Sajid Ahmed Umar – Provisions for the Hereafter Series Part 3

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary ©
The importance of Islam is discussed, with the sheree creating a day called "fiting the sheree," which is the day of preparation for Hajj. The sheree has created a day called "fiting the sheree," which is the day of preparation for Hajj. The "right way" of graduation is emphasized, with a focus on graduation events and graduation events to celebrate graduation. The "we" concept is emphasized, with a focus on graduation events and graduation events to celebrate graduation.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Allah Allah he was. He was a limiter Sleeman kathira lamb Dini. umbagog Allahu Allah and Milena Illa Allah Montana in the country learnable Hakeem Lama alumna Marian Pharaoh now when find out the mountain limb Tana, was it in our environment? Yeah, Kareem rubbished the Saudi oil Sara Lee Emery was located at a melissani yes Babu Ali.

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My dear brothers and sisters in Islam Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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Masha Allah, I welcome you all brothers and sisters to our

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latest session in this series

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surrounding the book, that merge or provisions for the Hereafter, or in particular the summarized version of this particular book. When he left him, we completed an introduction to this particular session and we completed two more sessions after that, that we titled session one and session two after the introduction and today inshallah

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we will have been militarily session three. Now, this session is happening at this particular time because of my travel to Dubai this Saturday to teach a course there on Islamic morals, manners and etiquette is a two day course.

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And I wanted to keep the momentum going with this particular program especially since our weeks are limited

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given that Ramadan is fast approaching and the summer holidays here in Saudi Arabia are fast approaching as well.

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And thus I have asked that we conduct this lesson today so no hidden for all those who have attended and for those who haven't, especially those towards the east of the globe.

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I know how late it is then Alhamdulillah we are recording this session and inshallah you will have the session with you be the lead Italia. Obviously those who will listen to the recording then will hear me saying these words. These words are especially for you my dear brothers and sisters towards the east of the globe and inshallah Allah will make the recording a success.

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All praise belongs to Allah subhanho wa Taala we praise Allah subhanho wa Taala and we seek his assistance and we seek His forgiveness and we seek His divine guidance and we seek refuge in Allah subhanho wa Taala from the evil of our souls and the adverse consequences of our deeds. himself Allah subhanho wa Taala decreased guidance upon the non cannabis guide him and homes of Allah subhanho wa Taala decrease misguidance upon the man can guide him and peace and salutations be upon the final messenger Muhammad Abdullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam I bear witness that there is no one worthy of worship besides one Allah, and that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is His

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Messenger. Brothers and sisters. In our last session we were continuing with the introduction of Rahim Allah and

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a discussion surrounding differences in the creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And the differences in terms of ranking in terms of honor in terms of precedence, even though

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the matters being discussed, or a group of the matters discussed are made

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up of

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you know, similar elements, right. But even though they share similar elements, we see that Allah Subhana Allah has raised certain parts

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of his creation over others inshallah, we want to continue with this particular

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discussion, and complete the introduction Bismillah hytera. Now, I promised you that we will continue today, discussing time, and how Allah subhanho wa Taala has blessed certain parts of time, over other parts of time. And

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to kick off matters here.

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Let's talk about the best day of the year first and foremost. So Allah subhanho wa Taala created the days of the year and the days of the year in terms of

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the natural matters pertaining to the days of the air.

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Then these natural matters are the same, the sunrises and the sunsets. And the day has 24 hours. And the days are prone to different climatic

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situations, circumstances and scenarios, right if it's winter, then the days will have cold colder days and if it's summer, then the days will have warmer days. And if

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It's winter then we'll have shorter hours in terms of daylight hours, and if it's summer, then we'll have longer daylight hours. So in terms of these elements, these elements apply to the days that Allah subhanho wa Taala has created. Now,

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if we look at our Sheree, and I will Sherry as discussion

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of the days that Allah subhanho wa Taala has created we see that Allah subhanho wa Taala has created these days and given a special precedence and rank and honor to one day over the rest of the days, and this day is known as yom,

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Yom Hajj acabar. And I must have handled well. Allah mentions this day in Surah October, Yom al Hajj Allah Akbar, in the 10th Jews

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the scholars have two opinions regarding which is Yom Kippur, the first day of the first opinion is that Yeoman Hadrian Akbar or the best day of the year is the 10th day of the hedger, the 10th day of hedging, and this day is known as Yom

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Yom. We know that the eighth of the hedger is known as yom Acharya and the ninth of the hedger is known as Yom arafa. And the 10th of the ledger is known as yom

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and then the days after yom is known or unknown as a tertiary, the days of tertiary, the days of tertiary and this is the scholars have

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given some wisdoms as to why these days are named with these particular terminology, so, the eighth of the hedger known as Yom authorea. If somebody if one of the admin

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is quick with the whiteboard, I don't mind the whiteboard being used

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to jot down these notes for the benefit of everybody else.

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If Sr vancura or

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our family from Darwin, or brother Hisham, anyone who is able, then please use the whiteboard for the benefit of the majority to Xochimilco head on so we have the eight of the hedger known as yom Acharya

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and the scholars say the reason why it's called yom Italia

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is because

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on this day the project would prepare for hedge

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and a long time ago

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you know, the the hedge places or the places of hedge they were not as established as they are now these places were not as established as they are now even now we have sewage systems you switch on a tap and water comes out so you know there's there's drainage there's

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you know, water tanks and water pumps and taps and not just you know, this we even have hot water and cold water and hamdulillah

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it's very advanced now but before it wasn't like this and also now we have a trained Mashallah, as many of you have seen on the television or for those who have been for Hajj recently, the last few years, there's trains, and for those who have been a few years back then we have buses, you know, and vehicles,

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buses and vehicles. So, movement from place to place was, you know, now is pretty easy, but back in the day, it wasn't that easy to take them a long time to go from mokka to minute and minute to

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two out of an hour refer to miss Delica and then was deliver

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back to the place or to to the place where they pelt the jamara and so on and so forth.

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So they would prepare on the eighth of the hedger this day is known as Yom atonia. I'll go through these names. I see the questions popping up

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for me to repeat these names, so let's go through them one by one we have the eighth of the ledger known as yom total via Yom Tov via Yama Toria. And the reason why it's called This is because it is the day of preparation for Hajj. Now why are we? Well, this, you know, taglia carries a meaning related to the gathering of water, the gathering of water, and provisions. And the main provision for the hedge was water the candles had to drink

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You know,

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the you know the share that the camels would need because we know the camels are considered the, the ships of the desert. You know, Allah has blessed the oma with the creation of the camel. Right? The camel has been created with, with feet that are webbed that don't allow it to sink. Right, irrespective of the weight of the candle. A candle is is heavy. And then don't forget the carry the candle carries heavy

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goods and merchandise and it carries people. Right and before the camel was, you know what you and I might call today our jumbo jet or triple seven, right? Or our a 380 you know, they would actually erect a structure on top of the camel to house the females. For the long journeys are known as a hold that hold that. So the candles would carry heavy things.

