Sajid Ahmed Umar – Names of Allah – arRahmaan & arRaheem

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of being patient and dedicated to Islam, as it is a vision of Islam that is manifesting in the world. They stress the need to lead and be mindful of mis panics, and emphasize the importance of being a force of feeding the space with guidance and leaving the rest to Allah subhanho wa taala. They also discuss the history of the concept of love and how it can be a substantial emotion, including the use of universal names and the importance of learning about Islam. The segment also touches on the history of deeds and rewards, including deeds beyond imagination and rewarded with deeds beyond imagination.
AI: Transcript ©
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similar one Rahim hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah Karim or Allah early or sahih Marin Mobarak We begin in the name of Allah subhanho wa taala. And we request praises and blessings upon Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the Kampala La Bella La Mina Amin consolidated with Hannah who Atallah except from us our deeds. We praise Allah subhanho wa Taala for blessing us with the month of Ramadan. And we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to accept our deeds there in thus far. And we ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah to bless us with what remains. Can you hear me or is it it's audible? We Masha Allah

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my dear Sisters in Islam may Allah subhanho wa Taala bless you all. As always, it's always a pleasure to be amidst the community here

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in Melbourne.

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I was telling the brothers the other day that some have echoed that I should move to Australia because it's been my fourth trip here since COVID panela

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while since

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post COVID since March of last year Subhanallah and it's not that I enjoy the never ending flights here.

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The constantly never ending but I have heard the call of the community and especially the last time I was here when the community set me down mashallah especially

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the sisters community of Melbourne very active mashallah and very dedicated towards

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the Islamic Development of the Ummah, Muhammad Sallallahu, alayhi wasallam here. So it's always one of those difficult things to balance that whenever the call comes to be here, and you place it on the scale of competing opportunities.

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You recognize that Al Hamdulillah the need here

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while you recognize the call, mashallah Al Hamdulillah, in relation to your call, and your highlight of the need, and no doubt the need here is unique in comparison to other Muslim minority countries in the world, in terms of the UK in terms of Europe, and thus I find myself checking back here. And when

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this particular program from avant was being discussed.

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I did specifically request that a dedicated session for the sisters more of a q&a session be placed in the schedule. Again, in answer of your calls when I was here, the last time I've been told as of yesterday that that particular session has evolved. Mashallah, and I'm not surprised. I'm not surprised, masha Allah, that you've all requested a little series on our weekly sessions pertaining to the names of Allah subhanahu Attalus, may Allah subhanaw taala bless you all, I've accepted your request to evolve the program. So Insha Allah, we will have the program split into two parts, one part dedicated to what you've requested.

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Sessions pertaining to the names of Allah subhanho wa taala. And the other party insha Allah for you to ask your dedicated questions, because the last time I was here, the feedback was that sometimes in the general sessions, the brothers get the bulk of the questions and the answers and the queries taken care of and obviously they have access to Islamic scholarship during the breaks of certain programs, before programs after programs, so I've taken into consideration your feedback and I hope this is inshallah evidence to you all how valued You are in my heart, that your requests, the not requests that go into one ear and out the next that when you do send some feedback, it is taken into

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consideration. And may Allah subhanaw taala bless you and I said this to the brothers. I said it to the community in Sydney last Ramadan. I mentioned it to the community in Perth last week, believe it or not, or just two weeks ago I was in Perth.

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I was here then I flew back out and then I've come back in. And that message is, is a message that I sincerely feel whenever I come to Australia and that is a manifestation of in front of my eyes of the vision of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his dream to see Islam reach the four corners of the globe. He didn't have enough life to see this vision of his in his lifetime. However

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Subhanallah we have been fortunate to witness his vision come true, because when we look at the modern mapping system

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Didn't we see Australia literally in one corner of the globe and Masha Allah here you are, being patient, amidst

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the unique circumstances, the difficulties you far away from the core

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families that you have, given how far Australia is from the rest of the world.

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But nonetheless, you you hear you patient, you being the flagbearers of la ilaha illallah, Muhammad Rasool Allah, you choosing to raise your children here to spread the mercy of Islam here, the justice of Islam here, the transformative benefit of Islam here, the wisdoms of Islam here, this is what Islam really is all about. And the laws of Sharia are all about as many of the giants from the history of Islamic scholarship, have highlighted that Islam in its entirety, is merciful, is filled with justice, with transformative benefit with wisdom. You've chosen to be the flag bearers of of these values here. So don't belittle your effort here. Don't belittle your deployment here. Consider

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yourself deployed by Allah subhanho wa taala. This is a reality. It's easy to pack up and, and move elsewhere. But it it takes a lot of strength, to be patient and dedicated to the cause. And when she upon does whisper to you, all the difficulties that come with being a Muslim in certain parts of the world respond back that you know, you're a flagbearer of the vision of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. You're a signpost of la ilaha illa Allah, Muhammad Rasul Allah and ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to give you a Tibet, steadfastness, and your children, steadfastness. And I share this from my heart and it is one of the reasons why when your invite does come across I do give it importance

