Sajid Ahmed Umar – Provisions for the Hereafter Series Part 2

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary © The history and importance of Islam are highlighted, including the use of the term "naive" to describe the process of forgiveness and the selection of mountains for worship. The holy city of Mecca is noted as a special place for individuals with the importance of the mother of all places and the ruling that cannot be done by the father of all things. The speakers encourage listeners to share their insights and experiences with the book they are reading.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Allah Allah, he was so happy he was seldom at the Sleeman kathira ina Yomi Dini

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Allah, Allah and Molina Illa Allah tena in the cantle animal Hakeem love Medina Mayan foreigner, one foreigner dimmer antenna. Was it an Ironman watermelon? Yeah, Kareem Frobisher, actually sorry for your silly Emery wahoo la casa melissani f Tavakoli.

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All praises belong to Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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We praise Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah

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and we seek His forgiveness and we seek His guidance, and we seek refuge in Allah subhanho wa Taala from the evil of ourselves, and the adverse consequences of our deeds. Whomsoever Allah subhanho wa Taala decrees guidance upon, the man can misguide him, and will serve Allah subhanho wa Taala decrees misguidance upon the man can guide him and peace and salutations be upon the final messenger Muhammad Ali Abdullah Saleh Allahu alayhi wa sallam, I bear witness that there is no one with you of worship besides one Allah, and that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is His Messenger. My dear brothers and sisters in Islam Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh get

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Masha Allah, Baraka la come everybody for your attendance. Obviously, there is a slight delay in the transmission.

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And that's I've been waiting for your responses Barcalounger for responding to my solemn and that further gives me confidence that I am clearly audible. What is

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the nature of technology is that

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it's not supposed to have a mind of its own, but it does end up having a mind of its own. So for example, as I introduce this particular talk, I did get some messages saying that there are microphone issues but hamdulillah each and every one of you have heard me when he left his

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brothers and sisters in Islam. Welcome to our second episode.

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or second part rather, third episode, because our first episode was an introduction. And then after that we had part one and today is, is part two. So welcome to part two. And this third episode in our study of provisions for the Hereafter,

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or the abridged summarized version of the book provisions for the hereafter a book by Imam, Josie Rahmatullahi Ali, and this book that was summarized by Sheikh Mohammed even Abdul Wahab Rahim Allah. Last week we tapped into the introduction Alhamdulillah. And we had a little bit from the summarized introduction, and we began discussing the different parts of Allah subhanho wa Taala his creation

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and how Allah subhanho wa Taala has given a certain precedence or rank or benefit to parts of his creation over others. And the reason why we we delved into this discussion is because a man a bloke am Rahim Allah began his introduction or based his introduction upon an amazing idea in the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala and I in Surah, to tosfos which is

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number 68. In surah, number 28. And this is the area in which Allah subhanho wa Taala says that Allah subhanho wa Taala chooses who Allah subhanho wa Taala gives rank to and nobody has a say in that which Allah subhanho wa Taala does hamdulillah we we discussed

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the fact that Allah subhanho wa Taala has created the skies and made them seven skies and how he gave a special rank to the highest sky. And we spoke about the different angels that Allah subhanho wa Taala has created and how rank has been given to three angels gibreel Allahi Salam and Mika Ali Salam and Seraphim

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alayhis salam. And

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we also discussed how these three angels have been given this rank and precedents and mention over the others. And with this, if we look at the three we see that an even greater precedence has been given to jabril and his setup and then we spoke

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About a hamdulillah also the fact that Allah subhanho wa Taala created the different heavens and how Allah subhanho wa Taala gave, those are the highest heaven arranque far greater than the other heavens even though they are all heavens but Allah subhanho wa Taala gave some specifics to ultra dos the highest paradise which Allah subhanho wa Taala did not give to the other half inshallah, we want to continue this particular discussion and mature this discussion and as we are before we do that let us have a reading of the introduction if my dear brother Abdul mattina, today's class head

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is available and ready, if you could please read for us the introduction again,

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the introduction or the summarized introduction from the book provisions for the halfling shama let's listen to the introduction so we can refresh our memories and then inshallah, we will continue with some of the teachings of Imam

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Rahmatullahi Ali, from his main book xad pertaining to what we hear in the reading insha Allah please go ahead, Hill Kareem Abdul Majeed

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Okay, Baraka La Creme de la Hara for that reading Mashallah Mateen has

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been very highly motivated Alhamdulillah and has read for us the entire introduction Alhamdulillah So, barakallahu command in fact, the reading is in its place because insha Allah, the points covered

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in this particular reading, are the points that inshallah we will traverse through during my explanation just now, Helen Mateen if you could please mute your microphone, that would be great because I can blow hair. Okay, so brothers and sisters.

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Last week, the last point of discussion was the difference between

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a newbie and a rustle and the reason why we discussed this is because we discussed how Allah subhanho wa Taala created mankind and for mankind, Allah subhanho wa Taala chose to give a special rank and give a special precedence to the BIA and he was Salatu was Salam. The MBR aleikum wa Salatu was Salam. And then Allah subhanho wa Taala chose from the MBR and he was Salatu was Salam messages. And as we see from the teachings of Rasulullah, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Allah subhanho wa Taala gave us 124,000 prophets and from them Allah subhanho wa Taala chose 313 so we have a group that Allah created known as mankind and from this group, Allah gave rank to a specific group known as the

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ambia. And from this group, Allah gave an even more special rank to the messengers to the messengers, those messengers that were 313 in number Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah says, In surah, two,

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then as

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Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us in Surah, number seven, and sudo to Shura, Ayah number 13. That out of these 313 messengers, Allah subhanho wa Taala gave an even greater and more special rank to five of the messengers out of 330. Remember, we're talking about how Allah creates what he wants to panaway to Allah, and Allah subhanho wa Taala gives a rank to whoever or whatever Allah subhanho wa Taala wishes to give rank to, and nobody has a say in the matter, right. So even though we have these 313, who are known as the messengers, do we have a more special group than the 313 from the 313? And the answer is yes. And Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us who they are in. Number 17 sora Zeb

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and I are number 13. In surah, surah in Surah, Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, What is a covenant?

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covenant minute Nabina Mita whom woman camino him ye Bara Hema wa Moosa ii 70 Maria right. So take note of the names of these messengers that Allah subhanho wa Taala has cited and then inserted to sure is number 13. Allah subhanho wa Taala says sha Allah camino de mal wasabi, he knew her will levy ohana la caja, what am I was saying that V Ibrahima one Moosa were Isa and epi Medina monitor for Roku TV. So, Allah subhanho wa Taala in this ayah mentions Lu Allah, his Salah, and he mentions Musa alayhis Salah, and he mentioned he said his Salah, and he mentioned Ibrahim alayhi salam, and he mentioned Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. These are five special mentions that we find in

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these two yet and the scholars hashmatullah him teachers

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These five are mentioned, because Allah subhanho wa Taala has chosen them from the 313. And given them a special rank and special status and gave them the title of oluwole as women are the messengers of absolute resolve, the messengers have absolute resolve, right? They faced extreme difficulty, and they were patient through it. And were diligent in

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serving the message of Islam and following the command of Allah subhanho wa Taala. In propagating this message to the Masters in doing what they were supposed to do, so Allah subhanho wa Taala cites these five. Now, someone might say, but yeah, how can you delete Ibrahim Alayhi, salam

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to the point just before Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam? Didn't Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam come before Musa? And the answer to that is yes, he did. And remember we discussed this the other day, when we spoke about all the profits going back to

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Ibrahim alayhis salam via his two sons, meaning the profits after Ibrahim alayhi salam, go back, go back to

