Omar Suleiman – Why This Shaban Is So Important

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of the Prophet sallser's words and the use of "immediate" in Moroccan society and culture. They also touch on the shaping of the heart and the "byproduct of the heart" that can be difficult to overcome. The importance of facing fear and humility and focusing on one's heart to prevent the loss of others is also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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To begin by praising Allah subhanaw taala very witness that none has the right to be worshipped or unconditionally obeyed except for him. And we bear witness that Muhammad Sallallahu I knew he was setting them as his final messenger, we ask Allah to send his peace and blessings upon him, the prophets and messengers that came before him, his family and companions that served alongside him, and those that follow in his blessed path until the day of judgment and we ask Allah to make us amongst them Allah him I mean, the brothers and sisters we are in a month right now that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam described in a very specific way, he said about this month of Shaban,

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that it is a month el Fuu Nasser and that people become heedless in regards to and I wanted to spend some time with just the word that the Prophet sallallahu It was sort of mentioned in describing this month because it is a word that describes a condition that is far greater than this month, but especially speaks to the moment of Shaban this year. I know that a lot of people are not feeling like Ramadan. I know that the general sentiments is not what it usually is a month before Ramadan. Where we're usually talking about Ramadan prep, most of us are prepping for the worst that seems to be coming and Rafa, I know that many people's hearts are not feeling the same way that our attention

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span is not the same way. But this is a condition that the prophets of Allah Honjo sort of mentioned about Chandon, a condition of ruffler. And it's especially true in regards to the condition of people to date, this shotgun in particular. And I would argue that while this Shabbat might not feel as important and this Ramadan feels very different, this might actually be the most important Shabbat that we have ever had. Why? Because if you identify that condition of a buffalo, and you're able to fight it, then in sha Allah to Allah, it opens you up to greater possibilities of worship, a greater connection to Allah subhanaw taala and a greater connection to your ummah. But what is a

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flaw in the first place? What is this condition that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was talking about? Many times we talk about sin as coming out of desire, there are sins that emanate out of Shaohua, there are sins that emanate out of desire. And then there are sins that emanate out of pride. And usually when you talk about the sins that emanate out of desire, they are the sense in which we waste ourselves away, and that which Allah subhanaw taala specifically told us to keep away from sins out of pride tend to manifest themselves in volume and actually harming others because you tend to violate the sanctity of people that Allah subhanaw taala has told you to not violate, but

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then there are sins that emanate out of ruffler. And ruffler is a spectrum of heedlessness the lowest of it, and the one that the ruler might say that the believer has to identify quickly. And remedy is indifference, indifference. What does it mean to be indifferent to the world around you or indifferent to the news around you? Well, first and foremost, think about the prophets of Allah when he was summoned the society that he was sent to, how many people do you think heard the message of Islam heard the prophets lie, some preaching, and said to themselves, you know what? This isn't really that important to me right now. This seems to be an affair that belongs to Quraysh that

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belongs to some of the elites and the nobles, that concerns the pilgrimage and some of the structure of makin society. But it really doesn't bother me or concern me as an individual, meaning they simply did not even bother with the inquiry, while the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was in their midst. And you would be surprised to know that this actually was the majority of people in Mecca, it kind of flips the whole Syrah lens for you, when you think of it that way. The majority of people just didn't care enough to get involved. And how do we know that by the sheer amount of numbers that embraced Islam in America and the conquest of Mecca, the sheer amount of people that

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were present in Mecca that day, how many persecuted the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you could name the majority of them. And it was usually a familiar few. How many follow the Prophet salallahu, alayhi, wasallam 100 or so in those early days, how many just observed and remained in a state of hafla? A state of indifference. The majority said, You know what, they'll settle this affair amongst themselves. And at that point, when I have to make a decision when it is right at my door, then I'll make a decision because that's the condition of most people. And then maybe the Hustla gets a little bit more disturbed when you see some of the torture that's happening. Right.

