Sajid Ahmed Umar – When Ibrahim Was Thrown Into Fire

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary © The history and success of Islam is discussed, including the implementation of Islam's sub foremendership and the use of the "hasho" to guide actions and events. The "hasho" is used to bring people to Christ, and the "hasho" is used to guide actions and events. The importance of trusting oneself and others in the face of adversity is emphasized, along with the need for people to study and not relied on their intelligence. The importance of practicing Islam and building one's own trust is emphasized, and the need for evidence in the Quran to support their claims of success in life is emphasized. The importance of not giving up on past mistakes and not giving up on promises of Islam is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Allah is in a first he is a summit, the one upon who everything in creation is dependent upon every heartbeat that beats in every human being that exists and every other creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala that exists, it beats because of a summit. Indeed Allah is in a forest smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam ala rasulillah who early or Sahih or seldom at the Sleeman kathira illa. Jambi Dean, a mother at a loving mother and Milena el amor lantana. In the cantle early will Hakeem Allah alumna my and foreigner when foreigner Bhima lantana was eaten Adelman, watermelon, Kareem rubbish Ashley sadri westerly, Emery Washington Nakata, melissani Yahoo

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all praises belong to Allah subhanho wa Taala. We seek

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His forgiveness and we seek his assistance after we praise Allah subhanho wa Taala and we seek refuge in Allah subhanho wa Taala from the evil of our souls and the adverse consequences of our deeds will serve Allah subhanho wa Taala guides the nun can miss guide and also have Allah subhanho wa Taala misguides the nun can guide and peace in salutations v upon the final messenger, Muhammad Ali Abdullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I bear witness that there is no one worthy of worship besides one Allah, and that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is His Messenger. My dear brothers and sisters in Islam.

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To my dear Malaysians, I greet you with the greetings of peace? salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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Indeed, it's always a pleasure to visit this beautiful country and see the home of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam here and also come and speak to you at this particular venue where we can sit together and learn from the inheritance of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam May Allah subhanho wa Taala make this a gathering which is which has come together solely for the sake of Allah Ameen. And may Allah subhanho wa Taala make this a gathering that he is a good word and follows it. I mean, and we Allah subhanho wa Taala make this a gathering forgiven upon its departure. I mean, you are Bellamy, my dear brothers and sisters in Islam. It was the 13th year

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after Luba, the 13th, year after Prophethood. And it was after 13 years of hardship at the hands of the kurush. And it was after two hedgerows to habashi

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and after three years of sanctions, and it was after the death of Abu polyp and Khadija Allah who

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and it was after there our entire life, and being stoned in pa if it was after all this Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam knocked at the door of Abubakar Arabi Allah when, at around midday,

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a time which was not common,

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or a time in which it was not common for people to visit one another. They wouldn't visit one another around midday. It was at this time that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam knocks his door. And when Abubakar robiola who understood that the door was Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and that he was there at this time. He understood that the moment of his right to Medina had arrived.

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The hedgerow to Medina, a blast from the past moment, that would be a great means of Islam flourishing up to today and up till the Day of

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a moment that would be used as the foundation of his of the Islamic calendar. And Abubakar knew as well, that Allah subhanho wa Taala chose him to be the companion of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. During this historical event, immediately, a great means and strategy was put into effect.

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They planned the route to Medina, via the direction towards Yemen. Why? Because this wouldn't be the first place that the koresh would look for them after they realized the Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in Abu Bakar had departed. So they strategized they took a different route. They planned the point of stay

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till the search parties that were searching for them who died out. They planned away to receive provisions during their stay in the famous cave of thought they planned away also to receive Intel regarding the intensity

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Have the search parties that the Quraysh had sent out. They wanted to know exactly what is happening with the search parties, how intense is the search, and they wanted to know when the intensity had died down or moved to another place. All this was planned. All these strategies came into effect they wanted to make an informed decision. With regards to when they could continue their journey to Medina.

