Sajid Ahmed Umar – Blast from the Past S01 – EP11

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary © The history and importance of Islam are discussed, including the implementation of Islam's principles and the use of "has been" in cultural expression. The speakers emphasize the importance of learning from people and professional experiences, being a good judge, and being aware of one's actions. The importance of being aware of one's actions and being aware of others' actions is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah who Allah Allah He was a big marine

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propitiously sadri recently Emery whannell aka melissani Yakubu Kohli.

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My dear brothers and sisters in Islam Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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All praises belong to Allah subhanho wa Taala

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and peace and blessings be upon the final messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam I bear witness that there is no one worthy of worship besides one Allah, and that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is his final messenger

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Subhana Allah today I had an incident whereby I woke up and my voice disappeared.

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I'm sure those who were with me

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last night, might have noticed in the prayer, what happened towards the end and it seems to have continued, but will you lie in heaven? It's come back slowly but surely.

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And ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to

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protect my voice and protect your voices and protect our health. In sha Allah insha Allah insha Allah

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brothers and sisters yesterday in our blast of the past series, which was Episode 10 and by the way, I welcome you all to Episode 11 is this episode 11? Yes, hamdulillah Episode 11 blast from the past Sierra in the 21st century yesterday. We learned many lessons will be learned.

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And today inshallah we want to continue and move to a different phase. The phases we've discussed in the previous episodes, were phases before Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam became a prophet yesterday we discussed the whole rebuilding of the Kava, right and that and that incident happened when he was 35 years old. Now we at the phase when Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is to receive what he is to receive what he and

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the scholars of Sierra, the historians and the scholars have, the sooner rather, they mentioned that when Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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coming up to that period, when he was becoming a prophet, he frequented this concept of solitude, and visiting the Cave of Hira and we've discussed this in many an episode and the importance of having a cave and that moment of peace in our lives. When we can reconnect to our natural disposition, we can start hearing the inner voice that is always calling out to us and calling us back to common sense, right? We said we all have this inner voice, but this inner voice is drowned out by the noise of social media, the noise of society and the media, and so on and so forth. So Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to leave the hustle and bustle of Makkah and idolatry

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and so on and so forth. And he would go, to reconnect to this inner voice that was calling him to common sense, reconnect with his natural disposition, trying to work out how to worship Allah subhanho wa Taala we've discussed this in previous episodes he he didn't know how and Allah guided him. Allah azza wa jal, the Cabal and Fahad right, you are not upon complete guidance, you are searching for complete guidance, you are not misguided but you didn't know how to worship a lot for her dad. And we revealed to you and taught you how Allah subhanho wa Taala wants to be worshipped. So he would go to the cave of Hira and try to worship Allah How did he worship Allah subhanho wa

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Taala many scholars give different citations. And we say that he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam worshipped Allah, upon that which Allah subhanho wa Taala opened for him. Some say he worshiped upon the way of Allah, his Salah, some say he worshiped upon the way of Ibrahim alayhis salam. And Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best.

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Some scholars actually say that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did perform Hajj before he became a prophet. And

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as aside that he was upon the way of Ibrahim alayhis salam was that on the day of arafah, he would stand on the plains of Africa, whilst the Quraysh would stand on the plains of Miss delavan. We know that the forage would tweak things based on their poor intellect, and they would put intellect in front of

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well, they never believed in Revelation but they gave the intellectual precedence right.

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They gave the intellect a

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precedence. So they said that look,

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alpha is a holy day.

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And the plains of our of outside of the harem, not inside of the harem, and we know this, you look at the harem boundary, our alpha is outside of the Arab boundary, right for those who visited Mecca, you know this. So they said, what makes more sense is for us to stand on wisdom. Because most deliever is within the Arab boundary, they tweaked worship.

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And it is reported that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would go and stand on alpha, where did he get this from?

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From the way of Abraham Allah, he said, This is what the scholars who say that he worshiped upon the way of Ibrahim Alayhi. Salam used as evidence right, but they have disputed whether he actually did perform Hajj before prophecy and Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah knows best.

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Brother, amen. If you want to serve me serve me anytime I think carry me by.

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coming up to Prophethood Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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he was

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practicing this concept of being secluded and pondering. Another phenomenon that was seen just before he became a prophet was that many people actually came searching for the upcoming prophet This was

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these were events that happen they would come into Mecca people from different civilizations searching for searching for this upcoming Prophet, which and we've said before when we discussed the behavior of the monk, and we discussed the bass Allah when he accompanied Rasulullah, sallAllahu, alayhi wasallam. Right. He accompanied him on some trade, he took testimony from some learned people, that this person is a prophet, because of specific events that okay, right. So

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we know that there were signs of the upcoming prophet and we also know that in the books of the previous people, who has knowledge about the prophet to come, and that's why we said they denied him, arrogantly because they denied him knowing that he was the Prophet it was taught to them in the Scriptures, it was taught to them by their previous prophets, right? So use that they had news of the upcoming prophet and where likely and how likely and so on and so forth. So people were coming through in search of him from the Jews from the Christians, even. We see reports in the Sierra, that fortune tellers even while

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searching for the upcoming prophet.

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Now, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he became a prophet, this is synonymous with some other major Islamic event.

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What is this event?

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The beginning of

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Revelation, the beginning of Revelation, he became a prophet with revelation, and he became a messenger. With revelation, there's a difference. There's a difference. Remember, we said, I'm not sure if I shared with you. There's a difference between a prophet and a messenger messenger is sent to people a prophet is appointed by Allah. Every messenger is a prophet and not every prophet is a messenger Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam became a prophet with ikura because he sent these people then now when was he sent his people? Yeah, you have a death fear.

