Wael Ibrahim – Break the Cycle – Porn Addiction #09 – I don’t have time

Wael Ibrahim
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses how healthy habits can be formed in the brain and build new habits. They suggest that the habit is a matter of managing time and that it is important to establish and practice healthy habits. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of consistency and discipline in achieving healthy habits.
AI: Transcript ©
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Are you familiar with the phrase, I don't have time, whenever someone would come and ask me for advice, I will tell him go to the gym, for example, eat healthy food and so on. And every time I would suggest something, they will come up with that same excuse. But I don't have time. In fact, I don't buy that excuse anymore. Once I was with one of my friends in Hong Kong city, who is, by the way, the captain of two national teams, and two different sports, cricket, and hockey, and he's the captain. And he's heading one of the companies in Hong Kong, the company belonged to his father. And once I was sitting with him in his office, and he said, cut the story short brother, because I have

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a flight to cut to catch. He was going to Thailand to play a match. I think it was hockey match, and come back the next day to play another match in Hong Kong or something of that nature. And I told him, how do you find time for all of these? Like, you're you're managing so many things in your life? How do you manage time, I wanted to learn from this brother. He said, If you are passionate about something, you will create the time for it. When I was overweight, I used to have the same excuse because I was not passionate about healthy diet. I was not passionate about exercise. So I always I always use that phrase, I don't have time. But what Allahu Allahu Allah He we do have

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plenty of time. It is just a matter of how do you want it to manage the time. So this is this is what we wanted to do today in sha Allah tala, we wanted to practically speak about how can you create a list of new habits, new healthy habits, and to create a table a timetable for each of these habits so that you can ensure a law to build new habits in your brain. And this is how habits are formed in our brain. There are pathways in your brain for anything that you desire for anything that you like, for example, I like to eat sweet food. If you provided me with a cup of coffee, or a cup of tea, and the sugar was less than usual or less than what I used to, to have, immediately, my

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brain will send me a signal to ask you to increase more sugar. The same applies for bad habits. By the way, if you're a smoker, this is exactly what happened. You're addicted to cigarettes, you are addicted to an extent that your brain is empowered or overpowered by your addiction to cigarettes. And as a result, every time your brain will ask you to repeat the activity and so on and so forth. So my advice for you if you wanted to establish or if you wanted to build new habits, new healthy habits, pick a habit that you actually like, don't, don't say like, Okay, I'm going to, I'm going to go to the gym every single day for two hours, three hours, but you are a person who doesn't really

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like exercise. Instead, perhaps you would prefer walking in a park, you you prefer jogging somewhere, just find a habit that you would desire once you like it. Our brain also likes these rewards. It is called the pathway reward of the brain. And this is how you can establish healthy habits. Once you think once you pinpoint these habits immediately put these habits into action day in and day out. Some neuroscientists say all it takes for you to grab a habit and makes it a part of your daily activities is about week some other scholars say 20 days, some say 68 days and so on. It vary from one person to another. But the key is consistency. And the definition of consistency is to

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do the right thing. And I'm highlighting the word right thing because you could also do any wrong thing and becomes also consistent. So be careful. Do the right thing day in and day out and discipline discipline yourself. And the definition of discipline. For those who doesn't know, do also the right thing, whether you like it or not keep on doing them. And as a result, a pathway will be created for that healthy habit, which will kick out the bad one. And this is how you can get rid of any sort of addiction in your life. So your decision today is I will create a list of good habits, healthy habits to practice in sha Allah day in and day out whether I like them or not. My

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brothers and sisters in Islam as usual, all the previous episodes and the links are to be found in the link below this video kindly, kindly, kindly please like and share them with the rest of the world so that we can in sha Allah game the reward from Allah subhanho wa Taala and we'll see you tomorrow with another episode title. Do not wait. Start now.

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