Saad Tasleem – Why don’t you dress like a Muslim?

Saad Tasleem
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the confusion surrounding the idea of "ug awards" and the importance of dressing up as a Muslim. They stress the need for respect and admiration for those who do it, as well as the importance of understanding the meaning of "imitation" in Islam. They also discuss guidelines for social media, including the use of specific clothing and not being exposed to trolls. The speakers express their disapproval of certain clothing practices and encourage people to wear their own clothing.
AI: Transcript ©
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Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome. I'm your host, Bao Han and I have here with us Santa slean Welcome back to Houston. Zack luchador. Good to be here. This is one comment that you did get to see. Yeah. And and I found it interesting and I wanted us to discuss it. So I'm just gonna go right ahead into it. Let's talk about I can't wait. Okay, so this comment is on YouTube. For the video, what is Islamic fashion? And it is by Khalid bin Walid, the heart of annuity D. Well, for me, it's about 1500 years late, but maybe you know, maybe maybe somebody invented a time machine went back in time he'd learned English and came back from maybe it's Khalid and his dad's name is Willie,

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if that's possible to like, share what

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his name is Khalid and there you go. dad's name Is it him? Did he leave this comment?

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If he did, so the comment goes as such. He says, The interesting thing about your style side is no one would be able to identify you as a Muslim at a glance. You could easily be some trendy skater kid or whatever. I mean, you're kind of a trendy skater. Okay, hold on. That's my first issue with this comment. Okay, you don't like trendy skater kid. No. Like that's not my style. Like I don't dress like a skate like there's aspects of me that are flat shoes that skater Yeah, but these are the aspects of the way I dress that is, I guess has some skater ish ish stuff. But to just classify me as a skater, okay.

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Or whatever. What's, what's in your heartland manifest in your limbs, words and outward appearance. Men should be proud to show they are Muslim. Not be obsessed with fitting in. Yep. Why don't you teach us something worthwhile?

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You really are wasting everyone's time with this rubbish. So obviously, just just by that word, we know that the person ain't American. Rubbish. I mean, you know, seems like it seems that way. All men need to know is cover the older look presentable and not imitate the kuffar. Oh yes and grow their beard more than a fistful length. Like, you're out, bro. I'm sorry. I'm pretty sure I'm out. So Oh man, okay, and oh, yes, grow their beard a fistful length. We aren't trying to be models on the catwalk

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it's sad to see a graduate from Medina, wasting his time when he could be teaching for more useful things and actually benefiting people. All right.

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There's so many layers to that comment. Like, we could do we could do like a shark. You know, like an explanation. Yeah, you can break down like I did, for example, word for word and like sentence by sentence. We could literally just do that with this comment. So I found this comment to be entertaining, but then it turns out the actually

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you actually love this comment? Yeah, it's one of my favorite like, it's a beautiful comments is great. This is a great comments. Okay. So give me your thoughts on this. I happen to hear so i'll tell you why. It's a great comment. Okay. Because this comment it almost like fully encompasses misconception after misconception, misunderstanding after misunderstanding. You can literally like sentence by sentence, break it down. And you know, and get benefit out of it. Ironically, the idea of being identified as a Muslim, what is the most interesting thing about your style side is no one would be able to identify you as a Muslim. Like, what would you have to wear to be identified as a

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Muslim? Do you need to have a shirt that says Islam? That is That doesn't mean necessarily that you're Muslim? Possibly. I mean, maybe or you could dress up like a Jedi a Jedi Knight? Yeah. Okay. Well, it depends. Do you want to be Sith or you're revealing your nerd card?

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Or you can dress up like the Elven kings of Britain. Yeah, let's say now you lost me. You went too far. What the Lord of the Rings is to have two foreign keys.

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Or you can dress up like the professors of Hogwarts. And that's like, which crops to farm. Like there's Lord of the Rings. Even far less you've crossed the boundary and then come on. Oh, you are in tune with exactly what I'm saying. Harry Potter Potter. No, I said Hogwarts. Is that Harry Potter? Well, he happened to go there. Yeah, same same universe. Okay, or you can get a tattoo of Allah and you just Yeah, right. No, but you're talking about Islamic dress, right? Yeah, exactly. Okay, so yeah, so my question would be, and just to get this person and whoever else may feel this way. Yeah, get them to think is, well, what would you have to wear to? You know, look Muslim. Okay.