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But so Pamela created the camera with these webbed feet, so that the camera doesn't sink in the soft sand of the desert. And Allah padded the feet so that the feet would not suffer, walking on top of the heated sand of the desert. And I know this is a bit of a footnote discussion. But nonetheless we're talking about, you know how the judge would prepare the candles for Hajj. And Allah says in his book of Allah young guru, lol eBill kafer who do that? Have you not looked at the camera? And the way Allah subhanho wa Taala has created it. Right? Have you looked at the camera Have you not pondered over the camera and the way Allah created it, and how it's able to walk the deserts for

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days without water. When you and I as human beings cannot manage this, how it is capable of walking on the hot desert sand and walking through the hot desert sand storms. Right, and walking under the hot desert sand, sun, the hot desert sun for days, right? Having the ability to store water. And for the water to run in a process and system created by a lot to the benefit of the animal that the animal continues to be a form of benefit for the for its owner. So the judge would prepare this candle and the candles would drink and drink and drink and become full. And the judge also would fill their leather cases, the leather cases specific to water and any other containers that they

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would have with water and load. You know the respected provisions for this amazing Gen. The hedge Jenny and not to forget brothers and sisters that you know before the judge when they were coming for hedge it wasn't just a plane ride. Right? We're talking about eight hours or 10 hours or 15 hours right plane journey? No, we're talking about you know just Medina to Mecca they are traveling for a month or more. Right? Now imagine if you leave Medina the main part in Medina is very, you know close

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in terms of

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the traveler and the travelers departure from Medina right. As soon as you leave Medina very quickly you cross them your cart and and that cart you have to wear the hat on and put yourself in to the state of Ohio

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and announced the Tobia and intention for for Hajj or Umrah now imagine you traveling for a month in this sacred state or holy state right with the prohibitions of Iran.

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Right until you finish the ombre if you performing the hygiene estimator, right. So they would be around for a long time today you and I go for hikes and Pamela just you know the few days of hydrating they're held on for three or four days to Panama.

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It's It's It's something that we consider Great. So they would prepare for hygiene these candles would bring them in from their various locations, and then they would prepare these candles for the hatch. So Yama, Talia is that Day of Gathering the water and provisions for hedge then we have the ninth of the ledger known as a yo

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yo Malala Fund and normally arafa is called that because it is the day that the people stand on the plains of Africa.

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And then we have the 10th of the hedger on the whiteboard. You've missed the ninth barakallahu So there we go. The ninth of the hedger, then we have

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the 10th of the ledger known as yom and now the day of sacrifice before

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On the 10th is when the pilgrim sacrifices, the sacrifice for Hajj, the sacrifice for Hajj. And then pilgrims sacrifice that known as the old hare, right, which was a practice of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. in Medina, he every

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read aloud where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would observe the oath here. So there's a sacrifice that happens on the 10th. And, and obviously, for the non pilgrims, this is known as the day of Read, read. And so this is why it's called Yeoman. Now the day of sacrifice, and then we have the days of Shrek, the days of the Shrek have been called this because this is when the meat of the animal sacrifice have been cleaned and cut into the respected pieces and left to dry, you know, the Sunday would use the sun to dry up the blood. And the liquids, you know, that accompany the meat when an animal is slaughtered. So these days were called tertiary, because it refers to the process

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of drying the meat of the of the sacrificed animals. Now, our discussion is, you know, which is the best day of the year? And, as I said earlier, it's your own hedge. Now the scholars have different, which is your hedge and awkward? Is it the ninth of the ledger? Or is it the 10th of the ledger? These are two opinions of the scholars refer to la de la him

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the first opinion, or the opinion being that it's

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the 10th of the hijab, Yom

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Yom. And this is the first view of the scholars and they have the evidence and the second view of the scholars is that it is your modified This is the view view of the companions of Imam Shafi.

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hashmatullah here, Jimmy, right. So there's two views. Now before we go into the views, I want to show you

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another piece of information pertaining to why these days of hedge are known as

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or you know, why these days of hedge have these specific names actually came across this

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in the notes of one of our in the notes of the actual corrector and revisor, of a book known as a role model bear, which is a hanbali. Book, a role, model bear, which is a humbling book, and

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one of the amazing

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content, we would call him contemporary Imams, even though he's passed away to law here it it will pass him pass him he has great work pertaining to this particular book. And in terms of the books notes, when he comes across the section on the days of hedge and why they've been named the days of hedge, he goes on to say, Rahim Allah, that the eighth of the ledger or some of the scholars say that the eighth of the ledger is known as yom tarea. Because tearaway comes from urawa euro we tell we attend we we know that the Arabic language is

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a large portion of it is is is L has terminologies that are known as derivatives that derived term so. So as you can see, in terms of the mechanical makeup, of the of the terms that I just said to you, you'll see that they are similar, but they pronounced differently.

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Right, they have similar letters that oh, well, you know, we tell we attend and that's Korea. So what does that mean? Are you what is that we are in the context of where you are, we are we are to meet? Some of the scholars said that this refers to the process of you know, playing something back in your mind was contemplating over it.

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Right, this is what our euro wheather we attend refers to refers to playing something back in your mind

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and pondering over it until an understanding develops. And they say that Allah subhanho wa Taala showed Ibrahim Alayhi Salam in his dream

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him slaughtering his son. And it was on this eight that Ibrahim Alayhi Salam truly pondered over the dreams that he kept on seeing and understanding them

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or attempting to understand them attempting to understand them. And then, on the ninth of the ledger, yo olahraga, right.

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This was the day that he understood what the dreams meant, and that it was revelation, and that he had to

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sacrifice himself. Now arafa in the Arabic language also carries the

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Meaning of understanding something, right? We say our alpha who he understood it, right? Right. Well, who if he understands that he knows. So they say alpha is called alpha because Abraham knew on this day out of a carries the meaning of knowing on this day, he came to the realization and understanding that this is what I have to do. So,

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your motto was known as

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Because Ibrahim Alayhi Salam knew what was expected of him. And then the 10th of the hedgerow was known as Yeoman, or the day of sacrifice because on the 10th of the hedgehog Ibrahim Alayhi Salam placed,

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the place the knife on the on the neck of his son is maryada, he set up right in his attempt to be diligent with the command of Allah subhanho wa Taala and we discuss some matters pertaining to the emotions of this particular effort

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in our previous setting, so this is just,

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you know, some knowledge that's good to know, pertaining to these days and perhaps when we go for Hajj insha, Allah will be able to appreciate the days in a greater way. So now we have these two views of the scholars, the first group of scholars say that noble haddrill Akbar, which is known as the greatest Hajj day or the best day of the year, this is the 10th of the hedger, the 10th, of the ledger, the companions of your membership, Allahu Allah him they will have the view and not just them, but others as well. They will have the view that the best day of the height of the year is is your modified, Rahim Allah. He goes on to say that the correct view, the correct view is the view of

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the scholars that say that young Elijah Akbar or the best day of the year, or the greatest Hajj day is young now, which is the 10th of Dhul hijjah. This is the correct view, as supported by him, Rahmatullah here and he mentions many evidences for this. The first evidence that he mentions is that of lots of people who enter in the third eye. In surah Toba Allah subhanho wa Taala says, what does that mean Allah He also de la nascio mal Hajin Akbar. So Allah subhanho wa Taala is mentioning and in, in this ayah is discussing an incident and that is an announcement from Allah and the Rasool Allah to the people. And this announcement happened on Yom Kippur. Right so this announcement

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happened on Yom Kippur, and in Sahih al Bukhari and in Sahih Muslim.

