Omer El-Hamdoon – in Uzbekistan – Tashkent part 1a

Omer El-Hamdoon
AI: Summary © The speaker is at Tashkent, Pakistan and is exploring the architecture and engraving of a popular attraction called the Hazara T donk. They discuss the history of the attraction and its significance to Pakistan, as well as the importance of learning about the history of the attraction to teach people about the importance of the shiny and shiny culture in Pakistan. They also mention a hidden institute for teaching and encourage viewers to check out more videos.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum everyone. This is me in Uzbekistan. And here I am at Tashkent. And behind me you can see this beautiful school, which was built back in the 16th century is called the coup Kaladesh. madrasa and it was built, like saying the 16th century by Abdullah Han the second and till today continues to teach people about teach people about Islam as a madrasa. And here you can see the pictures of all the different orlimar and teachers that are throughout the years until today you can explain this, this is one of the recent masajid that have been opened here. trashcan for the year old my shoebox still preserving

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architecture from the

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Islamic era.

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So I'm here in Tashkent, in what is known as hospitality Imani. It's a complex which inshallah we'll be visiting it's houses. One of the authentic original was half of that was compiled by Earthman for the Allah one as he made copies of the Messiah. And apparently this is one of the copies will be here in Charlottetown. And we'll be able to see that

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so here this is the masjid of the huzzah Marathi Imani to see Ma sha Allah, it's very big, very vast with big tones and

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architecture and engraving. Although one could argue that this extensive engraving is not in accordance with the Sunnah of the Prophet slice and didn't want us to spend too much on the engraving. But people wanted to give the masjid its splendor, and to give it almost like an oar in the eyes of people. So I think from that perspective, we might find an excuse for them. But you know, overspending, and indulging in the masjid is not something that both sides and I'm encouraged. And probably it's also a sign of the Day of Judgment.

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But that shouldn't distract from looking at the beautiful

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work that has gone into this masjid.

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And just look at the beautiful engraving and architecture and the amount of work gone into this.

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So behind me is the this building here, which you can see is where the housing, one of the early copies of the most half.

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As you know, at the time of Earth model of Elon, he made six copies of the Messiah. And he sent it throughout the world and one of these copies is housed here. Unfortunately, we're not able to take any pictures of it because of, you know, preservation and all that sort of thing. They're claiming here there's there's the original one, that model the alarm was reciting in when he was killed. And so the blood is on it, whether people dispute it and say no, that's not the right word is really the matter. It's, it's good that it's actually one of those original six, probably the one that was in something, it was one imbecile and then it was brought to this area by Taymor link in the 14th

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century. So I'm gonna show a great piece of history here in Tashkent. So the reason why this place is called the Hazara T Imam complex is related to this man here who is buried here. And that is the Imam, the great Imam and scholar, Abu Bakr, a Shashi a file and Kabir he was known as a Shashi, because the other name for TASH Khan was Shush, in the olden days or even shush Kinte. So, it was known as a Shashi meaning the person from from this area and he is a very notable and great scholar from the Shafi madhhab.

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He was around in the fourth century, so quite early within the Islamic realm, and he studied with the likes of had this Ibnu Hoceima the guy who wrote slack so how you know, Jose man also he studied with ignore injury or poverty again, the famous scholar who compiled maybe considering in some ways the father of of tafsir been an injury robbery, and his T students were people like Al Hakim and people like him Amanda again, great Hadith master so a great man who

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who existed and, and notably rose so much and he is credited for bringing the Shafi madhhab to this area there of course is an area beyond the river. And so, he

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was, you know, very

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wrote so many books and he then

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went on to, like say teach and bring the Shafi madhhab.

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Unfortunately, the people in

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the they didn't retain the Shafi will help they switched over to the Hanafi madhhab which is unfortunate for them. Only joking I know so I say I'm only joking, they're all them are, they are good. And we support them in that regard. However, may Allah Subhana Allah have mercy on him for the work that he does and a notable figure in in almost Pakistan.

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And lastly, in this complex, there's this institute which is the Institute for for Imam Al Bukhari for for teaching. So, Imam Bukhari again a notable figure within us Pakistan which inshallah we will talk about in other videos with me later. So I hope you enjoyed this video and inshallah there'll be more videos to come as I write my memoirs from this beautiful country. So now I

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