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Right? So he became a messenger with the with the revelation Yeah, you are to death but he became a prophet with a camera and revelation comes to prophets. So when we discuss Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam becoming a prophet This is synonymous with another major Islamic event. And that is the beginning of Revelation.

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In Sahih, Al Bukhari and Sahih Muslim who knows Sahil Bukhari and Sahih Muslim

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that's a hail Buhari is a book of Heidi, the most authentic book after the Quran. And Sahih Muslim is another authentic Book of

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Revelations, these books are authentic, right? In these two books, we have a narration that teaches us about Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam becoming a profit and also Rasulullah sallallahu Allah and also the beginning of Revelation, these two things

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happen hand in hand.

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Even Zubair reports that I shall be Allahu Allah

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said, the beginning of the revelation that came to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and this is a rough translation for you. And barnacle avec will Allah grant us

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The honey agenda.

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I mean,

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I mean ravens blushing now

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and Raymond's father as well Mashallah, we are like grant him the tea of gentlemen. I mean,

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we have son on the left and five on the right wingers right.

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I'm giving you a rough translation because going through the Arabic would take a lot of time this is a long narration. She says about the Allahu I'm had the beginning of the revelation that came to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was at the beginning, good dreams, which came true.

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Good dreams, which came through this was the beginning of Revelation.

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This was before jabril came jabril came with a type of Revelation, which is the major component of Revelation. But Allah also reveals to us profits via dreams, like Abraham and his Salah.

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So she says that Allah subhanho wa Taala

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would give him dreams, good dreams, which would come true.

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This was the beginning for a period of six months. And she says he never saw a dream. But it came through like bright daylight. I mean, it was manifest that he saw it and this event has

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come to happen. So this is how it started. Then she says seclusion was made clear to him. And he used to go to the cave of hero and worship there. Which means that he went and devoted himself to worship for a number of nights before coming back to his family to collect more provisions, then he would go back again. And then he would go back to her data to collect more provisions and so on and so forth is what Salalah alayhi wa sallam would do, and this happened until the truth came to him until they came to him until jabril came to him with revelation from Allah subhanho wa Taala. He says, suddenly, when he was in the cave of Hira, the angel came and said it Cora re the Messenger of

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Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, I'm not a reader, Manoj Bukhari

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and obviously this is a scary situation. Imagine, right? You see something from the unseen, something strange, commanding you to read, and you're not a reader. He says,

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I'm not a reader. He's he said, that he took hold of me Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is saying, Allahu Allah is telling us that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is saying, he took hold of me and squeezed me until I could not bear it anymore. And then he released me and said, read, and I said the same answer.

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I cannot read. So he took hold of me and squeezed me a second time until I could not bear it anymore. And then he released me, and he said, read, and I said I have not read Miranda Bukhari he couldn't read. This is wisdom from Allah subhanho wa Taala. Because there's a lesson from this. No one can say, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam read what he preached to anywhere else. anywhere else. I cannot read not once, not twice, three times Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says he took hold of me and squeezed me a third time until I could not bear it anymore. Then he released me and said ikura bismil Rob beacon lady Holla Holla Holla inside Amina Allah ikura bucola Crump Allah

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de Anima bill column, unlevel in Santa mala Mia Allah. He said, read in the name of your Lord who has created all that exists. He has created man from a cloth and he said read and your Lord is the Most Generous, who has taught by the pen. He has taught man which man knew not this is a rough translation of the IRS will lie to the justice of the if we need to sit dedicated sitting just to take the lessons of from the Tafseer and explanation of the ayah but this is a rough translation. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says that

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or this hadith teaches us that after this event, he went back with his heart beating wildly until he came to her digerati Allahu Allah. And he said to a cover me cover me so he was obviously shivering, and they covered him till his fear went away. Then he said to Khadija Oh Khadija I fear for myself and he told us what happened to him. And Khadija, Ravi Allahu Allah said, as I discussed with you all when we are discussing how a wife makes a house, a home and an abode, she said

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To him words of comfort, and she said well La Isla UZ comme la vida. She says By Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala will not disgrace you will not disgrace you, we will never disgrace you not just not disgrace you never not now, and not in the future, you zeek is the present tense of the verb, the present tense of a verb in the Arabic language denotes continuity, there is continuity in the process. Right? So she's saying, allow will not disgrace you and never disgrace you What amazing words from an amazing woman. Ravi, Allahu Allah, may Allah guide us with her agenda. I mean, and with Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I mean, and then she went on to praise Rasulullah

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, she said,

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By Allah, Allah will never disgrace you, you uphold the ties of kinship. You speak truthfully, you help the poor and the destitute. You serve your guests generously, and assist those who are stricken by calamity. Take note, my dear brothers and sisters, these were qualities of success, qualities, qualities of prophets. And this was him before he became a prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you should have an intention that you move on to do these things. So that you walk in the footsteps of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Right. What does she notice from him? When she praised him? What did she praise? And when she praising him out of just buttering him up? No, this was fact. This

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was fact and we'll discuss this insha Allah if Allah subhanho wa Taala permits the concept of praising and when it is allowed. So she said, You uphold the ties of kinship or law here we can have a one hour discussion about this, a one hour discussion, right? the bonds of kinship, the bonds of kinship,

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perhaps do a search online on YouTube. I have a dedicated lecture

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on this topic, the bonds of kinship, I think it's called Sajid arrma for those writing, try doing that search I will also revise it inshallah and, and come back to you all tomorrow Bismillah heeta. Allah with the correct name if I've made a mistake, but if the name is similar to this maintaining the bonds of kinship