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And what do you how do you think somebody like that? I mean, we don't obviously don't know this person, but we can. If I'm worried Yeah. What do you think if I were to ask him Yeah, right. That okay. So what would what what would I have to wear right, in order to be identified as a Muslim? Maybe so like, depending right, so. So now my follow up question would be who is to say that that is the definite Muslim dress because the prophet of Islam were short, over I forgot, commercial work.

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You know, sometimes you wear a job and that's completely false. Okay, right he did. He definitely didn't wear a thought. Okay, right. His normal clothing was actually you know what people wear for hygiene are the

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two sheets of cloth one at the bottom of the tub. Yeah, I mean look here. So the bottom part your body is covered. And then you have a sheet on top right? And then other times you know the person I'm with where and he's off, you know, the bottom sheet and then he'll have a shirt on top. Okay, actually, what what are Bugatti brothers and sisters what they wear, they'll probably probably be, you know, closer to the sun of the of the prices of them.

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When the person did something, how do you know if it's just something he did? Okay. Or if it's something that is part of legislation, it's something that we should do. So the typical questions that we discuss is okay, covering the head for men. Okay, right. We don't have a narration of where he uncovered his head and public key tactical Tirpitz for covering your head, right. Like, this is something I didn't realize until I came to Houston. If you're outside for a little while. It gets hot man. Yeah, okay. Yeah, exactly. So I may not be comfortable wearing, you know, a 10 gallon cowboy hat or somebody you know, but like a fedora will do. I have my own thoughts and fedoras. But

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I'm not I'm not gonna get in. I'm not gonna go there. I'm not trying to offend anybody who wears Fedora. He's talking about, no, I'm just, you know, anybody wears Fedora is I'm never, I'm not trying to, those are Fedora.

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here's a, here's the thing of Fedora. For a while I have an entire coat rack of Fedora is hanging out right over Look, man, if you if you you know, as I was saying, if you'd like it makes you feel good. If you're comfortable in it, have the rocket and be and be proud of it. You know, I think we will grab on right now, man, please don't do

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that. Yeah. So, you know, in the past that I'm did something. Is it considered something?

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I thought you're joking.

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But yeah, so did the person do something because there's just normal habit more than something which is encouraged in the shittier. Right. So we talked about, like, how do you distinguish between the two? Okay, because there's things for some did that were simply his personal preferences. Well, if you're if you're a individual who follows the mother Book of Abraham and the hurry School of spot, you would say that's all legislation. Why didn't you? No, no, no, because they're literalist. No, even, okay. Let's give respect where respect is due. Okay. Even the body scholars didn't say that just because the President did something it became sooner in the sense that look, and that's the

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other thing, what do you mean by sooner? Okay, so when we mentioned this, hold on, W Hold on, hold on, hold on. So not as in actions and things attributed to the process? Mm hmm. There's no

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reward attached to it necessarily, you know, and then there's sun as in the scholars have felt when they say something is son of law exactly means it's must have it means something, which is that you're rewarded for if you do it, okay. And if you don't do it, obviously, you're not sinful. Yeah. But if you do it, you're rewarded for it. So when we look at things that are said, I'm did this even the vice scholars distinguish between something which is just his habits, his personal preferences, what, as compared to something that you are actually rewarded for? So you're saying that simply asking what would Muhammad do WWE MD? would not be the appropriate approach to life? It would be

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because if you talk about what he did in terms of behavior, that yes, absolutely everything that person did is awesome and amazing. Okay, we're not talking about that. Well, we're talking we're talking about in terms of how he dressed how he dressed, definitely certain preferences. Okay, so looking Muslim is one thing. Yeah. The other is, wait, let's we're not gonna deal with that. Right. So if it's not so if it's not, Chihuahua commies, and then what is it? Okay, and that's why I even have a lot of data. He addresses issue a long time ago. He said the sun numbers, meaning the way as I said them, is to wear what Allah provided for him. Okay, so he wore the clothes that everybody

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else was wearing. Yeah, right. So I'm not gonna play him says that is sooner okay to wear the clothes of the people that you're living amongst. Okay. So