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because if I don't stand with with you oil, then where should I start? If I don't stand with people who have stationed themselves in difficult circumstances for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala then where else should I stand? So honey Alaikum congratulations to you. And may Allah subhanahu totalis assistants constantly be upon you in order one of the ways to keep ourselves steadfast is to lead because when the Quran was revealed, we should never ever forget there were 360 Idols around the Kaaba. There were 360 Idols around the Kaaba, it was revealed at a time of extreme ignorance extreme Jaya, Helia extreme misguidance and not just spiritual misguidance but even Moro misguidance

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the world in the Arabian Peninsula was at a stage of Subhanallah that is beyond comprehension, the you know, the aspects that the Qureshi used to involve themselves in and the justifications for it to a simple mind, we're not talking about an advanced mind with anyone upon the fitrah you would teach your children this and they would be stunned and shocked to think Subhanallah that how could people live like this, this was the reality when the Quran was revealed and the Quran ultimately transformed the vet society and the world at large. And this highlights for us Subhanallah how powerful knowledge is in pushing back, ignorance in pushing back misguidance that whenever the force

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of ignorance manifests its head, the force of knowledge should manifest its body Subhan Allah and Chaka Jaffa Idris May Allah grant him Shiva have with the hula, one of my esteemed teachers, and one of the noble scholars of our time and from the knowledgeable of scholars of our time, and he is known as the teacher of the teacher Subhan Allah,

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you know, many of of the Darat and scholars of our time that you listen to most likely they have him as as the teacher and he advised us towards this, that we should never ever become despondent, when we see misguidance spread and at the speeds that it spreads, but rather we should become consolidated that whenever we see misguidance spreading, we should consider it consolidate ourselves and come up with more beneficial projects, especially knowledge related projects, because the reality is whenever a space is filled with an impurity, then the Muslims act, and they react and they fill that space with its opposite with purity and eventually purity will always overcome

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impurity eventually, guidance will always overcome misguidance This is the Promise of Allah subhanho wa Taala in the Quran, that the truth will,

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will, will latch itself to that which is

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which has falsehood and it will overcome it, it will overcome it with the will of Allah subhanho wa taala. So whenever we see misguidance spreading, we should be a force of feeding that space with guidance and then leaving the rest to Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah subhanho wa Taala is promise is to support the truth is to protect the truth is to give momentum to the truth. So you need to do and I need to do and we need to do what Allah subhanho wa Taala has placed within our capacity to do and leave the rest to Allah subhanho wa Taala so the Quran was revealed in the form of Quran in the form of read Subhan Allah, an amazing first instruction, a call to action, a verb, the very first word of

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the Quran is a verb, a call to action, and not just any call, but a call. In the tense of a command, Allah subhanho wa Taala didn't share the past tense or the present tense here other he shared a command to read. And this is no doubt a revelation of intent. I mean, if nothing makes us appreciate the power of the truth, then ikura then nothing will really make us appreciate how powerful the truth is and how powerful knowledge is that at this time of extreme misguidance at this time of extreme darkness, Allah subhanho wa Taala chooses it Cara to be the first word of the Quran revealed Subhanallah and it is revealed to a man who is unlettered and when we go back to the event of this

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generation and the cave, the cave of Hira, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam responds to the angel saying that I am unlettered, I'm unable to read but Allah subhanho wa taala. His wisdom dictates that the process that followed was one of Gibreel reminding the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam again and commanding him to read. And then he receives the same response, but he doesn't stop for the third time. He is commanded to read and then told to read in the name of Allah subhanho wa Taala ikura Bismillah Becca Levy Haluk a Quran read in the name of your rob this Lord, your Lord who created you and Insha Allah, if we have time, in the weekends that we have, we will discuss this

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name of Allah subhanho wa Taala or rob the Lord, and what it means what it entails and how it is universal Subhanallah in its indication in its application, and indeed Allah subhanho wa Taala has the most beautiful of names. So this is the reality of knowledge, it was revealed at a time of extreme misguidance and SubhanAllah. Not only did it create light in Mecca, but Subhanallah a light in our hearts today, all the way here in Australia, and in sha Allah as per the Promise of Allah this light will remain until the day of PM. So may Allah subhanahu Attallah, grant us steadfastness upon this idea of reading, and ALLAH SubhanA Hua to Allah indeed, revealed a command towards

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knowledge. But what was the first knowledge that he commanded us to?