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Where Wait a minute, now they're pulling the slaves into the streets, they're dragging them they're beating their

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own brothers, their own cousins torturing their own sisters. This is disturbing me a little bit more. But you know what, at the end of the day, even that became commonplace in Mecca, it became normalized. We're in the beginning, Abuja had tested the limits the fit our own, tested the limits and eventually becomes normalized. And most people will say, You know what, that's not my brother. That's not my sister. That's not my tribe. I can still just be a regular Mackin and go to the store and purchase and attend the festivals, and away from all the politics of the hedge, enjoy the pilgrimage season. And I'm okay, that's ruffler. And that's why the majority of the times that Allah

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subhanaw taala uses the word Allah Fla, what antem Rafi Loon is actually in Moroccan society, because it is a more appropriate diagnosis of Moroccan society at the time.

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You know what it reminds me of today, when you have some prominent people that will be asked about Palestine? What do you have to say about Palestine? I haven't looked into that. I really don't know about all that. I don't care when they say silence and complicity is complicity. You better believe silence is complicity when over 30,000 people have been killed? Yes, silence is absolute complicity. What do you mean, I really don't know about all those kids. And I don't really, I can't diagnose all of that. You know, it's too much for me to get involved with too complicated. It's not it Palestine is not here at the end of the day. That's a lot of people around you. By the way. A lot of people

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around you that drive around, they see the protests, they see the news, they flip and say, You know what, I'm just getting home from work today. And I just want to watch something that's going to be entertaining. I'm really not that interested in that. And you know, who knows that is awful or better than anyone else? The Israeli government?

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Why do you think in the most watched sporting event in America, hundreds of millions of people are tuned in to men who are paid 1000s and millions of dollars in in full pads who have their names on their jerseys, while Israel carries out the most brutal assaults on Huzur to date, matching the time of kickoff knowing that most people are not going to bother inquiring why there's an image that's popping up on their social media feed of a young girl that's dangling without her legs and brutalized over a wall. That's awful. It is sinful for you to look at that and say, not my business, or too bad. Or let me move on. Because I don't know how to reconcile with this a reason with this.

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Allah azza wa jal connects that to forgetfulness of him, forgetfulness of them, and forgetfulness of yourself. That's enough for a state of ruffler its indifference. And subhanAllah, there element mentioned that Lafleur is the predecessor to Malala to going astray. Because if you're indifferent to everything, then essentially the most attractive pole is the one that's going to pull you in the next direction. And so I don't really think too much about things. I don't really ponder too much about things. I don't really ask that many questions about what's happening in the world around me. I'm not really that concerned. I'll get concerned when it's right on my doorstep. I'll get concerned

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when in my community, I'll get concerned when it's in my family. That's enough.

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And Allah subhanaw taala usually describes Allah Allah He associates it with the rough law of the life that is to come. naka de Kooning, turfy reflet minha fucka Schaffner and kellisa Club asado Kelly, OMA Hadith. You were heedless in regards to this death of yours you were told someone came to you and said, a hereafter awaits you. Someone came to you and told you that there is something you need to be preparing for it that demands your attention. Now in the moment that you are in and you kept putting it off, for basato Kaoma Hadith and Allah pulled the cover, and now your hafla is gone. Your indifference to what happens in the hereafter is gone. Why? Because it's right in front of you.

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The angels are literally at your doorstep, that Catherine is there. They're ready to pull you into the next step of this and now you better inquire about who the angels are and where you're going and who Allah is and who this prophet is and what happens in the grave.