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two Brahimi and Isa via his two sons. The one son is known as his very, very solemn and the other son is known as his help and his Salah. So this is from the barrack of Ibrahim, that Allah says that he was so good Ibrahim Alayhi Salam that Allah subhanho wa Taala made him the father of the prophets, right? So he definitely did come before Musa alayhis salam but how is it that he came before Musa alayhis salam? But I delayed his mentioned till after he said he Salah. Now the reason why I delayed is mentioned towards, towards after this le Salaam is for a reason. And that reason is yes, Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah has created the prophets and from the prophets he chose the

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messengers and from the messengers, as you've heard his chose the Prophet, the messengers of absolute resolve these five and from these five, Allah chose to from these five and gave them a higher rank than the other five. And that was Ibrahim Alayhi. Salam and Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam and these two are titled Hamidullah. Right. They are titled hurry Lula, that they are the closest friends of Allah subhanho wa Taala, quote unquote, Holly Lula, and the scholars say, and hula are this concept of, of being a Helene is the concept of your heart, having no love, except for Allah subhanho wa Taala that the entire heart only loves Allah subhanho wa Taala and is filled with

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the love for Allah subhanho wa Taala that your remembrance

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you know,

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the remembrance the remembrance is that you experience behind the waking of everyday and the sleeping of every night is related to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And we know that Ibrahim Alayhi Salam was tested with his son is married for 19 years the scholar the scholars of Tafseer say he asked Allah for a child and Allah gave him this boy when he was 19 years of age, 90 years of age. And then we we know that Allah subhanho wa Taala then commanded Ibrahim alayhi salam to send this young boy with his mother to the barren land, the barren Valley, which is Mecca. Right? There was nothing in Mecca no carbon, no Zamzam, no greenery, no population, no city, send them and leave them in the

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middle of nowhere. I send that you wanted for so long. Now send him a give him in the middle of nowhere. Let's see who you are true to your Ibrahim not that Allah didn't know allies was knowledgeable. Right? But this is known as the last panel who Allah creates a circumstance so that things become manifest. It's not that Allah is creating the circumstance because Allah doesn't know what will happen. And Allah wants to see what will happen. And some misguided sects say, this is incorrect. Allah knows everything. Allah knows what was and Allah knows what is and Allah knows what will be. And Allah knows what will not be. And Allah knows how everything will be. And Allah knows

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even those things, which are not to be if they happen to be then how they will be a last panel who knows as well.

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This is the knowledge of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So no one can claim that Allah subhanho wa Taala make certain things happen. So that Allah subhanho wa Taala can see whether all or come to know whether we are true believers and so on and so forth, right? So it's not that Allah subhanho wa Taala tested Ibrahim to go and lead and commanded him to leave us

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In a barren land, so that Allah could see where the allegiance of Ibrahim was Allah subhanho wa Taala already knew where the allegiance of Ibrahim Alayhi Salam was, but Allah subhanho wa Taala created the situation to make manifest to each and every one of us, with the allegiance of Abraham was and these are the wisdoms behind Allah subhanho wa Taala commands, for example as learning the concept of patience and taking pride in the fact that people before us went through greater tests with regards to their religion, and they pass those tests. So we can as well, right, so a lattice that he brought him and he swam with his son, not once but twice because then later on in life,

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Allah commanded him to put a knife to the throat of his maryberry salad. Right. So

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what became manifest to us all is that the heart of Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam was filled with this tremendous love for Allah subhanho wa Taala. And that's Allah titled him honey. And then we have Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who was also given the title of Korean Hamas, Allahu alayhi wa sallam that was beloved to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And just as a footnote, my dear brothers and sisters, somebody, you know, somebody may say, what is the evidence regarding the fact that even those things which are not meant to be if they happen to be then how they will be? What's the evidence that Allah subhanho wa Taala knows this? And in answer to your question, the evidence is

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that Allah subhanho wa Taala has told us in the Quran, that once the day or once a person passes away, they will never come back to life. And on the day of the AMA, Allah tells us that they will beg Allah to send them back, and that they will become better people. And they will do that which they left and they will listen to the message that they left. And Allah subhanho wa Taala says, No, Allah says, if we were to send you back, you will go back to that which you are upon.

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So Allah in this ayah tells us that Allah knows that no one's going to go back. But if they, if that which Allah said will not happen, happens to happen, then how the things will be if they happen, Allah subhanahu Allah knows this as well Allah, this is the vastness. This is the depth of the knowledge of Allah subhanho wa Taala and all of that and all the decrees and Divine Will and predestination is set upon the foundation of this is set upon the foundation of this divine knowledge of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Also, for example, we have in the Sudan authentic narration, where where Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam said, if there was to be a prophet after me, it

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would have been Omar, right. So there's

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the Allahu, and there is no prophet that's going to come after Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but if there was then how the circumstances situation would be Allah subhanho wa Taala knows this, that Allah subhanho wa Taala, Allah revealed to His

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Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and His Messenger taught us this. So we must understand this brothers and sisters. And once we got to this point, and this is a footnote to the discussion, but nonetheless an important one, especially for our brothers and sisters in the Dawa, and you may be asked this question, a lot of the time when you do work in propagating Islam, even if you're not, you're not at the level of knowledge that you should be at all, you haven't done any formal education or informal education. When people see you working in that hour, and they have problems they come to you for advice, and a lot of people have this issue with understanding Divine Will

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predestination and and and so on and so forth. And the reality is that they need what they the reason why many people have difficulty in understanding Divine Will and predestination is because they have not understood that the destination has been written on the preserved tablet, based on the divine knowledge of Allah subhanho.

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Everything that happens, Allah subhanho wa Taala decreed 50,000 years before the creations of the heavens and the earth, as is established in the authentic sun. Right 50,000 years before Allah created the heavens and the earth. And this, these decrees that were established were established based on the divine knowledge of Allah subhanho wa Taala divine knowledge and that divine knowledge is based on the explanation that I shared with you that Allah knows what was and Allah knows what is and Allah knows what will be. And Allah knows how everything will be. And even those things that are not meant to be then how they will be Allah subhanho wa Taala knows as well, right? I'm repeating it

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so we fathom this. So we understand this, right? You know, sometimes people ask that why should I make dua if everything is decreed, why should I make dua? It's going to happen anyway. Right? The reality is that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that I can change destination. Now somebody will say well, how can you do

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destination when everything was written 50,000 years before the earth was created before creation was created, the heavens and the earth were created. How is this possible it was written already. So how is the dragon to change that? Well if you know that, that you know predestination and divine world was written based on the divine knowledge of Allah, then you will understand that Allah decreed that you will be in a situation and Allah decreed that you will make dua because Allah knew that you would make dua, and Allah decreed that he would answer your door. And as a result of your doula, your destination would have been changed. And based on the knowledge of Allah, all this was

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inscribed and prescribed on the preserved tablet.

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This is the reality. And that's how the puzzle was written. So the other was written based on the divine knowledge of Allah, because Allah knows what will happen before it happens, you must remember the knowledge of Allah subhanho wa Taala is not specific to time is not specific to place, the knowledge of Allah subhanho wa Taala does not have the concept of past tense, future tense, present tense, and so on and so forth. And law created time, this concept of past, future and present and so on and so forth, is a concept not foreign to you and me. The creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala. You know, think about it this way, for example, you watch a documentary, you've watched the entire

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documentary, you've seen everything that will happen. And then you sit with somebody who didn't watch it. And this person doesn't know what will happen.