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To learn about? And we find this in many places in the Quran. From them the very verse that I recited to you the first verse revealed the bismi Rob beacon, Lady Haluk, read in the Name of your Lord who created and in another part of the Quran, Allah subhanho wa Taala this is for LM and o la ilaha illa Allah, learn about Allah, the first knowledge that you learn about is about Allah, that there's no one worthy of worship besides him. How do you know there is no one worthy of worship besides him? How do you believe there is no one worthy of worship? Besides him? How do we understand this and comprehend this? Well, no doubt, through a journey with the names and attributes of Allah

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subhanho wa taala, that the more you learn about Allah through His names and attributes, the more you actually learn about him, you learn who he is, you learn what he has done for you. And all of this manifests itself in our fitrah becoming calibrated. Our souls becoming

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acutely focused our minds becoming guided in terms of our thoughts, our hearts, becoming steadfast and it leads to only one outcome and one result and that is a bad, the worship of Allah subhanahu Ettan, the theme of Allah subhanho wa Taala this veneration of Allah subhanho wa Taala this true love for Allah subhanho wa Taala This is the reality of Allah subhanho wa Taala and his creation, because love is a substantial emotion. And I've shared this with the community in Melbourne in previous visits, it's a substantial emotion, and any substantial emotion is connected to knowledge. Subhanallah lo and behold, knowledge again, any substantial emotion is connected to knowledge when

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when you know someone, you truly love them, and when you love them. You don't need to be motivated to do things for them to be in their service. You want to be in their service you want

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to please them, it's something that stems from a core that is deep within your makeup as a human being. This fitrah This is what happens when the fitrah becomes engaged and becomes enlightened, the fitrah pushes out. A morality pushes out, a character pushes out a desire Subhanallah that is so powerful. It's beyond our ability to describe to, to explain, we want to do something for somebody, but we can't truly explain why we just want. And we we see this with our children Subhanallah we love them, we want to be in their service. It's, it's a a love that stems from a power that cannot be articulated, right? When we love our spouses. Subhanallah right, we want to be in their service,

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there is no checklist that has to be given to us. We want to make them a meal that will that will please them we want to do, we can't explain it. But it's something that we want to do. This is love. That is connected to knowledge. And it can only be love, when it's connected to knowledge, this is the reality of love, and anything substantial as an emotion. And the same thing with Allah subhanahu itad you love Allah subhanho wa Taala when you learn about Allah subhanho wa Taala and I was in Sudan, recently visiting the refugees and overlooking one of our projects that the charity right project in which

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or a project that focuses on keeping children in school, and or through feeding children in school, because the reality is one of if they are fed, then their own parents will send them to school, they know that this will be a source of them having a nutritious meal. Again, this stems from love, why would a parent make that decision, as opposed to sending them out to work?

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Or any other,

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you know, circumstances situation that a parent might be forced to go against their ideals because of the difficulty of their circumstances. So whilst I was there visiting this operation, I was asked the interesting question and handle a group of brothers traveled from different countries and they met up with me. And together we spent this week in Sudan and one of the questions that was asked Subhanallah during your different travels.

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What is the most

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difficulty thing you've seen? And what is the antidote to it? It was a very interesting question. SubhanAllah. Right. And there's, there's so many things one can say. But at that time, Subhan Allah Allah guided me to do what formulates the core of our sitting together. And my answer was the most difficult thing that I've seen. A people who don't know Allah subhanho wa taala.

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And the antidote to all devices that we see, is learning about Allah subhanho wa taala. Apologies, what is the most difficult thing you've seen? And what is the antidote to the vices that you see in all your travels? The most difficult thing I've seen no doubt is people not really truly understanding who Allah subhanho wa Taala is, and what is the antidote to devices out there that no doubt is knowledge about Allah subhanho wa taala. It is. And we see this in Surah Yusuf and this is our nightly series here. In Australia, this Ramadan for most nights in the Medina and the Knights are not here then in the different massage that we will visit. We're talking about this year Surah

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Yusuf in the 21st century previously, we discussed the Sierra in the 21st century, here in Melbourne, and other cities that we run, we ran the flick of Sierra series in this year, we focusing on sort of use of insular use of SubhanAllah. This offense is the first in which use of it he Salam highlights to Allah subhanho wa taala, when he was tested to his core, when he was locked in a room not just with one lady, but a

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the women of the city SubhanAllah. And he was given what Allah gave him in terms of beauty, and he wasn't married, and he had every human desire as humans have Subhan Allah and they were calling him towards following his desire. And he has this moment with Allah subhanho wa taala. He has this moment to bring context here. This is a man who was separated from the home of Prophethood the home that taught him about Allah when he was a young boy, and then he was transported to another land. You could you know, we talk about refugees. This was a different situation, because he was he was abducted as a slave from this well and transported as a slave and sold as a slave and then bought as

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a slave and he lived with absolute weakness if we talk about circumstances, we talk about, you know, a Muslim living in a Muslim minority then a Muslim minority that is a small minority these these

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bring about different difficulties, right? And I'm sure the community can appreciate it. But the use of it, he said, he is now not only a young boy who has really little authority. And but on top of this, we compound the circumstance by highlighting that now he's an abducted young boy. And then he is a enslaved, abducted young boy. And then he is a foreign, abducted, enslaved young boy in a weakness upon weakness, weakness upon weakness. And

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he goes through the most formative years of his life, right, his teenage years, his 20s, his 30s, and now he's it 14 is reached his rushed, the most formative years of his life, away from the message of la ilaha illa. Allah, away from the message of prophetic morality. He is not in the home of his father, all he has with him are the few lessons that his father taught him when he was a young boy in his home. And

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compounded as well is the fact that he's living in a home with poor morals, a home of idolatry, right, this is, this was the situation of the people of Egypt, that is living with all this vise around him and then shaytaan pushing you to, you know, follow the trend. There's no consequences here. But he's absolutely guided and at this most difficult moment in his life.

