Sajid Ahmed Umar – Blast From The Past – Season 2 – Episode 19

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary © The importance of learning from past events and the use of "harvest" in teaching is discussed, along with the use of "has" in the culture of India. The speakers emphasize the need for people to be mindful of their religious and political positions to avoid becoming a victim of media and political intrusion and emphasize the importance of protecting their bodies and reputation. They also discuss the history of Islam, including the first Islam committing to a pledge of support for the Prophet hangs a bill, and the use of "has" in the culture of India. The speakers encourage parents to practice and experiment with teaching children not take responsibility and make mistakes, and provide resources on online learning for parents to practice and improve their children.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah who Allah Allah, he was like me at Marine barracks rubbish roughly sadly we are silly Emery. Why are you looking at me, Lisa, Annie, Yahoo. Callie, my dear brothers and sisters in Islam. My dear mothers and fathers, uncles and Auntie's Salaam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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Welcome to Episode 19. Season Two, blast from the past Siraj in the 21st century. Yesterday, we took lessons from

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the first pledge in Islam, or the first pledge of Alibaba. Right there were two pledges at Alibaba. So that is why one of the names of this particular pledge is known as the first pledge of Alibaba. And we ran through several lessons from them the importance of knowledge from them also the importance of mixing with different communities and cultures and traveling because different environments help broaden our horizons. The third lesson we took was everything has a time in place, and Allah is all wise. The fourth lesson that we discussed was what the importance of allocating a good chunk of our resources towards the our, especially towards the youth, especially towards the

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youth, right. And the fifth lesson we discussed was that sometimes help comes from you from places you never imagined, and sources that you never imagined. The sixth lesson we discussed was that Islam brings the hearts together. The seventh lesson that we discussed is that the first thing you invite people to do is to heed and the oneness of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And not associating partners with Allah subhanho wa Taala. And we discussed this in previous episodes. And we took this lesson from this pledge from the contents of the pledge last night. The eighth lesson that we discussed was that the legacy of prophethood was not passed to a single man, but was passed to an

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entire ummah. The next lesson we took also, which was the last lesson we discussed.

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And that was that influence happens quicker within our sphere of influence. And we said, because the following year 10 people were from the garage. And we know that the previous year all six of them were from the horserace, which means only two are from the house. Right? So we had a great number of people from the huzar. Raj present. Right? And this is logical. This deduction is plausible, because obviously the year before all six are from the hazard so they were speaking to each other. Okay, what's the 10th lesson? Remember? I said, I have about 18 lessons, maybe 17.

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What's the next lesson? The next lesson, my dear brothers and sisters is that the hour is done with knowledge, not with ignorance. The hour is done with knowledge, not with ignorance, right? Where do we learn this from? We learned this from the fact that the six before they went back the year before this pledge, before they went back, they told Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to send with them who anybody know a teacher Musab even or mail rhodiola when they asked for a teacher, because they're always done with knowledge. They're always done with with knowledge, or sorry, Musab was was sent back, apologies Musab was sent back

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in the event of this pledge in the event of this particular pledge, right? The year before when the six accepted Islam. They went back with knowledge of the Shahada, but they didn't have the knowledge that Muslims have had. And when we discussed the some of the events of the pledge, we said after Musab went to Medina tribe started entering into Islam overnight, correct or incorrect. That's what we that's what happened, as is documented, which shows that the hour is done by sending people with knowledge, not ignorant people, ignorant people, even if they have some progress is going to be very slow progress. Quantum progress happens by sending a person of knowledge. And always remember my

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dear brothers and sisters, if you don't know, and you invite someone to that which you don't know, then it's a case of the blind following the blind. That's what it is. It's the case of the blind following the blind. So if you want to propagate to Allah make sure you know and you know, that you know, so that at least that point that you are calling people to you have about what is it that you know, and you know, that you know, yes, it wasn't a mistake the first time you know, and you know that you know, because we have four types of people

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We have a group of people who are just as I have said, they know. And they know that they know, this is an idea. You might not know everything about everything. But there's one thing maybe it's that she had, and he knows it well. So this he can call people to, because he knows, and he knows that he knows there's evidence to back it up. There's no room for him to take people astray.

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And then we have a second group of people. And this second group of people are a people who don't know, but they think that they know,

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is another group of people, we have them. And these people are a dangerous people. Because you can't teach them anything. They think they know everything. How can you teach someone who thinks he knows everything? Anything? Everything you tell him?

