Sajid Ahmed Umar – Blast from the Past S01 – EP10

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary ©
The "from the stars" series is a series of educational videos covering the importance of sharia principles and the sharia's ability to prevent harm. The series emphasizes the need for relevance when mixing with the community and the importance of good character in marriage, particularly for men. The sharia's principles are crucial to avoiding harm and creating relevance in educational experiences. The series concludes with a call for action for action.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa

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salatu salam ala halterman de bien Amina Latina, Muhammad Ali Abdullah, who Allah Allah he was. He was la Mata Sleeman kathira lamb de la mala and Molina llama and lantana in the current Allah Allah mahaki Allah ma Allah million Pharaoh now one foreigner Bhima and lamb Tana, was it an Irishman? Karim rubbish roughly Saudi Arabia sadly, Emery was a militia and E. coli.

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But yeah, brothers and sisters in Islam Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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Welcome to a nice round figure, Episode 10 of our series, a blast from the past the Sierra in the 21st century. So Pamela,

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it feels like we began yesterday.

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Look how time flies.

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Time flying brothers and sisters is from the signs of km.

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Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught us that from the signs of karma is the coming together of time, yet the power of wisdom and you still have 24 hours in a day. But blessings are removed from these hours. Such that 24 hours feels like just 12 hours and 10 days feels like five days. It is like this, you know,

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our grandparents would start the day

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with 10 things to do. And by zohore they would have finished those 10 things. You and I today, we start the day

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with 10 things to do the day finishes and we've only done five

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if Allah has mercy upon us, so hon Allah This is from the signs of fair and if the month of Ramadan doesn't make us realize this then what will because this is a month we waited for for the entire year. It finished and we were you know

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that last minute of last Ramadan Can you remember? Last minute of last Ramadan? I'm sure you can even remember where you were the last minute of last Ramadan. It meant so much to you.

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It's also emotion of Ramadan is leaving.

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It meant so much to you. Right? You felt sad?

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Oh, it was mixed emotions. eats the next day. They have rejoice of rejoicing and being happy. And then we have the end of Ramadan. Can you remember that minute, but Allah Most of us can. Because there's such a strong emotion attached to the last minute of last name Yvonne. We can't forget. And already we are about to reach the last minute of this Ramadan Allahu Akbar. And by Allah it just feels like six months or less. Does it feel like one year ago, you felt what you felt?

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Does it feel like you celebrated the last read after Ramadan an entire year ago? Doesn't feel like that. It does not feel like that it feels like yesterday. It feels like yesterday Subhan Allah

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Subhana Allah. And that is why it a little further means so much more to us brothers and sisters. It means so much more. Because, yes, this is an honor that lives between 60 and 70. Yes, but the nations before the generations before us, not the nations the generations before us.

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They had a punch to the day that you and I don't have the event that they managed to do.

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They had a greater chance than ours. Because of the Baraka being slowly removed from time. As I spoke about I gave you the example of our grandparents. Today's Pamela you just plan to the US car of the morning you have cut off the evening let's say today's Friday you will read surah to calf and you will attend Juma and how does the day finish

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and you think so paralyzed will have to read surah through calf.

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So Hannah last cut off the evening. But now I have to resort to calf and then I have to do alpha Jim, the dryer before sunset, the last hour on the day of Joomla the dryer which goes unanswered. Did you not feel that today that panic is your time is moving online. It's moving so late it will cut that means even more to us. We need to witness it. We need this night which is better than 1000 months. We need it for law here. We need it. We need it brothers and sisters. May Allah make us witness a little hotter. I mean, I mean, brothers and sisters.

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We had an introduction, the one shared and it was worth it because tonight is the first night of the last 10 nights of the month of Roma.

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And it is an odd night as well. We know that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught us to search for the night of power during the last 10 nights, and during the odd nights of the last 10 nights, and during the 27th night, and only 10 nights, Chennai and if you are diligent for one night and that is the night, Allahu Allah gives you a reward no one is asking you.

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What is the effort of one night in front of a reward of ETS? Does it mean anything? Is that a lot of effort?

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So multiplied by 10 the effort of 10 nights and I have the chance to earn rewards better than at three years and four months.

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Is that any effort? No 10 nights

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10 minutes of effort and the reward is better than 1000 months. What's 10 minutes?

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What is 10 minutes? How long does it take you to build the house? How much effort? How much stress? How much? How many? How many? How much resources I used? How many days do you think of things which matter to you the journey and how hard they are to come by? And then think of 1000 nights? Only 10 nights of event?

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It's nothing, right? So let's keep our heads in the right place brothers and sisters. And as I said yesterday, let's bring it this is the time to to bring it.

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Brothers and sisters yesterday in our episode we discussed the marriage of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to Khadija. And there were many lessons. And I only shared with you a drop in the ocean.

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I know you've heard me say this a lot of times and this is true.