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With even the door's locked and shit, he has this moment with Allah subhanho wa Taala which shows how he knew Allah, and he knew of Allah and he knew about Allah. He has this moment with Allah says, Oh Allah prison is more beloved to me than what they're calling me to what they calling me to will keep me out of prison will keep me in the palace will keep me around the financial standing and the material well, being an all the luxuries of a minister's home a palatial place in a formative developed city, Egypt was considered a developed civilization and, and city from the oldest of world civilizations. And here we see use of Ra Salam is not a young boy anymore. This man telling Allah,

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Oh Allah, Oh, my Lord Rob, Oh, my Lord prison is more beloved to me than what they call me to. And if you don't help me in my situation, how, by putting me in prison, I will naturally be inclined to this vise because I'm a human being. And if I'm inclined towards it, and I fall into it, what will be my circumstance? I will be from the ignorant Subhanallah How does he carefully choose this in his conversation with Allah, that I will be from the ignorant ignorant about what

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will use of what will you be ignorant about, I'll be ignorant about my lord.

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Teaching us was that the person who falls into sin, who is inclined towards vice? What is the ultimate issue? The ultimate issue is the lack knowledge of who of who Allah subhanho wa Taala is, right. And that's why the sessions on the names of Allah subhanho wa taala.

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They, they they development sessions in and of themselves, because you learning, the most noble of knowledge and that's why the pious before us used to say, shut off would be shut off your maloom we understand how noble knowledge is, by looking at how noble the knowledge content is Subhan Allah, and when you learn about Allah subhanho wa Taala then the knowledge content is ALLAH SubhanA who has to have a himself and what greater nobility can you apply, then, that nobility that is connected by, by reality, really, by choice,

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with the names of Allah subhanho wa taala. And as such, the knowledge of Allah subhanho wa taala. So I highlight this coming back to my answer, that really

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the ultimate issue we have today, which leads to all the other issues, all the other inclinations that we have towards sin towards the disobedience of Allah subhanho wa Taala ultimately, it boils down to you and I Not having sufficient knowledge of Allah subhanho wa Taala and the level of our knowledge of Allah will manifest itself proportionately in our thoughts, in our actions in our intention Subhanallah when we talk about the Nia and the intention and hulless as well Subhan Allah, the, the level of interest that you can achieve in your life is also proportionately connected to the level of knowledge that you have of Allah subhanho wa Taala your understanding of exactly who he

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is subhanho wa Taala Subhan Allah, and this is our reality, my dearest Sisters in Islam and to those watching online, our brothers and sisters online as well. So, this is a brief

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introduction. Obviously we

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I'm informed that inshallah we will have more than one sitting and what i i will do ability to Allah is during different sittings share with you different connected introductions inshallah. So there's a bit of balance between the session. Inshallah it's not just that we've taken a name, but we've taken some introduction that's connected to these names and inshallah renew that indeed, renew our motivation to learn a name from the names of Allah subhana, who were to add

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the name asked of me today to discuss with you all is the name of Rama is the name of a man and may Allah subhanaw taala bless you for choosing this name, to be from the names that will be discussed here and discussed first. But if I may, I will not just discuss the name of Rockman. But perhaps

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connect the discussion to a genre of names. And these are names that fit within the genre of compassion and mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala has many names and to facilitate us learning about Allah subhanho wa Taala better.

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One of the mechanisms of the scholars was to categorize Allah subhanho wa Taala as names within genres within categories. So one of those categories is this category that I just shared with you the category of

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compassion and mercy. And Allah subhanho wa Taala has countless names and from the names of compassion and mercy are countless names as well. But for the purpose of our session together Inshallah, I will share with you a few from them or Rockman as you have requested from Allah subhanho wa Taala his name that fit this particular categories are Rahim

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is alcohol is a foul is a lack of food

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is a bar

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is a web. These are Subhanallah some of the names of Allah subhanho wa Taala that fit this particular category and genre of names. Okay.

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Let's begin with the name that you've requested the name a rock man.

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A rough man, my dear Sisters in Islam

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an extensive name from the names of Allah subhanho wa taala. And when you look at the names of Allah subhanho wa Taala some names are universal, some names are extensive, some names are qualified names. Subhanallah and, as an example, a name that I didn't share with you that fits this category is Allahu Shala if I don't discuss it with you do remind me especially since we're in the month of Ramadan, and during the last 10 nights we will be mentioning this name of Allah subhanho wa Taala often when we read the DUA Allahumma indica I for one to Hibbeler alpha, for me, Inshallah, if I don't share it with you do remind me or do ask a question about it in the q&a, the lighter

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a rock man is from the extensive Names of Allah subhanho wa taala.