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Sajid Omar in Google, it shall light will come. This is what Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would do before prophecy. And this again teaches us or reinforces the lesson we discussed yesterday, which was the importance of creating relevance with the people create relevance with them, you have to mix with them, so that when you speak to them, they listen to you they don't, then they're not surprised. Where did you come from? Right, your person hiding somewhere. You don't mix with the people and then you want to teach us good words. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was a man of solitude. But he spent many years mixing in the coat and coat Hillel the good practices of his

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people, he would mix with them and be with them and participate with them. He wasn't hiding in his room or hiding in a home somewhere, right? participating with the people. So when he would speak to them, they would he would have had relevance already created. And upon that platform, he would speak to them and thus he was managed. He managed to avert bloodshed. With the story related to the Blackstone. When he spoke, they listened to him. Why? Because he already had relevance. He created relevance with them. Right? He could speak to them upon their platform. This reinforces and consolidates that lesson, you maintain the bonds of kinship, you maintain the ties of kinship and

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notice this word maintain, maintain is not fit for tech.

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I do if they do

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They visit me I visit them. They found me I found them. They give my kid my child 10 Australian dollars for it. I give them 10 Australian dollars right? tip for tat right

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now maintain is to go forward. Even when they're trying to cut it.

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Maintain means you upkeep. You have to service it. Even when they try to cut it you go forward. That's maintaining not tip for tat when they do i do you maintain it when they cut it, not the attitude of the brother who says

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so panela his daughter is getting married. The walima is happening the Sunday

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I didn't get an invite.

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Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. How many daughters does he have? He has one daughter, one daughter.

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I have three.

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I have three daughters, right? He's done it once you fix him? No, no, no, no, they make they do it. They don't invite you. You invite them three times, you do the opposite. You maintain Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would do that. Khadija is praising him love Your love, and

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she loves her husband for these qualities. Right. And this is one thing, brothers and sisters, when you want to grow love between husband and wife become people of good character. You know, the more good things you learn about your spouse, the more you love your spouse. And this is this is factual. This is factual.

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Right, this is factual. You get married. And then in the darkness of the night, you hear movement in the room you wake up to see her praying that you didn't know this about what happens. What happens even though you we can you turn the other way when to sleep, but what happened to you and actually, your love for our group? Not so?

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Yes, Swan, Allah, this is why married, could quality. And she when she lands, that my husband supports these widows, he gives charity, I don't even know. People are saying this, this person who gives this charity and it turns out to be my husband, what happens to the wife, love grows in her husband, this is how you grow love. People say how do I make my wife lovable?

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And how do I make my husband love me more? Yes, this door and so on and so forth. But one of the greatest ways is to grow your character. Not for him for the sake of Allah.

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substantial growth, grow your character, become a better person, love will naturally come through. This is the son of Allah. We, we we love people who do good, not so these people who we don't even know of, we don't even know of, but we just see them doing things and Subhanallah we feel love for them. We love them for the sake of Allah. We can't put a hand to it, but we just love them for the sake of Allah. Right? Because they have good character. She is citing the good character of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you maintain the ties of kinship. Number one, you speak truthfully, you never misplace your tongue. You help the poor and the destitute. Allahu Akbar,

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Allahu Akbar, you help the poor and the destitute? How in need? Are we brothers and sisters? How in need are we? How we need that we took the lesson the other day, about the importance of supporting projects, even if non Muslims do it. But their projects which they Cherie are considered sacred.

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Even though it's a non Muslim doing it, you go forward and help. That's the Islamic message. And then we said, What if a Muslim is doing it?

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What if it's a Muslim doing what the Sharia considers sacred, you should go there even faster, right? To help. You should go there even faster to help. And it shouldn't be that they need to beg you for money. They need to have a fundraiser, you should be going forward and saying what do you need help the poor? How are you helping the poor? What do you need? I'm here. This is the way of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And he would serve his guests generously and assist those who are stricken by calamity. selfless, he made your problem, his problem. This was his nature, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. It was not that this does not involve me and my family. So I'm not

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going to be interested. Now. You had a problem. It was his problem. sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So this is what she said. And then she plotted for Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a plan and said, We will go and find out about what happened from a relative of mine. Right? The son of her paternal uncle, she said, I know he's got some knowledge about these things of perhaps he can shed some light. So she took Rasulullah sallallahu, alayhi wasallam to Morocco, but no fun. That was his name. And he was a man who had become a Christian during the jelly. Yeah. And he used to write Arabic script. And he used to write from the gospel in Arabic as much as Allah willed, He should

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write, and he was an old man who became blind. And he just said, Oh, son of my uncle, listen to what your nephew say is meaning Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So what I've listened, and what I said, Oh, son of my brother, because these words, right? To get these words, you get the look at the ad of the manners. Remember, we said Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said I was sent to perfect the most noble of characters, which means the Quraysh these people are character. They were people of character as well. They have good character. Look at the speech. Oh, son of my brother. How close does that bring you?

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It brings you close. Oh son of my brother. What have you seen? So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam explained and Baraka said, this is the Nam moose. He meant by the moose gibreel

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he went by the moose gibreel the angel of river

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The angel that is sent to prophets. This is the nemos, who came down to Moosa with that Iowa young and could live until the time when your people will drive you out. He knew is telling Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Get ready, fasten your seat belts. There's turbulence ahead. What he's saying is, I wish I wish I was young and could be available to support you, because trouble or troubling times are coming to you. There's many lessons in this we'll come to it. The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Will they really drive me out? These are my people, I have relevance with them on the tribesmen. The The, the the bond of blood is powerful. It's powerful.

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Will they drive me out?

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He his his his concern is surprised.

