Sajid Ahmed Umar – The Young Learners’ Hub 8

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary © The host of various guest speakers discusses various celebrities, personal lives, and experiences with genders in the Middle East. They introduce guest speakers and a book, Little explorers magazine. The host discusses the history of the Middle East and emphasizes the importance of praying for forgiveness and the use of Jesus for forgiveness. They also discuss the benefits of praying for Islam, including gaining forgiveness, staying away from bad deeds, and becoming "weird." The importance of practice and discipline is emphasized, and the video ends with a reminder to subscribe and share the episode.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah while and he also be a journey. As always, we begin asking the last panel who Allah to bless our program, and then we praise Allah and then we ask Allah subhana wa Taala to send blessings and praises upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh everyone,

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Masha Allah, welcome to episode eight. This is week number two, our week dedicated to salah and I will see reads then learners have a series in which we build genda together and hamdulillah because each and every one of us is on a journey to gender. Now very quickly,

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I must highlight the wonderful work that you sent in and as always, Pamela, there's just so much homework being sent in. It's impossible to share everyone's names, but he has some of the names that Allah made easy for me to gather for today's episode. So number one, we have zeyneb, nine Eman who's 11 and Yusuf who's seven and they represent the extra family, Masha Allah, they are based in real, you send some excellent notes and some excellent pictures. Keep up the good work, especially with schools being closed. It's good to keep up the momentum of doing good work when you go back to school and come to the lab. It's easy to work well as you used to. We also have a black man who's

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eight years old and zeyneb who's six Jazakallah hair for your spider diagram. Your handwriting was very neat. And your diagram was well laid out keep that up Mashallah. I also have Khadija bint Siraj from Abu Dhabi Mashallah very nice work, Khadija. Also I have lemmya handy, who is eight years old from Dubai. You did lovely post notes let me well done and also to say Korea who is eight and yet here was six also from Dubai. Very beautiful prayer Max and I really love the Masonic Mashallah that you drew on your prayer mats well done to lemmya Zakaria and you're here all from Dubai. We have Mohammed for he was seven from a place called Kaaba in Saudi Arabia Mashallah nice coloring and

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Mohammed. We have Mohammed Ali who's 11 and Mohammed Al have six from other amazing informative posts that well done to both of you your post on the era and the Mirage was really really nice. Mashallah, we have Amina Mohammed who's 11 from India. exceptionally beautiful poster on Sulayman alayhi salam, well, then Amina sorry for getting to your to your homework a bit late, but we'll come to that at the end. Well then, we also have Maria here with Dean who is eight years old, very nice diagram on the five pillars of Islam Mashallah amazing diagram, we have Nafisa Hannon, who is nine from Qatar. Also beautiful activity on the issara and the mirage. We also have Aisha cinnabar was

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nine years old from Dubai, and Mashallah, Aisha has completed all her worksheets for every episode worksheets from all episodes then thus far, Masha, Allah, Allah, we also have Ibrahim who's five years old from the best city on Earth, maccha, Masha Allah, and I received your cute picture on unicity salaam inshallah, because of that picture, you will never ever forget the story, and more importantly, the lessons from the story. And last but not least, I have Russian memoriam Hussain who's five, all the way from Birmingham in the UK. Thank you for being diligent with all your homework, Masha, Allah, Allah. Okay. We also have some webcams to share very quickly to the men and

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family Jazakallah fan for writing on the live chat yesterday. I indeed remember you all especially from teenagers, or at least those of you who used to attend micro program called Dean ages of course, I remember you all vertical level pecan, and pass my salaams to your parents. We also have enam she found interesting name, rhyming right, seven years old from Sri Lanka. Thank you for watching all the episodes and we have all the way from Zimbabwe, our little hideous friend and his name is ham den ham dad. Mashallah over from Zimbabwe. Welcome him then. Then we have Harun from Leicester, who was asking to ask a question yesterday on the chat and I told him to leave this

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question there. I searched for it and I found it. Welcome Harun, who is the nephew of Mt. Sadia Ershad, who is the chief editor of wonderful children's magazine called Little explorers magazine. So hello