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And this is because a ramen is upon the Arabic scale, alpha ln Alpha ln, the Arabic language is a very measured language. And that's why it's it can be easily studied.

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It has many equations, it has many rules, many principles that makes the study of the language easy Alhamdulillah and one of the functions of the Arabic language as the language developed was this idea of

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linguistic scales. And these linguistic scales

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denote scales that words are collected. And it's generally I don't want to bore you with the theory and

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the technicalities, but just so that you can appreciate

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even a little bit what I mean when I say Raman is upon the scale AlFalah. So generally, we see three letters used to demarcate the scales the letter for

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or for the letter, I

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and the letter lab, left for either for either, okay, so if we say jealous, they say this is on the scale for Allah. Okay? If you say Allah for that it's upon the scale factor will you'll always see these three letters,

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formulating the scale, and then you have these

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Words that fit one of these scales right. So, when you study the Arabic language you will come across a science known as morphology or self. And when you study sort of or morphology, you will learn the scales and once you learn these scales every word you learn in the Arabic language, there are a few exceptions, you will be able to piece back to one of these scales and one of the functions of these scales is to help us with help us understand meaning help us understand meaning. Okay. So, our Rockman as we said,

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is from the scale AlFalah and words that fit the scale Alpha LAN in the Arabic language denote extent, denote extent.

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Okay, we understand this and we go back to the name or Rahman we know that R Rahman is made is connected to three root letters. And these truly three these three root letters denote me a meaning of what mercy Rahima alright Rahima denotes mercy.

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But when we understand that we have Rahim Allah upon the scale of Allah, and thus it's Ramadan, and this scale denotes extend the naturally we deduce from this understanding that this name of Allah, it denotes the meaning of mercy, but he teaches us the extent of Allah's mercy.

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Are you with me? The extent of Allah's mercy. So this is a unique benefit we get from this name, that Rahima rushman the name Rahman

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if we if we

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if we zoom into this name, we see that there's three core letters that make up this name, or her HA,

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HA and meme, man Ara hammer, right. And this

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this core set of letters carries the meaning of mercy. So that's point number one. Now when we take this core set of letters, and through morphology,

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mentioned it upon the scale of Eyeland, it becomes Rahaman. So we know that Rahima are these three letters, or this core set of letters entails mercy connected to the scale, it gives us the idea of the extent of mercy. It's connected to the extent that when we say a Rahman we calling out to Allah using his name, that carries a meaning that teaches us the extent of his mercy, or Rama.

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And as such, some of the scholars have translated into English A Rahman as be Entirely Merciful, one, the Entirely Merciful why? Because entirely is connected to extent.

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So our rush man, is a name from the names of Allah, a name from the names of Allah, that is part and parcel of this category and genre of compassion and mercy. And it teaches us just how merciful Allah is the extent of Allah subhanho wa Taala has mercy that Allah subhanho wa Taala has mercy is so vast, it's so large, it's so encompassing, that nothing can escape it.

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Nothing can escape it. Allah subhanho wa Taala says in his book water, Matthew, worse yet, who knows the rest

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but he was here to shake.

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Allah's Mercy has engulfed everything in existence. There's nothing that can escape the Mercy of Allah subhanho wa taala. And even those who declare enmity Unto Allah, they disbelieve in Allah. They too are engulfed to an extent by Allah's mercy, we see this does Allah not give them a financial standing? does not give them a material well being? Do they not have children? Do they not have wealth? Does Allah not give them life?

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They have life, their financial standing, they have material wellbeing, they have all of these these things? Right? All of these benefits all of these amenities, even though they declare enmity Unto Allah and disbelieve in Him, and to an extent deny him, right like atheists do. Subhan Allah, but Allah Subhana Allah to Allah still allows them to breathe Allah say, and to partake of the food that Allah subhanho wa Taala created and the drink that belongs to Allah subhana who were to add, Allah allows them this. Allah decreased for them wealth decrease for them, children, decrease for them health gives them every option.

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Unity, to redeem themselves to turn back to Allah subhanho wa Taala to find their way, doesn't strike them immediately with punishment for the enmity unto him Subhana

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why? Because there's nothing that exists except that it is engulfed by the mercy of Rama, the Entirely Merciful One, the One who has a mercy that nothing can escape Subhana

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so this is a ramen, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he describes Allah subhanho wa Taala as a man of dunya, one

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man of this world and the next, the rough man of this life, and the next, the one who has a mercy that is all encompassing, in this life, and the next. This is a rough man. And when we begin reciting the Quran, we have the best valor. And in the best manner, Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah teaches us Bismillah R. Rahman, that we, we begin reciting the Quran in the name of Allah Bismillah in the name of Allah. Right. And we do this to seek blessings. And we do this before all acts before we eat, we say Bismillah Why do we say Bismillah? Before we eat in the Name of Allah, meaning I Eat In the Name of Allah. I read the Quran in the name of Allah at the beginning of our prayer, we say