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They also had in mind the guide that would be hired to successfully assist their journey to Medina. Indeed, they took the means, and they planned meticulously. And as they planned meticulously. The kurush plotted as well, for the Quraysh. My dear brothers and sisters, they were angered by the fact that they missed also the Lassen Allahu alayhi wa sallam in Abu Bakar. And for those who know the Sierra, you would know that they were plotting to kill Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And they also had an effective plot in place or what they thought was effective. They had the alleyways covered, surveillance was in place. They cannot understand how he slipped through their

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surveillance. They were very angry. So now they placed a mighty ransom in place, a ransom of 100 camels, the best camels, perhaps today. In our time, we would quick equated to perhaps 100 read Ferraris, right. This was the answer that was put in place for the person who caught Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And they began to search every route, every galley, every alleyway. This is what they did. And the plot was so effective, that they even reached the foot of the cave, that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam in Abubakar hiding, and this is how effective Their plan was. But there was a mighty difference. My dear brothers and sisters, there was a difference between the

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planning of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam, and the plot of the crush. You see my dear brothers and sisters, the Quraysh they plotted and place their trust in their people's ability. they place their trust in the plot itself, they hope for success was created by placing their confidence in their plan, in their abilities in their personnel in their search parties. This is where they place their trust. But with regards to the plan of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then this plan was built upon the placement of one's trust not in the creation, but in the one who is in control of everything. In the one who is the creator of everything. Allah subhanho wa Taala

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Allah Allahu Allah had a summit, a lady Lamia lead one a mu lead. Allah

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subhanho wa Taala they trust was in Allah subhanho wa Taala the Quran she got really close to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they were at the foot of the cave. Abubakar

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cries out and says, Oh prophet of Allah, O Messenger of Allah. If these people had to look at the feet, they will expose us. Why did he say this because they were in a VR. And AR VR is different to a calf. A VR refers to a cave, that when you enter, you have to go into the cave downwards. So when you get into the cave, you actually at a lower position to the actual mouth of the cave. This is different to the cave in sort of

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the Cave of the people of the story of the cave, they were in a cat, a cat have refers to a flat cave, when you enter the cave, and the inside of the cave is at the same surface level as the mouth of the cave. Like when we enter a bedroom of ours or any room in our home. We don't go downwards, right. The surface area of the room is at the same level as the entrance. This is a calf Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam was in the cave of Thor, and this cave was a horror so they were actually downwards for them to be spotted. The search parties would have to bend down and look inside the cave. So Abubakar, he tells Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that if they look at the position

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of the feet, we will be exposed and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says back to Abubakar, row, Abubakar, what is your view of two people

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that has allies the threat and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says to Abubakar as Allah tells us in the Quran. Do not

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Be afraid, Indeed Allah is with us. This is what happened. This My dear brothers and sisters is our call. This is our call and this My dear brothers and sisters is a picturesque, a story style definition of tawakkol which is the theme of today's lecture Alhamdulillah torquil My dear brothers and sisters is an Arabic term and it is a term found in both the Quran and the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And in the English language, we translate to Oculus placing one's trust in Allah, or focusing one's reliance only on Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now, what does this mean? It basically means my dear brothers and sisters, that the word cool is the understanding that we do not

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put food on our tables, but rather it is Allah subhanho wa Taala who sustains us.

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It teaches us My dear brothers and sisters, that it is not our degrees, or our skill sets or our abilities or our intelligence that causes outcomes to be, but rather that it is Allah subhanho wa Taala who showers upon our matters, acceptance and mercy, and as a result they come to be and those outcomes are deemed successful. It is with the willen permission of Allah subhanho wa Taala is not based on any endeavor, from ourselves. What we do is a means but success and all of success is from Allah subhanho wa Taala. This is our call my dear brothers and sisters. How many a time today? Do we hear people say it is I who puts food on my table? How many times do we hear people today say it was

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my idea? It was my intelligence. It was it was it was my intelligence and quickness that I picked up on a certain thing that the deal went through. How many times do we hear this today? It is I who puts food on the table. This is very common My dear brothers and sisters. This is not the statement of a believer. And it should not be the statement of a believer. A believer is one that takes the means but understands that all success is from Allah subhanho wa Taala and a believer is the one who says Alhamdulillah all praises belongs to Allah, the One who blessed us with sustenance, all praises belongs to Allah subhanho wa Taala who inspired me to be diligent so I could study well, and I could

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perform well in my exams, all praises belongs to Allah subhanho wa Taala who blessed me with these results later. How will our La quwata illa Billah there is no power no mic except from Allah, all praises belongs to Allah, for the vehicle for the vehicle that I drive. Indeed, if Allah didn't bless me with this gift, I would not have a vehicle. And if Allah didn't bless me with the ability to drive, I wouldn't have driven I'm trying to just mention to you mundane activities brothers and sisters.