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And worker said yes, never has they come and put this in your head in gold. Never has they come a man with that which you have brought meaning worship one Allah Allah, but he was persecuted. And if I should live to see that day I will support you strongly. But Allah will that a few days later Baraka passed away. So Pamela, look at the plan of Allah systematic worker is alive to the point to explain to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what he needs to know. And then Allah takes him away.

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Ally is in control of everything. Allah is in control of everything. subhanho wa Taala

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then revelation seized for a while, and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam became sad now obviously you become sad because you told that our son of my brother, what we saw was an angel from Allah. And this is Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam trying to make sense of what the Kurdish are doing, and trying to learn how to worship Allah. So all of a sudden he's just heard the best news he could ever hear that Subhana Allah, Allah subhanahu Adana, by creator by Lord is communicating with me. And then the revelation goes silent, so naturally become sad, what happened to it? I need it. Right, you become dependent on it? Because you love to worship Allah the way he

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wants to be worshipped. I need this. So Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam grieved Now, before we go into the lessons, and there's many lessons will love arguments today will suffice unless we sit till 10pm.

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Before we get to the lessons, when did Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam become a prophet? He became a prophet on Monday. And this is established because Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to say when is too fast Monday that this is the day I was born. And this is the day revelation came to me.

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Which month did he become a prophet in English? Rahim Allah mentions two views. A proverb, you will have a whirl around this period 41 years after the event of the elephants, and this is the view of the majority. This is the view of the majority. A second view says he became a prophet in Ramadan, and we discussed this previously we shed some light, some people said he became a property Ramadan, so he was born in Ramadan. Remember, when we discussed the birth of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. You don't remember it's online review that particular lesson.

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The view of the majority was it was in robiola. 141 years after the event of the elephant. Some actually cite the eighth of Robbie Allen Emmanuel Bay happy Rahmatullah had a great email.

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He has an interesting way of piecing this together. He says, Look, when revelation started,

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it was dreams, which lasted six months, and this was in the robiola one. And then revelation came and happened in Ramadan,

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which is six months after therapy. So revelation happened in r1. And revelation happened in Ramadan, this Imam will be happy has joined us together. And Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best somebody might say, but hold on a second Allah says in Angela who feel a little harder. We reviewed the Quran on the night of power she Aurora mavala de una de la valle Quran, the Quran was revealed in the month of Ramadan. So if the Quran was revealed then and he became a prophet then then shortly he became a prophet in the month of Ramadan. Correct. But then somebody might say, but also the Quran was revealed over a period of 23 years. So how was the Quran reviewed in Ramadan?

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To answer

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all these questions, understand brothers and sisters, what our scholars have said Rahmatullah here. They say the Quran was revealed in two stages. The first stage was it being revealed

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As a whole, and this was from the preserve tablet to Bay to reserve the house of honor, in the first half. This happened on the night of power, which happened in the month of Ramadan. And then from there, it was revealed piecemeal, meaning in stages, as per the wisdom of Allah over a period of 23 years, is that clear? Is that clear? That this is important that you understand this is good general knowledge, right? This is good general knowledge for you. So at least you understand when Allah subhanho wa Taala says in Salah who feel a little cutter, and shallow Ramadhan lady Angela feel for and the fact that the Quran came down in stages over 23 years and now you know, there was a dual

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pronged approach with regard to the Quran being revealed

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as a whole first, on the night of power in the month of Ramadan from Allah to the house of honor with the house of honor.

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The first habit

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is another house known as El Beit El Mahmud, which is the equivalent of the Kaaba in the seventh heaven, in the seventh heaven, right.

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So, these are two opinions and this is how they have been referred to La La put together now what lessons do we learn from this? Firstly, brothers and sisters, we learn the only important lesson that the title of this religion is a camera.

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The title of this religion is education. The title of this religion is knowledge. Because ikura refers to reading and reading is the way we acquire knowledge. In most cases, reading is the way we acquire knowledge. The scholars wrote books now we make TV programs, yes, but the scholars, the giants who walked this earth, they wrote books we learn through reading. This is the wisdom of Allah choosing a courage to be the first revelation to announce that this religion is built upon education and knowledge. And yesterday I told you all what our pious predecessors used to say. They used to say the right of Islam is to

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learn is to learn. It's the husk of Islam that you learn, would you say la ilaha illa Allah The next step is that you, Muhammad Rasulullah The next step is that you learn Islam How can right so this religion is built upon a flat platform of knowledge, not ignorance, not emotion, not that which contradicts common sense, upon knowledge and upon evidence. This is what we learn brothers and sisters, and to further bolster

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your understanding of what I've said, consider how

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Islam has made the tool of Islam which to the pen

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the pen is that not a to an instrument of education? Where is Allah subhana wa tada meet the to lead instrument of Islam the pen, Allah said allele Allah bill column,

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the one who taught by the pen, Allah says noon will call me warm is to Allah takes a person by the pens, by pet by by the pen and what they inscribe into and transcribe

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Allahu Akbar, the pen is the tool of Islam. And the pen is a tool of education, an instrument of education. And consider further My dear brothers and sisters here in front of me and those at home.

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The fact that Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions the

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mercy of him teaching us the Quran

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before the mercy of him creating you and I.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says our raw man

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this is one of the Beautiful Names of Allah.

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The Most Merciful, right or wrong man, the perpetually merciful.

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What does Allah say? And Nemelka Quran?

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Allah now starts throughout the whole of Surah Rahman. Allah mentions His mercies upon us. For those who didn't realize everything after our Rahman allies mentioned His mercies upon us. Everything, read Surah Rahman today

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glorify Allah subhanho wa Taala

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where is the first mercy Allah teaches us? unleavened Quran he taught you the Quran before holla can insert

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It's a medicine that Allah created us.

