Riad Ouarzazi – Miraculous Book – The Quran

Riad Ouarzazi
AI: Summary © A woman named Sharla is leading a tour run by humans to the end of the year. She will be joined by a potty shiftable belly and a man named Luca. The event is run by human appeal and is organized by Tara's "Art of the end of the year" label.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. This Israel is as he informed me in the EU, my brothers and sisters over in the UK, I'd be on a tour run by forces from the week of the 27th of January to the 28th to the 30th of January. Lock your calendars especially for the Friday 30th of January, I will be in the University of Nottingham Nottingham University

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running a program called the miraculous book the end it's all about the end column of a lot boys of Allah subhanho wa Taala and I will be accompanied by the world renowned potty shiftable buck sharply himself he will be joining us in shallow level of data. This event is run by human appeal or sponsored by human appeal, the winter to be so lucky calendars. Do not miss it in Sharla who Tara is Marcelo salamati comes later Hello volcat

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