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Welcome to the program. I like seeing you attending everyday Michelle I don't know if you can hear me right now maybe you can type in the live chat. Welcome and yes, I do know your auntie salvia and I also know your uncle and Carlos man. And Mashallah they both told me that you are memorizing sort of Bukhara keep at it Masha Allah remember the lesson from New Holly Sam, if you patient and you persistent, you will achieve certain batteries very long. But if you keep on it or keep it forever, you will get the inshallah you will reach the end of Surah Baqarah insha Allah,

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Masha Allah, Allah bless you Yahoo. And once we are on Leicester, then we welcome the third Aria family they have sada who's nine, Santa Santa who's six and Khadija who's five Mashallah. Mashallah your video, your video that you put out teaching people how to be a loved one in Milwaukee, after our lesson on Ibrahim Alayhi Salam was really heartwarming and heartfelt me Allah bless you and make you a Dahlia make you someone who teaches all the children of the Ummah and when you grow up all the people of the Ummah, the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the teachings that we find in the Quran. I mean, we also have from Leicester, yes, in Adam, who's 12 years old, and Amar,

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Amar, who's nine years old. So welcome. Then from Aberdeen, with Aberdeen, in the United Kingdom, we have tasneem and Isa, and we have Zoo negara, who is eight years old all the way from Brighton, the south of the UK. Right closer to Southampton. I believe we have you know, from Saudi Arabia. Welcome. You have a FIFA CD at 10 years old from India. Welcome. Russia who seven higher was six and Rosina who's four from Dubai. Thank you for joining in. And last but not least, we have the ultimate family who never missed a lesson from a place in the UK called Blackburn Blackburn. I know Blackburn. I do visit black men a lot because my wife is from Blackburn. So I do visit black when a

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lot and I know it's very close to Preston, and close to Bolton amongst other little towns and cities. So welcome everyone Masha Allah yesterday Alhamdulillah we discuss the history of salah and this is sila week, right? And today inshallah, we want to learn about the virtues of salah and how Salah helps develop our character and I'm going to be sharing with you some things that I think even some of your parents might not have thought about. So inshallah it will be a wonderful lesson for both you guys and your parents as well. If your parents are not with you right now, make sure you take notes and you share with them your notes. Now before the two questions came in, and they were

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good questions yesterday somebody said, Chef Sajid, what is the difference between a surah and Mirage? That was a good question. And also someone asked for me to further explain the difference between Salah when you traveling and Salah when you're not traveling? I think that's because of what we said at the end of yesterday's program, how the center changed from two to four units for Doha and outside Asia. So we'll do that. But firstly, what's the difference between Israel and Mirage? Abdullah, can you help me with that?

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Okay, Abdullah saying, he also didn't think of the question is a very good question. Do you know the answer?

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To doesn't know the answer? So a brilliant question and melody was the person who asked it. That is so raw, refers to someone's travel by night, from one place to another place, right? So if you travel by night, for example, from London, for example, to Leicester or from Leicester, to Blackburn, for example, or from one city in the country that you come from to another city, if you're traveling by night. This is known as israa. It's traveled by night from one place on earth to another place

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in your lifetime.

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Like I was saying, what happens if you travel by night, but when you arrive each day, that's also still COVID era, because most of your travel happened at night. So we know the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam before he went to Allah. Before he went to the heavens, he traveled from Mecca

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to Medina and then do fatal not to this to Mr. Luxor in Jerusalem, right. Okay. So that travel is called Israel when he went from Muslim harem from Mecca to mystical upside in Jerusalem, which is in Palestine that travel is called is. Then he went from Palestine from Moscow. With the winged horse. Remember the it was called the Barak, even the Legion. He went from there, up to the heaven.