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And then, because you know, what will happen before things happen, you start telling them, wait, this is going to happen? Wait, that is not going to happen? and so on. You know, it's called the spoilers you start spoiling it for them. Right. That's what happens and, and the person might say that so Pamela, you've watched it Be quiet did me watch it in peace? Right? We're talking about how that documentary by the way, not documentaries that make us waste time. Right. So how is it possible that you are able you are able to tell your friend or your partner what will happen before you before they see it happening? Because what they are about to see you have already seen? Does that

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make sense? My dear brothers and sisters, right? So obviously, I'm just trying to give you an example that brings back this closer to closer to your mind.

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The life that you and I are yet to see Allah subhanho wa Taala has seen already. This is what you must understand in any case. In any case, this is a footnote to the discussion we discussing how Allah subhanho wa Taala gives precedence and rank. So I was a parent who Allah give precedence and rank to the old rule as we mean a rustle the profits of absolute resolution.

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And he gave them this rank, or a rank above the rank given to the messengers of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And from these five, Allah subhanho wa Taala gave a rank and precedents to to Ibrahim Alayhi salat, and Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and they were known as the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And we've explained what he means. And we've given an example from the life of Ibrahim Alayhi Salam in terms of how his heart was filled with the love of Allah and everything he did for Allah and even his children was for the sake of Allah. It wasn't for the sake of name. It wasn't for the sake of fame. It wasn't for the sake of being recognized in society because we know that you

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know, when we have children, especially when we have boys, then that is considered praiseworthy in many society. No, it was for Allah subhanho wa Taala. That is why when Allah tested him with his son, he answered the call of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And even you know, during read when we announced the tech bill, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, La ilaha illa Allah, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allah who helped, right we know the stuck view, we do it during both reads, right? Allah subhanho at the NSA is when he took me to late data when he to kabiru Lucha

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Quran, Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us about

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our practice after Ramadan and Ramadan is not so long away. May Allah grant us life to witness yet another Ramadan And may Allah inspire us to witness later to paddle and May Allah inspire us to be forgiven and from the forgiven, and to make us from those freed from the Hellfire and I mean your enemy. So when we

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you know Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us in this ayah that when he took the data that you complete fasting the month when he to kabiru law Allah Maha document you announced the tech bill, which happens on the day of read before the eat prayer, because of the guidance which Allah subhanho wa Taala showered upon us, Allah, Allah Allah come to school, and perhaps and so that you will be from the thankful you will be from the thankful now brothers and sisters. This duckweed Allah

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Allahu Akbar La ilaha illallah wa Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar wa ala and this stuck bead is from the tequila of Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam. And this was the tech beer that he announced when he was

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you know, preparing himself to follow the commands of Allah and put the knife on the neck of his beloved son. Allahu Akbar. Right. So this is what he was doing. And and the scholars of the CVC Allah gave Ibrahim is half 10 years after Allah gave you Brahim is married to his Salah. Right there was 10 years between them. Allah knows best. This is what some of the scholars have to say. So they say Ibrahim had his married when he was 19 years of age and his half and he said his Hakata he said I'm when Ibrahim Alayhi Salam was 100 years of age. So

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why did Ibrahim announced the stick be? He was fighting the whispers of shavonne he was fighting the whispers of his neffs of hymns of you know his self. That's what he was doing. Because the South was saying don't do it. How can you do it?

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God was saying don't do it. How can you do it? Right and this is why we pelt the gmrs during Hajj. right this is resembling Ibrahim

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and his pelting of the shell beam. Right who are trying to serve him off obedience. And then as you were sharpening his knife, can you imagine how big whispers were? Right? Can you imagine how big the whispers were now you sharpening the knife? Your child is laying and you sharpening the knife on the stone? And he can see you sharpening this knife. And you are a father? Can you imagine? Can you imagine? What thoughts must be going through your mind? Can you imagine shavon attacking you from all angles at that point to serve you. Right to serve you to stop you being from to stop you. Getting that title hurry law to stop you getting the title Hurry, Lola and Ibrahim announces Allahu

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Akbar, Allah is greater greater than my desires greater than my son, greater than the whispers of sharepad greater than this world greater than this life. Allahu Akbar. He says it again. La ilaha illAllah, who Allahu Akbar, there is no one worthy of worship. Besides one Allah, He is greater. He's greater than my son, he's greater than this knife. He's greater than me. He's greater than my desires. He's greater than everything that I'm doing. He's greater. Allah is greater Allahu Akbar, Allah is greater. I am a Muslim, a person who has submitted to the will of Allah. This is the will of Allah. Allah knows and I don't, I do not know. And whatever Allah does, he does good. And Allah

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is all wise with the circumstance that Allah has put me in his fighting his neffs It wasn't that Ibrahim was an angel. Ibrahim Alayhi Salam was a prophet of Allah. He was a human being like you and me. He had a heart, he had emotions. He had a mind. He had feelings, right? He was a human being. So he's fighting this. He's reminding himself Allahu Akbar, when he left his hand, when he left his hand or praises belongs to Allah, all praises belong to Allah, the son Allah gave me and for Allah is what he gives, as is for Allah what he takes, everything belongs to Allah. At least Allah gave me at least I had this time with my child. Allah answered my door when he lands in heaven. All praises

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belong to Allah, the best of praises belong to Allah. This is this the Buttercup Ibrahim, and this is Ibrahim alayhi salam, announcing

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a vicar right remembrance of Allah helping him remain focused on the task, helping him look after his Eman and not just a man helping him look after the concept of him having a heart that is filled only with the love of Allah subhanho wa Taala and nothing else will take him away from Allah, not even the sun, which he as a human being loved to have begged Allah to have an Allah subhanho wa Taala gave him love.

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Right, so he deserved the title of Hari. Thus Allah raised in ranked Ibrahim Alayhi Salam and Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and gave these two prophets of precedence over the rest of the other mBiA. He was Salatu was Salam and gave them the title of Hari. And from these two, Allah raised in rank one of the two, one of the two and he was Mohammed Abdullah, some Allahu alayhi wa sallam, the greatest man to have walked the face of this earth. The man who never wrote a biography, but hundreds and countless of biographies were written about him, the man who came with tawheed he came and by the rule of law, took an entire peninsula and removed them from the darkness of idolatry

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and the shackles of schilke and placed them upon the podium of excellence, the podium have to heat and the podium of intending Allah subhanho wa Taala alone, Mohammed

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med Salama who I knew he was telling me Allah subhanho wa Taala make us neighbors to him in gender and mean yeah Bella alameen wa Luca Masha McCann Allahumma Hara. Again I remind you all my dear brothers and sisters, the ayah that he has based his introduction upon what love we look America. Indeed it is Allah who creates what he wants. And indeed it is Allah who gives a precedence who gives a rank, who gives honor, who gives status, who gives a position to who he wants, from his creation, and nobody has a say in that matter, matter can Allah human era, nobody has a say in the matter. Indeed, this is the sign of the complete lordship of Allah, the complete oneness of Allah,

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and that Indeed, Allah subhanho wa Taala is the only one worthy of worship. So my brothers and sisters, Allah has created the ambience AlLahi wa salatu wa sallam, and he he rose, you know, to different levels and different stations, parts, from the MBR of

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parts from his MBR over other parts, and from them, he rose parts from those who are raised over other parts, and then

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take this along to the fact that Allah subhanho wa Taala, you know, chose the children of his marine when we come off the podium and, and and and platform of discussing the prophets of Allah and the messengers of Allah and the messengers of absolute resolution, then let's go to those after them and that is the children of his married and he said that Allah subhanho wa Taala chose from the children of Adam and his salah and from the children of Izmir Isla de Salaam, Allah subhanho wa Taala chose Benny kwinana Allah subhanho wa Taala chose bunny Kenan and Bernie Kakinada for your information was from who's Eva the tribe known as hoceima. So Allah subhanho wa Taala chose Betty Kiana from hoceima

