Sajid Ahmed Umar – Ramadan 2024 #03

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary ©
The transcript discusses the historical and meaning of various Surahs in Islamic scripture, including the holy month, the use of "has" and "has not" in scripture, and the importance of "has" and "has not" in scripture to indicate the "monster" of Surah Al Imran." The speakers also discuss the challenges faced by the Christians in their work against the church's narratives and their narratives in their work. The transcript also touches on legislation related to heat, the importance of patient and patience in achieving one's desires, and the use of the word "sara" in the title of the book to describe the fruit of one's heart. Finally, the transcript recites a parable about a woman who was the only person who talked to her the only person who talked to her.
AI: Transcript ©
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freephone the successful the beginning of Surah Al Baqarah is telling us about the successful the end of Surah Al Imran has heavy handle assited yeah you Alladhina ominous Bureau was our bureau What are we to what the Kula Allah Allah come to flick on Subhan Allah we held of Surah Al Imran is a confirmation of the beginning of Surah dakara Allah said for what leverage Akasha Torah al Masjid Al haram, turn your head to Al Masjid Al haram, meaning the Kaaba. At that time, no doubt the Kaaba was surrounded by idols. But Allah subhanho wa Taala acknowledges from ever and forever in Surah Al Imran lentinan will be Euro. You will never ever achieve righteousness had to feel Colima to

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hipbone, it's not just about spending but until you spend from the most dearest wealth to you. The most dear as wealth to you, you give it to Allah subhanho wa Taala We begin in the name of Allah subhanho wa Taala and we request praises and blessings upon Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to accept what has passed of our month thus far, and to bless us during the third night of Ramadan. Alhamdulillah. We finished the first part of the night, my dear brothers and sisters in Islam. Last night, we did a quick overview of Surah Al Baqarah. And what will make you understand what Surah Al Baqarah is Subhanallah given that Surah Al Bukhari is one of

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those jurors that despite the time you give it, you can never give it its Huck. I think it's only appropriate that we quickly summarize what we discussed yesterday. In brief, we discussed and mentioned that 1/3 of the surah discusses the reality of bamboo is Ravi and those who received Allah's Anger as Allah subhanho wa Taala taught us at the end of Surah Fatiha and we highlighted that some of the scholars of Tafseer have said that given the portion dedicated to the Jews in surah baqarah and the portion dedicated to the Christians in surah. Al Imran, it is as if Surah Al Baqarah is the Tafseer of viral Mfu be early him and Surah Al Imran is the Tafseer of one of BA Lim given

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that rain will now be I lay him refers to Ben is robbing those who Allah blessed with knowledge. But they didn't put that knowledge into practice. And a bioline refers to the followers of Isa, those who innovated worship without evidence and without knowledge. We also discussed how the surah takes us through a transition across almost three edges or portions of the Quran. It takes us through this transition. For a large part, it addresses the realities of blue Israel, the followers of Musa and then it transitions into following or into discussing the narratives and the necessary matters pertaining to the followers of the Quran. And Allah subhanho wa Taala discusses the Quran at the

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beginning of Surah Al Baqarah. And some of the scholars of seed have said when we say the Nosferatu stop him Surah Mustafi me here, the straight path refers to the Quran. And this transition happens very eloquently. Because between discussing the narrative of blue Israel, and then the narratives of the people of the Quran, it's a transition but Allah places within the transition a transition by mentioning by mentioning to us the prophets that we share from the prophets and messengers that Allah subhanahu wata, Allah sent and then mentioning to us matters of the tabler which was shared at the beginning. before Allah subhanho wa Taala answered the wish of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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a thought that surfaced time and time again in the heart of the messenger, something he didn't speak openly about. But Allah saw it in his heart and Allah granted it to him. carbonara, Taka Luba watch he Kofi sama. Allah says we have seen your constant turning to the heavens for that matter that is in your heart that matter to have a fibula that is unique to the only people who support to heat the Oneness of Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah, Allah said for when leverage Akasha Talal Masjid Al haram, turn your head to Al Masjid Al haram, meaning the Kaaba. At that time, no doubt the Kaaba was surrounded by idols. But Allah subhana Hua to Allah as knowledge is from ever and forever. And it