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This generation which states that Abu Bakr, radi, Allahu Akbar, and Ali robiola, when

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they were given the permission to make this announcement, this announcement from Allah and His Rasool as we see in this ayah on Yom Yom and her meaning, the 10th of the ledger, right. And in certain abida wood, which is one of the sunon books of Hadith as we discussed in our our last session, we said we have seen an activity soon an A B there would soon an event manager, and soon an unnecessary, right? Even though the book of autonomy D is perhaps more preferably known as a Jeremy but it's considered to be from the student books of Hadith meaning the books of Heidi, but

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you know, the they different from Sahih al Bukhari and Sahih Muslim because

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of the nature and authority of the narrations of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam founded Sohail Buhari and Sahih Muslim but nonetheless,

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this doesn't mean that we don't have authentic edits in the other student books off. Howdy. Now, I've just mentioned to you all the names of the student books in no particular order. I haven't mentioned them in in any particular order in some

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research papers. Some researchers prefer to list the order of the student had it based on what the scholars of Hadith cite in terms of which book carries the more authentic narration. So, some people list the order based on which book is more authentic than the other. Others listed the order based on the date of death of the compiler of the book of Headey right, so, the one who passed away earlier he would be mentioned first and then the one after him and then the one after him and then the one after the after him and again, this is just a footnote, given that we are discussing this particular point, so incident A B that would which is a book of Hadith. There's a narration which is

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authentic and in it. It says that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, yo we'll have a cover, Yamuna that. The day known as Yom Kippur is Yamuna is Yom Kippur meaning the tempo of the hedger. So when we look at these two narrations, then it's clear that Yom Kippur is

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Yeoman. And that would mean that the home is the best day in the year of a believer, so Allah created the days and he made the best day Yom Kippur, which is the 10th of the ledger. Now, the scholars who say that the best day is your IRA, and and obviously, they it's not that they don't have evidence, they do have evidence they say because, you know, the date of Hajj is arafa, right, because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said and had you arafa that there's nothing about the Hajj except the alpha.

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Which means if you miss out of them, you've missed Hajj. Right, this is basically it. If you miss out of it, you've actually missed Hajj. And if you meaning the greatest pillar of hedges getting to alpha, whoever doesn't get to alpha has missed the hedge, right? So you must cross through alpha, you must cross through alpha, for your hedge to be complete. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said had your alpha he made all of hedge the deal of alpha. So this is one of the evidences that they use to save the best day of the year is, is is is alpha. And also they say that the best day of the year is artifact because the nun pilgrim who fasts on this day, then Allah promises to

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forgive them a forgiveness of two years. Right. And this is something we know the reward for fasting the ninth of the hedger is the reward of being forgiven. The forgiveness encompassing two years. Right and also what teaches us Oh, you know, in their view, that the best days is that they have out of it is that Allah subhanho wa Taala is more people from the Hellfire on this day than any other day. Right and it's true a love freeze forgives many people and feeds them from the Hellfire May Allah subhanho wa Taala Anna makers from the feet from the Hellfire I mean and except our hedge, I mean, and take us to hedge. I mean, you're behind me. Another reason which they cite is the fact

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I was with Hannah who Darla is close to his slaves on this day. And another reason is that Allah subhanho wa Taala boasts about the people of out of her to his melodica he posts about them and the circumstance that they are sweaty and they are dusty, and they have come and they are begging with humility. Allah subhanho wa Taala and asking from the mercies of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So they say all these factors teach us that the best day of the year is young arafa these are the reasons these are the evidences and reasons that they cite, to support the view why RFI is the best day Now, obviously, we said that the correct opinion and Allah knows best is that it is the 10th of the

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hedger why because of the two headings that I shared with you one inside al Bukhari and Sahih Muslim and the other one incident a be dealt with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam clearly says that

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Yom Kippur is yom and that the the the greatest Hajj day is young, and how is the 10th of the hedger and also

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ignore Allah, Allah and those scholars who hold this view that the 10th is the best day they say, because we have this Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam the Hadith is authentic, and nothing contradicts it from other statements of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So it's not that, you know, we have another statement from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam that contradicts this understanding pertaining to the greatest Hajj day, which entail sites for us the greatest day in the year of a believer, they say we have nothing from the other narrations of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, which contradict this particular clear statement of his son,

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Allahu alayhi wa sallam, and they go on to say, Rahim, Allah, that

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this was the view also of several companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, like Abu huraira, rhodiola and other companions as well. And they also go on to say that young never has more acts of worship than yom arafat.

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Right, so they say that

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Yeoman network has more acts of worship than yo yo Mara. Why? Because on the 10th of the ledger, the program has to pelt

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The big jamara and then observe the throw off and then sacrifice the animal. Right, and then come out of your harem. So there's so many acts of worship on the 10th of, of the hedger as opposed to the ninth, which denotes a standing on one place. And another reason why they say the 10th is better than the ninth is because they say that the ninth is a day of Talia. And the 10th is a day of Talia. Right. Can he show or somebody write this on the board zachman O'Hara, Talia and Talia duck Leah

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refer refers to the purification process, the cleansing process.

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And Talia

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refers to

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the polishing process or the beautification process, right. So they say the ninth of the ledger is the cleansing day. And the 10th is the polishing day is the beautification day. Why do they say this? They say Rahmatullahi mela shower is messy upon them. That on the ninth of the ledger, we are Allah forgives our sins, and frees us from the Hellfire and forgiveness of sins, entails cleansing because since we could liken it to something dirty, and something impure, and something that needs cleaning. And whenever we want to beautify anything we know we don't just take a coat of paint and paint over debt. First, we remove the paint, and then we paint over the now clean surface. We

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beautify it further. Right. And the same applies to you know, when we spill something we first let you know, let's say there's

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something which has spilled and it's causing a bad smell. First, we clean the spillage. Right? And then we place perfume or you know use air freshener or something. But we don't use the air freshener. When you know the element causing the bad smell is still present. Right? So first you need to purify and cleanse and then you beautify. So purification and cleansing happens on the ninth. Right Allah forgives us. We beg Allah Allah gives us this happens on the ninth on the 10th, as they say, and as is clear, we have many acts of worship. And every act of worship entails the polishing process, meaning now we beautify ourselves, we clean from the ninth and now we beautify

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ourselves with Salah, beautifying ourselves with both beautifying ourselves with Vicar and remembering Allah. Right once you felt the jamara on the 10th the Tobia of hedge ends and the vicar of Ibrahim Alayhi Salam or the tech bill begins when you start saying Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar, La Ilaha Illa Maha Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar wa Taala. So they, you know, we have Vicar on this day, which is a beautifying agent. Then we have visiting Muslim harem, which is a beautifying agent, and then we have Salah in messenger Hara, because most likely you're going to be in the harem doing that often. You know, Salah time is going to come in, and the Salah invested in Haram is equal to

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100,000. Sarah, and someone asked this question. Last week, I think it was my dear brother Abdullah from Colombo, Sri Lanka, I'm not sure if he's here, Abdullah has the heat. I know it's pretty late in Colombo. But inshallah if he listens to the recording, he'll get the answer. Which, you know, meaning does the 100,000 apply to the prayer investor to heroin? Or does the 100,000 apply to any sauna prayed anywhere in the house, anyway in the huddle?

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This is a matter of discussion between the scholars, and the reason being is different with regards to the meaning of masculine Hara rustygold harem, especially in the Hadith Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned the 100,000 viewers why because

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the scholars say or the Mufasa rune and scholars of Tafseer they say that every time Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions must to do harm in the Quran then Allah subhanho wa Taala is referring to the Haram and and McCann we know before Makkah was inside of the Haram it's not like now Makkah is outside of the mecca has expanded, right before maca was inside of the harem anyway, so Allah subhana wa Jalla is talking about maca and and almost specifically the Haram when Allah talks about mosquito Hara. And we know that the Haram boundary is far greater than

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the area surrounding the Kaaba alone. Except in one ayah when Allah subhanho wa Taala says for liwa Jihad cachapoal Masjid al haram when Allah commanded

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Believe is to face the carrabba and take the carpet as the Qibla and not bait and muck this. So in this particular in this particular Ayah the scholars have to agree that in this ayah Masjid al haram refers to

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refers to the character. It doesn't refer to any way in the heart of it refers to specifically the Kaaba. So we see that Allah subhanho wa Taala has used the term Masjid al Haram

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in the Quran, and Allah subhanho wa Taala sometimes refers to or most of the time refers to the Haram and

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in other instances are lots of Hannah who attended refers to the the masjid itself and this is the this is the main reason why some scholars hold the view that the 100,000 rewards apply to your Salah anyway anyway in the hub anywhere in the Haram boundary. This is the view of subscribers. The second view is that no it's in the masjid in domestic domestic boundary. And