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that is you know, that, um, that one brain teaser that comes up is like Alright, so the co founder of MCE probably also dressed like the prophets. I said they not probably they did. Okay, so the question is, are they addressing Islamic or the prophets so interesting, like a non Islamic? Yeah. And we can't say either because they're both incorrect. Okay, because Islamic dress is not specific type specific pieces of clothing. Okay, right. It's Islamic dress. You know, we mentioned this in the seminar, but Islamic dress is that dress, which fulfills the Islamic apartments as simple as that. So this T shirt, for example, if it fulfills the requirements, we'd say it's an Islamic dress,

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okay. It's as simple as that. Gotcha. Right. Okay, so So then, what is this long address that addresses that question, but then we're also looking at

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What's in your heart will manifest in your limbs? Meaning and and you know, look and and i don't like judge I believe that people could be really bad inside but what manifests in their lives? Oh, no, there's there's truth to that statement. But it's more it's more to it than that. But I think the point that the brother or sister could be sister we don't know could be bullied. No, sometimes you, um, sometimes, you know, it could be an alias. I don't know. Okay, right. Anyway, side point.

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But yeah, so I think the point that the brother or sister is trying to make is that if you were Muslim on the inside, you'd be Muslim on the outside, okay, you would look Muslim. But that goes, once again, back to an what's what's that? What's the what this person is lacking, really, is knowledge and understanding of the issue. And that's why it's like one misconception leads to another leads to another religion another. So based off of the premise that, you know, Muslims wears these specific types of clothes. Yeah, right. Therefore, if you're not wearing those specific types of clothes, that means exactly okay. Right? On the inside, it's almost like ultimatum, like, of

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course, okay. And that's it, you know, it's just these issues. It's a slippery slope. And, you know, ignorance is a slippery slope. We cannot say it's the person who did something, you can never say it's bad. But we can also at the same time, go to the other side of spectrum and say, hey, that's Islam. Just be very clear here because people misunderstand, we can't necessarily say, okay, that that is Islam. The question is, how do you distinguish between the two? Okay, like, Is it just something a person did or is it something that was part of the legislation and that's what we discussed in the seminar. So take this seminar and get a good understanding of that issue.

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inshallah. Okay, men should be proud to show their Muslim not be obsessed with fitting in. And look, and that's, that's correct. in general. Okay. Right. But it's being applied incorrectly. But I think the the application of that would be like, Alright, it's time to pray. You go pray, regardless of what everybody so so that statement itself is correct. Yeah. Muslims, not just Muslim men, but some women to Muslim show everybody. If you're Muslim, you should be proud of being Muslim. And no, we're not obsessed with fitting in. We don't want to fit a particular mold if that mold goes against Islam. No, right. Right. And those and by the way, they're not necessarily contradictory. You can

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you can fit in and be and be proud to be Muslim at the same time. The other factor that comes into like, what does it mean to fit in? Like, there's various environments that are individually exactly right. Exactly. Got your work environment. He's like, I would turn that question around, right and say, Look, okay, so what do you say to a man in Saudi Arabia? Okay. Right. You could literally say the same statement to him. Oh, you should be proud to be Muslim, you should not be obsessed with fitting in. And by wearing a white throw, and a red Shem out, you're just trying to fit in. Okay. Right. Do you see the fallacy? But the problem with that statement, but doesn't that also go against

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the principle and understanding of you should be respectful of the culture. Exactly. Exactly. And that's exactly and that's the other problem. Yeah. Right. That, you know, cultural norms. And as we said, I'm not I am. He's one of the things he said is, the son has actually to wear the clothes of your people. Yeah, that meaning that's not as soon as that's encouraged to write something that is praiseworthy in Islam, as long as it fulfills Islamic requirements, okay, but it's praiseworthy. So the Saudi God versus Saudi, That's it? That's a good thing. Yeah. Right. But from that person, if you apply that rule, So would it be would it be inappropriate for a Saudi guy to be like, yo,

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offered this stuff? I want to be dressing like a hipster? Look, I don't like to speak for other cultures. Okay, right.

