Stop being Stingy when Spending on Family!

Saad Tasleem


Channel: Saad Tasleem

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The speaker discusses how even though Islam may not decrease wealth, it can increase it by spending money on families. They also mention that even though Islam may not decrease wealth, it can increase it by spending money on families. The speaker believes that spending on families is a way to increase their wealth.

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Don't understand a Muslim who is stingy when it comes to spending on their family, because the prophets of Allah who I didn't send them said that whoever spends on their family seeking reward from Allah, then it counts as charity for them, meaning we are rewarded when we spend money on our family. And not only that, as the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, that charity doesn't decrease wealth, so we're not actually losing that money that we're spending on our families. As a matter of fact, we're only adding Baraka blessings to our wealth, and our wealth can increase. And so one of the best places we can spend our money is on our families.