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You literally are shown a picture of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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Who is this man? Man had the LADEE Boris Adhikam Who is He? Is Pamela May Allah azza wa jal give us the bat. Give us firmness in that moment. You didn't inquire? Most people are indifferent. Luca de Quinta de la Flatman Honda fucka chef nan kellyboat Trouble Soto Kaleo Muhammad atta Amarula the affair of Allah has come it's terrible and nasty. Hisar Bahama Home feed reflecting morally alone, the hour is fast approaching and people remain in La Fleur in heedlessness indifference turning away from it. I just don't care enough to inquire. I just don't care enough to look into it. Now Subhan Allah with our Lord Subhana

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Allah azza wa jal mentions how he is not forgetful nor indifferent, not to the past nor to the presence. And so the scholars mentioned one that cannot aboukir Nursia your Lord does not forget meaning your Lord will not forget what preceded on the day of judgment you better believe it all comes back. Everything that we have done May Allah protect us comes back when that cannot Abu can Asiya Your Lord has not forgotten. Time doesn't pass on and ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada stopped seeing or Allah azza wa jal removes it from the register like we forget after 1015 20 years or something else came that was greater in that place and it got lost when that came out a book in ESEA what is the

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lost parents I say about the oppressors? Allah subhana hoods Allah mentions well attack Serbian Allah VA feelin I'm not gonna lie anymore. Don't think Allah is indifferent, heedless about what the oppressors are doing right now. Don't think Allah subhanaw taala doesn't see it in the moment. And don't think that Allah subhanaw taala is not taking interest in it and don't think that Allah subhanaw taala is not in control of it. Allah azza wa jal sees it

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and he's paying attention to it. But he has a plan that we can't see that unfolds in the future. We don't know it. But Allah subhanaw taala has never of often, Allah is never indifferent to his Hulk to his creation. He's never indifferent to the affairs of the world, never indifferent to the affairs of His slaves, Subhana Allah to Allah. And so hafla is not like an this yawn, which is to forget,

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as the scholars say that Newseum, and we're called in SAM because we're naturally forgetful. This yawn is an affair of the mind. The hafla is an affair of the heart. That is that your heart become so attached to other things that aren't as important that you forget what's actually important.

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loveless of forgetfulness of the heart, and Allah does not accept that your admin Calvin referral from a heart that is indifferent, that's not present your heart somewhere else while you're making dua to Allah subhanho Tirana. So it's a forgetfulness of the heart. How does this all tie back to Shabbat in particular Dear Brothers and Sisters, Ramadan is coming up. But on madonn is a chance for us to personally develop ourselves to collectively develop ourselves to connect ourselves to Allah subhanho wa Taala in a way that naturally not only tunes us into him and to the world around us, but grants us an understanding of fifth in the heart and understanding in the heart that pushes us to

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another level of arriba to another level of our worship.

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And if you don't do vicar of Allah Subhana Allah to Allah if you don't remember ALLAH, you're not going to generate Taqwa. You're not going to generate the shield of God consciousness if you don't remember God in the first place. And if you are indifferent to Allah subhanho wa Taala and the world around you and what's happening to people around you, and what's happening to your brothers and sisters are you're even trying to numb yourself and come to terms with it. Just unfolding in the background. You know what, we just got to get back to our day to day enough is enough, right? If you are in that state,

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then what is Allah subhanaw taala describe the condition of the heart us it's very powerful and I want you to sit with this button and anytime Allah azza wa jal doesn't describe it as a heart that simply stops beating. Allah describes it as a hardened heart coswell tilcon

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the heart becomes hard.

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You know we always ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah yarmulke liberal kuruva with Colby Allah Denecke alternative hearts make my heart firm on your path. We ask Allah subhanaw taala for the Kusha of the culture, the all and the fear and the humility of the heart to Allah subhanaw taala in our hearts, we ask Allah subhanaw taala to protect us from hard hearts and what softens the heart, the remembrance of Allah subhana wa Tada and the remembrance of those people, encountering them, putting your hands through the pages of almost half from now in this month of Shabbat not waiting for Ramadan when everybody else is holding a Quran around you putting your fingers your hands through

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the pages of the most have right now and starting to read your Quran right now in a month that people are not paying attention. And then the prophets like Selim said and Yom Sahaba said, yeah team