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So I'm not that's acceptable. That's something that should be asked to the scholars in Saudi Arabia, they would say, you know, this is not the norm here. It's an it's an odd dress. We don't wear this dress here. Okay, it looks very strange. So they may say, you don't know it's not appropriate here. Okay. Right. But like I said, at that point, it's not even an issue of how little haraam is more an issue of what's appropriate. Yes. Okay. There's other things that could make a particular type of dress Hold on. Oh, but there's, those are other guidelines in principle, the idea of fitting in, like it's human nature to want to fit in, of course, and fitting in within of itself is not a bad

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thing. It can be a bad thing if like for example, we place our self worth in fitting in Yeah, that's a bad thing. Okay. Right. We need we need to in order to feel good about ourselves we have to be liked by people or accepted by certain groups. Yeah, that's when you run into be perceived as being part of a certain group. Exactly. Okay. Exactly. So the I mean, as simple as cliques in high school yeah to being like Oh, he's part of the doctor class Yeah. Or look or look and and and the point here is like I said, the the essence of it is is correct, right. That if we're compromising our Islamic morals to fit in, yeah, yeah, that's a problem. But who's like Well, I don't believe that

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people have compromising Islamic morals I mean, the the simplest thing comes to mind is like Alright, you know what you're with a bunch of professionals is happy hour you go out for a drink no but even even ticket that's clear. You know, you know, this go back to dress and clothes. There's a lot of peer pressure there. There's a whole desire to fit in maybe right promotions. Yeah, exactly. So like that. Let's even give an example from clothing. Okay. Somebody says, you know, in a corporate environment

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Guys don't have facial hair. Okay, like most people don't have so, you know, enforcement, or law enforcement, you know? Yeah. And so the person says, you know, even though having a beard is something, which is, you know, and we before you asked, like, the details of this issue, we discussed the beard at length and the different opinions around the beard and the length and all that kind of stuff. Yeah. But in general, right. Having a beard of some type is an Islamic requirement. Okay, so now a person says, I have to shave my beard to fit into the corporate environment. Yeah, then that that's obviously a problem. Okay, that it now that that has superseded

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ours. So what about the scenario where is to fit in? But it's like a policy factor? For example. You got firefighters? Yeah, their requirement is don't have a beard because it's a safety issue. Especially. Look, those are different cases. Okay. Well, those are the news specific is specific cases can be different. Okay. Right. And I'm not going to get into specifics here because, and I believe those issues to be dealt on a case by case basis. Okay, because there's so many other factors that are involved there. But in general, you know, the default is no, we, if we're able to grow a beard, we have to grow beard. Okay, then it goes into why don't you teach something

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worthwhile? To the youth? Like skateboarding? Yeah, that promotes fitness. And, and I have a feeling that that person wouldn't be okay with me teaching skateboarding either. Really? Yeah. But like that's, it's easier anything that's but it's hard as imitation of Don Muslims. It's about you know,

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that's a waste of time. It's sinful people skateboard. There's a lot of reasons why you know, skateboard.

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Here's a question. Kind of off topic on the subject skateboarding. And by the way, if you didn't get that I was being sarcastic. Some people was just like, like, Why? He said skateboarding is how

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sarcastic well have you? Are you able to do a halfpipe?

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Like those skateboard parks and now with the pool, I'm getting old man. I'm getting old. I try to take it easy on the skateboard now, okay. I don't take as many risks as I used to take back in the day. We ride a motorcycle. Yeah, move on. Well, we'll go to next topic.

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You're really wasting everyone's time with this rubbish. Yeah, all meat meat. All men need to know how to cover the hour, look presentable and not imitate the Kufa very good. So now he mentioned some of the general principles and guidelines. Right. He said number one cover the correct. All right.

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My question be is my router covered?

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Yeah, in that video, Abdullah covered number two, what a second guideline he mentioned. Second guideline is look presentable, look presentable, that's kind of vague. That's very vague, right. And, and and actually, what is presentable would differ, not only from culture to culture, but also from situation to situation, setting the setting setting, so you can go to the gym, and be like, I got to look presentable show up in a suit and tie, you know, well, I have worked out in slacks and a polo shirt, but you understand be that you're the exception.

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We never go based off of what you do.

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Um, the definition of counterculture in this regard.