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was in the knowledge of Allah that a day will come when those idols will be removed from around the Kaaba and the Kaaba will only stand for monotheism and the worship of one Allah subhanho wa taala. So the table has changed and Allah teaches this at the beginning of the second Jews and thereafter Allah pours upon the Ummah, the legislation pertaining to the Ummah, Allah, paws upon us, the breath, the breath, and the length of the legislation of Islam and Surah Al Baqarah. And if I can summarize much of what we heard yesterday, Allah taught us legislation pertaining to the Salah, and then Zakah and then the fulfillment of one's promises, and then physical retribution, okay sauce and

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fasting and decaf, and rules about bribery and corruption are the rules pertaining to them. rules pertaining to the crescent, the new moon, the rules pertaining to all the rules pertaining to the hedge the rules pertaining to the sacred months the rules pertaining to or the legislation regarding alcohol and gambling matters pertaining to the orphans Marriage Divorce hula, fostering it down the waiting period of a female if she loses her husband, and then also Allah subhanho wa Taala went on to discuss matters pertaining to lending and then ultimately Riba and that denoted the end of the portion related to legislation in Surah Baqarah. And then Allah closed it by tying its end to its

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beginning when Allah revealed to us with Allah He Mephisto Marathi warmer fill out Subhanallah

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the heaviness of legislation that forbids Surah Baqarah is something attested to by the Sahaba SubhanAllah. In the report, honorable Barbara the Allahu and some say even Omer his son. They spent several years studying Surah Baqarah memorizing it and his meanings. And when they finished they slaughtered a camera in a show of gratitude and thanks to Allah subhanahu wa tat some would call it cinnamyl Quran, the camel hump of the Quran, the height of the Quran, and some would say it is a Surah that is difficult to achieve. To Memorize it is hard, but once you memorize it to comprehend its rulings and meanings is super hard. Subhanallah it's filled with so much and it needs years of

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traversing and traveling through servitor Bacara to appreciate the complexity and the dimension of Surah Baqarah. Yesterday I didn't share with you the collider Kalia the universal principles that we learned in the books of Islamic jurisprudence and will soon will fit jurisprudence methodology that are implanted deep within Surah Baqarah. And almost from its beginning when Allah says we will lead the Halacha mirfield RB Jamia that it is Allah who created for you everything on earth, and the scholars use this verse as evidence and outs will fill Asha and EBA that from the outset, everything which is not worship is permissible. This is just one example. I didn't share this with you

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yesterday, then it's filled with so many stories. In fact, there's nine famous stories in Surah Baqarah, and our Imams one after the other through the last two nights when through them. From the outset, Allah teaches us about the story of Adam and his salaam, and then Musa alayhis salam and Balu Israel in more than a third around a third of Surah Al Baqarah. Then we have the story of her roots and my route. And then the story of Ibrahim alayhi salam and the building of the Kaaba, and then the event of the changing of the Qibla. And then the story of Talu tangel Lutz, and then the story of Ibrahim alayhis, Salam and num root are numbered in the English language. The person who

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ruled Babylon and a vast area around it, it is said that num root or Nimrod, he had a dominium that spanned the breadth and width of the dominion of the world Carnegie and we read about the Carnegie Institute curve and his journeys to the east and the west and the north. He went through through these lands without any borders because he ruled over these lands. Allah tells us about the story of the man who passed through one village

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and that is in Surah Surah invest 259 In Surah Al Baqarah. Allah also tells us about the story of Ibraheem Alehissalaam in the bed when he had this conversation with Allah subhanho wa taala. And he asked Allah to show him how Allah gives life. And Allah said Timo Ibrahim, do you not believe that I give life he said of course I believe my Lord, but I'm intrigued. I just want to see Allah subhanho wa Taala mentioned to us that story as well. So that is Surah two dakara in really a nutshell.