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the reason for this is because

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Allah the Hadith says Masjid and Hara right? And most of the Haram is domestic and they say if you for example observed your Salah in in as easy and we all know of as easy and our shala because many hotels are there and many stay there then nobody feels that they've observed Salah in mosquito Hara so because you know the norm teaches us We must harem is the Salah of 100,000 applies to that. And perhaps this is the correct view and Allah knows best and one of the reasons why perhaps this is the correct view that you know the 100,000 applies to you observing Salah in the masjid itself is because in one of the narrations are sort of lost and Allahu Allah He was said Sallam actually says

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best you don't care about? mosquito Kava. He doesn't say mosquito haraam. He says mosquito Kava

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the term Mr. Kava is far more clear, no doubt. Right. Then, the generic understandings one can argue that they understand from the term material harm. So because we have this narration, where Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam, says Mr. carrabba, then this perhaps is the tipping point in terms of the discussion and the correct view. And that's why I said the preferred view and Allah knows best is that your 100,000 applies to you when you are praying in the masjid in the masjid. And this is the view of chef even if a mean Rahmatullah hear it from the contemporary scholars, and Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best. So coming back to our original discussion, you know why the 10th

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of the head you'll be considered the greatest day, then out of it, because it's the day of beautification. So you might be observing the power of hedge in the harem, and what happens is, the time for Salah arrives and because the time for Salah has arrived, now you actually observe the sada and that Salah is worth 100,000 Sadat. So now you have beautified yourself further and then on the 10th you have the concept of sacrificing the animal, which is another major act of worship and obviously the issue is not putting the knife to the neck of the animal. The issue is is taqwa, right? The issue is taqwa and and God consciousness and being upon the command of Allah subhanho wa

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Taala. And that is what Allah subhanho wa Taala says in his book that it's not about, you know, the, the meat reaching Allah subhanho wa Taala or the blood reaching Allah subhanho aterna but the reality of you doing it is is the toward the sign of God consciousness and your ability to be upon the command of Allah subhanho wa Taala irrespective of how much sense it makes to you or does it make to you, you know, this is the command of Allah subhanho wa Taala You follow? So this is another

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act of worship and another beautifier or beautification agent that allows oneself to be beautified after they were cleansed on the ninth of the ledger. So this is a discussion of the scholars Rahmatullah here

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regarding the best day of the so the point of focus here is the fact that Allah subhanho wa Taala created the days of the year, and he made one day the best of the year, according to some scholars, videographer and according to other scholars, the day known as you know how, and we've shared a good discussion about this in sha Allah and I pray that it's clear and And may Allah reward the team for making it more accessible on the whiteboard by placing the notes on the whiteboard. Alhamdulillah another reason why everyone should attend the live session and not rely

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on the recording. So Allah subhanho wa Taala creates and gives this precedence and Allah subhanho wa Taala created the days of the year and gave a precedence to one day out of all the

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The days and maybe the most special day and like this, my dear brothers and sisters, Allah subhanho wa Taala created the days of the

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right. And again I'm saying the days of the year, but I want to have this discussion regarding the days of deer from another angle. Right and that is Allah subhanho wa Taala. Allah created the days of the year and made the first 10 days of the ledger, the most special of all days, the most special of all days. Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah says in his book one fetcher, one is the natural law takes a possum by the first 10 days of the hedger and also kind of who Allah does not take a possum by anything, Allah subhanho wa Taala does not take a person by anything which is not special. So Allah subhanho wa Taala takes a possum by the first 10 days of the hedger now, a little footnote for

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everybody here. Are we allowed to take a person by the first 10 days of the hedger? Are we allowed to take person by time? Can somebody take an oath, for example and swear by time, say I swear by time I did this I swear by time I didn't do this. Can someone do that? Can someone swear for example, on their mother or the father or the mother's grave or the father's grave or the on the children? Right? Some people do this they say they say I swear on so and so's life? That I didn't do it while I did it. And the answer to that question is no we can't as Mashallah all of you are typing very quickly in the box. We can't do that. Right Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said men had

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a big dilemma for kapha, or Ashok, that the one who swears by by other than Allah than this person has practiced this belief or idolatry. Right? So we must be careful My dear brothers and sisters, we must be careful now this doesn't mean that whoever does this, we say you're not a Muslim. No, my dear brothers and sisters, because the discussion and explanation of this hadith is a far more complex one. And this is not the place in time for it. But we must know that a person who takes an oath but other than a law that has practiced a practice from idolatry and a practice from disbelief, and this doesn't mean that they become a disbeliever or an idealist. I just want to make that clear

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to everybody. Just quickly our brothers and sisters in the UK you may go for so that could have been shot a lot but please listen to the recording when when it's released. And I hope to see you back in class very soon inshallah Wu Tang clan and for letting me know. So brothers and sisters Rasul Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala takes a person by the first 10 days of the hijab. Now,

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with this, we say that for Allah subhanho wa Taala it's permissible to take a possum, by that which Allah subhanho wa Taala has created like the days of the like time and so on and so forth, because of marzipan, who is the creator and I was gonna say that, when Allah subhanho wa Taala takes a person and takes an oath by time, or by the fig tree, or the olive tree, or maca, or the first 10 days of the ledger, right? Then Allah subhanho wa Taala is taking a person by Allah, because Allah is the Creator of this, right? So it's, it's, it's it's as if it's, it's similar to the statement we would say I take a possum. Obviously we're not supposed to say this. Allah subhanho wa Taala in

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essence when Allah subhanho wa Taala takes a person by anything that is Allah subhanho wa Taala saying a person by this and the one who created it, who is Allah subhanho wa Taala by time is the one who created it. Who is Allah subhanho wa Taala by MacLean, the one who created it, and that is Allah subhanho wa Taala by the first 10 days of the head Jen The one who created it, and that is Allah subhanho wa Taala. So for Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala can take a custom and an oath by that which He has created and nobody can use it as evidence to say that we can take a custom by other than Allah because Allah takes a custom by time and other things. Right. So

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inshallah you have the explanation to invite people towards that which is correct, because today people don't know, right, and they end up uttering words, which are dangerous words, once they don't know and it's our job to invite them to Allah subhanho wa Taala and his lawsuit and this is true, my dear brothers and sisters, we know that, you know, I'm sure you've heard and I've had many a time Muslims, Muslims practicing Muslims even I'm not just talking about, you know, General Muslims, I'm talking about practicing Muslims who love to listen to lectures, who you know, love to frequent domestic love to learn so on and so forth. They use that they say touchwood For example, touchwood

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and, you know,

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fingers crossed along the stand, right. Some people say

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This cross now, it's very clear that they don't know what they think. Because as Muslims if you knew you wouldn't do it, that touchwood is not part and parcel of the Sharia. And it comes from

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a practice of people holding a wooden cross for example, right, seeking protection from bad luck, as they call it bad luck, right because obviously the crosses are is a religious symbol for the Christians and touchwood would would refer to the wooden cross that there would be wearing that you know, everything is fine touchwood or Let's hope everything goes well Fingers crossed, fingers crossed refers to the religious symbol of the crucifix, the crucification as well and this is not something for a Muslim to be saying.

