Omar Suleiman – Youve Never Let Me Down

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary © The importance of affirming Islam's actions and moments in our lives is highlighted, along with the use of the word "has" in our language to describe actions and moments in our lives. The speakers emphasize the need to find specific examples of one's life to help achieve success and elevate the human experience through shelling. The segment also touches on the use of Islam as a means of achieving success and the importance of finding specific examples of one's life to help achieve success.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Are the blossoming of the monetary authority misma Rahman Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen were one Illallah Bala. Meanwhile, people to limits have been Allahumma salli wa sallam Mubarak Arabica suka Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, already he will suck, we will sell them to someone cathedra so we've been going over the manners in which we make them and the ways that our dryers gain higher potency and closeness to Allah subhanaw taala So we've covered quite a few things in hamdulillah during the summer, we've gone over unhemmed The idea of thinner praising Allah subhanaw taala and what that looks like we've gone over, sending Peace and

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blessings on the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa salam and the implications of sending Salawat upon him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we've gone over responding to the call of iman so affirming Robina mana or Lord we believe in the importance of actually affirming our Eman. We've then gone over calling upon Allah subhanaw taala be a smart he mostly for that too he by His names and by His attributes and we distinguish between the two what it means to call upon Allah subhanaw taala by His names, and then to build upon the calling of those names with attributes. And then lastly, we talked about the idea of showing the situation demonstrating your desperation to Allah subhanaw taala has a

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to us so it Allah behind an attempt to show the situation that you are in to complain to Allah subhanaw taala in a way that is befitting to do not to blame Allah subhanaw taala nor to disparage oneself, but instead to present the hardship that you are in. And as Paula tonight I want to talk about something that is a small category once again, but it has many implications. It's actually something that we do in our Salah regularly, and that's at tell us so Did Allah be fit he Subhana Allah to Allah, to call upon Allah subhanaw taala with his doings, meaning to actually cite Allah doing something in the past or in the presence as a means of asking him for something in the future.

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Now what do I mean by this? There's a tell us a little lobbyists man, he was the fancy he his name is attributes. But then you know when you say his attributes, you mentioned a natural extension of his name, something that is true of him Subhan Allah to Allah, but his efile what he has done in the past subhanho wa Taala and citing that to say that you are calling upon him for that same doing we do it in our Salah actually every single prayer can anyone tell me where there's citing affair citing something that Allah does a fatty he in our Salah

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wait someone said that what do you say

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when we say hola masala Allah Muhammad Anwar Ali Muhammad Kamara Selita Allah Rahim. While Ibrahim This is literally what this is, Oh Allah send your peace and blessings upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam and his family the way that you did upon Ibrahim on Islam and his family, this is actually what it is to us in Allah be fit to actually mentioned the doings of Allah subhanaw taala. Now there are two categories of this. There is mentioning what Allah has done with other than you and then mentioning what Allah has done for you. What Allah has done for other than you, one of the most beautiful things that we find in your app is when you cite, oh Allah you are the one who gave

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victory Yama, nasaga Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on Stromata Muhammad and Allah, you are the one who gave victory to Muhammad Sallallahu Aeneas Nam over his enemies, Give victory to the Ummah of Muhammad Salah on Islam over his enemy, so you're citing something that Allah did for his beloved messenger, salallahu Alaihe Salam, or you're citing, you know, you who took Ibrahim alayhis, salam, and J to whom and and now what delta hoomin and Otakar you're the one who took Ibrahim alayhis salam out of the fire. So you're mentioning Allah taking Ibrahim or Islam out of a difficult situation, or you who saved Yunus it his Salam, or you who responded to the call of Musa alayhis

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salam when he was most desperate so really remembering and mentioning some of those things that Allah did for his prophets and then saying yeah, Allah do that for me to remember the crow Rama Tierra Blanca. I have a daughter who is a Korea this is a mention of the Mercy of your Lord to His servant Zakaria as their nmsa to let you know that Zakaria is your is your Lord when you call upon him you're calling upon him, the way that zakat era Salam Did you don't have to be at the level of Zakariya to make dua

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that defeats the purpose. Right? Allah wants you to know that you call upon him and he has the same capability in your life. So that's when you start to mention what Allah has done in previous times or with previous prophets and you ask Allah subhanaw taala to give you that same blessing to give you that same power so you look for you're in a moment of rescue for example, where you need rescue. What do you do you mentioned Allah subhanaw taala as the one

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who rescues you call upon Allah subhanaw taala with one of his names that suggests that yeah Jabba right? The one who compels

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and if you are feeling like you're not being heard, yes Amir? In Mecca test metal, oh, in Mecca semi or do out you're the one who hears the All Hearing you hear this? Oh you heard Eunice it has set up from the bottom of the ocean? Yeah, Allah hear me. I'm calling upon you and forgive me. Oh you who forgave this person, right? Oh you who redeemed this person, this is such a this. This is such an open door Subhan Allah, because you mentioned what Allah did for his prophets, and then you bring it into your own life. Now what about in our own situations where we actually go back and we reference times in our life where Allah subhana wa Tada saved us or brought us out of a difficult situation.