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Today inshallah we will discuss the rebuilding of the rebuilding of the caca and this incident

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happened before I

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became a prophet. So we still in that period before Prophet, but we get getting very close. Why? Because it

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was 35 years old. When this incident happened, the rebuilding of the Canada had to take place. The carbohydrate brothers and sisters, Judy j, as taught to us by our scholars was made up of stones stacked above each other with

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our clay to glue the rocks to each other. This is what I was calling teachers, there was no gluing agent between the rocks that was stacked above each other to make up the carpet. So you can only imagine that what mighty rocks these words, right? Because Don't forget Mecca was in Mecca was in a vacuum. But we'll come to that. But at that time also had a cloth hung over it and and the caravan in terms of shaky at the time of the story that I'm speaking about was in the shape of a D you know a D, you have a square and then a semicircle in front right the capital D the English language brought the capital D in the English language. This was the the shape this was the makeup of the

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car. Right so think of the cube now and then you got the hedgerow, right, the semicircle in front. That was the complete cover. Right the cube with the semicircle wasn't as it is now with half a wall he touched on the camera.

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was now

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as I said, and the camera did not have a wall around

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the world.

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Around the Canada came at the time of poverty

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is reported to have widened.

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Meaning what you and I called them up off, there was no wall. So if water came down from the mountains, it would go all the way to the car back and stop at the car. The Wall came at the time of Homer. Why? Because

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that every home has a courtyard and people were keeping their homes to making their homes too close to the car.

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So he bought out those homes. He bought out those homes and demolished it. This is what he did. This was a leader.

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So there was no walls around the cabin. The water would come from the mountains because of it surrounded by mountains that we've been to Macau in the mountains around the world to me.

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These regions, it's stormy, it's violent, right? So you can flash floods as well. Why? Because the ground is

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is hot like, literally, literally right? I've spent many years in real. You see when they want to dig the ground. It's not like in greener countries where you can just take a spade and dig you can't. It's rock hard underneath is absolutely dry. There's no moisture whatsoever. When winter falls from the sky, all you get is runoff. You don't get seepage, you only get runoff. And obviously at that time there was no drainage. So the water would come and hit the cover. So when

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he was out, there was 35, a storm happened, a flood happened. And the water on the cover was so severe at that time that it was the foundation of the Kava to become weakened.

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The Kaaba was on the verge of collapse.

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It needed to be reconstructed.

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Before we go to the reconstruction, a little bit about the clock This is just general knowledge for you. The cloth that was on the camera

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was on the Kaaba as a practice before Islam as it was a practice after Islam samsa Same goes back to Adam Salah but I haven't come across anything, any solid evidence to say this very bad incident.

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And Allah subhana wa tada was best.

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at the time of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam before he became a prophet, the Kaaba was also covered up, was he covered in black, as we see today? No, no, it was covered in a plethora of different kinds of sometimes why sometimes green, sometimes yellow. And

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the scholars say and this I learned from

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his writings, they say the black color came to the car.

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At the time of NASA.

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He introduced this black car he passed away as 622 after so very late after the possible loss of Aloha. He introduced the black cloth, and after this black hole BlackRock was introduced

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as the color change really was the color changing. Now, the cargo we see today. This is carrying our proprietary idea in terms of how the cargo was done. The capital D the cargo we see today is not the Kaaba was constructed by Ibrahim alayhis salam, and he's married and he said What is

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he when

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he was married

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to Samuel

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that tells us the first Jews in Surah Baqarah he tells us about the Brahim and he said

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that he said

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when they

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have a loss of kind of words and do the house have a lot to kind of attack.

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This is an amazing especially for you and I now in these last 10 days this is a footnote

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we see a specific instruction

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to specific people Ibrahim and inshallah

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and the place is Pacific as well. The Kaaba cannot be erected anywhere else besides this place, a specific instruction to specific people related to a specific place. No one else could have done this. No one else could have done this it was it was possible for anybody else to do. But when these two prophets of Allah finished building the Kaaba, what do they say

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accepts this from us.

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As if there were other people that could do it.

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Like Shara we read salah and many reads what is kamati accept from us.

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Except for migrants and not from us. This was specific and a specific instruction to specific people involved in a specific place. No one else could have done this no one else was in the running this was

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specifically Brahim.

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But they say

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our up except from us. Brothers and sisters. Our pious predecessors used to teach us and taught us in fact

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that the right off the bat is to learn

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and the right of learning is to practice and the right and half of practicing is to

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become more humble.

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You want me to repeat it?

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Yes is the right

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is to let

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the right of the Shahada La ilaha illAllah. Muhammad Rasul Allah it's, it's right is that

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he has a whole chapter, an entire chapter in his. He's named it bear with me.

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The chapter of knowledge before speech and the rise of Islam is to learn, you cannot before

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and when you learn the right of the knowledge which you've learned is to practice it and act.

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And when you act and Allah has blessed us what is worship, the right of that is for you to become more humble. And we learned this from kibra him at a salon.

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They didn't become boastful we did it.

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We special award shows us specific instruction to specific people, specific place, high five, come on, right, you're not

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allowed to give each other high fives and shallow and you have to

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work. But what you understand what I'm saying they didn't come.

