Sajid Ahmed Umar – Dhul-Hijjah Diaries 8 – All Your Questions About The Udhuyah (Qurbani) Answered

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary © The importance of sacrificing animals for the sake of God Almighty is discussed, including the need for individuals to consider factors beyond animals, such as their age and health. The speaker emphasizes the importance of showing Islam and history of sacrificing for loved ones, as it is a means of substantiating a message. The age requirements for various defects in animals, including fever, loss of appetite, and sickness, are also discussed. It is emphasized that individuals should consider factors beyond animals, such as human factors, and avoid animals with certain diseases.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Bismillah salat wa salam ala rasulillah who Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala and peace and salutations be upon the final messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam brothers and sisters in Islam. Welcome to episode eight of our eighth installment of our ledger diaries. And today I want to talk to you about the sacrifice about the sacrifice of these days. And earlier we spoke about its its association with Ibrahim Alayhi Salam and the knife that he put on to the neck of his son. And then Allah replaced his son with this ram that he slaughtered and it's been,

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you know, an attribute level to God Almighty, the sacrifice that happens for the sake of God Almighty alone. Because remember, as we said, also, with the suffering model, our lesson is not just about running between two mountains, it's about celebrating this high level of tawakkol and placing one's trust in Allah subhanho wa Taala. And this high level of having good hope in Allah subhanho wa Taala. So even when we slaughter it's not about you know, blood and meat. It's about taqwa. It's about taqwa. We're celebrating taqwa that we were doing it

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you know, remembering a person who put a lot before his son who put Allah first in everything that he did. And this is what taqwa is about. So

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the days of the hedger have many special acts of worship. For those on Hajj. Then we have all the acts of worship of the Hajj. For those not on Hajj. We have the Tocqueville and we spoke about the takbeer the vicar Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allah, Allahu Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, wa ala him

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and also from the special practices is what we know as the, the older here, the old here, the old here or in some languages, Qurbani, or in English, we say the sacrifice. This is from the acts of worship of these days, and it starts on the 10th of Dhul hijjah, after the prayer after the prayer so this is important. This is a question that people ask when should it be done? Well, it should be done after the prayer. So if you are sacrificing in another country, then make sure that they sacrifice your animal on your behalf after you've completed your eat Salah After you have completed your Salah and not before. So they might have really the day before you or they might have they eat

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Salah before yours, you need to instruct them, give them a time give them a date exactly when you want them to slaughter your animal on your behalf and make it a safe, you know, timeframe that you are confident that you shall have completed your each cell and some of the scholars say as evidence for this that Allah subhanho wa Taala says for suddenly Rebecca and her that offer the salah and then offer the sacrifice. So, they say that this is

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you know as a means of deducing this particular rule to substantiate this, but aside of this, it was the practice of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam to only sacrifice after he completed leading the Muslims in the Salah, and this was a practice of the Sahaba after him. So, we should ensure that we look after this particular route, right. So, this is in terms of when

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you know, the sacrifice should happen. Now in terms of the conditions for the audio for the animal being sacrificed then it has to be from the animals that we know in the Arabic language as An An An am refers to camels, cattle, cows, for example, sheep and goats, so camels, cattle, sheep and goats. And this is from Surah to hedge for Allah subhanho wa Taala says, and for every nation, we have appointed religious ceremony ceremonies, that they may mention the name of Allah over the beast of cattle that He has given them for food, right behemoth Al Anam. And in the Islamic science known as fifth, it says that by hematology m includes camels, cattle and sheep. And when we mentioned sheep

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obviously include in it goats, as well. But a chicken obviously doesn't know qualify a chicken does not qualify. And it's famously understood from the scholars of Islam, and this is from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that a cow or a camel constitutes seven portions. So it constitutes seven, the sacrifice of seven people. Obviously, the intention is needed. However, a sheep or a goat only constitutes the sacrifice of one person. So this is number one, it has to be from the behemoth and it has to be from the animals that are accepted as a sacrifice number two, the animal should have reached its specific age and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught us the ages and

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said that if it's a sheep or a goat, then it has to be six months. Right? At least, it has to be six months old, at least, and

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said do not sacrifice anything but an adult animal unless it is difficult for you, in which case you may start a six month old lamb. So this is in Sahih Muslim this narrations authentic beyond doubt

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And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam here stipulates that you should choose an adult animal. But if you can't then make sure that it's six months old or above, in terms of, you know, sheep, a sheep or a goat, because this is an exception that the Prophet sallallahu, Alayhi, wasallam has made.

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In the case of camels in case anyone is asking, it's not normal, that people outside of the Middle East

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slaughter camels, then the minimum age of the camel has to be five years old, if it's a cow, and the minimum age for the cow is two years old. And if it's a sheep, then the minimum age is one year old. But like we said, If you can't find, you know, a sheep of this age, then you can go for a six month old

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Then another stipulation that the Sharia teaches us is that the animal had, like we said, it has to be done after salah and it has to be of a certain age, it also has to be of a certain quality, you can't choose an animal that has, you know, defects, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam highlighted for defects that we should look out for and if the animal has this, then we should stay away from it. He said, and you know, and one of the defects is an obvious defect in one eye, right?

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And an example that the scholars give is, like, you know, when, for example, you have when you when you look at the animal, you see that one is sunken in its socket, or it sticks out, for example.

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Or you see that it has too much whiteness, right? So it has an obvious defect, if you see that the animal has an obvious defect in its eye, you should stay away from it. Or if you see that the animal has an obvious sickness, it has a fever, it's lost its appetite, that animal is not well, the farmer will tell you that this animal there's something wrong with it, then you should stay away from it. Or if you see the animal limping, for example, it has some form of lameness, then you should stay away from it or an animal that leaves no marrow, in its bones, it has this disease that doesn't allow bone marrow

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to be formed in the bones of the animal, then in particular, we should we should stay

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we should stay away from

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this animal. And these are four defects that we listing from the sun now they are the defects that we should stay away from such as for example, if you see that the animal has suffered, it was in a fight it you know it's been injured, or it fell. It fell from a hilltop and it's been injured. Or, for example, do you see that it's got one of its legs cut off, for example. So it has a disability it has only three legs, it has a clear injury in one of the legs for example, you can see the clear, limp, and so on and so forth. We should stay away from this because we must remember we are slaughtering for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala alone. And if that is the case, then we need to

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give Allah subhanho wa Taala that which is excellent that which, you know, we feel proud to give to Allah subhanho wa Taala and and also that the fact that the Sherry has set these conditions in play shows how merciful the Sharia is not only to human beings, but also to the animals right also to the animals. So take care of the sacrifice brothers and sisters in Islam the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he slaughtered in Medina, every eat into lava. And the Muslims did it after him. The majority of the scholars have the view that it is confirmed sooner. It is a confirmed when the two of the sacrifices are something we should just take lightly and say just as soon as it's come to the

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prophets of Allah, Allah Islam always did. In fact, the Hanafi madhhab and they're the only exception. They consider it compulsory, they consider it compulsory. And we know that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he slaughtered two animals one on behalf of himself and his family and one on behalf of himself and the owner of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam and has been a practice also of the scholars to slaughter animals on behalf of amazing people of our history who have passed away great imams great scholars who did much for Islam and the Muslim so you know, as the scholars of Islam would do Hajj for them, they also would

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would sacrifice for them on you know, on this day, so if a person wanted to sacrifice on behalf of someone who's passed away,

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as a means of, of sadaqa then this is something that can be considered as well and Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah knows best about a colloquium until next time, a couple of Lamine nomikos, Allah, may Allah accept our deeds Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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