Sajid Ahmed Umar – Ramadan 2019 – EP6 You’re Not a Political Party

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the principles of community development and how they relate to the creation of productive communities. They argue that negative behavior is a result of doing things outside of your boundaries and stress is a result of doing things that are outside of your boundaries. The speakers also touch on the negative impact of stress on individuals and how it can lead to unfair stress. The discussion then shifts to the concept of "ims" and the use of words like "imams and" to describe individuals. The segment concludes with a discussion of the importance of thinking about the situation and considering the actions of the community.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah or early he was so happy Omen Euler, my dearest brothers and sisters in Islam, Salam O Allah here Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh welcome to episode six of our Ramadan reminders. In today's episode I take you to Ayah number 91 in sudo to Toba, in which Allah subhanho wa Taala says ma Ll masini nam in Seville ma lol Merci, Nina, I'm in Seville in this ayah Allah says there is no blame upon the moccasin upon the one who does good. And if you look back over the past episodes, we sort of really

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stating principles of life, principles of success. And these principles have been deduced by the scholars of Islam after the extensive reading of the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And if we look at our recent episodes, that in particular, these are principles in relation to towards the creation of cohesiveness and productive communities, productive relationships, right, productive members of society and members of households. This is

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fundamentally important when we look at Community Development. This particular idea

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falls in line with the genre of talks that we've sort of experienced over the past few episodes, Matt Marcin, I mean, Sabine, there is no blame upon the one who does good brothers and sisters in Islam, there's many people in our society, that, you know, we, you know, they work, they work

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for the sake of the betterment of society, they intend Allah subhanho wa Taala and his pleasure, they are mostly known, they are doers of good, but then we sit back, and we ordered them, we have comments about, you know, their processes, they,

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you know, their behavior, their, you know, the things that they do their activities. And I'm not talking about, you know, constructive criticism. And by the way, constructive criticism has its rules and regulations, it doesn't mean

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you know, constructively criticizing someone in the absence.

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But I'm talking really about the sort of armchair treatment of the doers of good. And this goes against the Quranic construction. It goes against the ayah that I've just shared with you, my alma seen him in Seville, there's no blame upon the one who does good. If someone is doing good. And they make a mistake, there's no blame over them for that mistake that happened to occur in the good that they are doing. Unless in exceptional circumstances, yes, we a person is clearly overstepping his or her boundaries and abusing his or her position in that which they do these exceptional circumstances. But let's focus on you know, normal circumstances, human beings make mistakes,

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someone here is going out of the way, right, to develop the community to be in the service of someone else, and they make a mistake in that process. And then we, you know, hold the knife to the neck as a result of that mistake, and cause

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you know, unfair stress to fall upon them. And there's many examples of these workers. I mean, let's just take any member of a Masjid, for example, in Ramadan, let's take the amount of tarawih. For example, the Imam, yes, he's praying for the sake of Allah. He is praying for the sake of Allah, but he's also doing the service to the community. What do we do we put undue stress on the man is reading too slow. He's reading his his increasing the mud here, you know, longer than it should be, and so on and so forth. We become picky, instead of remembering that Allah says that as with a duty of good, we should help them do that good, not add stress to them. We shouldn't, you know, add blame

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to them, because of the good that they doing. The amount of msgid looking after the masjid looking after the affairs of the machine, look after the affairs of the community because of his posts in because of the position he holds in that particular Masjid. What do we do? Right? We find ourselves as communities that complain more about the Imam than we ever offer gratitude and thanks towards that email, talking about normal circumstances here, brothers and sisters in Islam. And this is a Quranic principle. merill masina mean Seville, the doer of good, there's no blame on them, find an excuse for them, help them, you know, elevate them, build them, train them for don't break them.

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Don't break them. And sadly, we find this as a norm of communities

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over the centuries of the life of this world, with regards to not only you know, the Imams and and the teachers

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in society, but even with the messengers and prophets of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Right? They weren't getting paid by the people for, you know, providing their salvation. They were good doers, who was good, but they received,

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you know, from their communities, because of the good that they did harm. malama synonym in Seville, remember this principle brothers and sisters in Islam and applied to your daily lives. You know, we always we've been speaking about husbands and wives, this applies here too, we've been speaking of, we can, we can take this into the realm of parenting as well. This applies there to nobody's child, there is no child that wants to make his or her parents life a living *, in normal circumstances, brothers and sisters in Islam. As for the abnormal circumstances, we got to look into why abnormality settled in the circumstances. But in normal circumstances, nobody's child wants that

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rather, the child loves his or her parents and vice versa, to the children who listen who are listening, right? There is no parent who wants to make the child's life a living *, parents go out of the way for the children, children,

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love the parents as well. Wives go out of the way for their husbands, husbands go out of the way for the wives. It's not that the food was not prepared according to somebody liking that, you know, we sort of treat the situation as if, as if my wife today was plotting my downfall. No, she wasn't she made a mistake. Same thing that happens with the husband is he forgot to bring the groceries home. He wasn't at work or wherever he was plotting and planning to, you know, to to come up with ways to neglect his wife. No, he wasn't he just forgot. He's a doer of good. There's no blame on him. Finally, give it an excuse for him. There's no blame on her Finally, excuse for her. Right? So

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action points, action points, action points, or, you know, comes down to action, action action, what can we do? Well, clearly, we need to have the thinking day, right very soon. And think about our behaviors with regards to all you know, of mankind around us beat as close as our, you know, beat those who are close to us, like our parents and spouses are and children are those who are slightly distant, like our neighbors, and then members of our community and so on and so forth. We need to look into different circumstances and interactions and situations whereby we have gone against this ayah in the Quran, that you know what, in reality,

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in a lot of the cases people are really doing good to us. And we shouldn't, you know, be treating them as as as political parties treat each other, just opposition, you just have to be an opposition party. And really, this is how it happens. Sometimes, you find communities acting as if they opposition parties to the man that no matter what the man does, they're going to oppose it.

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Right. And then we find some marriages like this, we find some relationship between parents and children like this. I think you all have the picture. Let us have the thinking day and let us consider our circumstances and situations and then look into this area and try and analyze how close are we to the instruction of this area? and How far away are we from it I love you for the sake of Allah. Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best until next time, salaamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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