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He say, No, I know already. And I'm sure we've come across those people. We try and teach them, they always have an answer back. You try and teach them, they always have this funny word called, but you know, that would be you T. You know, sometimes they try to be diplomatic. They go, Yeah, you're right. But, but you know, this is a dangerous word. People who want to learn, they rarely use the word, but always remember this, right? So this is the second group of people, and you must stay away from this group of people, even your friends circle, make sure you don't associate with people who think they know everything, they will take you a strike,

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then we have a third group of people. And this is a group of people who don't know. And they know that they don't know.

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They know that they don't know, these people are not as good as the first group. They're not. But they students, at least, they are open to learning because they know that they don't know. So they will listen to.

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And then we have a fourth group of people.

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And this group is a group that knows what they don't know that they know.

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They know what they don't know that they know, you know, you get some people, they lack confidence. They know things. But they keep on thinking like they don't know. Because they lack this confidence. They keep themselves at the back. You know, they say, I'm not gonna speak about it, something comes up in their mind. They don't have the confidence. They feel that they inferior, they don't know, they rather let someone else speak. Right. And this is a group that needs to fix itself. Because if you know something, you should develop the confidence to invite to it. Right. So again, this group is not ideal as the first but they're not as bad as the second. Right. So the point, my dear

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brothers and sisters is when you call to Allah, make sure you know, this Dean has no room for trial and error. This is not like, you know, cooking. One of the famous Malaysian dishes. What's the most famous Malaysian dishes?

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I can't pronounce that. So I just say okay.

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Right. You can you can have trial and error. You can tell me Look, Chef, these are the ingredients, you know,

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go try and cook it in the kitchen next to your room, the big one. say, Okay, let me go dry. I might do it. I might not do it. If I don't do it. It's not obscene Smash. I can start again. But with the deen of Allah. No, we don't do trial and error. We don't say look, let's just teach them anything. And if we're wrong, we'll come back to them. No, my dear brothers and sisters. Is this is dangerous. You know, you wouldn't like a doctor who does that to you imagine a medical doctor. He doesn't know he goes, let me just give diagnosis. I have a license, not on what he's asking. It doesn't matter. If it's wrong. We'll fix it up afterwards. What would you What would you do?

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You'd have the biggest court cases against this doctor, right or wrong? Yes. So imagine your dean, this is more important to you than a medical diagnosis. This is Jenna and Johanna. This is success and failure. This is your here after there is no room for anyone to trial and error.

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If I can put it in a sentence, there's no room for that. If you don't know, say I don't know. And that's why the scholars used to say saying I don't know is half of knowledge. To be able to say you don't know this is half of knowledge. Because you know, arrogance sometimes. It stops us saying we don't know we end up speaking when we don't know because it's you know you don't you don't want people to say this guy doesn't know.

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It's a test. And Chapin uses it against you. This knowledge can be a fitna. It can be a fitna, we know there is something known as the fitna of rim of knowledge. Remember in Soraka when Musa said, I'm the most knowledgeable on Earth, this fitna of knowledge What happened? Allah sent into somebody who knew things Moosa didn't know. We we know a fitna of wealth which is also in Surah, two calf the man with the two gardens, right. We know this fifth name religion, which is also in Surah, surah calf right

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Which story, the story of the people of the cave? We know that this fitna in power and authority in which story, the story of Luke or nine is a fitted is a test shavon can take this love that you have to gain knowledge and turn it on you. That's why saying I don't know is half of all knowledge. Eman Malik Rahim Allah, the great email from Medina. Eman, La Jolla. Right? It was titled this the Imam of the place of Islam, the home of the hegira.

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He was visited by people who traveled so far to meet him. And they had a list of questions to most of those questions. He said, I don't know.

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To most of them. This is the Forte of Medina, the Imam of Medina, to most of them he said, I don't know. He wasn't ready to answer there. And then and they said, You are the man Malik. We've come from so far away. And you say you don't know. Mr. Malik said go into the go into the marketplace of Medina and go tell the people that Mr. Malik in the masjid said he doesn't know. Go and tell them doesn't matter. It's not about ego. This is not about you know, you're standing in society. This is the deen of Allah subhanho wa Taala. If you don't know, don't speak, and even in your religion, take your input from people who studied who studied with scholars. And those scholars studied with

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scholars, and those scholars studied with scholars. don't study with people and make them your everything. People who say you know that she is my chef. But that chef is another car in another country. You never ever sat with him. You never ever sat with him. Where did you learn from YouTube? You heard his lectures. You see this today? Some people say, Oh, this is my chef. But it's the first time I meet him. So how is your chef? He's the first time you met him. So how did you learn? Now I've been watching his videos from YouTube. I've been getting recordings that have been coming through, I've been making the people their record and send me this is fine. But this is not an this

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is not a knowledge that you can put, you know, a 100% guarantee on top. Because sometimes your shareholder made a mistake, slip of the tongue, the recording has a slip of the tongue. If you are studying with the chef for years, this would have been established. Sometimes the chef is speaking about something in light of a circumstance.