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Oh, yeah. Third requirement. The third requirement is not imitate, imitate non Muslims. Yeah. And so the point here is, he mentioned a principle which is imitating non Muslims. Okay, person, I'm setting my dish up by becoming a woman who's the one who imitates a nation that they are from them. Okay. And so the principle itself is correct. We're not allowed to imitate non Muslims. But how do we understand that? When so the principle itself, right, imitation of non Muslims? That's a that is that sounds very general. And that's why we didn't know we have to know exactly what is meant in Islam by Oh, you're not allowed to imitate non Muslims. Okay. What is meant here is imitate non

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Muslims in those things that are bad. Okay, number one, or to imitate non Muslims and things that are specific to a religion that is a non Muslim religion. Okay. Right. So because, you know, if we would apply this Hadeeth, the processor limb, you know, we would say the person I'm imitating animals, well, he wore the same clothing as them. Right, right. So what we say that what about the idea of when they went to Medina, and he saw the Jews fasting, and he said, You know what, we're gonna fast because moose has more to us than they are right. But that is something already in Islam. Okay. Right. So that's, that's something but but if there's something specific, for example, wearing

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a cross, right, does anyone what is that? Is that a? Is that a general thing? Or is it there's very specific beliefs attached to it as it's attached to a particular group of people or a particular religion depends on the crosses upside down or right side up, but they both have bad, bad meanings. So

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that would be imitation of normal. Okay, right. A type of dress where you look at that you say, Oh, it's not, you know, or for example, the robes that monks wear, okay, like the orange togas. Exactly. So if a Muslim wearing like a, that type of dress, would you like, you just you wouldn't be able to tell us as a Muslim or, you know, in fact, you would be like those guys straight up Shaolin or Buddhists. Yeah. So we say, yeah, that that is that is the invitation, that person and actually you know, that's why in the class, and I don't think it's

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It's it's right to these, this is just one of the evidences,

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they need to be discussed fully. Okay, so here's the thing that comes to mind. Is that alright, so you just described different attires that other faiths identify themselves with from an outward appearance. So a priest will have the caller, Ray, the monk, the Shaolin monk, yeah. You've got like the Jewish they got the yarmulke. Right. Is there something specific to Muslims that overtly, that's religious attire? Look, you have to understand that our religion is not a religion of just symbols. Okay. And, and that's one thing that makes us great. Okay. Right, is that, you know, you think of Christianity, or you think of, you know, and you can think of the cross, right, you think of the

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statues of Jesus and statues of Mary and so on is over, or, you know, particular robes and this and that, whatever. Islam hamdulillah is a universal religion. We've got the whole moon wars.

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Yeah. Okay. So, yeah, but still, you may go into another culture where the moon is not, you know, is not, you know, you won't find it on meshed. It's okay. Right. And even like, the, the, even the more is more of an ottoman thing, right? Yeah, exactly. And that's how it was brought into the culture and so on, so forth. But so when it comes to specific, like, islamically, it's not specific tight, as I said, specific types of clothing. They do say, you know, this identifies you exactly as a Muslim. Alright, and we don't need those specific symbols. We have our, like, even the beard, right? Somebody, some people say like, oh, the beard is the Islamic, you know, symbol for men. Okay, up to

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five years ago. Exactly. So what happens in hipster culture? Right? Yes, that doesn't change the fact that we Muslim men grow our beards, right? Whether it's in fashion or not, we always go our beards. Yeah. But that's not the symbol like like, that's it, like, that's what defines you. It's part it's part of the way we dress. One could argue that hijab is one of those symbols. Yeah, but even even the hijab, there's different styles of hijab, there's different ways in which the hijab is set. So what is the requirement Okay, that hijab is worn that, you know, the, the head is covered, and you know, the neck is covered. So as long as those requirements are fulfilled, how the hijab

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looks, okay, the color of it, the way it's tied? Well, once you get everybody's wearing hijab, I wintertime, mostly, mostly, mostly, tell me if it's cold enough. So they need to cover that I want to look presentable and not imitate before. Exactly. So, you know, once again, if you if he's applying that to me, I would say, look, am I wearing a type of clothing that only non Muslims were okay, that you would look at and say, Oh, that's not that's only clothing that non Muslims. Now, here's a question. Is there any attire that non Muslims would wear? That's not specifically? That's not specifically religiously oriented? That's an interesting question. And that's that and that the

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answer that question will differ according to the place that you're living in, according to culture living in according to the time that you're living in, it all differs, and that's why there's no hard and fast right? these are these are guidelines that are that are applied to principles that are applied to the time in place and grow their beard more than a fistful. Okay, that is an opinion, okay, amongst the opinions, I don't actually hold that opinion. And by the way, if that was the case, then the majority of Muslim men would fall into the category of you don't, you're not you don't look Muslim. You know, a lot of these comments A lot of times, you know, these are anonymous

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people and that gives them a certain level of comfort.

