Get To Know – 01 Surah Al-Fatihah

Quran Weekly
AI: Summary © The Prophet's teachings are discussed, including the seven highly praised verses of the Prophet's teachings and the use of the title "Hamrat" in the context of the Prophet's teachings. The importance of reciting the Fatiha verse and the holy water in the context of the guidance is also emphasized. The importance of healing methods and the use of words like "has" and "has not" is also discussed. The importance of the straight path of actions and knowledge when it comes to fear of Islam is also emphasized. The surah is balanced and paired, and people can take actions and achieve success by showing their love for their partner.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdulillah salat wa salam O Allah, Allah Allah Allah He was a big mama bird Salam Alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. I'm really excited to have this opportunity to share with you a series in which we try and get to know a suit of the Quran. And what better place to begin, then sort of Fatiha. It's one of the most talked about, or probably the most talked about school and the entire Koran when you try to study it to see or an explanation of the surah you get the most voluminous explanations that are ever found in any of our capacity. So it's very difficult to sum it up in a concise way. But I'm going to try and Sharla and let's begin with the best place really sometimes

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you know, industries you'll learn that sometimes there are sutras in which the prophets lysozyme himself commented about a surah. So that's, in my opinion, the best place to start. This surah is unique, because not only does the Prophet himself comment about it, it's actually Allah himself who comments about it too. There's no other surah in the Quran. that a lot of comments about it, that Allah tells us something special about us. So that's something really truly unique to the Fatiha. So let's begin with this incredible narration this happens in the prophets life after he'd migrated from Makkah, he's in Medina now. And that'll be clear from the text itself. And I'd be sorry that

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even more Allah, this is a companion of the Prophet. He recalls the story that happened with him. He says, going to use olive oil mustard for the loss of Allahu alayhi salam, salam o de PUE I was praying in the mosque. And the prophet SAW Selim called me and I didn't respond to him for three hours with ally in equal to Sally. So I told the messengers I saw him because he came late. He said I was in the middle of prayer. That's why I didn't respond.

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farrakhan alemi akula and so he said, didn't Allah say, is the Jubilee Allah He will never Sunita de accompli Maja he can respond to Allah and the messenger, when they call you or when he calls you to that which will give you life. This is an ayah from salat, and file, which is a Madani surah so this becomes clear that this incident happened after the Prophet has migrated. Of course, the fact that he's praying in the masjid so commonly and the Prophet is calling him is the machine and

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so he says, The promises and called me and he said, Lee Monica Salatin here are the most soulful Quran, kubla, Ramadan Masha, I'm going to teach you a surah that is the greatest surah of the entire Quran before you leave the masjid. So my God, so he then he grabbed my hand, so you kind of reinforced that he's going to teach me this thing. That's what the Prophet did tame some of them for Lama another approach. This suggests when he finally decided to leave the profit decided to leave the mosque. In other words, he said, before you leave the mosque, I'll tell you something. But then he got busy. The Prophet is teaching others sallallahu sallam, he's doing other things. And

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eventually, you know, some time goes by and the Prophet is about to leave. And he noticed that he didn't tell him about this greatest goal of the Quran. Allahu Allah. Allah, Allah Monica Salatin, here are the most beautiful Quran. Didn't you say messenger of Allah that you're going to teach me a surah that's the greatest suit of the entire Quran. So he held on like he had other things to do, but he stayed in the masjid because he's waiting for the prophet to tell him about the greatest sola. So the Prophet said, Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen recited the Fatiha he didn't just recite the Fatiha he said some more things. But I want to pause here and help us appreciate something. This

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is Medina Fatiha. The first rule of the Quran is like the first complete suit I revealed. It's one of the earliest revelations of the entire Quran. This is now well over a decade later, everybody knows about the party, and everybody knows about its merits. So why is this a big? Why is he saying First of all, holding this young man back and telling him Don't leave, I'm going to tell you the best sort of the whole Quran. And this young man's like, Oh, this is gonna be epic. It's gonna be something amazing. And then he holds him back and then tells him Fatiha as if this young man doesn't know the fact that he does. The reason this is important to note is because through this, the

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prophet has taught us something that in appreciation of the fact he has something that has to be refreshed and renewed. You can't assume that you've you've internalized the value of the Fatiha and move on. And that's what I'm going to try to explain to you today in through the words of the Prophet himself. And the words of the Quran. Like I said no other surah has been described and the way the fattier has been described in the Quran and it's absolutely mind blowing. I was just, I when I was studying this, I realized I didn't appreciate the fact However, what it is, you know, and milazzo will continue to give all of us and increased appreciation for his word. So he says the