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Right? So it's important that we educate our brothers and sisters with wisdom with wisdom and correct this practice and teach them about the importance of saying inshallah, of saying, Masha Allah La quwata illa Billah of making dua for Baraka in matters as Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has taught us brothers and sisters. I will leave our discussion here and give you a break inshallah. We will take a break until 25 minutes past the hour, it's 18 past 9pm which I am, inshallah will resume in six minutes be delighted to Allah

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sallahu wa salam o Baraka and Amina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Marine. Salaam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Bismillah Al Rahman Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah who Allah Allah he was, he was a limiter Sleeman kathira lamb Dini Marburg

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Salaam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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Welcome to part two of our session. After our break, just before the break, we were discussing how Allah subhanho wa Taala created

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the days of the year and how Allah subhanho wa Taala made special the first 10 days of the ledger over the rest of the days of the year. And evidence of this is in how Allah subhanho wa Taala takes a person by these days, as we see in Surah Al fetcher is number one and is number two. And also that which teaches us how amazing these days are, is that Allah subhanho wa Taala

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made these days the best days

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in terms of one's worship, that the acts of worship done in these days is better than the acts of worship done outside of these particular days. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in a hadith narrated by an ambassador of your loved one in this hadith in Sahih al Bukhari that ma'am in a year in LA Armando Swanee houfy hubiera la Jimenez, Yamanashi kalu el geography sabi de la all while al Jihad Serbia de la Ilaha Raja Raja NFC or malita mala Mia means that it can be so, so colossal Allah Allah He was setting them said that there is no days other than these 10 days that good deeds is more beloved to Allah subhanho wa Taala meaning that you know, the deeds in these days

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are more beloved to Allah subhanho wa Taala than the deeds done outside of these days, your takbeer in these days, is the best beer of the year. You Sala in these days, you are considered the best son of

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your charity of these days is the best charity of the year, and so on and so forth. So this is where Allah Allah He was lm said and you know, to the Sahaba of the Marine, they understood, you know, the concept of striving in the path of Allah. So they said to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that, you know, not even striving in the path of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And being diligent in terms of raising the flag of of the of the religion of Islam and making the word of Allah subhanho wa Taala, the highest word and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said not even that, not even that right, except for the one who goes out in the path of Allah subhanho wa Taala for the sake of

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Allah subhanho wa Taala to raise the name of Allah subhanho wa Taala and this person goes with himself and all his wealth and he doesn't come back, which means he gave everything for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala and passed away in and passed away because of this, right? So this teaches us how amazing these days are. And this also teaches us brothers and sisters how to sort of lesson Allah Allah He was one of them would address or you know what an amazing teacher he was sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but he would address the Sahaba of the Allahu anhu as a marine in a manner that allowed them to understand the greatness of certain acts. This is

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what he would do something Allahu alayhi wa sallam and he would use examples that were closer to their mind and in these examples would be elements that they considered as you know, invaluable, which shows us how the Sahaba of the Allahu anhu considered this whole concept of defending Islam for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now, this heading teaches us that the best days of the year are the days of the hedger the best days of the year are these days. And as I said earlier, you know, these days in terms of the you know, the natural elements, you know, pay the same like the rest of the days have their right, but Allah has chosen these days, and Allah has given these days a

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special rank and a special place. So our deeds are most beloved to Allah in these days. These are the best days of the year, and also we find in another generation or sort of lots of Allahu alayhi wa sallam said factory roofing laminate takfiri What the * meet

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in this nation Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says that make sure that in these days, you increase, you increase. The Maccabees say Allahu Akbar and the meeting and hamdulillah and saying La ilaha illa Allah and so on and so forth, the different

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Africa that has been taught to us by Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam that just says Allah subhanho wa Taala has created the days of the year and made out of the best day and made the first 10 days of the best day. Allah subhanho wa Taala created the month of the year. And Allah subhanho wa Taala made the best month the month of Ramadan, he chose the month of Ramadan, and he gave him a very special rank and precedence and status over the rest of the other months. Even though Ramadan may have 29 or 30 days like every other month in terms of the lunar calendar. But Ramadan is the best of all months because Allah chose and no one had a say in that which Allah subhanho wa Taala

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chose. Allah subhanho wa Taala chose Ramadan and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the best of all months is the month of Ramadan, say the shoe shadow Ramadan. The best of omens is the month of Ramadan. And

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as Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah made or created the months of the year and made that among the most special month, Allah subhanho wa Taala created the Knights of the the Knights of there, and Allah subhanho wa Taala made the last 10 nights of the month of Ramadan, the last 10 of Ramadan, Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah made this 10 from the best 10

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and made these 10 nights the best 10 nights out of all the nights of the year. And the reason is these 10 nights have been specifically highlighted and also Rasul Allah Allah He was telling told us to search for Layla to cuddle during these nights, and one of these nights entails the greatest night of the year later to Qatar the greatest night of the year, Laila to Qatar. And with this, we learned that Allah subhanho wa Taala creates the nights and he gives a special precedence and special rank to one night over the other nights. And that is the night of power later to the other later 290 which Allah subhanho wa Taala says one one's worship in it is better, not equal to but

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better than 1000 months now, the scholars have this discussion that you know, if we if somebody asks, right,

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that which of the 210s is better? Which of the 210s is better? Is the first 10 days of bullhead you're better than the last 10 of Ramadan? What should our answer be? And the answer to that question is right in the middle. It's not that the 10 of the ledger are better than the last 10 of Ramadan or the last 10 is better than the last 10 of Ramadan is better than the first 10 of the ledger The answer is right in the middle. And that is that the first 10 days of the ledger are the best days. And the last 10 nights of Ramadan are the best nights the first 10 days of the job the best because the house the best day of the year, Yom Kippur, as we've discussed, and the last 10

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nights of Ramadan are better because they house the best night of the year, which is later to powder which is later to be part of so this is

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a footnote for each and every one of us to take note of especially given that we are discussing what is best with regards to the rest. So Allah subhanho wa Taala creates the nights of the year and he chooses the last 10 nights of Ramadan to be the best nights and from the last nights of Ramadan. Allah subhanho wa Taala chooses Laila to cuddle to be the best night now.

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Once it's

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was asked, that is Laila to Surat not from the best nights of their Oh Can we say little SLR? is better than later to hugger, Elena to see no later to saw the first to Sri and Mirage is Aurora and Mirage is refers to the travel by night, which Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did from Masjid al haram

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to Mr. de la casa, right in Jerusalem, Mexican Haram in Macau, although the scholars of deceit have differed as to the exact place that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was taken from, and this is one of the reasons why the scholars say Masood Haram in the 15th Jews refers to the heroine because they say that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was in the house of O'Malley on hand he was in her house. And this is where his journey took place from, while some other scholars say that it was from next to the cover, or inside of the hedger of his Marine, and he said and we know we know the little hedge of the semicircle that is in front of the cargo today, which is part of the

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caravan. So this is

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views of the scholars of Tafseer pertaining to Eros, well muscled Allahu alayhi wa sallam began his journey. In any case, it's raw. It's raw, in the Arabic language refers to travel by night. And it refers to the travel of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam, from mystical haram Illa Masjid Al Aqsa to Masjid and upside in Jerusalem. And then we have the the Mirage, which is the ascension, and that is the ascension from Jerusalem to the heavens. Right, which Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam was blessed to do with the permission of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And so the scholars were asked, which, you know, which is better later to Serato a little further, or can it be said that

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Laila to Israel is better than later to the Father and even Tamia Rahmatullah Haley? He answered this particular question. And he says that, you know, if a person is saying that the ninth of Israel is better, in terms of a better

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than a little further than this is false and incorrect, and we do not have

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any authoritative evidence to prove this, especially since with regards to when Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam did to this did this journey to the heavens, we have no clear evidence as to the exact day or the exact date or the exact 10 days or the exact month that this particular journey took place in. So it's false and incorrect for somebody to say that, you know, in terms of a ballad and worship leader to Islam should be given a certain importance, which means that we shouldn't be doing any extra acts of worship on the night of israa and Mirage, especially since as it been to me are the highlights in his answer. He says that we do not have any clear authoritative

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evidence as to which month this journey happened in as to which 10 days it happened in as to which night it happened in. And in retrospect, with regards to later, today, we have more information, we know that it's in the month of Ramadan, we know that it's in the last 10 nights of Ramadan, right.