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They didn't feel we are better than the next person. It wasn't the case that someone had the beer. So he felt better than the person who didn't have a beer, or a sister with a hijab. So she felt better than the sister who did it. Or a brother attends the masjid for Salah. So he felt he's better than the person who doesn't, and so on and so forth. Or a person worships Allah and they feel they've reached a level of spirituality. They've reached a level of spirituality, and they begin to relax, they become pleased with themselves.

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Know the rite of worship is that you become more humble

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when they tend to arrive to the acceptance Subhanallah we don't know. We don't know if our deeds are accepted.

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Another job that substantiates what I'm saying

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as relevant is the headings of Ayesha

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when she asked Rasulullah sallallahu

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if I witness the night of power, what should I do? What should I say? What did he

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Allah in the car?

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Allah Allah in NACA, indeed, you

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You are the face of CES, not only do you forgive them, you wipe them out completely so that no trace is behind.

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To help you laugh, what you love to efface our sins, to remove them in a way that is no trace, no angel

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can prove. That's how you forgive us. That's how you love to forgive us.

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So you face myself, this is what he taught us a lot longer. I didn't even think about it. Think about it.

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spent so much faster.

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She spends the night reviving the rights as per the instruction of Rasulullah sallallahu. It was the best of generations, taking guidance from the best methods of work the face of the earth, being charitable, being diligent with

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remembering Allah worship after worship, worship after worship, worship.

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And those are the bustle. Do it yourself, tells her that if you see the night asked a lot, bah bah, bah, bah doesn't just teach us that the right of activities to be more humble. Surely.

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There's a statement and I think it's attributed to a powerful state. He says in the law.

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Allah has hidden to things into things. Allah has written your knowledge of his acceptance of the Bible

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is hidden from him.

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Allah has hidden it from us,

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as hidden our knowledge of him being happy after you worship from us, Allah is hidden from us.

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And Allah has hidden the knowledge of his own the earth from amongst you.

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What an amazing statement

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and I think it is a statement of ideas.

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An amazing statement.

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Because we're lucky if you ponder over it, it teaches us to be humble after a bad day. And it teaches us to continue intending Allah subhanho wa Taala. Never ever to relax. Think about Allah has given your knowledge of his happiness after you worship. He's

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so you don't know. So what do you do? Do you relax? No, you carry on worship? You cannot stryver you say?

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You say Oh,

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yeah, even when I attend to you, I'm so weak in my attention. I'm so weak in my application. I'm so weak in my effort, by mistakes. And remember, it's not specific instruction, it's instruction. So Ibrahim said, that we have a right to say Yeah.

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And you face our sins, forgive the weaknesses of our worship, strengthen our worship, and reward us and, indeed, you

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need our worship.

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Your Majesty's Your Majesty, whether we worship you or we don't allow forgiving us is nothing for you forgive us.

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This is what worship and

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if your worship and revival of the sinner and looking after the instructions of Allah Subhana, who causes you to feel you are better than somebody out

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Be careful,

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be careful, you are not giving your worship.

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That's dangerous.

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True OSHA. Gross.

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Because you know, you know, we have broken a law, but we know that we don't know if a law is accepted.

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So he says this, so we continue striving and looking after the rights of Allah. And he says, And Allah has kept the knowledge of us only amongst us. So you don't know who

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is from the old law? What does this do to us?

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What does this do to us?

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It causes us to be good to everyone.

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It causes us to strive to look after the rights of everybody.

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Because his divine wisdom has kept

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his own only a hidden from amongst us.

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So we'd be good to everybody. In the hope that one day insha Allah, we would have helped one person who is from God of law, and the remains the hands of us. And that will be the opening of the studio and

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right, wrong foot, not necessarily

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keeping the settings given the instruction, we're talking about.

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Let's come back to the

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the copper that we see now is not the copper that was constructed by it's not the same,

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not the same, it is the same tablet that was constructed by Ibrahim

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alayhi mushara because

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rebooting and renovation several times due to natural disasters and also due to manmade disasters,

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So, it was such a

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cause the cover to have

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a need to be renovated.

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And if we look at history, so now obviously our lesson is not about the history of the car.

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But just for your information. Look at the renovations that happened to the carpet perhaps the last renovation and Allah knows best was the renovation that happened in 1986 during our time, right, who was born after 1996 anybody? Masha Allah Ha.

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Guys, if

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you forgot you don't know it could be 94 maybe 9090 9696 Mashallah, some people are so young, they're not even sure when they were born

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1996 right. And this renovation inshallah will last a few centuries and Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best Why? Because the latest technology at the time and materials was used in renovating the carpet.

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The renovation that took place in 1996, the latest technology and materials was used to renovate the car back. During the time stones were replaced. And the foundation was made me as strong as the foundation can be, and a brand new roof was installed to the camera, a brand new roof was also installed to the cabinet.

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Now windows

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was 35 years old, but the tablet became the place as we head to our previous cities were in charge of the affairs of the camera, so they had to do something about but to do something about it, they had to demolish it. And every time they thought about demolishing it, they remember 35 years ago

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I demolished an army of elephants, so how can we?