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Then we began surah and Imran and we progress with Surah Al Imran to the end. And what will make you understand Surah Al Imran the third surah in our must have the second largest Surah after Surah Al Baqarah a surah that consists of 200 verses, how many verses that sort of rebuttal consists of what did we say 286 200 verses in Surah Al Imran and also it is a Madani surah and it is said that it was revealed after Surah Al and fell in terms of the order of revelation pertaining to the source. Now, before we move into some particulars pertaining to Surah Al Imran, let me share with you some similarities between Surah Al Imran and surah Baqarah because earlier I introduced you this topic of

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a tena soup, this topic of the

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relationship between the verses of the Quran the relationship between the surah of the Quran and we see many relationships between the to Surah Surah Al Baqarah and surah Al Imran I mean just today from the readings of the Imam we saw mentioned about Hajj and mentioned about Riba and mentioned about at the opening of the for the Jews

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lengthen and will mirror the idea of spending and remember at the beginning of Surah Baqarah, Allah spoke about what you those who spend when we madrasa canal whom you will feel cone and Allah then built upon that idea throughout Surah Baqarah in Surah Al Imran lentinan will be era you will never ever achieve righteousness Hector tuneful Colima to hipbone is not just about spending, but until you spend from the most dearest wealth to you, the most dear as well to you give it to Allah subhanho wa taala. So we see the similarities, but also if we zoom in a little bit closer, we see that Surah Al Imran, it begins with fluorophore mocha tat the disjointed letters and inflam meme and

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pseudo dakara also begins with the disjointed letters Alif Lam Meem and scholars I've tried to understand the meaning of Alif Lam Meem or le falam RA and I discussed this in some detail in my new book that's coming out already come out the story of use of it Salem, because that particular Surah starts with the disjointed letters as well as the falam aura. But if I can summarize the five famous views pertaining to these disjointed letters, it is it is a challenge from Allah to those who are receiving the Quran to the Quraysh who are antagonistic to the Quran. Even though the Quran was revealed in the language Billy Sinai in Arabi Mubin it was revealed in a clear Arabic language that

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Allah subhanho wa Taala is starting the surah by revealing letters letters from their alphabet and then challenging them that this is the Quran in letters from your alphabet, but you will never ever produce even a verse like it Subhanallah and that's why we if you notice, and when the Imams read throughout Ramadan take note whenever there's a disjointed letter or in most sources that begin with a disjointed letter. Allah will be will mentioned the Kitab will mention the Quran will mentioned revelation Alif Lam meme is radical Kitab and if la meme Allahu La ilaha illa who and how you look a Yom Nasrallah

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early communicate Allah mentions that he revealed the BR scene while Quran Al Hakim see a disjointed letters here Allah mentions the Quran, right? So this has been used by evidence by the scholars to denote the wisdom behind these disjointed letters. So the two sources share the similarity. They both start with the disjointed letters also, we see

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that in Surah Baqarah Allah He reveals to us the attitude of the people who received revelation and we also see this in Surah Al Imran, in Surah Baqarah it was the believers versus the disbelievers and how they received the guidance in surah. Al Imran, it's referring to the people who have pure hearts and the people who have impure hearts and how they receive the guidance for at the opening of Surah Ali Imran Allah subhanahu wa tells us about those who have this desire to follow their desires, they have this illness to follow the whims and fancies and what they do with the revelation I will speak about it just now, when we go into some of the particular verses in in surah. And Imran

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also we see between the two sewers the similarity between the story of the creation of Adam in Surah Baqarah in Surah Al Imran Allah tells us about the story of the creation of Isa and he Salaam and he says the creation of Isa is similar to the creation of Adam to Han Allah. Allah subhanho wa Taala what did we say in surah? Till and Imran is predominantly dealing with the narrative of who the Christians, the followers of Lisa Ali salaam, we see the creation of Isa Allah He Salam being mentioned in Al Imran in Surah Baqarah Adam Alayhis Salam and Allah mentions to us the similarities between the creation of both so this is another relationship between the two sources. Relationship

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number three, we see

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the challenge we we see a challenging happening in

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both sources regarding the narratives of the people of the book. So in Surah Baqarah, we saw an extensive challenge against the narratives of blue Israeli, and we discussed this yesterday, in Surah. Al Imran we see a challenge, but not in a lengthy manner like which ones would alter belcarra But we see the Quran challenging the narratives of the Christians. Yeah Hillel Kitab limita, karuna, Biya Tila want them to shadow or people of the book. Why are you denying

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the revelation? The verses that ALLAH SubhanA Hua Allah is revealing but you are witnesses in actual fact, to the reality Yeah, hello Kitab Lima it'll be sooner hackable battlefield is challenging them that all people have the book, Why are you dressing the truth with falsehood?

