Mohamad Baajour – 7 Necessary Feelings For Receiving Prophetic Guidance #03

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The importance of following guidance and avoiding sin is emphasized in the context of following Jesus's path for life. It is essential to not let people commit a major sin and offer advice on how to avoid it. The deen is the only way to be saved and individuals will refuse to inter Row. It is also important to not commit a major sin and hide it, and to not give up on one's feelings. The speaker emphasizes the need for people to know their status and intentions before committing to a major sin.
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So we continue insha Allah ta'ala with
the feelings that every Muslim should have
in order
be able
to receive the guidance
from Rasulullah
sallallahu alaihi wasallam.
We need these
in order
to follow the sunnah of Rasulullah
We said
that the first feeling we have to know
for a fact that he is the best
man ever created
and to know his status in our deen.
We discussed
the magnitude and the weight
of this greatest man that ever
been created.
And then we said last time
not only he is the best, but he
also loves us so much.
To the level that he cries at night
making dua,
asking Allah azzawajal
to save us on the day of judgment.
And he saved his dua
that was given to every prophet.
He saved his dua for us for the
day of judgment.
Having that in mind, today we will have
the third feeling that's a must upon every
And that is
to know that you cannot
without him.
You will only be saved by following him.
And know for a fact
that Rasulullah salallahu alaihi wa sallam is among
you. And he follow if he follows your
and your opinion,
then you will all be in trouble.
So you have to follow his guidance in
order to be saved.
O who you believe,
Allah and his Prophet when they call you.
To what?
Give you life.
What does that mean?
That means without following that, you have no
Can you imagine? I want every single one
of us to imagine one thing.
Can you imagine your life without Islam?
Really? Can you imagine? What do we do?
What what what's the purpose?
You feel now that
literally Islam First of all, Islam is what
got us all here
from all different nations. Islam is what got
us to love one another. Islam united us
all under la ilaha illallah.
I can't imagine my life without Islam, without
salat, without Ramadan, without zakat, without
what what do I do?
What's the difference between me and a cow
And a and a sheep? The sheep gets
up I mean, the the cow gets up
in the morning and goes to the field
and the plow and eats and drink and
When you follow them,
you will have life.
That means without them you are dead. So
the feeling is to know
rasulullah salallahu alayhi wasalam is the only way
to be saved.
Let the people who oppose Muhammad sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam,
Let them beware.
Either they will have a fitna
or they will have a severe punishment.
Again, that's another daleel. That's the only way
to be saved
by following his path.
And he this is the one this is
what he told the Ansar.
He told the Ansar, Went you astray and
Allah guided you
through me?
My brothers and sisters,
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to show you what
what kind of
blessing that we are from the Ummah for
Rasoolullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala told him, wamaqanallahu
Allah will never punish them and you are
among them.
We all complain about stress and depression, and
Allah told Rasool Allah sallam, your dua, your
ummah will bring them second, will bring them
And we all know about his intercession on
the day of judgment. I will finish with
this which is very important.
Many people, when they think about how great
is Rasulullah salayahu alayhi wasalam and he's gonna
intercede for us, they kind of, you know,
take it easy.
Khalas, he's gonna intercede for us.
Be careful.
He will intercede,
and this is his promise. But there are
3 kind of people
that they will not get to intercession.
Number 1,
refuse the deen.
Brother, pray.
Leave me alone, Yaqi.
Do I have to put my head on
the ground in order to be grateful to
Allah? I said,
and iman is right here.
Yes, sister, please wear the hijab. Leave me
alone so the deen is hijab.
That's the deen?
What is the evidence that these people will
not get their intercession?
All my Ummah will enter Jannah except the
one who refuse. He said, You Rasool Allah,
who would refuse to enter Jannah?
Whomsoever obey me will enter Jannah, and whomsoever
disobey me, he has refused to enter Jannah.
So where's the other option?
So this is how dangerous it is. So
these people have refused. I'm not talking about
the guy, brother make dua for me. I'm
trying, I skip sometimes. No, I'm talking the
guy said, no, I don't wanna pray. I
I refuse to believe in prayer.
And so on about every other
fard from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. The second
al Mujahirun.
The people who do the sin openly
disobey Allah openly. He stands at the door
of the masjid and he starts smoking.
He post his picture on on on on
on social media, drinking alcohol.
If you committed a major sin, hide it.
Hide it. Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, maybe he
will forgive you.
But openly, I don't care.
Look at me. Allah listen to the hadith.
He said, all my ummah have the possibility
of being saved except the one who does
the sin openly.
And then he gave an example. He committed
a sin at night, rasulullah
said, and Allah covered him. And he wakes
up in the morning. Hey guys, you know
what I did last night? We went to
the club and we did this and we
did that.
Allah hid what he did. Nobody knew. He
exposed his sin openly.
Rasoolullah said,
accept. Just like over there,
except he refused. Here, except the one who
openly does the sin. And the third one
and the last one,
Rasulullah salallahu alaihi wa sallam he told us,
may Allah make us among these people
that will meet on the haud,
and he he will give us a drink
that says in the hadith, you will never
be thirsty again ever.
And then he is giving the people the
drink and then
he sees people coming and then the angel
kicking them away.
They say, they are Rasool Allah said these
are Ummati.
Then he say, saqun, saqun.
You Rasulullah,
you do not know what they have introduced
to the deen after you.
The people who commit bidaz
and add things to the deen that's not
from the deen.
Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam said, these people, they
came to the haud and then the angels
told Rasulullah salallahu alaihi wa sallam, You Rasulullah,
you do not know what these people introduced
to the deen. Then Rasulullah said, take them
Let them go.
our deen has been perfect. There's no need
to add anything to it. So the number
one feeling to know the the status of
Rasool Allah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. Number 2,
to know how much he loves you. And
number 3, to know that the only way
the only way you have to believe, the
only way to be saved
is to follow him.
And if you obey him, you will be
If you obey him, you will be guided.
And we all know that the guidance and
after the greatest nama of Islam,
the nama of guidance,
Otherwise, we will not be here. There are
many Muslims, they're not here.
So may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala make us
from the followers of Rasulullah sallallahu
and may Allah subhanahu ta'ala make us understand
these things and implement them. I repeat again.
I started this by saying this is a
life changing talk
and this is not just another talk.
This is the determination
of being saved or not.
This is how important these feelings. You have
to know
the status of Rasulullah, that
he loves you so much, and you have
to know so far those three things, that
without him, we will not be saved without
his guidance. Imagine that he did not come
to us. He is the one who took
us from the darkness to the light.
Right? So if without him we will go
back to the darkness.
May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala fill all our
homes with love and mercy and make our
last words.