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What are we going to do? Catch 22? Have you heard that phrase in the English language? Catch 22? We don't know what to do.

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Right? If we leave it, it's a problem if we do it.

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What do we do?

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And why it's there. we're debating

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and contemplating,

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believe it

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or not known, prominent person.

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He came and said, What do you want to do? He said, we need to break the Kaaba. He says, Are you breaking into damage and harm it or to better it and fix it to do good to him? He said, Of course we need to do good to it. So he said,

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he picked up his tools. And he started.

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What we'll do, we'll wait. We'll see till tomorrow, if something happens to him, we won't continue. If nothing happens, we'll join you. Because while we also want to credit to our tribes, right that we were part of the rebuilding of the capital, we can't leave him. So they woke up the next day they saw a man He's fine. He continued. So they joined him. And they take the copper down to the foundation of Ibrahim alayhi salam.

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Now what happened was they split the work between them. So each tribe could have the honor. And each tribe worked on a portion of the cabin. Now when

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he said, this is the way forward, we will only use what you and I quote quote unquote,

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meaning we will only use pure, interesting, meaning we don't want money from interest. Usually, we don't want money from Cambodia. We don't want money from alcohol, and so on and so forth. Only pure Money, money through trade, through trade, that is only money which we want.

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or money through inheritance, anybody which is considered fuel, that is the only money. So they gather the money and they move the car back. Now, what happened was before

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the cover was complete, the money ran out.

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The money ran out.

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This is the story why the 77 cut in front of the queue is detached and justice left as a raised one, they didn't have money. So what we will do is we will complete it in the way you see now the Kaaba was

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at two doors. In fact, it's an MGM exit. Now it only has one right and

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left the camera as it was. And he told it

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if your people were not you Muslims, I would have returned the carpet.

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Right? Allow the man to say

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to them.

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Right, right. But a man is more sacred right now keeping him as Muslims, we touch this guy, but now they will renounce Islam, and we will be back in warfare. So Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam left after

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somebody came constructed it to the original way, my memory serves me right and then it was constructed back to the way we find it now. And then when another leader of the Muslims came in, he consulted and said, should we change it back to its original way? In my mind? He said no, he did as it is. Because what we don't want now is for every new leader to come in and play with the car, turn it this way and turn it that way that one would support one another. He didn't say that. Let me use that. And then another one say no.

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One, according to according to the way of Abraham and use that same as medical refuse that the cover is as we see it.

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Or is with the one two as we see today. Now, he has really worked together building the car, but this process broke them together.

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and that was the point when they had the issue with us now, obviously is one, we have to put it in its place, which we try to have the the operational or are responsible for electricity for the affairs of the car, but which drive we should have the honor of putting the stone in its place.

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So a big argument broke out.

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When I say ugly,

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right, it got ugly. And it lasted a few days, and almost became a worn out between the tribes.

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It almost became a war between the tribes until Allah inspired the oldest as they said his name was

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this fabulous movie right here we have Oh my Yeah.

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He says,

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I have a solution. Let's try the solution. Listen, hear me out. Let's see if you agree. So what's your solution? He said, Look, let's wait for the first person to walk through this door.

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And the first person that walks through this door, we will ask you to solve this problem.

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This is a noble task using the camera Why should we do it? So they agree.

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And lo and behold, the first person to walk through the door was a man

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to become a prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, 35 years of he he walks in when they saw him, they rejoice.

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just was the one we would not have anyone

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to judge him.

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he took the hijab, we put it in the middle, and he told each type to grab a piece of an edge of the cuff. And they did. And he said now raised to its place, and they raised it together and he took it himself and he put it in

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and they were all happy with Allah.

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Allah opens that Allah opens the heart.

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So this is what happened.

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And this is the incidents pertaining to

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the reconstruction of the cabin. What lessons do we learn from this? It's you always have to have this part in our story time, the lesson, the benefits. Firstly, brothers and sisters, a lesson he says

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is that the new pure sources of wealth from impure sources not so

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of course, they knew it. Because when he said we will only use pure sources what the Kappa which means they knew, they knew.

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They knew what was wrong. They knew this, right? They knew the first lesson so that we can

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the news is so well. So well how evil this money was from gambling money from usually money from alcohol, that even when they ran out of money, they said rather

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than using that money to compete, completed, look at look at look at this, look at the event, How sick is the Cowboys, you can understand why it

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right. It was so sacred to them, that rather leave it as it is incomplete, then,

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to use improper money to finish to Panama. This is an amazing lesson president sisters, you know, today we have

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said we will not use

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the camera. Now brothers and sisters, this was the way of people of disbelief. This was the way of people of disbelief they couldn't not attach

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to something sacred.

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What about you and I today who are people of belief and we have a sacred thing known as a man?

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How many of us are attached in just two hours?

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This is a lesson inshallah we learn from them. But this is something which exists in communities and a great lesson that we need to touch on here. I'm just trying to bring it closer to us. Look, we know who the people are.

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These ignorant people we say that

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rather than leave the car by unfinished then use the money this is a to sacred put this money to rather leave it unfinished.