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It's not as if they were a people who didn't receive a messenger before. It's not as if at least I didn't teach them anything. It's not as if they didn't have the New Testament with them. So we see the Quran challenging them. And their narratives as the Quran challenge the Jews and their narratives in Surah Baqarah. Then also we see the similarity of two acts of Han Allah and I had to add this in because Subhanallah we ended with

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Do us today and this is something that only occurred to me today Subhanallah that Bozzuto to Docker and Annie Moran they both end with to us.

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In surah baqarah towards the end the believers are saying Rob bene Allah to see now after Anna Robin our Tamil Elena is run karma Hamilton who Allah de naman Cabrini Robina wala to hamdulillah mela Pakka, tele Nabi right? The Allah mentions these two hours that the believers are saying, Remember we said the surah baqarah is a is a journey of growth. So from these two hours, you get the impression that these are the hours of people who are new in faith. They knew in faith, they're receiving the legislation. The legislation is so much as we've seen sort of tobacco it's pouring down like a thunderstorm upon the hearts of the believers who have submitted to the will of Allah.

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So they turned to Allah and say, let's work in the in the sea now of the ANA or our Lord, if we please don't hold us accountable if we forget, or if we make a mistake in trying to implement what you've revealed to us. Rob Ben Miller Elina is Ron Yalla. Don't hold us accountable. Like you have the people before accountable.

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Then we say

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robbing our

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government or letting them incompetent robbing our 200 million that oh Allah do not reveal to us that which is beyond our ability to manage well I for one, forgive for another pardon as well for Lana and forgive us for him nine shower you mercy upon us. And Tamala Anna you our guide, we see this too as at the end of Surah Baqarah. In Surah Al Imran Subhan Allah if you pond over door at the door as half of hamdulillah read at the end of the tunnel, which today Subhanallah if you ponder over the doors, you see that these are the doers of the people of Elon, meaning the people who are establishing the Diem.

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Not the people who are new in the deen and they're trying to adopt many of the legislations that have been revealed. These are people who established Rob BANA in a command to the cleaner zeta that Oh our Lord, indeed the One who you place into the Hellfire You have disgraced him O'Malley Vaughn. I mean, I mean, I'm sorry and the oppressors have no helpers or banner. Oh our Lord in SLE and Munna de una de Lima Imani. Amin will be Rob be calm.

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Or our Lord indeed we heard a call according to believe in you and we believed Rob Beneful Pharaoh Lana, who banner, oh Allah because we thought we believed we practicing we in it. Forgive our sins. What coffee renessa Yeah, Tina and expats, our, our our slips and our falls were to our family abroad and cause us to die with the righteous those who we are in their footsteps trying to emulate to Han Allah. We see this at the end of Surah Al Imran so here we have another relationship. Last but not least Subhanallah the idea of Allah Subhanallah we have this relationship between Surah Baqarah and surah Al Imran, in terms of this idea of success, and this confirmation that success is

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for the believers for Surah Al Baqarah starts with the message of success Subhan Allah vertical Kitab, Lurie Buffy who the limit 13 Allah says Allah Allah Allah with me Robbie him, Oh Allah, human will flee when Allah says those who believe in the unseen and they pray their salah, and they give this account they die upon human, they are the ones who are upon the guidance of the Lord. And they are the ones who are mostly rune mu for whom the successful the beginning of Surah Baqarah is telling us about the successful the end of Surah Al Imran has heavy handle assited Yeah, you Alladhina ominous Bureau was our bureau Warabi to what the Kulla Allah Allah come to flick on Subhan

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Allah we held of Surah Al Imran is a confirmation of the beginning of Surah Al Baqarah. We Allah says, oh people of belief, be patient, be persistent, is to be true wasabi ru Warabi through and be station What duckula and be righteous Lala come to flee when perhaps you will be from the successful so that you will be from the successful Subhanallah so this I have Fela is there clearly which teaches us that Surah Imran is building on the growth that was given to us in Surah Al Baqarah. And this is the journey of the Quran, who introduced to Allah and then we grow from what we know. And the Quran grows us and grows us and grows us and that is why the Quran, the final testament, the