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He's not giving a general rule. He's giving an exception to the rule. You're sitting far away listening to recordings with no way to even found the chef ask the chef and say this is my chef. No, this is not the way to seek established knowledge My dear brothers and sisters, and sadly today, in this age of, you know the celebrity fan culture. This is how we are we always run to the one who shouts the loudest, the one who has the greatest market presence, because this is how it is even in marketing whoever does marketing and branding and marshalling this message Mashallah, given the setting we have people who are in the corporate world, you know, this, people go to the product that

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they heard about before this truth. I'm also a victim of it, you go into a shop, you say this toothpaste they I haven't heard this name. It could be the best toothpaste out there. So I didn't hear the name. So let me go and get that toothpaste. I know its name. I don't know it's ingredients. But I know it's always on TV on the adverts. This is the human mind. And that is why, you know the billboards are it's a big business to advertise on billboards, because people will see it. Right. It's called brand clout or the creation of brand clouds. You do this. And people flock to that product. The same thing in the hour today don't flock. I'm not saying that the one who has, you

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know, the most presence doesn't know, he knows, but don't have this mentality, that the one who shouts loudest knows it all, because he doesn't and she doesn't.

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The criteria is looking at who's teaching you and who they took knowledge from. This was the way of the cell of the pious predecessors. Mr. Michel Devi Rahmatullah he, he has a whole section in his mind, about this point, that we are a people that take knowledge from the people have knowledge, who took knowledge from the people of knowledge, who took who took knowledge from the people of knowledge, because this Quran came to us verbally not in books. Yes, then the compilation happened. But if you're going to make your book, your teacher, you're going to have mistakes, you're going to have mistakes, because books have printing errors number one, and number two, if if the author has

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passed away hundreds of years ago, and you are reading it now, your language your understanding, your filter is not at the level of the author who wrote it. rather go and learn that author's book was teachers who learn from teachers who learn from teachers who learn from teachers who learned from the chair. This is this is this is better and more pure for your dean. And as some of the some of useless

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Then we take this,

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from this person who took from this person who took from this person who took either from even mushrooms in Iraq, or even Japanese, or even at best in Mecca, or even a demon fair bit in Medina.

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These are solid methodologies we take knowledge from from these who have this lineage, then you ensure that your knowledge is solid also my dear brothers and sisters, we must say, because we in the in the in the age of YouTube, and everyone's doing down from watching the video, we must say, My dear brothers and sisters an important point. And that point is a true student of knowledge. He sits at the feet of the scholars, that's where you find him. He spends years at the feet of the scholars, it's not about filling your brain. It's about making the knowledge intrinsic is not about eloquently being a you know, being able to to relate to your point. It's about the knowledge becoming part and

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parcel of you as well. It's about this as well, my dear brothers and sisters. Because when you sit at the feet of the scholars, you learn how to speak about this religion.

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You learn how to speak about it because this Deen and this area has an aura. It has a respect that the scholars understand and they transfer it from generation to generation. If you're going to be sitting at YouTube and not at the feet of this college, you might learn something, but you won't learn it in the most ideal way. Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters, if you learn something from a day, go and take what you've learned. We're not saying don't learn, learn Alhamdulillah there's a lot of hair. But don't consider it absolute until you go to someone who has sat with scholars and say Can you confirm this with me? It's your duty because this is the law of

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Allah subhanho wa Taala when you speak about Allah as law, you are signing on behalf of Allah

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who wants to meet Allah having signed the incorrect things on behalf of Allah?

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May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us I know I'm taking a bit of time on this, but it's needed my dear brothers and sisters, it's needed. it's needed. And by the way, by the way, you know, the more knowledgeable people are the people you don't know.

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The people you don't know, they have more knowledge than the people that you know.

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I'm not saying take it as a general rule, but consider it a rule. So if you put your salvation in learning your deen from a person that you know, you're only doing yourself a disservice in your seeking of knowledge.