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That today we tend to blind it and we attribute success in them to us when the success should be attributed to Allah subhanho wa Taala tawakkol My dear brothers and sisters teaches us to be far away from those that Allah subhanho wa Taala never praised. Allah subhanho wa Taala in Surah Zuma in IRA number 49 describes a people that Allah subhanho wa Taala does not praise Allah says for either muscle in Santa

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from either

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color in booty

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Bella here with net

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Allah moon, Allah says, and when adversity touches man, he calls upon us equals to Allah subhanho wa Taala. Then, when we bestow him with a favor, when Allah loves his difficulty, when Allah causes favours to fall upon him and reach him, what does he say? He says, I have only been given it because of my knowledge is because of me. It's because of my doing my degree, my ability, my intelligence, Allah subhanho wa Taala says rather This is a trial. It's a test. It's a trial, but most of them do not know you, Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us. I mean, and May Allah make us from the mutawa Kiran Amin. token My dear brothers and sisters is from the noblest acts of worship. And there are

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many evidences that make this clear for us and make this manifest

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For us, let's take a view in sha Allah in the time that we have together the first evidence that teaches us how noble tawakkol is, and teaches us why we should be from the family of the people of our cool is that Firstly, from the names of Allah subhanho wa Taala? is Allah working from the names of Allah Subhana who Allah is Allah Joaquin and I think if we only mentioned this point, it is enough for us to understand how important it is for us to have our code because Allah subhanho wa Taala chose as a name and attribute from his names and attributes this name elokim What does it mean? We can only loosely translated brothers and sisters because Allah is so perfect. But we can

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lose the translated by saying that our kill refers to the one who is perpetually the best guardian and protector of our affairs in the most absolute and complete way. This is who Allah kill is, let me repeat it. The one who is perpetually the best guardian and protector of our affairs in the most absolute and complete way. Allah subhanho wa Taala says worker Farah biLlahi Joaquim Allah says that Allah is enough for us as our kill. Allah is the best disposal of our events, the best place to to place your trust in is with Allah subhanho wa Taala. And as we recite Walker fabula he Akilah it actually teaches us another evidence or gives us another reason that teaches us why tawakkol is

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important. And that is for the simple fact my dear brothers and sisters, that yes, indeed, Allah is enough for us.

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allies in a forest, he is a farmer, the one upon who everything in creation is dependent upon every tree, and every leaf on every tree, that shivers because of the wind that reaches it, you must understand that that leaf does not shiver except because of the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Because Allah decreed that it shivers, every heartbeat that beats in every human being that exists, and every other creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala that exists, it beats because of a solid, because of the one upon who everything in creation is dependent upon. Indeed, Allah is in a forest worker fabula he will kill. Understand this imagine, imagine if we were in charge of our heartbeat?

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What would happen? We'd forget. Right? you'd forget then what happens? You end up dying, then you say Subhanallah life of God? No, no, you can't even say that. It's too late. It's too late. Right? So our heartbeat whether we remember whether we don't remember whether we awake, whether we asleep. Why? Because everything in creation is dependent upon a summit. Allah subhanho wa Taala. Indeed, Allah is enough for us. And this is a reason why we are this is an evidence that we should deduce this understanding regarding the nobility of the work confirm that indeed, allies are working. And indeed Allah subhanho wa Taala is enough for us. The third reason my dear brothers and sisters that

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teaches us why our call is noble. And why we should be from the people of our cool is that Allah subhanho wa Taala

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cited the messages and cited all those people that Allah prays to be people of taqwa. Look at Ibrahim alayhi salam, when they prepared the fire for him, and they threw him into the fire. What did he say? He said, as we find in the hadith of Ibn ambassador of the Allahu anhu. In Sahih al Bukhari, he said, Hassan Allah, this is what he said when

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he said, Indeed allies in a for me, and indeed Allah is the best place to put my trust in he is the best disposal of all affairs. Allah praises Ibrahim Alayhi Salam for this. And as Ibrahim places his trust in Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala commands this very hot fire that was created to burn him to be cool and safe. For Ibrahim Allah He says, This is the reality brothers and sisters and Allah praises Ibrahim Alayhi Salam for this. If we look further My dear brothers and sisters, in terms of those that Allah subhanho wa Taala praise praises. Allah tells us in his book about

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a group from the hypocrites that went to the Muslims to to create fear, to fear monger, they went to the Muslims and said you know what?