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And in some durations, we should search for it during the last 10 some durations during the last seven, some durations during the odd nights, some durations, you know, focusing on the 27th night, so we have more authoritative durations and evidences pertaining to labor from other then we have to leave it to Israel. So if somebody says later to Israel is better for worship the neighbor to Qatar, then this is false and incorrect. However, if they say that lady, Salah is better than a little further, given the gifts that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam received on this journey,

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then this might have, you know, wait and the standing on condition that we have evidence from Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam, to say that the gifts of this night were better than the gifts of later to Qatar. And let's not forget that forget the letter to the court that has has the gift of the Quran being revealed

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during this particular night and as the gift of it being better than 1000 months in terms of worship, and the gift of Allah freeing money from the Hellfire and so on and so forth. So a bit Timmy Rama de la la. He says that if a person said into you know, if a person said that it could be better in terms of the gifts then this could have some weight on condition. We have evidence. And the reality is we don't have evidence. So we shouldn't even delve into that statement that is it possible for later to Assad to be better. Right. And also brothers and sisters in these matters. In these matters, which are considered matters of the unseen. We shouldn't try and delve into the

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house. We shouldn't delve into the house. Right? The how if it's important Allah subhanho wa Taala will tell us right

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And, you know, we shouldn't also delve into trying to discuss matters in too much detail pertaining to that of the unseen, because it's impossible for our minds to fathom that which is correct from that which is incorrect. This requires revelation. And if the hard fact is that we don't have ever Revelation, this is where we stop. Right? This is what we stop like with gender in gender, the evidences and revelation teachers that it is better than anything we've ever seen. But Can someone now go ahead and describe

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gender? Right? No, we cannot describe it from our minds. We can we can describe it verbally based on how revelation has described it. But can we add and subtract? Absolutely not? We can't do that. Right, because brothers and sisters is from the unseen. And our minds are only developed based on a lot of external factors. And from those factors, is that what you and I see, right when you and I see something we have a better understanding for it. So if we haven't seen Jen and we haven't seen the unseen, then how is it possible that we have intellectual ability to discuss the realities of these things? Indeed, we don't. And all we have to hold steadfast on to his

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his His revelation. And revelation hasn't told us about the weight of the gifts of later through Qatar, or later to Israel, as opposed to the gifts of later to Qatar. So this is just something for you to take note of. My dear brothers and sisters, then brothers and sisters,

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as Allah subhanho wa Taala has created all these different time spans, and given a precedence to all different

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time spans over other time spans. A person can ask that we've just discussed the day of alpha and we've just discussed the days of the war about the day of Juma and in answer to that question, my dear brothers and sisters, we say that just as Allah subhanho wa Taala has created the days of the week.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah has created the day of Joomla and Allah subhanho wa Taala has raised the day of Joomla above the rest of the days of the week.

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And Allah subhanho wa Taala made the day of Joomla the best day upon which the sun rises in the hadith of Abu huraira Viola and in Sahih, Muslim Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, of Impala Allah He shrimps Yama Juma Fie Holika what he would Hillel Jenna, Wolfie he regem in her letter comesa he left Yamuna Juma that the best day upon which the sunrises is the day of Juma on this day Allah subhanho wa Taala

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apologies for that brief disconnect My dear brothers and sisters that disconnected from the wonders of technology Alhamdulillah so brothers and sisters, as we were saying, before that brief interruption Allah subhanho wa Taala made the day of Jumeirah the best day of the year, and I'm going to repeat the Hadith or hadith of Abu huraira Viola Juan and in this hadith Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is reported to have said of the lumen tala at Allah He Samsung LG Mara fi Holika Adam Murphy halogen NaVi Amina Walesa kusa, la Fiamma Juma but the best day upon which the sun rises is the day of Juma. On this day, Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah created Adam and his Salah,

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and on this day Allah entity meant agenda. And on this day, Allah removed him from gender and the coming of the hour will not happen except on the day of jamara. So we learn from this hadith that the day of Gomorrah is the best day upon which the sun rises. And this is clear in that the day of tomorrow is indeed the best day of the year. The best day of the month, to Allah granted has many many more

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Juma hours to witness and many many more Fridays for us to take heed of, and and and benefit from and build our agenda through because indeed, the day of Juma has special blessings we know on the day of Juma is an hour and in this hour if a slave asked and Allah subhanho wa Taala will answer the door. We know that this day of Jumeirah has a gathering and it's a day of unity. A special gathering which has the Salah that cannot be observed except in congregation which is known as the Juma Salah. And this day of Juma is known as the day of the week of a believer, right, as taught by Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So it's the most special day of the week, even though it has the same

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hours as Thursday, the same hours as Wednesday at the same hours and Saturday. Even though you know you might be in a particular country experiencing a certain season of the year let's say it's winter, and Thursday was cold and Friday was cold. Right You need to wear a jersey the day before a jersey The day after the jersey on the day.

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Umar irrespective of this, even though the elements are the same Allah has chosen Juma. Allah has raised it in rank. Why? Because Allah did so. And nobody had to say in the matter remember we are still progressing our discussion of the word love. We have Luca Masha McKenna who will hear that Allah creates what he wants and he gives an honor and rank to parts of his creation over others and nobody has a say in the matter. So Allah subhanho wa Taala made Juma on the day of eating the believer in the wake of a believer and that's why we see from the practices of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam we see similar practices have been happening on Juma as well like the

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bathing like attending the congregational Salah, like for example, wearing our best clothes and perfuming ourselves, right many of the practices of the day have read we find in terms of the sutra of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam pertaining to do more, right, because tomorrow is the day of reading the week of a believer. So Allah subhanho wa Taala makes Juma the best day of the week. Now, if somebody asked which is more special, the day of Juma or out of time, Rahim Allah mentioned this in exactly math, right if somebody asked which is better, Joomla arafa. Because, you know, obviously, we took a discussion talking about the, the the important elements of the day of RF and

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how some scholars consider out of it the best day of the year. So, which is better Joomla or alpha. So some scholars say Joomla is the best day of the year. And Sam's gonna say, is the best day of the year. So there's two views, but there is a third view which is a middle view. And that view is as I have explained to you Juma is the best day of the week was the best day of the year is either the day of alpha or the day of now, as per the discretion of the scholars that we discussed and this is a middle view and the correct way of looking at this because doing so this way allows us to work with all the evidences pertaining to the days of the year rather than, you know, working with some

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evidences and leaving other evidences which also are authoritative in nature, we have the ability to join between all the evidences and as a function of jurisprudence methodology or pseudo fifth, then this would be the preferred way of the scholars to work with all the evidences, either either or rather than excuse me for that, rather than working with some evidences over the other. So Joomla is the best day of the week, once Yoga is the best day of the year. But brothers and sisters, what happens if

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the day of Joomla and out have happened to combine? Is this possible brothers and sisters with Joomla and Oliver happened to combine

01:07:45 --> 01:08:03

Mashallah Tabata kala, yes, this is very possible. And I want you to listen to this discussion because this discussion of this as evidence as to why we can say Joomla is its own category, and the other is its own category. Because the reality is, when these two days come together,

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we find the day having an even greater status. It's not that one day consumes the other. Rather jumar comes with its special blessings. And out of a comes with its special blessings. And the day itself becomes even better. This is what the scholars have said. And the fact that we have an even greater day teaches us that Juma is the best day of the week. And our offer is a very special day in the year and as I said, according to some scholars the best day of the year, right? If we said that one was better than the other then we wouldn't have any extra special blessings if the two days came together. But if we say that they all have speciality is based on their own categories, then we can