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But before the mercy of Allah creating us, Allah mentions the mercy of Allah teaching us the

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law of

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religion of knowledge, religion, based upon the concept of education, of reading, of writing. And then after Allah says Allah, Allah insha, Allah subhanho wa Taala

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further consolidates the point by saying, I never will buy another concept of education that Allah taught you speech,

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education, on one end, education on the other end, in the middle, the fact that Allah created us, so Han Allah

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Subhana Bharara, this is the first lesson we learned my dear brothers and sisters, when we look at Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam becoming a prophet. And at the same time, the beginning of Revelation, because jabril came. He didn't say, As salam o Alaikum.

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This is who I am. How are you feeling today? He came and said,

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The time for being serious has come.

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And it starts by being educated. Right? Yesterday, as I said, we discussed this point that the right of Islam is to learn. And for us, brothers and sisters, to understand how important learning is in Islam, if we're not convinced yet. Then let's look at what package Islam has placed for the one who loves Santa Monica de la.

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Let's look at the package that Islam has placed for the one who loves you and I in the dunya, we always look at the package, when we want to know how good something is, what do we do? We look at the package what's on offer? What's the job package here? Tell me what's the JD, the job description? Tell me? What do I get? Right? My doctor, the noble job, why you quit, they get paid. Look at the perks. You get the respect. You look at the package that comes with it. Right CEO of a company, you get the package that comes with it. And so we say it's noble to be a CEO. It's an honor. Why? Because look at the life of look at the package that comes with it. What package has

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Islam placed

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with regards to seeking knowledge?

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What has Islam placed as a package before that? Understand brothers and sisters? Our squad is Rahmatullah hearing him say that the first command was that you and I learn about Allah subhanho wa Taala This is another evidence which teaches us why seeking knowledge is from the prime core matters of this religion. Allah subhanho wa Taala said find them and the hula Allah Allah Allah for Allah for Allah is from the three letter roots. I love me, which denotes knowledge and know and learn and be educated about what La ilaha illa Allah that is no one was the official besides one Allah. This is the first command and it will ke Rahmatullah here and he has an amazing mentioned about this ayah

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This is a footnote for you. All right. He says Rahmatullah Haile, that Subhana Allah, this was the first command to learn about Allah. Because when the slave learned about Allah, He naturally worshipped Allah.

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Because you learned who

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I was. And that's why many of my brothers and sisters asked me how do we increase the horseshoe in our rabada? How do we worship Allah better? How do we improve the quality of our Salah? How do we improve our intention and our Eman? I say to you, my dear brothers and sisters, learn about Allah.

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Learn about Allah. Learn about Allah using his beautiful names and attributes go and learn about Allah. Like I told you earlier. You learn something new about your spouse, what happened to you and actually, you loved her more? Well, why the more you learn about Allah, you love Allah more. You're all in Allah subhanho wa Taala grows, the way you exalt Him grows, the way you praise Him naturally grows, learn about Allah subhanho wa Taala for lm and hula in a in the law.

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In terms of the package,

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consider the fact that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in terms of the merits, the package that comes to the person the gift, the prize for the one who seeks knowledge, when Salah caparica delta is up here in man, so Holla Holla Holla who believe

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that the one who treads a path, seeking Islamic knowledge, then Allah subhanho wa Taala will ease his path to gender,

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law. Whoever chose the path seeking not any knowledge Islamic knowledge sahal Allahu Allahu be hyperikon in agenda, Allah will make you

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path to gender easier. Allahu Akbar. right we're talking about the package right which makes us understand how noble seeking God it is. Look at the price.

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What are the prices do we have Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said about the Adam were in the

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latest offering the woman for some odd woman fill out. Well he turned the Joe Hillman, Allahu Akbar. He says, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that indeed the knowledgeable person. Everything seeks forgiveness for him. Allah makes everything seek forgiveness for him. Everything on the face of this earth, everything in the skies and even the fish in the oceans. They seek forgiveness for the scholar.

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But price would you put on that my dear brothers and sisters? What price price less? priceless? creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala that you don't know is seeking forgiveness on your behalf. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say? He said, Hi Rocco. McGann level Khurana Allah. The best of you are those who learn the Quran and teach it the best of you. We want to be the best of the best. The best of you is the one who learns, learns and educates themselves, learns the Quran and teaches it they further expand education. What else? Allah subhanho wa Taala says shahidullah Anna hula la wolmar eager to work for him. umbilicus

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Allah says Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala bears testimony, that there is no one with your worship besides one Allah and the angels and the people of knowledge

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are true to this testimony.

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And upright with regards to this fact that there is no one worthy of worship besides one of the angels and the people of knowledge. Allah mentions them in the same sentence. The angels you get mentioned with the angels. What else says Allah subhana wa Jalla said, teaching us about the importance of seeking knowledge eurofer la Latina Ivan one levena Oh, to learn better Raja, Allah subhanho wa Taala will raise those who have believed and those who are the people of knowledge by degrees, raise them.

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They in A League of Their Own?

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And how can they not be brothers and sisters? They have with them the inheritance of the best person to have walked the face of this earth. Imagine if you had with you the most priceless treasure that this world had? How special would you be? Would you be like everybody else? No, you're not. You're a degree above. Why? Because you have something everybody else wants but they don't have right? Imagine you have the inheritance of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam by the Sahaba, who they understood what seeking knowledge was a boy who

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walks into the markets of Medina and says What is wrong with you people? the inheritance of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam is being distributed and you are here.