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Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem, why do we do so? We say Bismillah AR Rahman AR Rahim at the beginning of the prayer I pray in the name of Allah. What are we doing when we when we recite Bismillah? We are asking Allah Subhana Allah to Allah to bless us in what we're doing, to bless us in our meal, to bless us in our prayer, to bless us in our recitation, to bless us in our ability to bless us in our rewards. That's what we are asking from Allah subhanho wa taala. But imagine you say Bismillah and then there's this question, okay, Who is Allah, you've, you've began in the Name of Allah, you seeking these

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blessings from Allah Who He is He Allah subhanahu etalon says R Rahman r Rahim. Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim

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says if we are introduced to Allah subhanho wa taala. And the first introduction we have in terms of who our Allah is, is that he's a man that Entirely Merciful SubhanAllah.

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And where else do we see this form of interaction

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in Surah Fatiha

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the surah that is the greatest Surah of the Quran, and we recite it in every unit of our salah, our prayer, our ritual worship, and think about it like this, you begin the prayer and you say Al hamdu, Lillahi Rabbil Alameen all praises belongs to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. Now imagine somebody asked this question. Okay, so who is this Allah who is the Lord of the Worlds? Well, Allah introduces himself to us. Rahman Rahim Rahman, the Entirely Merciful

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like you seeking an introduction, and Allah subhanho wa Taala introduces himself to us. And it was mashallah I felt it was I felt you you were all inspired. Because when brother Mooney messaged me last night and he goes, this is what the sisters want. They wanted discussion on the name ramen, I said mashallah, the inspired amazing that out of all the names of Allah subhanho wa taala. They chose the name that ALLAH SubhanA Hua Tiana regularly introduces himself to us with. Now earlier, we spoke about love and love being

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a substantial emotion. And for anything substantial, it's connected to what it's connected to knowledge.

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You have knowledge about Allah subhanho wa taala. Now

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that you're asked, Who is Allah? He introduced himself to you and told you he's arrived man. They Entirely Merciful.

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Right? And when you understand

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that Allah subhanho wa taala. He's Entirely Merciful. That no doubt you interact with the state of Allah. you contemplate over it. You ponder over it, and you realize from it Subhan Allah is the Entirely Merciful means he's the one who forgives me.

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When I slip,

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he's the one who supports me, despite my weakness, this is from his mercy. What does this do for your heart, for your soul, for your mind, for your enough's for yourself, what does this do? What does it develop within you towards

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Love Subhan Allah develops within you love for Allah. So are we connecting it now? spoke about loving Allah is connected to knowledge you need to learn about Allah to love him span

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Allah and He Allah subhanho wa Taala teaches us something about him. He introduces us to him and he introduces himself to us

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by teaching us that He is the Entirely Merciful. When you ponder over this reality and interact with this reality you feel within yourself this need to love Allah subhanho wa Taala and how can I not love Allah subhanho wa Taala when he's constantly merciful over me, despite my weaknesses, he gives me my financial standing and my material well being I have the blessings of sight the blessings of faith, La ilaha illa Allah, what, what value can you attach to faith? You have the blessings of faith if Allah didn't guide you, who would have guided you? You have the blessings of having the opportunity to enter paradise that don't mind as ever dreamt of no heart has ever thought of no eye

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has ever seen. no ear has ever heard of Allah. Right? But by being a believer, you have this opportunity to go to Paradise Allah has given you this. Why wouldn't you love him this is from this is from Allah being a man that despite our weaknesses, he has chosen us

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he's a rock man. He is the Entirely Merciful. And this Ramadan as you journey with the Quran, focus on the verses that have this name of Allah subhanho wa Taala mentioned they are in our ramen

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ramen. So hang on Mala Rahman and Roc stowa Surah as an example.

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But then don't forget to dedicated Surah Subhan Allah in the Quran, named after this name of ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada or Rockman in the 27 Jews portion of the Quran, Allah subhanho wa Taala begins the surah by saying our raw man

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highlighting his name, again introducing himself to us, our Rama, the Entirely Merciful One. And then he goes out he goes on to throughout the Surah, highlighting for us the manifestations of His messy Surah Trotman to write till the end, is a manifestation of exactly who the Entirely Merciful One is that if you want to understand what Entirely Merciful means, and we said, this is the name of extent, it teaches us the extent of God Almighty is mercy, Allah's mercy, read surah Rahman. Allah tells us verse after verse, how he's been merciful to us. And between these verses, he says to us, Furby, a Allah, Europe bukhoma to Caliban which of the favours of your Lord will you deny, because

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Allah reveals to you favor after favor, favor, after favor, favor after favor, highlighting to us time and time again, verse after verse from beginning to the end, exactly what it means when Allah says his