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timeless miracle will always be the book that keeps giving whenever you read it, you don't read it as if it's a book that I've read, you will always read it as if it's a book that you haven't read, because you're waiting for the next enlightenment that's going to be thrown at you from the baraka and blessings of the Quran. Right in terms of Surah Al Imran we mentioned many key topics of Surah Al Baqarah. And Imran has two key topics and I'm distilling the topics. Yeah, if I distill all the sub topics into the main topics, we have two key topical discussions here or genres of discussions here number one,

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versus related to al Qaeda. And number two, which is Islamic belief, and number two verses

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related to Sharia or Islamic legislation, we see this in Surah Al Imran, in terms of legislation, then we find legislation pertaining to to heat the wonders of Allah subhanho wa Taala the Naboo establishing the prophethood of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he is the prophet after Easter Allah He salaam, the truthfulness of the Quran. And absolutely you need to believe in the truthfulness of the Quran otherwise how will you believe in the unseen or that the messenger is indeed the Messenger? The only the fact that the only religion accepted by Allah is Islam. In the deen and Allah Hill Islam the only religion accepted by Allah is Islam or my avatar is a real Islam

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within and for the Kabbalah min Allah will not accept any religion from you except Islam. This is what Allah subhanho wa Taala establishes in an Imran then Allah debunks or verses related to aqidah. Through these verses he did he debunks the misconceptions in the belief of the Christians. And he reveals the reality of ESA and his Salah and debunks the misconceptions and the ill beliefs of the Christians regarding the Arcada they believe regarding ESA, and a Salah. In fact, we can actually say, and Allah knows best, but just from listening to the verses that we heard in the Torah way that at least half of Surah Al Imran is dedicated to these last two points debunking the misconceptions

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of the Christians

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and debunking the misconceptions regarding isa Alayhi. Salam and affirming the reality of Isa Allah He said if you can say at least half of it Imran is dedicated to this. So that's to do with al Qaeda and belief. Then we said we have tertiary and legislation. And like I said earlier, we had the verses about Hajj, we had verses about the river, we had verses about zecca. We also had verses about jihad, and we had the story of our heart and part of the story of better and solitude and fall also mentioned to us better and as we said some of the scholars have said that Surah Al Imran was revealed after unfurl, so we have better mentioned in surah two unfair and ALLAH SubhanA Hua to

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Allah says Welaka della Surah Kamala who be better Allah mentions but they're also in in Surah Al Imran, but he also mentions offered and I dedicated the hotel from this member

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after the after October the eighth about the verses from Ohio that can help us deal with the tragedy of our time the events of Gaza for those who missed it inshallah you can check the Darussalam YouTube channel. Then in terms of the reflections My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam very quickly, I am looking at the clock I do have 10 minutes regarding the reflections from Surah Imran then as the Imams recited this evening, I mean there was so much Allah He I was thinking what should I add? What should I leave? What should I add? What should I leave you know, the Masjid is saying you only have x amount of time, right? Because obviously the school and so on and so forth.

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And Allah forgive us because Subhanallah we can't give these ayat Itzhak right, what we say Allah except from us what we can give and as the Arabic saying goes, may Allah UTRA kulula YouTrack Judo if you can't cover something in its entirety, then don't leave it out in its entirety take what you can, right but if I may, if I may, what stood out for me from Surah Al Imran and not just tonight, but for through previous readings of Surah Al Imran is how the surah is positioned to maintain is the karma Subhanallah steadfastness. steadfastness is a big theme of Surah Al Imran, if you're looking for the principles to bring is the karma in your life, you'll find it in sort of Iran, if

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you're looking for the principles to maintain. It's the karma in your life, you'll find it in Surah Al Imran, when they were reading, I think I pulled out five principles to bring into karma. And four principles to maintain is the karma. And maybe I will write about that on the blog one day inshallah but just as they were reading, you could see Subhanallah this is a lesson towards bringing it in your life. This is another one, this is another one this one is to maintain it if you have it, how to maintain it Subhanallah you see it throughout the surah. And it it has this circular theme, meaning it starts and Allah brings us back to it in the middle of the surah then it moves on and

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Allah brings us back to the end of the surah. And let me try and and

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summarize it for you. And unpackage what I'm saying for you, and then perhaps we can repackage and then you understand what I'm saying. If you heard carefully when the Imams are reciting this evening, Allah subhanho wa Taala he taught us

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the disease that takes is the karma away from us, what takes us away from steadfastness into

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into being lost.