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Please forgive the passion that you can you you you hear it from my voice, I am passionate about this, my dear brothers and sisters, I am passionate about it. There's things happening in the hour, that only Allah knows the pain that's in the hearts.

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How the hour has become today.

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Allah only knows the pains that there is in the hearts.

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And Allah knows the plight of those who are patient Sitting at the feet of scholars for years, learning the books from those who learned from people who learn from people who learn from people they established in their knowledge. They're not reading by themselves at home, and then deducing. No, no, my dear brothers and sisters, right? So I am passionate about it. Because I am passionate about the aura and respect and honor of the hour and the inheritance of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. I am passionate about that no one should take the inheritance of Rasulullah, sallAllahu, alayhi wasallam and culturalism it to a level where you lose some of its authenticity. And that's

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the balance. You're not saying we should teach the deen as it was taught 1400 years ago today in the same way, we're not saying that, am I doing that right now. Even the examples that I've shared with you, we've shared examples that, you know, that mattered to us today in the 21st century, we're not saying take this style, and implement it now. All of it now, because throughout the centuries, we see that you know, people adopted a methodology that was conducive to that time. Today Alhamdulillah we have video and so on and so forth. But they are he will soon and the crux of seeking knowledge that will remain throughout the centuries, irrespective of what happens. And one of these pillars

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and foundations is taking knowledge from the people of knowledge. Those who are grounded in the alumina Allah in the sciences of the Sherry app that help you understand the other sciences.

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It's important

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when we all have some kind of who Allah grant us the understanding if I've said anything wrong, then this is from me and she apart and ask Allah subhana wa Italys forgive us with everything correct upset is from Allah subhanho wa Taala and he's perfect. And this is a message from a sincere heart will lie I'm sincere about to you my dear brothers and sisters.

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Take this message to your children.

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Take this message to your students, your teens. Right.

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warn them about becoming a victim of the YouTube age of the celebrity fan culture.

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And especially the celebrity fan culture in the doubt, because we're law seeking is bad. And if you are going to the circles of knowledge, and your objective is not Allah,

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then we all should fear Allah subhanho wa Taala

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me Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us the understanding me. And as the lesson that we learned, my dear brothers and sisters, and this is from the contents of the pledge the contents of the pledge, right. We learned from this, that this pledge was not an economical pledge. It was not a political pledge. It was a religious pledge, everything in it had matters of religion. Right? Remember, we don't associate partners with Allah. We don't for Nikkei, we don't practices openly. We don't steal. Right. This is

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a religious pledge, the first pledge of Islam. Is it a political pledge now? Is it a mandatory pledge? No. Is it a religious pledge? Yes. obedience to Allah pledge. Yes. The second pledge of Islam, which is considered the greater pledge was a great pledge as well, which will, we'll study inshallah, in the upcoming episodes. The second pledge at Aqaba. This was a pledge of support. This was a pledge of defense. This was a treaty that they will defend the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Right. But this first pledge was what was it a pledge you're looking after bodies from harm? No, it was a pledge of looking after hearts from home, that allies in this heart and that you

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only worship one Allah, and that you don't do anything that can sabotage this relationship with Allah subhanho wa Taala. Right. So we learn from this, my dear brothers and sisters, and important point, that you know what? matters of belief. Don't belittle them. and protection of religion comes before protection of your bodies.

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Protection of religion comes before protection of your bodies. We know Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was known that if, if anything, he would have said, Make this pledge your pledge of defense, please, I am being persecuted by the Scottish Rite. It's been so many years, 10 years plus, I've been persecuted. The Muslims are being persecuted. Finally, I have a group of people who want to work with me, let's make this pledge a pledge of support. Not so if this body was more important than the heart, if this body was more important than the heart, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam would have said pledge of defense. pledge of support helped me if I'm attacked, I need your

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support. But now, despite that, and despite Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam knowing that he's going to remain with these people who are pressing him, he makes a pledge of religion that protects the heart that will send you to gender if you pass away.