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accompanying the orphan caressing the hair of an orphan, being present with those people as much as possible. Those are the things that soften your heart. Put your hands there so that your heart is there. Let your tongue not be heedless so that your heart does not become heedless. Let your attention be focused so that your intention does not become corrupted. This is the month where you generate the focus so that when Ramadan comes around the moment that we see that heat up

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The moment that we recite the first night in total we, the moment that we make our first intention. We have already cleared the distraction and focused ourselves and remove the heedlessness remove the indifference to say yeah Allah. This is a Ramadan in which we are coming to you with our hearts broken in more ways than one.

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Yeah Allah we're coming to you with hearts broken in more ways than one. Yeah Allah here's my heart and I'm asking you to mend it for me. May Allah Subhana Allah Allah allow us to meet Ramadan with hearts that are in the right condition, hearts that are attentive. May Allah subhanaw taala increase us in the deeds and shabam that prepare our hearts properly for Ramadan. May Allah Subhana Allah Allah never make us amongst those whose hearts become hardened so that we oppress others without even thinking about what we are doing or that we ignore the oppression of our brothers and sisters without even considering their plight. May Allah Subhana Allah Allah alleviate the plight of our

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brothers and sisters in Gaza May Allah Subhana Allah Allah protect them and Rafa May Allah protect them in every single place that they are in May Allah subhanaw taala descend upon them tranquility, may Allah subhanaw taala make firm their feet may Allah subhanaw taala make firm their hearts may Allah Subhana Allah Allah allow them to be granted victory over their oppressor. May Allah subhana which Allah in this month where he never ever on any day loses sight of us, may Allah subhanaw taala show us a miracle in regards to our brothers and sisters over their enemies and may Allah Subhana Allah to Allah purify our hearts and put our hearts in focus upon that which is important to our

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journey towards him. May Allah Subhana Allah Allah make us amongst those that seek His pleasure day and night every day of the year, and that pay attention to his creation, day and night every day of the year seeking that which is pleasing to Him. Allahumma Amin Akula Kobe ha That was tough. A lady recommended certain Muslim investor who don't wanna hold.

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hamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah Ali, he was talking to you on mental Ella, your brothers and sisters, I remind you, of course now and always to increase in the actions that soften the heart, especially before Ramadan so that you meet Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, with your heart in the best of states, we ask Allah subhana wa Taala for protection for our hearts for protection for our Ummah along the foot and what we need now 20 Muslim you know when a Muslim Yeah Even when I'm working in NACA semitone Caribbean Mooji without hola hola, hola. No Hana y for I know whether to add Dibner Robina Valentina and Fuson our LM tougher Lana otter Hamner, Nana Coonan m&r Ha serene,

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La Mina careful when Kareem when to hit with alpha fat for ANA alum Anna careful when Katie went to head with alpha fat for ANA Allah homophily YT Dina Robert Hamama Kamara, bonus de la Robin I have learned I mean as well as you know, the Rio de Janeiro Kurata Arianna journal in which subpoena Imam Allah Well, it's one and men Kobina equally makan. Allah Azza wa That's why no man Kobe and if he could be McCann, Allah wants one and Masada Athena fee does Allah and one so this one and Masada Athena fee versus Allah whom one sword is one and masala fina fevers. Hola, Houma. La cobia do we can I do with him? Hola. Hola. Hola. Can we or do we care what I do with him? Hola. Hola. Hola. It

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could be or do we want to do with him? Hola. Hola arena fi him and Raja Eber quadrotech Yeah, Aziz, we are Jabbar rebelled Allah and Allah here I'm gonna give you an external eater and then Cordova way inherited fascia you wouldn't want to carry well daddy you're either coming to Allah come to the Coronavirus Corolla and comers guru or is it luck on? What are the Corolla? Hey Akbar Allahu Jana wanna toss in our own welcome masala

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brother, this farmer to school your rice

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