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That's called the mere arch. So that's why whenever we talk about the journey of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam to Allah it's called the ISA and the Mirage because first it was from Mecca to Jerusalem and then there was Mirage from Jerusalem to the heavens. Okay, so I hope you got that answer everyone. Then the next question is what's the difference between travel when you are a resident when you live in a new city and spa what's the difference between Salah when you're a resident and Salah when you travel? The difference is, and when you are a resident, we pray Salah, like how Allah revealed the Salah after the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went to Medina

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remember yesterday we said I shall have the Allahu Allah, who is our mother, and she's the wife of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, she told us that Salah used to be only in twos, two

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or two units for fudger, the hub as a Muslim Federation, so five times the day after the Mirage, but you prayed only two units of prayer. But after they went to Medina, federal status two, but for her went from two to four, and also went from two to four. And Margaret went from two to three. And the ratio went from two to four. So this happened after the province of a level. So they went to Medina and everyone who is not traveling who's at home, right who prays in the masjid in their city, they have to pray Salah like this, too. For further for further for for our sub 3432. And 4444 is just testing you guys are awake for for Russia. But now if you travel, the nature of the law and had

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taught us that Allah made these easy for us, so when you travel, the Salas that went from two to four, it became too again, let's say you go on a holiday, when you go on a holiday for fudger you pray to but Furthermore, you pray forward to

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everyone can hear you guys feel to if you go on holiday and you play us or worry when you pray for or to to. If you go on holiday and you pray Asia, will you pray forward to two, but what about a loving

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mother who stays the same? So that's the difference everyone okay? If you didn't get it, please revise this with your parents. Okay. hamdulillah we've answered those two questions. And very quickly you want to move on to today's lesson in today's lesson is about the virtues of Salah as we said and some of the characteristics that Salah brings into our life. Okay, the first thing that Allah does for us and remember we did discuss some of these things in our first episode when we spoke about why is Salah important. We did speak about some virtues that day. So you can add these notes to that lesson. Or you can bring the notes from episode number six to this lesson, right in

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terms of why Salah important some of the virtuous acts of Salah right we said Salah allows us to be closer to Allah because when we prostrate when we're going to sujood we closest to Allah. We spoke about different things about the sun. But one of the things the Salah does for us is that Salah allows us to be forgiven. Salah gives us a chance to be forgiven because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said between the two scholars

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is forgiveness. Allah forgives you. So let's say you pray fudger then you do some naughty things that you're not supposed to do. It doesn't make a lot.

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Right, then it's time for the hookups. And you pray Serato

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when you base it out of the hole, Allah forgives all your stakes between federal and river

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haha ultimate said which sins are forgiven? Is it minuses or major sense? That's a big question. I mean, I didn't want to share that with everyone today but since you asked we can and it's good we can because hamdulillah the teachings of the Quran and the Sunnah is for everyone, the big people and the little people. When it comes to sins, we have major sins, big sins that makes a very, very angry and then we have minuses minuses, which Allah doesn't like us to do. Right? Right. But it's not like the majors. Okay. So major sins for example,

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is like for example, Riba? Right, Riba is a major sin. What is liver? It's when you give people money, because they need help you lend them money, and then you tell them to pay you back more money. That's called Riba. That's Haram. Allah doesn't like that at all. Okay? And whoever does that, then Allah is very angry with him. That's a major, right? That's a major Second. All right. backbiting, for example, is a major sin. What is backbiting? backbiting is working

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When you talk about your fellow Muslim boys and girls behind their back in a way that will make them sad. So let's say you all friends, and then one friend went away, right? So when that friend went away, when their friend goes away, what do you start telling your other friends? You see that goat? You know, her nose is very big. Or do you see that boy? And he's a bit fat. Right? You speak like this? Is that nice or not nice? That's not nice. Now they can't hear you. They went away. And now you started speaking about them. That's not a lot. Okay, that's a major, so alone forgive those sins. those sins need something called Toba something called repentance. And also if you you need

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forgiveness from the people first that you did wronged. For mark to forgive those sins. You tada we can discuss this in another episode, right? How do you get forgiveness from major sins? But in terms of my innocence, my innocence between the two sonatas, Allah will forgive me. Allah will forgive you your mind innocence, right? For example.

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You know, you take something that you weren't supposed to attach, right? Or for example,

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you made someone upset, right? Because you didn't speak to them in a nice way. Okay? And then you said sorry to them right now when you pray the next Salah allow will forgive you. Okay. Now let's say you played then as hurricane and between us or under you, you you you are backbiting so we're gonna forgive you. They can't hear you guys know why won't forgive you.