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polluted with this, you and I have

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this is immensely sacred radio brothers and sisters. But how many times do we find the people to lose the sacredness with

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with usually and reback with the phenomenon of practice, and even practice, which has a mighty punishment, taught to us by Allah subhanho wa Taala in his book a last

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if you don't leave, leave, if you don't leave interest, then understand that a war has been declared war between you and Allah Subhana.

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Allah who can win in a war against Hamas?

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If they were ignorant, what is the state of a person? Who does this today? People have?

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This was before Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam came

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five years before look at look at the people of jahai Yeah, so what would you say about a process who does this off of Amazon aka who it was? came to?

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La who brothers and sisters Reba is nothing but even nothing you say? justified Even if you say I live in a capitalist rebel society, this will not make any this will not add any value or any goodness to everybody. And I'm amazed. I'm amazed at how Chopin has deceived some people are shaped by deceives that they say I'm not taking revamping Riba?

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Allahu Akbar. Right, right. about taking a look at

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this what we hear from some people, right, right. This is a deception.

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Some people say why is it bad? There's no oppression. Ripa was always forbidden because of oppression. I have access by this a friend of mine who needs money. He wants the money. He's not gonna feel oppressed. If I give him if I lend him based on interest. I win, and he wins, win win.

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This is how some people shape fantasy, some people, brothers and sisters, let me tell you something. Let me tell you something. The Sharia is far more wiser.

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And the Sharia looks after the benefit of the majority than the minority.

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The Sharia know that yes, maybe if two people only practice Riba they won't be hard. But if it becomes a community practice, they will be home. So the sharing of any benefit you can bring to justify any benefit. any benefit, you know, Economic Studies, economics here, anybody?

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economics Have you heard of the fallacy of composition?

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No. the fallacy of composition. Economists talk about this. Right? the fallacy of composition. the fallacy of composition, refers to this stingy attitude where you only look at you and you benefiting only you don't look at the harms that come about as long as you benefit. I'll give you an example. They use the story to to make us understand the fallacy of composition. They say one day there was a shortage of Luke. So the king erected a mighty steel jug in the middle of the city, and told everyone, when you milk your goats today, you have to deposit just one glass of milk. In this big mighty jack, just one cup. You have a jug, only one cup deposited, if everybody deposits we have a

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full jug. And then the king can use it to feed the poor people and so on and so forth. Right? So one bright Spark.

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He says, I'll go at night when it's dark. And I'll have with me a cup of water.

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Who's gonna know cup of water, nobody's gonna see it's dark. There are no street lights then. And I'll drop a cup of water inside this jug. And our benefit in the jug would benefit out of my jug of milk and this jug level will increase right to dilute with the milk and there'll be increased Win Win, win win situation. I benefit he benefits with the oppression by what happened. The next day they opened the lid and what did they find? a jug of water.

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They found a jug of water.

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Everybody thought like this bright Spark. They were all bright sparks everyone was depositing and nine cups of water. You see when everybody does a practice what happens is they have more benefits. How it cuts the door closes the door doesn't leave it open tht had the Sherry I knows that if the community as a whole practice Reba, you can only have hub so it blocks out any benefit you can dream of

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It says your benefit is obsolete. It is hard, like alcohol. Allah tells us in the Quran is benefit for it. But the sin is far greater than the benefit. The sin is far greater than the benefit that Allah said first enable him to stay away from it so that you can be successful. The Sherry I knows that Reba society is a society that will create debt far faster than wealth creation. Think about it. Think about it. Debt creation, in a reverse society is far greater than wealth creation. This is common sense. And the rebar society will cause wealth to shift to one segment of society. It won't have wealth distributed amongst everybody. Why? Because Allah has distributed the wealth based on

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divine wisdom.

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Some people have more wealth than others. Some people have no wealth. So people will need to borrow. If the people who have Allah has given the rich man a chance to worship Allah by lending, right?

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Allah has given the rich man the chance to worship Allah by lending. And Allah subhanho wa Taala gave the poor person less money so he can go and create an opportunity for the rich man to worship Allah when he asked for a loan.

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If this person asks for a loan,

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and the loan comes with an interest clause, what happens? When you want to start a business today? How long does it take for your business just to break even just to break even forget about profit making to make your business breakeven, you probably need 10 months, six months depending on the nature of the business maybe one year and then when you go into a profit, it's a slow profit 1% 1.5% half a percent quarter of a percent not so you don't know you don't have businesses yet you shall know when you do you know, right.

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Now, before you break even and strike a profit, your debt meter has been climbing. Why? Because for Reba for free for interest to happen, you only need the second hand on the clock to tick that's all you need. But to make money you need time, not seconds time and effort.

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To dig gold out of the ground needs time and effort. You need to play or you need to go deep you need to extract them you need to you need to run it through a process before it can be value before it can be gold or value. That takes time. But if you borrowed money from the bank, it'll probably take you a few months to get gold out of the ground, you borrowed $100 by the time you got the gold out you owe them 150 or 200.