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The Quraysh have gathered against you. So be scared of them. This is what they did. This is what they said to the Muslims. Allah tells us in his book,

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Alevi Nepal Allah

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NASA Aj merula come

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home he man

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has been on

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my lucky phone call Abu beanie I met him in a law he will hopefully lamium says assumes

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Allah Allahu

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says those to whom the hypocrite said indeed the people have gathered against you, Sofia them but all that did was increased the belief of the believers and they said has been Allah sufficient for us is Allah when it Ramallah kill, and he is the best dispose of our affairs. So Allah says, so they returned with a favor from Allah and a bounty from Allah and no harm touch them, and they pursued the pleasure of Allah. And indeed Allah subhanho wa Taala is the possessor of great bounty. Right? So this is another, we see a group of people being praised by Allah subhanho wa Taala. And they are being praised for what for the fact that they were from the

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mutawa alone, those who practice the worker, those who worshipped Allah with our call, and Allah subhanho wa Taala also says in his book, he praises the messengers, right? He praises His messengers, Allah subhanho wa Taala and surah Ibrahim, in is number 12. He says, that the messenger saying or Mallanna

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Later, Kelly, Mata Ki Moon, Allah says that the messenger said, and why should we not rely upon Allah, once he has guided us to our good ways, and we will surely be patient against whatever harm you should cause us and upon Allah, let those who would rely rely, right because we know the messengers, they face difficulties from the people that they went, but they said whatever you do to us, we will only rely on Allah subhanho attack, we will be people of tawakkol you can do what you please but our reliance is on Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah, so Allah subhanho wa Taala praises them. Also from the reasons why tawakkol is noble and important is because Rasulullah sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam taught us about tawakkol in many veneration for his sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said lowth our call to Malala our coolie La Rosa Coco, Coca Cola Yasuko pire taco hemosol whatever you do with honor, he said sallallahu alayhi wa sallam if you relied on Allah, with a true reliance, he would provide for you the same as he provides for the beds. They set off in the early morning with empty stomachs and they return back at the end of the day was full stomach La ilaha illAllah. This Hadith is in soon an attorney MIDI and also narrated by Imam Ahmed and others ultimate Allahu Allahu matrimony. Also in another teaching of my dear brothers and sisters, Rasulullah sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam, he teaches Abdullah even a best of the Allahu anhu man. And he says to him, oh, young man, I shall teach you some words and give you some advice. Be mindful of Allah. And Allah will protect you. Be mindful of Allah, and you will find him in front of you. If you have a need to ask, ask Allah. And if you seek help, seek help from Allah. And know that even if the entire people and community were to gather together to benefit you with something, they would not benefit you with anything except that which Allah has already recorded for you. So Pamela, and if they were to gather together to harm you with something, they will not be able to harm you. Except with that which Allah

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subhanho wa Taala has already recorded against you. So Pamela, no one can fight the decree of Allah. Allah Houma, lemony Anima

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This is what we say after sada right it's a do after Salah taught us by Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that Oh Allah, no one can prevent from us that would you decree to reach us well,

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and no one can give us that would you decree will not reach us? This is the reality My dear brothers and sisters. So after Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says this to Abdullah has been our best route the Allahu anhu he says to him roofie

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would you forget the source of that depends have been lifted and the ink has dried, meaning the decrees have been written. Nothing is going to be changed and no one can change it right. So we see Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam teaching us about torkel in a

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As the narration he says, Be mindful of Allah and you will find him before you and get to know Allah in prosperity and he will know you in adversity and know that what has passed you by was not going to come to you in the first place. If it must you it wasn't meant to come to you

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right now so Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is teaching us this, that if it missed you, it wasn't meant to come to you.