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and chose from a Benny Kiana the Polish and chose from the courage Ben Hashem, and chose from Balu Hashem Mohammed Abdullah, some Allahu alayhi wa sallam. So this is another example of how Allah subhanho wa Taala creates and gives rank and precedents to parts of his creation, after after others, and then let's look at the companions of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Indeed, they were all companions of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but Allah subhanho wa Taala. As he created them, he gave a special rank and status to certain parts from the companions of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam certain people from the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam over other people. Thus, he gave a special status to the earlier Muslims. Allah subhanho wa Taala gave them

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a special status that he didn't give to the other companions who are not from the area Muslims, Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about them in his book was sabbioni, a well known painter who speaks about the earlier Muslims, those who accepted Islam under the most difficult of circumstances, and then Allah gives precedence to the people of better and they are totally blind. These two amazing events in the history of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam, which inshallah we will discuss throughout the course of our,

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of our study of this particular book that America, Allah subhanho wa Taala gave those who stood on better and the people of their to reply, a status that Allah subhanho wa Taala did not give to the other companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and like this, Allah created all the nations and as you heard from the reading of our dear brother, Abdul Mateen, as he went through the summarized introduction of Zedd

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Rahmatullah here it mentions this that Allah created all the nations and Allah subhanho wa Taala created the Nation of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and Allah made this nation, the best of all nations Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

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in a hadith and to move on to Sabrina, and to

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crumble her, I'm a law that you are a completion to 70 nations, you are a completion to 70 nations and you are the best of the nations and you are the most honorable of the nations to Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah Allahu Akbar, Indeed Allah subhanho wa Taala chose

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the Amazon Allah Allah alayhi wa sallam yourself and myself to be the best of nations. Now brothers and sisters in your notes,

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the hadith of Maria, even even Haider, of the Allah one, this hadith that I've just recited to you in your notes, or in the English translation as well, it says more for right, can everybody see that in their notes? It says more for in the copy that I have, that is page 15

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Now I want to explain that term very quickly. Firstly, this hadith is in the Muslim of Imam Ahmed. In your notes it says a loose net. When you hear the term Muslim and Muslim it make a note of this. This refers to the Hadith compilation then by Imam Ahmed or matola Holly, right? Yes, there were other Masonic, there were other compilations of Hadith known as Muslim Ed. But when we say Muslim by itself, then it refers to the completion of Hadith by Mr. McCullough and this is the acceptance that Allah subhanho wa Taala, gave to the book of Allah Allah and again, Allah.

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Indeed, Allah chooses who he gives rank to. And what he gives rank to Allah has given rank to the book of hadith of

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Allah Allah. So it says there, as reported in a listener almost net refers to the book of Hadith compiled by Imam Ahmed now, it says in merciful form, I hope you found it brothers and sisters, that's page 15.

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In the copy of the book that I have, and it's the first paragraph on that page, just towards the end of the paragraph, it says more form, what does more for for me more for form refers to

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a generation that has a chain of narrators.

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That goes up to a companion

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and a companion says something

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That this companion could not say from himself, so it carries the ruling of metaphor. It carries the ruling of Morocco meaning he must have heard it from Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So it's as good as Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Having said it, so companion say something for example, pertaining to the unknown pertaining to the unseen, right. For example, the hadith of Ibn ambassador of the Allahu Akbar when he speaks about beta laryssa. The house on the first Heaven, which the Quran was revealed to, during Layla through Potter,

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in one complete revelation, right from beginning to end, the Quran was revealed or later to departure from the preserve tablet to Beit Alireza. And that is why we say in Angela who feel a little further, that indeed the Quran was revealed in in Laila to Qatar and we say Sharon Ravana Lady unzila feel that the Quran was revealed in the month of Ramadan. But we know the Quran came to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam over a period of 23 years. Right. So

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if that was the case, then why is Allah subhanho wa Taala, saying it was revealed on the night of power? So even our best robiola one goes on to explain that it was revealed on the night of power in one revelation to the first heaven, and from the first heaven to Rasulullah, sallallahu alayhi wasallam. It came down piecemeal, or in stages over 23 years. Now, how would even our best robiola and notice? How would he notice, he wouldn't notice unless someone who had knowledge of the unseen

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because of revelation told him and the only person who had that was Rasulullah sallallahu, alayhi wasallam. So this is what this is from the meanings of metaphor. The scholars of Hadith also attachable for in general, to a hadith that goes back to the surah LA, some Allahu alayhi wasallam as we see, in this particular narration, because in this particular ratio, it says that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, that you are a completion to 70 nations, and you are the best of these nations, and you are the most honorable of these nations. So therefore, refers to a companion, saying a hadith which he could not have said unless you got it from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam, and it also refers to a hadith which goes back to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and is connected to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And if we want to have more knowledge of the different titles that go along with different narrations, then, a science that you should endeavor to study is known as who Sue and Heidi, who Sue al Hadith, or the science of Hadith or loom al Hadith, the science of Hadith and the principles of Hadith, right, and this science is an intricate science and it's also been broken down to a very simplistic science for beginners to learn as well. And maybe one day if Allah subhanho wa Taala grants us

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life then we can do something

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You know, a short version, a short study of the Illuminati for the principles of Hadith to help us understand the books that we read better because many times we find the book that mentions some of these terminologies without explaining them because obviously the book is written for a particular audience. And then we become confused because we haven't understood exactly what that term means. So insha Allah subhanho wa Taala gives us life beyond the law he died. So we have the best of all nations and Allah subhanho wa Taala has created the nations now understand my dear brothers and sisters, that Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah revealed the best book

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to the best prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the best book is the Quran.

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Why is the best Angel gibreel and his Salah

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during the best night later,

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during the best month, the month of Ramadan in the best language, the Arabic language in the best of places Macedon macabre inside of the harem harem boundary and in this best revelation, that was the best in every sense. Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Come to higher automatic reject leanness that you are the best of nations, you are the best of nations, Allahu Akbar. So Allah created the nations and gave a special precedence to the number of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Allah revealed the books but he gave a special precedence to the Quran. And we discussed how Allah gave a special precedence to gibreel and his salah and how Allah gave a special precedence to Muhammad sallallahu

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alayhi wasallam and we will discuss in sha Allah how Allah created time and honored parts of time over other parts and how Allah created places and honored plays a part of the places that Allah subhanho wa Taala created over other places. So brothers and sisters, let's digest the supprimer law, you know, we are in essence doing a type of Tafseer and explanation of this ayah that it will refer to law here, Lucha de has chosen to build his introduction upon May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant him Jenna shower upon him is messy. And may Allah subhanho wa Taala gather us with him in general as well as I mean your brothers and sisters before we take a break and especially for my

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brothers and sisters in the dour and those involved in different organizations and those involved in different our projects. And as I said it's not exclusive to you everyone with us today. Understand brothers and sisters, that as Allah subhanho wa Taala titles as the best of nations and we proud of it and we feel blessed. Understand that all this comes with the weight of responsibility. The weight of responsibility, right being the best is not just you know, inherited you the best because it comes with certain mandates, right? It's not that you were born into this onma that by default you become the best. Allah subhanho wa Taala says in his book in the fourth Jews going to Hydra metal

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reject leanness, you are the best of all people. Why?