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So everybody stopped what they did what they were doing, ran, were

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in mercy, the Navy, they run to the masjid, they walk in, and they see karate lessons. And they see Hadith lessons and so on and so forth, meaning lessons of the knowledge with Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam left behind, they said Where is it being distributed? He says, Can you not understand the circles of knowledge here? In the circles of knowledge, this is where the distribution of the wealth of the

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wasallam is?

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Is the prophets of Allah, the messengers of Allah Lem, you are read through Dina and voila, the Roman world.

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They never left behind golden silver coins. They left behind something more precious, they left behind knowledge,

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and knowledge will always be better than well think about it, think about it. Money, you have to protect, but knowledge protects you.

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Wealth when you spend it decreases unless you spend it for the sake of Allah. But knowledge when you spend it It increases. Have I not spent knowledge now telling you how has it increased? You will take it to to to hundreds of other people.

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knowledge will always be better than well, so they left us something even more substantial. Even our best not the Allahumma he says ah

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La la la la

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Aqua, even a bass. He says, growing my knowledge and increasing my knowledge and learning knowledge is more big during some of the nights is more beloved to me than spending it alive in salah and so on and so forth. Because right because the more you learn the better that Salah is going to become.

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This is the package brothers and sisters, for the one who lends knowledge. And I'm not saying learn

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for the sake of it, I'm saying the land for the love of it. Because you love what you learn not because of entertainment Alhamdulillah today, we live in an age where there's a revival. There's a revival, look at YouTube for Masha Allah in fact I hear that the youth thing the YouTube checks I said wow man there's a there's a list called the YouTube shifts

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right Mashallah The room is there everything is being recorded look at this is being recorded is being broadcast to the to the sisters is live streaming online, Masha Allah and inshallah it's being recorded. The recordings will be on YouTube, there will be DVDs and mp3 is right there the survival knowledge is available. The internet at Coronavirus, buried as the scholars say, it's made something which was so far away so close. Right, there's a revival. But But how many people are learning and that's why I'm fighting this point. Don't learn for the sake of it. Don't learn for the entertainment of it, learn for the love of it, learn learn for the sake of Muhammad sallallahu

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alayhi wasallam. This is important.

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Alhamdulillah there's a revival with the turn of the century. But sadly, there's another strange phenomenon that needs to be dealt with. And that is this concept of fans. Fans, the lecturer has fans,

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the coton that the chef

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or the student of knowledge, he has fans, people listen to him because of him, not because of what he says.

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This is not learning for the sake of this is not learning and you should learn for the sake of Allah. You shouldn't even my teachers used to tell me how to the home a lot. Don't even learn to increase your knowledge, learn for the sake of Allah. And the result of it will be that your knowledge will be increased. Allahu Akbar. I know what they were meaning they're not saying you should not learn for the sake of knowledge, but they're trying to make your intention even more pure for the sake of Allah.

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seeking knowledge is worship, to eat for Allah. The net result is knowledge will increase. It's like you have a business. What's the net result of having a business if you run it properly, you have money,

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you get a profit. It's a result of doing something. Right?

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Today, we learning for entertainment. It doesn't matter what the topic is. What matters is the name of the person coming to speak. This is dangerous brothers and sisters. This is dangerous. You see, Mashallah. Over there, the fear of food and clothing, you see that?

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Can you see that? The topic is bigger than the name of the shirt coming to teach it. That's good. And hamdulillah because your heart should be attached to the topic. That Subhanallah I have an opportunity to learn from the inheritance of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam learning what he taught us with regards to food and clothing, the etiquettes the morals and manners of of these concepts. I need to be there. I need to be there today. Subhan Allah, you see the ship's name being advertised bigger than the topic.

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In fact, if there was no topic, but just the chef's name, the venue will be full. You don't know he might come to sell a car to you.

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But that's fine. We came to see him why a you know, he's got a gift of the gab, you know, we get entertained, you know, the jokes. He can do stand up comedy.

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It's entertainment.

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We're not saying it's the blame of the chef's it's the it's the person we say the problem is how things are being perceived. inshallah dementia and the students of knowledge don't intend this. They don't intend this. They're just trying to keep things current and keep you engaged. But sometimes, things get lost in translation. People forget why they coming here will lie. You don't want to, you don't want to come and get sins and go back home. Thinking you got rewards because you left home for the sake of other than Allah subhanho wa Taala because of the hype, there's a high I need to be there. I love this guy. Subhana Allah you know, very soon who knows you might go to a talk and see

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people with lighters

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and candles. Allow them to stand.

00:49:56 --> 00:50:00

You know, we have a speaker comes in and then some of the features

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As it goes out of breath

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this is this is this is this is not intended will lie This is but this has an aura has a haber has an honor far greater than any human being, or law he understand this. And most pika is what he is, because of him. He is what he is because of what he says, You must remember this, you must remember this, it doesn't matter who you are this body. This personality is what you say, we came here because you learned what Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam left behind, we are fans of what you're going to say. We are not fans have you or your name or where you come from.

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We are fans of what you're going to say. We lose we go out of breath for the knowledge of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. We are so desperate to hear it. This is where I wish this is how it should be brothers and sisters. Understand this.

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We losing line of sight.

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You're gonna protect us we're law. He's a person who will stand in front of Allah Subhana who at the end of the day of tm. And Allah will say what did you do? Say I studied? I learned I learned the Quran for you.

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He kept you are lying. You did it for other reasons.

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And the reason you did it for you

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enjoyed them. There's nothing for you here today. May Allah protect us. We have law protects us the speaker first. So brothers and sisters understand this. You are followers of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Not somebody else on the internet. No.