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favor after favor, that again also highlights to us. The manifestation that should come from the slave, which is loving Allah subhanho wa Taala that you read this verse of the surah and verse after verse, your love for him grows because Subhanallah you read, oh, Allah did this for me. Allah did this for me. And this is from him being a ramen, or ramen did this for me, he's done this for me. Subhan Allah has also done this for me. What does this do? It grows your love for Allah subhana who were to add. And as we said, Love is a substantial emotion. What do we mean by substantial emotion? It's not infatuation. It's not infatuation. It's not what teens feel, you know, when they when they

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come of age, and they call it love, but it's not love it's infatuation. Because they know nothing about each other. They always say, you know, I love her I love him but but you don't nothing about him and nothing about her. How can you take love and throw it down the drain like this? This is a very noble emotion, substantial emotion. Love is what happens when you learn about each other, of course in a halal way, right? Because true learning can only happen in a setting that is beloved to Allah subhanho wa taala. That means any guy that needs marriage,

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but when you marry it, and you truly learn about each other, and you start loving each other, what happens when you start loving each other? What do we say before you want to start doing things for each other?

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And sometimes we see this between the spouses, you know, you find the wife saying, I don't feel my husband loves me. And he says, Bucha I love my wife. And she says no, but you know, when was the last time you bought me flowers? The last time you bought me flowers. I didn't even ask him to buy me flowers, but he bought me flowers. Brother, why did you buy her flowers that time? Oh my gosh, I just felt like I wanted to buy her flowers. Well, she saw that act and translated it as love and now you stopped buying a flower she thinks that love has has gone but he goes no she has no I don't buy flowers, flowers die. You know they cost money and then they die. Now I manifest my love to her in

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this way and in that way and in that way and in that way.

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But she didn't see all those access flowers. Now she's learned Oh Subhanallah when he does this, this is love when he does that. This is love when he does that. This is love. So now she knows how to explain those acts in the form of flowers, right? It's a different discussion for another day manifestation of love Allah azza wa jal Albania commanded the Torah he placed between the spouses, this mode the manifest love, love that the other person feels and Rama and mercy Subhanallah Rama again Rahman we discussing our ramen, the marriage is also a gift from a ramen. The point is that when you love you want to do

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so when you learn about Allah and you understand who are Rahman is and that develops within you a love for him. What's next year can Abdullah er can stay what's next.

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You go through to Fatiha it's phenomenal isn't it? You learn about Allah and what's next the name says er can Abdullah here kind of saying that you are alone? Do we worship and You alone? Do we seek assistance from that? Yeah, who else should we worship? And you are an admin? You are a rock man. You are Rahim you are Maliki Yomi Deen. These are all names from the names of Allah subhanho wa Taala you learning about Allah this love is growing you becoming overwhelmed. You becoming Subhan Allah

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is becoming claustrophobic you drowning in this knowledge of who Allah is what's left for you to do is to submit. Allah sub submitted to you yeah, kind of Abu II kind of studying you alone do we worship and You alone do we seek assistance from

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this is how you learn about Allah.

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You don't learn about Allah like you learn about mathematics and science and physics and any other contemporary science as a body of information. When you learn about Allah, you learn about Allah as a body of knowledge

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and knowledge transforms and you become a better person. As a result of this new learning you have of who your Lord is, you have your submission develops. Again, I want to take it back to what I said earlier, when I was asked what is the greatest antidote

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to taking people away from Vice? What is the greatest answer to learning about Allah? The more you learn about Allah subhanho wa Taala the next level you will take your servitude to your servitude, your submission to Him. The next level it will, it will it will constantly develop it will constantly grow. For LM and hula Ilaha illa Allah learn that there is no one worthy of worship besides one Allah Subhanallah so this is a rough map. But then we have a rain. We have a Rahim Oh, do you want me to delay

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the other names till another sitting and we can go into the q&a Now we've already completed almost 50 minutes of discussion. I know it doesn't feel like that when you talk about Allah. Time flies. Time flies so it's entirely up to you. Is this too much information for one day? Or should we know how does let's let's go along and we'll see how we go. Let's take another at least one other name. And the name will take next is connected to a Rama as we see in the bus mela Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. Let's take the name of Allah. Rahim. r Rahim. Subhanallah when you look at a Rahman and when you look at a Rahim, you see that these two names share the same root letters. Remember earlier we

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spoke about three letters that that formulate the core of Rahman what are those letters?

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Have me in Rahim, do you not see the same letters?

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The same letters are there. So what does this mean? Does this mean that this is still the same name of Allah is One Name of Allah?

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No. It's an individual independent, unique name of Allah subhanho wa taala. Even though the same root letters are used.

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It's counted as an individual name that if you are to memorize the names of Allah, and you memorize a ramen, and then you memorize a Rahim, this is counted as you having memorized two names of Allah not one, even though it they both share the same route.

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And one of the reasons for this, obviously is its unique in its meaning, and its unique in its meaning, because r Rahim is upon a different Arabic scale. Remember, we spoke about scales earlier, we said R Rahman is upon the scale AlFalah

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Rahman is upon the scale AlFalah right. Ramen is upon the scale and finance or Rahim is upon the scale

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he faerie

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alpha and names in the Arabic language upon the scale

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denote something specific.