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Muna Bill maroof you invite towards good with an honer Mancha and you won't against evil. What mean una bella. And you believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala not just the belief that doesn't come with action, but a true belief that which

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is dressed with action

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is dressed with action. That is the reality My dear brothers and sisters, that we practice this Deen we follow the teachings that we learn. We follow the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam This is what it means when it is said to me Luna Villa, you believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala. And when you weak you acknowledge that you weak and you tend to align ask for forgiveness and you tend to align you ask for guidance. It's not that you take it for granted and carry on in your day, without being mindful of yourself without being mindful of the ideals that you ought to be upon. And you're not yet upon without being mindful, you know, of your distance from the ideals in the lives

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that we have the ideals taught to us by Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam the ideals taught to us in the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala so I leave you my dear brothers, brothers and sisters with these few words to digest and inshallah inshallah we will meet at 10 minutes past 10 maka time 10 minutes past 10 which is in eight minutes time to resume this particular lesson. Insha Allah how to Allah, Allah Allah and Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah knows best or something Allahu wa Sallim wa barik ala nabina Muhammad wa

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Le e b e ma

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al hamdu Lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah while he was happy woman Wallah Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Welcome brothers and sisters to part two of today's session I hope you had a good short break and pondered over that which was shed prayer May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us from the best nothing said brothers and sisters, he said, in a way to make us feel dysfunctional to make us feel,

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you know,

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depressed or overly sad? Absolutely not. It's being said,

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in the spirit of being,

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you know, people of progress. That's really why

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I shared what I shared, and I am sharing what I am sharing obviously Alhamdulillah This is a class and it's the perfect platform to discuss certain things. So don't be sad about anything rather use it as a focal point, a point of taking heed, and and progressing so Allah subhanho wa Taala created the nations and Allah subhanho wa Taala made the Nation of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the best of all nations. In fact, if we look in the sooner we see that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, in a hadith that is found in the sunon books of Hadith meaning books, the books of Hadith, outside of the scope of the Hadith book compiled by amendement Bihari Rahmatullah LA and the

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Hadith book compiled by Imam Muslim

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to la de la. So when a person says the student books of Hadith, then in most cases they are referring to sunon Academy de sunon, unnecessary and soon an even match. Right.

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So, in most cases, these are the books that are being referred to. So just in case I say the word sunon.

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without explanation, you know, what I'm referring to, I'm referring to a hadith that's found either in Sahih al Bukhari Sahih Muslim, then, at times you'll hear me say sorry, so if I say in a hadith mentioned in the Sahih, then this refers to a hadith that is found in Sahih al Bukhari and Sahih Muslim but if I say that this is a hadith found in the sunon then I'm referring to a hadith found in the soudan books of Hadith. Some of the books that I cited

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books that are not Sohail Bukhari and Sahih Muslim so I hope we've taken note of that. So we find in the soudan books of Hadith and and incident activity, especially Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is reported to have said allergenicity Sharona comida to SOF semiahmoo minha mainhand him or Barone minsiter oma Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says that the people of genda will be 120 rows, the people of Jenna will be 120 rows 80 of these rows will be the home of Mohammed Salallahu, alayhi wasallam

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and 40 of these rows will be the other nations or will have people from the other nations. So 180 of these rows will have people from the home of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Once again, Jenna has 120 rows 80 of these rows will have the people from the home of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam, the followers of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi, wasallam and 40 rows will have the followers of the other MBR Allahumma salatu wa sallam. So, this is another Hadith which teaches us how Allah subhanho wa Taala has really given a special rank to the number of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in another region Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Saison and this narration is is is

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part of a longer narration found in Sahih Muslim Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says when leadin fcbd in Nila Optima and Taku shutaura agenda, he says some Allahu alayhi wa sallam that by the one in whose hands My life is in, I have a great wish and desire for you all to be sharper, a little gender, half of the people have gender, half of the people have gender. Now some people have discussed these two narrations and this is another footnote for you all given the reality of this class and given that a blow to La Jolla la in in the original version. He did speak about this. He spoke up on some of the scholars

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And the opinions regarding these two headings, because one had it says that we will be at lines. And the other hand it says that I wish for you to be half of agenda. So is there a contradiction between the narrations? And the answer to that question is absolutely not, there is no contradiction one Hadith doesn't oppose the other. One Hadith doesn't oppose the other, rather, one Hadith is discussing the statement of the Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And discussing his desire that we have or that we make up half of the people of Ghana, and the other hand is teaching us that Allah informed him informed his prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that yes, you know you desire

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half, but Allah will make at Allahu Akbar will make 80 rows for you, which is definitely

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more than that which Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam desired. So Allah subhanho wa Taala chooses and Allah subhanho wa Taala has chosen this ummah. And as Allah subhanho wa Taala chooses Allah subhanho wa Taala created the different lands on earth, and whilst the makeup of the lands are the same,

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Allah subhanho wa Taala gave a special rank, a special honor and a special precedence to some parts of the globe over other parts of the globe. Thus, Allah subhanho wa Taala gave the the sacred lands, the sacred lands,

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a special status over the rest of the lands and Allah subhanho wa Taala gave Makkah, a special precedence and a special rank over the rest of the legs and Allah subhanho wa Taala chose the haramain the sacred lands to be the place for his prophet, these best profit his most beloved Prophet, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was born in Mecca, and he passed away in Medina and Allah subhanho wa Taala. Anna chose maccha to be the place for the pilgrimage, the fifth pillar of Islam, and he chose Mecca to be the place that his character will be established in. So Allah subhanho wa Taala chooses, and gives a special precedence and rank and thus we see until the day of

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gamma, people are going and we'll be going visiting Mecca intending Allah subhanho wa Taala intending Allah subhanho wa Taala there is no other place on Earth, that you can go to intending Allah subhanho wa Taala in the way that you would travel intending Allah when you go to Makkah, so Indeed, Allah gave that land, a special rank and look at the the nature of the land of Mecca, in comparison to the streams and gardens and mountains of other parts of the world. Mecca was a valley of barren Valley. And note that I'm saying Valley we're not talking about flat land, we're not talking about, you know, high land, we're talking about low land in terms of its land, it was a

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valley in the middle of nowhere. And Allah subhanho wa Taala chooses This is a sign of the completeness of the Lordship of Allah subhanaw taala only Allah can choose, nobody had a say in it. If you and I were discussing, you know, a place to choose for us to establish something, would we say let's do it in the middle of the empty quarter. And even if I said that I would have opposition from someone and I would have opposition from another and so on and so forth here a lot chose and no one had to say in the matter, not the angels, not gibril Allah He salam, the mighty angel, not the angels looking over jahannam which Allah subhanho wa Taala has cited as as fierce angels, no one

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from the prophets of Allah. No one had a say in the matter, a lot decided to give a valley with nothing in it precedents and precedents was given and look how we all flocked to Mecca today and love to flock to Mecca today. And when we leave Mecca we miss Mecca, Allahu Akbar. Indeed Allah chooses and gives precedence and gives rank and give status to that which Allah subhanho wa Taala chooses La Jolla, la comida Del Mar Candela, homophobia, Allah subhanho wa Taala

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chose Mecca to be a land that will be visited by people who will come from all parts of the globe, whether they come riding, whether they come walking, whether they come on plane, whether they come by car, whether they have to come over mountains, whether they have to travel over the waters, so Pamela who travels from all over the globe, to one place, this is another side how Allah has chosen Mecca and Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah, indeed, as we said, chose Mecca to be the place of the pilgrimage and we find in the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam teaching us ordinary

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teaching us that when Allah subhanho wa Taala