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And that is a sickness, that sickness is known as the sickness of doubt, or the sickness of misconceptions. See, there's two sicknesses of the heart that leads to sin and misguidance the sickness of following your desires, a Shaohua model the Shiva and the sickness of following misconcept doubts,

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doubts whereby you want to follow but you've misunderstood what was being said. And you

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You take an interpretation that suits your whims and fancies sometimes without even realizing that can be a form of cognitive dissonance. But this takes us away. When people sin it's either they know that they're doing wrong but they can't help themselves. They have a desire to do this. Or there's people who sin and they think they're not doing anything wrong. That's a misconception. There is a doubt and a misconception Surah Al Imran it deals with misconceptions, because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has taught us that the antidote, the medicine, for both sicknesses, the sickness of doubt, and the sickness of misconceptions is in is knowledge. Let's say the first was

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Allah revealed was read and learn. And the first thing he told us to learn about phylum Anna hula Ilaha illa Allah go learn about Allah, Len. And this will help you get away from your desires because now you know who your Lord is, and you should love him and fear His punishment and have opened his mess. We discussed that in Surah Fatiha but then also if you have knowledge it pushes back misconceptions the wrong understanding of the versus today we see people they would sincerity create atrocities, murder even with sincerity, and they justified using verses from the Quran and Hadith from social Buhari and Sahih Muslim Subhan Allah. This is myths. This is the sickness of

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misconceptions and in my contemplation, the sickness of misconception is worse than the sickness of doubts. When you have a doubt sorry, the sickness of doubts and misconceptions is worse than the sicknesses are following your desires. When you follow your desires, you follow it but you know you're doing wrong so there's an element of guilt. But when you do wrong thinking you're right, this is the best friend for shaper. Because you do it believing in the course. And nobody seeks medical attention if they don't know that they sick. If you think you know, but you don't know you won't listen to anybody Surah Al Imran is aiding us in this you find the topic of Ilma huge big in Surah

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Al Imran and of course it begins with discussing Alif Lam Meem and then Allah tells us about the revelation of the Quran, ones Allah Torah total Injeel Allah also tells us he revealed the Torah and NGL the Old Testament and the New Testament. And then Subhanallah to be knowledgeable. What do we need? Dua withdraws from Allah will Cora busy the near Illuma Oh Allah increases in knowledge and we need patience as we see in the story of Musa alayhis salam. And Allah sent Musa on a journey to find him there. It was a journey to seek knowledge. What did Musa say? He said, Len abre I won't rest. Hector, Abu Muhammed Jamal Bahrain until I get to where the two seas meet because Allah told me

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that's where my teacher will be. Oh, I'm the Hakuba even if it takes me decades, I'm going to search for him. And then if you think about it, every week we did Surah Surah. To care if the recurring letter or word in Surah to curve is what

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sobre in Nicoline test of a Maria sobre LM Aquila in Nicola enteroscopy and Maria sobre. Rarely Caja we lumen MTUS there and a Sabra Sabra Sabra server is being mentioned on the tongue of hither to Musa alayhis salam throughout why to seek knowledge you need patience, okay. So we need knowledge we need do we need patience to seek knowledge which is the antidote to misconceptions, right? Allah subhanho wa Taala says that the opening of Surah Al Imran who allegedly NGS Li Li can kita Berman who, to Kemet, who know Moodle keytab Allah says it is Allah who sent down to you, O Muhammad, the Quran in it are verses that are precise, they carry just one meaning. We're all kurumu tertia Behat

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and we have other verses that we have revealed in the Quran that have more than one meaning. Allah says for Melodien Fe puluh be Ahimsa even fire Tabby rune Emma Tasha Bahaman Allah says as for those who have deviation in their heart sickness in their hearts, misconceptions in their heart what do they do? They will follow the meaning from the verses that carry more than one meaning and they will take a meaning that meets their desires.