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That's a major lesson. Right? But let's say you did a minus in between the heart and soul and then you pray the will of love will give you Allah will forgive you for your minuses. Okay, so maybe in the future, one of the things one of the lessons we can have. It won't be in our series now because we got all our lessons set. But in the future if Allah gives me life, right, and preserves his own in his obedience, maybe we can have a young man, this obsession dedicated towards masons and minuses everybody learns what a major size is, and what a minus and is but for small boys and girls, major sins, not installed by an issue, but you must learn what they ask when you grow up. You don't do

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that. Right? There's many major sins that makes the ally extremely angry and we do them. Even if we praise Allah, Allah won't forgive us. So that's dangerous, right? I gave you one example called Riba and maybe you can discuss that with your parents, you can ask them to teach you what labor is. And I gave you another example go back by we shouldn't backbite we shouldn't tell tales. Right? You shouldn't gossip shouldn't do things that hurt other people and, you know, destroy other people. Sometimes their reputation is destroyed because we spread rumors about them. These are things that Allah subhanho wa Taala doesn't like and we need to seek repentance for Allah to forgive us. It's

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not enough just to eat the salad. We need to do something called Toba inshallah, we'll do that for another lesson inshallah. So what does that do for us? It allows us to be forgiven between every Salah Allah forgives us between father and daughter. Allah forgives us between the harasser. Allah forgives us between us and Mahara. Allah forgives us between Muslim and Asia. Allah forgives us between Asia and fudger.

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Allah forgives us okay, that's number one. Number two, so that helps us stop doing harm. Remember, we said you shouldn't do bad deeds, major and minor, big bad deeds and small bad deeds. We shouldn't do them right? Salah helps us stop doing these bad deeds because Allah tells us in sooner to Lanka boot

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in the salata?

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in the Reading Test another IoT.

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Allah says in the flight attendant hat, and in fact, you and Luca, Allah says our sila puts an end to that which Allah doesn't like to minuses and matrices. So whoever prays Salah Salah helps to stop you doing bad deeds. But only if you pray for that property.

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If you don't pray for that property, it's not going to help you. Right? When you pray Salah, and you know that I'm standing facing the table Allah and Allah is watching me and I'm worshiping Allah and the angels are writing that good angel is writing the good deeds. The bad angel is also if I don't bring it up properly, he's gonna write it is bad deed. So you remember all these things, and then you say Allahu Akbar, and you know what Allahu Akbar means it Allah tomorrow, I'm going to teach you what Allahu Akbar means. I'm going to teach you some of the things we say inside

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Other common words that were saying so now I'm going to teach you that

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either tomorrow or Friday, we will see how that goes in shala. But it's part of the curriculum. I do want to teach you that because when you understand what you pray, think your heart is present in your Salah, and your mind is present in the Salah. And you really know that you worshipping Allah and Allah is watching you and you put your head on the ground in sujood and you know that this is the most beloved position to Allah and you're so close to Allah subhanho wa Taala right. When you pray Salah like this, when you finish Salah, how can you go do bad deeds? Can you go in backbite? Can you go and do Reba? Can you speak to someone badly? Can you

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hurt somebody? Why? Because you just prayed Salah, and you know that Allah is watching you. You know that Allah can hear you. In Salah you say send me a lovely man hamidah you say Allah, can you hear me? Allah He is the one who praises him a lot. He has everything that we do. So Santa keeps teaching you that five times a day. It's training. When you want to run a race and you want to come first. What does the school do? They give you pee lessons and they make you practice running and sprinting. Right. They make you do lunges and squats isn't? Yes, you do lunges and squats so that your legs become strong. And you sprint and you practice and you sprint and you practice why so you can come

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first. So if you pray Salah five times a day, it's like you practice you are practicing to be a good Muslim. You are practicing to stay away from bad deeds. So Salah helps us stay away from bad deeds, right? But it helps us do. Our Salah helps us do that. When you boys and girls get older, right? older boys and girls. We know that Allah subhanho wa Taala doesn't want boys and girls to play together. Right? When you older Allah doesn't want the boys and girls to play together. Why? Because she uses that as a tool to make the boys and girls do bad deeds which Allah doesn't like. Right? So when you're small, you can play together. But when you get older, you can't play together. You can't