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And that's why we're going to discuss this giving due diligence and respect to your local scholars as well. Doesn't matter if they don't have a name. To say today, we're so fixated on names By Allah, they are people who are unknown, who have more knowledge than the people you know. But because you're so fixated on the name, you've shut your door to a plethora of a plethora of

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a plethora of him.

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And you know what this is this is another thing we need to address upon our time has come to an end. And but this is part of it. Let's let's address it. Let's take it all out. Let's take it all out and get it out there. You know?

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You need to be people who can be Mr. boosted yourself. And today, why is it that Subhan Allah, there's so many talks, but so less people who have any man boost, they only boosted at the time of the talk. They go home, second day, third day back to square one.

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We need the chef to come back and when he comes back, they run to him.

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Like they are addicted to him Subhanallah why it's not sustainable. for organizations to keep paying Fs for people to come to Australia, the quote unquote, celebrities who you are fans of to come and tell you to be human boosted. Then you can do so then they fly back. It's a long travel Yeah.

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It's 14 hours, depending where you're flying from. Right? It's not sustainable. It's like you telling me you know what everyday come and charge my car battery. I'm gonna say that.

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What do you think? Right? We got to be charged up ourselves and you know what I've thought about this brothers and sisters. The way to be substantial is to learn today so Pamela we only run to the talks that have the HA HA HA moments and have general naseeha

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somebody says Melbourne Medina citta boo Eman from Sahil Buhari, she is coming to teach it how many people will be here? Now kw, man, that name is boring even the name Subhanallah now you put you you upload the joke you have to think what name now you'll see they'll tell you share what name Can you put put the name? This is what I spoke about. No, it's not exciting enough people don't watch this.

00:53:53 --> 00:53:59

This is what I get told. That's what I get told. They said What's the name of this topic? I said

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don't go to Fukushima. By the way I came up with the name

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blast from the past as well. hamdulillah

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I'm not saying it out of pride is a fact as the brothers

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right but the thing is I first initially said Fukushima they said no.

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It won't work. It won't work. Nobody will come to Sierra boring

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because people only want to be attached to hype

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and trends.

00:54:33 --> 00:55:00

This is it. You cannot be a man boosted yourself this way. You might if you want to be a man boosted learn solid knowledge. Learn solid knowledge. You know the talks that happened general talks in massage. This is not a one hour talk is naziha. Someone's giving advice. How many times do you want a person to tell you be a good husband be a good wife be good with your in laws, mother in law, don't fight with your daughter in law. How many times should we have these talks? Right? How many times should we

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Should you be taught how

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to solder I have shown you how many times and this is what we keep on coming back to listen to is the same message beaten out of a different box when we come back for it, why? Because this man came to say, this is wrong. Ask yourself, why am I not substantial? myself? Why am I not motivated myself, you know why you don't have the tools of being motivated, you have too much naseeha you didn't learn anything. You got to join between the two, you got to learn and you got to.

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You have to.

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If you learn the tools of motivation, you will be able to motivate yourself.

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Come to the tipsy lessons, even if it's called tafsir come to the heady lessons. They also important even if the chef is not known. I'm not saying you shouldn't find out who the chef is in terms of the background of his knowledge. No, but they should handle law. We must have such a big biography of the chef. What sports he likes, you know? Yeah, people relate to it. And I'm not saying it's wrong, we need to you know, we need to do what we need to do because we try to infiltrate the youth. But at the end of the day, this person has a certain Heba which we need to respect.

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It has a certain labor, how much can we pay it off it so it's appeases the masses how much right so my brothers and sisters you hear the hundreds of you take it 200 other people Please take it to them. That's panela guys, you know what?

00:56:27 --> 00:56:39

We had something that is food for thought is food for thought you know, I did remind that the other day this is what can we call it I should call it food for thought. The only food ones allowed to eat when you fasting because they were fasting.

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This is food for thought that you can eat now because it's nighttime.

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Food for Thought sometimes we enter a state of heedlessness, it's oblivion. oblivion. Right? Someone else could have come to this mystery to do this talk. I would expect you to be here. expect you to come and learn. He's a graduate from a place he's got him. He's been taught by knowledgeable people he's got

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I am in love with the inheritance of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I will go to wherever it comes from. That's what it is. You're not in love with Chef so and so. And student of knowledge so and so and propagated so and so I'm in love with the inheritance of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam that is what is my that's what drives me. That's what makes me leave my home. I love him so much. I want to know everything about him and I have an opportunity to learn about him. So let me go

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May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us the understanding. Now brothers and sisters

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to qualify before we close, I'm not saying everyone is now run to Medina. While this Melbourne Medina come you welcome. But I'm talking about Medina Islamic University of Medina. Right. Many a time we feel that you do something good for Islam. We need to go study Islam deeply. I'm not saying everyone needs to go there. The old man needs doctors, it needs lawyers it needs everybody needs it.

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Go do that. But what I'm saying is learn what you have to learn. Remember the other day I said knowledge is of two types, knowledge which is why it's compulsory upon every human being.

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Every human being to know not just the scanners. And then there's knowledge which is consented for of Kiva. Kiva is a communal obligation if the scholars learned it's enough.

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There's knowledge or the knowledge I'm speaking about is that which you have to know brothers and sisters, the other day we discussing touchwood Fingers crossed. This is something you should know you have to know. You have to know you sinful for not knowing and you sinful for not practicing. Where are you going to learn at the feet of the scholars and Alhamdulillah Allah has sent you scholars to your community. You don't have to go to Medina to learn this. You don't have to invest seven years, you can go become an engineer, but be a well grounded, founded sound engineer.