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decreed that the Kaaba become completed, Ibrahim fulfilled that which was upon him. Allah subhanho wa Taala commanded him to announce the Hajj to announce the Hajj and Ibrahim said, But who will hear me Allah and Allah subhanho wa Taala said to him, You announced the Hajj and we will convey the message Allahu Akbar, you do the calling, we will convey the message and by Allah, how many 1000s of years after Ibrahim alayhi salam, do you and I

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exist on earth and know of the coding of Ibraheem alehissalaam Indeed, Allah subhanho wa Taala has conveyed to us this message, but Allah should increase our email. So talking about you know, maccha and talking about messenger harem and talking about the harem, and how this is, is the chosen land, then we further understand that it is the chosen land because Allah subhanho wa Taala has decreed that no one enters this land, except in a humble form, except in a fearful form, except with humility, except in a form where their heads are uncovered, except in a form where they are free from sown clothing. And this is the reality of a pilgrim who enters Mecca. We a pilgrim enters Mecca

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with such humility with such humbleness, irrespective of financial standing irrespective of material well being irrespective of position on the globe, you can be the most respected King on Earth. But when you enter that land, by the command of the King of kings and the Lord of the worlds you enter with your hair and covered you enter in a harem, free from sewing clothes, simple cuts, to white cuts, and upper garment and a lower garment and you enter mocha for the purpose of Amara. That's how you enter marketable mocha Rama. This is another sign how Allah has chosen that valley, which was barren once upon a time without a character without Zamzam. suppiler vilella chose it chose it and

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then look at the mountains, how many mountains Allah has created, but Allah has given a special precedence to Safa and Marwa Allahu Akbar in the Safa wolmar water minchah illa. Allah has said that these two mountains are from the signs of Allah, the signs of Allah existing the signs of Allah being one, the signs of Allah subhanho wa Taala being the only one worthy of worship, the signs of Allah being one in his names and his attributes of law says that these two mountains are from the signs of Allah By Allah, how many people run between these mountains by Allah, how many people climb these mountains and you know, they talk about Everest, we talk about Safa, we talk about miroir.

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It's in the Quran, Allah has chosen these mountains, Allah has given it a special rank, a special place, and Allah has chosen mountains that are inside the harem inside the Heron boundary, further teaching us how Allah has chosen the harem to be a sacred land to be a blessed land and to have a rank far above the other lands. The Heron is a place that hunting is not allowed in. And we know this No one is allowed to park to pluck from its leaves and to cut its trees and nobody's allowed to hunt in it. And nobody is even allowed to pick up last property for the sake of taking ownership of that property. The only time you are allowed to pick up that last property is if you are going to

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look for the person who lost it or if you are going to announce that there is lost property can someone can claim it, but no one is allowed to pick up anything, no matter how small it is, and put it in their pocket and walk off with it for the sake of

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acquisition and then also with the intention of acquisition and taking ownership. This is not allowed. Allah has chosen this for the Haram and Allah subhanho wa Taala has made the one who intends Mecca person who will be forgiven Allahu Akbar, Allah made Makkah a means for forgiveness for the person who intended which are the place on the globe enjoys this particular precedence and this particular rank and this particular honor, even with extremes and mountains and greenery and lakes and rivers that flow and you look so beautiful with all that Allah subhanho wa Taala chose the valley in Mecca. Indeed, Allah chooses to be the place that whoever intends it, that that place will

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be a means of their sins being removed. It was Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who taught us but in the Hadith narrated by Abu huraira Ravi Allah who and and this hadith is in Sahih al Bukhari and it's a Muslim, there are no doubts regarding his authenticity. moneta has elbaite Phantom your foot while I'm you have souk Raja como la that the woman who intends this house meaning the character, the one who intends it and visits it. And this person is not vulgar or immoral both in his

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Speech and his action and ways, then he will return back home. The same way he found himself the day his mother gave birth to him, love Allah forgive our sins, I mean, and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in the hadith of Ibn Masood, or of your loved one, and this hadith is found in the sunon books of Hadith such as activity he says some Allahu alayhi wa sallam, Tabby obey them had you in Amara for in Houma. ncnm soccer was galoob C'mon Phil kyrou Hubbert and add was that will fit well he said he had jet in Marathi doodle Jana Allahu Akbar, Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that

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you know, follow up between the hedges that you do and the Emeralds that you do for indeed the Hajj and Umrah are a means of removing poverty from your life and a means of removing sins from your life. Just like the battle that the the the the the blacksmith

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uses to remove the impurities right the impurities from the steel and from gold and from silver refers to a balance and and sometimes we have a balance in our homes, you know, the handmade battles that we we squeeze and air pops out of it and as a pops out of it, it blows the impurities away. So Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam says that just as the impurities are blown away when you squeeze the barrel, then that is what hedging Amara does to our sins. May Allah subhanho wa Taala forgive us and the Hadith goes on to teach us when he said inhabitated mbarara tabula genda and there is no reward for an accepted hedge besides gender. There is no reward for an accepted hedge

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besides gender. And then Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also said in a hadith narrated by Abu hurayrah rhodiola horn and this hadith in Sahih al Bukhari and in Sahih, Muslim Sahih Muslim he says some Allahu Allahu wa sallam and number two in an Amara Kaffir to Lima Bina Houma will have Juma boo, lei Salah who Jessa on lol, Jana, that between the two cameras, is a means of expiation for our sins. So the sins between one ombre and the next

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becomes expiated because of the numbers that we do, and he goes on to say some Allahu alayhi wa sallam that there is no reward for an accepted hedge, a hedge which is mob rule, except gender. Now just as a footnote, brothers and sisters, whenever we come across

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narrations of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam which say whoever does this, then their sins will be forgiven, whoever faster they have, other than two years of sins will be forgiven, whoever fast Ashura, then one year or one year sins will be forgiven, and who and who you know, whoever follows up with grace, then the sins between the armors will be forgiven and so on and so forth. Our scholars hashmatullah here I let him teach us that when we come across these a Hadith, then the general rule of thumb is that these are Hadith refer to the minor sins being forgiven, the minor sins being forgiven, not the major sins unless specified. Why, because for the major sins to be

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forgiven, we have to engage in a practice known as a Toba. We have to engage in a practice known as a Toba, Toba and seeking repentance Toba and seeking repentance is the means of, you know, attaining expression for the major sins. We have lots of Hannah who Allah protect us from the major sins and the minuses And may Allah subhanho wa Taala forgive all our sins me. So this is a general rule of thumb but the point to note is that Allah subhanho wa Taala chose McCann made MCI a means of a person since becoming expiated if they intend maccha, for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And brothers and sisters, despite all the lands, despite all the wonderful places on earth, despite all

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the countries despite all the places and the beauties, you know, that we witness around us the beauty that Allah subhanho wa Taala has created. Allah subhanho wa Taala takes an oath

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by MCC

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and Allah says will benefit me as we see in Surah two tip number three, this is a lot of taking an oath by alphabet amine meaning Mecca, and Allah subhanho wa Taala in Surah, Tibet in the first ayah Allah subhanho wa Taala is his legacy will be handled bellet Allah takes a person by Mecca, Allahu Akbar, right. So despite all the beautiful creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala we witness all over the world. Allah subhanho wa Taala takes a person by Mecca. Indeed Allah chooses and Indeed Allah

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creates, and indeed a lot chooses the rank that he will give to parts of his creation and nobody has a say in the matter. And

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to further understand

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how important NACA is then take note of the fact that there is no place on the face of this earth. There is no place on the face of this earth that it is compulsory to travel to for those who are able, besides McCann Think about it. Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam. Right. And if one is able, they have to go for Hajj, to perform hajj, you have to go to Mecca. And the majority of the scholars view Amara as compulsory as well. View Umbra, as compulsory as well. And to perform Amara you have to go to Mecca. Right. And then brothers and sisters to understand again how Allah has chosen Mecca, then understand that Subhan Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala has created Mecca, and Allah subhanho wa