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We said names upon the scale AlFalah denote extent.

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So earthmen refers to the extent of

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Allah's Mercy is the Entirely Merciful.

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names upon the scale, alpha r Rahim denote a specific meaning something more specific. So here we immediately understand that we are going to learn that Allah

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is merciful but in a specific way earlier we learned that Allah is merciful in an extensive way.

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Now we learn that Allah is merciful in a specific way.

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And when we look into the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, we learned that our Rahim refers to the Lord who has a specific mercy for the believers, for those who believe in Him.

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And the believers entail no doubt the followers of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and it also entails the followers of the different prophets that Allah sent. Those who met those prophets believed in those prophets, and passed away upon the message of those prophets passed away upon the message of those prophets, meaning, meaning, the followers of Musa who met Musa who believed in Musa and passed away before a Saturday his salah, which means they passed away upon the message of

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Musa they are believers, and also the followers of Musa who met Musa believed in Musa or they didn't meet Musa but they believed in his message before Jesus arrived is Ali salaam, and then Jesus arrives and they follow Jesus because Musa told them to follow the next prophet that comes.

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So when they followed Jesus that means they passed away upon the message of Musa and also upon the message of Isa Allah He Salam because they met Jesus and believed in Him, they are also believers. Okay. And the Christians who believed in Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam they also believers because they believed in the message of Isa and also passed away upon the message of Muhammad. And that's the default, right? We said earlier, those who pass away upon the messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam they are believers, and also those who passed away upon the message of their prophets, they are believers, Allah has a unique mercy for them.

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Allah has a unique mercy for them.

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Now, how is this unique mercy manifested?

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Well, it's manifested in the life of this world

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in different ways,

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upon wisdoms

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that are divine

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that sometimes Allah puts us through a circumstances situation.

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And that's because Allah is of Rahim.

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What does that mean? What do I mean when I say this? Well, I mean, that Allah subhanho wa taala, once for us, once for us, a place in paradise, not just paradise, but a place in paradise, a place in paradise that you and I would not achieve if we were left to ourselves.

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So Allah subhanho wa Taala puts us through a circumstance in a situation.

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And he shows his mercy upon us to be patient through it, so that He rewards us in full for that circumstance and situation. And when we get to him on the day of PM, he shows us deeds beyond our imagination, will say Allah, we didn't do these deeds, these are not our deeds. And Allah will say, these are your deeds. Do you remember that time when you were put through the circumstance and you are patient, I rewarded you with this. And that other time when this happened to you, and you said and Hamdulillah I rewarded you with that? These are your rewards and these rewards take you to this Jana. This gender that was far from you was beyond your reach, had a Rahim not put you through your

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circumstance and situation. And this is from Allah being just so if other people under you have MSA but why does she have this or he have that and we don't have it. Allah subhanho wa Taala will show them your deeds

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that they have it because of these deeds, and because of their patients through these difficulties.

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This is from the justice of Allah. So Allah is justice is connected to his mercies, Pamela. But that is a different discussion for another day because that is a longer more technical discussion from the theological realm from the partida realm.

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So Allah is a regime. He has a specific mercy, specific mercy for the believers. And this specific mercy is not just in the Hereafter, but also in this life and not only in this life but in the hereafter as well. And that is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam described Allah as Rahman and dunya, while Herati wa whare, Hema Houma the Rockman of this life and the next and the Raheem of this life and the next

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the rough man of this life and the next and the Rahim

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of this life and the next Subhan Allah.

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How is this

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name of Allah subhanho wa Taala manifest in the hereafter.

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It's manifested in terms of the plight of a believer on the day of care

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for the one who dies upon faith,

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their practice with Allah subhanho wa Taala regarding the essence

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when their sins are brought forth on the day of tianma If Allah wills, He will punish them a little bit, and then enter them into paradise or if He wills, He will forgive them immediately and enter them into paradise that forgiveness comes from Rahim, the one who is specifically merciful to the believers, that the believers only get this mercy. The mercy of a Rahim

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was a rush man is for everyone the believers and the disbelievers. A Rahim is a specific mercy and mercy for the believers. Rahim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen R Rahman r Rahim Subhan Allah when you see these names of Allah subhanho wa Taala used in the citations that I've shed, coupled together, coupled together, coupled together SubhanAllah.

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So these are two names from the names of Allah subhanho wa taala. And perhaps we'll pause here for today's session and move on to the q&a in sha Allah and when we come

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next week in sha Allah may Allah preserve us in His obedience and give us life. We will discuss the other names from this category of compassion and mercy such as a love affair Allah for Allah fool Allahu with Allah He to add a desire from the hara, Hara Allahu Allah. Wa sallahu wa sallim wa barik ala Nabina Muhammad Mohammed or Allah Allah He also heavy engineering


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