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And that which reaches you was never meant to mercy. Allah, how many times brothers and sisters do we enter into sadness and some states of depression? Because the deal was missed? Or that sister got married to another guy? Or that guy got married to another sister.

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Right? How many times do we say Subhan Allah? If only if only if only Subhana Allah we opened the door to Siobhan. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam warned us again saying low, if only so that we don't open the door to shavon put your trust in Allah subhanho wa Taala. This is from the teachings of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Also my dear brothers and sisters, that which teaches us how noble tawakkol is, is the fact that Allah in His books of Hannah, who were to Allah, commands as time and time again towards the worker, time and time again, Allah says, What's our

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mood? Allah says, and rely upon the EverLiving who does not die meaning Allah subhanho wa Taala that sort of tool for fun? I am number 58. And Allah says in Surah

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number three, what our cattle

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or Kapha

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Akilah and rely upon Allah and sufficient is Allah as a disposal of our affairs in Surah Al Imran is number 159 Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah says, for either as

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in Allah you have Buta working, and when you have finally decided, put your trust in Allah subhanho wa Taala leave it with Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah Indeed Allah loves those who rely on Allah subhanho wa Taala not those who rely on themselves and rely on the intelligence and rely on the abilities Allah loves those who rely in Allah subhanho wa Taala in Surah to Nirmal I in number 79. Allah subhanho wa Taala says, further our curl

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in Ireland have been, Allah says Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam so rely upon Allah, Allah is commanding Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So imagine what the situation should be with the followers of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam if the one who is receiving revelation is being commanded towards relying on Allah, what should be your case? In my case, Allah says rely upon Allah indeed you are upon the clear truth surah Brahim I am number 12. Or Allah Allah He fell yet Kelly Mata Ki loon, and upon Allah let those who would rely placed their reliance in Surah to Toba. I am number 15 where Allah He fell yet our Kelly, me noon, and upon upon Allah subhanho wa Taala let the

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believers place their trust time and time again. You know, if Allah subhanho wa Taala told us once, it was plenty, but he's telling us time and time again. You know why? Because it's important, just like how you and I tell our children time and time again, study. Did you study? Are you sure you studied? Right? will repeat will remind will check. We make sure why it's important that they study, right? It's important, so we don't mind repeating ourselves. It's not boring. To repeat yourself with something that is important. Allah subhanho wa Taala time and time again. Place your trust in Allah, place your trust in Allah, place your trust in Allah. It's so important, my dear brothers and

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sisters, and this is from the worship of the heart. I mean, how many times has Allah commanded us towards Salah in the Quran? And how many times has Allah commanded us towards fasting in the Quran?

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But how many times has he commanded us towards our Chi?

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How many times has he commanded us towards the core? This is worship of the heart, my dear brothers and sisters. And you know what? For those who ponder, you will come to know that you know from the Sahaba of the Allahu anhu Marine, they were those who are not known for a lot of salah

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and a lot of fasting and a lot of charity. In fact, if you look at those who came after the Sahaba we find these these generations reach us that they used to read the whole Quran in one night. They would perform Salatin fetcher, what they will do.

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We hear this from those after the Sahaba but how come the Sahaba were the best of all generations? You know why my dear brothers and sisters, because the level of worship of the heart was so high that no one after them will reach that level Subhanallah so it's the heart today many people observed the Salah, and this is good and hamdulillah and they fast and this is good Alhamdulillah but when adversity strikes what happens to the man it starts to shiver they start questioning your Allah Why me? Right? Why is this happening to me? I'm making to our Allah is not answering my dua I've been going through difficulty for so long. I don't know how long I can take this form

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of asking Allah for help. I don't know why the Help is not coming. Do we not hear this and from people who pray a lot and fast a lot and pray the Quran a lot Mashallah. I'm not saying we shouldn't be doing this we shouldn't be doing this. But as we do this and look after the worship of the body, we need to look after the worship of the heart. And tawakkol is from this and that's Allah reminds us time and time again. I after IRA I after IRA I after I place your trust in Allah, place your trust in Allah understand all successes from Allah subhanho wa Taala amazing amazing My dear brothers and sisters right? And you know what? When we go through difficulty trust comes in Allah

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let's be honest when it's exam time what happens was the students here who is anyone studying here? Put up your hand if you're studying Mashallah most of the audience what happens exam time? What happens to our to our firstly we start making do our Mashallah right right and then the doers become amazingly perfect. So yeah Allah you are the know of everything else. You know the questions in the exam Yeah.

