Taleem al Quran 2012 – P25 252A Translation Al-Shura 20-35

Taimiyyah Zubair


Channel: Taimiyyah Zubair


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The transcript describes a group of characters discussing various theories surrounding a woman named Leung, Kalamata, Leung's death by Jesus, Kalamata's death by Jesus, Lavina's death by Jesus, Lavina's death by Jesus, and JANah's death by Jesus. The group also mentions a woman named Lavina who is a woman and a woman named Lavina who is a woman and a woman named Lavina who is a woman and a woman named Lavina who is a woman and a woman named Lavina who is a woman and a woman.

AI Generated Transcript ©

00:00:01--> 00:00:03

Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

00:00:07--> 00:00:24

who know Sundiata Sudha HIV Karim Amma Bharat Ferodo bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah Al Rahman Al Rahim. Rubbish Riley Saudi way a Sidley Emery wash Lulu of the term melissani of Kahu Foley urbanos ignor. In

00:00:26--> 00:00:57

Lesson number 254 sort of the shooter by number 20 to 35. Translation, man, whoever can he was up do he wants helps the crop reward alert era of the Hereafter known as it we will increase Lahu for him fee in healthy he his crop or his harvest

00:00:58--> 00:02:07

woman and whoever Ghana he was up to he wants he intends Hausa harvest a dunya of the world not to he we give him minha from it warmer and not Lahu for him fee in a laugh era the hereafter mean from no sleep any portion any share um or LA home for them. Shula cat partners shall our rue de ordained the home for them. Mina Dean from the religion ma that which Leung not yet then He permits be he with it. Allahu Allah, wa Lola and if not, Kelly my two word Al fossil of the decision. lachelier Surely it was judged. Surely it was decreed by in a home between them were in and indeed a volley mean the wrongdoers law home for them or there was a punishment and even painful Daraa you will see

00:02:07--> 00:02:37

a warning mean the wrongdoers must feel clean ones who are fearful mimma from what Casa boo they earned Wahiawa and it work their own one that befalls be him on them. Well Lavina and those who knew they believed what AMILO and they did. Or saw they had the righteous deeds field in robot nurseries Meadows al Jeannette of the gardens.

00:02:38--> 00:02:56

Loan for them, man whatever. He assured owner they will in the near robbing him there are Velyka that who are it AlphaGo the bounty LKB the Great, I'll follow you can also translate this as superiority.

00:02:57--> 00:03:54

There Lika that a lady which you bet you he gives good news, Allahu Allah Riba, the WHO to His servants Alladhina those who are Manu they believed what Emmylou and they did. A Salah hurt the righteous deeds, to say lair not as a local I ask you, or lay he upon it, at Juran any reward in LA except Alma with the affection fee in El Korba, the nearness, the relationship, woman and whoever Yakata if he earns has an earthen a good deed, nor is it we will increase law who for him fee her in it. Her SNA goodness beauty in Allaha indeed Allah waffled on most forgiving shackle on most appreciative

00:03:55--> 00:04:36

I'm or your coluna they say if Torah he fabricated Allah against Allah He Allah kedi been alive. For in so if Yeshua He wills, Allah who Allah yoked him He seals Allah upon caldbeck your heart, William who and he wipes out? Allahu Allah, Allah battling the falsehood while your head too, and he makes true or he proves true. I'll help her the truth be Kalamata he with his words in the hood, indeed he early one always all knowing be that with possessor of salute of the chests

00:04:37--> 00:04:57

were Hawa and he Allah the is the one who Jacoba who he accepts October the repentance. I'm from Eva de he his servants were full and he burdens on from a siet the sins were Alemu and he knows ma whatever Duff Arun, you all do.

