Sajid Ahmed Umar – In The Company Of Allah #5B – This Gathering Is The One Which Is Forgiven

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary © The history and meaning behind Nolan Nolan's name is discussed, including his former employer and the use of his name in a gathering to remember previous words. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of memorizing the names for better reference and provides examples of how different names have been used in various situations. The speaker encourages viewers to continue learning about the names of the Prophet's other followers and people who created everything in the creation process.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah Wila alihi wa sahbihi wa Manuela As salam o alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh Dear viewers, I welcome you back after that short break and just before the break we were discussing this conversation between Allah subhanho wa Taala and Allah's angels.

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So Allah subhanho wa Taala once he knew he asked the angels, what do the servants of mine seek refuge from? And the angels said they seek refuge from the hellfire. And Allah subhanho wa Taala asked them whilst he knows, have they seen the hellfire? And the angel say no, yeah, Allah they haven't. So Allah asks, whilst he knows subhanho wa taala? And how would they ask? Have they seen the hellfire? And the angels say that the asking would be even more intense? And they would ask with even more vigor.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala

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mentions that this gathering is one which is forgiving, which is forgiven, which is forgiving Allahu Akbar, may Allah forgive us, for indeed we have gathered together to remember Allah subhanho wa taala, even though virtually, but we have gathered together. And in the in concluding the Hadith.

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It states that one of the angels asked that yeah, Allah.

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One of the people in this gathering

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came to this gathering. for some other reason. They came to this gathering for some other reason. What about them? And Allah subhanho wa Taala teaches the angels that even this person who popped into this gathering for whatever reason, is a saved person. Why? Because Allah subhanho wa Taala says nobody mixes with people such as these,

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except that they benefit you Allah subhanho wa Taala inspires us to have a good friend circle, a circle of friends that remember Allah subhanho wa Taala in everything they see in everything they hear, in everything they learn. I mean, indeed Allah subhanho wa Taala is upon all able So brothers and sisters, we learn about Allah subhanho wa Taala through his revelation as well. There are countless examples in the book of Allah, and these are just some and Insha Allah, it's a means for you to start your journey with the Quran.

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Learning about Allah subhanho wa Taala from his revelation, paying special attention to those

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with Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about himself and his actions subhanho wa Taala

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It is at this juncture brothers and sisters, that I aim to dive into a little bit more detail with the names of Allah subhanho wa taala. And the name that I would like to start off with is the name of Allah, Allah, the name of Allah. Everybody knows this is a name from the names of Allah subhanahu wa Tada. And with regards to this name, brothers and sisters, it's mentioned in the Quran 2724 times. Allah uses this name Allah 2724 times in his book and only Allah subhanho wa Taala is worthy of this name. Nobody else is worthy of this name. Nobody else can have this name. Nobody else can name themselves with this name. The magnanimous meanings of this name, are only befitting of Allah

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subhanho wa Taala Allah subhanho wa Taala uses this name to introduce himself to us for Allah subhanho wa Taala starts in the opening surah in the Quran, in the first Jews sang Al hamdu lillah all praises belong to Allah.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala in his book says, What Tagu mean? Duni Illa

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lead Tohoku Nasha Wahoo ukoliko Well, I am Li coonelly and fusi him Bara wala NFR well I am lacuna Mota. Well a higher wala Shuara Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about these other gods that people take as gods and they worship them. Allah says yet they have taken besides Him meaning Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah gods who created nothing, but

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are themselves created and possess neither hurt no benefit for themselves and possess no power of causing death, nor giving life nor raising of the dead. It's only Allah subhanaw

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How to Allah Who can do all these things? So the only being worthy of this name is Allah subhanho wa Taala Roble is that he will GLL Allah Hetal kaha the name of Allah brothers and sisters is a universal term that encompasses all the Beautiful Names of Allah subhanahu wata right. Now, how many names does Allah subhanho wa Taala have? Is it 99? Is it less? Or is it more? And the answer to that question is Allah subhanho wa Taala has a countless number of names. 99 is not the limit. With regards to Allah's names. 99 is not the limit with regards to the words of Allah subhanho wa Taala the names of Allah subhanahu wa Tada. Rather, we have a famous Hadith, which is in Sahih al Bukhari,

