Sajid Ahmed Umar – You Are Going Through A Tough Time

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the difficulty of dealing with difficult situations and how difficult experiences can be. They encourage the audience to benchmark against these experiences and believe that the experience offers opportunities for growth and satisfaction. The speaker also mentions that the tests are not an obstacle and that the tests offer opportunities for growth and satisfaction.
AI: Transcript ©
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Welcome to the daily reminder network.

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My dear brother, idea system idea mother and father, it's no secret that we experienced difficult moments in our lives. But the important aspect for us to realize is that Allah subhanho wa Taala taught us the remedy to deal with these difficulties gave us the medication to deal with these difficulties. And that is the medication of Allah subhanho wa Taala in his book establishes the fact that we will be tested in this way Allah subhanho wa Taala in the second just says

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he was done Oh

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Swami, Allah subhanho wa Taala promises that we will be tested with many, many different tests with life with death with poverty, we will be tested it's part and parcel of this life but Allah subhanho wa Taala immediately after informing us of the Sunnah of the life that we live in, tells us and glad tidings upon the patient.

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The patient here Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us levena

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they are those, when a difficulty afflicts them, they say, indeed we are from Allah and unto Allah we will reach, they remain within Emacs, they remain within Islam, they never deny Allah subhanho wa Taala even though they've been tested, they've been afflicted with difficulty, they've been afflicted with adversity, it only makes the belief in Allah subhanho wa Taala stronger, it only makes the understanding of this ayah better and if they understand that Allah here has provided us an opportunity to say in the law, or in LA or do they are those who say this when afflicted with difficulties when the calamity strikes and what does Allah subhanho wa Taala say about them Allah

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Subhana Allah Allah says that they have an amazing price and this price is in the form of blessings before giving them blessings and the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala falling upon them for Allah subhanho wa Taala says,

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upon this people are the Salawat and the mercy from Allah Subhana Allah Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah and if you know if you ponder over this, if it teaches us that when a difficulty affects us, it's not the O of obstacle. Rather, it's the O of opportunity, which opportunity, the opportunity to get Salawat from Allah subhanho wa Taala had the opportunity to get the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala. If we didn't go through this difficulty successfully, we would have been void from these blessings. If we didn't have this test in the first place, we would have been void from these blessings. This is not an obstacle. It's an opportunity. I want you to benchmark what I've said

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against the difficulties you are servants of Allah, an old child of Adam are facing in your home, the difficulties you are facing in your home, benchmark it against this message that I've said it's not an obstacle, it's an opportunity. Think about the exams that you and I taking this one, we go to school and we write exams, we write our secondary school exams, it's a test. When we pass this test, we have greater opportunities awaiting us we can go to university and when we pass our tests in university, we have greater opportunities awaiting us in the form of getting a good job that pays a better salary. Or maybe you might just choose to go further and do a master's degree and you will

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face more tests. And when you pass those tests, you have greater opportunities that this is the same sentence of Allah with every test you pass that Allah subhanho wa Taala presents to you a lot of some kind of way to Allah increases your paradise Allah subhanho wa Taala increases your blessings. Every test passed is a chance to earn an even greater opportunity and even greater blessing. And that is why Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said either I have been Allah who I hadn't except Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah loves you with this. It's not an obstacle instead it's an opportunity. I want you to think this one, the messengers of Allah subhanho wa Taala, the most

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beloved to him will test them if they were tested. What about yourself and myself? Allah subhanho wa Taala will never test you with a burden that you cannot carry. Never ever Allah has promised this in the Quran.

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Law will never test you will never give you a burden that you cannot manage. So if you are facing a test, I want you to sit up and I want you to believe that you can pass

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This test I want you to believe that you are able because Allah subhanho wa Taala told you that you are able and Allah loves you. This is testing you and Allah has presented you an opportunity to earn his power and to earn his mercy and to vote for yourself agreed to

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Watch This If You Are Going Through A Tough Time ┇ by Sheikh Sajid Umar ┇ TDR Production ┇

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