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You see what's happened. Debt creation surpasses wealth creation, debt creation, wealth creation, debt creation, wealth creation. So what happens, what happens there's not enough wealth in society, there's not enough money to meet this debt. That's why you have a crash, a financial that will cut what do they do? They have to write off the debts is common sense, the Sherry announced this. So the Sherry says if you lend intend Allah only no benefit in the dunya meaning physical but you will get rewards from Allah and Allah will give you Baraka sustenance, inshallah, and increase your wealth for you. But if you give, you can only take the principle, you cannot take more, allow that person

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to have the profits that he gained, and, and become independent in society. The Sharia also knows this is how the Sharia builds that economic, sustainable society, because the Sharia knows that if more people in society are trading, trading, this is going to grow the economy, wealth creation is going to increase in society, because more people are practicing real trade and some highlights amazing. Even today, they will tell you, you have the financial market and the real market. So halala what's the real market? Surely the real market is more appealing to us. They say the real market is where you trade properly. The financial market is the fake market, you know, where money

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grows, and there's really nothing it's all interest, right? And society today causes wealth to be stuck in the financial sector because everyone in the real sector is a slave of the bank. Because they've borrowed the house, they borrowed money for the house, they borrowed money for the car, they borrowed money for their business. So these people, whatever profit they're making, gets sucked back into one end of society. Allah doesn't want this a lot doesn't want one segment of society to be able to create wealth. It's not healthy for the economy. And that is why we have the institution of Zakah is a car is a car is not just an obligation. It's an economical system. If you understood this

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brothers and sisters, because you have to have to have to take two and a half percent because otherwise, two and a half percent and give it to the poor person so they can start trading as well. Money issue

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Share them in stock only with the rich. And when they trade, they contribute to the economy, even though it's a small way, but this contribution and you contribute as well, when there's a car is given the months after the car should see the economy grow.

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This is the car. It's a financial system many of us think is just an obligation. No, it's we playing our part as well towards the development of the economy. This is a must. This is how robust the sharing is when it looks at matters and makes matters permissible. And makes matters.

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If only we knew, I wish this was an economics lesson. Well, I can talk to you.

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Because this matter of rebar is a serious one. Right? And that's why with zakka the Sharia teaches us to distribute our soccer locally fast. From the outset, you distribute locally, you don't send it out. Because distributing locally helps you grow your own economy and helps make people who has the car take us to the car pay us tomorrow. Sustainable Economies Sustainable Economies law cover I need to keep quiet now and move on with the lesson for today.

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There's two principles in the Sharia. They're almost set a mocha demo and agile bill musk and Allah Allah mukaiyama, Allah Musleh Hatton, Haas, these are principles in the Sharia, that the prevention of harm takes precedence over the attainment of a benefit. You can say it's a win win if we do it between us. But the prevention of a harm takes precedence over any benefit you can attain. The Sharia will block out that benefit and ensure the harm is prevented. Also, the benefit of the majority takes precedence over the benefit of the minority. You can say it's my money. He's my friend. He won't feel oppressed. He won't feel harmed. He wants the money he wants to pay Riba it's

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a win win. We say the benefit of the majority takes precedence over the benefit of the minority.

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Doesn't matter what you consider to be a win win. Right? What matters is what benefits everybody These are two principles in the Sharia. Allah Callahan and Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best maybe the brothers can cut the segment and upload it as a financial segment

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for people to listen to because well I want you know when I did this here and I see when he did the movie, right what the police are doing and I look at some of our brothers and sisters now. It's hard to comprehend. People of Islam people of Eman people that live in communities where the Islamic revival is on we have lectures such as these the massage the hotbars in English now we understand them. The internet is full of information when you lie in hand. The Quran has come to us in the English language as well.

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And still we can't comprehend.

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And here we have people who are known as the people of ignorance and jania before Islam they saying that is sacred don't pollute it with this bandwidth

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and will lie My dear brothers and sisters we get Riba and we pollute our children and our wives and our families because we buy them food with that money we pay for the school fees with that money.

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What Baraka Do you want to happen in your life? Why? Young half Allahu Riba Allah will annihilate Riba will remove every piece of goodness blessings from it, make it debased. There is no goodness that will come to it. When you see problems in your home brothers and sisters.

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Stop and think and what driver Am I in Riba? At the moment if I asked the Lord to forgive me from it

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ask Allah to forgive you for me Now, I'm not saying that you should default on your on your on your on your loans now, you know, to say right bank comes not paying you anymore. I become a practicing Muslim today. I've asked Allah for forgiveness. And you know that data to Carlos I'm not paying it back. It's against my I'm not saying that. You know, now you have to pay it because you entered it.