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makes it easy to make these comments. We aren't trying to be models on the catwalk. And look, this is the idea that Oh, you shouldn't try to dress nice. Okay, right. And that's absolutely false, rational person. You know, we have that famous Hadith the Prophet um, said in the lodge a meeting while your Jamaat Allah is beautiful, and he loves beauty and another narration in the law you headboard and Yara thora nanomaterial Abdi that certainly Allah loves to see the effects of his blessings upon His servants. Right. And you look at the companions, their companions were dressed very nice. There's our early scholars. You know, I give some of these examples in the class as well

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don't like a meme Matic meme hustling bustling, some of these scholars dressed in the finest and nicest clothes, even mo hanifa had a textile business. There you go. So yeah, we have examples. So I wouldn't agree with that. Yeah, if you're talking about specifically like walking on a catwalk and you know, maybe some sins that would be attached to that, what if it's your business to be selling that stuff? Yeah, that's, that's another issue. Okay.

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So I don't again, like I don't agree with that, and I think most of us would instinctively actually even reject that concept that Oh, you're just not supposed to dress nice. Hmm. But when does it go too far? Right. Can it go too far? Yes. We're not allowed to do what is called is set off. Okay. Right. And some people translate that as extravagance. Well, right. Or Libra. So shout out like ostentatious. pneus when we start showing off what are clothing or start to feel proud because of clothing. Yeah, that's when it goes when people back to the clothing to promote it.

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And it's really awesome. It's a very good question. It's like it's a $10,000 suit.

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But because the company that made the suit want to get it out there and gave it to you for free. Yes. So everybody looking at you judging you like, Oh, look at this guy. Yeah, wearing the most extravagant quote, and it's just free for you. Right? There you go. Good example, product placement and actually is actually one of the more effective uses of social media, specifically Instagram where a lot of these product makers, they will reach out to hundreds. Yeah, I mean, I'm users, I'll be honest with you people, people reach out to me all the time. Okay. They're like, Hey, can you whatever, you know, like, will you be our brand ambassador? branded, but a lot of brands? Yeah, I

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would if I didn't have my own brand, you know, but so I saw the same collection. Yeah, coming to maybe soon, one day, soon. It's all it's coming. It's coming. We're working on it man working hard. Let's get it's got to be it's got to be perfect. It's sad to see a graduate from Medina wasting his time when he could be teaching far more useful things and actually benefiting people. You know, he talked about utility or what's useful. Yeah. And I mentioned this in my seminar. So those of you taking the seminar, you've heard this. I talked about how talk about what's useful. clothing is something that takes up our whole life. Right, you talk about the fact of prayer, okay. Right. One

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of the most important things to say okay, how are you praying 24 hours a day? Well, I was how much have you How not you specifically?

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spot here? I've heard you know, somebody okay. By prays five times a day. Yeah. What takes me 2030 minutes out of their day. So that fifth is relevant in those 30 minutes. Okay. You learn the fifth of 23 and a half hours ago Exactly. Learned to pick up fasting. Yeah, right, one month out of the year. Okay, maybe do some some nefarious enough and fast more. Most of the time, you're not applying that fear

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of funerals. Okay. Right. somebody dies, I think that the more practical fit would be the fear of money. Yeah, so that's a very relevant topic as well, but clothing, were always 24 hours were either clothed or unclothed. And both of those topics are from this instance from the subject, right? So whether we're conscious of it or not, we're constantly applying these guidelines and principles. So I would say this is one of those isn't a very important thing that we should know and understand what those guidelines are, what those principles are, that we're wearing clothing that you know not only makes us feel good and that you know we're wearing our nice clothes but also clothing that is

00:27:18 --> 00:27:34

pleasing to a loss pattern. Honestly, males pants auto reward the brother or sister or sister right, who left this comment and I still don't you know, honestly sometimes like part of me is like maybe they're just trolling okay? He's like the whole thing is a joke. It's possible love troll, but

00:27:35 --> 00:28:04

they don't always reply to trolls, which that goes completely gets my policy. I never reply to any I reply to trolls and no, my first my first post has not done has not been the has not done for the comment is like, okay, maybe, maybe they're genuine in their comment, and I will address the first comment with genuine passion. Okay, and then after that, the response will be clear to me as to whether another troll, troll, it's open season, baby. Hey, nobody got time for that.