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to heat and obedience to Allah Subhana Allah. So understand, my dear brothers and sisters, protection of religion comes before protection of life. learn this from this that Rasulullah chose, and he was under instruction from Allah that this first pledge be a pledge of religion. And this is according to the majority of the scholars of Sierra who say this, or the contents that I shared with you, in previous episodes, were exactly those contents of this pledge. Right? I told you there's a minority from the scholars of Sierra who say it had different

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contents and citations. But nonetheless, let's work on what we share. From the lessons, my dear brothers and sisters that we learn is strategy again, how many times have we discussed strategy in these latter parts of the life of Rasulullah? sallallahu alayhi wasallam in Makkah, right. But what do I mean by strategy here right now, making informed decisions

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and practicing great leadership Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had Abubakar

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but he sends with these 12 people who asked for a teacher who mostly are male, and some of the books of Sierra say he was 20 years old. As we said 20 years of age, a sense must

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remember we discussed this this is a this is a point to ponder over that what the presence of Abubakar, you sending mishap

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with the presence of other, you know, giants, are you sending a young boy, this was strategy and don't forget, Musab was going to do in Medina. What Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came to do in Makkah. We talking about the first ambassador of Islam. The first ambassador, if I told you guess, first ambassador of Islam, you probably see Abubakar rhodiola. And naturally,

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we say now, you probably have 10 guests in that you still get them wrong. We're talking about a 20 year old boy, the first ambassador of Islam send to take the Messenger of Allah Mohammed has just brought sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to Mecca and it hasn't even become established yet. He sends him to Medina with this message. This is strategy and great leadership.

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As we cited in earlier episodes, that the people of Medina were not bad ones, they were city dwellers. Right? They were they were known to have affluence. And we know that most of us grew up in a home of affluence. He was eloquent in speech and educated. You know, he was aware of the latest trends, maybe in dress, maybe in shoes, the latest co t as they say, you had all that his parents were were leveraging him with the latest stuff. So he wasn't going to go there and become unstable. He was stable, he was ready to go. And he would probably teach them a thing or two about fashion, if they brought fashion about, they probably say look, you know, but I know more.

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Right? So he was the right person to send. And sometimes it happens that you send and remember we said the seniors of the of the house and the hustlers were killed those of us that lasted 120 years. So there was there was a different generation presence. And you know, what happens sometimes that you get people who are 2530, and then a 22 year old comes, and he's smart, and he's got a realm and he teaches, and he's inspiring the 25 year olds and the 28 year olds and the 30, older 35 year olds to say, Wow, we wish we could be like this. And because of his wisdom and his maturity, they forget his age. Right? And as we said, the first Juma Allah gave it to who to Musab even or may not

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the first Imam of Juma was was was what the man being made in which house. Remember, I told you the name of the famous Javi. I cited one name from the six that came to accept Islam.

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And I said it yesterday without giving the name because I thought you'd go home and think about it, then you won't find the name

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robiola when he was young as well, and he was quote unquote, the handler of Mousavi Romero and Mr. Went to Medina, like I have a handler here, Brother Raja, calling my handler, you know, he pulls the strings and, and I go, you know, and if I need defense, that is my defense, I have a pledge with him, that you will defend me Raja, in the good times in the difficult times, and in the rich times in the blue at times. As long as I'm your guest in Nevada. So

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Aurora was the handler, and as everyone's Aurora was hosting,

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and this first Joomla happened in the house of Aurora, as I said, with 40 people present. So Pamela, so Islam was flourishing in Medina, more than it was flourishing in Makkah at the hands of who Mousavi romaine. So understand great leadership, my dear brothers and sisters. So Pamela, what an insightful decision. pero sobre la sala de la he I can just have a one hour two hour talk on this. Just taking this from the Sierra and talking about leadership.

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But we'll leave that for another time inshallah. From the lessons My dear brothers and sisters that we learn is our youth are not our tomorrow, but the hour today and tomorrow. Always remember this. Today, we have a bad habit we say in our young people they are tomorrow. When you do that two problems happen. Problem number one, you don't mature them the right way. Because you busy with the dunya and you think I have time I have time I have time they are our tomorrow. That's the first problem. The second problem, the youth, the teenagers, those who have entered their 20s and 30s. They start thinking that they have no role in society today is like they are locked up in an

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incubator, and there's a timer and that timer will count down and when the bell rings now, the container will open in the youth will come out and the elders will be gone.

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Right. This is another problem. Our youth are our today and they are our tomorrow. We as a community need to develop them. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam developed, he gave him at 20 years old the role of being the first ambassador of Islam, the Quran to Busan, Busan and put him into the House of Representatives dada dada. He was a young boy, they recognized his eloquence. They recognized his potential. They recognized his ability to mature they gave him an observer seat in their network. Look at that. We should do that as a Masjid now as well find those youth who have the potential let them sit the meetings of the machine with the elders so they see how it works. They

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learn wisdom, they mature better and quicker. And the decisions are nothing but Mussina. Insha Allah right. We should not put them in a time box My dear brothers and sisters, we shouldn't put them in a time box. They are our today and they are our tomorrow. Don't ever feel they are too little too late and too young to learn. And I discuss this in some detail in blast from the past season one, but we'll share this as a different audience. inshallah, I won't go into that much detail but just a little bit to to help to sort to create, you know, to provoke your thoughts.

