believers. And we've spoken about this lesson throughout four seasons of blast from the past because it's consolidated in recurring events in this year. Honor your contract, honor your contract, honor your contract. Also, we learned again, we spoken about this amazing leadership of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam throughout the Sierra. We learned about how leaders delegate, they build people up and then they interest them, and they don't babysit

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them. We don't see the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sending early to babysit Abubakar or someone else to babysit early. He gave aboubaker the instruction, he trusted him to run the hedge. He gave me the instruction, he trusted that it would take place. And again, there was no email communication. There was no Blackberry. There was no WhatsApp. There was no telegram. There was no whatever app you use, which messenger service you use, real time, data, real time communication, there was no one tick two ticks, two blue ticks, nothing of this existed. Nothing of this existed. It was done with trust, you might only find out what happened weeks later. That's fine. I don't need

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to doubt it happening. Because I've built these people with the father of Allah and now I entrust them I delegate This is what leaders do, they delegate.

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In Islam, we learn the important concept of learning and teaching in action. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he wasn't just a phenomenal leader. He was a phenomenal teacher. And we spoken about the Prophet as a teacher in many different sessions of blast from the past across

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across our four seasons Alhamdulillah in terms of the Hajj, we see how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went to do the hedge with his companion so they could see firsthand

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we have a woman named Manasa come take from me your hydrates, they could see firsthand what he's doing. With regards to the Salah he did the same he said Sir Luca, tomorrow morning or Sunday, pray as you see me pray. As you see my actions do that. That is the prayer. Right? So teaching in action, learning in action. This was a way of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam number seven. We also learned the importance of following the Sunnah without questioning it, and we've discussed this time and time again. Right?

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We don't see people quizzing the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam about something he did, but when they saw that he did something and they didn't do it. They came to more prophet of Allah. I slaughtered before cutting, I cut before stoning. You see, they wanted to follow the Sunnah. This is what made them great people.

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They did a sooner because it was a sooner they followed a sooner because it was you and I today we live a so

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Because it was a tsunami Allah forgive us. We the total opposite, with the total opposite but do I have to you don't have to believe it. But brother the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did insisted the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did Why are you live? Why are you It's as if you belittling it because it's as soon as the companions made it a big thing, because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did we have to fix ourselves? Number eight, we learn how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam dealt with the view of Jia helia, that Umbra cannot be done during the months of Hajj. He did it in practice, by making his companions come out of Iran, and show him that

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you have how many people if you 1000s upon 1000s. And this is Billy, this is expressive in wiping out a false belief. Because anyone who wanted to build that belief again that say, hold on, there were too many people who practiced a practice different to what you were saying, when they were with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So I think you might be mistaken. Right? So sometimes you teach by speaking, sometimes you teach by enacting a movement. And that movement creates a scene that is so expressive, it doesn't need anyone to speak.

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Right? Talking about how amazing he was as a teacher, so panela how he did things in stages. sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he told them to come out of Iran. They were apprehensive. He says, If I knew now, if I knew then what I know now I would have done it myself. You see, he's, he Subhana Allah. He didn't scold them. He didn't get angry with them. He understands the psychology. He understands the mentality, he understands the reality.

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Right? Nobody knows if they're going to get to do a hedge again with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So we want to be exactly like him. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, This is what I would have done, and immediately they act and they do it. And this takes us back to Lesson number seven, about following the sun. Lesson number nine, we learn how the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam

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taught us that we are a middle nation. And he used every opportunity to teach us that we're not a nation of extremes. We are not extreme rights. We are not extreme left's, we are extremely on the middle. That's the only extreme that we have that we remain on the middle.

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He took every opportunity to teach this. And we've discussed this in several places of loss from the past, including a moment in the hedge when pebbles are given to him. And he shows them that this is the size you know, these are the sizes that you should consider.

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And don't be extreme in your religion.

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What a teacher he was. Lesson number 10. Brothers and sisters in Islam, we need to shift the paradigms of rich versus poor.

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We spoke about this after the book.

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Right? That someone has the world and everything in it. And someone has a piece of the hereafter who is richer.

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Who is richer when the smallest Paradise is the world in everything in times 10.

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Right. So you favor the archaea?

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Right? You favor the ACA. We learned this from the events

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of the hygiene how Allah revealed that Yama according to the convener convert one to Allah commitment. I said that Allah said he completed his favor upon the Prophet, even though the Prophet was riding a camel and sleeping on the floor and not having a meal guaranteed. But Allah said, I have completed your faith One, two, this is the true this is the paradigm shift we need, that we look at life with the eye of the Hereafter, not just the eye that we have to before the grave.

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That the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam felt rich, he felt completed he felt fulfilled. Why? Because Allah gave him Jen. Allah completed his favor upon the messenger and upon the believers, because they were created for Jenna in Allah Hirsch Tara, mean and Nina and fusa home, what Amala home the first quarter of the level of the Jews

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insha Allah

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that Indeed, Allah has purchased from the believers, their wealth and their life in exchange for paradise.

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The wealth belongs to Allah. The health belongs to Allah. The life belongs to Allah, but he loans it to us in different amounts. So some people live longer. Some people have greater health, some people are richer, other people are less, they have less Allah distributed in different portions. But at the end of the day, It all belongs to him, because we sold it to Allah in a transaction in exchange for paradise. And that's why naturally we'll be questioned about what we did with our wealth. What we did with our health, what we did with our life, Why be questioned if we own it will be questioned because we don't own it. Number 11 brothers and sisters in Assam, Omar, he did what he did when he

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kissed the hijab a sweat and said what he said, to highlight to us to Han Allah, that by mistake, don't worship an idol. Because remember the Arabs, they worship stones and this is a stone and you kissing a stone. And it's also from his wisdom as even hedger and other scholars of Islam say that Omar was aware that they were new Muslims around him.