00:28:06 --> 00:28:23

But millas reward this brother or sister be so much benefit is coming out of this comment. Yeah. So and you know, it's beautiful. It looks fantastic and bring benefit from the most unexpected places. Well, one thing that you mentioned that there was a there's an irony to this comment. Yes. Okay. What's the irony incident that occurred?

00:28:25 --> 00:29:00

With hotter, Moody, and the ascendant category? The actual tsunami, the actual Sahaba? Yeah. Okay. In which and basically, you know, it's, it's a, it's a lengthy discussion, so we can't get into all of it. But basically, the point of mentioning that narration is to mention how Hanuman what he himself, he was able to distinguish between what is religiously good, and what is culture? Okay, right, and what is what is considered culture and that, you know, that can depend from place to place and so on, so forth. And Harbor, Walid had that knowledge, okay, but this could have been bullied. Unfortunately, irony is strong or strong. Okay, got it. Got it. But I'm just curious, what

00:29:00 --> 00:29:26

was it? What was the scope? Like? Is it something that you could briefly sum up? Um, it I really feel like a lot of these topics that you need to do justice to topics, okay. And that's my whole thing with this online stuff. And, you know, just quickly mentioning something, because I feel like sighs it's like pulling teeth. Yeah. And that's why people I get the haircut question all the time. Right? Just tell us, you know, what is it? How about how I'm like, Look, horses, how long? That's what he's doing. But not anymore? More, but it might change a lot.

00:29:28 --> 00:30:00

But you know, cars and all that kind of stuff. I'm like, Look, this is not the place for it. Right on online to try to argue prove their points. I'm just wondering, what are the things that tends to get people to go into a lot of detail? What do you mean? Okay, so like, for example, had these years a lot of detail in it? Yeah. And so you spend some time quite a bit of time on it. Yeah. So what would be some of the things that would like you, could you you think you could list off a bunch of things? Yeah, for sure. Obviously, right, the issue of haircuts, and I try to approach this in a way where it's not just

00:30:00 --> 00:30:02

Like just the film, we start off talking about the hair of the process.

00:30:03 --> 00:30:19

The hair of the companions, you're talking about hairstyles at that time, what are common hairstyles? And people would genuinely be surprised. Because life is not so black and white life is not so yeah, this guy dresses all black and white. Not always rosy, but these days I've been feeling black, a little bit more. Okay.

00:30:20 --> 00:30:55

But yeah, it's just you know, this guy comes to Houston when it's 90 Plus, all black. Yeah. Anyway, thank you for joining us. A lot of times the instructors don't like to, or are not necessarily reachable. This is one of the benefits of this program. If you have questions. I can always just send them on over and we can discuss them. Just like this comment right here. What do you think about my case? Is it too girly? feminine, or is it manly enough of a sunset? For me? That's a sunset. Yeah, it sounds like a pink sunset before for we haven't been out long enough. Pink. Hot Pink sun today. Do you see we get that? I'm not saying i'm not i'm not saying anything. I'm just I'm

00:30:55 --> 00:31:05

just like, he's the question. We don't know what you seem really defensive about your case. No, I love to say Oh, just you seem really defensive. Have you ever seen a pink like there's this one time I caught off the train.

00:31:07 --> 00:31:17

At the metro stop. I like how all this whole whole story is to defend your case. The husband's case you're talking about pink sunset. Okay. Like hot pink. Yeah, like up. Like, come on, man. Like

00:31:18 --> 00:31:24

this is the problem of being a nocturnal individual. And this guy only comes out when the stars are out. Me and Batman.

00:31:26 --> 00:31:37

You know, there's a person called Bruce Wayne. comes out during the day. Not really. Yeah, how much you sleeping during the day, whatever. Alright guys, thank you for joining us. See you next time. It's not my go Sarah Marie Khosla.

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