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Prophet goes on to say he has several masani we'll call him Allah duty to it is the seven, Allah masani the seven and the Arabic word elbasan. masani means a couple of things. The common translation is the seven highly praised ones, the seven ones full of a lot of praise. Seven referring to the seven is of the Fatiha so he says this is the greatest sort of the Quran. It's the seven highly praised verses of the

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The verses that contain the most praise or they are worthy of the most praise themselves. And then he says we'll call them and it is the great recital. It's the great Quran itself. It is as though the essence of the entire Quran is the Fatiha. According to the Prophet himself. Well, I don't think I live up to that I have been given. Quran doesn't just it's not just the name of the book, The Quran, the Quran also means recital, meaning the great recital that I have been granted the greatest thing that I can recite is the Fatiha. That's what the Prophet is saying sallallahu Sallam in this incredible Hadith, another similar Hadith, he's talking to the Allahu anhu. And he says Omar Al

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Quran, he has several masani, we'll call him, the mother and the essence of the entire Koran is the seven highly praised ones. I gave you one of the meanings I held off on the other meaning of muthoni I'll come to it in a second. And the great Quran meaning the Fatiha exalt itself is actually called the Great Koran. It's one of its names, you know, the great the grand recital SubhanAllah. Now, what is this sub masani the seven highly praised or seven, something else that it means? Where does it come from? It's actually a revelation that Allah gave, it's part of sort of hijet it's the 15th surah of the Quran, that describes the Quran itself. And Allah says, what occurred at a NACA,

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subliminal masani? Well, we have given you seven, from out of the very highly praised ones, and the great Quran, this ambiguous statement, we've given you seven highly praised ones, was made in mucky Quran and the Prophet years later, some of them according to this narration is explaining to this young man, you know what I meant by the seven highly praised ones, he meant Fatiha, he meant the surah. But you know, what really blew my mind is why why use the word masani. Like, there's so many Arabic words for praise. But this word is different. It's it's very unique. And the verb that comes from an ethna or youth Nuna Salaam is using the Quran, as that comes from the Arabic word, his name,

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the common most common word from it is his name, which means to and Sunnah is to actually fold something into to like fennel out, for example, in the Arabic language is to take the earth and, you know, take folded over so that you can plant seeds in it. So when you double up, you're digging, that's actually called the act of thinning. Similarly, when you fold a piece of paper into this a thin you'll get up the fold of the book that's been folded into two. So the word Sena actually has to do with pairing. Now, this is profound, because now the Quran is seven from those that are incredibly paired, that are paired together. And that's what we're going to dig into a little bit in

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Sharla. What is what in the world does that mean? That they're paired together? I want you to hold on to that thought as I read some of the other narrations, but I will tell you one thing about it, you know the Fatiha every time we recite in prayer, we pair it with some other part of the Quran. Right? It's the it's the greatest part of the Quran that is always paired with something else I can stand in prayer. And I can't I can't just start with Bukhara I can't just start with earlier on, it's possible to just recite the Fatiha and nothing else. But it's never possible to recite anything else without the fact that it's always paired with something else. And you know why that's

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important? Because you know how when you're giving a speech or you're, you know, you're giving a talk or something there's an introduction and then you get into your subject. It says though Allah wants us to think no matter what part of the Quran you read, the introduction to it is the Fatiha.

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Like if you're reciting sort of the NASS the introduction to sort of the NASS is Fatima. Recite Fatiha verse then benrinnes it should frame the way you think about any sort of the Quran. Don't lose sight of the Fatiha. The Fatiha is like the lens that you put on. And then you see the rest of the brand through that lens. So when you say al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen Praise and Gratitude Rahmani Raheem the overwhelming loving care and mercy of Allah, these molecule Medina, the US ownership of judgment, a, you know, our commitment to him, we're gonna do we're gonna stay in our desperation to be guided. These sentiments should override everything you read, and you should read

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it in its color. You know, when somebody is angry and they read, they read anger into what they're reading. When someone's you know, afraid and they read, they read fear into what they're reading. We're supposed to read Fatiha into what we're reading in the Koran. It's actually without which the it's like you're missing one of the two. This is one of the meanings of metallic but I'll keep moving along. And I beside Audrey, not the Allahu taala on an akuna famous in Atlanta for the Nazca Giardia. Taconic, in se say the highest limb. So we were traveling we were in some way walking around. And a girl came and said that the the head of the household is okay well enough on our habe