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say, you know, he's my cousin. She's my cousin. She's my friend. She's my neighbor. It's like we brothers and sisters. No, that's not true. You're not brothers and sisters. Your cousin is not your brother, your neighbor is not your sister. Right? So as you grow older, Allah says the boys and girls was not played together. The girls was played by themselves. The boys was pretty by themselves right? Salah helps us Salah helps us follow this command of Allah because five times a day we worshipping Allah and because we worship Allah, we love Allah, we want to do what Allah once so the spider continuously helps us to do that which pleases Allah. So when a bank comes to you and says,

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No, we'll just play with AIDS. Okay, you know, she's your sister. You pray Salah, and you're going to take to Shabbat No, it's not okay? Because I just prayed to Allah. And Allah is watching me and I worshipped Allah. Right and I told him love that I love him. How can I tell a lot that I love him and then I go do things which makes Allah angry with me. I can't do that. Right? And she's gonna pray the next Salah just now how am I going to play the next largest now when I'm making a lot angry now? Right? So the Salah helps us stay away from it. So number one, Salah helps us gain forgiveness. Number two, Salah helps us stay away from bad deeds. Number three, Salah gives us the opportunity to

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remember a lot and to make because insula, we praise a lot. And that's called the remembrance of Allah. And Allah wants us to remember him a lot. Allah says, Yeah, you are Latina Ehrman, Kuru la victron. cadherin. Right? Allah says, Oh, you who believe and that includes the young boys and young girls a lot is remember a lot a lot. Praise Allah.

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Say I'm hungry love so many times say Allahu Akbar. So many times, say Subhana Allah. So many times they will love so many times say has to be a loved one. here so many times c'est la ilaha illa. And so Kanika in the continent have been in so many times. Don't stop. Do it as many times as you can. Allah loves it when you do it. Sandra gives us the chance to do that because in Salah we say al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen urashima Manny Rahim Manny kiyomi de we praising Allah subhanho wa Taala a no start up we say su cannot be an AVI listen to Pandora. Ilana. This is praising Allah right there in our Salah. We also ask Allah for things. When we sit in between the two prostrations

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we say Rob, really Rob, definitely Rob, clearly our law Forgive me. You're asking Allah to forgive you. Right? And the person Allahu Allah. He was

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lm said when you in sujood when you prostrating down with your head on the ground, right after you say to pan around Allah three times, you can ask Allah for whatever you want. Right? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also told us at the end of the Salah when you sitting right when you sitting and you finish praying what you need to pray when you're sitting before you end the Salah by turning your head to the right and the left, you can ask Allah for whatever you want. So we see how the Salah gives us a chance to remember Allah and gives us a chance to ask from Allah. That's another virtue of the Salah. Also, the solid helps us become nice people. How does this help us be

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nice, because at the end of the Salah, we turn to our writing we say As salam o Alaikum wa rahmatullah. And as salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah is likely telling everyone on our right, right, that you are safe from any harm from me. I'm not going to harm you with my tongue. And I'm not going to harm you with my actions. When you say Assalamualaikum to someone. Yes, we call it a greeting. It's like we you know, people say make Salah, meaning greet someone, but when you make style and you actually making a do I, when I say to you all Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Everyone, when we start our program, what am I saying to you? I am telling you that each and every one of you

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out there who I am making Salaam to I promise I'm not going to hurt you with my tongue. And I'm not going to hurt you with my actions. And then you guys say why did

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you say the same back to me? So you all make a promise to me that you're not going to hurt me with your tongue and you're not going to hurt me with your actions meaning you're not going to back bite. You're not gonna say bad things about me. You're not going to lie to me. You're not going to

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hurt me with your hands you're not going to hit me You're not gonna punch me you don't want to throw something on me. That's what it means when we say a Sarah Monica. So the Sarah helps us become nice people because every Salah we practice a say a salam o aleikum wa rahmatullah and turn to our right. And a salam o aleikum. wa rahmatullah we tend to our left, right. So if we pray in the masjid, for example, you telling everyone on your rent, that you are safe from me, and you telling everyone on your left that you are safe from and they are doing the same to you.