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I don't know the questions but you know, the syllabus of mine is so big Allah but you know the questions Yeah, Allah make the information I need settle in my heart as I flick through the pages of this book. Yeah. Right. Yeah, Allah you know the person marking my exams he's a human being. He has a heart and all the hearts are in your control. Yeah. Yeah, Allah when he comes to my mistakes blind his heart

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right now the dreiser Subhan Allah The Allahu Akbar do is that our call is at a high level right? We make into a trauma we waking up with 100 we making do after every Salah Yama, you know I think I made a mistake there. Yeah, Allah you know, when he's giving the marks, soften his heart making give more. If it's 78 let him right at Yama. You are in control of everything. Yeah, I placed my trust in you, Allah. Allahu Akbar. This is how it should be my dear brothers and sisters all the time. It should be like this all the time. But let's let's move on before the time finishes, from the Vivi the evidences that teach us how noble tawakkol is, my dear brothers and sisters, is

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the fact that Allah subhanho wa Taala will enter 70,000 people into Jannah without any questioning, and without any punishment. Did you know this? Allah will enter 70,000 people is a hadith in Sahih al Bukhari and Sahih Muslim it's an authentic narration beyond that, and also Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, it's a long Hadith, I'm just gonna paraphrase it for you because our time is coming to an end. He tells us however, that 70,000 will enter. And in another generation or so the loss of Allahu alayhi wa sallam explains the qualities of the 70,000. He says that they are people who, the gist of it, they are people who place their trust in Allah in an amazing way. They don't

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seek Rukia from other people. Rukia is a is a type of Islamic healing.

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And the scholars have said that you are allowed to have other people, you know, read the Quran on you if you have a sickness or an illness. But what's better is for you not to ask them if they do it themselves, that's fine. But you don't ask them you do it yourself and put your trust in Allah. Does that make sense? So from the people that will enter Paradise without any questioning, or those who do not see people's assistance with Rukia and they do not practice branding, and they do not believe in omens, because the Qureshi is to believe in omens, right? They would walk out of the house in the morning, take a stone, throw it at a bird, if it flew, right, let's say right, let's go we can

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travel today. If it went left the snow today is not a good day to travel. Right? They were superstitious. And today we have the signs of the zodiac along with Mr. Han. And many Muslims read them and Muslims start relating to them. They go through a bad day this AI read this morning in the newspaper that you know, I'm a Gemini while I'm this and I'm that minister today is not going to be a good day. So it's not a good day. Allahumma Stein, right. So we must see colossal

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Who attalus protection from this and seek His forgiveness if we practice this, my dear brothers and sisters, so those who will enter Jannah are those who place their trust in Allah in a great way, not in the people, not in other things, they place it in Allah subhanho wa Taala. Clear. So these are some of the reasons that teach us how important our call is. Now, my dear brothers and sisters,

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the word cool is about taking the means and placing one's trust in Allah. It's about taking the means and placing one's trust in Allah. It's not about just placing your trust in Allah and not doing anything. And it's not about taking the means and believing in the means. I think today we have two extremes. We have a group of people who believe in the means in the education in the intelligence in the abilities, that's an extreme. And we have another they believe in the medicine that they take, I have a headache, I took paracetamol, the paracetamol will make me better. They forget about Allah. And then we have another extreme those who say, you know what, we won't take the

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means. We won't take medicine, we won't go to work, you know, this pot of rice is going to cook by itself. Right? This is another extreme. It doesn't work like that. You must take the means and you place your trust in Allah. Now does taking the means mean that you have belittled placing your trust in Allah? No, my dear brothers and sisters, in fact, from the completeness of our call is to take the means study, well, study hard plan, well strategize well go to work, look for a job but do your best. And then put your trust in Allah, lock your house and put your trust in Allah. This is from the completeness of our query, because Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told his companion

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Taiyo Campbell and put your trust in Allah, understand this, that you can do what you need to do. But it is only with Allah subhanho wa Taala permission, that the things that you do will work or not work. You might take the means, but it might not work. jacoba Allah His salam, when his sons were going back to Egypt for a second time, they are COVID the evil eye falling upon his sons. So you told them, when you go back to Egypt, make sure nobody sees you, as a big group again, enter Egypt through different gates.