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he's actually he something's wrong with our you know, the head of the household and the people are all gone. He's been poisoned and we don't know what to do. We don't know how to heal him for Halloween Kumara Is there anyone who healer among you? and healing back in the day was like, you know, medicine or they believed in chanting and things like that. But then there's Rukia from the

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Prophets tradition. So suddenly you can recite Quran on someone for healing purposes to for karma Maharaja mokona not able to be Rukia farakka sobre

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la Tina schatten was a colony of Lebanon. So so what happens is this guy comes around that nobody knows. And he says, I think I can help. And he goes in there and he heals the guy. We don't know what he did he but he recites something and he heals the guy, and they were so happy. They gave him 30 you know, 30 sheep, and they gave him milk and he got all these gifts from them because he healed the head of the household who's been poisoned? phenomenological Allah who, so when the guy came back that nobody knew what what did this guy what did he do to heal this poison, man? We asked him I couldn't have gotten Are you good at healing? Is that you know, are you experienced in this kind of

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thing? Oh, Quinta de cada la Morocco to elaborate on Makita Actually, no, I never heal anyone except our side Fatiha. I recite the mother of the book. I just recite the Fatiha and healing happens coolangatta sushi and sushi and Hatton at the owner and obesity salon is okay. Enough. We're not going to take this from you until we asked the Prophet himself until we ask the prophets on himself for Lama Cardinal Medina. So we went back to Medina, the Karna hula nebby we told the prophets lesson on what had happened Makana you three and a half opia and he says who told him that that's Rokia that that's healing. Meaning while he knew that that's healing. The prophets I saw them

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actually acknowledged that reciting the Fatiha for someone can be a source of healing for them. excema Audrey Bulli, we saw him and he said, the gift as he were given, you should distributed among yourselves, you shouldn't hold on to those gifts. spread those around. So hi, Lola, you know, so he actually acknowledged the fact that the Fatiha has the merits of even serving as healing as cure. And also the Allahu taala. And third narration in imagery, Luke I don't know besides Shannon, so Nikita menfolk, he he thought of that so. So we are sitting and jabril. The Prophet tells us that jabril is sitting by the company of the Prophet size on himself, and he hears a loud sound from

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above. So he raised his head has a Bible Minister, Mr. Lamb, you've got to learn young, he said, there's a door in the sky. This is a door in the sky that has been open today that has never been opened before phenethylamine HumanIK and an angel came down from that door sakala hazama Laguna de la la Mian zylka to Elio and an angel has come down today that has never come down to the earth before this day for salon makhan. And that angel came for just one purpose. He came he said Salaam to the province system and he said, I'm sure we knew rain, OT Tahoma Lemieux Tahoma bu and you should be congrat You should feel congratulated because of two sources of light or two lights, two

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glorious lights that you have been given that no prophet before you has been given Fatiha to Kitab wakatipu Sula, tillbaka, the opening of the book meaning Sultan Fatiha and the ending verses of Surah Al Baqarah. Then we have a minha la rotita who Subhan Allah what a what a promise that came from the sky just to talk about Fatiha in the end of Allah. He says nobody recites even a single single letter from it except they're given what they ask, meaning what they're asking what what are we asking in the fact they

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were sincerely asking a lot for guidance. When you with your heart recite to Fatiha it is not turned away. That is the promise of Allah sent by an angel who's never come down except to give the delivery of that promise. So Pamela, the fourth narration and be hora de Allahu taala. Among sala de la de la mia coffee hubby Omicron v dodge selasa man, you know, so he says, you know, whoever prays and they didn't recite the mother of the book again, he doesn't say father is the mother of the book, you know, like a mother is inseparable from the child. This mother is inseparable from the rest of the Quran like that, you know, and it takes care of the child like the Fatiha takes care of

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our perception of the entire Quran. So whoever doesn't recite the mother of the Quran, then the prayers no good and you know it these are incomplete. So he says fertility ebihara it was a tabula Inanna coonawarra Olam we pray behind the Imam we don't recite. So he says if we have enough sake, just recite it in your heart. Just recite the facts behind your heart for any semir total sorcery swimmingpool Khan Allahu taala cosanta salata, beneba Bernardin is fine. This is one of the most profound Hadith about the Quran ever. He says, I heard the Prophet himself say that Allah says now it's a lot of commenting about the Fatiha. So Allah is already commented about the Fatiha in the

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seven highly praised ones, and the seven that are pair always paired. That's coming, but now less commenting again. And this time in the first person is called ahaadeeth pissy. He says, I divided the prayer between myself and my slave into two halves.