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Alright, so slobs has become nice people. Also, Salah helps us become clean people, because we have to make boo before every salah and we have to have our clothes that are clean. Our clothes have to be clean, right? We need to have the place needs to be clean. Make sure the floor is clean, it's not dirty. Our clothes are clean, it's not dirty. We have Hulu, right, our bodies clean, right? And also our hearts have to be clean, isn't it?

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Most important thing our Salah has to be only for Allah, you can pray Salah for my mommy and my daddy. If you do that, then your heart is dead and alone except your Salah. Some people say my parents told me, right? If you watch young learners hub, I'm going to buy you a present we say 100 illa. But don't watch young learners hub for a present. What you'll learn is that for the sake of Allah, Allah grows your agenda. Because learning things from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and learning Islamic things is an act of worship. And all acts of worship have to be for who? for Allah. Right?

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Then we have Santa, can you please sign up because my mom is watching me or my daddy will get happy if I pray, or my grandparents promised to buy me a bicycle. If I praise Santa for one month. You can't do that. If you do that means your heart is not clean. Your heart has to be clean. And for your heart to be clean your Salah has to be only for Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah also select teaches us to be on time. Right? Like with young learners have we always have to start on time that's the rule right guys? We have to start on time. Where did we learn how to start young learners hub on time from where do we learn that from from Salah. What is Allah Allah, Allah read loud and

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about being on time and Salah being on time.

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You just needed for us area and I said it wasn't the right area. Now remember we said we should be loud and clear for everyone out there to hear?

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excellent Allah subhanho wa Taala says, indeed the Salah has been placed at fixed times. And remember yesterday we said after the Mirage, do you believe AlLahi Salam came the next day at midday and he taught the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the Salah times so you have to pray on time. And because you have to pray on time you always looking at your watch

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Right, you always make sure that my Salah is on time. So because you live your life like this five times a day it helps you also be on time for other things. You do your homework on time. You get to school on time, you get to class on time, right you sleep on time you wake up on time you eat your meals on time. We are we learning this from our Salah, so Sarah helps us be punctual. Also Salah helps to clean our heart from bad thoughts. Right sometimes when we bring up paper makes us feel that we better than other people shape and makes us feel that you know what you go to this school so you better than the other children because they go to that school

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shape and construct shape and comes to you and says you know what? You are better than the other people you know why? Because your skin is whiter than this. You have whiter skin than them. So you are big. I know as children you might not understand this, I can see it is like that doesn't make sense. That doesn't make sense. Of course because Mashallah children are upon the fitter you are how Allah created you. But as you grow up, your opponent comes to change these things. You see, it makes us feel proud and Allah doesn't like that. One comes to tell you, you see you have more money, they don't have money like you so you better than them.

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But maybe those people have gender that's better money. Of course, I've made well done that's good thinking, good thinking you could have money, but they could have gentlemen. But this is what shining upon does upon comes and tricks us and makes us believe that we better than other people. So Allah cleans our heart and takes all these bad things from shape and form us how because when you go to the masjid everyone stands in the same line. There is no line for white people in line for rich people in line for dark people. There's no line like that.

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Right? It's all the same line, isn't it? Right It's first come first serve whether you're white, whether you're black, whether you Brown, whether you green with a yellow, do we have yellow people?

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No, we don't have other people. So it doesn't matter what color you are. If you come to the masjid first, you can stand and you can pray even if you behind the IMA hamdulillah. Salah teaches us that of hamdulillah we are all the creation of Allah. And we shouldn't believe that we better than other people because Allah looks at our deeds. We should look at what good deeds we have. That's what we should look at. So Sarah helps us with that. Also, Sona teaches us to be dynamic. Remember, we spoke about being dynamic in the lesson of New Holland Sarah, the new Elisa Lam when he invited people to Allah, he never just spoke to them, but sometimes he spoke to them loud, sometimes soft, sometimes

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in gatherings sometimes by themselves. sometimes at night, sometimes in the day, he did the data in different ways. Select teaches us the same, because sometimes we stand sometimes we bow sometimes we prostrate, sometimes we sit, sometimes we say some cannot be allowed. Sometimes we say some cannot be Allah Allah, we say different things. Right? Right. We worshipping Allah, but in different ways. So Salah teaches us that in life, when we do things, we should try and do it in different ways. So we don't get bored. When you're doing your homework, sometimes do it on the table. Sometimes do it on the floor, if it's comfortable. Sometimes dude with your parents, sometimes dude with your

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friends, right? When you study, sometimes watch a lecture on YouTube, sometimes listen to a lecture, sometimes watch or sometimes be with your teacher.