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that indeed for Allah is 99 names and the one who memorizes these names or looks after these names will enter Jannah this hadith doesn't mean that Allah has only 99 names. Rather, it means that there are 99 names that have been set as a limit in terms of earning Jenner. And the person who memorizes these names, understands these names, traverses through their life with these names, allows these names to nurture their character and nurture themselves. And they remember Allah subhanho wa Taala with these names, then the price for them is Jana, those who do these practices and processes with 99 names. But that doesn't mean Allah only has 99 names rather you pick from the

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vast ocean of names of Allah subhanho wa Taala 99. That's what the Hadith meets. So this is the first point and I hope you took note of the processes because many people think it's enough just to memorize the names to enter Jannah and the scholars explained that much more is needed than just mere recitation, right? And what they cite are the processes that I've shared with you. So Allah subhanho wa Taala has countless names. And we learned this fact from the dua of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam when he said Allah Houma in a book by new Abbe de Caballo, Eema Ignosi. Nabil Edik Melvin Vina hockomock Agilent vena cava UK, nessa Luca Allahumma B coulis Minh who work

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we asked we are Allah with all your name some Mater big enough set those names which you have taught us about yourself? Oh and Zelda houfy key topic. Those names which you have revealed in your book, oh anzaldo ILM two I had them in Caltech. Oh those names which you taught those who you chose from your creation like the prophets of Allah subhanho wa taala. Then he says, we thought rota be fee Milroy being Dec all those names that you've kept hidden in the knowledge of the Unseen

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Allahu Akbar, this portion here, those names, which you have kept hidden, in the knowledge of the Unseen teaches us that Allah has more than 99 names, a countless number of names, names that you and I don't even know names that even the prophets of Allah alayhi wa salatu salam didn't know. And that is why Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the famous hadith of Shiva. He says that Allah subhanho wa Taala will inspire him with praises of Allah that he doesn't know right now. Allahu Akbar Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will say that Allah will open upon the minute Amin Mohammed de from the praises of Allah subhanho wa Taala me My Allah Allah Maha will add that which I

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do not know now, meaning when he said this to the Sahaba of the Allahu Anhu Marine, he did not know those names that Allahu Akbar which teaches us how vast the names of Allah subhanho wa Taala are, and we are so amazed, amazed at these names that we have with us. Imagine the names that we are here to learn May Allah subhanho wa Taala teach us is names. I mean,

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I said brothers and sisters, that this name, Allah encompasses the encompasses all the names of Allah subhanho wa Taala the meanings of all the names of Allah exist in this name of law.

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Which means if we were just to discuss Allah in detail, we would need a lifetime

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Subhanallah now what's my evidence for this? Well, Allah subhanho wa Taala it sort of to hasher the famous Surah that mentions the names of Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Who Allahu La de la ilaha illa Whoa, that He is Allah the one that no one else is worthy of worship besides Him. Allah Malloy, he was Shahad who are rock man or Rahim

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So Allah mentions His other Names after mentioning Allah teaching us that the other names are the names of Allah. Thus we don't say that from the names of Ramadan is Allah. Rather we say from the names of Allah is a ramen from the names of Allah is a Rahim from the names of Allah is Allah Quddus from the names of Allah is a Subaru,

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a Subaru.

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As to both brothers and sisters very quickly if you if you took note during our introduction we said one of the ways of learning about Allah's names is by looking at those names used in the names that are, have been used in Dubai, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam These are from the names of Allah and this word Azubu we find in the Sunnah, in the dua of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam in ruku, or after Witter, right and this is from the names of Allah subhanho wa taala. So we say that from the names of Allah is a super from the names of Allah is produced from the names of Allah is a ramen and so on and so forth. This we learn from this, how Allah taught us His names in

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his book, telling us that from the name from the names of Allah or these names, that this name, Allah is encompassing of all these names, Allahu Akbar, this name Allah is soothing to the vocal cords, is soothing to the self is soothing to the heart. It's so easy to pronounce, and amazing, even a child can pronounce this name, a baby can pronounce this name of Allah. And really, really, irrespective of our circumstance in life, when we turn to Allah and we say, Yeah, Allah, we see ourselves become alive. And it responds as it recognizes this to be the name of the one who created everything in creation. I leave you with these words to ponder over Insha Allah we will continue in

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our next episode. I love you all for the sake of Allah until next time, as Salaam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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Allah Allah, Allah, Allah Allah Allah

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