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When the other the my son, and my slave will get whatever he has, he has for either Khalid Abdullah hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen. When the slave says, All Praise and Gratitude belongs to Allah, master of all nations and all peoples that's $100 Bill alameen. Allah says hamadani Abdi, my servant has been

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praised me, and has thanked me. Why is it a call of a man or human whenever the servant says Allah know him. Then Allah says Allah tala esna. Allah Abdi, my slave has praised me again but the word is if not, which is the same as masani. He has associated something with me. The word SL also means praise, just like it means the word to it actually means to associate something with Allah, or associate something with anybody else, as Natalie halen, or as now Hainan as now, who shall run in Arabic, you associate good with someone you've done center, you associate bad with someone you've done center. Allah says when we say, Man over him, my servant has has associated, you know, mercy

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and love and care with me. And so that's what he's saying when he says, I snarly yadi when my servant says molecule, Nadine calama journey rd. He says when might when the servant says master of you know the Owner of the Day of Judgment that my servant has actually declared my granddaughter, my glory, you know, my seniority, even

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in Arabic is to like to appreciate the majesty of someone like Allah Martin for that. And another time he said, whenever the servant says you are the Master of the Day of Judgment, it's like he's left all of his affairs in my hands. What is our color, when he cannot go to a kind of stain color has a beanie babina at the end of the Messiah. And when my servant says, You know, I we only You we worship only your, you know, aid do we seek? Then this is Allah saying and then Allah says this is between me and my servant and my servant gets whatever he asked for, for it are called a dino Serato Mr. Hakim salata, Latina naantali him la la lluvia de Humala, Bali when the servant recites the last

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part of the Fatiha The path of those, you know, Goddess to the straight path, the path of those who showered favor upon not the recipients of rage nor the last caller hi Danny Abdi. This is for my servant, Willie Abdi, my son, my slave gets whatever he asked, look at this beautiful marriage and the the Allah Himself recites the entire Fatiha and turns the entire Fatiha into a conversation between us and him. Whenever I say Alhamdulillah I sit here on the earth al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen. Allah Himself responds, he takes the time to respond to me. Whenever I say to him, molecule Medina, he cannot motivate you I can say he doesn't wait for me to finish reciting the whole sutra

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and then respond, he responds to every ayah that I recite every single time. either call every time he recites every time he says these words it's mind blowing that actually Fatiha isn't just something Allah comments about Allah same for every single ayah of the Fatiha. This is why they're the highly praised ones. They're so highly praised that Allah praises the one who recites them. He acknowledges the one who recites them, he associates himself with the one who recites and that's part of the meaning of muthoni. What great what group more grand recital can there be that you've actually engaged in direct conversation with Allah without realizing incredible? Now, if you look at

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this narration also, it's broken up into three parts and the beginning parts. This is for me, my slave has praised me. He's associated mercy with me. He's declared My majesty, it was all about what we have done for Allah, the middle if we worship You, we seek your help. But what is it let's say this is between me and my slave. And the last part guide us, keep us on the straight path guy, you know, show us the path of those who showered favor upon, keep us away from the path of those who are you know, earned your rage or earned rage, and those that are lost? Allah says this is for my slave. So it began with what's for God, what's for Allah, the middle was what's for us and for Allah. And

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the last part was what's for ourselves. It's completely balanced upon Allah. And that's the that's the pairing. That word masani means we're learning something really beautiful secret about the Quran itself. And the word mahtani, which is a description of the fatty Hassan mineral masani, that everything in the Quran is paired. Everything in the Quran, Allah will teach you one thing and pair it with another. He'll talk about day he'll pair it with night, he'll talk about *, he'll pair it with heaven. He'll talk about good people and paired with bad people. You know, he'll pair things and sometimes those pairs are obvious. And sometimes they're not obvious but much of what the Quran

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is, is actually pairing things together. Now what I want to do before I let you guys go, is show you some things, some things about this mahtani in the Fatiha. You know, of course, this pairing because Allah doesn't just say these are the only seven verses or seven out that have pairs in them that things are balanced in or two things are put together. But this is the greatest of them. This is the greatest of them. So I'll share some observations about the Fatiha with you and we'll conclude in Sharla some things that are just truly unique about the Fatiha. The first thing is that if you notice, Praise and Gratitude belongs to Allah, the first you know first al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil

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alameen. Maliki and these are actually conclusions about God who God is its kind of knowledge of who Allah is. Right? That's the first three verses or just you can call them knowledge. And then you declare ear canal Buddha can stand