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So just in case somebody thought that look in Islam, you also Lower your head to stones, Omar and now

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To what he did when he kissed it so that they can learn that I know you don't benefit and you don't harm. I'm only kissing you because I saw the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam doing it and if he didn't I wouldn't have done it. Right so this is being comprehensive and this is a lesson that we need to take when we go through a 21st century lessons from the leadership of formidable have Barbara Viola one with the CEO of America Barbara gala one, but I'll leave you to imagine the lessons that you can take from what Omar did. Number 12 brothers and sisters in Islam

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is carrying on without armor did we learn that we should follow the evidence even if it doesn't make sense? No doubt, after Islam came and smashed the idols kissing a stone doesn't make sense. But what he's saying, if I didn't see the Prophet do it, I wouldn't do it meaning I'm only doing it because he did it meaning I do what is backed by evidence even if it doesn't make sense to me.

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And we've spoken about this before we put the Quran and Sunnah before our intellect. Right? If it's authentic, in our mind feels it stranger us feel strange about it. The problem is with our mind, not with the lesson that has reached us. Lesson number 13. Our religion is built upon ease and a middle way and no difficulty when people came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saying I missed this, and I did this before this, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, If Allah Allah Hi, Raj, catch up what you missed, and don't worry about it, catch up what you missed, and don't worry about it. So this will and brothers and sisters in Islam Alhamdulillah Islam has a setting for

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different spaces for different places for different circumstances, it doesn't treat the new Muslim as it treats a born Muslim, a long Muslim or an old Muslim, if I can use that term. It doesn't treat a person who is new to a lesson the same way as someone else was established with the lesson and so on and so forth. And we see the justice and mercy and the practical pragmatic sentiments of Islam in the books are filled from beginning to end. And this is just one example. Lesson number 14. Brothers and sisters in Islam, and this is the last thing I'll share is

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sometimes you have a situation whereby a person has an easy way, but they prefer a slightly more difficult way. And it's allowed for them islamically to do it. And if they do it, it will make them happier, and it will help them further facilitated for them. Like the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did for Asia. He explained to Asia that her situation didn't need for her to go the extra mile. But he saw it meant a lot to her that she goes the extra mile. And she does her Amara before her hedge. And he also saw that if I allow her to do this, it will stop her doubting how amazing her hedge was. So let me facilitate it with her. Right and he delegated her brother to take her so that

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she could go and complete it. So we should be the same brothers and sisters in Islam. This is the way of the messenger he always asked us to facilitate things for people. Yes, he wrote to us through bashira Latina Pharaoh facilitate things for the people do not make it difficult for them, give people glad tidings do not make you know, do not give them tidings that make them sad, or deflate them. This was his way he facilitated every time he could facilitate. And even after him the Sahaba would say to each other that you guys know the Messenger of Allah, he never refused anything that anyone asked him. You guys know the message anytime someone asked him, he gave him in many accounts

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after the passing of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam we see this Subhan Allah, right, so facilitate things for your wives facilitating for your kids, you know, I know some people have this, but they are they have they have a demeanor where they plan things and they you know, put things into motion and then they deal with the things around them based on how they plan and the plan that has been set. And sometimes you can see that this matter means a little bit more to someone be flexible, be flexible, allow it it's not gonna it's not gonna cause the hedge to stop. It's not going to cause her to miss the hedge. Right? I'm talking about Asia, but you have your own

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circumstances, put everything in the scale of balances and see how you can accommodate people to the best of your ability. And as I said, there was no harm on Asia, because her situation was unique. She was on her menses, but she wanted it to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam facilitated facilitated it for her sallallahu alayhi wasallam alright brothers and sisters in Islam This brings us to the end I think this was the longest session we had to date. But

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insha Allah This is a sign that our endings are stronger than our beginnings and inshallah it's a means of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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accepting our month, we started off with 30 minute sessions today we are one hour 60 minutes hamdulillah obviously it's not intended, but as I said, it's we want to finish the hour session

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to the best of our ability and hamdulillah I'm happy with where we've reached tomorrow. Join me let others know as well. We'll be discussing the passing away of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, it's going to be the hardest lesson for any share, to teach, and inshallah we'll go through the most important points and then we will take the lessons that we can benefit from those sessions, and then brothers and sisters in Islam. We will also say goodbye to each other to Pamela. Not Goodbye forever, but goodbye in terms of blasts from the past because tomorrow our session comes to an end and I believe tomorrow will be the prize giving

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When Allah will reward us for our time together across the season, and for those who joined us from the beginning, then across four seasons, it was a dream of mine to teach the Sierra in some capacity. They were at the sessions where the CEO was being taught narrative per narrative.

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And I didn't want to do duplicate the wheel. So I thought I'd bring a few cups here kind of approach would work something that fits in 29 to 30 days. And Alhamdulillah Allah made that dream come true, because we did three seasons before this. And now this is season four. And that's how it was planned at the beginning two seasons for the Macan phase of the Prophet's life and two seasons for the Medina and phase of the prophets life 111 at the time was slightly had, we praise Allah for it is with his blessings that goodness becomes completed insha Allah, He will bless us to see tomorrow and to complete our session together. I love you all for the sake of Allah, please pray for me as I pray

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for you. And all the do as I make at the end of every session. I ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to grant us those to us at the end of the session as well. I love you all for the sake of Allah until tomorrow insha Allah sallallahu alayhi wa rahmatullah wa barakato Allahumma barik ala nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi

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