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But seek forgiveness from Allah don't touch another loan again, that's an interest law. inshallah, inshallah, by now, we also learn from this brothers and sisters, the wisdom of Rasulullah, sallAllahu, Alayhi, wasallam. And this wisdom is not strange, because we know he was being nurtured from before he was born. Remember, we spoke about the experiences he had drafted a mind and understanding that nobody else had. Some of us might say, what wisdom was it? He just told them? Put a cloth and put the stone in the middle? Anyone could have thought about this? No, not anyone. You don't know who the courage was. As I said they had swords drawn. Brothers and sisters, you and I

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would swords drawn, nevermind thinking about a cloth. We will be thinking about our exit only right. That's what we'll be thinking about. Right. So we learn from this amazing wisdom of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was so drawn. He thought he thought of a plan. Right? He thought of a plan and this plan worked. Indeed, his decision. His statement, his advice was not just any advice. It was historical advice, historical advice, and indeed it was. We are talking about it today.

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We are talking about it today. So Allah subhanho wa Taala and for those who ponder was making him ready to receive Prophethood because five years later he did, and part of Prophet did was to unite the Arabs was to unite the Ummah, and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had a mini moment to unite them, did he not unite them at the moment, when they were about to fall into warfare, he united them. So there was a mini moment for him of his abilities, of the abilities that he had and that he was ready and ripe to receive the prophethood.

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We also learn from this My dear brothers and sisters, and this is important and this is for those who who think deep, who think deep. We learn from this.

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How important it is, for Islamic scholar for a day for a propagator for a Muslim, for a teacher,

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for a parent,

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to mix with the community.

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Where do we learn this from somebody might say, hold on a second Wait, where's this lesson coming from? It's coming from the fact that they

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knew that we're sort of lost that Allah Allah He was Sallam was trustworthy. Where did they know this from? From him hiding away in a cave from them?

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no, he used to mix with them in that it was hella and he was who he was, his character oozed out of him. Whoever he met immediately, they they took they understood that you know what, there's something about this person. But the point to note is, he wasn't in a cave. Some people say No, you know what, we need to stay away from the community. There's this evil, there's that evil, we just lock ourselves up and be isolated. How this is not from the way of Dawa? How are you going to allow people to hear the good you're going to say, firstly, secondly, if you're just going to come out of your cave one day and tell people this is wrong. They're gonna say, Who are you?

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Where did you come from?

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Which cave did you come from? And they would have been Right, right. You have to have relevance with the people. Creation of relevance happens when you mix with the people. Yes, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was not part of the alcohol parties was not part of the evil practices, and so on and so forth. But they had good practices, like the healthful football, we discussed the other day, he went to install Allahu alayhi wa sallam, he was taken to it. So the Hillel things that they did quote unquote, Allah, meaning that which was not bad. Rasulullah sallallahu. We learned from this that he must have gone, because they would not have held him in such a high regard if he were

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someone not known to them. sallallahu alayhi wasallam is clear brothers and sisters. We must take this point. And even for parents mix with your children. You have to have relevance with them. If you just did work, work, work when they come to you, Baba, I'm busy. I'm in a meeting. I have a phone call this, you How will you have relevance with them? Tomorrow, you will want to teach them something you expect them to listen to you. They're gonna say Who are you? Where were you all this time? I've already have advisors, the neighbor has been advising me.

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I thought that that's my advisor.

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And you see this when kids become of age, teenagers, and they start having a form of independence and they start realizing life. Right? They'll tell you well, where were you? Where were you when I used to come to us to say as I tell them, my father's my deal fathers were Allahu Allahu Allah, your words emotional support your children far greater than any business deal. You can be on one line. If you only knew it was better for you to tell the person on the front. Hold on, give me one minute, even if he was the president of whichever country.

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And so yes, my dear son, what is it? You know, when you when when you on the phone, and your son comes to you? Bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, Daddy, dad, say yes. And you say, I'm on the phone. You know, if you gave him a chance, and you know, and you say, what did you want to tell him? He says there's a bunch of lies. Yeah.

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Butterflies around.

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This is wrong.

00:54:00 --> 00:54:39

If only you, you, you you went back in time, and you could use excuse me, just hold on one second here one second. Here's my dear son. What is it? There's a butterfly. Where's the butterfly? there? Wow. How many colors does it have? How many legs does it have? Look at does it have wings? How many wings does it have? Okay, carry on looking at it. My DSM could be two minutes I'll be with you shortly. And what effect will that have to attract? You turn that, that the emotion that he had into an educational experience? He will never forget that lesson. You made him learn about colors that butterflies have colors that they have so many legs then just just take a few seconds. Voila, here

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we are. We always act in haste. That's our problem. never forgive us. We will not forgive us. Right. So brothers and sisters. We learn from this how to mix with the people mix with our children. Make sure you create relevance with them. Make sure you keep them within your sphere of influence. We talk about spheres of influence. spheres of influence are kept when you will

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With the people, I tell my brothers and sisters in the data, you know, the dad was becoming very strategic Alhamdulillah very orchestrated, very structured. I tell my brothers and sisters, even if you are that the army the head, make sure what the last volunteer in your team, you have a meal with him, have a meal with the last volunteer, it's good for team morale. It's good for the creation of relevance. So tomorrow when you need to speak, come and advise, it's taken in an amicable way, is not taken with the wall of resistance. Is this clear? Some of us want to be well, no, this is my position you got to do I shouldn't be doing and so on and so forth. And then you expect them to

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listen to you tomorrow when you advise them. This is wrong with our children, in the DA as teachers in school, sit with your children. Listen to them, lower yourself to the level share some child's stories create relevance. The issue here we learn from Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the way to effect quantum leaps in society is to make sure you created relevance, relevance between you and the people. You've brought them without them knowing into your sphere of influence, get the courage, no, they were within the sphere of influence of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam? No. But they learned that they that they were members of Hannah, who Allah grant us the understanding.