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What does Allah subhanho wa Taala say? They will follow that which is unspecific, seeking discord seeking an interpretation that suitable to the desires. Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Why am I here I am outta a wheeler who Illa Allah who are Rossi who Nephi leerin. According to some of the scholars of Quran and Clara, you shouldn't stop at

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one my alma mater Willa who Illa Allah but you should join it to what Rossi hula filial meaning no one knows the true meaning that is intended from these verses that carry more than one meaning except Allah and the rasuna. Fill in the people of knowledge. The people who Allah subhanho wa Taala taught

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and the people of knowledge what do they say your coluna and Nabi they say we believe in it. Why do they believe in it because they say

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Because the entire Quran is from one perfect source Allah, Allah cannot reveal a verse with one meaning somewhere, and reveal another verse with more than one meaning somewhere else. And we choose a meaning that contradicts the verses that carry one meaning, it can never be like this, we have to choose the meaning that conforms to the meaning of the verses that carry only one meaning. Because if we don't, then the Quran has a contradiction and the Quran cannot contradict itself because all these verses came from one perfect source Subhanallah so here we see that Allah is saying that we test you with the Quran by revealing some verses that carry more than one meaning, and those who in

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those who intend the truth, then they interpret that meat they take the meaning from that verse that is true to the rest of the Quran. And those who want to follow their desires, they take a meaning that goes against the rest of the Quran, but then they justify it in their own ways and their own forms. So he Allah is teaching us about knowledge, you need knowledge, you need to understand the meanings of the verses that have one meaning and making sure you interpret the other verses of the Quran with conformity to the verses that carry on the one meaning so this is one example. This is the verse pertaining to knowledge, then we have dua, did you know Subhan, Allah, the first

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dua in Surah Al Imran is a dua for steadfastness and it's right at the beginning after this verse I just recited to you Allah subhana wa Tada says, Rob Burnett in Rob burner lair to zero Kulu burner, bury their head eight and well herb lnM in lead on Karasuma that Oh ALLAH led to the corona don't cause our hearts to go astray. Keep it steadfast, but they've had eaten after you gave it guidance and steadfastness. This is the first dua in surah Allah SubhanAllah. So, knowledge we find it at the beginning of Surah Al Imran the dua for steadfastness which we need to maintain steadfastness, we find it at the beginning of Surah Al Imran, then when we talk about knowledge again, I heard the

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word there and when the when the when the HuFa reciting I heard the word ordinary meaning knowledge, oh no literal meaning the scholars only Al Bab O'Neill, Al Bab referring to the people of objectivity, those who interact with Revelation and they allow revelation to teach them I heard this in an Imran tonight also the recurring meanings of these three in the form of a saga and we spoke about patience. And we spoke about knowledge and do as we see at the beginning and the end of Al Imran. So this is further evidence. Now, remember, we said if Bukhara is the Tafseer of Alma who BIA him of the people of Musa by Nusrah Al Al Al Imran is the Tafseer of all of Berlin, the Christians

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to be saved from going astray. You need to you need patience upon the truth, and you need knowledge Surah Al Imran is filled with this page after page story after story. So behind Allah, verse after verse we see as if the baton is being passed between dua between patients between being patient upon the truth between knowledge and this is a recurring reality throughout the surah SubhanAllah. Then we find two stories predominantly in Surah Al Imran the story of the misguided group, the Christians from the Quran, and we don't have time to go into them, but they were the followers of Isa, the misguided group. And then Allah tells us the story of the guided group, the Family of Imran, the

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family that were the beginnings of Sati salaam, their Isa was blessed, his mother was blessed that his grandmother was blessing Subhan Allah, Allah takes us to the steadfastness of the lineage of Isa Allah He Salam that how can isa come from a lineage of steadfastness and the result after you see him is misguidance while a Berlin Berlin We ask Allah to save us from being from the misguided, how can the result of your interaction with Musa beam his guidance when he was guidance his mother was guided his grandmother was guided the Family of Imran is mentioned in Surah Al Imran And the surah is named after it. So again, the balance between the stories, a story of misguidance and then Allah

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brings the story of guidance to balance the story of misguidance number five regarding patience. Personally listening to the Imams recite today I don't think I've come across a surah that mentions patients more than Ali Imran. How Cretan. I think the word saw Bill was used four times today, and I think only Bukhara Allahu Allah.