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Sometimes read sometimes, right? Right? So you do it in different ways. So you don't get bored. When you go to the park, for example, sometimes on the swing sometimes go on the slide, right? Sometimes even when you do exercises, you should mix your exercises. It doesn't get boring to be dynamic. Sometimes do jumping jacks sometimes do lunges sometimes do squats sometimes do running on the spot, right? So you can do different things, right?

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be dynamic, that's what we mean. Salah teaches us be dynamic dynamic, so you don't get bored. Alright, and if the word dynamic is too big for you ask your parents Okay. All right. We're running out of time. So panela. But one last thing I want to share with you very quickly is that Salah teaches us discipline, what's discipline, we do things how they should be done. That's what discipline is. When you take off your clothes, don't throw it on the floor. Put it where you supposed to put it. That's discipline, right? If you take your jacket and you come back home, put your jacket where it's supposed to be that's discipline, right? do things the way they're supposed

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to be done. You can't praise Allah how you want. You can't say a love, love

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had a very big laugh just now. You can see it starts playing with your fingernails. You can't say Allahu Akbar, and then take out your phone. You can't say Allahu Akbar and start typing on WhatsApp. You can't do that, right? You can't do that. You have to be disciplined. Right? So Sara teaches you to be disciplined. You have to say Allahu Akbar, you have to tie your hands. You have to concentrate. So Salah teaches us discipline as well. Okay? If the word discipline is too big for you, ask your parents to play this video back and explain it to further all right before you go. Remember I told you you guys are small, but you can do big things. Right? You guys are already

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opening gates of gender Mashallah, now I want to tell you Do you guys know that you can build the house in Ghana every day? Even though you small you can build a big house in Genoa every day, some heinola how strong must you be to build the house when I'm going to teach that to you right now? In the hadith of ohm Habiba, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Whoever prays 12 extra Salah

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around the compulsories Allah, Allah will build in my house again. Whoever prays to sadhana Salah before the to compulsory for Salah.

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And whoever prays for Sunnah before the her and too soon after God and whoever prays too soon after my trip, and too soon after Asia of law will build them a house in general. So Panama. Now I know our listeners come to the to nn so I can explain this further. But don't worry, I have a worksheet for you. Go into the description box. Click the worksheet, download the worksheet, the Hadeeth is there for you. And then I want you to write down before the prayers how many prayers you need to pray. And after the prayers how many prayers you need to pray do it with your parents like before forget I got to pray to before I got to pray for after the war I got to pray to write it down and

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stick it somewhere on your on your wall or in your room or in your house. So you remember it and slowly but surely as you get stronger with your Salah, you can start praying all these 12 extra units and through it you'll get a house in your agenda every day. I told you you are small, but you can do great things Mashallah building houses in general is amazing, is a great thing because the houses in general are better than any house you can dream of. Okay, now this brings us to the end of today's lesson. My young brothers and sisters my boys and girls don't forget to like the episode share the episode and subscribe to the channel. You guys have been wonderful sharing it with your

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friends and families yesterday Mashallah. We reached the Kurdistan region to annaleigh someone from Kurdistan

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mentioned that they were joining in so thank you for sharing the episode until tomorrow 11am UK time I love you all for the sake of Allah and I love building gender with your Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

This 3 week Youtube Live Series taking place during Covid-19 Lockdown by Sh. Sajid Umar esoecially for children aged 6-12, covering the following the themes:

1. You’re never too small to do great things.
2. Salah – You are never too small to open the gates of Jannah or build palaces there!
3. Ramadan & Fasting- Because Ramadaan is just days away.

The idea behind this series is to ensure that children never feel forgotten during waht will be the most difficult period of the 21st Century.

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