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Be the engineer who is the best we spoke about being the best, the one who the whole world wants to learn from and once the learning from him he has the desire from outside of his company, multi billion dollar corporation that has 1000s of people. He has the Amazon across the street from a Masjid which he built, Allahu Akbar. And then he goes there to be the Imam and lead the prayer and after that sheer reminder and inspire the oma can you not be that of course you can be that you supposed to invite to what you know.

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And you can be an engineer as well. And a doctor as well. The oma needs this Dhamma needs doctors who are the best engineers who are the best policymakers who are the best. Norma needs this, right? You don't have to become chefs and movies and people who pass fatwa.

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But what you have to do in your own

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To be the best professional is learn everything that Sherry I made compulsory upon you to learn you as an individual understand this

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and that is where I was at first I let the cream come to me later and I would ask the people of knowledge if you don't know because you have the people of knowledge who know what you don't need to know.

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And if you need to know you can ask them

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that's what it means. But you as a Muslim need to know what you have to know. Five times Salah how to perform Salah what breaks my soul a trade Omar

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would would test people before they went to to into the market, test them fiscal finance one on one, right? test them. Let's see, what's the ruling here? What's the ruling there you don't know not passed you can't go trade.

01:00:48 --> 01:01:27

Why? You You go to trade, you have to know you have to know matters pertaining to trade. It's compulsory for you to know that you can't say it's the scholars job and you just gonna wing it. Right as we say today just wing it. You can't wing it. This is the this is Jen and Johanna Miyazaki. This is your Islam, my dear brother and sister. Right. And from this discussion, learn how important our scholars are. Because as I said, there's certain knowledge which is sort of Keifa that which is a communal obligation, which means if someone from our community went to learn, the obligation is lifted. So when you see someone studying Islam, you should kiss their feet. I'm not saying

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literally, but I'm saying understand who they are. They have lifted a burden off your shoulders, had they not gone, you would be sinful. Everyone would be sinful. But because they went the Forum has been lifted.

01:01:41 --> 01:01:53

They've lifted a mighty load off the community. Have we ever thought about this? No. That's how we disrespect our scholars. We don't know what they've done for us. Well, why? The moment the student is at the airport, he's going to study Islam.

01:01:54 --> 01:02:02

You should thank him from the bottom of your heart. He has done something that has lifted a great obligation off your shoulder

01:02:04 --> 01:02:09

and when he comes back support him or her she's a female student of knowledge.

01:02:13 --> 01:02:31

Alhamdulillah he led the Jana v Khalifa karate Minar recently back I mean earlier and he had the owner Mangala in Al Huda oil spirulina men whom Allah Allah Allah, you Fiona Viki tabula his alma mater, Oliva sirona, vino De La Hoya for coming in, he believes in

01:02:32 --> 01:02:36

will come in born in Colorado, from a

01:02:38 --> 01:02:40

woman October. Naturally,

01:02:41 --> 01:02:50

a wise man said praises belong to Allah subhanho wa Taala, who inspired the presence of scorners during every portion of time.

01:02:53 --> 01:03:04

After every prophet left Allah left behind scholars after them he had their own umbrella lol Buddha, they invite the misguided people towards guidance. What else we ruined I mean, who am I

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and they are patient upon the harm that the people give them.

01:03:11 --> 01:03:17

away communities they they, they give you trouble when you try and invite them towards good liquid water control Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

01:03:19 --> 01:03:50

they're going to have it in for you they're going to drive you out. Yes Bureau and I mean whom analyzer. The patient the scanners are patient with the people give them the fact that they haven't realized that we have helped them. The scanners have helped them. The students of knowledge have helped them they've lifted an obligation of them. So the patient with the hum. You hear when advocator Bella eternal motor, they give life spiritual life with the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala. To those who are spiritually dead, are you pursuing happiness

01:03:51 --> 01:03:55

and they give spiritual eyesight to those who are spiritually blind.

01:03:57 --> 01:04:07

For coming in, in the police in Canada, how many people as has a police cause to become spiritually dead? have their made spiritually alive and revived

01:04:08 --> 01:04:13

will come in barley and potato and how many misguided people has Allah guided upon the hands of the scholars?

01:04:15 --> 01:04:42

He says, How amazing has the benefit of the scholar been upon the people and how evil has the harm of the people been upon the scholar? I end with this point today My dear brothers and sisters, we have much to discuss tomorrow. So we had a lovely ride and the first point the first benefit, Allahu Akbar, when I told you the life of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is nothing but substantial. You know, I was hoping to finish with you the Mk unpeated Allah knows best if I will. I might need three trips to Australia.

01:04:45 --> 01:04:55

Everything correct said is from Allah subhanho wa Taala is perfect and all praise has belonged to Allah for blessing my voice and making it last. I pray that he does so so that we can play the piano as well together.

01:04:57 --> 01:04:59

any mistakes are for myself in SharePoint and I see Come on

01:05:00 --> 01:05:06

subhanho wa Taala forgiveness. May Allah increase our knowledge with ALLAH forgive our mistakes.

01:05:07 --> 01:05:33

We allow me because people have to hidden sincerity. I mean, may Allah grant us later through Qatar and accept our Ramadan and gather us in January in the same way he has gathered us here today. I mean, Heather Allahu Allah sallallahu wasallam Oh Baraka and Amina Mohammed. II mean to Pamela who will be having the use of Hannah Kala Homer will be having the connection to Allah, Allah Allah and that's the federal governor to buoy Lake wa salam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Blast from the Past, Seerah in the 21st Century, Season 1, Episode 11- Practical lessons from ‘Revelation Descends’ Part 1.

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