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Taala has created the stones, the different stones, and Allah gave a special rank and precedence to one stone over the other stones. And that stone is known as the hedgerow and sweat, the sweat law Akbar, Allah gave it a special rank and a special status and taught His Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam to kiss it, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam kissed it, and the companions kissed it and the unborn Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tries to kiss it. Imagine a stone My dear brothers and sisters, I want you to understand this I that eBill by him is building his introduction to this amazing book upon Allahu Akbar that, you know, when we when Allah says that

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Allah creates and chooses what he creates, understand the reality of what Allah subhanho wa Taala is saying, This stone Subhana Allah, that was almost a means of the Quraysh falling into a mighty battle. Because we know when they rebuilt the carrabba they were fighting between themselves, or you know, they were quarreling and arguing and it almost went into bloodshed. swords were almost drawn regarding who should put the stone in its place. Allahu Akbar, a stone. Indeed, Allah has given rank and given an honor to the stone. It is the only stone that people want to kiss, to kiss and try to kiss think about it brothers and sisters, and as I

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said, that, Will ye You are just a stone. And if I didn't see Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam kissing you, I wouldn't have kissed you, brothers and sisters, which don't, is a means of our sins being removed as well. And the reason why it's being highlighted is because it will refer to law here and he has highlighted it in his main book, he speaks about the heads of a sweat and how Allah has given it a rank over the other stones and made it a means for our sins to be removed. For the person who kisses it, the sins are removed and we taught in the Sunnah, that the stone came white from Ghana, and because of the sins of the people, it became darkened, and it became black now we

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don't have time to go into the reality of the hijab, as what Now that is a discussion for another day. But take note of the essence, the essence of the stone having a precedent over

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the you know, over the the other stones, then when we talk about mcca and how special it is understand that there's no place on earth that if you offer solder in it, your Salah or the rewards, you will be rewarded with 100,000 sobre la ilaha illa Allah

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Allah hates It's exhausting speaking about this not because it's tiring but because it's exciting. Well Mahi I'm running out of breath speaking about the scent Allah He I feel the need to go to my kameyama take us to Mecca. Where la take us to McCarran May Allah continuously take us to Mecca and in Yoruba Holloman and for those who haven't gone to mccadden May Allah take you to Mecca sooner rather than later. Which other place on earth brothers and sisters, which are the place is there where you can offer a salah and Allah gives you the reward of 100,000 sora in the mustard of a hermit and in soon an unnecessary

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loss Allahu alayhi wa sallam is reported to have said in the hadith of Abdullah Abu Zubaydah, Sana to the famous God has an African woman Alfie Salatin famous Eva who invested in her arm was alleged to

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have been selected famous Judy has been made at Sala Allahu Akbar. So Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is teaching that teaching is that the Salah in his Masjid,

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right is better than the Salah in any other Masjid besides versatile Hara Why? Because in his Masjid, you get 100 you get 1000 you get the order of 1000 Salah for every Salah.

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if and then Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says besides Mr. Gu Hara because invested in Haram, you will get the reward of 100,000 Salah for every Salah prayed Allahu Akbar, right. So this further exacerbates our understanding of how mighty maca is and how mighty the sacred lands are over the rest of the lands. And we know that when Allahu alayhi wa sallam was kicked out of Mecca by his people Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, well Allah He in Nikita, Pharaoh, Abdullah, Abdullah he in Allah, Allah and the courage to mink Maharaj he said some Allahu alayhi wa sallam that when he left Mecca, or It is reported that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said when he

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left Mecca that By Allah, indeed you are the the best of the lands of Allah subhanho wa Taala Anna and you are the most beloved of Allah's lands to Allah. And if it wasn't that I was kicked out by your people, I would not have left this is what Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said about maca and with that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam passed away in Medina which again should further exacerbate to us the reality of the of the the sacred lands Mecca and Medina and the lands of Sham one of the special you know attributes of Mecca which further Teach us how special is over the rest of the lands and yes, you know McKay special Medina especial Sham is special, but no doubt

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the most special of the special is Mecca. And with this we can say that Allah created the lands and he he gave a special precedence to the sacred lands over the rest of the lands, McCann, Medina and Sham alright. And as Allah gave a special rank to these three places, Allah gave a special a special rank to Makkah and Medina and as Allah gave a special rank to McCann, Medina, Allah subhanho wa Taala gave us even greater and to Mecca. Right? So that's why we're focusing on maccha here, and it will pay him goes on to mention many attributes of McCann from the attributes that he mentioned Rahmatullah Holly is that Allah subhanho wa Taala made mcca the fibrillar of the Muslims.

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He made maka, the table of the Muslims, he made this back this valley, this valley, right, this difficult Valley,

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the cabinet of the Muslims that every Muslim until the day of the AMA will face it and pray Sunnah facing it Allahu Akbar. So Allah subhanho wa Taala made Mecca, the Qibla of the Muslims and again, in terms of Mecca and how

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magnanimous Mecca is we learn from the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam that Allah has prevented us from even relieving ourselves May Allah on the yuan, even using the lavatory whilst facing Mecca, was facing Mecca, or whilst our backs face Mecca. Right? And according to Rahim, Allah, the correct opinion in this particular

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ruling in this particular

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discussion is that even if the laboratory is in a building, the laboratory should not face Mecca, nor should the back of the laboratory face Makkah so that a person who relieves himself May Allah under you all does not face Mecca, whilst relieving oneself even though time is of the view that this applies even to the laboratories in one's building.

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So the fact that even on an etickets level on the level of mannerisms and adapt, we find, you know, etiquettes pertaining to Mecca again, this teaches us the rank of Mecca, as opposed to the ranks that the other lands that Allah subhanho wa Taala creates hold. When we look at Mecca brothers and sisters to further make us understand how amazing Mecca is, then understand that the first Masjid to be built on earth to be established on Earth was measurable harm was measurable harm and measurable harm is in Mecca. Right? And we learned this

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from a narration both in Sahih al Bukhari and in Sahih Muslim in the hadith of Ibiza, robiola one, he says to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and overly masculine with Dr. Phil. de fer Paula l messaged her on a message with AXA to convey the Houma or Verona Amman. So in the hadith of a beaver, he says he asked Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, Oh prophet of Allah, you know, which was the first message on earth. And Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said I'll message her on the message of the character, Mr. Hara. He says

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Then I said then which Masjid which Masjid came after vesicular Haram in terms of establishment on earth. And he sallallahu alayhi wasallam said must you do so? And that is in Palestine, in Jerusalem must do Luxor.

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And then he asked and How many years did the world witness between methadone heroin and was admitted to UCLA and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam said 40 years 40 years. So, there was 40 years between the building of methadone heroin and

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and and and must you go upside now, some some who some have raised concern about this particular generation because

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some have understood that the person who built mosquito AXA, was profits really meant was profit today man. No, yes. So, some have have have said that,

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you know, have have created the headache, because if they took the understanding that the person who bought

01:16:14 --> 01:16:44

mustard aleksa was with a man and he Salah was Sulayman and he sent him Prophet Solomon. And the reality is brothers and sisters. Is that Solomon, Allah He sallam, he renovated aleksa he renovated Alexa he didn't establish Alexa the correct opinion and Allah knows best and this has been mentioned by Mahatma Allah is that the person who established mesilla masjidul aka is Jacobi but is hack, right?