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say when we bring them together the day becomes even greater. Right so out of our becomes a greater day than it would have been if it was on a Thursday, right and Joomla becomes an even even greater day if the day of Joomla had been other than the ninth of the ledger. So basically we're saying Joomla is special. But if it happens to oak on the ninth of the hedgeye it's an even more special day and we say arafa is special. But if it happens to happen on a tomorrow then it is an even more special day. And this teaches us that both days are special in their own categories and in their own brackets and yes to those who are asking the day of

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our of our last year was on the day of Jumeirah Abdul Mateen use of vertical avec I've seen your comment, and the reality is you entered class late My dear brother, so you missed the initial part of the discussion where we discuss this. So please work on being more punctual ethically Barcalounger so brothers and sisters now that we've we have the possibility of Juma and

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you know that they have an offer coming together and not just the possibility to reality and

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Has it happened? Yes, it's happened. And we've discussed that we have these greater blessings and let's look, let's look at at how these greater blessings come about well, I was calling to let him say that we have Juma which has an hour in which he is not left unanswered. And the people of alpha on our on a day, we also the sins are forgiven and their prayers are answered. their prayers do not go unanswered, meaning their prayers are answered by Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now imagine a pilgrim on arafa begging from Allah. And that day of alpha is on a Friday, and he begs from Allah during the last hour on Friday because according to the correct view, and Allah knows best, the special hour on

01:10:42 --> 01:11:03

the day of Gomorrah, in which Allah subhanho wa Taala never lets our dogs go on answered is the last hour on the day and Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best. But this is the preferred view is the last hour on the deal of humor. So imagine the pilgrim now on arafa begging from Allah on a day which is so special for on a day, which is so special for forgiveness,

01:11:04 --> 01:11:18

then enters the last hour on the day and it's a Friday and he continues to ask you from Allah subhanho wa Taala. And imagine how most special that is. Right given that the deal of alpha and Joomla have combined all two brothers and sisters.

01:11:21 --> 01:11:35

On Friday, and on alpha, right on Friday, and on alpha and the day of alpha, did we find the sola Salalah alayhi wa sallam observing his arafa

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right so the day of alpha for Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was also on a Friday. And Allah subhanho wa Taala chooses the best for His Messenger, right, which teaches us how the combined nature of these two days becomes something even more special, and even more amazing. And the element for us to take note of is that on our offer, we have a specific hot bath. And on Friday, we have the general hook but the general hookah happens to the masses of the Muslims as they attend the Juma prayer, and the specific burn out of what happens to the millions of pilgrims that have gathered there for Hajj. And these hotels happen at the same time of the day, meaning around the lower period

01:12:20 --> 01:13:09

or after the sun passes. Its Zenit or after midday, right so this is another factor we have two amazing hoppers happening on this day when alpha meets or the day of alpha meets Juma also. On this day, we have a general congregation of the Muslims happen at midday, as well as the specific congregation of Muslims happened on arafa because at midday the Muslims gathered together to observe Salatu Juma which can only happen if we are in a congregation. Right. We cannot observe Juma by ourselves in our home or in our office. We have to be in congregation. This is from the the pillars of celestial Jumeirah being correct. Right. This is from the pillars of celestial Jumeirah being

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correct, Sister shazzy is asking for clarification the last hour of a day is just before my trip. Yes, the last hour of the day is just before mockery. May Allah subhanho wa Taala Bless you. So we have the Muslims gathering in Congregation for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala to observe a great scholar and that Salah is known as Juma. So we have a general congregation on this Friday. And because this Friday has made an offer we have a specific congregation and that is the congregation of the Muslims on the plains of Africa on this great special day. Right so this is another element that teaches us how special the situation becomes when Juma meets out of then also brothers and

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sisters. As we said earlier Juma is the day of eat in our week. Juma is the day of reading our weekend out of is said to be the day of eat for the people there for the people there. And that is why Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he drank on the day of alpha,

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which gave the skull is evidence to say that it's disliked for the one too fast on the day of alpha because on the day of eat, oh, it's not from the practices of the day of eat that a person fasts. Right? So it's not from the practices of the day of eat, that the person goes ahead and fast. So

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the day of alpha is a day of read for the pilgrims standing there given the mighty blessings that Allah subhanho wa Taala showers upon them. And the day of tomorrow is a day of read for those who are not observing the Hajj now. Just with regards to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam drinking

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on the plains of Africa and not fasting at the scholars have tried to extract a wisdom as to why he did the summer

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The scholars Rahmatullah hear him say that he did this to, you know, advise us against fasting so that we can have the energies and the strength and the focus to worship Allah subhanho wa Taala and ask from Allah subhanho wa Taala some other scholars said, and this is the view given to me and others hashmatullah him that the wisdom that you know behind Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam not fasting is this particular fact that we are speaking about right now, this fact that the teaches us that the Day of Atonement is the day of eat for the people of Hajj, and they further cite a hadith in the sulan books of Hadith. In the sunat books of Hadith, in which Rasulullah sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam is reported to have said yo Ma, or Yamuna

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Mina de Duna, Al Islam, that the day of arafah and the day of meaning the 10th of the hedger and the days of meaning, meaning the days of the Shrek, the 11th. And the 12th. And the 13th are days of your EAD for the for the for the for the people of Islam, for the people of Islam. So they say that the wisdom behind Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam drinking on the day of alpha is to teach us that it's from the days of eating and fasting is not from the characteristics of that particular day, meaning the day of eat. So

01:16:26 --> 01:17:14

this is another reason that teaches us about how special the day becomes when Friday meets arafa also from the reasons that teach us how special the day becomes when fighting me zarafa is the fact that Allah subhanho wa Taala completed this religion for us, and completed his favor upon us and chose Islam as our religion. Because this ayah was revealed to Rasulullah Salallahu, Alayhi, wasallam and yokomoto la cadena come to an equanimity, or Avi to Islam. Dena right. So this is the translation, or I shared with you the translation earlier of this particular idea. And this idea isn't suited to my eye number three. And with regards to this particular idea, one of the Jews came

01:17:14 --> 01:17:14

to me

01:17:16 --> 01:17:19

and said, and said that

01:17:20 --> 01:17:31

there's an ayah that you all recite in your revelation in your book, right? If this ayah was given to us, the Jews, right.

01:17:32 --> 01:17:57

We would have taken that day as a day of read, we would have taken that day as a day of read. So Omar said which I are you talking about? And this person decided number three from Surah meyda. So Omar, Allahu Allah said, Indeed, I know the day that this ayah was revealed in and the place that it was revealed in Netherland, Ghana Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam biographer, yo Juma

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Allah Akbar, he says, Remember

01:18:03 --> 01:18:30

that this particular Ayah was revealed to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he was on the plains of Africa on the day of Juma and and we were standing with him. So this hadith also gives us the benefit of being evidence to the fact that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he observed his hedge the day of alpha was on a Friday, another reason brothers and sisters, that makes the day went out of me to do more I even special is the fact that

01:18:32 --> 01:18:36

it will be the day that the AMA, or

01:18:38 --> 01:19:09

it, it brings together the day in which Fiamma will happen and a reality from the realities of care. Right. So in the Hadees that I decided to you earlier the hadith of Abu huraira to Lahore and inside a Muslim, right Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says the happening of the hour will not happen except on a Friday. And we know that from the fundamental aspects of the AMA is the mighty gathering of all the creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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And on our offer, we have a mighty gathering of the Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on the plains of Africa. So, this gives a greater precedence and rank to the day when Juma meets alpha, right? Because we have this great gathering, which is, you know, a sign from the signs of gamma. And we have the day in which piano will happen, right the coming of the hour will happen, which is Friday and that's why the scholars, they they refer to,

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you know, this whole concept of of Juma coming together without of her as the concept of a lab that will mad that we have, or even the day of tomorrow by itself, by the way. It's known as the day of a lab that will match the beginning and the end. Why? Because on Friday at MIT, he said,

01:20:00 --> 01:20:42

Lamb was created and that was our beginning. And on a Friday the day of piano will happen and the day of piano marks the end. The you know, the the day of piano marks the end of the life of this world. So the day of tomorrow really is a day for us to remember the hereafter and many of us don't take this into consideration, right many of us we obviously, it's because we haven't learned and inshallah, now that we've learned, you know, we won't experience any other Juma. The same insha Allah, you know, we'll apply ourselves better because on this day, we remember our beginning with Allah subhanho wa Taala creating Adam alayhis salam v Julio Adam, on this day Adam was created right

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and then what after he left Yama Juma? The becoming of the hour will not happen except on the day of Juma. So really, it's a day of the beginning and the end. May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us from the people of gender when the coming of the hour happens, I mean, also brothers and sisters.

