Mufti Menk – Does Magic Exist

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the existence of magic in Islam and how it is not allowed to happen. They also mention a common practice among Muslims that they pray five times a day and believe in the sun. The speaker emphasizes the importance of strong faith and protecting one's life.
AI: Transcript ©
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does magic exist? And if it does, how do you deal with that?

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A lot of people say it does not exist. But that's not true. It actually exists. It's mentioned in the Quran. People do all sorts of weird things I was in Makkah a few days ago. And I saw as I was walking, it was very busy. It was almost like hutch, before there was a time when you had seasons, for him, Ramadan, and so on. But now, because it's so easy to travel, it's full, the Mataf is full almost all the time. So I felt something under my feet. When I looked, I saw a head covering a

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scarf, a long scarf of a woman. And I kicked it and I realized that it's got knots on it.

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And my son was with me, to me, someone's done magic. By that time, we had already moved past. And I'm a person because I know about Romania, and I know about what to do how to do it. I said Inshallah, if we go round, and we see the same thing, I'm going to take it out, and I'm going to undo these knots. I know that that won't work in the Haram in Makkah, it won't work. So whoever did whatever they did, what they did is they took someone's headscarf, probably with their sweat, and

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whatever else that might have been, and they tied knots, they must have blown in it. There's ways of doing magic, which unfortunately is becoming very common. The hadith says whoever does it has distanced from Allah associated partners with Allah, whoever believes it or goes to someone who does it has disbelieved in what Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam has brought. So you basically come out of Islam, the minute you involve in that even through a third party, for as long as it was you who

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tried to do some magic on someone, you you no longer can call yourself a follower of Nabina Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, that's how bad it is. So we came round. And lo and behold, I saw it, I picked it up, and I started reading the same Surah SIFAT Nan was speaking about, and I'm opening this to a stench, a smell that I couldn't even imagine right outside the cabin in our tawaf and I'm opening one after the other one. And in my mind, I said, You know what, this is a lie. I don't think people

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would have the guts and courage to go up into Undo, and I'm thinking to myself, 11 knots, that was the type of magic done on the Prophet sallallahu sallam. 11 knots that someone had tied, inshallah it wouldn't have affected someone, but I actually undid it, even if it did affect someone. I don't know who it was. And I told myself, it's shocking how people can come to Makkah and do this. It's disbelief. It removes you from Islam. You cannot do magic on someone. It does exist. It's there, but

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it's prohibited. It's not allowed. It's a test from Allah subhanho wa taala. You don't like someone you're not allowed to do something to them. That's actually detrimental to your own connection with Allah. Sometimes you love someone and you want to bring them closer to you. So you end up going to a guy or anyone who's going to tell you, Okay, I can do some deed that can bring his heart under control. What on earth do you think you're doing? You're losing faith? Totally. You literally are no

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longer a Muslim.

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Literally no longer Muslim. You're not allowed to do that. The hadith says man atta, rough and Alka Heenan. Oh, in fact, the one Hadith says man Sahara Fatah, Shahrukh, whoever does magic has associated partners with Allah they've done sherek straight, that's a hadith. So you cannot do the magic. Another one says Whoever goes to a fortune teller, a soothsayer, any of these people they and believes what they're doing or what they've said about the future and about things of the unseen.

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They have disbelieved in what the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam brought, what did he bring Islam. So it does exist. It does exist to protect ourselves. Again, you need to read Rokia, you need to read the Sutras of the Quran with conviction every morning and evening. Even if a woman is on her menstrual cycle, the rakia for protection, you definitely have to read it Come what may, every morning, every evening, there is a lot going on on Earth today. A lot of people unfortunately for

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every small thing, they want to let's do magic. Let's go to this person, let's go to someone who can bring this person under control or who can fix them up, you end up hurting people but more than hurting them, you've actually almost eradicated your chances of going to Jannah. So you have to seek forgiveness. And you have to turn back repent, you have to re say or repeat your shahada and come back to the fold of Islam and ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah to strengthen you and to forgive you.

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So we have to read more with that we have to read the Sutras of protests

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Action and at times you may want to visit a legitimate Rocky. Rocky is someone who can read the Quranic verses and the sunnah to us and perhaps blow on you. Now that's not the first thing you should do. The first thing you should do self Rokia, you read yourself the Quran, you have Zamzam water, you have extra virgin cold pressed olive oil, you can rub it on your forehead on your chest, you have a bit of it, you have

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raw honey, raw natural honey, which has cure in it, you have the black seed and the black seed oil, which has cure in it and a few of these things, from the Sunnah. But we must make sure that we always lead a clean, clear life. Take your Salah seriously, you know, something has come to my mind. Now there was a Russian magician I mentioned once in my talks, or more than once, who was asked a lady and it's on YouTube, if you want to Google it.

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You want to check it out search it. She was asked you as a magician. Is there ever a time when your magic doesn't go through or a group of people whom it doesn't affect? She said yes. Muslims who pray five times a day.

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Wallah here you can check it out. You can say Russian magician, Muslims, and you can see what she says. And she's just saying they pray five times a day. It creates a dome around them. We simply can't penetrate that door or lie. Well, so I want to say that you have to strengthen yourself but may Allah make it easy. We shouldn't blame.

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We shouldn't blame magic for everything that happens in our lives.

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