01:16:45 --> 01:16:58

Some Allahu Allah, Allah Hema. So we know that Yahoo bin is happy was the father of use of Allah, his Salah. And we know that the one who established or raised the carrabba was

01:16:59 --> 01:17:31

was Ibrahim Alayhi, salam, and Yaqoob Allah He Salam is from the grandchildren of Ibrahim alayhi salam. So based on this, this hadith is authentic, as we've established number one, and this hadith is correct. This Hadith is correct in terms of its instruction, sometimes the Hadith can be authentic in terms of the chain of narrators, the people who narrated the Hadith, but sometimes the meaning of the Hadith could be awkward. So is this being awkward? And the answer is no, it's not awkward. Because

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Yaqoob in his heart is the grandson of Ibrahim and Ibrahim raise the camera and open his Huck established, mustard will upset and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said between the two messages was 40 years was 40 years. Now, obviously, you know, it can be understood, it's understandable, if we say that a man was the one who built metal oxide then it can be understandable why some people will query the habit of a Buddha which says that there was 40 years between

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you know that the two masters because obviously, there was 1000 years or more, right between Ibrahim Ali Salim and Sulaiman Allah He Salah there was 1000 year years or more between Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam and Sulaiman Alayhi. Salam. So if this is the case, how can they only be 40 years between the two masajid. Now this is just a footnote for you all to take note of in case one day, you do hear this query in case somebody says, that's a man and he said, I built the car by Bill mystikal AXA, we would say in this particular circumstance that no he didn't build it, he renovated it. Rather the building was done by a hobby, but it's helped who is the grandson of Ibrahim alayhis salam, and he

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booted 40 years after Ibraheem alehissalaam or after American harem, was established on earth. And Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah knows best.

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Also from the Masters, brothers and sisters, that teach us how special mepco is, is the fact that Allah subhanho wa Taala termed

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you know, maca, Cora, the mother, the mother, of all places, it holds the title, the mother of all places, right? And, you know, it's well understood in language when we say this is the mother of all things. We mean it's the best of all things. It's the most important of all things. And Allah subhanho wa Taala says in in his book, titling, maca as as Cora so McKay's humble Cora, and this is another evidence to the fact that MCI is the best of all places. Another issue and aspect brothers and sisters. That further teaches us how important maccha is and how MCI is

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more special than all the other lands and how Allah subhanho wa Taala. Allah has given Makkah, a special precedence over all the other lands, is the fact that when we enter Mecca, we need to enter with Iran.

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Right in a sacred state, right.

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And this is the view of some of the scholars, right that you cannot enter Makkah, except with a Hara, except with a harem. And what's creating the Hanafi madhhab is that this is the ruling even for the for the one who enters Mecca regularly continuously unless they are people who have a home after the fight, right. So if they have a home after the McCart and this is sorry, except for the person who is living in Mecca, right and exits regularly then for them, they can come back without harm. But for anyone coming into the mid part intending maca, then they have to enter any harm. Right? So the fact that we have this ruling, and the scholars have taken this understanding, I'm not

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going to go into the difference of opinion and go into the evidences.

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Because it is quite a long discussion. But no doubt, even the scholars who say that you don't have to enter MCO with a from they say it's better. Right. So even if you go for example, and you and you pass by, for example, and you head back to Mecca, then even the scholars who say you don't, you know have to enter mcclenaghan they say it's better for you to enter makanda. And as I've said,

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several of the scholars have said that for a person to enter Makkah, they must enter Mecca in the state of Iran, right in the sacred state and go and perform an ombre. So based on this discussion, this fifth discussion, we can say this further adds knowledge to our understanding of how mcca is and Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best. Now, also from the methods that teachers why MCI is important yet another matter mentioned by Bill law here it is the fact that whoever intends to do sin, pay attention brothers and sisters, whoever intends to do some

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in Mecca, then they will be held accountable.

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And normally, if you intend to do sin, and you don't do the sin, you're not held accountable. In fact, if you intend to do a sin, and you do not do this and Allah will reward you.

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This is from the mercy of Allah. And if you do this, and Allah will only give you one cent right? And with regards to our rewards allow will multiply our rewards based on the strength of our intention. That's the norm. But in Mecca if you intend to do harm, then you will be taken to account and it will pay him uses as evidence the idea is sort of to hedge IRA number 25.

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In which Allah subhanho wa Taala says Rama unit fee Bill had in behold nozick who means

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that whoever inclines towards evil, intends evil, then they will be made to taste a severe punishment. May Allah subhanho wa Taala forgive us and protect us. So the fact that you know maca has this special

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ruling as cited by Abraham into law here it further teaches us further teaches us that maca is indeed a special place and a chosen place and Allah has given it a special precedence over all other places on earth. Lastly, brothers and sisters in inshallah we'll stop here. Lastly, another important point to teach us about the importance of the sacred lands and how Allah chooses his sacred lands is the fact that a person who does good in the sacred lands, then their rewards are multiplied both in quality and quantity over the other lands right. However, if they do sin, then the quantity of the sin will not be multiplied, but because the sin was done in the Holy Land, then

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the severity of the sin will be increased. So a sin done outside of Macau or outside of the the the sacred lands. It has it carries its weight. But when that sin is done in the sacred lands, it carries a heavier weight. So I was calling Rahmatullah helping him to teach us that Allah will not increase the quantity of the lies just but the weight of the sin and severity of the sin will be increased, given the land that you in teaching us that Mecca and the sacred lands have a special rank, a special precedence and a special place over all other lands brothers and sisters on

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Allah has blessed us

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to share a lot in terms of our discussion with this ayah May Allah shower is mercy upon Imam Bukhari, La Jolla, LA for sharing a several insights and really, really making clear to us, you know, his reasons for building his

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introduction upon the idea or love with local militia without that Indeed, Allah subhanho wa Taala creates what He wills and gives a special rank and precedents to that which He wills subhanho wa Taala, mechanical human era, no one had a choice or say in the matter. So, we are grateful to Allah for inspiring me to La Jolla, LA.

01:25:46 --> 01:26:24

For you know, writing this book and sharing with us, many of those insights that help us understand this ayah I don't think you will ever ever read this is in the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Did, you know in the same way that you have been reading it currently, or have been reading it previously, whenever you come across this ayah you're going to read you know, you're going to respect the ayah in a greater way, because the understanding of the IEA has increased in a greater way that as you've understood that Allah creates, you're going to ponder over what is created and as you've understood that Allah has indeed raised in rank certain parts of others, you're going to

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ponder over this particular reality taught to us by this particular Ayah inshallah brothers and sisters when we come back next week, we will continue with this particular introduction insha Allah and then move on if Allah blesses us with with more time, move on to the first portion of the book that Eman Muhammad Abdul Wahab Rahmatullah here and he has summarized from the books and made provisions for the here after so we still have a little bit to discuss surrounding this introduction because as I promised you I want to talk to you about time and how Allah subhanho wa Taala has created time and even though all of time is made up of seconds, and minutes, and hours and days and

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weeks and months and years, we will inshallah see how Allah has raised certain portions of time in rank and precedence and honor over other portions in the lakita Allah Heather will love Ireland or some Allahu wa Sallim wa barik ala nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi ultramarine indeed everything correct is from Allah and he's perfect and any mistakes are for myself and shame upon and I seek Allah subhanho wa Taala as forgiveness Subhana Allah He will be having to he Subhana Allah humble will be having deca, the shadow Allah, Allah Allah and that's the heruka under to LA elec

Explanation of the summarised version of Imam Ibn Qayyim AlJawziyyah’s famous book – Provisions for the hereafter

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