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When he was reciting, I was thinking Bacara Assad did we have it about four times maybe maybe there's a match within Bacara and Ali Imran in the world saga, but it isn't fair and slobby refers to the one who is patient referring to you when you are patient. This is mentioned four times in in Surah Al Imran then Allah subhanho wa Taala says a Siberian our Saudi Alina well Connie Tina Wellman Philippine our mustafina nebula as her he praises the people what are the qualities that they have the patient first quality mentions, the true view obedient and those who spend in Allah's way and those who seek forgiveness Allah

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mentioned patient before the rest, right? Then Allah subhanho wa Taala says, well aim in being caught and murderer who really being you know, Kathy, and how many a prophet fought and with him fought many religious people,

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righteous people, Allah says but they never lost the shortens due to what afflicted them in the Cause of Allah. No, did they weaken or submit and Allah loves a sob at the patient. Allah He as I as you as the Imams were eating, I was thinking the people of huzzah must be swallowing Alamar daily they must be reading the swarf because this is where the inspiration is. This is where the guidance says this is where the calibration is. The test is so severe, it messes up with your calibration, but Al Imran Wallah he it brings up the calibration. Allah subhana wa Tada goes on to say, led to be 11 fe m y n equal mu fusi come, we will surely test you in your possessions and we will test you in

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your lives. We will test you with your buildings, your money, your financial standing your health and your life. Allah says well let us Marone Amina levena O'Toole kita Berman, carbon eco Momina levena, Escher aku Kathira, Allah says and you will surely hear from those who are given the Scripture before you and from those who are associated others with Allah much abuse, they will say much abuse.

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Allah says, or Interspiritual Taku finally come in as Mealamu but if you are patient and fear Allah indeed that is of the matters worthy of determination. So what matters to Allah subhanho wa taala. Again, think of the people of Gaza as I mentioned this, then Allah closes Surah Al Imran with patients again. Yeah, you are Lavina Herman Oh, you who believe is Spirou persevere, wasabi Rue endure Warabi through and remain patient and fear Allah that you may be successful Subhanallah Subhanallah May Allah subhanho wa Taala shower patients upon the Ummah and especially upon the oppressed of the ummah. May Allah subhanho wa Taala bless us to benefit from the Quran, and grow

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from the Quran. Allah He there's so much to say. But Subhan Allah, I repeat, we can never ever give enough time to the sorrows as we enter the third night of Ramadan. We closed off two of the largest sorrows of the Quran, Al Baqarah and Al Imran the Nohara one as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam described these two sewers the prophet called them the hara one meaning the two bright lights as they are both filled with blinding brightness Subhanallah and blinding guidance Subhan Allah may Allah subhanho wa Taala make us from the family of no one. Let us recite these two sorrows. Let us practice on these two sources. It was proven in the Hadith narrated by Imam Muslim may Allah have

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mercy upon him from the narration of Abu Omar MALBA Healy Radi Allahu Allah and that he said that I heard the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say, read the Quran, for it will come on the day of resurrection to intercede for its companions, meaning those who read it and read it as a hurrah one that surah baqarah and Al Imran, for they will come on the Day of Resurrection like two clouds or the or like two shades or two flocks of birds with with their wings spread wide, to give shade to those underneath it and they will plead to Allah for those who would recite them. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said read Surah Al Baqarah for taking recourse to it is a blessing and

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giving it up is a curse and the magician's cannot manage Surah Al Baqarah I leave you with these words. I love you all for the sake of Allah. Allah Allah Minami ko Salah ml everything correct. That is from Allah alone and he's perfect and any mistakes are from myself and SharePoint and I seek Allah's forgiveness. How the Allahu Allah wa sallahu wa sallim wa barik ala Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa Sana big money

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