00:04:58--> 00:04:59

Where's the G boo and he passed

00:05:00--> 00:05:20

The deadly response Alladhina those who are new they believed what army Lu and they did a saw they had the righteous deeds. Where's he the home and he increases them. Men from fugly he his bounty well Kathy rune and the disbelievers law home for them or there been a punishment shoddy don't severe

00:05:21--> 00:06:23

wallow and if by suffer he expanded Allahu Allah a risk of the provision very badly he for His servants level of Oh surely they rebelled fee in an old the Earth well I can but unit zero He sends down he gradually sends down because they're in with a deal measure ma whatever he assured he wills in the who indeed he very badly he with his servants hobby Iran always all aware but so you don't always all seen well who and he allele is the one who unis zero He sends down a laser the rain men from birth after ma that annatto they disappeared when shuru and he spreads Raj Mehta who His mercy Hua Hua and he actually the close protecting friend, Al Hamid, the most praiseworthy

00:06:24--> 00:07:28

woman and from IoT, he has signs called to creation, a summer worth of the heavens, while Earth and the Earth warmer and whatever, but he spread, he dispersed FEMA in them two men from the crawling creatures were Hawa and he Allah upon Jim or him, they're gathering either whenever your share He wills Garderen always all able warmer and whatever Asaba call it reached you men from mostly but in any misfortune, Furby man so because of what cassava it earned, ad calm your hands were full and he burdens on from cathedra in much warmer and dot unto you all be more GZ at all once a week helpless fee in an adult the earth warmer and not look home for you men from dune Allah besides Allah Muhuali

00:07:28--> 00:07:34

from any worldly, any close protecting friend, wala and nor mislead any helper

00:07:35--> 00:08:47

woman and from IIT he his signs l Joelle, the ship's fee in Alba the sea, Cal are like the mountains, in if yesha He wills your skin, he causes to stop or he makes still a rehab, the wind fail learner, then they remain or then they become more wacky motionless ones that are motionless. Allah upon worry he it's back in indeed fee in Velyka. That law is surely signs luckily for every sub Bell, one who is most patient shackle one who is most grateful Oh or you will be Kahuna he could destroy them be male because of what Casa boo they earned way our food and He pardons on from cathedra in many much where Lemma and he knows a Lavina those who Yuja de Luna they dispute fi in a

00:08:47--> 00:08:58

Latina our versus our signs MA Not LA home for them. Men from my haste Lane any place of refuge any escape

00:08:59--> 00:09:00


00:09:02--> 00:09:05

Monken I read to help them

00:09:06--> 00:09:09

movie helps me one

00:09:12--> 00:09:14

duniya G team in

00:09:30--> 00:09:34

Walla Walla can imagine costliness all the other you

00:09:35--> 00:09:38

were in no body mean

00:09:42--> 00:09:46

volley mean ammo champagne. I mean my guess

00:09:48--> 00:09:51

being me, already

00:09:53--> 00:09:55

saw the TV

00:10:00--> 00:10:00

I love

00:10:04--> 00:10:05

being in

00:10:07--> 00:10:12

Kirby Daddy can Larry wish you

00:10:19--> 00:10:19


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00:10:28--> 00:10:30

has an agenda

00:10:36--> 00:10:39

shall hold AMEA

00:10:41--> 00:10:45

law he can eat the E Esha

00:10:48--> 00:10:49

Why am Shula?

00:11:00--> 00:11:01

Wahoo Alarie

00:11:11--> 00:11:12

wire strategy

00:11:14--> 00:11:15

saw the

00:11:23--> 00:11:26

Jedi while

00:11:28--> 00:11:30

is on the heels

00:11:31--> 00:11:34

of one key unit zero

00:11:38--> 00:11:39


00:11:45--> 00:11:46

Unit zero

00:11:50--> 00:11:51


00:11:54--> 00:11:57

me one

00:12:00--> 00:12:03

of the one that he

00:12:07--> 00:12:07


00:12:11--> 00:12:12

on the world's

00:12:15--> 00:12:16


00:12:21--> 00:12:22


00:12:25--> 00:12:27

be more GZ and as you

00:12:36--> 00:12:36

well I mean

00:12:42--> 00:12:45

he use genius rehab

00:12:49--> 00:12:50


00:12:56--> 00:12:57


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00:13:05--> 00:13:06

do you

00:13:09--> 00:13:11

mean nothing