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Remember when zakat eonni Hassan says Well, I'm I couldn't be derived. It cannot be Sharqiya You never let me down before Oh ALLAH. You've never let me down. Subhan Allah, how beautiful is that kitty it has Salam as he's in the midst of his day. And he says, You've never let me down. I've never been deprived by you. I've never felt Shakti Shakti is someone who's deprived never felt deprivation free headed man. Never. Right. So it's as their intimate say, hola, hola, como Santa Ilya sabe upon Asante Laila hookah, oh, Allah the way that you took care of me before take care of me now, because I remember a dark time when you took care of me. And you start to cite some of those

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moments. You see some Hala look at the other Bindra the mannerisms, when you don't blame Allah for the bad times. But you do thank him for the good times. And one of the greatest means of elevating your job is going through that and saying, I remember this time when this happened to me and your ally called upon you and yeah, Allah, this happens. And yeah, Allah I'm calling upon you again. So you're citing something previous in your own life in who can be happy here. And this was the nature of the relationship when Ibraheem Alehissalaam says to his father, that I'm going to depart now and I'm going to call upon my Lord and know who cannot be heavier. Allah celebrates My dear ALLAH

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SubhanA. Allah is always graceful with me. I know when I call upon Allah, he's going to answer me, so I'm gonna go to my Lord now Subhan Allah, I'm gonna go back to my job. Now, this is despite Ibrahim on Islam, having lived with nothing but rejection, in terms of the worldly life, nothing but rejection and how does he describe the relationship with Allah in the whole economy heavy? I'm gonna go back and call Allah Spano Tata. He's always always graceful with me, when I call upon him. Can you cite specific examples of your own life? How specific can you get? Do we have an example of a prophet in the Quran? Who actually goes back and recounts moments in his life and thanks a lot for

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Anyone know?

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A yovani has set up not in this particular verbiage.

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Use of it has set up. Its Pamela it's so beautiful because we hear use of it sometimes due at the end.

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Robbie taitneamh Al Mulk. He's looking around. Yeah, Allah, you gave me all of this. Right now that's the president blessing, telling me I'm welcome sitting on a throne. I have everything anyone could want in this dunya I have power I have authority I have respect of honor. I have beauty right? He already had that from before righteousness, probably cut our teeth and Eminem was like looking around and saying yeah, Allah you gave me this kingdom. And then he went all the way back. Well, I love Tony Montana, we Hadith and you taught me the ability to interpret dreams. So use of it Islam was able to connect the end incidents to the beginning incidents and always trace it back to Eliza

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and thank Allah subhanaw taala for Oh Allah, you did this for me now. Oh Allah, you did this for me. Then you Allah you gave me this. Yeah, Allah you gave me that thought, you know, somehow it will fall through to somehow to the originator attributes of Allah subhanaw taala, the Originator of the heavens and the earth until II for dunya and akhira. You are my beloved one in this dunya you are my guardian in this life. And in the next telephony Muslim another Ask what I'm asking you for. I want to die as a muslim. And his name is Slava Hain and let me follow in the path of the righteous SubhanAllah. So he actually goes back and cites those moments. And this is not the only time so in

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your own drought, one of the ways to personalize your DUA dig deep. You know, when we're in some we are forgetful I'm not some yell in San Alladhina. See, right you're only named insaan because you forget so much.

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Sometimes we forget the favours of Allah upon us like in times where we really thought we were not going to get out of something. And Allah azza wa jal has saved us. And sometimes going back and pondering that is a means of increasing your gratitude. And when an inch or catatonia as the then Nicoma if you increase in gratitude, Allah increases you, you're out will become more personal. Go back. Go back, dig, dig, dig. Don't sit, don't say

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Well, now it's expired. You know, I'm still miss mentioning these blessings 10 from 1015 years ago no, no keep mentioning the blessings from 1015 years ago. So yeah, Allah I remember those moments as a means of making you remember. And you're calling upon Allah subhana wa Tada who was little Heyn Heyn Heyn.

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Imagine Allah azza wa jal listening to you, in a world where people forget him for the blessings right in front of him. Right people forget, forget mentioning Allah for the blessings right in front of them. And here you are this act of Allah saying, Yeah, Allah. I remember 10 years ago, I remember 15 years ago, I remember 20 years ago, I remember when you were there for me, when everyone else had forgotten me, and Allah is singling you out amongst the group, right amongst a group of people who the majority of them are not grateful. So go back and remember the times that Allah subhanaw taala helped you and go back and remember the times that Allah helped other than you, and then invoke that

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invoke that within your DUA, as you invoke your desperation invoke the times that he got you out of your desperation. May Allah subhanho to Allah Who brought this ummah out of some of its darkest days, may Allah subhanaw taala, who liberated an axon after 100 years of its occupation liberated once again, may Allah subhanaw taala elevate this Ummah that has been through bloodshed? May Allah subhanaw taala elevate this Ummah that has been through the Crusades and been through the Mongols. May Allah subhanaw taala give us victory the way he gave our Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam victory in the Battle of bedeutet in Ramadan, Allahumma Amin, Zack will all say don't sit on the couch

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