01:20:59 --> 01:21:42

One of the reasons that makes the day when Juma our meats out of even more special is that Juma are really in terms of the week of the Muslims, it's probably the day that people are more righteous and less sinful. You know, even those who are accustomed towards being sin. You find them on the day of Joomla they act, they're better people, they control themselves better, they manage themselves better against cynic, right this happens, right? And it starts from the night of Joomla right it starts from the night of Juma even though the correct opinion is that sudo to calf should be recited in the day of Juma and not the night of Juma in terms of earning the blessings of sudo to calf, then

01:21:42 --> 01:22:25

the correct opinion is that these blessings apply when surah to calf is read on Friday morning, not the night of Friday, because the ahaadeeth stipulate the day stipulate the day in order to muscle Allahu Allahu wa sallam says whoever reads surah two can have the day of tomorrow and most of the narrations mentioned day there is one narration which mentions night. But the scholars say that the correct opinion is day and the fact that the narrator said 90 that particular Hadith is a mistake is a mistake and we understand that it's a mistake, because most of the narration say day most of the narrations say day and this is a discussion specific to a science known or a subject known as, as as

01:22:25 --> 01:22:33

the science or principles of howdy steady and I think I shared with you a little insight into that particular science in previous lessons. So

01:22:34 --> 01:23:12

coming back to the discussion, you know, what makes out of a better name is Juma is the fact that you don't have by default is in most cases is a day that even Muslims who are accustomed to sin generally they they become better people because they realize the the you know the honor of this day and they tend to apply themselves better. Don't forget we have Juma and Juma is a great act of rebellion. And then we have the hour in which Allah forgives and answers our door and that you know, Darius is a great rebounder as well. This is another reason another reason brothers and sisters, that the squad is teach us why you know, the day of Jumeirah is special and when he will meet the

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artifacts even more special is the fact that on a Friday, the people of jetnet will receive even more blessings from Allah and they will see Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah, they will see Allah subhanho wa Taala as they will be gathered as a place in Jannah known as as a PA as a PA or the FBI Fei right. This is a place in general that the people of gender will be gathered and Allah subhanho wa Taala will increase for them. Allah subhanho wa Taala will be showered upon them extra pearls and extra treasures and extra blessings. And they will also see Allah subhanho wa Taala as is established in the center of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam so this is a prize for the people

01:24:04 --> 01:24:32

of gentlemen When will this prize happen when in the state in the summer of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam we see this prize being a prize from the prices off of the day of Joomla. So brothers and sisters I mean look we can go on and on about this but you know Masha Allah, Allah This is how rich our Sharia is, especially the knowledge of the Sharia and the evidences that we have and the knowledge that the Sharia has, has possessed and kept suppiler bl Allah

01:24:34 --> 01:24:53

and, you know, I think that which has been shared thus far, I think I've shared with you seven or even eight points, explaining how amazing Juma is and how amazing it would or the day would become if it leads to alpha and vice versa how amazing arafa would become if it meets

01:24:54 --> 01:24:59

Juma and Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best. There's a few questions here.

01:25:01 --> 01:25:05

Sister shares the same so shares if we decide to work I have between solid

01:25:06 --> 01:25:09

or solid tumor and the answer is it fine? Yes, that is fine.

01:25:10 --> 01:25:17

No, you can recite it after Salatu Juma as well. Another question says

01:25:18 --> 01:25:31

the place agenda is called the place in general is called Fei. Fei. If you want to transcribe it or transliterated perhaps write a FY a h of z, or y the

01:25:32 --> 01:25:38

the value of ESEA somebody's asking can we fast? The 13th 14th and 15th?

01:25:39 --> 01:25:50

I presume you're asking me brother parekh in if you can fast these days if these days fall on a Friday, right, if these days for on a Friday and and and the scholars have views about this.

01:25:52 --> 01:26:25

The correct view is that yes, you can't because the prohibition of fasting Friday is specific to a person who fasts Friday because it's Friday. And if you fasting because it's the you know, the middle three days of the month, then you're not fasting because it's Friday, you fasting for another reason, which has authoritative evidence in the media to mandate it. So we would say it's fine to fast Friday, just as if you fasted Friday to do a cover. Or for example, the Friday was from the days of actual raw,

01:26:26 --> 01:26:50

you know, or if you will fasting Friday, because it's from the six facets of shall well, then in these circumstances, it's fine according to the preferred view and Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah knows best Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best inshallah brothers and sisters with this, we will bring our discussion surrounding the introduction, the introduction,

01:26:51 --> 01:26:52

to what

01:26:53 --> 01:26:58

type of metal law he has written or the summarized introduction, that we find in the summarized version of

01:27:00 --> 01:27:02

preservations for the Hereafter,

01:27:03 --> 01:27:19

in terms of that particular provision, sorry provisions for the hereafter. So, in terms of the introduction that we have in the summarized version for this book provisions for the Hereafter, then inshallah, we will stop over here and inshallah now dive into

01:27:21 --> 01:27:23

the next or the first portion after

01:27:24 --> 01:27:45

the introduction or summarized introduction. Initially what we'll do is we'll take this particular portion in our next setting, be the left hit, and we'll take this in our next setting. inshallah, I know how late it is, for some given a today's programming Sharma, our program will resume on Saturdays.

01:27:46 --> 01:27:49

As I said, this week, Saturday, I am not available thus we had the session today.

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But inshallah, from the following week, it will be on a Saturday again and inshallah, that my team will be writing into your brothers and sisters, please, as I

01:28:01 --> 01:28:48

advise advice your last week, please check your mailboxes, or your spam mail, or perhaps your junk mail just in case the invites to the forums hasn't reached you, and just click on the link so you can send a request to the group, and then inshallah, the admin will add you to the group. Again, that group is there for you to you know, discuss certain points from the lessons and dot the i's and cross the T's in terms of things that you missed, or perhaps did not understand too well. Please use the forums it's an amazing tool, especially in distant or distance learning. May Allah subhanho wa Taala Bless you, we'll just check if a brother a sham has any other comments, inshallah.

01:28:48 --> 01:29:09

hamdulillah. So brothers and sisters, what we'll do is I'll close the session here, and inshallah, when we resume we'll take the first chapter after the introduction, just Nakula halen, brothers and sisters, I love you all for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And I really am honored with the patience that you have shown to attend today's class. I wasn't expecting this many numbers, especially as I said earlier, given

01:29:11 --> 01:29:24

you know, the East eastern part of the globe, and how late it is the ability to accept this from you all, except this from us all, and make it heavy on our scales in the day on the day of damage. I mean, Europe and I mean,

01:29:25 --> 01:29:45

everything connected My dear brothers and sisters is from a lot and he's perfect and any mistakes are from myself and Siobhan and I seek Allah subhanho wa Taala is forgiveness Subhana Allah who will become the sabbatical. lumbo become deconditioned to Allah, Allah Allah and that's the Furukawa to booty Lake wa Salatu was Salam ala nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi adjmi

Explanation of the summarised version of Imam Ibn Qayyim AlJawziyyah’s famous book – Provisions for the hereafter

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