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It leads to action, I'm ready to worship you. And I'm seeking your help. Now you've taken action. So you've got the knowledge of God paired with you taking action, there's a period between knowledge and action. Now, if you look at the last half of the Fatiha guidance to the straight path, what is the straight path, the path of those who showered favor upon if you think about these people, we want to go down the path of successful people that came before us. These are people that had the right kind of knowledge and acted on it, they had the right merger between knowledge and action. And if you go further, not those who earn rage, who earns rage, people who know they know the right

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thing, and they don't do it anyway, they are worthy that you should be angry at them. That's the people are raised. So they have knowledge, but they don't act. And the last are people who even if they want to act, they can't because they don't have knowledge, even if they want to act. So if you go back, every knowledge and action are paired, it starts with knowledge. It goes to the people who and we take action, we say we're ready to take action. Then Allah says he describes the people who had both knowledge and action, then he describes people that have knowledge but no action. Then he describes people that have action, but no knowledge. And that's the perfect pair SubhanAllah.

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Another interesting, beautiful, you know, pairing that I want to share with you about Fatiha, there's so many of them, but just a couple more

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is in chat and I love this. The word in China Arabic means when you say something out of emotion. And the word hover means when you inform someone of something. This surah this statement, Al hamdu, lillahi, Rabbil aalameen all the way to the end is incredible information. Like you could teach this stuff, right? Yeah, I could teach it for hours and hours and hours. What's embedded inside this text? That would be Hubbard, it's informational. But sometimes like you know, you're late for work, and you're stuck in traffic. And somehow you wiggle through traffic found the parking spot gotten to the office and you're not laid, you look at your watch and you say Alhamdulillah Hello bla bla when

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at that point, you were not giving information you were declaring your emotions. Fatiha is a perfect blend between what you say as information. You're making statements of fact, but you're also declaring your own emotions. Yes, Praise and Gratitude does in fact belong to the master of all the worlds he is in fact, him. He is in fact, my document. And these are all facts. But at the same time, you can say this as though your heart is crying these words, your statement of emotion. So it appears the soula incredibly appears emotion and it pairs and knowledge. You know what, Matt? What happens in the heart? And what happens in the mind? this surah SubhanAllah. You know, the last pair

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I'll share with you in this introduction is the pair between mercy and justice. You know, on the one hand, there are people who expect Allah azzawajal to be merciful, and that's covered in Monterrey. But on the other hand, there are people who think Allah will only be just like, he'll just punish. You know, and if Allah is just a nobody survives this punishment, because none of us have done enough good deeds to cover for the bad deeds that we've done. He overcompensates our good deeds, we all know that for every letter, we get 10 good deeds, you know, for making a simple dollar, we can get 100,000 good deeds, there are good deeds just being thrown our way for really what seems like no

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rhyme or reason. We're just being given good deeds, good deeds, good deeds. And when we do something bad, we're only punished for accounts for one, you know, and even then, if you make a stepfather gets erased, so really, it's tipped in the scale of mercy. But if you think too much about the mercy of Allah and how he's gonna, he wants you to earn good deeds, then you might start getting complacent and think, yeah, he's gonna forgive anyway, it's okay. No big deal. And you start taking his authority in a lackadaisical kind of way you don't really concern yourself with Yeah, I mean, I do some fun things. But you know, it's not that bad. I mean, after all, he is a lack mind over him.

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So you could try to take advantage of it. It's balanced out again. That's why molokhia Medina is important. Some people are so scared of Allah, they're like, Allah is gonna punish me, he's gonna burn me, he's gonna throw me into *, he's gonna question me about everything I did. And that fear overwhelms them. And their picture of God becomes a very scary one. What is the fatty hadoo on the one hand, rely on Allah's love and mercy, rely on him. And on the other hand, don't forget that you can take advantage of His love and mercy molokhia Mindy balances both of those things. It even balances my relationship with him. I declared that I'm going to worship him. I declared it Iraq and

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Abu but at the same time, that's what I want to do for him. But what's he going to do for me I can sustain we seek his help. Right? So first, you give what Allah wants. And then you're going to get what you want. You know, that's, that's the balance between what you want to give a lot what's due to him and what you'd like to get for yourself. on every level. This surah is balanced and paired paired paired on top of paired and that's why it's a sub sub l masani. will allow them and allows them to give us an appreciation of this incredible, incredible sutra and it helped us you know, really acknowledge the wonder of the sutra every time we recite it barakallahu li walakum wa sallam

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Ep01 – Surah Al-Fatihah – Nouman Ali Khan

June 6, 2016

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