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He's telling them to strategize, to take the means. But what did he say after that, but I want you to know that I cannot assist you, against the decree of Allah subhanho wa Taala in any way, I can advise you, you can take the means. But if Allah wills, you may still be afflicted, you can lock your house, but if Allah wills it might get broken into me Allah protect, does that make sense? So put your trust in Allah protect the means. When you take medication, take it and say yeah, Allah, I asked you to make this medication a means of my cure. Put your trust in Allah, because you could take medicine, but Allah could decree that it won't work. Does that make sense? My dear brothers and

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sisters, by episode it's very important that we make this matter. extremely clear my dear brothers and sisters, just to offer some evidence to the fact that we must take the means Allah tells us in the Quran, when he commands us to Salah to Juma thereafter the Juma is finished fantasy rueful art. Go out in the land of the human favela. Go and work, go into your job, go and earn. Why does Allah commanders do this? If the work cool is about not taking the means. Does that make sense? So if somebody tells you tomorrow that what's the evidence that I need to take the means tell them the evidence is that Allah commands us to go and work after Salah tomorrow, why would he command us to

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do this? Indeed, he is the provider. Right? So this is evidence insha Allah, just ending of my dear brothers and sisters, I'll end off with

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a statement of a wise man his name was Hatchimal Asan hachiman. Assam is said to be a person who lived in the third or fourth century of Islam. He was from a place known as Bell, which was one of the major cities of corizon, which in today's world map, we would sort of, say, north in Afghanistan, Allah knows best he was from this region. He was very wise. Hello, he had a lot of wise statements, right? And we actually call him the local man of our own man, because we know Look, man, was a wise man. Someone said to him,

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someone said to him,

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how do you

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practice the worker?

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So he said, I practice the workload, by knowing that my sustenance, no one can take it away from me, is from Allah. No one can take it away from me. It's a law's job to provide. No one can take it away from me. So I've become a very content person. So the person said to him, okay, so how do you eat?

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Meaning, how did you get yourself to this level and come to this understanding that it is Allah who provides How did you get

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to this level, he said from a few ayat in the Quran, from a few I had in the Quran, he said, In Surah Hood I in number six, Allah says, and there is no creature on earth, but that upon Allah is its provision, and he knows its place of dwelling and place of storage, all is in a clear book. And he says that Allah subhanho wa Taala says in Surah 230, yet, I am number 57 to 58. I do not want from them any provision, Allah is saying, I do not want from them any provision, nor do I want them to feed me. Indeed it is Allah who is the continual provider and sustainer and the firm possessor of strength. And he says, In surah, two era is number 96. Allah says, and if only the people of the

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cities had believed and feared Allah, we would have opened upon them blessings from the heaven and the earth, but they denied the messengers, so we seized them for what they were earning. And he says in Surah, no, I a number 13 He says, No, he said, ask forgiveness from your Lord. Indeed, Allah is the Perpetual Forgiver He will send rain from the sky upon you, and give you increase in your wealth and give you increase in your children and provide you with gardens and provide you with rivers Subhan Allah, what amazing advice My dear brothers and sisters, may Allah make us from them with our killin amin and May Allah forgive our past when we lacked our coal I mean, and May Allah inspire us

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to revise our lives and revise our association with the name of Allah known as a lower kill amin and May Allah make us a better people as a result of this lecture. I mean, last but not least, I end with an ayah in the Quran. And that I have provokes thought Allah Subhana who Allah says in Surah two Pollack is number three or

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four who has moved in Nola ballyhoo Marie, Audigier Allah who Nico lishi in podgora. And whoever relies upon Allah then Allah is sufficient for him. Indeed, Allah will accomplish His purpose. Allah has already set for everything a decreed extent. We Allah grant us the understanding. I mean, they are but I mean, I love you all for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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