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Process today, we don't teach our children things we always say they're too young to understand. They too young to understand they too young to understand. But what what are we good for telling them commands do this and don't do that. Sergeant Major generals of the army are very good at giving commands. Were very good. Telling them why very poor, explaining the reason very poor, maturing them very poor. Do as I say, not as I do.

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That's how it is the law of God, you have to listen to me.

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So don't question me just do it. No, my dear brothers and sisters, if you have this mentality with your children, you know what's going to happen? They are only going to become more curious about your instructions. And they will listen to you when you there because they are scared of you. That's all when you're not there. What's going to happen? They're gonna say Bismillah let's experiment. Let's experiment. Let's see what's in this command of our parents here. That's the nature of the human mind. I have a talk on YouTube. It's called parenting in practice. Please visit it parenting and practice. So as you drama, please visit my dear brothers and sisters and listen to it. May Allah

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bless you all. I mean, I wish I had time to to discuss it. But Alhamdulillah we have a resource on online, consolidate and appendix consider it homework to our series. So we learned from this the importance of maturing, maturing our youth as a community, don't be afraid to give them responsibility. And rather than let them make mistakes whilst you and I are alive,

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because we are well wishes to them, we can correct them. If we allow them to just sit around and take over things after we gone. They will make mistakes after we've passed away. When lessons here advisors are presence.

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Rather they make mistakes whilst we are alive. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave responsibility of he had in fact, to the Sahaba before he passed away, even though he was alive. He would let them practice he had in fact, even though they could go to him and ask him and Allah would reveal to him, but whilst he was alive, he would let them interpreting dreams he would allow them to interpret in front of him and make mistakes. Abubakar once interpreted a dream, and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

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You are right in some parts and you are wrong in some parts, but he gave them the chance to make those mistakes while he was alive.

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They they carry the responsibility they mature better, and they have confidence to continue my dear brothers and sisters, much can be said Subhanallah much can be said to Panama. What I'll do since we still have lesson 14 lesson 15 lesson 16 lesson 17 Allahu Akbar. how short was the first pledge of of Allah Kaaba in discussion? Right, inshallah Allah will grant his life and we'll come back tomorrow and we will take these remaining lessons with Neela because I don't want to rush through them.

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Because in the first place, I can't even be detailed with them. Right? But nonetheless, there's much to share that will definitely add value definitely will add value insha Allah to Allah inshallah, I will share with you other talks that I have online dedicated to some of the points that are mentioning which you can make no tough and listen to as an appendix as we've said, Now, before I end up my dear brothers and sisters, this is an odd night so 21st night of Ramadan Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the report says see clearly through father on the 29th and the 27th and the 25th. In other reports the last seven from the 23rd onwards, in other reports during the last 10

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nights in other reports during the odd nights, today's and odd night.

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Try your best to be the best.

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And if you make a little mistake, ask Allah to forgive you. This is a great night for forgiveness. Right and carry on. Don't let it spoil your entire night. It might have been that you have a slip of the tongue. Don't let it spoil your entire night. ask Allah for forgiveness and carry on searching for later to Qatar May Allah make us from among those that witness later to Qatar, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would tighten his belt in this month is no time for you to keep pulling up your trousers. There's no even time for that. Right? You have to keep it no distractions brothers and sisters, if you need to switch your Facebook switcher off. In the distance you have your mobile

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switcher off. You need to sleep in the morning sleep in the morning you need to take time off work if you can take time off work later to the Father is worth it later to the other hieromonk alpha is better than 1000 months. So search for it. It's only 10 days My dear brothers and sisters and remember we said how allies Karim. It is Allah who can reward us the reward of more than 1000 months for seeking Allah in just 10 nights. Not a bad deal. My dear brothers and sisters, may Allah bless us and inspire us and make us

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inspirational people and make our Salah, the best salah and our Quran the best Quran and I will do the best. And I will record the best deker and May Allah grant us Laila to Qatar. I mean, Europa al Amin. Until next time, my dear brothers and sisters, I love you for the sake of Allah Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh sallallahu wasallam wabarakatuh ala nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi

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