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We also have my dear brothers and sisters, and this is the last thing I'll say, the importance of good character, the importance of good character. What did they say about Rasulullah? sallallahu alayhi wasallam. He showed his tall, he's handsome, no know. The trustworthy person could character they were happy to take from him. And voila, he brothers and sisters, I've gone through the Quran. And I've gone through the Sierra, the best people who walk the face of this earth people took from them because they had good character look and use of it. He said, when he went into the prison, two inmates were put with him into the prison. And they saw this dream. Now they need help. Who should

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we ask? We don't know anybody here. They look around and Subhanallah they come to us. out of everyone in the prison. They said let's go ask this guy. Why? Because he had good character. How do we know? When they told that when they told him about their dream and asked for help? What did they say in Iraq? I mean, was he he see you from the people who do good together in such a short period of time. They immediately said this guy does good. He must be a person who can help us. Allahu Akbar, good character brothers and sisters as karuma yaku visa and ilardi do malkia chuckwalla he was

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the heaviest thing that will be on our scales of good deeds on the day of the AMA is the taqwa God consciousness and good character, good character. We need to improve our characters yesterday, when we spoke about marriage issues. We spoke about having good character in the marriage as well. On law, what will make us understand the importance of good character the importance of smiling, you know, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in a Howdy.

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I'm trying to remember the source. But the Hadith is authentic. And Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best. He said sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that one of the people that the Hellfire has been made forbidden. Over is a person

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who is Hainan leggy in a person who is gentle and soft. A person who

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brings happiness into people when he meets them

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all the time, and not only with a select group of people now the head is general with the children, with his spouse, with his employees, with his employers, with his parents.

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With his community, when they see him, they feel happy. He brings happiness to them. He brings brings glad tidings to them. He smiles and is how he is willing to give a helping hand.

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good character brothers and sisters. He speaks a good word. He doesn't have any vulgarities. There's no vulgar speech that comes out from he's not vulgar in his actions. He has patience. When someone speaks, he listens. And he pays attention. He might not agree with what they're saying. But he will listen attentively as if he agrees to what they say. He makes the speaker feel special, make the speaker feel special. And when he speaks also, he remembers that the person I'm speaking to is more important than the point I'm trying to make sometimes panela the point we're trying to make is so important to us. We forget about the person and we end the conversation Have you hurt their

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feelings. So you will never understand there's something wrong with you know, if they remember, the person is more important and the point I want to make good character when they speak. They speak what they mean and they mean what they speak good character.

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They live.

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They teach us how to die in the living and when they die. They teach us how to live in their dying. So Pamela, when they live, sorry when they live, they teach us how to die. And when they die, they teach us how to live Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. amazing people. This is the Muslim My dear brother and sister. This is the follow of Muhammad Ali Abdullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we Allah subhanho wa Taala. grant us the understanding, brothers and sisters, may Allah make this worship part of our worship, for the night of or for this particular night, this 21st night we have good hope in Allah subhanho wa Taala. Allah is with us as we perceive him. We perceive Allah subhanho wa

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Taala to have accepted this from us as worship Allah will. And we perceive Allah subhanho wa Taala to be merciful, Allah will be merciful upon us. And we perceive Allah subhanho wa Taala to be to be the most forgiving over us and He will forgive us. Let's have good hope in Allah. Let's have good hoping Allah. And

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whenever the evil of yourself tells you in the next few days, that you know what I'm tired, you know what I can't, I want you to remember

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the hadith of gibreel

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when he said and made that curse be upon the one who witnesses the month of Ramadan, and

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he's not forgiven. And Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, me remember this and let this be a motivator. That I will not finish Ramadan, except that Allah accept that I'm from the freed slaves from the Hellfire except that Allah has forgiven me and accept that Allah subhanho wa Taala as accepted as well. You take the means brothers and sisters, you take the means and you have good hope in Allah. Okay? I love you And for the sake of Allah, everything correct said is from Allah subhanho wa Taala and he's perfect and any mistakes are for myself on Shabbat and I see colossal Anahata Allah is forgiveness inshallah. Tomorrow we will discuss Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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becoming a prophet insha Allah, Allah Allahu Allah sallallahu wasallam or Baraka, Allah, Amina Mohammed, he was such a big marine Subhana Allah He will become the use of hair and icon lahoma will become the Ganesha to Allah, Allah Allah and that's the Furukawa to be Lake wa salam o Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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radiculopathy from Chicago

Blast from the Past, Seerah in the 21st Century, Season 1 – Episode 10. Practical Lessons from The Rebuilding of the Ka’bah

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